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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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See I want St Jasus to remember being Jason Morgan. I don't want him having a clean slate. I want him to feel the guilt, shame & disgust of everything he did and ordered. I want him to be ashamed of his relationships with Sonny & Carly, as well as what happened to his relationship with the Q's. BM can emote so this could work.

Tiger, I've written about the same concern regarding BM & weight. IIRC, it's due to a illness. At this point, I don't trust Cartini to not do the fat jokes.


Does anyone on the show feel shame now? The pet characters generally don't. Franco gets indignant when his past is even mentioned. 


In terms of body, I think Miller looks fine. He's always been a bit too full for the "Cartini" standards of men, so I do wonder if they can stop themselves from trotting out the fat shaming jokes.

Sorry to be the fly in the ointment, but other than Michael Logan tweeting that he "heard" this is a done deal, are there any other sources to back it up/support this rumor?


Because, just because Logan tweeted it, doesn't make it true, as far as I'm concerned.


I'll start pulling my hair and ranting when I see it in writing that yes, Billy Miller has been cast and will be playing Jason whoever.

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Does anyone on the show feel shame now? The pet characters generally don't. Franco gets indignant when his past is even mentioned.


I don't think anyone feels shame for long (if at all). Carly certainly has no trouble sleeping with the man who facilitated her son's rape. And Sonny gets exasperated whenever someone mentions shooting Dante in the chest or Crypt!Sex.


Logan's tweets are so ass-kissing I don't believe any of them. What's the point of bringing Jason back? The show is doing just fine without him. Why are we dealing with more characters when there are too many to begin with? It's bad enough we have the teen onslaught coming soon, which I couldn't care less about, no matter whose kids they are. Now we're possibly dealing with a recast Jason? STOP THE MADNESS.

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General Hospital
(Episode #13081)

Carly issues a warning to Ava; Kiki helps Franco babysit Josslyn.

General Hospital
(Episode #13082)

Maxie is angry about Nathan's suspicions of Levi; Silas races to help Nina.

General Hospital
(Episode #13083)

Spencer asks Sonny for help with his love life; Josslyn encourages Franco to get a new job.


Kill it! Kill it with fire!


(and by "it", I mean Franco)

Oh, come on peachmangosteen! Child humor . . . ex-serial-killer wacky jokes . . . they're already hilarious on their own, can you imagine how side splitting they'll be together?




I wanted Joss to hate Franco. That's the only acceptable reason to even feature her. Dammit, RC, you can't do anything right!


I am hoping against hope is Jason does come back, he comes back with a different personality. In the story in my head, he doesn't remember being Jason Morgan, and wants nothing to do with Carly and Sonny, but because of Danny, knows he has to form some kind of relationship with Sam.

He already did that when he had his brain tumor and that is how he reacted.  But then he regained his memory and realized that he just found something he was good at and he really had no reason to be mad at Sonny.  bleh

Edited by ElleMo

See I want St Jasus to remember being Jason Morgan. I don't want him having a clean slate. I want him to feel the guilt, shame & disgust of everything he did and ordered. I want him to be ashamed of his relationships with Sonny & Carly, as well as what happened to his relationship with the Q's. BM can emote so this could work.


Agreed.  IF Jason is going to come back, I think it would be far worse for Sonny and Carly if he full remembers everything about his relationships with them and feels disgusted and hates them than if he just doesn't remember.  If he doesn't remember, they can live in hope that they'll get "their" Jason back once he "gets better."  If he fully remembers and remembers all of his old feelings but still wants no part of them, what can they do?  Knowing Carly, she'd plot to get him in another drunk driving accident and see if she can get "her" Jason back. 

  • Love 2


Kiki helps Franco babysit Josslyn.


Good lord, poor Joss. What did she do to deserve this, besides worship corn?


I think she premieres on 6/17, I remembered that because it's my mom's birthday.



Sorry to be the fly in the ointment, but other than Michael Logan tweeting that he "heard" this is a done deal, are there any other sources to back it up/support this rumor?


Supposedly, Doug Davidson over at Y&R tweeted that it was true.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I don't want Jason to be a good guy all of a sudden, I admit. I want him to be tormented by his own memories, at least. No riding on a high horse about Sonny and Carly abused him. Otherwise it'll be the same old self-righteous borgbot.


Soap Opera Central spoilers


 Silas tells Sam that Nina will be staying at his apartment

Sam makes a decision that leaves Silas reeling

Silas wonders if Sam has truly put Jason in the past

Rafe lands in more hot water

Tempers flare as Nathan and Levi trade heated words

Maxie becomes nervous when a surprise witness is asked to testify at the custody hearing

The judge makes a decision about Maxie's request for visitation with Georgie

Anna warns Sonny not to involve Duke in Sonny's war on the Jeromes

Julian questions Sonny's protectiveness toward Ava

Kiki and Morgan are certain that Sonny and Ava still have secrets

Ava receives some shocking news

Michael is determined to help Morgan get past Ava

Michael makes an announcement regarding ELQ's latest project

A surprise visitor stops by ELQ

Molly remains resentful of Julian despite Alexis' attempts to reason with her daughter

Luke demands that Julian move faster to put the organization back together

Anna urges Jordan to wrap up the investigation

T.J. and Molly bond over their disappointment with their mothers

Lulu makes a decision about whether or not to proceed with surgery

Josslyn is not impressed with Franco

Sabrina gets an unexpected visitor


A sneak peek at next week


Franco resents how close Sonny and Carly are

Nina's friendly veneer slips

How far will Britt go to win Nikolas back?

Liesl has a proposition for Franco

Patrick and Sam visit a mechanic


Agreed.  IF Jason is going to come back, I think it would be far worse for Sonny and Carly if he full remembers everything about his relationships with them and feels disgusted and hates them than if he just doesn't remember.  If he doesn't remember, they can live in hope that they'll get "their" Jason back once he "gets better."  If he fully remembers and remembers all of his old feelings but still wants no part of them, what can they do?  Knowing Carly, she'd plot to get him in another drunk driving accident and see if she can get "her" Jason back. 


Carly isn't going to care about any of that unless it's inside Franco's crusty jeans.


Sonny will mostly feel sorry for himself (and everyone will tell him how sad they are for him), and nail some random woman (probably Kiki).

Edited by Pete Martell
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Oh for fuck's sake. 


Well, the little twerp already talks like his Uncle Sonny - can't understand a thing the little horror says. 


So I guess Sonny will advise Spencer to try and kill Cameron, and if the bullet goes astray and happens to hit Emma, then thems the breaks, kid, happens to Uncle Sonny's wimminfolk all the time.


Golly GEE don't ya just love Ron C.'s idea of SUMMER HIJINKS??

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What did Ronnie do to RJ/Tea?


They were basically another plot point a la Ric, Scott, A.J., etc. - R.J. comes back and takes Téa out on a couple dates (regardless of their very stormy history, in which she dumped him with a Dear John note to run off with Todd, leading to R.J. going back into organized crime) to make Todd/Victor jealous. Like many other characters in similar spots in Ron Carlivati stories, R.J. was cued to recognize that Téa was really into Victor/Todd, and stepped aside after telling her so. That was his whole plot function, and his last appearance on OLTL.


For me, if Billy Miller was to be recast as Jason, this Jason would have both his Jason Morgan memories and his Quartermaine ones - torn between the life he lived with Sam, Sonny, Carly, Michael, Robin and so on and the one he had with Monica, Alan, A.J., Emily, Lila, Edward, etc. While he'd still have love and affection for the mob side of the equation, he would begin to atone for his crimes by surrendering himself to the PCPD as a mob hitman and mass murderer. Then, he'd make his deal with the WSB or whatever else - do work for them as a secret agent/PCPD liaison and work off his sins.

Edited by jsbt
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Ava receives some shocking news


I'm hoping that this means she's actually going into menopause rather than being pregnant. 



Lulu makes a decision about whether or not to proceed with surgery


Unless this surgery consists of about a dozen intramuscular HRIG injections to cure her rabies, no fucks to give.



Other musings:



While I kinda like Billy Miller, I have absolutely no use for the character of Jason whatsoever.  The only possible way that bringing Jason back will interest me (besides being written by someone other than RC) is if AJ is only actually "dead."  After so many years of rejecting everything and everyone Quartermaine, the unholy alliances with Mumbles and Snarly, all the killing in the name of the righteous shipper of COFFEE... I just don't feel that the dead-eyed sociopath with a heart of gold has anything left to mine on this show, especially given that the only two remaining Quartermaines are either, (a) Tracy, i.e., floundering in the quagmire of Puke, or (b) Monica, who wasn't even given a script for her own son's funeral.  I care less about the newly found regret and remorse buried in his Box of Pain than I care about Sabrina's trip to crazytown or how it will affect Sonny or cockblock Franco.  And since I'm already on the barge and only get my details about tfgh from you lovely peeps, I'm gonna have to see the hbic about an upgrade to Platinum Class or some such.  There isn't enough Riesling in the world to blot out the fuckery that RC would bring to a "Jason Returns and Changes EVERYTHING in Port Charles FOREVAH!!!!111!!"  I'm thinkin' more of a Glenmorangie kind of blotto.




I actually made the mistake of tuning in to tfgh one day this week while working from home and caught part of the scene where Sobby was regressing back to Wedding, Interrupted and I don't think my reaction was what RC was going for.  First, I just cackled at the stepford way TC recites her lines/interprets her character.  That faraway look was straight out the grocery store scene after Joanna is indoctrinated.  Then, I thought, "Isn't she supposed to be on maternity leave?  Leave!"  After that, I promptly turned the channel.  But back to Patrick... I get that he's something of a legacy character, and he's a decent actor (at least by the standards of tfgh), but his character has been seriously adrift since KMc's exit.  And needlessly so.  He's a hot, single doctor with a dead/not dead/gone again wife, connections to other decent characters (yet, he has no friends?), and a semi-interesting father.  There's tons of story to be mined from him, yet he gets a 48-hour pill addiction and a disney stepford barnacle child anchored to his loins.  Does. not. compute.




I don't really have much to say about Sonny that hasn't already been said, but I just wanted to add my $.02 to the karma surrounding MB's [supposed] upcoming absence.  I want so badly for it to be true, but the cynic in me just doesn't believe it.  And the pessimist in me fears that not only will he be gone for maybe 3-4 days, but it will be frickin' Jason that rescues him/nurses him back to health/escorts him back to town.  And probably takes out Puke in the interim, to ensure that Sonny's coffee remains righteous and supreme.



Nothing to say about The Nina or Potato Head Kiki or any of that sicko kiddie quad.  That's the kind of shit that put me on the barge to begin with.

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I know you're sarcastic, but Sam and Patrick visiting the mechanic together is 100% more exciting than anything either of them could do with Silas and Sabrina. 


Well, that is a good point. I'd rather watch Sam say the same thing over and over to Rafe than watch one more second of her with Silas. And obviously I'd rather watch paint dry than watch Patrick/Sabrina.


I can't believe Billy Miller is coming on. RC is going to be even more insufferable with his pettiness now. 

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Billy Miller is kind of chunky. Here comes the fat jokes from the 12 year old mean girl named Re-Ron.I actually liked Billy Miller for the few weeks I watched Y&R before Kill Farren Phelps. . If he does come back as Jason in any form with or without his wings. I am gone. I am sorry to say this but, this show now has no character I care about. Anna was but, now she is brain dead. Maybe they could just kill off Sonny.period. Six weeks in the looney  bin for murder does NOT do it for me. I think Guza is really writing this swill.

I don't think you have to worry about fat jokes with whoever the guy is who is coming from Y&R.  I think that was RC's personal vindictiveness towards SK for whatever reason.  IMO, RC had a personal issue with SK.  BM will be a shiny new toy from another show that TIIC will think they swiped even though the two actors that they just brought on were already off Y&R.


If Billy Miller is indeed coming to GH, I hope he is going to at least try to act this time instead of just playing himself (and the writers catering to him). He was my worst nightmare on Y&R - an actor with a level of talent who chooses not to use it because it's easier to dial it in or (in Miller's case) mug your way through the scene. I would much rather put up with actors who don't have a natural talent but at least put in an effort, even if their best is less than Miller's worst. Jason returning not just in the form of Billy Miller but with his personality, too, would be the nadir of this show for me.


I feel the cast is already bloated and all the rumored new arrivals are going to make it worse. Hopefully the teens are just for the summer and most of them will disappear like Felix's sister and Rafe Jr (until this past week) once school starts. I'm not against having a B or C storyline centered on the teens, especially legacy kids like Molly and Christina (Baldwin/Collins), and Ron was fairly good at having multiple generations featured on OLTL, but there are simply too many storylines going on right now and they lose steam when they're offscreen for weeks (especially when important story beats play out during this off-time). And I don't understand why Ron needed to retcon a character like Kailey into existence. Surely there are other teenaged characters he could pluck from the show's history instead of a random love-child of Stefan Cassadine and Katherine Bell? Then again, I suppose I can't really think of any...

Edited by Aymery
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Silas wonders if Sam has truly put Jason in the past


Dude, here's a clue.  Look at her ring finger.  She clearly hasn't moved on.  But hey, we know the day she  does take off that ring is the day we will glimpse nuJason alive and well.


I know it's sad, but the only spoiler that interested me is the Patrick/Sam one.  Hell, it could say Sam and Patrick watch paint dry and I will be a happy camper. 

Molly remains resentful of Julian despite Alexis' attempts to reason with her daughter


That's nice to see, though it sucks that Alexis won't let Molly work through her feelings on her own time. But at least Sonny isn't involved; if he were, Molly probably wouldn't even be allowed to cry about Ric.


Lulu makes a decision about whether or not to proceed with surgery


Gee, I wonder what she decides.


Franco resents how close Sonny and Carly are


Please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness, please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness, please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness, please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness.


IMO, RC had a personal issue with SK.


Then why did he bring him back? I'll never understand Ron.

Edited by Stinger97
Included space between quotes and text.
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Silas wonders if Sam has truly put Jason in the past


Silas can go fuck himself.  He tells Sam Nina will stay with him for the foreseeable future & wonders if Sam has put Jason in the past?  Why don't you fuck off & go deal with your not-so-dead wife, SilAss.  My only hope is that the thing that sends Silas "reeling" is Sam dumping his ass until he's done "saving" Nina.

Edited by Stinger97
Included space between quote and text.
  • Love 1

So now everything points to Anna Donnely returning and not Serena. That's my preface. And, I told yall so.


Is Fluke really Bill Eckhart or someone with a new face?

Spinelli may be a surprise witness at Maxie's hearing

Nina talks plans with her nurse

Rumor: Coma Baby is alive

Nina comforts Silas when he and Sam fall out

As Sam gets close to the truth, Silas can't deal

Sam does not think Nina is a goody two shoes

Ava and Sonny bond

Morgan is looking for love in all the wrong places

Patrick must pick up the pieces and move on, but with whom

Tracy's plan angers Fluke

Anna's sting with Jordan goes bad

Rafe may od

BM may or not be playing Jason, but they're going for Micheal Muhaney hard too. Ron wants the trifecta.

Imo, that's a Lucky and a Jason there.



BM may or not be playing Jason, but they're going for Micheal Muhaney hard too. Ron wants the trifecta.


Imo, that's a Lucky and a Jason there.


Fucking shit. There's already 400 characters on this show and I have no idea who any of these new truckload of characters are. Now there might be yet another person coming here in addition to Billy Miller? No shade to Muhney but I'm not sure I can see him playing any character on this show, new or old. And as much as I would like to see Lucky back I don't want him to be played by Muhney.


I have a feeling the handful of characters I still care about are going to be reduced to scraps while Ron's worthless newbies will take over the show.

Edited by LeftPhalange


I'll say Lucky for BM and Jason for MM.


I think both actors, especially MM is wrong for Jason.  Jason is too stupid for these actors.  I don't really mean stupid, unsophisticated I guess.  Jason, imo, can't be recast.  SB, while not my favorite, is Jason.  I don't think I'd buy anyone else in the role, I think AJ would be an easier recast w/MM.  AJ is a character where there's a lot to work with as he's haunted and bantery.  Jason is dull and actiony sort of.  As for Lucky, I love JJ, but they should have never brought someone of his awesome back because now they're going to recast with a lesser?  

Edited by sunflower
God I hope the network puts the kibosh on the idea of landing Muhney.   They'd be nuts to go out on that limb just to help Ron "win" his petty little soap war games.


Hey now, what's a little sexual harassment between coworkers?


Unfuckingbelievable. This will make Monavie - if Michael Muhney is hired - look like My Little Pony. Hope ABC has its law team on standby. Should be pros after the Kari Wuhrer and Prospect Park debacles.

  • Love 3

As Sam gets close to the truth, Silas can't deal


I assume the "truth" is that Rafe is responsible for the car accident that led to Gabriel's death? LOL that Silas can't deal, since we haven't seen him dealing with Rafe much in the first place. (I keep typing Rage, which is apt. Hee.)


I'll say Lucky for BM and Jason for MM.


We don't need either of these characters back. Though it would bring back a Lucky who looks his age.

Edited by dubbel zout

The only way Cartini will get away with hiring MM is if Vicki Dummer has been locked away somewhere and replaced by her evil look-a-like cousin.   ABC is simply not going to hire someone that has been accused of sexually harassing young female co-stars on two shows on two different networks.   


Seriously, look at what happens to ABC Prime stars when they fuck up, most recent example being Columbus Short. 

  • Love 1

I think both actors, especially MM is wrong for Jason.  Jason is too stupid for these actors.  I don't really mean stupid, unsophisticated I guess.  Jason, imo, can't be recast.  SB, while not my favorite, is Jason.  I don't think I'd buy anyone else in the role, I think AJ would be an easier recast w/MM.  AJ is a character where there's a lot to work with as he's haunted and bantery.  Jason is dull and actiony sort of.  As for Lucky, I love JJ, but they should have never brought someone of his awesome back because now they're going to recast with a lesser?  



If we must have Jason back, I could see Billy Miller for Jason and Michael Muhney for A.J

As someone upthread said, unless Vicki Dummer is suddenly zapped out of existence, I can't see MM being hired, even if RC has a pissing game with Y&R going, not with something as serious as sexual harassment.


That said, if it DOES happen, ABC will deserve all the shit it'll likely get later.


What is Gerald Hopkins doing these days? Maybe he can return as AJ, assuming he is ever resurrected yet again.

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