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S08.E11: Thank You, Thuck You!

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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Anyone else think Teddi looks much prettier in the non-TH shots?

Teddi was gentle but direct. "I have spent time with Kyle. I have spent time with Dorit. I have NEVER heard Kyle say anything negative about anyone else." I think that got through to LVP.

So from now on, if at least one parent is famous, the daughter will become a model. No matter what she looks like. Why? Is it just so the designer might get more press?

Well Teddi lied because Kyle has slammed others on at least four occasions in front of Teddi.  Teddi does not listen.  Just as she does not think she talks behind others' backs when virtually every conversation is a negative one about Dorit and if not Dorit, Erika.  Just because Teddi agrees with Kyle's position doesn't mean Kyle doesn't speak the words.  Kyle gets her digs in and she does it all the time.  

Teddi seemed more like a negotiator delivering Kyle's ransom demands to LVP.  I just cannot fathom how Kyle could get so upset over something so stupid and then blame her bad time in NY on Dorit.  What a spoiled brat Kyle is.  I had a sympathy headache for LVP.  Kyle just keeps with the snide comments while all the while claiming to be so far above back biting.

I don't think Kyle understands LVP (and Ken) have a much longer more familiar friendship in PK and by association Dorit.     

  • Love 17
8 hours ago, nexxie said:

“You have to have depth,” says Erika. LOL

Says one of the most shallow people ever.

8 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Erika in the van (with her version of the beehive) reminded me of Patsy from AbFab. 

I thought she was ather most attractive with that hairdo and make up. Dare I say, she looked beautiful?

7 hours ago, onatrek said:

Trying to pull off what Anna Wintour does (apparently she was the only person allowed to keep them on during fashion shows at Perth Fashion Week) basically is probably what she'd claim!

But really, for whatever reason, many celebs seem to do it in the front row at NYFW (if you google NYFW front row wearing sunglasses there are gobs of pictures) but like you, I've always thought it looks weird even if they claim it keeps them from having their reactions to things seen, etc.

I read somewhere that Anna Wintour acutally has eye issues which is why she wears her sunglasses. Can're remember if she needs prescriptions and chooses to wear prescription sunglasses, or if its due to the bright lights. It was rude of her to wear them when the Queen was sitting next to her. I always assumed those wearing sunglasses at fashion shows were pretentious and/or the lights were too bright. Regardless, it looks stupid.


I am team Teddi all the way, and I loved her hair in the crown braid. She really owns the natural, laid back style and it looks good on her, and unlike most HW's, she actually has common sense.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Most thing these folks and celebrities do are odd to me.  They live in a completely different world than I do.  Although I like this show, so much of their behavior and what they do is utterly ridiculous to me.  It makes me feel better about having a more simple kind of life.    :)

Yeah, Erika's sunglasses indoors are stupid and ridiculous. But I don't get a lot myself, like women with healthy heads of hair wearing wigs to go to lunch. I could understand wanting something fun and different for a special event, but putting on a wig as part of a daily beauty routine is strange to me. Each to their own I suppose. :)

7 hours ago, Normades said:
7 hours ago, twilightzone said:

LVP has always been very over rated.  But think of the shady bunch she has been associated with - Dorit, PK, Cedirc, Brandi, Mohammed, The VanderPump Rules losers.  And Ken is a misogynist   LVP is vindictive and holds on to grudges, no matter how petty. She will also never admit she's wrong. She can dish it, but plays victim if someone does it to her.


Yes, I am admittedly in the camp that isn't a fan of LVP but the fact that she doesn't really seem to be able to back up her claims that "she knows everyone in BH" and runs with D-listers has always been a factor in this. I mean, if she is so fancy why doesn't she run with more fancy company???

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I didn’t see Teddi frantically running after anybody in this episode. Did I miss a scene?  

As far as her conversation with Lisa at Villa Rosa this episode (loved her hair/braids in that scene), Lisa actually seemed to appreciate her advice - and took it to heart, according to that last scene between her and Kyle! So I think the lane she’s in is perfectly fine. 


Doris and PK only married in 2015. I think they lived mostly in New York before then, right? That might explain why. 

Or maybe she heard through her British grapevine what a twit the new Mrs PK was and wisely kept her distance until she was forced to interact with her via filming! That explanation seems equally plausible to me.


Kyle did look great with the shoulder length hair. And I agree that when some women refuse to cut their hair (Lisa VP....) or wear really ridiculous extensions (Ramona I’m looking at you now) as a way to hold onto their fleeting youth, it ends up backfiring in them. I.e. they end up looking older. 

I don’t think that’s  necessarily the case with Kyle though, personally. Her hair is still lovely when it’s long. Mostly because it’s thick, shiny, healthy, and all hers. 

Hmm, well do the "what happened last week" bits count?  

Here's what I saw -- last week, much running around and getting involved in something that was not really her business.  (Why Lisa didn't tell her to just myofb is beyond me.)

This week, she brings it up again. I don't know if she made a special trip to plead Kyle's case or not, but if she did, there's something kind of co-dependent about it. It's not her fight, it's too much.  That gives off a frantic vibe to me in that kind of people-pleasing OMG I GOTTA FIX THIS! kind of way.  I don't see why she's involving herself in it to this degree.  It's not her problem to fix.     

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, lunastartron said:

When were these many times? 

I remember Lisa standing up for Kyle very aggressively during season one and two until the reunion/after she'd caught Kyle's "preys on weak people" commentary. 

I am in the Rinna camp and I agreed wholeheartedly with Rinnas TH about the twisted relationship LVP and Kyle have and those flashbacks shown.  I share Rinnas "FINALLY" sentiment! YMMV.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, Normades said:

I didn't care for the short hair on Kyle. Just because you're older doesn't mean you can't have long hair. I had beautiful long hair and I let other people talk me into cutting it. Big mistake. I'm hoping it will grow back. If it does, I'll be 90 with long ass hair (if I'm lucky)!  

She would have looked a lot better if they had shaped and styled her wig instead of just letting it hang on her head like a used mop

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


Teddi continues to be my fav housewife. Amazing how she was able to point out to LVP that she needed to apologize to Kyle, and make it a real apology, rather than the fake one that she tried to give (and the same one she gave Eileen Davidson a couple of years ago). You could see how distasteful the idea was to LVP, but also that a light bulb went off in her head, the way Teddi explained it. 

Sorry, I am just not seeing Mason as a model. 

That Eileen Davidson non apology drew such hate from me toward LVP. Zero accountability.  Good on Teddi for the way she explained it to LVP. Is Bobby Fischer playing chess and bumping up Teddi over Kyle? Watch what happens. I feel like LVP might make Kyle pay for that great apology she gave . 

Mason's face is ALL Kelsey.  

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 7
29 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

On the topic of Camille’s daughter Jesus Christ she’s 15 wow for attacking a 15yo come on now. One she has a SUPER FAMOUS parent (her father and to a less extent Camille) so yes that’s going to give her a leg up however she’s tall and thin EXACTLY what models have to be if you look at most working models for runway (not print) they aren’t exceptionaly beutiful but have striking features and are tall and thin.  Had she had a nasty attitude I would get the attacks but she came off very sweet especially when Lisa V was congratulating her. 

With all due respect a lot of people have been questioning why all these kids of reality stars are getting the chance to walk the runways at fashion week when there are other models vying for that spot living 10 to an apartment and scrapping for work. I actually think the Hamlin girls have features that photograph well and seem a bit dumb but harmless so I don't always get the attacks on them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but IMHO Mason just doesn't have a photogenic face.

  • Love 20
7 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

IMHO Mason just doesn't have a photogenic face.

She did a runway not print whose really looking at the face to see if its photogenic? you are meant to be a hanger for the clothes.. and yes MOST of the other kids of housewives who are trying to be models are 18+ with the exception of the one Hamlin girls . being a adult it just comes off has way mean to attack a child. attack her mother attack anyone else in this cast but to attack a child that isnt on this show who had less then 10 min screen time and seemed sweet and a little shy just seems wrong my opinion 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

With all due respect a lot of people have been questioning why all these kids of reality stars are getting the chance to walk the runways at fashion week when there are other models vying for that spot living 10 to an apartment and scrapping for work. I actually think the Hamlin girls have features that photograph well and seem a bit dumb but harmless so I don't always get the attacks on them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but IMHO Mason just doesn't have a photogenic face.

imo it's really got nothing to do with beauty, it's the nepotism...they didn't have to work at it like I'm sure most starving (pun intended) models do.

4 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I don’t think that’s  necessarily the case with Kyle though, personally. Her hair is still lovely when it’s long. Mostly because it’s thick, shiny, healthy, and all hers. 

True it's very healthy but I don't like how she's dyed it darker, it looks very wig-like against her skin tone.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I really liked Teddi's 'talk' with LVP.  If the friendship means something to you, just apologize.  And....I do think both LVP and Kyle value their friendship but LVP is more sure of her friendship with Kyle.  Dorit is another story.  Or should I say PK.

I liked the talk as well. I liked the way Teddi presented it, and the way that LVP processed it. It is not easy for LVP to admit fault, but when presented with the issue from someone that doesn't really have anything to gain - she likes both LVP and Kyle - she seemed more willing to just listen, admit how Kyle could have felt, and she apologized. My guess is the Kyle/LVP thing is done and LVP will move on to punishing Dorit. 

  • Love 19
9 hours ago, Jel said:

And Teddi, you know, I think she means well, and is a good person, so yay Teddi for that, but please stop frantically running after people trying to get them to apologize when it has nothing to do with you, it's not your place, it's none of your business and you're new. Stay in your lane.

She does seem to be getting involved. 

The thing that I think makes this season, and the issues between Kyle and LVP different from when they have had them in the past, is the supporting cast of characters. In the past lines have kind of been drawn and they have their "sides". Other people kind of pushing them, seeming to enjoy the drama between the two leaders of the group. This season I like the way that even though others are getting a bit involved, they seem to be attempting to use their power for good and not evil. I like that Camille, Teddi, and Erika seem to get involved in the interest of protecting the LVP/Kyle relationship. They know they are close and care about each other, and don't want to see petty drama get in the way of their relationship. It's a small shift in the usual dynamics of these shows. Often times it is the others who will make resolution impossible with insinuations and such. The dynamics of the cast this year is really good, I think. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

I keep coming back to the idea that "work friendships" are different than normal, everyday friendships.  Sure you can legitimately like your co-workers and even consider them "friends", but there is always an overlay of competition and positioning for recognition to these relationships that isn't a part of normal, everyday friendships. And the business of reality t.v. is more competitive than most work places.   LVP seems very, very savvy with this arrangement.  She seems to have a clear idea where the boundaries are.  There is no doubt she can legitimately be hurt at times (we've all been hurt by something a co-worker has said or done, I'm sure), but in general she understands that work is work, and "work friends" are "WORK" friends.   Honestly, I think she's frustrated that some of the others over the years don't understand these sorts of distinctions.

I think this is somewhat Kyles position too; she thinks she's EARNED her spot as LVP "friend" and she's aggravated that LVP is letting a new co-worker, who hasn't put in the hard work and time that Kyle has,  is getting the same level of achievement as she is - which is bonding time on camera with Lisa.  All the buddy, happy back and forth stuff is easy good exposure.  There are really only two ways to get the exposure on these shows; by negative interactions or positive ones.  Obviously the positive clips are more fun, less stressful and secure your contract for the next season.  It's a good way to make a living.  And Kyle thinks it's unfair that Dorit is being handed that role, when Kyle has worked hard over many years to get it. That's why she keeps saying she is being held to a different standard.  

I may be stretching here, but I suspect Kyle isn't anywhere near as savvy as Lisa is about these boundaries because she grew up in the business, and her family relationships have all be so blurred by the business.  She thinks "working friendships" are real friendships.  And she is legitimately constantly hurt by things her other castmates do and say.  She doesn't seem to distinguish between real, sincere actions and tatics used to get more camera time, or to form a storyline.   I think this frustrates the business woman LVP, who seems to actually personally like Kyle.

Anyone whose ever worked in an office has seen the dynamic where a new employee will breeze in, sure they know everything and everyone who is important, and rattle the productivity of the system for awhile.  They come in too hot, too all knowing, too ready to correct everyone and everything.  They don't take the time to figure out the systems, nuances, particulars.  And usually they either burn out fast, or eventual settle in (after causing a lot of unnecessary chaos).  This is Dorit to a T.  

LVP bridged the gap between a real friendship and "work friendship" when she brought Dorit into the show.  I fully believe LVP knew it was a bit of a gamble, but clearly she thought she could make it work.  I don't think she really knew Dorit but was willing to try to help her longtime friend PEEEEKAYYY.   But I think she gave Dorit too much of the benefit of the doubt.  Dorit seems to be the most clueless of all the castmates.  I don't have a lot of hope that Dorit will survive.  She seems too damn dumb to settle into a reasonable role.  She's just too hungry.  She's so damn fake too.  There is NOTHING about her that suggests she even slightly understands what she got herself into.  There is no hope for her.  

Absolutely perfect analysis!

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, noveltylibrary said:

Kyle to LVP: "I can only take so much."  Please, she can't take one little bit!  Even the slightest look can set her off that she isn't being loved enough by Lisa.  I have a friend who shuts me down every time she feels slighted by me.  I would never do anything maliciously to her and yet she's always the victim.  I'm the one who can't take it anymore!  People like Kyle who examine every little move and convince themselves it's all about them have real issues.

Kyle displayed all of the traits she embellished claimed that Dorit said about LVP.  She was needy and insecure, felt left out and needed reassurance that she is appreciated. 

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, Reality police said:

This is my pet peeve with most of the housewives, the long hair. They think it makes them younger but what they don't see is that it draws their faces down. As we age shorter is the way to go. It's like an instant face lift. Rinna gets it. Dorinda gets it. 

I don't understand the viewers reactions sometimes. When it's a woman from BH, she's chic. If it's someone like Michelle Duggar, everyone puts her down saying she needs to get that mop cut. Not a Duggar fan but I just think there is a double standard. If you have money it looks ok, if you don't you look like an Mountain raised holy roller. JMO. 

There seems to be a lot of hair length based judgement going on.  I don't think it's fair to say that all women need to cut their hair as they age.  It may be a somewhat popular opinion, but everyone is different.  I am over 50 and I recently cut my beautiful, healthy hair to shoulder length and I really regret it. And no, it was not an instant face lift!!  I bought in to all the people telling me to cut it because I am older.  I no longer get daily compliments on my lovely hair.  I'll definitely be growing mine out and will not fall to peer pressure again!! 

Kyle has lovely, healthy looking hair and I think it suits her.  As far as Michelle Duggar goes, her hair looks very damaged and unkempt.  I don't think it has anything to do with region or religious views, she just has nasty looking hair.  Her daughters get picked on online for their long hair, which I don't agree with in all cases.  Some of them are not taking proper care of their hair and it is damaged and should be cut and styled, but some have very beautiful hair and should leave it long if that's what they like, even as they age. 

  • Love 22
7 hours ago, Reality police said:

This is my pet peeve with most of the housewives, the long hair. They think it makes them younger but what they don't see is that it draws their faces down. As we age shorter is the way to go. It's like an instant face lift. Rinna gets it. Dorinda gets it. 

I don't understand the viewers reactions sometimes. When it's a woman from BH, she's chic. If it's someone like Michelle Duggar, everyone puts her down saying she needs to get that mop cut. Not a Duggar fan but I just think there is a double standard. If you have money it looks ok, if you don't you look like an Mountain raised holy roller. JMO. 

I am not sure if the Duggar deal is as much about her hair being long, as it is that her hair looks ridiculous. Is she still sporting those short, curled-under bangs with that long shapeless hair? 

I think there are just general rules, but they don't work for everyone. You always read if you want to appear instantly younger, cut your bangs. It works like a miracle for me, but not for my sister. Not at all.  I do think that LVP could use a haircut. Her hair drags down her face, but it also doesn't look healthy and it has no shape. Kyle on the other hand didn't look much younger to me with the shorter hair. She looked great, and different, but I didn't see younger. She is blessed with hair that is gorgeous, and she takes good care of it. She also updates it slightly on occasion, while still keeping it generally long. I also think that Eileen's long hair flattered her. And it can be the same with short hair. Not everyone can do a Rinna or Dorinda style. They look great on them, but not everyone would be able to pull it off. 

  • Love 17
11 hours ago, charming said:

What was LVP supposed to apologize to Kyle for? I'm still lost. Kyle tried to wind up LVP prior to the party and LVP said it's Dorit's night. Kyle proceeds to confront Dorit and because LVP didn't pile on she's in the wrong? 

That's exactly how I remember it.  LVP said that it could be dealt with later but tonight wasn't the night for it.  Essentially she told Kyle in advance that no, she wasn't going to engage DOR-it on that subject.   That Kyle chose to engage does not obligate LVP to "have her back" when LVP had specifically stated she would not do so in advance.  

Kyle - be a big girl and do what the big girls do - fight your own damn battles and stop insisting everyone assume the role of reinforcement for you.  

  • Love 20

I like Kyle.  She isn't perfect, she can be as petty as any of these women.  Kyle isn't necessarily "right" or "wrong" in this stupid BFF tug-of-war "plot".  It's so stupid and everyone involved in it is stupid for carrying on over it for this amount of time.  Putting on my arm chair psychologist's hat, I think Kyle is just hyper-sensitive about her friendship w/ LVP and threats (perceived or real) to bust it up.  Kyle is an emotionally needy person and probably has her whack-a-do stage mother to thank/blame.  She craves praise and doesn't want to disappoint people IMO.  Now she & her family have wealth, success, fame and relatively scandal free lives. Her sister Kathy is holding a grudge about the real estate split w/ Mauricio.  Kim was  emotionally &financially dependent on Kyle for years.  Now both sisters have distanced themselves from her and are pissed off at her for various reasons.  I think Kyle feels alone and abandoned by her sisters who were supposedly brought up to look out for each other and support each other in a "us against the world" mentality imposed by their mother.  If Kathy & Kim aren't there for Kyle, I think she is doubly insecure about "losing" her close friendship w/ LVP.   And LVP is completely aware of Kyle's situation.  I think LVP likes to hold her friendships over people's heads like a diamond & rose filled pinata.  She enjoys sitting back & watching these women "prove" their love and fidelity by battling each other to bust open the big "prize".

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

On the topic of Camille’s daughter Jesus Christ she’s 15 wow for attacking a 15yo come on now. One she has a SUPER FAMOUS parent (her father and to a less extent Camille) so yes that’s going to give her a leg up however she’s tall and thin EXACTLY what models have to be if you look at most working models for runway (not print) they aren’t exceptionaly beutiful but have striking features and are tall and thin.  Had she had a nasty attitude I could  get the attacks but she came off very sweet especially when Lisa V was congratulating her. Again shes 15 give the girl a break.

I don't care how SUPER FAMOUS her parents are. She hasn't mastered the walk. She had no business being on the runway, it was rediculous. 

  • Love 23
13 hours ago, Jel said:

Lisa Rinna repulses me. 

And Teddi, you know, I think she means well, and is a good person, so yay Teddi for that, but please stop frantically running after people trying to get them to apologize when it has nothing to do with you, it's not your place, it's none of your business and you're new. Stay in your lane.

1,000 times this.  Teddi fell for the oldest trick in the book.  Kyle was crying so that meant she was hurt and therefore her feelings were more valid than Lisa's.  She never listened to Lisa's explanations (how could she with Kyle yelling in her ear any time Lisa tried to explain) and just assumed Lisa was the problem child.  Have Lisa and Teddi ever spoken for longer than five minutes?  I usually like Teddi but she was out of line tonight.  Shush....it's not your business.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 13
6 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't care how SUPER FAMOUS her parents are. She hasn't mastered the walk. She had no business being on the runway, it was rediculous. 

alright Ann Wintor .......the Designer wanted her in his show so thats all that should matter. this isnt a democracy where everyday people get to deiced who walks and who doesn't...i mean point blank period it was his choice.

  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

Has anyone else noticed the unfortunate habit  Dorit has of moving her tongue up between her upper lip and teeth and then down? Very unattractive, and it reminds me of some kind of animal, though I can't figure out which!

The Coked Up Codger

Classic tic - dry mouthed and licking the teeth and lip

  • Love 16
9 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't care how SUPER FAMOUS her parents are. She hasn't mastered the walk. She had no business being on the runway, it was rediculous. 

I get where you're coming from, but during Fashion Week a lot of models are needed.  This wasn't the House of Chanel show, this was some random designer who is using a gimmick for a model and is getting his stuff on a RH show.  YMMV (and I sure it does) :)

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

alright Ann Wintor .......the Designer wanted her in his show so thats all that should matter. this isnt a democracy where everyday people get to deiced who walks and who doesn't...i mean point blank period it was his choice.

I'm not going to get in to a pissing contest with you about it. I, just as everybody else on these boards has a right to my opinion. So calm yourself down. 

Oh, and, it's Anna Wintour. 

  • Love 22
8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm not going to get in to a pissing contest with you about it. I, just as everybody else on these boards has a right to my opinion. So calm yourself down. 

Oh, and, it's Anna Wintour. 

My Apologies for misspelling her name ... and yes you can have an opinion but when its a child i would hope as adults those opinions could be kept respectable esp for someone who ISNT a part of this show at all other then being the daughter of a former housewife. she was nothing but respectful on camera for those 10 min she was on and seemed so excited and happy to be in the show (the smile has her mother was clapping has she walked by was great) so let her have that shes not claiming to be a super model and it was her very first show. Lets flip this and say it was your child being talked about would you be saying the same thing? And google some of the first walks of other Models and no one has the best walk just starting out even TYRA said how bad her walk used to be in those first shows ...give the girl a break is all im saying

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 10
9 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

I keep coming back to the idea that "work friendships" are different than normal, everyday friendships.  Sure you can legitimately like your co-workers and even consider them "friends", but there is always an overlay of competition and positioning for recognition to these relationships that isn't a part of normal, everyday friendships. And the business of reality t.v. is more competitive than most work places.   LVP seems very, very savvy with this arrangement.  She seems to have a clear idea where the boundaries are.  There is no doubt she can legitimately be hurt at times (we've all been hurt by something a co-worker has said or done, I'm sure), but in general she understands that work is work, and "work friends" are "WORK" friends.   Honestly, I think she's frustrated that some of the others over the years don't understand these sorts of distinctions.

I think this is somewhat Kyles position too; she thinks she's EARNED her spot as LVP "friend" and she's aggravated that LVP is letting a new co-worker, who hasn't put in the hard work and time that Kyle has,  is getting the same level of achievement as she is - which is bonding time on camera with Lisa.  All the buddy, happy back and forth stuff is easy good exposure.  There are really only two ways to get the exposure on these shows; by negative interactions or positive ones.  Obviously the positive clips are more fun, less stressful and secure your contract for the next season.  It's a good way to make a living.  And Kyle thinks it's unfair that Dorit is being handed that role, when Kyle has worked hard over many years to get it. That's why she keeps saying she is being held to a different standard.  

I may be stretching here, but I suspect Kyle isn't anywhere near as savvy as Lisa is about these boundaries because she grew up in the business, and her family relationships have all be so blurred by the business.  She thinks "working friendships" are real friendships.  And she is legitimately constantly hurt by things her other castmates do and say.  She doesn't seem to distinguish between real, sincere actions and tatics used to get more camera time, or to form a storyline.   I think this frustrates the business woman LVP, who seems to actually personally like Kyle.

Anyone whose ever worked in an office has seen the dynamic where a new employee will breeze in, sure they know everything and everyone who is important, and rattle the productivity of the system for awhile.  They come in too hot, too all knowing, too ready to correct everyone and everything.  They don't take the time to figure out the systems, nuances, particulars.  And usually they either burn out fast, or eventual settle in (after causing a lot of unnecessary chaos).  This is Dorit to a T.  

LVP bridged the gap between a real friendship and "work friendship" when she brought Dorit into the show.  I fully believe LVP knew it was a bit of a gamble, but clearly she thought she could make it work.  I don't think she really knew Dorit but was willing to try to help her longtime friend PEEEEKAYYY.   But I think she gave Dorit too much of the benefit of the doubt.  Dorit seems to be the most clueless of all the castmates.  I don't have a lot of hope that Dorit will survive.  She seems too damn dumb to settle into a reasonable role.  She's just too hungry.  She's so damn fake too.  There is NOTHING about her that suggests she even slightly understands what she got herself into.  There is no hope for her.  

This post really bears repeating. It is so spot on and the analogy to a new work situation is so spot on. 

One of the deepest revelations LVP has ever revealed to the audience ( aside from the most important one about her sons search for his bio mother) is that she has a close knit group of friends that go back to the UK days and are important to her. She may be regretting bridging that gap between work and real.

And Kyle not differentiating between work and real, so spot on. And I get that. I have been fooled per and over again thinking my work friends ( where I was in an higher position) really wanted to get closer to me and not my position !! Ouch !

Anyway, love the post.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Jel said:

Hmm, well do the "what happened last week" bits count?  

Here's what I saw -- last week, much running around and getting involved in something that was not really her business.  (Why Lisa didn't tell her to just myofb is beyond me.)

This week, she brings it up again. I don't know if she made a special trip to plead Kyle's case or not, but if she did, there's something kind of co-dependent about it. It's not her fight, it's too much.  That gives off a frantic vibe to me in that kind of people-pleasing OMG I GOTTA FIX THIS! kind of way.  I don't see why she's involving herself in it to this degree.  It's not her problem to fix.     

In real life, I may agree with you. But this isn't real-real life; it's a reality show. Getting involved in each other's business the main raisons d'être of the Housewives.  

And as far as Housewives getting into each other's business, I feel like Teddi's manner of doing so is fairly innocuous - at least compared to how some Housewives past and present have done so.  

  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

In real life, I may agree with you. But this isn't real-real life; it's a reality show. Getting involved in each other's business the main raisons d'être of the Housewives.  

And as far as Housewives getting into each other's business, I feel like Teddi's manner of doing so is fairly innocuous - at least compared to how some Housewives past and present have done so.  

I agree - I think Teddi was trying to help to mend a friendship. She wasn't escalating the drama nor was she exacerbating the issue.

I picture the school yard fight. Teddi was not the one in the outer circle chanting Fight! Fight! Fight!

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

My Apologies for misspelling her name ... and yes you can have an opinion but when its a child i would hope as adults those opinions could be kept respectable esp for someone who ISNT a part of this show at all other then being the daughter of a former housewife. she was nothing but respectful on camera for those 10 min she was on and seemed so excited and happy to be in the show (the smile has her mother was clapping has she walked by was great) so let her have that shes not claiming to be a super model and it was her very first show. Lets flip this and say it was your child being talked about would you be saying the same thing? And google some of the first walks of other Models and no one has the best walk just starting out even TYRA said how bad her walk used to be in those first shows ...give the girl a break is all im saying

If a teenager enters into competition with the adult world then his or her performance is fair game.  The kid walked last year.  This is not some famous designer, last time we saw him on Bravo he was having a show at a dry cleaning establishment, before that he was exiting the Project Runway stage in 14th place.  I don't think anyone commented on Mason's demeanor, but once she decided to walk in the show, her performance is fair game.  Modeling isn't all that tough it is genes and the ability to walk.  I would think the girl would have practiced walking by now.

Personally, I think Camille is pushing her daughter into the modeling world-she started at 14 years old, so she, Camille can get more exposure. Camille modeled in February's show of this designer. Camille spends a lot of time on Instagram posting bathing suit photos of herself.  I get it Camille has a nice figure, but she and Rinna need to be honest why they are pushing their teenagers into the job market so young.  Not every celeb kid is going to hit the Hadid lottery of modeling.  It has far more to do with Camille and her desire for exposure than her kids-they are simply vehicles.  BTW she is grooming her son for the modeling world.  He does not have his father's looks.

  • Love 16
11 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

If a teenager enters into competition with the adult world then his or her performance is fair game.  The kid walked last year.  This is not some famous designer, last time we saw him on Bravo he was having a show at a dry cleaning establishment, before that he was exiting the Project Runway stage in 14th place.  I don't think anyone commented on Mason's demeanor, but once she decided to walk in the show, her performance is fair game.  Modeling isn't all that tough it is genes and the ability to walk.  I would think the girl would have practiced walking by now.

Personally, I think Camille is pushing her daughter into the modeling world-she started at 14 years old, so she, Camille can get more exposure. Camille modeled in February's show of this designer. Camille spends a lot of time on Instagram posting bathing suit photos of herself.  I get it Camille has a nice figure, but she and Rinna need to be honest why they are pushing their teenagers into the job market so young.  Not every celeb kid is going to hit the Hadid lottery of modeling.  It has far more to do with Camille and her desire for exposure than her kids-they are simply vehicles.  BTW she is grooming her son for the modeling world.  He does not have his father's looks.

then attack Camille dont attack a 15yo child .....and you know most models start out at 13 14 15 right ...its kinda considered late in the game for runway girls to start at 18 19 20... and what competition did she enter? i dont remember them having a contest and her winning the designer wanted her so she walked it was his choice no one else.  so again attack the designer or Camille.  not a 15 yo who seems to already have some kinda self esteem problems and isnt fully grown and formed...lol anyway this is dumb thing to be nip picking about lol I just get a little weirded out when adults seem to think its ok to criticize other peoples children or just children in general if she was hanging from the chandelier or cursing out people or being disrespectful yes but the poor girl just walked down a runway she didn't murder someone lol  

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, WireWrap said:

WTF Kyle? All season long, you and Dorit have been calling each other BF's and saying that "you love each other" to tease Lisa. Poking her every chance you get than you, and Teddi, think Lisa owes You an apology after you attack your bf/love Dorit? Grow Up, you need to stop this middle school game you do to her, where she isn't allowed to have any friend except you. Oh, and you didn't "support" Lisa in Dubai, you called her a "liar" and didn't believe a word she said, not that you even allowed her to explain herself. Maybe Kim and Brandi were right about you and how you love to play the victim even when you start the fight.

This all day long. I've said it before. You spot it you got it. Kyle is one needy insecure woman. She also played this BF game with Taylor trying to make LVP jealous.  It's so middle school. Maybe she doesn't see this since she had a highly dysfunctional childhood, and maybe didn't go to school? IDK but really she needs to get over this her or me mentality.She has not had Lisa's back on many occasions. Remember magazinegate? I think they are fun to watch when they're being silly and having a good time. But Kyle does indeed hold Lisa to a higher standard, constantly needing her to prove her loyalty. She's exhausting!

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

I keep coming back to the idea that "work friendships" are different than normal, everyday friendships.  Sure you can legitimately like your co-workers and even consider them "friends", but there is always an overlay of competition and positioning for recognition to these relationships that isn't a part of normal, everyday friendships. And the business of reality t.v. is more competitive than most work places.   LVP seems very, very savvy with this arrangement.  She seems to have a clear idea where the boundaries are.  There is no doubt she can legitimately be hurt at times (we've all been hurt by something a co-worker has said or done, I'm sure), but in general she understands that work is work, and "work friends" are "WORK" friends.   Honestly, I think she's frustrated that some of the others over the years don't understand these sorts of distinctions.

I think this is somewhat Kyles position too; she thinks she's EARNED her spot as LVP "friend" and she's aggravated that LVP is letting a new co-worker, who hasn't put in the hard work and time that Kyle has,  is getting the same level of achievement as she is - which is bonding time on camera with Lisa.  All the buddy, happy back and forth stuff is easy good exposure.  There are really only two ways to get the exposure on these shows; by negative interactions or positive ones.  Obviously the positive clips are more fun, less stressful and secure your contract for the next season.  It's a good way to make a living.  And Kyle thinks it's unfair that Dorit is being handed that role, when Kyle has worked hard over many years to get it. That's why she keeps saying she is being held to a different standard.  

I may be stretching here, but I suspect Kyle isn't anywhere near as savvy as Lisa is about these boundaries because she grew up in the business, and her family relationships have all be so blurred by the business.  She thinks "working friendships" are real friendships.  And she is legitimately constantly hurt by things her other castmates do and say.  She doesn't seem to distinguish between real, sincere actions and tatics used to get more camera time, or to form a storyline.   I think this frustrates the business woman LVP, who seems to actually personally like Kyle.

Anyone whose ever worked in an office has seen the dynamic where a new employee will breeze in, sure they know everything and everyone who is important, and rattle the productivity of the system for awhile.  They come in too hot, too all knowing, too ready to correct everyone and everything.  They don't take the time to figure out the systems, nuances, particulars.  And usually they either burn out fast, or eventual settle in (after causing a lot of unnecessary chaos).  This is Dorit to a T.  

LVP bridged the gap between a real friendship and "work friendship" when she brought Dorit into the show.  I fully believe LVP knew it was a bit of a gamble, but clearly she thought she could make it work.  I don't think she really knew Dorit but was willing to try to help her longtime friend PEEEEKAYYY.   But I think she gave Dorit too much of the benefit of the doubt.  Dorit seems to be the most clueless of all the castmates.  I don't have a lot of hope that Dorit will survive.  She seems too damn dumb to settle into a reasonable role.  She's just too hungry.  She's so damn fake too.  There is NOTHING about her that suggests she even slightly understands what she got herself into.  There is no hope for her.  

It wasn't Lisa/Dorit playing the "my bf, I love you" game on Kyle, it was Kyle/Dorit playing it on Lisa. The difference is, Lisa is a mature friend, while Kyle/Dorit are immature brats playing games.

42 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I like Kyle.  She isn't perfect, she can be as petty as any of these women.  Kyle isn't necessarily "right" or "wrong" in this stupid BFF tug-of-war "plot".  It's so stupid and everyone involved in it is stupid for carrying on over it for this amount of time.  Putting on my arm chair psychologist's hat, I think Kyle is just hyper-sensitive about her friendship w/ LVP and threats (perceived or real) to bust it up.  Kyle is an emotionally needy person and probably has her whack-a-do stage mother to thank/blame.  She craves praise and doesn't want to disappoint people IMO.  Now she & her family have wealth, success, fame and relatively scandal free lives. Her sister Kathy is holding a grudge about the real estate split w/ Mauricio.  Kim was  emotionally &financially dependent on Kyle for years.  Now both sisters have distanced themselves from her and are pissed off at her for various reasons.  I think Kyle feels alone and abandoned by her sisters who were supposedly brought up to look out for each other and support each other in a "us against the world" mentality imposed by their mother.  If Kathy & Kim aren't there for Kyle, I think she is doubly insecure about "losing" her close friendship w/ LVP.   And LVP is completely aware of Kyle's situation.  I think LVP likes to hold her friendships over people's heads like a diamond & rose filled pinata.  She enjoys sitting back & watching these women "prove" their love and fidelity by battling each other to bust open the big "prize".

This would be true if Lisa was the one calling Kyle "jelly" about her friendship with Dorit, telling Kyle that Dorit is her bf and that she "loves" her all the time but it is the opposite. It isn't Lisa that is demanding Kyle prove anything, it is Kyle demanding that Lisa act a certain way.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Most thing these folks and celebrities do are odd to me.  They live in a completely different world than I do.  Although I like this show, so much of their behavior and what they do is utterly ridiculous to me.  It makes me feel better about having a more simple kind of life.    :)

Just a note which I'm sure is not the reason for Erika's sunglasses, but I have vertigo and supermarkets and malls are hard for me. In fact I haven't been in a mall for many years because they make me dizzy. I learned in PT that wearing sunglasses in these settings help with that. 

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