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S02.E18: The Wedding

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On 3/14/2018 at 8:43 AM, Blakeston said:

I'm actually really looking forward to seeing Toby's mental illness storyline.

Toby being depicted as a depression sufferer is far, far more interesting to me than seeing him depicted as some swoon-worthy romantic comedy hero.

I completely agree.  It will be nice to see Toby as more than the over-the-top big gesture guy.  I just hope they treat it with more realism than Jack's alcoholism.

  • Love 13
23 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

If I was Deja I would've been happy to be compared to Randall if I'd gone my life fatherless and then had this superdad dropped into my life. 

I was thinking the same thing.  I would think a fatherless and now motherless girl maybe would react to that comment as though she fits in with this family and no one would ever think she didn't belong.  And maybe such a comment would make her happy, not go into an ultra violent rage. 

  • Love 6

I find it very unrealistic that Deja's mother would give up her rights like that. Unless she's looking at it like wow, my daughter is going to have all these opportunities that she'll never have with me. In that case, I would hope a social worker would talk her out of it. She is not abusive, not neglectful, just someone who makes poor choices and with some guidance, could be doing more with herself. It would have been much better if Randall and Beth had set them up in one of their apartments and helped Shauna get some life skills, and took on more of a kindly aunt and uncle role in her life. So yeah, Deja is angry as hell that her mother is abandoning her at age 12-13. Going to this wedding of her family/not family is probably bringing out all kinds of emotions, and then that resemblance comment on top of all of it. I am an adoptive mom, and my son always gets anxiety before large family events. It makes it even more evident that he is not born in this family and looks like no one. He finally got to see some pictures of biological family and was amazed that there are people who resemble him. 

  • Love 21
26 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I completely agree.  It will be nice to see Toby as more than the over-the-top big gesture guy.  I just hope they treat it with more realism than Jack's alcoholism.

I kind of doubt they will.  Just the tiny glance we saw of him I was already balking a bit at him being too depressed to even respond to Kate with a simple 'ok' or something.  I'm not totally unfamiliar with that state, and I think it's a little much that it would've rendered him mute or having no semblance left of basic social norms when someone comes in your sick room to help.   

I don't know if the before/after shot on the cover of the video is faked but it shows clear weight loss, to me.  I see it on the show, too, though.  Not extreme weight loss but I think some.  


Edited by Guest
6 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I don't know if the before/after shot on the cover of the video is faked but it shows clear weight loss, to me.  I see it on the show, too, though.  Not extreme weight loss but I think some.  


The before and after shot looks simply like they took the "after" photo and elongated it.  Her head is much more narrow.

I think she is so gorgeous and I hope that she gets gastric bypass and loses the weight.  The current weight looks very, very unhealthy.  And it would be great to see the character lose weight too.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I kind of doubt they will.  Just the tiny glance we saw of him I was already balking a bit at him being too depressed to even respond to Kate with a simple 'ok' or something.  I'm not totally unfamiliar with that state, and I think it's a little much that it would've rendered him mute or having no semblance left of basic social norms when someone comes in your sick room to help.   

I don't know if the before/after shot on the cover of the video is faked but it shows clear weight loss, to me.  I see it on the show, too, though.  Not extreme weight loss but I think some.  


I'm wondering if Toby is bipolar and all the grand gestures and over-the-top stuff were his manic moments. It would make sense.

  • Love 16
40 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

The before and after shot looks simply like they took the "after" photo and elongated it.  Her head is much more narrow.

I think she is so gorgeous and I hope that she gets gastric bypass and loses the weight.  The current weight looks very, very unhealthy.  And it would be great to see the character lose weight too.

I thought that about the elongation, too.  But then again her face being more narrow is what I noticed on the show this week.  There are pics floating around of her head photoshopped on Melissa McCarthy's body, too.  But People mag. and EW both say she's steadily been losing weight and I think they have fact checkers.  Not that they weighed her or got a doctor's note, of course.  I found another copy of that 'after' shot and it does look like the aspect ratio is different.  But I think she still looks a bit smaller.  Or not.  I don't know.  I guess it's neither here nor there.  But remember how her legs used to look so skinny?  Now her appendages look more proportional.  I think it's because her torso is smaller.  

I imagine her size even impacts the rest of the cast and crew at times.  She has to need extra rest between takes that require anything but sitting, I would think.  Not that that's a terrible thing.  But I think her weight probably impacts her daily life immeasurably.


Edited by Guest

I've been maintaining for a while that Chrissy has lost weight.

In the beginning of the series, the skin on her face looked like it could barely stretch any further. Now her face is much thinner, and the skin is a lot looser.

Loose skin on one's face doesn't have the most flattering effect - it can make you look jowly - but it's a sign of weight loss.

Edited by Blakeston
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ChromaKelly said:

I find it very unrealistic that Deja's mother would give up her rights like that. Unless she's looking at it like wow, my daughter is going to have all these opportunities that she'll never have with me.


33 minutes ago, MsChicklet said:

I agree. There has to be more going on that we'll find out next season.

For me, I think we saw enough of Shauna to presume that while Deja looking so happy and at home with the Pearson's was a factor in deciding to leave, her own selfish needs are the bigger part. She already put attending to her loser boyfriend over her daughter - to the extent that they lost their home. From the jump she was willing to leave her home alone to be with a man. She knew she was cooking a birthday dinner for her that they planned that morning, and clearly blew it off to go have a drink with her co-workers. I 100% believe that GG shamed/talked her into keeping the baby, and while I believe that she loves her, she is selfish and immature. She saw a chance to have the freedom she was denied as a 16 year old girl, and she took it. JMO and all that.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I completely agree.  It will be nice to see Toby as more than the over-the-top big gesture guy.  I just hope they treat it with more realism than Jack's alcoholism.

I've always gotten the bi-polar vibe from Toby.  His over-the-top gestures have a manic edge about them.  I'm guessing that's the territory the show is going to explore.  I have a couple of very close relatives who are bi-polar and something about Toby rings that bell with me.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I thought that about the elongation, too.  But then again her face being more narrow is what I noticed on the show this week.  There are pics floating around of her head photoshopped on Melissa McCarthy's body, too.  But People mag. and EW both say she's steadily been losing weight and I think they have fact checkers.  Not that they weighed her or got a doctor's note, of course.  I found another copy of that 'after' shot and it does look like the aspect ratio is different.  But I think she still looks a bit smaller.  Or not.  I don't know.  I guess it's neither here nor there.  But remember how her legs used to look so skinny?  Now her appendages look more proportional.  I think it's because her torso is smaller.  

I imagine her size even impacts the rest of the cast and crew at times.  She has to need extra rest between takes that require anything but sitting, I would think.  Not that that's a terrible thing.  But I think her weight probably impacts her daily life immeasurably.

There's a very fast crawl at the end of that video that says "content is contributed by fans as volunteers, the site is not responsible for the accuracy."  I imagine the same is true of the photo, and it looks faked.  At any rate, we have been seeing her now over the course of about 18 months and even if she only averaged a pound a week, she would have lost around 75 pounds, and that would be noticeable.  To me it's not.  I don't think she's making headway, and I do worry about her.  When she has scenes where she walks and then has to talk, I can notice her seeming to have to catch her breath.  There's a strain on her organs. 

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I thought for a minute that we were supposed to think (or we were supposed to think Deja thought) that Randall really was her biological father.  It wouldn't be the first time that a father adopted his own child who was the product of an affair.  The I thought, no, not Randall, but Deja could still have thought that.  Kids who don't know who their father is imagine sports stars and singers are their father so this wouldn't be that unusual.

She might be related, but that would be a huge twist. ; )  I know the show will fill it in (probably) but they cheated us on why the change, they rushed the "gave her up" and talked about personality change, but no mention of therapy or her feelings being validated. The pretend game of "worse case" really isn't funny with a foster child.

I also saw Fogleman saying big Vietnam episodes next Fall (I hope they honor it well with accurate background) and Toby and Jack meeting Rebecca, but what of the aftermath of the home? There wasn't any followups of what the kids did later, the house inspection, getting any viable things out (you know Kevin got the picture from the box in garage of Nicky) but even the scene of Kate talking to Kevin in the car, hard to see how they will integrate that in later. I personally would have liked the Deja episode to have been in the Fall and that fire episodes and wedding to the last.

Edited by debraran
  • Love 3

I loved this episode more than I can say. Adored it. Cried in all the "dream" scenes. All of them. The only thing bothering me is my concern about Deja. I want Deja to be OK and have a happy life. In fact, I need Deja to be OK and have a happy life. She's a sweet lovely kid going through an almost impossible situation. She needs help. She needs love. She needs peace of mind. Please do not disappoint me, writers!!!!

When was it decided that private and professional lives are the same thing? When did the separation disappear? One more reason to hate the internet...

  • Love 6
On 3/15/2018 at 8:04 PM, ShadowFacts said:

I'm so glad Toby didn't pack the t-shirt.  The only way I see it working on her dress is if she sewed a small swatch into/onto it.  And would she dare to cut up the shirt she's hung onto for 20 years?  Plus, how did it survive the fire?  It must have been at the cabin I guess.  I think a small bit of a shirt would have been nice sewn into her dress, but could have been done in LA where I assume she got it.  But she had to have a freak-out and an ice cream disappointment to get her closer to letting go.

everything was at the cabin. Airplanes included. A cabin 6 hours away in the Pocono Mts.

Didn't the cabin belong to one of Jack's co-workers? And wasn't  the cabin getting ready to be sold in the episode, The Trip?.

  • Love 6
On 3/14/2018 at 11:41 AM, DearEvette said:


The Randall/Tess one is so far into the future (20 years) that I can't get too upset that they might be talking about Beth -- which I think the show wants us to think but it might not really be her.  I am leaning toward that it has something to do with Deja too.  Even if it is Beth, that doesn't affect her 'present day' presence.  So I am ok.  I mean, Jack has been dead for two seasons and we still get to hang with him. 

Based on the video where the host interview a few of the cast and the creators, the Randall/Tess scene occurs 12-13 years in the future and next season will focus a lot on Vietnam. They did not tell us exactly what would be found there, but, it will be a focus of the series.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, cameron said:

I think that she's getting fatter than ever.

She is heavier than she has ever been. She is at risk for major health problems: diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure etc.  I think that she said that it is in her contract that at some point she has to agree to lose the weight. That translates to me that at some point the producers will have her undergo gastric bypass surgery. She certainly is a strong candidate for it. 

Anyway, she has a lot of confidence, excellent self esteem, and a gorgeous boyfriend who adores her. 

the article

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 1

My son is my clone and my daughter looks like her father. We are divorced and I've remarried. People say she looks like me until I show them a pic of her father. Then, you see it. She's beautiful (see my profile pic) and never minds being compared to him physically. She's getting married on 4/14 and we've struggled with our relationship. I would love her to say something to me like Kate did to Rebecca. Not so much that I am her way, but, that I'm not in the way. 

I watched that video of the showrunners , Justin, Mandy and Milo. You can see the happiness Milo felt finally having a chance to film with the other stars of the show. He said he savored every minute of it. Mandy said it's like being in two different shows, one with the adults and one with the kids and Milo. 

I'm glad Kate took the time to  herself, it was originally her way of including her father, but, finally realizing that she needed to let him go. She actually had emotional growth in this episode and it was a pleasure to see. Regarding her always thinking of herself, remember that in the beginning she was her brother's assistant and her life consisting of being his caretaker and making sure his needs were met. 

I was also happy to see that no one walked her down the aisle, but, her brothers walked behind her as support. That was a beautiful moment. Any scene with the adult Big Three is a joy to see. 

My daughter watched the show (and lives in Bethel Park where they supposedly grew up, she was bummed when the kids school colors and mascot didn't match the real Bethel Park "Hawks") and still can't discuss it with me. Her response when I asked if she watched was "Yes. Don't. I can't." Clearly she was moved also. I can't wait to hear her feelings on this show. 

My parents died young. Dad when I was 18 from a heart attack and he as about 45. Mom was 62 and died the day after my grandson's first birthday from an auto accident. But, I watched my grandfather suffer from Alzheimer's for 12 years. I was far away, but, visiting him and trying to call him was hard. I couldn't understand his speech and hearing the stories of how disorientated he became broke my heart. He was an incredible man who invented things and had a numerical memory that would astound you. He could identify one of the UPS trucks in his fleet from a far distance and name the model and truck number. He passed on Father's day of all things and I think that is hard for my surviving aunts.  I hope they don't go there with Rebecca or Beth. Damn showrunners show us some mercy.

Rebecca looked beautiful in her dress. The costume designers in this episode did a great job. 

I can't speak to foster children. My sister was in a foster home, but, I never was directly impacted. Anyone who has the heart and patience to open their homes to a child in need is a saint in my book. 

6 months of no TIU will be hard. I may sink into a Toby-like depression by then. 

  • Love 3

I think what I hated most about Deja smashing the car is that it was done for purely melodramatic reasons only. Of course, everyone reacts differently and will point to someone in their life/a situation they heard about where someone reacted in the same way.  To me, the Deja we were shown tends to withdraw, hide, and be silent. I think her outburst would’ve manifested in a quieter way and I think that would’ve been a little more powerful.

13 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I kind of doubt they will.  Just the tiny glance we saw of him I was already balking a bit at him being too depressed to even respond to Kate with a simple 'ok' or something.  I'm not totally unfamiliar with that state, and I think it's a little much that it would've rendered him mute or having no semblance left of basic social norms when someone comes in your sick room to help.  


I’ve definitely been there before lack of basic social norms and all. And because I’m not a big Kate fan, I’m just going to assume she walked into his sick room 5011 times with suggestions on how to help and eventually you get tired of talking or trying to make the other person feel better because she feels bad for not knowing how to help and she hates seeing him like this. Its just easier to just lay there and do nothing in the dark and hopes she just leaves soon.

Ahem. Now I’m defending Toby, this is truly the dark days. That said, I also doubt they will do this storyline well because this show does not do understated well. At all. 

I do like this show, I promise. 

Edited by kissedbyarose
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, kissedbyarose said:

I think what I hated most about Deja smashing the car is that it was done for purely melodramatic reasons only. Of course, everyone reacts differently and will point to someone in their life/a situation they heard about where someone reacted in the same way.  To me, the Deja we were shown tends to withdraw, hide, and be silent. I think her outburst would’ve manifested in a quieter way and I think that would’ve been a little more powerful.

Self-harm would not have surprised me.  She already cut off her hair, it would have made more sense than bat vs. car.  I don't think they go for nuance very much, and that is why I wonder what will happen with not only Deja, but Toby's depression and the Vietnam backstory. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

Self-harm would not have surprised me.  She already cut off her hair, it would have made more sense than bat vs. car.  I don't think they go for nuance very much, and that is why I wonder what will happen with not only Deja, but Toby's depression and the Vietnam backstory. 

It also made her the "bad girl" that put a pale on Kate's wedding (as if the toast by Kevin didn't)  No one noticed she walked off but I'm sure you'll get the reactions later.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

Based on the video where the host interview a few of the cast and the creators, the Randall/Tess scene occurs 12-13 years in the future and next season will focus a lot on Vietnam. They did not tell us exactly what would be found there, but, it will be a focus of the series.

Really?  That would mean that Randall is about 49 -50 in that flash forward and his make up makes him look much older closer to 60.  Also that would make Tess, what, about 22?  I think the actress also looks older than 22.

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Really?  That would mean that Randall is about 49 -50 in that flash forward and his make up makes him look much older closer to 60.  Also that would make Tess, what, about 22?  I think the actress also looks older than 22.

I don't think grown-up Tess is 22.  Most social workers have a master's degree and MSWs are usually two years.  Add some work experience (and it seems like she has a few years down already), and she's got to be at least 27 or 28.  Makes sense, since the actress is 27.  

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Violetgoblin6 said:

everything was at the cabin. Airplanes included. A cabin 6 hours away in the Pocono Mts.

Didn't the cabin belong to one of Jack's co-workers? And wasn't  the cabin getting ready to be sold in the episode, The Trip?.

I wondered about that myself. I'd forgotten about the possible sale, but I had remembered that it was supposedly owned by Jack's co-worker. Seems to me like the Pearson's were never flush enough to buy a vacation cabin. As for whether or not it sold, I can see new owners allowing it to be used (and keeping the "rustic" things that were already there).

57 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Really?  That would mean that Randall is about 49 -50 in that flash forward and his make up makes him look much older closer to 60.  Also that would make Tess, what, about 22?  I think the actress also looks older than 22.

If that is true, they definitely made Randall look too old. As for 22 year olds, I find the older I get the younger they look - and yet, I've seen many actresses/actors of that age in interviews who I would never guess were that young. Like everything else, your apparent age and actual age can vary - though from my end of the spectrum it was more that I looked younger than I was (got carded well into my 30's).

  • Love 3

Long time lurker and 1st time posting.

Off topic but just had to give a shout out to Bluedog 100 and Cajungirl 64 as a fellow Elliott Yamin uber fan. He remains to this day my favorite male contestant ever!!!

On topic...I enjoyed the finale a lot. Kate looked lovely. I felt for Rebecca; she knew Kate could be prickly around her and wanted her daughter's wedding to be perfect. She was fussing over what to wear and Miguel's line about dressing in brown to resemble a tree made me chuckle. He has a sense of humor about his place in the Pearson family. I was happy to see Kate dance with him.

But oh the future foreshadowing!!! Looks like Kevin may FINALLY be in a long-term relationship with a nice woman. Maybe the Vietnam trip has something to do with his uncle, Jack's brother, who was declared MIA. And Kate is now taking a nurturing role with Toby, who seems to be suffering with depression. Idk who the 'she' is that future Randall refers to with adult Tess. I sure hope future Beth is okay.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Long time lurker and 1st time posting.

Off topic but just had to give a shout out to Bluedog 100 and Cajungirl 64 as a fellow Elliott Yamin uber fan. He remains to this day my favorite male contestant ever!!!

On topic...I enjoyed the finale a lot. Kate looked lovely. I felt for Rebecca; she knew Kate could be prickly around her and wanted her daughter's wedding to be perfect. She was fussing over what to wear and Miguel's line about dressing in brown to resemble a tree made me chuckle. He has a sense of humor about his place in the Pearson family. I was happy to see Kate dance with him.

But oh the future foreshadowing!!! Looks like Kevin may FINALLY be in a long-term relationship with a nice woman. Maybe the Vietnam trip has something to do with his uncle, Jack's brother, who was declared MIA. And Kate is now taking a nurturing role with Toby, who seems to be suffering with depression. Idk who the 'she' is that future Randall refers to with adult Tess. I sure hope future Beth is okay.


  • Love 2
On 3/13/2018 at 7:52 PM, BoogieBurns said:

Fair, but my parents did take in my cousin for several years during my childhood and I never (until this episode) saw that as something a foster kid could relate to. 

I don't think the "cousin raised by Beth's parents" part was what Deja was supposed to have related to. It was the "when I was 7 or 8 my mother left me with them and never came back" that in theory Deja related to. Only Deja 3.0 would potentially relate to Zoe. If they'd met earlier, I don't think she would've.

On 3/14/2018 at 4:40 AM, Arcadiasw said:

I would've been finished with Deja after that because my concern would be, "If she did this to my car, would my kids be safe around her?" 

But being TV, she'll still be in the house and maybe taking some classes or working off payment for damages done to the car.

She might've done more damage off camera, but all I recall her doing is smashing the windshield, which is usually minor damage to a car. A rock on the highway could wreck the windshield. It wouldn't look as bad as it did from the bat, but either way, the glass is going to be replaced. Unless we find out later she smashed the body panels, really, this was big-visual damage (and obviously, a violent outburst on her part) but the dollar amount on that damage is probably minimal.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, maddie965 said:

Let me see if I got this right. Some people in this board are actually suggesting that the producers should force Chrissy Metz to undergo bypass sugery??? I feel physically ill just typing that. Mad world.

I think one person cited a 16 month old article that was discredited 14 months ago, and then made a nutty logical leap about weight loss surgery most likely being what was referred to.   Though it’s been discussed a lot here and in the media and it’s clearly not their plan.  

Or maybe I missed a post suggesting what you thought you read.  

On 3/16/2018 at 11:52 AM, gonzosgirrl said:


For me, I think we saw enough of Shauna to presume that while Deja looking so happy and at home with the Pearson's was a factor in deciding to leave, her own selfish needs are the bigger part. She already put attending to her loser boyfriend over her daughter - to the extent that they lost their home. From the jump she was willing to leave her home alone to be with a man. She knew she was cooking a birthday dinner for her that they planned that morning, and clearly blew it off to go have a drink with her co-workers. I 100% believe that GG shamed/talked her into keeping the baby, and while I believe that she loves her, she is selfish and immature. She saw a chance to have the freedom she was denied as a 16 year old girl, and she took it. JMO and all that.

Yep, that's what I've been thinking too.  Shauna living in Randall and Beth's house with Deja would have put the spotlight on Shauna's own behavior, and there would have been lots of tension and disapproval if Shauna didn't act how she would be expected to.  No hot dates with lover boy, no after work drinks until all hours, definitely no drugs, while the Pearsons babysit her kid.  No, that wouldn't have worked out at all and Shauna isn't going to suddenly want parenting lessons from Beth and Randall.  I think her giving up her parental rights gives her the freedom she wants.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I don't think the "cousin raised by Beth's parents" part was what Deja was supposed to have related to. It was the "when I was 7 or 8 my mother left me with them and never came back" that in theory Deja related to. Only Deja 3.0 would potentially relate to Zoe. If they'd met earlier, I don't think she would've.

She might've done more damage off camera, but all I recall her doing is smashing the windshield, which is usually minor damage to a car. A rock on the highway could wreck the windshield. It wouldn't look as bad as it did from the bat, but either way, the glass is going to be replaced. Unless we find out later she smashed the body panels, really, this was big-visual damage (and obviously, a violent outburst on her part) but the dollar amount on that damage is probably minimal.

I agree completely. Deja was shown striking the windshield only. Windshields can be replaced on-site, by a truck that pulls up, pops out the old and replaces it with the new in 15 minutes, for the cost of the deductible -- ranging from $0 - $250 -- on glass coverage. (Would Deja know that? I wager she would: Deja handled her mother's paying of the bills, and glass coverage matters in a neighborhood where people park overnight on the street. Did she care, at the time? Maybe; maybe not.) 

More to the point, Deja is not a stranger to Beth, Randall, Tess or Annie. They know her to be a 13-year-old who has looked after her mother most of her life; who brought her own money to give to her mother when visiting her in jail; who risks struggling to achieve in the middle of her life's complete disruption, and as the new black foster girl from Newark within an elite public school with very few black students; who was beaten by an adult male at her first foster home but eventually got through to an over-eager Randall about how to "be" around her; who acted out only upon herself, and in ways that left no lasting mark; who won their love as well as their regard, and their regard as well as their love.

Where was Deja. At someone else's family wedding held outdoors at a cabin in the woods, a legacy of her foster family's Great White Father. A man more honored in death than anyone in attendance. A gathering that underscores just how much her "fancy car, big house" foster family has nothing in common with her and more, with the mother she loves and the father she doesn't know. The father of the bride, the Manny and Deja's foster father has been dead since Deja's mother was nine years old. They're the ones who need to go to court and sever their relationship! 

Deja found the bat at the shrine of dead Jack's relics back at the house, where she ended up after Toby's mother's comment, "You're the image of your father."  That blow struck four bruises, one on the surface and the other three below: "Randall Pearson's not my father,"  "I don't know my father;" and "That's what I'm afraid of," along with its mute twin, "You think so?" When you're furious at Apollo for being Zeus's son and not your father, and Zeus's thunderbolt is laid out right in front of you, why not grab it and hurl it at Apollo's chariot?

Deja has dealt with a lot that the Pearsons know of, and more that they all need to handle. She is a thoughtful, empathetic, devoted child who assumes responsibility for the people around her: the opposite of a bully or a batterer. She is someone adults confide in, even when they may think they are speaking for her benefit. She's an old soul, god help her. Not one to be thrown away when she finally feels the pain of her own life. 

  • Love 19

Deja’s character to me is a chore to watch. The actress who plays her does a good job but the character itself is grating. Really wish that subplot did not exist. When they hinted that Randall and Beth would adopt again and they showed clips of the little boy I thought that had a lot of potential, but it turned out to be a flash forward. If Deja gets written off I’d consider it a win but clearly after that ending and the entire episode dedicated to her character, that’s not happening.

As far as the episode I liked it overall.

Definitely liked Beth’s cousin and glad she will have more of a role going forward.

I can’t be the only one who google’d that song that played during the wedding scene, right? Beautiful and appropriate for that moment.

Not a fan of the flash forward scenes but intrigued by where they are going with it.

If they didn’t do all the future stuff (Deja destroying the car, Kevin going to Vietnam, etc), this would have been the perfect way to end the series with Kate getting married and finally letting go of the 20 year grief. Don’t get me wrong I love this show so I hope it’s on for a long time but that scene looked so perfect from a closure standpoint.

Oh well, time to wait an eternity for season 3.

  • Love 2

My dad died two years before I got married.  Was he mentioned at the wedding and reception?  Absolutely!  Was it maudlin?  No.  I missed him terribly, don’t get me wrong, but we said a special intention for him during the mass and my sister made a toast that was both touching and hilarious. Just as people thought they might cry she added a comment that had people gasp and erupt in laughter.  Seriously, Kevin should have gotten notes from her.  I had my bouquet made in two parts, and we took half of it to his gravesite the next day.  There is a way to include a loved one and increase the joy.

  • Love 17
9 minutes ago, BigDave said:

Deja’s character to me is a chore to watch. The actress who plays her does a good job but the character itself is grating. Really wish that subplot did not exist. When they hinted that Randall and Beth would adopt again and they showed clips of the little boy I thought that had a lot of potential, but it turned out to be a flash forward. If Deja gets written off I’d consider it a win but clearly after that ending and the entire episode dedicated to her character, that’s not happening.

As far as the episode I liked it overall.

Definitely liked Beth’s cousin and glad she will have more of a role going forward.

I can’t be the only one who google’d that song that played during the wedding scene, right? Beautiful and appropriate for that moment.

Not a fan of the flash forward scenes but intrigued by where they are going with it.

If they didn’t do all the future stuff (Deja destroying the car, Kevin going to Vietnam, etc), this would have been the perfect way to end the series with Kate getting married and finally letting go of the 20 year grief. Don’t get me wrong I love this show so I hope it’s on for a long time but that scene looked so perfect from a closure standpoint.

Oh well, time to wait an eternity for season 3.

It was perfect from that standpoint. My take on the flash-forward approach is that it is an acknowledgement that closure is only one part of an ongoing life that will always have ups and downs, joy and devastation. In other words, the ups and downs described by the marriage vows.

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

My dad died two years before I got married.  Was he mentioned at the wedding and reception?  Absolutely!  Was it maudlin?  No.  I missed him terribly, don’t get me wrong, but we said a special intention for him during the mass and my sister made a toast that was both touching and hilarious. Just as people thought they might cry she added a comment that had people gasp and erupt in laughter.  Seriously, Kevin should have gotten notes from her.  I had my bouquet made in two parts, and we took half of it to his gravesite the next day.  There is a way to include a loved one and increase the joy.

That's lovely and tasteful.  You guys should write for the show.  

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