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S10.E06: Grief and Relief

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33 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I had NO idea that when you see "3 eggs, any style" on a menu that you can mix-and-match the "styles". Seriously, has this woman never eaten in a diner? She seemed genuinely confused by the option.

Plus, what is Carole going to do without her daily "coffee"?  (ahem).  Unless she agrees to sloppy seconds.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, pieinmyeye said:

Not to mention her asking how they could be cooked! There are only so many ways of cooking a damn egg!


I feel like Carole doesn’t know a lot about breakfast choices because she sleeps until 2pm on the regular. 

10 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Great point @ryebread! Lu would have been perfect. First she needs to give Victoria a brush.

Sorry not sorry the Count and Countess would not approve of that downtown vibe and dirty hair. 

10 hours ago, Jezebel97 said:



9 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

A La Francais


Etc haha that made me lol 

2 hours ago, bosawks said:

Dorinda has stopped making it nice....

Not directed at you Bosawks but I believe way back in the Berks she said “I did it nice” not I made it nice. It has morphed all over widely into I made it nice when that’s not what she said. I think I did it nice is funnier and with questionable grammar all the more quirky and quotable. 

  • Love 9

I was just a little gobsmacked at how much Carole wa eating. She had 3 eggs, toast and watermelon. She is on the thin side and maybe after getting used to eating more when she was training for the marathon, she’ll continue to eat a bit more and gain some weight. I would have been concerned about her cholesterol but if he had trouble ordering 3 eggs than I don’t think she’s making enough of a diet of just them to make it a concern. It was weird. 

Tinsley made an interesting point. Since when does avocado toast come with cheese? What kind of cheese? 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Rahul said:

Carole is absolutely insufferable this season. What's gotten into that woman? Seemingly she's become extra self-important (well, more so than before) demanding a marathon themed party in celebration of herself, has some new misguided fashion sense and is extremely pretentious even when ordering lunch all overnight? Or was she like this all along and I am I only noticing now?

Tinsley's facial features are so erm...well pronounced and Scott's are so....well, not. I don't really know how else to say Scott looks like an amorphous blob with a neckbeard. I don't know where his face ends and his neck begins. I think I'm just going to call him Neckbeard from now on.

Glad to have little Ramona in this episode. I do not miss her brand of crazy one iota.

Sonja has no business renting out that crumbling (town)house of horrors of hers. My god its in appalling condition. I know her accounts are not exactly in the black these days, but what the hell is she doing with all her Bravo paychecks? Spending them all on embryonic facials? How much could one summer of raw juicing really cost? That realtor is out of her mind if she thinks any savvy renter would consider paying 32k to live in that filth and squalor.

What did Dorinda say? She didn't want to be judged on one bad night? Oh, honey. If only. We've all borne witness to your extreme drunkenness several times each year. Lord only knows how many of those nights she has off camera.

I really admire Bethenny for her commitment to the relief work in Puerto Rico and also how she handled Dorinda gracefully without pulling any punches. She's looking really good this season too, especially in her talking heads.

I agree with your whole post. The part I bolded had me saying, yes, thank you!

What the hell is Sonja spending her money on?  She never going to convince me she plans on paying for her daughter's school and  is not in no way going to pay for university.  I'm sure her daughter is well taken care of by her father.

I understand NYC is expensive.  However she's been on the show a while. Use some of your salary towards your home you Cleary are attached to. Stop traveling  for vacations and buckle down and do some work on that crumbling dingy mess of a house.  Everything looks out dated and old as hell. Would it be that hard to take the summer off from vacationing and work on one specific problem in that house.  Fix the walls , then fix the plumbing,  fix that scary ass elevator , floors ect. I'm not saying it would cheap or easy but if the house is that important to her she should really make it look like it is. 

So yeah ,  i ask again, what the hell is she spending money on? 

  • Love 16

Sonja really thinks she's adorable. Flirting with the gay married guy. Ugh. 

Did she actually say that she picked up the dog poop with her bare hands? 

I feel sorry for the realtor/property manager. If that townhouse actually rents, can you imagine the horror of dealing with Sonja every time the tenant calls with a repair request? You just know there is going to be a plethora of ongoing stuff wrong once someone moves in. Leaky faucets, toilets not flushing, dishwasher not working, the usual everyday BS that happens when you rent a property, especially one that has not been maintained throughout the years. 

  • Love 19
58 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

It’s hard to take Carole seriously in pajamas and is Tinsley the one to ask about relationships ?

Yes Bethenny we saw your pile of hundreds . We saw that. 125k in the bag it’s heavy, copy that. All about the benjamins. I am happy the PR citizens are benefiting from her relief. 

Ramona ‘s rack and long hair are 15 years too young for her ! The short hair is so much better !! 

OMG Luann and Victoria convo was EVERYTHING. MORE PLEASE.

Soooooooo Drunk Dorinda.  At first it was drunk and then getting belligerent but then the secret came out I think Durinda’s drinking and grief is about Richard. I begin to empathize when she started talking about Richard it was an aha moment. Then Bethany got confrontational to defend her “partners” (who were handling Dorinda’s drunk just fine) instead of skillfully saving that convo. Dorinda’s drunk anger = Richard, loss grief. She needs a program and some self awareness on that. 

He alcohol abuse is just a symptom. She got triggered by the Richard and Haiti connections...on booze. 

Telling Dorinda you’re going to be kind then calling her a drunk on camera is not compassionate, or kind. 

Sonja self sabotaging her photo shoot. She doesn’t want to move ! Sadness with her flirting and spilling her guts with those real estate professionals. Holy shit does her house look great without the clutter. 


I did laugh about that but Tinsley did give her great advice.  As Carole  went on and on (about the man who's not her boyfriend who she broke up with but still sees everyday and has sex with constantly ) about Adam  dating another woman. Tinsley politely said well maybe it's better if you have a clean break. That is great advice imo.  Carole wants to play cool but she obviously wants Adam to herself. And he wants to date others. Better to cut everything thing off . 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 17
12 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I hate to say this cause I do like Carole for the most part - you're convenient pussy.

Exactly.  I've never bought that Carole isn't a "relationship" person and is okay with casual sex.  I think she is gun shy to call anything a relationship because of fear of getting hurt again (I understand that as a widow).  I feel bad for her because I think she wants to keep Adam in her life so she decided if it was just sex and friends, that was enough and he'd end up coming around to her again.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

hat negative things did Bethenny say about Richard????

To explain Dorinda getting drunk Bethenny said of Dorinda "she used to be married to a slightly powerful man, who was slightly powferful in government." I just wonder what Dorinda what she will say.

Hey straight women #metoo with Sonja. Predatory, not cool!

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 14
14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Sonja really thinks she's adorable. Flirting with the gay married guy. Ugh. 

Did she actually say that she picked up the dog poop with her bare hands? 

I feel sorry for the realtor/property manager. If that townhouse actually rents, can you imagine the horror of dealing with Sonja every time the tenant calls with a repair request? You just know there is going to be a plethora of ongoing stuff wrong once someone moves in. Leaky faucets, toilets not flushing, dishwasher not working, the usual everyday BS that happens when you rent a property, especially one that has not been maintained throughout the years. 

Note to self, never shake hands with Sonja and always make sure you have a gallon of Purell available.......

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Victoria was a breath of fresh air. Usually the young adult kids on this show come off as very obnoxious.

When Luann said that she wished the best for Tom, Victoria replied, "Yeah, yeah....of course." Something about the way she said it sounded sincere and polite. Well mannered.

That said, her bust last spring for DWI throws any good will I have towards her out the window. I hope she can learn from her, and her mother's, mistakes while she's still young.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

In one way or another, all of these women are overly dependent on men, and in some cases, their wallets. I think Bethenny may be the only exception. They are not headed into old age with any self-awareness or dignity. (Thus, Andy Cohen and Bravo)

ETA: I don't think Dorina misses Richard so much as she's afraid of growing old alone. It ain't for sissies.

So true.  When I got divorced, I had the same thoughts as Dorinda was rolling out - I could die in my house and who would find me?  How long would it take?  That was a fun time.  At least I was the primary earner so I didn't have that concern.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

To explain Dorinda getting drunk Bethenny said of Dorinda "she used to be married to a slightly powerful man, who was slightly powferful in government."


True talk why did she have to bring that up at all she is always taking digs at people... yes she might have great intentions but she just does it in a catty way

  • Love 18


Sonja really thinks she's adorable. Flirting with the gay married guy. Ugh. 

Did she actually say that she picked up the dog poop with her bare hands? 


After a trip to Heather's Berkshire home, where Sonja was throwing herself at that 20 year-old boat captain, Sonja blogged that "we have to keep things interesting for you guys." I don't know how much of her Mae West routine is for the cameras, and how much is Sonja being her natural self, but I felt for the photographer. He was there to do a professional job and she just would. not. let. up. It's like when that poor plumber came over several seasons ago and Sonja somehow started talking to him about her intern Millsaps' boobs. 

The dog poop thing was weird! If she was going to go so far as to pick up the poop and neatly arrange it for the housekeeper, why not take the extra step of actually DISPOSING OF IT herself? Oh Sonja...was this to preserve the pecking order of your townhouse? It's your friggin' dog!

I guess I'm one of the few who enjoyed seeing Victoria. Her inflection or sometimes slack-jawed expressions can make her seem spacey, but she often has good insight into people or a situation. 

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Please let me preface this by saying, I do NOT think friends and family are responsible for an alcoholic’s actions. 

However, unless Beth WANTED the dinner with her PR relief team to be a circus, she should not have had drinks with Dorinda in the hotel room AND at the bar. Especially if she suspected that Dorinda had been drinking even before meeting up with Beth. She KNOWS how Dorinda behaves when she drinks too much.  She has seen it MANY times. She was watching while Dorinda was getting drunker and drunker. Why not order cheese and crackers instead of more drinks in the hotel room/at the bar?

Again, only an alcoholic can decide when to realize she has a problem, but for this specific situation- - dining with these admirable, selfless individuals- - I would have tried to prevent the inevitable, by getting something other than alcohol into Dorinda’s system.

Lol alright for having the same thought at the same time :)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Beth knows how Dorinda gets when she drinks so she admits that she had pre game cocktails in her room with her, then drinks at the bar, then takes a dig saying I think she did drinks before she had drinks with me... So in reality that whole scene that was caused is pretty much on the shoulders of beth you supply someone who you say is an alcoholic with booze then get pissed when they act the way they do like you had no idea what she was gonna do.... I'm sorry that was a sneaky underhanded thing to do to anyone ...yes Dorinda may be an alcoholic but Beth sure has hell helped in making that shit show dinner happen then stood back like none of this was me...

Sorry, Keywestclubkid!! I was drafting my post while yours went up! I’m glad we both construed this event the same way!

  • Love 9
Just now, hoodooznoodooz said:

Sorry, Keywestclubkid!! I was drafting my post while yours went up! I’m glad we both construed this event the same way!

its all good I love that we had the exact same thought ... she knows she is a loud mean drunk... she fed her drinks then brought her to that meeting knowing something was going to happen then sat and acted like a doe eyed deer when it snapped off... then proceeds to take digs at her at the dinner after she is gone....(that is not a friend i'm sorry)

  • Love 16
41 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

To explain Dorinda getting drunk Bethenny said of Dorinda "she used to be married to a slightly powerful man, who was slightly powferful in government." I just wonder what Dorinda what she will say.

Hey straight women #metoo with Sonja. Predatory, not cool!

Okay, I heard that, But didn't take it as a slight at all. I mean, it's not like Richard was a senator or something. But he did move in certain circles. I don't think Bethenny said anything malicious. *shrug*


38 minutes ago, ryebread said:

When Luann said that she wished the best for Tom, Victoria replied, "Yeah, yeah....of course." Something about the way she said it sounded sincere and polite. Well mannered.

That said, her bust last spring for DWI throws any good will I have towards her out the window. I hope she can learn from her, and her mother's, mistakes while she's still young.

I hope so too. I got a DUI at her age. It was the best thing that ever happened to me in my young life. A real wake-up call.


2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I don't blame Bethenny for Dorinda's drunk ass.  Perhaps she thought even if she got tipsy before dinner, the cause was so great, she wouldn't be a nasty drunk.  The fact that Dorinda breaks bad with a philanthropist just highlights the extent of her alcoholism.  Perhaps this was Bethenny's realization that it's beyond interpersonal relationships -and beyond someone provoking her like Sonja. 

I don't blame her either. There have been plenty of times when Dorinda has made a drunk was of herself. But there have also been times when she is just fun and pleasant. Maybe Bethenny didn't realize how far into her cups she was until it was too late. Maybe Dorinda was the one who broke into the mini bar and suggested hitting the real bar - things she would have done with or without Beth. 

  • Love 18
19 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I don't blame Bethenny for Dorinda's drunk ass.  Perhaps she thought even if she got tipsy before dinner, the cause was so great, she wouldn't be a nasty drunk.  The fact that Dorinda breaks bad with a philanthropist just highlights the extent of her alcoholism.


I'm sorry thats like saying I know this dog bites people when i feed it a treat ...then stuffing the dog with treats and inviting people to pet it then saying oh no i didnt know that would happen .... Bethenny even said before they got to that dinner she knew Dorinda was drunk....is it all bethenny's fault no but she facilitated in that shit show then tried to dump it all on Dorinda

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 12
11 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

I have a lot of respect for Bethenny, both for what she had done in Puerto Rico and for how she handled Dorinda. Bethenny was a good friend to Dorinda in that scene. She told Dorinda what she needed to hear in a respectful way. 

I admired Bethenny in that moment (something that rarely happens for me with regard to Bethenny). She just came right out and said what is so. You could tell that Dorinda was waiting to hear some kind of softened language about what had happened and had her apologies all ready to go. And then Bethenny just said it, "you're a drunk" and Dorinda was completely thrown for a couple seconds. Of course she then did what alcoholics do, she deflected, rationalized and excused her behavior by calling on her victimhood as a widow, her deep pain, her need to use alcohol to ease the pain, etc. I believe that's all true, she's had pain in her life, certainly. But she drinks because she's a drunk, period. That's what alcoholics do. 

  • Love 23
14 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Okay, I heard that, But didn't take it as a slight at all. I mean, it's not like Richard was a senator or something. But he did move in certain circles. I don't think Bethenny said anything malicious. *shrug*

Oh, no! I want to contradict a ghoulina post! Please forgive me, ghoulina. But Beth felt the need to qualify Richard’s importance with the word “slightly”. Twice!

It was not malicious. But a little shady.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Telling Dorinda you’re going to be kind then calling her a drunk on camera is not compassionate, or kind. 

It may not have been kind or compassionate, but Dorinda NEEDED to hear the honest truth from someone close to her on camera—-she needed a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting/call-out like that because she’s been far too coddled and excused for her drunken onscreen antics for too long. When it starts becoming a regular situation and is embarrassingly spilling over into business meetings, it’s obviously a real problem.

And I admittedly love me some Drunk Dorinda, but I’d never seen her actually take it to the extent of sloppily carrying on around Bethenny’s charity associates. I was literally cringing for her the entire time—-she was a slobbering, slurring mess who shouldn’t have even attempted to make that dinner. Yes, she’s a grown woman who should’ve known her own limit, but I do wish Beth had taken her aside and excused her to go back to her room before she got any worse and became her eventual aggressive drunk self; that’s where I do blame Bethenny, but obviously she knew Slurinda’s trip on the Hot Mess Express would make for some awesome trainwreck television regardless of her charity’s ultimate cause.

My heart broke for Dor when she talked with Beth though; it may have been 6 years ago, but she’s obviously never really moved on or appropriately handled the pain of her husband’s loss. She feels lost, never really has found her way as a woman again since she no longer is a busy wife/mother...a lot of women in her situation get that way. I think she’s just too bored—-she needs to find a passion or a new career path to keep her busy and driven. Her days of drunken lunches, naps, social parties and travels aren’t fulfilling her internally.

On that note, Sonja has become such a sad old lady, puttering around her decrepit old cluttered townhouse, desperately flirting with any man gay or straight who pays her any attention. It’s a shame to watch that joint crumble alongside her crumbling lifestyle, because that house could actually be a real showplace with the right tenant who could update and redecorate.

Carole looked incredibly old this episode in her PJ’s and ordering her fussy eggs; literally looked like a bossy old lady downstairs at her retirement home cafeteria. I can’t even fathom that big bloated and filled-up mouth area of hers doing anything remotely sexual with any part of young Adam’s body....((shudder))...and I say this as a Carole fan/apologist, unfortunately. Her new running hobby and style seems to have aged her greatly...she needs to put on a few pounds, grow her hair a little longer and darken it down from that yucky blonde color.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 17

In one way or another, all of these women are overly dependent on men, and in some cases, their wallets. I think Bethenny may be the only exception. They are not headed into old age with any self-awareness or dignity. (Thus, Andy Cohen and Bravo)

This. I spent a good chunk of my teens and twenties being envious of women who had fathers, and then husbands, who could completely bankroll their lifestyles so they could be carefree party girls and then ladies who lunch. And to be honest, I’m a touch envious now, but I know it’s important for a woman to be able to provide herself.  A man isn’t a plan, after all.

But these women? Are a cautionary tale if there ever was one. Their downfalls, both emotionally and financially, are very very sad to watch. 

  • Love 14

With the poster who said this ep seemed sad: Agreed, just from reading here & Dame Brian’s recap. I’ve decided not to watch it. 

However, with one woman floundering in unresolved grief & drunkenness, another woman mucking up her relationship with her daughter, and another woman - er, GIRL - acting a fool who’s never eaten an egg before (c’mon, Princess, you ate eggs when you were a poor commoner upstate) ... this one surely deserves the title “real” over many of the storylines we’ve seen.

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
  • Love 10
36 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Honestly, I thought she looked very nice.....better than lots of people I see dining out sometimes.  She was clean, neat, and had a cute belt on.  I love her confidence.

Of the recent attempts by a real housewife (or friend) to pull of the pajamas as clothing trend, Carole's was by far the most successful effort. Dorit and Erika tried it and both looked like dumb asses. They both looked so stupid in Vegas. I believe Marlo tried it and wasn't particularly successful either.

  • Love 10

Dorinda was a mess. That is entirely on her. She needs rehab and a psychiatrist.

Bethany, knowing Dorinda easily gets drunk, should not have been drinking with her before a business meeting. Slurinda was sluring her words walking in to the restaurant so she was sluring before and Bethany should have told her to go home, sleep it off, she's not coming to the dinner and passed her off to production of get her to the hotel.

Glad Bethany spoke to her on the plane. Sslurinda was just making excuses. When she said in her taking head "One night does not define people." Sweetie it's happened well more than one time. We can define you when it comes to your drinking.

  • Love 16
27 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

It may not have been kind or compassionate, but Dorinda NEEDED to hear the honest truth from someone close to her on camera—-she needed a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting/call-out like that because she’s been far too coddled and excused for her drunken onscreen antics for too long. When it starts becoming a regular situation and is embarrassingly spilling over into business meetings, it’s obviously a real problem.


When you specifically preface that you are going to be kind, and SECONDS later state "you're a drunk"-there's no other way to say that Bethenny? Really? - sorry but  that's shitty of Bethenny. A literal slap that Dorinda felt.  Once can be honest without the rhetorical  slap. I share your opinion that Dorinda's drunken antics have gone on too long and it's a problem.  All I saw was a bitch saying she is going to be kind, then venting her childhood anger (and some anger about being embarrassed in front of her partners) about her parents/stepparents about alcoholism onto Dorinda after the breath had left her moments before saying she was going to be KIND. That's where you and I part ways I think Sun Bun because I am feeling what you are putting down for sure, Dorinda needs to check herself before she wrecks herself.  :-)  I wish Dorinda the best, she needs some deep grief therapy. I am a big fan of EMDR and brain spotting therapy! 

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

It was good to see Dorinda spill her guts.  I hope life gets happier for her.

She has been spilling her guts every season without doing a damn thing about it except wallow in memories just like Sonja. Different but also the same.

She hasn't moved on all that much, she's just buried it and it comes out when she's angry, or drunk, or making excuses.

I like her, but she needs help.

  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, Giselle said:


Who wants to pay $32K to live in an upscale tenement.

My allergies kicked in looking at all those old disgusting tchotchkes. You can rent a 3 BR in my neighborhood for probably $6-8k and get all the amenities you need. (PS - this is all ridiculous money to me - I live in a studio - but for someone who has $23k a month to spend on rent, they can pay much less and get a clean, well maintained apartment.)

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I believe way back in the Berks she said “I did it nice” not I made it nice. It has morphed all over widely into I made it nice when that’s not what she said. I think I did it nice is funnier and with questionable grammar all the more quirky and quotable. 

She actually said both!

First she says "I did it nice", then she says "I made it nice":


Edited by Sterling
  • Love 10
Just now, Sterling said:

She actually said both!

First she says "I did it nice", then she says "I made it nice":


THANK YOU! I did not leave with that impression. I did it nice is so childlike and beautiful haha. Thanks for clarification.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Is Sonja dirt poor or what?  Her house needs work here and there.  Why hasn't she done it?  There's probably dog hair and crap all over the place .. And she has a housekeeper?  Can you imagine if she didn't?  All she wants to do is get dressed and go out and entertain those guys in her house and pretend that she's still important.


She has been in it so long that she doesn't see the mess.

She needs to have pictures given to her so she can spend time with them looking at them with someone so she can really see the damage and not be allowed to gloss over and only see the furniture and tchotchkes.

If you gave her close up pictures of the damage only and told her you found a new place for her to live while she leased her home, you know what she would say. You would hope she understood  & owned it when she discovered it was her own home.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, ancslove said:

I think that was kind, from Bethenny.  She remained pretty calm and straightforward.  

Ya got me there! That is true. I stand that "you're a drunk" isn't kind. IMHO. Finding different words was needed after you said you'd be kind. How could you make "you're a drunk" less kind? "You're a goddamn useless ignorant drunk?" Low bar. 

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, ancslove said:

I think that was kind, from Bethenny.  She remained pretty calm and straightforward.  She said what Dorinda needed to hear, including both the “You’re a drunk” and “I’m scared of you”.  I think both statements were very deliberate, but also necessary. 

yet she drinks with and around her all the time...how scared can you be of someone when you just sat in your hotel room with them and got drunk then moved to a bar and got more drunk? and re watch it Bethenny was hella buzzed herself at that table watch her eyes ..... thats talking out the side of her mouth you cant say you are scared of someone when they drink then go hey lets go drinking..

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 19

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