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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Teddi repeatedly used the word weird because she was acknowledging to Erika that she had said it. 

Exactly! Teddy the hostess kept repeating the rude label that was disturbing Erika in order to be accountable (to herself) with no regard for the hurt feelings her guest. That's classic Teddi behavior.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Sai said:

When Kyle and Mauricio were discussing the possibility of moving they were saying how they love the house they are in because it's homey and they both said they feel safe there.  Now we know they moved and were robbed in their new house.  That sucks!

Oh my gosh, I didn't know about the robbery! That's awful. I do wonder if that colors how they feel about their decision. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Teddi's blog is great.  I love the part where she basically says that Ericka doesn't have any friends who don't bow and tell her she's fantastic on loop.  Yes, all she's got around her are her paid minions who of course tell her she's the bestest ever.  Ericka's been out in CA for how long?  We don't see an of her real life friends.  She also lived in NYC for a while.  Surely she has a friend back from the old days who would film a scene with her?  Nope.  She wants people surrounding her who all just tell her she's wonderful.  Daddy leaving her has left her scarred big time.  

I agree! I enjoyed, You’re done being nice to me? When did you start being nice to me? (paraphrasing)

  • Love 16

My thoughts on TeddiGate ........ I understand her needing to tell Lisa R that Dorit was talking smack HOWEVER why wait 3 months to do so? Why bring it up now? she really is doing EXACTLY what she accuses Dorit of doing and is coming off as hypocritical... With the Erika thing does everyone remember everything they say to everyone they talk to? Yes Erika is going to get defensive being called a liar HOWEVER Erika NEVER said she didn't say it she said she DOESN'T remember saying it (there is a huge difference one is NO 100% and the other is hey I might have said something i just dont remember what I said ) the thing that pissed her off was Teddi saying oh you remember saying it you're just changing your story now. ( even the flashback she didnt say i 100% agree with you. she said yea id be a little pissed to in a throwaway way it wasn't a in depth discussion has they walked up the stairs) I will agree that ERIKA calling Teddi a crybaby was uncalled for and a low blow

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Rahul said:

Erika has a hair-trigger temper. You never know what will set her off. However, I have discovered two things about her outbursts

(1) She hears things that were never said. In Hong Kong, Eileen never spoke ill of Erika's son or his profession as a cop but she was up in arms and took great offense over nothing. This year, Teddi never called Erika a liar nor alluded to her being one but she heard "liar."

I agree about the HK incident. Eileen was speaking generally and Erika took it way too personally. But I would have totally thought Teddi was insinuating I was a liar if she said I needed to "stop pretending to forget". Erika claimed not to remember saying something and Teddi said she was PRETENDING not to remember. That's basically calling someone a liar. And I actually believe Erika, that she didn't remember. It was a crazy night. Lots was said. Erika was just trying to smooth things over the whole night. The context was Erika being upset if Dorit said what she said about LVP about HER, and Erika was walking up the stairs, just - "Yea, yea, I'd be a bit hurt". She was just trying to validate feelings and keep it calm. It wasn't a big deal to her, and I can see forgetting it was even said. I did not care for how Erika reacted to Teddi, but I would get my hackles raised too. 

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

My thoughts on TeddiGate ........ I understand her needing to tell Lisa R that Dorit was talking smack HOWEVER why wait 3 months to do so? Why bring it up now? she really is doing EXACTLY what she accuses Dorit of doing and is coming off as hypocritical...

I'm not exactly defending Teddi, because I think she needs to learn that honesty isn't always the best policy, and that there's a difference between outright lying and simply not disclosing....especially when dealing with people who aren't your real friends and loved ones. Okay. BUT.....It wasn't as if she just couldn't wait to get a chance to be alone with Rinna to tell her what Dorit said. I don't think she would have mentioned it at all if Rinna hadn't brought up Dorit, and how well they were getting along. In that moment, Teddi began to feel incredibly awkward and fake, because she had reason to believe that this "good place" the girls were in was not genuine on Dorit's side of things. I still would have left well enough alone, but I don't think this was some intentional pot stirring. 

  • Love 24

I really never liked Erica and now I can't stand her. She adds nothing to the show. It's clear she has no relationship with these women outside of filming. And I cannot stand her gaggle paid of sycophants that stroke her ego. Who the hell would buy her damn book. She has a huge ego and I hope she gets taken down a notch or two if the book bombs. 

Teddi seems to do well in one on situations, but becomes overwhelmed and fades when the women are all together. 

I was LOL when they all were telling each other how gorgeous they were at the restaurant. That jumpsuit thing LVP was wearing was hideous, with the lace arm cutouts and huge red belt and zipper down to her ass. Erica and her little bo peep hair bows and baby doll clothes, I just can't. Sometimes Kyle makes bad clothing choices, but I have noticed that she has been wearing a lot of black this season, which looks good on her. Eileen looks gorgeous. She and I are the same age. She gives me something to aspire to. 

Honestly, I'm lost in terms of who is mad at who and why.  I can't even remember what they are all fighting about. 

I really likes Kyle's new house, but she prefaced the whole house conversation with a voice over about how the kids are pretty much grown and gone, then says and hey we are looking at an 8 bedroom house. WTF? Most people buy smaller when the kids leave. I did love the back yard though. I just wish they would stop pimping "The  Agency". We fucking get it Maurico, you don't have to imprint it on yourself in every shot. 

  • Love 12

3 Observations:

1) Erika was way too harsh.  And I agree with those above who say that Teddi is way too real and has way too much common sense to deal with these well-honed reality stars just yet. 

2) Dorit's accent completely went out the window looking at that flashback from last episode when Lisa told her that the jewelry was like an eclipse in their relationship.  And Dorit was all: IS THERE AN ECLIPSE IN OUR RELATIONSHIP?  Lisa then says, a little blight.  And Dorit says: REALLY?  OH, I DIDN'T SEE THAT. ---- Those sentences were uttered without even a hint of an accent.  It really is true that when she's on the defense, the accent goes bye-bye.

3) I love Kyle.  I love Camille.  Does anyone else - like me - always look for their interactions in the wake of Season 1's debacle?  Every season whenever Camille and Kyle are together I just stay glued to their every conversation, side conversation, fun moment, and general interaction because I've come to enjoy their friendship over the years.  I'm not saying that they're the BEST of friends or even the CLOSEST among the group; that is obvious.  But I've always felt that the 1st season miscommunications blocked what would've been a really nice friendship that they could have had from the get-go and I just love where time has taken them.  If you look back on last night's dinner scene, there are several stolen moments where the camera is focusing on whoever is "miked", but off to the side you can see Kyle and Camille deep in plesant, casual conversation.  Call me strange, but I just love seeing that; warms my heart.  That's all.

Edited by filmfan2480
  • Love 16
1 minute ago, Boofish said:

There was always something off about Erika. She's the friend of a friend you meet and you don't like her but you can't give a valid reason why. Well thanks for last night Erika!

There was something genuinely evil about what she did but it also came across as the most sincere non acting she has done on this show. That tells me at the core, it's who she truly is. 

She was being called a Liar what was she supposed to do sit there and say nothing? I think she was correct in shutting it down quickly and letting Teddi know that NO she isnt that girl that lets people say whatever they want about her, she will defend herself. she didn't lie she didn't remember saying what Teddi said she said ( even in the flash back she didn't say what Teddi said. she never said "I agree with you 100%") The crybaby thing yes that could have been left unsaid but she was pissed we say things we shouldn't when we are pissed

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Sai said:

You definitely cannot call Erika passive.  Nuts, psycho, mean, nasty, bat shit crazy, rude, narcissist, gold digger, kid ditcher.  Definitely not passive though.  You are correct. 

LOL i would call her a passionate bitch but hey to each their own :) she acts like a lot of my friends act so i see where hanging with the gay boys has rubbed off on her

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Boofish said:

To each his own on the tolerance of her behavior. I found it evil and uncalled for .. she has been called worse things by better people and have sat in silence.

I now live for the moment Bethenny dressed her down and she just sat there like a deer in headlights. 

each person handles a clap back differently and Beth (even tho i cant stand her) is the Queen of clap backs :) 

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Sai said:

 That would be a show to watch because you know they would rip her a new one!  She would run away with her tail between her legs.

I would love to see All of them in a fight lol Good god that would be the fight of the century I dont think she would run away I think just like all those girls she would dig her heels in and stand her ground there would be a lot of the word bitch thrown around you already know lol

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Kokapetl said:

I’m kind of surprised to hear that people ever liked Erika. 

Bravo has a pattern of introducing new characters with easy-going, affable storylines.  Most manage to stick to the script in that regard.  Generally, after the first season, all bets are off.  ymmv

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I would love to see All of them in a fight lol Good god that would be the fight of the century I dont think she would run away I think just like all those girls she would dig her heels in and stand her ground there would be a lot of the word bitch thrown around you already know lol

Teresa and Erika are no match for Bethenny and Nene LOL


16 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

each person handles a clap back differently and Beth (even tho i cant stand her) is the Queen of clap backs :) 

Now on this we agree! Although I have a soft spot for Bethanny because unlike Erika I feel like if B had seen Teddi cry she would have tried to fix the situation at that moment

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

No one has dared to say shit to Ericka, and she doesn't like being called out.  Wow.  I loved the editors showing that she did say something about feelings being hurt.  She LIED.  Oh I don't remember........yeah, right.  She conveniently forgot.

I wanted to tell Teddi get in the car and let it drive you away from these assholes.  They're not regular women.  They're vultures who pick and pick and pick and pick on their "friends" until their bones are clean.  Horrible hags.

Nope she said she would pissed.   Big difference in my opinion. 

  • Love 3

Erika says All day every day how grateful she is to Tom and how he helped with her career she has never acted like she has done it all on her own or that she was independent of tom Wasn't the whole Independent quote about how Dorit and Lisa V And Kyle seem to have to be the most liked with each and get lime green jello if one is getting more attention then the other and didn't seem like they could live without that title of being Lisa V's Bestie? it was be independent of that toxic relationship... Not oh be independent and pay everything on your own (she has never claimed she pays for everything) so this particular bash on her seems unwarranted 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 8

All of these women signed up for this show.  They are all fame whores.  Not one of them is better than the other.  And they are all getting paid to do exactly what they are doing.  Bring the drama which in turn keeps people watching.  Having said that, Teddi would drive me nuts.   She is a dog with a dog with an effing bone.   She has been pissed at Dorit ever since the late lunch.  Her and Erika are oil and water.   And I don't see her hanging out with a pack of other friends either.  She would be a lot of maintenance as a friend.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Sai said:

Yup.  I was just about to say something similar.  She went nuts for no reason on both Eileen and Teddi who are both pretty quiet.  They are not screamers.  I'd love to see her behave that way towards Nene, Teresa, Bethenny.  That would be a show to watch because you know they would rip her a new one!  She would run away with her tail between her legs.

Good point! Teddi and Eileen also share integrity, decency, grace and kindness - qualities Erika lacks - perhaps this is also part of it.

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

The new found Erika and Dorit relationship doesn't feel right to me. I don't buy them liking each other. 

It can't be said enough, Erika is an asshole. Nobody would ever get away with talking to me like that and pointing their fork at me at a table full of people! No way.


The bigger question is how many times can Teddi claim Erika is lying?  Obviously Teddi didn't get the hint the first time Erika indicated it was not okay.  Teddi didn't get the message in NY when Teddi persisted in telling Erika she was weird.  Saying Erika didn't apologize for hurting her feelings is pretty insane-even by RH standards.  

Unlike Dorit, someone crying does not pull at my heart strings and give them a full and complete pardon for all transgressions, or sway me to their way of thinking.

What I am looking forward to-is LVP, who has been fairly transparent in her grooming of Teddi, trying to plead Teddi's case to Erika.  Erika may stand silent at times but she does see the writing on the wall.  It was Erika who tried to intervene when Kyle was going off the deep end and asked her to stop.  

ETA:  Erika is not holding let alone pointing a fork at Teddi.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

 Unlike Dorit, someone crying does not pull at my heart strings and give them a full and complete pardon for all transgressions, or sway me to their way of thinking.

I can totally get that, but Erika took it a step further and mocked her for being a crybaby. It’s one thing to say “Your tears don’t sway me” and another to be like “you’re so weak, you crybaby.” One is strong and the other is making the other person feel worse so that you look stronger.

7 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Dorit in the way out of the restaurant to Teddi "no I am upset with YOU, you don't get to be upset with me!" 

??????????????????? Dorit is out of her mind.

I had hoped that was “British humour” but maybe not.

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Everytime I see Mo showing a house, I am struck by how little he seems to know. I mean he is undeniably successful but he seems to not know how to talk about houses.

I know - when they were in the front yard and Mo referred to the circular driveway with the "bushes" I just laughed.  I'm sure there is an expensive-sounding name for the formal entrance that really should have just flowed off his tongue

  • Love 11
56 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Maybe Erika-the-Snake is attacking Teddi with the secret hope that daddy John will show up at her door to stand up for his little girl - I can see Erika slithering around, begging to be his new backup singer/dancer. Ha!

Slither away! She probably thought being on the show her lame music would crossover into mainstream pop. Instead it's right where it was when she started the show. Stay cunty Erika!

Edited by Mr. Minor
  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I can't stand Erika and I used to like her. She acts like she has accomplished so much on her own merrit. Without marrying a rich old lawyer she would have nothing.

She Has NEVER said she did it on her own are we watching the same show? she talks about how much Tom has helped her ALL THE TIME and without him she wouldn't be where she is

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Bravo has a pattern of introducing new characters with easy-going, affable storylines.  Most manage to stick to the script in that regard.  Generally, after the first season, all bets are off.  ymmv


But did she ever have a real fan base? She’s the fakest woman alive, and she’s been that from the very start. I suspect she’s on this show because she works for free, she possibly even pays to be on the show. 

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Boofish said:

I'm still waiting on one of the housewives from ANY franchise to explain to me how:

1. you stop someone from talking about you

2. plan on keeping your name out of someone's mouth

I can say what I want, to whom I please, when I want and there is nothing no one can actively do about it .. I just want one of them to say that one day

You don't watch much true crime, do you, Boo?!   Cuz I can think of about 50 ways, right off the top of my head.  (Why, yes, I DO watch too much true crime - why do you ask?).  ;-)

Now maybe y'all will think twice about trash talkin' me - HEE!!!

Erica might want to redirect some of Tom's funds into a Wham Squad, rather than a Glam Squad.  Just sayin'.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Sai said:

Yup.  I was just about to say something similar.  She went nuts for no reason on both Eileen and Teddi who are both pretty quiet.  They are not screamers.  I'd love to see her behave that way towards Nene, Teresa, Bethenny.  That would be a show to watch because you know they would rip her a new one!  She would run away with her tail between her legs.

Throw in Tamra for the ultimate shit-show.

Erica goes for targets she can intimidate. She would get smacked down hard if she tried it with any of the above Howives.

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