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Season 3 Discussion

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9 hours ago, DNR said:


You made me Lulz because i thought the exact thing . Cortney looks  pretty in pix & FT but her IRL face has gums & a ceiling eyes  derp face look.  Like it’s her but not quite when the guy sees her.  He’s just not into you Cort.

Did she sleep with Antonio in Spain? 

Here we go again ... making fun of her gummy smile (like mine).  I was waiting for someone to say something. She can’t help her imperfections.  Leave her alone

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, PeaceLily2 said:

Alter-rate-um.  Did I hear her right?  Hahaha!

I heard "Alter-mate-um", but regardless of what she said, I'm convinced she's taking vocabulary lessons from Farrah Abraham.

Nicole's language skills have regressed a lot! I noticed it last night during the "Will they/won't they?" hour I wasted an hour of my life on.  

I'm not knocking anyone who is an English language learner, but at times, she was speaking as if English was her second language.  I wonder if that's because her small brain is absorbing/picking up on Azan's low mastery level of the English language? Perhaps her language skills are regressing because she's not interacting with other native English speakers on a daily basis? We know she doesn't read books or say more than two words to May, so those sources of literacy are non-existent. 

  • Love 7

I have a "way out there" theory about Azan and his "family". Bear with me but it seems to me that the sister is an actress and not his sibling. She looks nothing like Azan. Nothing. I know that siblings don't always look alike and don't have to closely resemble each other but that woman has not one characteristic that would place her as Azan's sister. She's very fair and he's dark. Azan has kinky black hair that he colors and straightens. We don't see her hair since it's covered. Total speculation. His eyes are brown/black, and small and beady. Her eyes are large and I think they are light brown/hazel. He has a thin, narrow face and hers is more round and soft. He has a slight build and she does not have that type of frame. There is zero resemblance between these two. I don't think a devout Muslim woman would go on an American television reality show. It just seems fake to me. I really think TLC hired an actress who speaks Arabic to play his sister and keep to the script following the story line. Sounds far fetched but I wouldn't put it past them. I don't know about the mother and how real she is but the sister just seems fake to me. Not buying it. Regarding the other family members resemblance on this show Nicole is the spitting image of Pedro. Looks just like him with a wig and makeup on. Ashley is the spitting image of David channeling Amy Winehouse. 

Edited by Matty
  • Love 3

Damn... Nicole is so stupid!!! Azan wants to open a store now!?!? And oh wow, he put in 500 and she put in 6000. At this point, she is so gullible I can't spare any more sympathy for her. 'Just a gigolo' Azan is cold as ice to take money from a single mother with this endless ruse. Both are pathetic for wasting time and money on this stupid farce of a relationship. For all the trouble that Nicole went through, she probably never even got so much as to look at the D! She could have gone to Vegas with that money and bought herself some time with a proper and different gigalo every night of the week! 

  • Love 8
20 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Chantel’s family will never admit their part in the fight.

I think Anfisa and Pao are two sides of the same coin.

The producers should have stopped that fight as soon as River stood up.

Not going to lie, I feel a bit uncomfortable on this board, with the hive mentality here.  Everyone seems to hate the black family and the black host, but seem to love Anfisa.

So will Azan and Nicole ever get married or will this drag on until next season, or until TLC gives them more $ for the wedding?

One thing that attracts me to this board is the diverse variety of thinkers here.

I didn't like The Family Chantel because they behaved like xenophobic jerks. When they refused to get out of the van after Pedro's mom cooked all day, it was absolutely soul crushing. And, they never did apologize. Nor did they accept any blame. Mother Chantel is haughty and ignorant, and that has absolutely nothing to do with the color of her skin. Again, she herself is xenophobic!
Also, let's not forget the barrage of well-deserved snark over Nicole, Jorge, David, Pole, and of course, our old favorite, Danielle.... to name a few of the white people who have behaved like idiots on TLC.

I don't like the current host, but there's a woman on YouTube who goes by Auntie, who is right on top of things. I'd love to see her host! She happens to be black. (Her channel is called Auntie's Advice and she is the BEST.)

That being said, I do know that racism is alive and well in the United States, and it's sickening. If it's okay to bring this up, I have friends, one friend in particular, who have pointed out subtle things to me that I am guilty of not noticing. (Here's one small example.  I'm white. Not long ago, a black friend and I were meeting with an older white woman and we were discussing politics. My friend actually is much more well read and current on politics than I am, but later, she pointed out to me that this older white woman consistently looked at me and directed her questions to me. She was polite to both of us and liberal in her views, but she kind of disregarded and disrespected my friend, even though my friend had a lot more to say. It was subtle, but then when my friend pointed it out to me, it was far less than subtle, and I realized that she was absolutely right. I felt awful. It's a small thing, but these things go on all the time, and they need to be stomped the fuck out. There's no place for that in our society and the fact that racist people still dwell among us, well, it really fucks me up sometimes... excuse my French.

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, ChiMama said:

Unfair & highly selective comment. Have you WATCHED this show? The 'black family' and 'black host' (your characterizations, not mine) are shit stirrers and incompetent respectively. I personally, and many people here, have also hated on plenty of stupid white people (Molly, Danielle, David, and Courtney, to name a few). Judging here -- from what I've witnessed -- is based on personality and actions, not race. IMHO.

Exactly.  I was about to post:  "Have you READ posts on this forum"?  We've ranted on David.  His daughter.  Molly.  Russ.  Pao.  Nicole.   It's hard to believe someone could make that comment and have actually participated on this forum.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Morrissey said:

I think I'd applaud him if there weren't any casualties involved. But since the money could have gone towards May's future (not that it would ever occur to Nicole to put her daughter's needs before her p*ssy's siren call), I can't help but feel like vomiting. Azan and his family have spend a lot of time doting on the little girl only to not only screw over Nicole, but May as well. That's ice cold. 

I totally agree that he's the biggest shit ever shat; my admiration is for the way he has thrown himself into his villainy.  I'm sure he has other women he has contact with in other parts of the world, and that they send him money, and I bet it's been an easy way for him to support himself.  Who would have thought Nicole, who is poor and a single mother, would cash in to buy tickets for multiple trips to Morocco, as well as send him cash?  And he rolled with it.  He did his best to keep her out of his pants, but when push came to shove, he closed his eyes and thought of Morocco--because he was so completely *given* to the fraud.  She decided they would get married; he weaseled out of getting a fiance visa by (we guess) screwing up his interview--if he really went to the interview at all.  Nothing deters Azan.  Nicole came *back* to Morocco, to have the wedding there.  He played along, knowing that it would never happen, yet his devotion to the scam required that he keep her happy.  Oops!  Nicole's papers are wrong!  Guess we'll have to postpone!  His claims that his family had spent a lot of money (which I'm not sure really happened btw) did not yield the desired result of having Nicole say she would reimburse them, but nothing deterred Azan!  To pay for the wedding themselves was beyond their finances, so why not get a little shop going so they could earn the money?  And Nicole had just the amount he needed!  Break out the champagne--the con worked.  The ugly little question of why they didn't have a civil wedding now, then have the big whoop-de-do later was a little tough for him to weasel out of, but he did it.  All that remains is for Azan to disappear into the desert, twirling his little mustache.

Like everyone else, I am heartsick over May, but Nicole was never going to do something for May with her TLC money.  She has two sets of parents who will make sure their granddaughter is safe, and they'll do their best for her when it comes to her education, I'm sure.  Azan doesn't care about that.  I agree with Robbalee, though, that the more immediate damage to May is going to come when "Daddy" ghosts her mom.

  • Love 22

I just re watched Nicole/Azan, paying sole attention to Nicole’s reactions and I’m stumped. While I expected her to be aggressive with Mum, I couldn’t quite grasp her reactions with Azan. Sad resignation? Stockholm syndrome? What really does resonate with me is what another poster said regarding  the missing time. Did Azan fess up to Nicole about having spent the money and that they BOTH needed to cover their tracks with a faux beauty shop? I guess time will tell! Like everyone else I feel sorry for May when Daddy is no longer there, which regardless of motives they have formed a strong bond.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Thank you!  He’s a smug, condescending, rude, and smarmy bastard who puts his family before his wife, and he always has.  I remember earlier episodes where he was rude to her family fron the get go.  If the host was any kind of host, she would have brought up the clip before Nicole’s visit where Pedro said he was worried because Nicole could control herself but Chantel couldn’t. Then he attacks River and Nicole jumped into the fight.  That’s what he considers control? River shouldn’t have hot the light, but no way was that light going to hit Pedro, and he definitely didn’t need to walk all the way around the table and attack the dude.  So unnecessary.  

If he wants to threaten divorce, I’d call his bluff.  Yippee ky-yi-yay motherfucker!

Hear frickin hear! Pedro wanted nothing to do with the "stupid Americans with mental problems". He would never answer questions staying that it was none of their business or he didn't want to talk about it. He did nothing to make them feel that Chantel was his priority. Pedro refused to spend time with them after the wedding to give them a chance to get to know him because he was so offended they dare to recommend a damn prenup...which most people go into a marriage with these days. 

Edited by dyanad
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Mothra said:

I forgot to say this:  Did everybody love the counseling Cortney (notice, guys, no "u" because somebody is stupid) got from her parents?

Mom:  "Actions speak a lot louder than words." and

now goddammit I can't remember what her father said, but it was in the same vein.  Maybe "A stitch in time saves nine."  And then she said "I'm going to take my parents' advice."

I thought Antonio was truly sad Cortney dropped him.  And I understand why he was reluctant to have her come to NY--he was there only two days, and sure, we saw him walking around taking selfies, but if she'd shown up, imagine what he would have had to do to keep her happy--and he was there only two days.  Just managing to meet her someplace after she arrived might be a problem since neither of them lives anywhere near NYC and probably knows the landscape.  Then what to do?  His schedule might not permit time for a romantic dinner or lunch.  I'm Team Antonio on this one.


Hahahahaha, that scene was precious! Mom says "actions speak louder than words". So wise! Then Dad says, nonsensically "Blood is thicker than water"!! What? Maybe they went on to have further conversation. Mom probably said "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", to which Dad replied "never speak ill of the dead". Oh, that homespun wisdom of mom and dad can't be beat. 

Cortney is very demanding. When she went to Spain she was very into laying down the terms and how Antonio should behave and respond to her. Now she's all in a tizzy because he's in the US (1500 miles away!) and doesn't drop everything to implore her to visit. Sheesh. Her expectations are as unreasonable as Molly's or Nicole's, it seems. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Mothra said:

I totally agree that he's the biggest shit ever shat; my admiration is for the way he has thrown himself into his villainy.  I'm sure he has other women he has contact with in other parts of the world, and that they send him money, and I bet it's been an easy way for him to support himself.  Who would have thought Nicole, who is poor and a single mother, would cash in to buy tickets for multiple trips to Morocco, as well as send him cash?  And he rolled with it.  He did his best to keep her out of his pants, but when push came to shove, he closed his eyes and thought of Morocco--because he was so completely *given* to the fraud.  She decided they would get married; he weaseled out of getting a fiance visa by (we guess) screwing up his interview--if he really went to the interview at all.  Nothing deters Azan.  Nicole came *back* to Morocco, to have the wedding there.  He played along, knowing that it would never happen, yet his devotion to the scam required that he keep her happy.  Oops!  Nicole's papers are wrong!  Guess we'll have to postpone!  His claims that his family had spent a lot of money (which I'm not sure really happened btw) did not yield the desired result of having Nicole say she would reimburse them, but nothing deterred Azan!  To pay for the wedding themselves was beyond their finances, so why not get a little shop going so they could earn the money?  And Nicole had just the amount he needed!  Break out the champagne--the con worked.  The ugly little question of why they didn't have a civil wedding now, then have the big whoop-de-do later was a little tough for him to weasel out of, but he did it.  All that remains is for Azan to disappear into the desert, twirling his little mustache.

Like everyone else, I am heartsick over May, but Nicole was never going to do something for May with her TLC money.  She has two sets of parents who will make sure their granddaughter is safe, and they'll do their best for her when it comes to her education, I'm sure.  Azan doesn't care about that.  I agree with Robbalee, though, that the more immediate damage to May is going to come when "Daddy" ghosts her mom.

No judgement from my end. There's no question that Azan executed his con flawlessly. And what I would give to have been a fly on the wall on that day they (meaning Azan) decided to postpone the second wedding. Not only did he find a way out, but he had her in the palm of his hand by the time they gave their interview. From this moment forward, he can do whatever he pleases. He OWNS her. 


39 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

For Nicole, Azan was a blank screen on which she enthusiastically projected her fantasies and erotomania. By hook or by crook, she was going to make him "Her World" and her "Arabian Prince" over his lazy indifference. She never truly saw him as a person (she would have noticed his dislike of her), but a cardboard cutout arm candy who would positively influence the public's perception of her worth.

All the effort was Nicole's. The baby love talk, the persuasion, seeing lawyers, the constant phoning, the holding of a job, the planning, the K1 application, the manipulating her family, the getting on the show, the travel, the involvement of her daughter, the sending of money she could barely afford, to keep him in her orbit. She did all the work.

Nicole was doggedly determined to play herself. Ultimately she perpetrated a scam where she was both robber and victim.

One of the reasons I don't feel sorry for her at all. She's a user and an abuser with zero regard for anyone but herself. This is simply the first time she has truly met her match. Judging by her IG profile she is still the old Nicole - unwilling to take a long hard look in the mirror and finally take responsibility for herself.

  • Love 11
53 minutes ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

I just re watched Nicole/Azan, paying sole attention to Nicole’s reactions and I’m stumped. While I expected her to be aggressive with Mum, I couldn’t quite grasp her reactions with Azan. Sad resignation? Stockholm syndrome? What really does resonate with me is what another poster said regarding  the missing time. Did Azan fess up to Nicole about having spent the money and that they BOTH needed to cover their tracks with a faux beauty shop? I guess time will tell! Like everyone else I feel sorry for May when Daddy is no longer there, which regardless of motives they have formed a strong bond.

I definitely thought it was sad resignation.  She knows in her heart it's over.  He isn't going to marry her.  

  • Love 14
36 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Hahahahaha, that scene was precious! Mom says "actions speak louder than words". So wise! Then Dad says, nonsensically "Blood is thicker than water"!! What? Maybe they went on to have further conversation. Mom probably said "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", to which Dad replied "never speak ill of the dead". Oh, that homespun wisdom of mom and dad can't be beat. 

Cortney is very demanding. When she went to Spain she was very into laying down the terms and how Antonio should behave and respond to her. Now she's all in a tizzy because he's in the US (1500 miles away!) and doesn't drop everything to implore her to visit. Sheesh. Her expectations are as unreasonable as Molly's or Nicole's, it seems. 

Thank you thank you thank you.  Now I'll be able to sleep.

  • Love 2

I just finished watching this and I have this to say:


David, STFU!!!  You should have nothing to say about anybody.

Pedro, run,  not walk, back to Columbia!!

Jorge, your wife embarrasses you????  You, who have no shame about your own behavior?

Russ, she must be quite the POA for you to put up with her.  Your dog makes a better companion. Of course, I said that right from the get go.

Nicole, he doesn’t want you, move on.  Start thinking of the welfare of your daughter for a change!!

Annie, run, not walk, back to Thailand without the 300lb albatross.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Except he knows Nicole will never actually spend that money of food and shelter for May.  She will simply spend it on whatever she wants for herself.  He also knows Robbalee will never let May be hungry or homeless (not that I'm saying she should, May is an innocent child.)  If she wasn't sending the money to Azan she would be sending it to another guy somewhere.  If she really wanted to give May a better life or she would have already spent it on her.

I don’t think Azan will give May a second thought once he rids himself of Nicole. She’s collateral damage in his view. Even his attention to her on the show was almost done absentmindedly. He used her as a shield to avoid physical contact and a distraction to serious conversation. His stroking of her hair and fussing with it allowed him to gather his thoughts and think of just what answers he should give.

Azan’s cons probably work fine over the phone where he can roll his eyes and smirk at the ridiculousness of what he’s saying and the other person can’t see him, or he can “ lose the call due to poor connections on the internet”. But even that type of con can be seen thru, as demonstrated by Nicole’s brother, stepfather and mother. I think even Nicole as dense and delusional as she is, deep inside wanted to see him in person to soothe those doubts that were building up. Something happened after the tell all that shifted everything and gave Azan the edge he needed to pull off the con. Whether the ending was what he planned all along or he had to figure out on the fly how to get that money in a lump sum just as her visa was running out, it was masterful. 

I think he found some dirt on Nicole or convinced her that she’d done something that would cause problems with the Moroccan government, she was clearly lying and working off a script about the store, she knows it doesnt exist.

But Azan and May? Anyone that can pull off a scam like that, once Nicole is bled dry, won’t give that little girl a second thought. 

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, Mothra said:

Good question.  I wonder if the people he works with all speak Spanish?  It's hard to imagine living three years and working what? two of them? without learning the language pretty well.

And I nominate Elizabeth's family as the new Family Sea Cucumber.  They are horrible and totally up in business that is none of theirs.

And I do admire Azan--while admitting he's an awful person--for so completely fleecing his too-willing victim without getting married to her.  I once saw Bobby Orr skate against the Flyers--the most artful skating I'd every seen--and Orr had nothing on Azan for slipping through impossible barriers.  What an excellent sleazeball Azan is!

Why hasn't anyone suggested marriage counseling to Pedro and Sea Breeze?  They really need--make that *she* really needs--an objective voice to straighten them out.  Sure, Family Pedro is disgusting, but they don't live next door.  If Pedro is going to have to live with Family Sea Change, he needs for his wife's eyes to be opened by a professional.

I don't think family Pedro is disgusting, they just don't like the way Pedro is being treated...if it was my brother or son I would have similar feelings too. They didn't have a problem with Chantel until they heard about the things Pedro was going through with her and her family. As for the money many from other countries that come to this country send money back to their families because that's their cultural attitude, unlike America's (I got mine, you better get yours)attitude. The thing that gets me is these people are getting these women/men from other countries and cultures and expect them to be like Americans. They grow up with different lifestyles and ideals.

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Rachel51 said:

I don't think family Pedro is disgusting, they just don't like the way Pedro is being treated...if it was my brother or son I would have similar feelings too. They didn't have a problem with Chantel until they heard about the things Pedro was going through with her and her family. As for the money many from other countries that come to this country send money back to their families because that's their cultural attitude, unlike America's (I got mine, you better get yours)attitude. The thing that gets me is these people are getting these women/men from other countries and cultures and expect them to be like Americans. They grow up with different lifestyles and ideals.

She doesn’t want to open her eyes and be enlightened. Even those on the panel saw that River was the instigator and she brushed it off. Pedro even said he should have walked away but that wasn’t enough. Her own mother talking about his sisters weave ( as if she didn’t have one of her own) and being sorry that she pulled it out wasn’t near an apology. It was another dig.

in law problems cause many a divorce and they are headed that way. I really don’t see any way to save the marriage except if they each visit their family alone and not discuss their spouse with their family. Even with that it’s going to be difficult.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 10
6 hours ago, Horrified said:

Random comments and observations:

Nicole is the definition of WILLFUL. 

Thankyou ToasterStrudel for saying that Nicole was Danielling all over Azan.  Perfect description.  Applies to Courtney as well.

Why was there a camelback on the table along with Pao and Russ' Loubs?  I seriously cannot come up with any kind of explanation and I may lose sleep.  Why was it there, WHYYY???

Does Danielle's pal Nelson live next to a junkyard?  No way I would have rung that doorbell.  Lady be "dating" a serial killer I reckon.  A serial killer doesn't want Danielle.

Tobo speculated that Anfisa called the cops on Jorge for reward money.  I think this is definitely something Tobo would do.  Easy money, no work involved.

Father Chantel with his perma-head-tilt-stunned-look pose and his shirt straaaaaainnning at the buttons.

Mother Chantel using her $5 words (incorrectly) and quoting Sir Isaac Newton directly from her World Book Encyclopedia.

When Mother Courtney was talking, there appeared to be a beefcake calendar of Antonio hanging on the wall behind her, but in the wide shot, it wasn't there......

Courtney is beautiful on FT as was said upthread by a few people.  I was kind of mesmerized.  However, that girl sounds so stooopid because she never seemed to learn that you use "an" in front of a noun that starts with a vowel.  

Right?! I thought "Only Danielle would get out of her car and knock on the door in that type of neighborhood even WITHOUT a camera crew!"

I saw the beefcake calendar too and couldn't believe they actually had it on display in the kitchen!

Corny was painful to listen to last night. I'm convinced she chose to use word with vowels to sound smarter, but she clearly never learned the "an" before a vowel rule during her world travels. She clearly watched herself from last season and is desperately trying things to make herself appear prettier and much more attractive, perhaps to illustrate that she's equally as good looking as Antonio? (If he's 31, I will eat my hat. Maybe he's 31 in dog years, but I refuse to believe he was born in the late 80s.)

Corny also looks like she she took make up tips from Elizabeth because it appears that she piles it on now. It's just too much, especially those red lips.  I suppose she's trying anything to distract us from the gummy smile and wonky eye, eh?

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

One thing that attracts me to this board is the diverse variety of thinkers here.

I didn't like The Family Chantel because they behaved like xenophobic jerks. When they refused to get out of the van after Pedro's mom cooked all day, it was absolutely soul crushing. And, they never did apologize. Nor did they accept any blame. Mother Chantel is haughty and ignorant, and that has absolutely nothing to do with the color of her skin. Again, she herself is xenophobic!
Also, let's not forget the barrage of well-deserved snark over Nicole, Jorge, David, Pole, and of course, our old favorite, Danielle.... to name a few of the white people who have behaved like idiots on TLC.

I don't like the current host, but there's a woman on YouTube who goes by Auntie, who is right on top of things. I'd love to see her host! She happens to be black. (Her channel is called Auntie's Advice and she is the BEST.)

That being said, I do know that racism is alive and well in the United States, and it's sickening. If it's okay to bring this up, I have friends, one friend in particular, who have pointed out subtle things to me that I am guilty of not noticing. (Here's one small example.  I'm white. Not long ago, a black friend and I were meeting with an older white woman and we were discussing politics. My friend actually is much more well read and current on politics than I am, but later, she pointed out to me that this older white woman consistently looked at me and directed her questions to me. She was polite to both of us and liberal in her views, but she kind of disregarded and disrespected my friend, even though my friend had a lot more to say. It was subtle, but then when my friend pointed it out to me, it was far less than subtle, and I realized that she was absolutely right. I felt awful. It's a small thing, but these things go on all the time, and they need to be stomped the fuck out. There's no place for that in our society and the fact that racist people still dwell among us, well, it really fucks me up sometimes... excuse my French.

That's what turned me from family Chantel too. It hurt my heart to see the look on his grandmother face, knowing she did all that cooking for them and because it wasn't up to their standard, they wouldn't get out the van. Using some bogus excuse about voodoo. They are just some people with nasty attitudes

  • Love 19
15 minutes ago, Rachel51 said:

I don't think family Pedro is disgusting, they just don't like the way Pedro is being treated...if it was my brother or son I would have similar feelings too. They didn't have a problem with Chantel until they heard about the things Pedro was going through with her and her family. As for the money many from other countries that come to this country send money back to their families because that's their cultural attitude, unlike America's (I got mine, you better get yours)attitude. The thing that gets me is these people are getting these women/men from other countries and cultures and expect them to be like Americans. They grow up with different lifestyles and ideals.

You're right.  I think I was trying to give every doubt I could to the truly dreadful Family Sea Chantey.  Really, only the chicken feet are my beef, so to speak, because it was a childish thing to do, and only allowed Family Sea Turtle to feel injured.  I think Pedro has been treated abominably, and it's disgusting that his wife doesn't stand up for him, or at least tell her family to butt out.

  • Love 10
20 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Maybe as a math credit prerequisite for graduating? Grasping for straws here.  

Anfisa never said her major was statistics, but in the scene when she was working on HW, Gorge (love that name) asked her what class the HW was for. She replied "It's for statistics." That told me in an instant how smart she really is. 

Stats is one of the options to take (College Algebra is another one) as the last required math course for transferring from a community college to a four year school. It doesn't mean Anfisa is transferring next semester, it just means she's taking it to cross off classes on her Ed. Plan.

Statistics can also be earned as credits for a Psych major, but it depends on which class she is taking. Stats was literally was the last class I needed before I transferred because I avoided it for so long because it was HARD. It was so damn hard that I took it TWICE! (I got a C- the first time, which doesn't transfer to a state school.) 

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Bridget said:

 Stats was literally was the last class I needed before I transferred because I avoided it for so long because it was HARD. It was so damn hard that I took it TWICE! (I got a C- the first time, which doesn't transfer to a state school.) 

Bridget I feel you I went from my 2x a week college stats class directly to a tutor to cover what we JUST when over in class, and still only passed with a C-. IT WAS HELL. 

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Becky with the hair and the duck lips pout is just upset that daddy won't be spending more money on her wedding!

Vile and jealous little duck face isn't she? I get the vibe that they always considered Libby the charity case ugly duckling sister. Libby seems to be doing pretty good With Andrei and is finally standing up for herself and they can't stand it. "I don't mean to be a bitch but its MY wedding coming up" oh get over yourself and stop  with the fillers you look absurd 

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Vile and jealous little duck face isn't she? I get the vibe that they always considered Libby the charity case ugly duckling sister. Libby seems to be doing pretty good With Andrei and is finally standing up for herself and they can't stand it.

Really? How can you see it like this? Dad already put out for an expensive "dream wedding" here in the U.S. when they could have gotten married at a fricking courthouse, but no not Andrei that's not good enough for him and her dad footed the bill. Now her sister is getting married for the first time and Andrei and Libby want to plan a deluxe Muldovian wedding, when they are struggling to pay the bills and Andrei has no income or savings. Her family in no way said don't do it, but rather let her sister's wedding take priority for now and plan it for the following year. Hell they have only been married for 3 months at this time, so why not have the next wedding on their year anniversary or something along those lines? Those two are being selfish and narrow minded. The father is trying to remain neutral, but knows where the 10 grand will come from when they can't come up with it. I get that Andrei is homesick and wants to visit his family, so why don't they plan a trip with just the two of them right now and do the wedding later as her family suggested. It boggles my mind.

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, dyanad said:

Really? How can you see it like this? Dad already put out for an expensive "dream wedding" here in the U.S. when they could have gotten married at a fricking courthouse, but no not Andrei that's not good enough for him and her dad footed the bill. Now her sister is getting married for the first time and Andrei and Libby want to plan a deluxe Muldovian wedding, when they are struggling to pay the bills and Andrei has no income or savings. Her family in no way said don't do it, but rather let her sister's wedding take priority for now and plan it for the following year. Hell they have only been married for 3 months at this time, so why not have the next wedding on their year anniversary or something along those lines? Those two are being selfish and narrow minded. The father is trying to remain neutral, but knows where the 10 grand will come from when they can't come up with it. I get that Andrei is homesick and wants to visit his family, so why don't they plan a trip with just the two of them right now and do the wedding later as her family suggested. It boggles my mind.

I think wedding one was more Libby than Andrei (remember her snowy mountain dream wedding idea? Awkward) if I recall correctly he did suggest the courthouse. Daddy waxed on about how his beautiful other daughters were marrying men of means, then why is he paying for the wedding if these guys are so wealthy? The second they mentioned the wedding in Moldova, which likely Andrei 's family is helping with, they tore right into them. How they pay for it is their business as long as they don't ask her family for money. Their approach to the conversation was extremely disrespectful IMO. Daddy should probably worry about paying his child support and his daughters DUI. He is not one to be critical of financial planning IMO. She already had her American wedding (where not one of the men in the family showed up to support Andrei/ help him get ready etc. ), no need for them to participate. I could be biased as that family really rubs me the wrong way.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 19

Nicole, Nicole, Nicole.   She STILL didn't see how ridiculous she was when she/Azam confessed that she put in $6,000 and he put in $500 to their "make-up salon."   If she were lusting after a smart con, she would have heard, "Nicole put in $6,000 and I put in my share."   Azan must be so successful at romancing that he can say and do anything and never fail.

  • Love 5

FYI Andreiiiiiiii, you can not leave the country while you are waiting on the adjustment of status. You have to get permission from immigration. I adjusted in Arizona and it took two and a half years to get my green card. I would imagine that Florida probably has similar wait times. I adjusted pre 9-11 and Trump, so it may take longer. Factor that into your wedding plans. 

Edited by Owwwww ma leg
Spell check gone awry
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

So I'm kind of wondering if Nicole told him about the money because she loves and trusts him, and he spent it all which was why production couldn't reach them for 24 hours. It's more believable that they were hard down arguing because that money was what they were supposed to live off. I'm wondering why the production team didn't reach out to his family or her family. Where was May during this time?

Oh!  I can totally see Nicole and Azan coming up with the beauty store as an excuse to Nicole‘s mom as to why they don’t have the$6000 to live on any longer. Nicole would totally go along with making up the story because she doesn’t want Azan to look bad to her mom.

  • Love 6
On 7/29/2018 at 8:46 PM, Brooklynista said:

Sooo, does Azan's sister own a shop and Nicole is putting her last pennies into it? How does one open a shop so quickly? How many chairs? Are they renting booth space? Who is doing the hair?

WTF is going on here?


ETA: I see now. Azan took her cash outright and is  blowing smoke up Nicole's ass. He just ripped her completely off and Nicole still cannot admit defeat.

At first I was thinking Azan and his boyfriend get to open the beauty salon they always dreamed of!


But If the women in his social circle cover themselves from head to toe it seems pointless to spend much time on the hair.  And with just that little oval of face showing are they really going to slather the paint on like some whore in a Wild West saloon?

  • Love 2
31 minutes ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

FYI Andreiiiiiiii, you can not leave the country while you are waiting on the adjustment of status. You have to get permission from immigration. I adjusted in Arizona and it took two and a half years to get my green card. I would imagine that Florida probably has similar wait times. I adjusted pre 9-11 and Trump, so it may take longer. Factor that into your wedding plans. 


Wow 2.5 years is a long time, glad it all worked out! Just curious if a person can't work during  the process how do people support themselves? Is it all up to the sponsor?

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 1

Eureka moment! Azan decided he was going to “make up a salon business” and stupid Nicole heard it as a “make up salon!” Amiright? 

And when Robbalee asked if they could just drive past the building, why couldn’t he point out any vacant building? She wouldn’t know the difference. 

Another observation: in his TH and again when talking to Robbalee, Azan was asked if he still was in touch with other women. His vague answer,”No, no, not since Nicole...” but since Nicole WHAT? He made it sound like not since he MET Nicole, (and narrowed down his mark) but he really could have been saying “not since Nicole showed up in Morocco and threw a wrench in my plans.” 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 14
6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Eureka moment! Azan decided he was going to “make up a salon business” and stupid Nicole heard it as a “make up salon!” Amiright? 

And when Robbalee asked if they could just drive past the building, why couldn’t he point out any vacant building? She wouldn’t know the difference. 

Right? He isn't even trying. I am torn on Azan, is he a criminal mastermind or did he simply fall upon such a mark devoid of intelligence that he does not even need to try anymore as she will throw money at him regardless?

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 8
12 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I love the little tidbits in this show.  Some highlights last night were Mother Chantel trying to quote Sir Isaac Newton and Chantel sitting in bed in her red dress with all of her make up still on.

I gotta hand it to Azan because I wouldn't have the balls to do what he does.  He strings her along and shows her wedding venues and dresses and then pulls it all out from under her.  And he cons her out of 6k that could have gone to improve her life and May's.  Just wow.  I felt some pangs of sympathy for Nicole but especially for May. 

As if Mother Chantal had ever heard of Newton before the producer handed her the index card.  

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, iwasish said:

I don’t think Azan will give May a second thought once he rids himself of Nicole. She’s collateral damage in his view. Even his attention to her on the show was almost done absentmindedly. He used her as a shield to avoid physical contact and a distraction to serious conversation. His stroking of her hair and fussing with it allowed him to gather his thoughts and think of just what answers he should give.

Good point.

2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Bridget I feel you I went from my 2x a week college stats class directly to a tutor to cover what we JUST when over in class, and still only passed with a C-. IT WAS HELL. 

I took stats I, II, and III and took them concurrently with logic I - III.  I loved it but I can see how it is not for everyone.  My stats teacher was awesome.  He was so good I was being paid as a junior to help PhD candidates with their dissertations.  You can become an actuary with logic/stats.

1 hour ago, Spike said:

At first I was thinking Azan and his boyfriend get to open the beauty salon they always dreamed of!


But If the women in his social circle cover themselves from head to toe it seems pointless to spend much time on the hair.  And with just that little oval of face showing are they really going to slather the paint on like some whore in a Wild West saloon?

First line:  ha ha ha

All the women who are "covered" in Islam do love to dress to the nines under their head/body coverings.  Males within their families cans see them without the coverings.  I first read about this years ago when I read:  Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia.

Did Azan and Nicole have sex?  How the hell did I miss that?

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Did Azan and Nicole have sex?  How the hell did I miss that?

I don't think sex was confirmed on this trip, but she claimed they had sex the first time she went to Morocco. Azan looked terrified when she blurted it out to the camera because he was breaking the law. But I'm afraid if Azan was unable to fend her off and they had sex on this visit, Nicole did everything in her power to get pregnant. 

and oh yes, that Princess book is absolutely mind-boggling! 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Good point.

I took stats I, II, and III and took them concurrently with logic I - III.  I loved it but I can see how it is not for everyone.  My stats teacher was awesome.  He was so good I was being paid as a junior to help PhD candidates with their dissertations.  You can become an actuary with logic/stats.

First line:  ha ha ha

All the women who are "covered" in Islam do love to dress to the nines under their head/body coverings.  Males within their families cans see them without the coverings.  I first read about this years ago when I read:  Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia.

Did Azan and Nicole have sex?  How the hell did I miss that?

There were two documented instances. 

The first was, I believe Nicole’s first trip to Morocco and her first night there. They got a room together, she pretty much dragged him in, kicked the camera  men out, and the next morning coyly  announced that the deed was done. Azan looked like a dead man walking. 

The second was the trip to the desert and his “proposal”. They had a nice tent to themselves and Azan manned up and apparently performed admirably as Nicole looked like the cat who just had a bowl of cream the next day.

  • Love 11

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