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S14.E17: One Day Like This

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So, I have no idea what transpired between Teddy/Owen and Meredith/Yellow Patient because I was too busy speculating on the "Get Lost" list (formerly called the "Kill List") and in that ten minute where Owen and Teddy spoke/had sex, I figured it out. But speculations are not allowed here.

But April, I hope things improve for her from now on. I hated that the Rabbi died right after shining some new insights on God and Yahweh. :( She seemed like she could have spoken forever with him after that moment, but he died right away. I am so gutted, she actually had someone who cared. I have very little faith (npi) that it will, because I thought that moment he died after the revelation, she would be driven over the edge. We'll see.

What else even happened this episode. We saw Jackson and Amelia for like two seconds, right? What did they even do?

Oh, we saw Alex at the end. Typical of him to read deeper into the interaction between Meredith and Yellow Patient. But hey Meredith, Nathan?

  • Love 8

I loved that Teddy laid into Owen about how he strings her along. She's not wrong. 

The rabbi and April were great. And while she seemed pretty calm and level-headed in the chapel, I wish she had apologized to her chief for placing the blame on her in the first place.

I felt nothing for Meredith and Scott Speedman's character.  In comparison, I thought her and the military surgeon from season 12 had more of a spark. 

Meredith mentioning bringing her sisters but not Cristina to that quiet old town to settle is a reflection of this newer version of Grey's Anatomy. I've just never been a fan of this big push for "the sisterhood". 

  • Love 15

Sisters, plural, as in Maggie and Amelia? Damn, I'm beginning to like this new Meredith. She used to be such a bitch to Amelia and Jo, now she's being nice to Jo and is considering Amelia a sister. I hate that I like this new Meredith, with everything else the writers are fucking up.

Apparently Teddy told Owen off? Good for her! Even though she was the one that told Owen in the first place that she had feelings for him (way back in season 6) while he was still engaged to Beth. That was her doing, but then a few episodes later (still season 6) Owen told her that he was in love with her while with Beth. Whatever. But point is, I'm glad that Teddy set him straight and kicked him out.

  • Love 3

The scenes with April were good and I liked the vibe between Meredith and Ben from Felicity, but I’m not really sure what the point of a lot of this was. Did we need closure on Teddy/Owen?  And this is like the third time that Meredith has “gotten ready to date.” 

We’ve barely seen Arizona, Jo and Alex have only spoken once since Paul left and that was to fight then get engaged and I have no idea where things stand with Amelia/April/Greg German. Do these kinds of episodes irritate me when they aren’t pushing any storylines forward.

  • Love 5

Not fair show, teasing me that we might be getting rid of Owen to only have him blow it in one day, not fair at all.  Good for Teddy though!

So glad that the rabbi called April a child, because, good lord, she was indeed acting like one today with her little judgmental snit at Bailey and then extending said snit into her bitching about Bailey (who did nothing wrong) in front of the rabbi.  And then, to not apologize for all of that, instead telling Bailey that the rabbi forgives her.  Screw that, snap out of your spiral and apologize properly for you own actions/words.

I liked the Meredith/patient storyline well enough but who knows.

I thought the format was interesting.....not sure I want to see it all the time, but it was different to focus on each story for extended periods rather than cutting in and out of many stories during an episode. 

I really liked that end, where Meredith turned at the bar and then, it was young Meredith again.  That first "one day/night" sure as hell changed her life!

Edited by pennben
  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, izabella said:

This is probably the first time I ever liked Teddy - kicking Owen out was perfect.  I think she's wrong that Owen does grand gestures better than anyone, though.  I don't think of Owen as grand gesture guy.  I think of him as impulsive and rash. 

And causing rashes...when he does that super aggressive kissing (or attacking the face) which apparently he thinks shows passion!!:)

  • Love 19

We had Scott Speedman *and* a shoutout to Teddy's late husband Henry, a.k.a. Scott Foley. Now that The Americans is wrapping up, I'm sure we'll see Keri Russell soon, to complete the Felicity trifecta. I think Mere only let herself have feelings for Dr. Speedman because he doesn't live close to her. If he did, she'd find a way sabotage it.

Speaking of sabotage, Owen. I have no words other than "facepalm."

This show is no doubt progressive and diverse, but they just took the Magical Negro trope and replaced it with a Magical Hebrew. Poor guy didn't even get to live long enough to say goodbye to his wife, so that all of his final words of wisdom and comfort could be imparted on April. Blergh.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 9

God, I just wanted to punch Owen in the face! When he started talking about Henry, whoa you ass. That was such a jerk move. Nothing teddy said was wrong. I was really hoping when Owen confessed his undying love before they started with the sexy times she would have said “I have someone..”. 

Also totally shipping Merdirth and Scott Speedman. 

  • Love 15

My favourite part was April And The Rabbi, not because the dialogue was particularly scintillating, although it was refreshingly adult for this show, but because of Sarah Drew and Saul Rubinek.It's always a pleasure to see two good actors playing opposite each other.

I thought I would fast forward through Meredith/new flirtation and Owen/Teddy but to my surprise I enjoyed both. I thought Meredith had more chemistry with Transplant Doc than Martin (?) who was her love interest for two seasons, possibly because it was so understated and non-histrionic..  I wouldn't mind it if he were Meredith's new love interest but he got shipped back to the Canadian border (easter egg joke - like Rubinek Speedman is Canadian )

I've never liked Teddy/Owen.  Before now.  I like how Teddy called Owen out on needing to be in a pairing, and how Owen called Teddy out on wanting her relationships to tank.. Both right, although Teddy was more right.  Good acting by Kim Raver as she realized that Owen wasn't here because it was his idea, but because Amelia had told him to seek out Teddy and did so when they were in bed together.

One of the most enjoyable episodes for me of this season.  A special mention goes to Kevin McKidd for the directing.  The tangled sheets around Teddy and Owen were like a painting, and I especially liked the camera pulling back to an overhead shot as Eli died.

  • Love 14

I was soundly clapping at Teddy for that end monologue to owen, I'm glad they mentioned Beth because man owen is such a self absorbed prick and a womaniser that he has been on my last nerve since season 6. bummer he's not being sailed of to Germany permanently though. I wanted to hit me so bad when he brought up Henry ugh. anyways teddy laying owen off was as satisfying as watching Cristina throw a cereal bowl on his face. I just teddy doesn't retracts herself.

Sarah Drew did some great acting of her entire career in this episode. the actress is such an great treat when her scenes are beyond April's relationship. I always feel that most of japril relationship and jesse Williams himself benefit a lot from Drew's acting calibre.

I agree with above comments about the lack of apology on April's part to Bailey being a needle that sticked out but the way April's been struggling, I won't judge her for the same.

Meredith and Scott speedman were I don't know okayish? Maybe I didn't see that much of spark because I always cringe when they try romanticise a doctor patient relationship(but that's just me).

This season's format of having 3 or 2 extended stories instead of 6-7 short ones is absolutely refreshing. So while I did missed other essential characters, I wasn't that bothered to worry/complain about the same.

  • Love 6

April has been one of the best parts of this season for me actually. And I was never her biggest fan, I didn’t not not like her, but this season she has knocked out of the park.

Also again.. the best scene was Teddy laying into Owen and statinf the truth. That was the best Greys has been in a long time. I seriously cannot believe he mentioned Henry to her as her falling for a dead guy because that was an easy option for her. I really can’t believe he said that to her. It was sad to me ghag Teddy has been waiting around for this guy when she could do so much better. And yeah Owen can’t be alone. He’s been jumping to women for years and has never been alone. 

I like Ben from Felicity and Mer. Yeah.. Mer has more chemistry with him than she has ever had with her last love Interest. I do wonder if the show is backing off romantic stories for her because Ellen doesn’t want it? I recall a few interviews when she was a little miffed when the season after Derek died, the network was pushing for her to find a new boyfriend quick. Also.. this feels like the first time Mer has been in a front and center story in a while. The last couple eps barley featured her much except for little smalls of her and dealing with the pattern issue. 

  • Love 9

I mostly like Teddy and I think she could do a lot better than Owen, so I was already not looking forward to this episode but ugh, 1/3 of this episode was all Owen and Teddy. NO THANKS, SHOW.

I told myself to just grit my teeth and get through it because at least if Teddy and Owen got together, it could mean never having to see Owen again BUT NO. I spent all that time rolling my eyes through their scenes only to have Teddy read him for filth and then (very wisely) kick his ass out.

The best thing about the April/rabbi/Bailey storyline was the rabbi telling April that she sounded like a child. Imagine what he would have said if he'd known she was drinking every night and falling asleep in bars!

I will always love Scott Speedman because of Felicity.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

The scenes with April were good and I liked the vibe between Meredith and Ben from Felicity, but I’m not really sure what the point of a lot of this was. Did we need closure on Teddy/Owen?  And this is like the third time that Meredith has “gotten ready to date.” 

We’ve barely seen Arizona, Jo and Alex have only spoken once since Paul left and that was to fight then get engaged and I have no idea where things stand with Amelia/April/Greg German. Do these kinds of episodes irritate me when they aren’t pushing any storylines forward.

My guess is Meredith's story and Owen's were done to start new storylines for these characters? I'm pretty optimistic Scott Speedman will be back.

And Owen... well I certainly don't know what they are doing with him, besides making him more and more unlikable, but I have to believe they have a plan for him. Between his hook ups with Amelia and his thing with Teddy I have no idea what that could be, though. I'm just confused. Maybe he has a tumour too lol. Either way, my actual problem is I have zero interest in anything Owen at this point. I wish he would just leave.

At least April's story got progress. But I agree, all in all the pacing is still off. There are always a bunch of characters who get the shaft and it sucks when it's always the same like Alex, Jo and Arizona.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

Am I the only person in the whole wide world who wants Alex and Meredith to get together? I certainly don't want Speedman to enter the picture here!

I liked the scene of Meredith and Alex at the end (the show can style her beautifully when they try), but it wasn’t lost on me that Alex showed up for 30 seconds to advise and support Mer. Nothing about him, his cases, things with Jo. I believe that their entire relationship would consist of this dynamic should they ever get together, so I definitely don’t want it to happen. But I think you’re far from the only one.

  • Love 7

I've never liked April, and I never will.  No amount of sing-songy little girly breathiness and lighting a votive candle in the chapel will erase her dissing Bailey - ever.  Take your "Rabbi redemption arc" and stick it somewhere dark, Shondaland.  Better yet, send her self righteous ass to Station 19 and let Ben reject her entitled little perkiness.  If she takes Owen with her, so much the better.  I never want to see him eating an unsuspecting co-star's face again (unless he's a zombie on TWD).  Speaking of Owen, just how many "loves of his life" does he get before realizing what's-her-name fiance Christina Amelia Teddy April is "The One"?  They've tried everything else on this show, so why not?

Scott Speedman had me at "one barely functioning kidney".  Now, if he'd only get his fine, fine ass back to Oceanside and on Animal Kingdom, I'd be a much happier person.  I could  even learn to share with Mer.  As long as Alex is part of the package deal, of course.  Amtrak Starlight line - Seattle to Oceanside.  Just sayin'.   ;-)

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 10
9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

We had Scott Speedman *and* a shoutout to Teddy's late husband Henry, a.k.a. Scott Foley. Now that The Americans is wrapping up, I'm sure we'll see Keri Russell soon, to complete the Felicity trifecta.

Speedman actually completed a Felicity trifecta--Amanda Foreman was in the arm transplant episode back in 2010!

  • Love 5

I really liked Meredith with Scott Speedman (cannot remember his characters name) it got a little cheesy when he was being wheeled off to surgery when he was telling her what to tell his niece but they had a really good back and forth during their scenes before and after.  She looked lovely in the blue shirt with her hair down.  I like that Ellen hasn't gone the filler/botox route.  I don't cry much during Grey's but the scene where the Rabbi thought April was his wife and she went with it was heartbreaking.  I absolutely love April this season and hope she gets back on track now.  I like Owen as a character much better when he is not with any of his romantic partners.  They need to let him be alone for a while.....            

  • Love 20
8 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

I loved Eli and April! Beautiful words to what faith actually is...

Am I the only person in the whole wide world who wants Alex and Meredith to get together? I certainly don't want Speedman to enter the picture here!

***Raises hand! You are not alone. I like how in one glance Alex knows what Meredith is thinking and feeling.  

 I loved all the Meredith stuff this ep. I love it when this show remembers to highlight her. I thought she and random patient dude were cute together. I've been to the Boundary Waters and truly-- the quiet is profound--   ** Shout out to Ely one of my favorite little towns (They call themselves the gateway to the boundary waters)

  • Love 5

Meredith's storyline and April's storyline worked for me. Owen's didn't work until there was a hitch. Until then it was a bit of a drag.

But once Teddy grasped the circumstances of his visit, then I totally understood why she would feel like a fool for her initial happiness. Owen came off as really oblivious. Plenty of people don't know what or who they want, but he showed no self-awareness of his cluelessness. He probably needs to learn how to function on his own for a nice long stretch.

I found April's storyline moving, and I liked what the rabbi had to say.

If Meredith/Alex is not on the cards, then let's have Dr. Ben from Felicity. I'm up for Speedman the surgeon. I enjoyed their scenes and would like to see him return.


 I always cringe when they try romanticise a doctor patient relationship

I tend to have less of a problem with it (in fiction and on tv) when the person initiating things is the patient, and when both parties are middle-aged and experienced like these two. It helps when the doctor is a woman. And it helps even more when the patient is a doctor also. But yeah, I completely get where you're coming from.

Edited by Kirsty
  • Love 6

Another fantastic episode. Solid script, great performances, no Maggie & Amelia = win. 

April's crisis of faith has been one of the best executed character arcs this series has done in ages. Maybe I relate more than others because I grew up Catholic and I've seen loved ones go through very similar journeys. April lived her entire life according to the word of God, doing her best to help others and do the right thing - in a matter of years she saw her best friend brutally murdered, lost a baby, had a marriage crumble, etc. I thought the arc was really well handled and Sarah Drew has been great with the material. I'll take honest - if polarizing - stories like this over tired love triangles any day. 

Meredith & Scott Speedman were great. It was so nice to see her opening up and just having some fun. I loved how every story this week had room for lots of long discussions (the show works sooo much better when focusing on a tighter cast). I hope he shows up again before the end of the season.

Teddy putting Owen in his place was much-needed too. Still, I find he has much better chemistry with Teddy than Amelia. I wouldn't have been mad to see her back full time, but I imagine this is the last we'll see of Teddy.

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 19

Dammit, why did they have to bring Teddy back only to have her heart broken like that? Did we really need a "closure" on something that ended seasons ago, while there are so many current issues (and by that I don't mean Jaggie) that could be pursued and explored? And if this leads to Owen having an epiphany about wanting to be with Amelia again, I'm going to scream.

Meredith's storyline was nice and she did have chemistry with that guy, but the whole "hot surgeon falls for Meredith the second he sees her" thing has really been beaten to death and then some at this point.

I really hope this doesn't mean April is now all back to her normal self and her crisis is over without anyone having noticed just how much pain she's been in.

  • Love 12

I will say that having this episode focus on three main characters instead of throwing in seven different plots was refreshing. I think it allowed for characters to actually breathe and for things to get done. I felt like the pacing was done really, really well. I like having one section of the episode dedicated solely to one story, and then after commercials, it focused on another character. It was a very different way of handling such a big ensemble show, and I didn't mind that some characters were given the shaft for this episode so we could focus on April, Meredith, and  *sigh* even Owen. 

I'll start off with Owen's story, since it was the weakest (though I did love how it was shot with him and Teddy in bed). I think Kevin McKidd did an excellent job directing the episode. A lot of the shots were very well chosen. I love Teddy kicking Owen out. Sometimes, that man needs to be shut down, and nothing Teddy said was inherently wrong. Owen didn't seem to fully understand why Teddy was so upset, but I totally got it. She was the one to always show having a crush on Owen while he's always been unavailable. So of course she would be upset when she found out that he was sleeping with Amelia not even 24 full hours before coming to her place. 

Honestly, Owen's first love has always been to have a kid, so maybe he needs to stay single and adopt a kid. Hopefully, this is the end of Teddy. I like her character alright, but her story's now done. However, I was still fine with Owen and Teddy's story for the way they allowed the story to actually breathe. It was paced perfectly, I think. 

Meredith's story was actually fine. I liked the transplant surgeon Scott Speedman. I swear he looks younger than 42, so I was a bit taken aback by how close the actors' age difference is. I do like that we got to know both characters, even getting to know some of Meredith's dreams with her kids and her sisters (personally, I'd tell Meredith to leave the sisters behind and go off with Dr. Transplant). I think they've been struggling with giving her character something really good since Derek's death, so her new love interest? He works way better than Riggs ever did, mostly because it seems like they actually tested this out instead of throwing them together and going full force with a romance storyline. Plus, Meredith is smiling again and this episode with her reminded me of the earlier seasons, when she really was happy. 

April's crisis of faith has been done very well. She was absolutely wrong for blaming Bailey in the way that she did. Girl, you're yelling at the Chief right now. You're lucky Bailey didn't fire your ass or send you home. But this story is being done so well and April's struggle is so real. I even liked the small cameo of Jackson popping in to show his concern. I thought the scenes with the Rabbi were well done. I actually cared about the patient, something that hasn't happened on this show in a long time. I do wish she had actually uttered the words "I'm sorry" to Bailey at the end, but the quiet moment of them in the chapel together was well done.

  • Love 12

"He made me feel something I haven’t felt since Derek"

Yes, Meredith. That is what we call chemistry. Thank God.

I loved Meredith's storyline. I had no complaints. I've loved Scott Speedman since Felicity, and he can do no wrong. Funny enough, it honestly seemed as if he were playing an older, mature version of Ben. It's a shame that I cared more about character that I met 5 minutes ago than characters that have been on this show for 4 or 5+ seasons. Why can't they do this same caliber of writing for their regular characters?? Bring Dr. Ben back; I want to see more of him. Also, Meredith smiled! A lot! 

April's storyline with the rabbi is one of the best patient storylines that we've had in a while. Someone last episode mentioned how the patients weren't memorable anymore, and it seems as if someone heard us. That was beautiful.

Why is Owen still on this show? I was rooting for Teddy when she kicked him out. Seriously, Owen? I like Kevin McKidd, especially as a director, but I don't understand what the hell they are doing with his character.

  • Love 20
3 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

My guess is Meredith's story and Owen's were done to start new storylines for these characters? I'm pretty optimistic Scott Speedman will be back.

And Owen... well I certainly don't know what they are doing with him, besides making him more and more unlikable, but I have to believe they have a plan for him. Between his hook ups with Amelia and his thing with Teddy I have no idea what that could be, though. I'm just confused. Maybe he has a tumour too lol. Either way, my actual problem is I have zero interest in anything Owen at this point. I wish he would just leave.

At least April's story got progress. But I agree, all in all the pacing is still off. There are always a bunch of characters who get the shaft and it sucks when it's always the same like Alex, Jo and Arizona.

Maybe he knocked up Carina, Amelia en Teddy and he's going to be super dad?

  • Love 5

In what universe does a doctor get to wise off to their chief of surgery as April did without getting at least a reprimand?

Never been much of a Teddy fan but I loved how she told off Owen. I kept wondering why the show was wasting so much time on their scenes, but that one was great. Only bad part was now we get Owen back in Seattle and he just annoys the hell out of me. Hell, put Owen and Amelia back together and let them both take new jobs somewhere far, far away. Nothing against Kevin McKidd but Owen is written as real mess.

Instead of Station 19 (in which I have zero interest) I kinda wish the spinoff would’ve been April going off to work with Dr. Koracick. They had more chemistry in that one heart-to-heart talk they had than she ever had with Jackson. Since Koracick’s got such an ego he might even razz Amelia about stealing one of her people - annoying her would be a bonus!

I’d love to see Speedman’s character return, but I doubt it will happen (at least for very long) because of the teenage niece he’s raising.




  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Inerttt said:

It’s official Teddy/Amelia can keep Owen. 

This dude falls in and out of love oh so very quickly.


Has he always been this wishy-washy?

Not originally, no.  In his first appearance, he was pretty damned bad-ass, and even when he first came back with seriously bad PTSD, he was decisive.  The wishy-washy-ness arrived when Teddy did.  One of many reasons that I hate Teddy.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:


I will say that having this episode focus on three main characters instead of throwing in seven different plots was refreshing. I think it allowed for characters to actually breathe and for things to get done. I felt like the pacing was done really, really well. I like having one section of the episode dedicated solely to one story, and then after commercials, it focused on another character. It was a very different way of handling such a big ensemble show, and I didn't mind that some characters were given the shaft for this episode so we could focus on April, Meredith, and  *sigh* even Owen. 


I totally agree with this, I just wish it weren’t the same few characters every time. Either some actors are really, really pushing for screen time or else the writers have blatant favorites.  Either way, I wish they would get rid of the actors that they have no interest in writing for.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

And Owen... well I certainly don't know what they are doing with him, besides making him more and more unlikable, but I have to believe they have a plan for him. Between his hook ups with Amelia and his thing with Teddy I have no idea what that could be, though. I'm just confused. Maybe he has a tumour too lol. Either way, my actual problem is I have zero interest in anything Owen at this point. I wish he would just leave.

I liked Owen a lot the first few seasons, but the character assassination the writing has done on him since has made me wish he would just go away.  Talk about ruining a character completely.

  • Love 7

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