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14 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

Frankly, I wouldn't want to go on a 4-day trip to the mountains with Family Chantal either. They're all a bunch of snobby a-holes who just pick and push and prod until something happens, then step back and act all "disrespected." Passive-aggressive prigs. Pedro is no prize, but I'd rather stay home alone too. Charades? On a road trip? In a minivan? Gimme a fake break.

You nailed it. That passive-aggressive crap drives me insane, as does the disrespect bs. Seriously, though, how many times does Chantel have to go through these 'get the family together' exercises to see it's not going to happen??

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Molly doesn't seem to want a husband as much as she wants someone to help out around the house.  I think Luis (is this one Luis?) might be a pretty good husband for her, if only a husband were what she wanted.  She seems to have plenty of money--why does Luis have to do housework and babysit, if a) he isn't good at it--and a bad babysitter, especially a resentful bad babysitter, is worse than no babysitter at all imo--2) doesn't think he should have to do it.  Sure, he can't work yet, but couldn't she send him for some job training, or ESL to polish it up, or something where he wouldn't feel taken advantage of?  Couldn't she find him something to do around her shop--helping stock racks, or shipping, or whatever?    She apparently likes the sex and companionship, but even the companionship is like pulling teeth.  She needs someone she can talk to about her daughters, and Luis isn't any good for that.  What else do they have in common?  They live in the same house, but he obviously doesn't want to talk about housekeeping--who would?--and he is a stepfather, which he obviously has no interest in, not even in clucking sympathetically.  Luis is a worthless jerk, but it's Molly's fault he's a worthless jerk being in her children's lives.

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3 minutes ago, Splithair said:

This show is like crack for me.

I'm sorry, but if David's in arrears for child support (do we know that for sure?), charging his son rent is disgusting. I know he's 18, but I don't care. I did laugh out loud when Annie said "2 cents short of a dollar." I'd love to know what the Thai version of that is...

When Brother Molly said he wants Luis to take the reins as the man of the house, I hope what he meant was for him to be more responsible rather than act like he was the boss or something, because that man-child should not be encouraged to be any more disruptive than he already is. Of course, Molly has no one to blame but herself. 

I was glad Pedro was also unnerved by Father Chantel's smiling. People that smile in every situation are very creepy to me. 

David's daughter remarked about him walking away from his family and spending all of his money on booze and prostitutes instead of paying child support. I believe she asked him how he could afford to live in Asia for four years and buy himself a wife if he couldn't afford his child support payments.

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26 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Paola is just an all-around exhausting person. Is she ever not putting on the Spicy Latina Who is From Spicy Colombia and Speaks Spicy Español routine? She kept rhapsodizing about her "Beautiful Bucamaranga" like it was the only place she could truly be herself. Fun fact: she can move back there any time. It's not like she gives a crap about her hoosban Roos. She spends all her time in Miami speaking spicy Español and making fun of him with her nasty little friends. Russ is too good for her, even with his deflated hair. His emotion about Abuelita was genuine; if anything, he seemed more truly distressed at seeing her, while Paola made a show of throwing herself at the bedside and carrying on.

Annie's sex lecture/squealing demonstration of what the son might hear was a bit much. I don't really care for her, either. She seems very uncouth and incurious. I feel like any time she's not slothfully eating or complaining about something, she probably just sits and stares at a wall with her mouth slightly open.

Literally none of these marriages is going to work. I thought Pedro and Chantel might, but he really is not trying at all. I can understand being put off by River, but the parents and sister seemed to be at least trying to be civil.

If Molly does not go through with this divorce ASAP I will drive to Georgia my damn self and throttle her.

Lmao deflated hair hahaha 

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1 hour ago, Lambie said:

What did Nicole’s mom say about *other* guys she was talking to out of the country? I get being single and insecure but has this become her new normal? It’s so sad how developmentally challenged she is. 


At one point tonight Nicole said something about going through the process of applying again "with this one or a different one"? I don't have the wording exactly right, but I definitely interpreted it as...she has more than one fish on the line. Good grief. 

30 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Annie's sex lecture/squealing demonstration of what the son might hear was a bit much. I don't really care for her, either. She seems very uncouth and incurious. I feel like any time she's not slothfully eating or complaining about something, she probably just sits and stares at a wall with her mouth slightly open.

Heh, I don't disagree, but on the other hand, she has mentioned more than once that she is bored and would like to be working, and I kind of believe her.

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12 minutes ago, Splithair said:

You nailed it. That passive-aggressive crap drives me insane, as does the disrespect bs. Seriously, though, how many times does Chantel have to go through these 'get the family together' exercises to see it's not going to happen??

Why do they have to even get along?

How often will his family come to the US? How often will hers go to the DR?

in many families the in-laws rarely interact except at certain holidays or special occasions. 

Pedro and Chantel need to agree on a household budget that they each contribute to and that allows for savings and emergencies. Then any money that Pedro earns above his contribution is his to do as he wishes regarding his family. It’s one thing to send money for necessities and another to send what are clearly unnecessary  luxuries. 

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Molly’s daughter Olivia seems more than just upset about her mom and Luis and their shitshow sham marriage. I wonder if Luis went from basically sexually harassing her about her boyfriend last season to actually attempting to sexually assault her when Molly wasn’t home. Maybe Kensley saw or heard something and that’s why she’s checking out? Both girls appear traumatized by more than Molly being irresponsible and selfish.

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14 minutes ago, bref said:


At one point tonight Nicole said something about going through the process of applying again "with this one or a different one"? I don't have the wording exactly right, but I definitely interpreted it as...she has more than one fish on the line. Good grief. 

Heh, I don't disagree, but on the other hand, she has mentioned more than once that she is bored and would like to be working, and I kind of believe her.

If she does have other guys in the wings if “My World”  can’t get the K-1, I wonder how she has them identified in her contacts? 

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Next weeks preview with Nicole facetiming Azan and twirling her (dirty) hair like a lovesick 13yo going, “Like, omg, how crazy would it be to get married in Morocco?” while he looks horror stricken is priceless!

Edited by Marilee
stupid autocorrect
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9 minutes ago, Marilee said:

Next weeks preview with Nicole facetiming Azan and twirling her (dirty) hair like a lovesick 13yo going, “Like, omg, how crazy would it be to get married in Morocco?” whole he looks horror stricken is priceless!

Her lawyer with the red office looked pretty wack too.

Edited by bref
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On 5/21/2018 at 9:46 PM, ALittleShelfish said:

She could maybe have a discount "Come to Jesus" moment. 

I’m totally stealing this phrase from you, ALITTLESHELFISH!

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26 minutes ago, Marilee said:

Molly’s daughter Olivia seems more than just upset about her mom and Luis and their shitshow sham marriage. I wonder if Luis went from basically sexually harassing her about her boyfriend last season to actually attempting to sexually assault her when Molly wasn’t home. Maybe Kensley saw or heard something and that’s why she’s checking out? Both girls appear traumatized by more than Molly being irresponsible and selfish.

I feel like that's a little extreme. No one mentioned anything about that sexual assault.  Attaching that to someone's name is just a hard thing for someone to shake. 

Someone please come take me and have me evaluated. I find Molly's brother incredibly sexy! Even in his goofy outfit. And oh, when he talks! Purr!

Family Chantal just expects Pedro to warm up to them because they say? I feel like that's gonna take time and baby steps to heal this--not a four day trip. That's a recipe for disaster. Unless the 3 guys go hiking, River gets injured, and Pedro rescues a hurt River and Thomas from a dangerous rock slide--like out of a movie, it ain't gonna happen. Baby steps, time, and maybe family counseling will help. 

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3 minutes ago, Splithair said:

How many miles and how many doors did Anfisa have to walk through to get from the valet to the table?

Hilarious! Like the scene in Spinal Tap where they can't find the stage :) 

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On 5/26/2018 at 5:46 AM, Penelope5 said:

She’s so low class it isn’t even funny. 

She looks like she'd screw any guy who promises to do something for her "career,"  Roos or no Roos.


3 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Chantel says they're broke because Pedro sends all of his money to his mom. But, she was able to afford new boobs, eyelash school, a portable massage table and everything else to do in home eyelash extensions.

It's her money.  Good for her.  Now she needs to buy a backbone to put a stop to the whole "money home" nonsense once and for all.

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On 5/21/2018 at 8:23 PM, jmonkey said:

That's just one step above collecting cans on the highway.

But at least if he was collecting cans he’d be providing a valuable community service.

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8 hours ago, zenme said:

I feel like that's a little extreme. No one mentioned anything about that sexual assault.  Attaching that to someone's name is just a hard thing for someone to shake. 

You’re right, that’s probably extreme of me. He is so cold and his disgusting comments to her turned my stomach. I get a little overprotective when it comes to young girls (and boys as well) being left in the care of a mom’s newest man who’s essentially still a stranger to them all. And then,  when the mom insists that he take on a fatherly role, when she’s clearly turning a blind eye to his disdain for the children, the balance of power usually doesn’t tip in the kids favor. My personal background and my experience with other victims of child abuse makes my radar ping a little too quickly sometimes. I do want to say that while I may be quick to speculate about these situations when discussing a tv show I would never be so quick to accuse someone irl. I understand the ramifications of that. So, I’m sorry if I offended anyone and I hope I don’t come off bitchy or defensive in my explanation because I don’t mean to sound that way at all. 

I meant to add last night that I by sexual assault I was talking more along the lines of groping or attempting to grope, accidentally on purpose brushing against her and mostly likely continuing to make offensive comments to her but in a more menacing way. His gross tongue wagging at those strippers comes to mind. That’s as traumatic and Kensley would most definitely pick up on her sister being upset and uncomfortable. Thinking about it now, I maybe should’ve said sexual harassment instead of assault. 

Either way, I agree with everyone who’s said that he’s sadistic and enjoys seeing other people upset. Gaslighting Molly with the religious thing and his smug face after she left the room is all the proof anyone needs that he gets off on verbal abuse.

Her brother is dumb as a box of rocks to encourage him to be the man of the house.

Edited by Marilee
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Paola totally exploited her grandmother's illness. How embarrassing to bring a camera crew to the hospital. They could have been more respectful and not shown the poor sick woman. I'm sickened by Paola.

Russ is a wuss. He was so intimidated by the 'bikies', which by the way weren't even hard core lol. These are loser kids who want to appear cool and dangerous.  Paola was a hoe back then, and she a hoe now.


Azan/Hassan probably sabotaged the interview and I don't believe the ties to drug traffickers they showed in the preview for next episode, that's just a cliffhanger.


Chantel Family is dumb, her father is so passive aggressive and his smiles are pathetic. River is an asshole and needs a kick up his back. Pedro needs to yank River's hair.


Annie and David are gross. Can't believe she has sex with humpty dumpty. Never gonna get that dowry either lol.

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I don't care if David's son is 18, he should not charge him rent. As his son is moving in, David says, "I left when he was 14 and didn't see him for 4 years. I am hoping now I can reconnect. His mom moved and he needed a place to stay for a few months so he is staying with us".  If David truly felt bad about missing his life from age 14-18  and really wanted to bond with him, he should be thrilled to to have the oppurtunity to spend a few months rebuilding his relationship. Even if his son has graduated high school and has a great job and is accepted to college, any money his son is making  David should let him spend on college. David sure isn't going to be paying a penny towards his son's college. As for Annie , if you  marry someone with kids, you have to expect they could need help or come home at anytime. Of course who knows what David told her about his kids. Annie's description of his daughter, yikes! Annie does not like her. David's daughter exposed some filming secrets and Annie's past so Annie must be getting back at her with the harsh words. 


I thought Pedro was pretty rude. Maybe Family Chantel is snobby but take advantage of the nice cabin and try and have a fun time. 

I hope this is the end of Nicole and Azan and she could take care of Mae instead of spending all her time and resources on "My Love" but I'm sure we are in for much more. Poor Mae on that gross floor playing with a few Mcdonald's toys in a diaper. 


It was sad to see Paola's grandmother so ill. I'm glad she and Russ got to see her. I knew that the heartfelt moment would be quick and the rest of the trip would be wild Paola. If it was my family member dying , I would be spending all my time with them. Maybe I would eat at my favorite resturant or go visit family but my main focus would be the dying family member. Why do I feel Paola will be running it her BFF Juan soon. 

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On 5/25/2018 at 1:38 PM, OrchidThief said:

I bet Anfisa's boxing lessons are going to turn into a domestic violence storyline.

My husband and I both cracked up when they showed her with the boxing instructor after showing the flashback shots earlier of her smacking the hell out of Jorge. He also said if we lived in California and he happened to be on call in a LA hospital ER and they rolled Jorge’s lard ass in because Anfisa had cold cocked him, he’d have to peace out to the supply room and laugh hysterically for at least 5min. Meaning, of course, only if it happened because Jorge was dumb enough to get in a boxing ring with her to prove his manhood to the little woman.

Edited by Marilee
it’s late and I can’t spell
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15 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I wish Russ would have made up a work excuse and sent her home by herself.

Oh, nooooooooooooooooo!  He can't do that.  She might run into some boy she kissed when she was 13--or some friend who works at a restaurant.  He's not jealous; he just wants her to be honest about every moment of her life (waking/sleeping) before, during, and after he met her.  

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On 5/26/2018 at 11:27 PM, silverspoons said:

Danielle's RN  is an ADN  program at one of  those more expensive private colleges that do more hand holding and promise to help you pass the boards.

I think CNA is about the highest level of training Danielle's IQ will allow her.   Even if she could pass the boards with a lot of "hand holding," would any one of us want her to be our Registered Nurse?

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6 hours ago, zenme said:

Someone please come take me and have me evaluated. I find Molly's brother incredibly sexy! Even in his goofy outfit. And oh, when he talks! Purr!


Maybe we could get a group rate and work out a carpool??

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Molly needs to stop saying she put her kids first.  She doesn't.  I have lost a lot of respect for her since she was introduced last season.

Pao is a walking stereotype of the "spicy Latina."  She is free to move back to Columbia at any time!  I also don't care to listen to her complain about Oklahoma anymore.  She knew he lived there before she married him, and I think it would have been clear after spending any time with Russ that he isn't as "spicy and passionate" as she is.  So deal with it or get a divorce.

Annie is no prize either.  She could barely even look at David's son when he moved in, and her comments to her mother about Ashley were pretty rough.  I thought it was pretty brazen of her to trash Ashley like that since Annie's past isn't exactly that of a Catholic schoolgirl.  Annie did what she had to in order to survive, but imagine being the daughter of Bhatman.  It doesn't surprise me that Ashley has had her share of troubles.

Anfisa- own up and admit to making the webcam video.   It's no more embarrassing than your relationship with the dysfunctional liar known as Jorge.

Edited by lucy711
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8 hours ago, ChiMama said:

Was Luis home alone with the little one? Skeeves me the hell out. And why must Miss Molly be driven everywhere by someone else? Olivia has deprived her of her housekeeper, babysitter AND chauffeur by moving out. POOR Luis having to shoulder the burdens previously handled by an 18-yr-old girl while living rent-free in a huge house with TV, internet, lots of food, and AC. Boo to the f'in hoo.


Too many DUI's.  

7 hours ago, iwasish said:

If she does have other guys in the wings if “My World”  can’t get the K-1, I wonder how she has them identified in her contacts? 

My World, My OTHER World,  My Single Most Important World, My Backup World, My World when the others don't work out....

Someone forgot to tell Nicole his name on TLC is Azan. Not Hassan. :-P  LOL.


Edited by greekmom
forgot to add...
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Le sigh. 

I'm not buying Jorge's sudden interest in reconciliation. He was hellbent on revenge when we saw him on the first episode. Now, he misses her and wants to give it another shot? She's better off without him. Like I said last week, she's clearly doing better than him. She seems to own her car and wasn't renting one for appearances. She has her own flat. She's obviously doing something to pay the bills. Meanwhile, Jorge is letting himself go, living with friends/parents, or in a hotel. Why isn't he staying with his sister if she's so concerned about him and wants to make sure he'll actually follow through with a divorce?

Family Chantel was unbelievably disrespectful and ignorant in D.R., so I'm not surprised there are still hurt feelings. They are passive aggressive instigators, and those are the worst kinds of people to deal with. They'll rip the scab off your healing wound, and then, flip it like you're doing some grave injustice to them by being offended. I don't get why Chantel wants to keep trying to force family bonding. At best, they all need to be mutually respectful and cordial if and when they have children. And sending $500-600 for a TV when one is a university student/working and the other hasn't been working that long? They need to agree on a set dollar amount per pay period or per month, and that's it. I noticed they were saying "my money" and "his money." I get the feeling they didn't discuss finances before he moved in.

Pao...goodness she's selfish. You could've used money earned from your lingerie shoots and video shoots to return home. Blaming Russ is so passive aggressive. I'm glad her sister called her out.. You were too busy living life as a caricature of the hot'n'spicy Latina with the flaming red hair. I just checked. There's a flight that leaves on 31 May from Miami to her hometown, and it's $488 roundtrip, so there's no excuse. Especially if it had been planned in advance. She could've sold one of her handbags on Tradesy or Poshmark and had enough for that. I don't foresee them being together much longer. Russ' concern for abuelita seemed genuine and authentic. I do feel like the cameras shouldn't have been in there. I understood his argument regarding the ex. She could've told him that he was an ex instead of just acting like he was some random guy from her teenage years. She's reliving the glory days with ex-boyfriends and riding helmet free on the back of motorbikes and she's free to be her thot-like self. SMH. I wonder how Sofia Vergara has made it all those years in the States despite not living full-time in Miami and being the spicy latina around other spicy latinas. *insert eye roll here*

Molly and Luis. One can only hope she's serious about divorce. Olivia doesn't seem to even be feeling the TLC cameras. I wonder what transpired off-screen that lead to her taking up residence and going to live with her boyfriend as opposed to staying at home. It's got to be deeper than Molly just being an idiot. I believe this has probably been festering. It would peeve me off to see my mum tolerating being treated like anything for the sake of saying she didn't give up on her marriage. She's not putting her children first at all. I feel like Molly is what Nicole will become in 20 years time. Still chasing some young tenderoni who doesn't want her and doesn't want to be a stepfather.

Hassan and Nicole...I have a feeling he intentionally threw the interview. Can any of us blame him? She's the literal worst. 

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11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

It has been 10 months since Nicole last saw Azan? Maybe he blew the interview because life in North America with her isn't worth it. There will be another woman with whom he can ply his charms. Nicole's mother probably has a better grip on reality. Now Azan has some ties to drug trafficking? Nicole would be his mule or whatever? Cut your loss and wish him well. Granted, with her stellar personality, and no education or job or anything, she doesn't have much to offer anyone. Her mother should be encouraging her to upgrade herself, get her high school diploma if she does not have one, and get some training in a marketable skill.

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I assumed when Nicole's mom mentioned others that she was speaking of methods or processes of getting a prospect into the country, not other men.  Seems that rather than redoing the whole process, Nicole has a second option of marrying Azan in his country.  

Also believe that the attorney was listing things that would disqualify him from being granted a visa, not that he had a history that included drug trafficking.  

I don't have a huge problem with Roos and don't care about his hair. I think he is conservative by way of his upbringing and think that he's sincere, which is more than you can say about her.  It's unfortunate that she is determined to foist that horrible friend of hers on him again and that she appears to have no intention of defending Roos v. her family's belief that her 'disappearance' is all on him.  Girl takes selfishness to a new level.  

David, Annie, et al are all too gross to even comment on.  

Re Chantel and Pedro, one thing that seems so strange to me is that both sets of in-laws are so incredibly immune to the concept of just being civil.  It rubbed off on Pedro apparently and cabin time looks like a disaster in the making.  I have to admit that if her parents do have him investigated that I'd love to know what, if anything, they determine.  

On a shallow note, Chantel's eyelashes look like awnings and make her look crazy.  

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On 5/25/2018 at 1:22 AM, silverspoons said:

In Danielle's 3 years on TV we saw her buy a modular home and she is an RN program.

 I remember reading somewhere that Dani’s college education is amounting to nothing but remedial classes at a community college. Not that there’s anything wrong with that and I give her props for trying to better herself. As long as she’s doing for herself and her daughters, not just a way to try and impress Mahammit.

If by some miracle she could grasp the pre-req courses, she’d never make it past the entrance interview for a nursing program. The criminal record would knock her out the running before she even made it that far. I’d love to see her first day in a Anatomy and Physiology class and lab with her cross eyes and that weird “duh” facial tick she’s got going on lol

Edited by Marilee
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Jorge is the world's worst actor.  He was obviously reading some kind of prompter and we know that the only reason either of those two are together is for TLC money. Actually, web cam work must be doing well for Anfisa because that was a nice car she stepped out of.   Annie appears to be as nasty as Anfisa and she seems to like nothing more than getting her digs in at her loser husband.  And why doesn't David have a job? There must be something a man who is not even 50 can do.  Molly - what is wrong with you?Your daughters have told you what the problem is; the Internet has told you what the problem is and if you've watched this show Luis has told you.  He's not into you or your family. If I were Nicole's family,I would save little May and let Nicole sink on her own. She is such a brat and unwilling to hear anything dealing with reality. I don't have any interest in Pedro and Chantal. This is a first marriage for both.

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Who would have guessed that Jorge and Anfisa would be the one couple to actually talk to each instead of near each other.  I know it's a show about garbage people, but why does it seem like nobody is capable of having a rational discussion with the person they say they want to be with forever?  


And did I miss a meeting where it was decided that River is Lord of Respect?

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As much as I wasn’t a fan of Anfisa for the longest time (still am not) I do prefer her over Paola (couldn’t stand Loren Brovarnik either). 

I hope the only reason she is trying to make it work with the tub of lard that is Jorge is to get as much out of him as humanly possible - which isn’t much since he’s broke. But at least she may be getting her cut of the espisodes, which she is obviously stretching to make a living. She is now in college based on her YouTube channel. That girl is a hustler and she won’t sink. She didn’t come to America to sink. She was promised one type of lifestyle and he didn’t deliver.  Then she had to listen to camera desperate Lourdes call her a prostitute basically. 

She isn’t suffering without Jorge, but the notoriety even from the dysfunctional TLC show may be worth something to her in order to stay afloat monetarily and gain Instagram or YouTube sponsors. 

They said she was going to Russia, I wonder how she is able to do that on barely no income wnd Paola couldn’t put together $500 to visit her family in Colombia. That whole interwaction of Paola with her family was for TV, and she still didn’t manage to gain sympathy - what she wanted.  It just showed how far she would go to exploit her family and even mi amor Roos. 

That one is a real walking devil and doesn’t care about anyone but herself.  I get not being used to  a small town in OKlahoma, but there are other places Russ can get a job or has better job prospects. Why does she have to be around her latinos? It’s literally just staying in the getto and nothing changes.  I don’t see the benefit. 

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8 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

She looks like she'd screw any guy who promises to do something for her "career,"  Roos or no Roos.


It's her money.  Good for her.  Now she needs to buy a backbone to put a stop to the whole "money home" nonsense once and for all.

yeah, it's her money. But she also says that now that they're married, the money is both of theirs. Which I totally agree with. She can't have it both ways. Don't gripe about having financial difficulty and then get body modifications that surely cost a pretty penny.

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I didn't even comment on David and Annie. I think it's funny that he's asking for $200/month from his son when he was incredulous that Chris/Nikki dared to ask for rent for them staying in their current location. That's a pretty large building, and there's no telling how much Chris/Nikki paid or are paying for it per month. He's obviously choosing not to work for some reason. I'm pretty sure he had some discernible skill or talent prior to fleeing to Thailand and returning with that nasty wife of his. How did he support himself and his family before he left for Thailand or even leading up to the divorce? The way she bashed Ashley was messed up. Ashley's father doesn't sound like he was really present. Hell, he left when his son was 14, and last time I checked, boys need their fathers at that age. If he was an unfaithful, alcoholic, then, I understand Ashley's anger towards him. [Also, they had 90 days to get married, and as a major F-U to his daughter, he decided their wedding and every subsequent anniversary just had to be on Ashley's birthday. I always thought that was messed up.] Annie should've been crying to her mum that David was willing to pawn her engagement jewellery on national television with no shame. And yuck at their sex life and Annie's ummm unique way of demonstrating. I could've done without that. I hope she's on birth control or they're at least using protection. They certainly don't need a baby right now when they barely have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of.

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Funny how my interest in each of these couples has changed over the past few years. Now Annie and David are my favorites to hate-watch. Chantal and Pedro are boring, Nicole is too dumb to pay attention to, Jorge and Anfisa are caricatures, and Molly and Luis are scary together. Roos needs to leave Pao and head back to Oklahoma. He is a nice guy and could find a lovely woman that would suit him better and he her. Could not believe showing poor grandma in the hospital. Awful. I'd call shame on TLC but they have no shame.

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So am I the only one who thought Jorge was high? When he talked, it was as though he couldn’t get his thoughts together. Plus, he looked like he was zoned out. Anfisa was driving a Mercedes, either she rented it for the episode or she is making good money on webcams. I wonder if they will address jorge’s arrest this season. 

I think Molly is well aware of what she should do but let’s her fear of being alone supersedes her common sense. Luis should have been gone the minute he made sexual comments to Olivia the first season. It’s obvious Olivia does not want to live this all out on television but Molly desperately wants them to play happy family on TV. The funny thing is that it is obvious Molly is extremely unhappy even while she tries to make them a normal, happy family. 

Annie needs to not throw stones when she met her husband at an escort bar and was then sold by her parents on the layaway plan to him. At least the stepdaughter wasn’t selling herself. I also don’t believe David sent in those green card papers. He knows once Annie can legally work she is gone. 

I feel like Nicole needs round the clock adult supervision. I think she is one of those people who will always make the wrong choice when presented with a myriad of options. I am surprised she hasn’t had a boyfriend that used her as a drug mule because she would be stupid enough to carry random suitcases around the world without finding out what is inside. Also, it would be great if someone brushed Mae’s hair once in awhile. 

Someone mentioned Sofia Vegara and I can totally see her as Pao’s role model, except Sofia has the looks, talent and charm to actually be a star. Someone needs to remind Russ that Pao will dump him the minute she can find someone better. 

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1 hour ago, Kareem said:

On a shallow note, Chantel's eyelashes look like awnings and make her look crazy.  

I know, who has that much time to put on false eyelashes everyday?  My eye doc told me about the nasty cases of blepheritis that women get from the constant use of lash extensions, fake eyelashes and such.  

16 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

Annie needs to not throw stones when she met her husband at an escort bar and was then sold by her parents on the layaway plan to him. At least the stepdaughter wasn’t selling herself. I also don’t believe David sent in those green card papers. He knows once Annie can legally work she is gone. 

You got that right! That was my first thought.

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18 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

So am I the only one who thought Jorge was high? When he talked, it was as though he couldn’t get his thoughts together. Plus, he looked like he was zoned out. Anfisa was driving a Mercedes, either she rented it for the episode or she is making good money on webcams. I wonder if they will address jorge’s arrest this season. 



Agree - he was higher than a kite!

Anfisa had the same car last week and I wouldn't be surprised if she was leasing it. No way would she have enough credit (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) to even be considered for a Benz, let alone have the money for a down payment, monthly payments and the insurance. Jorge couldn't co-sign for it, and we haven't seen any friends. Occam's Razor and all of that. 

I was so skeeved out when he kept staring at Anfisa's boobs once she sat sown on the patio. Kudos to her (cannot believe that I just typed that) for her telling Jorge her eyes "are up here." I wonder if he was staring at them and calculating how much money he's spent on her - literally!

Notice they didn't order anything or even have a glass of water? It looked like they were at a five star hotel in Orange County, either the Montage Laguna Niguel or maybe the Monarch Beach Resort. Neither one of them can afford to even park their car there, so I guess TLC couldn't even pony up for an appetizer and some sparkling water? Or maybe production they wouldn't be sitting there for more than five minutes, so they scrapped the food budget?

Her boxing gym is in Newport Beach, so she's definitely living a lifestyle that Jorge promised her, minus the Jorge part. I'm dying to know how she scrapes the money together assuming that she's not partaking in her alleged previous occupation. I don't know the demographics of those who watch/pay WebCam Girls, so maybe she's disguising herself in case someone recognizes her?

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4 minutes ago, Bridget said:

I hope to God that Annie is finished speaking about their sex life, the sounds that David's ass makes during sex, imitating what she sounds like, how she can't be quiet during the act AND  telling us that David walks around naked in the firehouse. I felt like there should have been some type of "Warning! The following content contains material that is......" before those segments! 

. . . more disgusting and vomit-worthy than you can imagine."

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I agree with those thinking David hasn't done the paperwork for Annie to get her green card. Of course, his excuse will be Nikki won't let Chris give him money for the application, whether there is a fee or not. I'm wondering if there is some sort of penalty of she doesn't apply for one in a timely manner?

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36 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I thought the Boobs Chantel looked pretty big last year. Could she just be pushing them up without further surgery? 

I wondered that, too. But, they look bigger, not just more in your face.

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