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S06.E14: Collision Course

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Rewatch notes:

Gotta love Curtis’ protest about torturing BS when what he does to Diggle could be seen as a form of torture since he causes him pain. Also, his anger about Felicity hacking their system when he HACKS A CHIP INSIDE DIGGLE’S ARM AND HURTS HIM. Ugh.

Still can’t believe BS was the most sane one in the room when it was just her and Lance. Also cannot believe Lance trying to attribute growing up without her father playing a role in her being the way she is. Especially since he knows Felicity and Thea’s histories. And why do they have these BS/Lance “bonding” moments be about food? Cake, soup. 

I was amused by NTA’s awful tailing and them all wearing their masks while driving. 

The best part about Oliver saying he doesn’t want to see BS’ face? That means he doesn’t want to see any Earth’s LL. 

I completely missed the axe the first time around, so I watched for it this time. What was Rene thinking?

Can they just put the video of the woman taking the money and BS/“LL” side by side and go, “so, kidnapped for two years?”

Also, I don’t know how I feel about Lance still working at City Hall after this episode since he seemed to care more about NOT HIS DAUGHTER than the city. 

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8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Also, I don’t know how I feel about Lance still working at City Hall after this episode since he seemed to care more about NOT HIS DAUGHTER than the city. 

If the city is out of money, they should fire his ass first. And Dinah too.

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There is no way the newbies aren't the most hated characters on the previouslies this year.

I smiled at Felicity getting all momma bear about the b team hurting Diggle.

Oliver should have kicked Rene through that fucking tree. 

12 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Rewatch notes:

Gotta love Curtis’ protest about torturing BS when what he does to Diggle could be seen as a form of torture since he causes him pain. Also, his anger about Felicity hacking their system when he HACKS A CHIP INSIDE DIGGLE’S ARM AND HURTS HIM. Ugh.

Still can’t believe BS was the most sane one in the room when it was just her and Lance. Also cannot believe Lance trying to attribute growing up without her father playing a role in her being the way she is. Especially since he knows Felicity and Thea’s histories. And why do they have these BS/Lance “bonding” moments be about food? Cake, soup. 

I was amused by NTA’s awful tailing and them all wearing their masks while driving. 

The best part about Oliver saying he doesn’t want to see BS’ face? That means he doesn’t want to see any Earth’s LL. 

I completely missed the axe the first time around, so I watched for it this time. What was Rene thinking?

Can they just put the video of the woman taking the money and BS/“LL” side by side and go, “so, kidnapped for two years?”

Also, I don’t know how I feel about Lance still working at City Hall after this episode since he seemed to care more about NOT HIS DAUGHTER than the city. 

Rewatch? You watched this twice? I can't even. I don't rewatch any show on first run but this episode. Hell to the no. I got all the stupidity of the b team and Lance the first time.

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16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'll be honest; I most definitely blacked out while writing at least one of my posts because my rage was that high. I absolutely am going back to re-read the thread. 

I don't think rage was the emotion they were hoping for from this episode.

I'd like to think it was but I suspect they wrote all the NTA stuff thinking they had a leg to stand on.  But then I ask myself HOW could they think that?

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The live thread was fantastic when read all at once.  You all were very much in touch with your inner Killmongers.

I read through the comments on the official CW Arrow feed. Maybe this whole civil war storyline is so that Olicity fans and comic book fans bury the hatchet and come together in their fiery hatred of the newbies.  I can see no other narrative purpose to this terrible storyline.

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I'm genuinely curious as the whether they really think they can redeem the n00bs after this or if they really do want us to hate them.

47 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Well in the end it didn't matter cuz Curtis talked her down... Glad her rampage is over. 

Only until Dinah sees BS next time. Then it will flare up again. It's her reason for living these days.

25 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

 And why do they have these BS/Lance “bonding” moments be about food? Cake, soup.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe it's because food brings up childhood memories, warm and fuzzy ones.  Comfort food often comes from our childhood and that's the level he's trying to reach her at.

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Tonight's episode was just a whole lot of WTF. First I was thinking monkeys with typewriters wrote this episode. The weird bumbling with the other team in the van. It was almost like watching the Keystone Cops or The Three Stooges. This was just a terrible, terrible episode. 

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There was one positive thing to happen in this episode and that was finding out that the team's unofficial doctor has survived Cayden's attack. That's excellent news.

As for everything else, I wouldn't be surprised if a good part of this season was actually revealed to be the ramblings of a crazy person locked up in psych ward. After all there are so many to choose from. The n00bs, Quentin and Thea is certainly making admirable attempts to join that club. Really, there are so many batshit crazy reasonings here that it would be exhausting to hear them all. Let me just say that I'm so broken up about Rene's condition. After all, all he tried to do was give Oliver a high five with an axe through his head. Jeez, Oliver. Chill, you maniac.

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Slade Wilson beheaded Moira queen... Malcolm merlyn killed Sara and basically killed Tommy.. I'm pretty sure Ota and NTA can come back together if they wanted to.. Don't know if they will.. But it can be done

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I was about 30 mins behind on the live watch because I kept stopping to laugh at the stupidity of this whole thing. Rene and Curtis should count their damn blessings that Oliver didn’t put an arrow through them.  A few things that stood out, while Rene’s neglectful ass had the nerve to try to provoke Oliver, I wanted someone to ask him about his kid.   The n00bs crossed a damn line. Curtis knowingly hurt John. Didn’t give a damn about the possible last effects of his blunder. Bird v.347374 is the worst. I don’t care about this supposed great love of her life when she lied about it and had the nerve to be angry at Oliver. I also thought she had a lot of gall to try to challenge Oliver. Again, Oliver’s patience with the n00bs has been phenomenal.


In an earlier post, I made a mention of the colossal failure of this civil war storyline. Yes, MCU and DCTV are two different mediums, etc. Here’s where MCU successed for the most part and where the Arrow writers have failed spectacularly. You could see both points of view. You could agree or disagree with one character or another. Meanwhile, with this train wreck, I don’t give two damns about the n00bs and I want them gone. Post haste. Get out. BYE.


Is OTA perfect? Nope. Hell, I despised Oliver for the majority of season 5. John has had his issues. Felicity is far from perfect. However, after the crap the n00bs pulled tonight? They can’t leave soon enough. 

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37 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Slade Wilson beheaded Moira queen... Malcolm merlyn killed Sara and basically killed Tommy.. I'm pretty sure Ota and NTA can come back together if they wanted to.. Don't know if they will.. But it can be done

Slade got the drugged out of my mind excuse.  Malcolm was never befriended by anyone but his blood relative after what he did and even she kept telling him to stay away from her right up to his death.  

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Really, the best part of this episode is watching everyone totally losing their minds over this insanity. Its like being in group therapy. I think the last time I saw this much TV rage (including from myself) was when How I Met Your Mother ended. 

The Internets reaction: "Hissssssss"

Edited by tennisgurl
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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I went visiting to Reddit to get their reaction on the episode.  The NTA hate is strong there as well but at least half of them were eager to mention how it's all Olicity and the OTA's fault that the NTA are now being written into the ground.  Apparently, MG is pandering to me and my ilk.  Yeah, I was surprised as well, lol.  

If they are trying to pander, they're doing it very wrong. But if they do want some pointers I also have a list. In a pandering storyline why is there no Olicity and n00bs being asshats all over the screen (and no Lyla).

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7 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Objection! If they really want to pander to me I demand Oliver shirtless, Olicity sexy times, Olicity kissing once an episode, Felicity getting her own company and Curtis dead. I'm waiting. 

Yes! Yes! Yes! To all of this though I'd add Rene to the Dead list and Dinah leaving town for good also Felicity Shirtless every epiosde if I have to see Oliver Shirtless LOL

7 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

He needs to pander to me with honeymoon sex, not hypocritical assholes. 

And YES YES YES! to this as Well! 

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8 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Rewatch notes:

Gotta love Curtis’ protest about torturing BS when what he does to Diggle could be seen as a form of torture since he causes him pain. Also, his anger about Felicity hacking their system when he HACKS A CHIP INSIDE DIGGLE’S ARM AND HURTS HIM. Ugh.

Still can’t believe BS was the most sane one in the room when it was just her and Lance. Also cannot believe Lance trying to attribute growing up without her father playing a role in her being the way she is. Especially since he knows Felicity and Thea’s histories. And why do they have these BS/Lance “bonding” moments be about food? Cake, soup. 

I was amused by NTA’s awful tailing and them all wearing their masks while driving. 

The best part about Oliver saying he doesn’t want to see BS’ face? That means he doesn’t want to see any Earth’s LL. 

I completely missed the axe the first time around, so I watched for it this time. What was Rene thinking?

Can they just put the video of the woman taking the money and BS/“LL” side by side and go, “so, kidnapped for two years?”

Also, I don’t know how I feel about Lance still working at City Hall after this episode since he seemed to care more about NOT HIS DAUGHTER than the city. 

Gold star to you for noting that Laurel is the only sane one in the room when it's her and Lance.  I still can't get over Thea saying that Fake Laurel is Lane's daughter.  Then again, she's the one who also told Oliver that he should lie to Felicity about William  after always railing to Oliver about him concealing information from her.  But that's the Arrow writers for you.  As I've always said, they write their characters to fit their story instead of writing their story to fit their characters.  That's how you get things like Roy being violently opposed to Malcolm one week and then wanting to join the Malcolm Merlyn fan club the next week.

I missed the axe too because the fight scene between Oliver and Rene was so dark I couldn't see anything.  Whose decision was it to shoot the fight between those two like that?  In any case, why the hell does Oliver has anything to apologize for when Rene brought an AXE to a fistfight?

Edited by benteen
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One small, good thing: when I first heard about this civil war storyline I was dreading it because I assumed the show would make OTA look/do something bad in order to get the audience to sympathize with NTA. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The writers’ commitment to making OTA look better then them is hilarious. Even as little as a few episodes ago, I might have had issues with Team Arrow breaking into their bunker and gassing them (which is probably the most objectionable thing OTA has done yet). But the show has destroyed NTA so thoroughly, the only thing I felt was disappointment that OTA didn’t use the type of gas that would have also knocked them out for a while. 

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I really hope Laurel was faking at the end (although why would she) I’m worried they will pull the old selected amnesia plot and turn Laurel “good” and try to redeem herself for all the bad things she’s done in the past. Of course she wouldn’t remember anything about the money and eventually would turn evil again and betray the team. (Taken from chapter 4 of “How to write daytime soap operas 101”

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3 minutes ago, BadArcher said:

I really hope Laurel was faking at the end (although why would she) I’m worried they will pull the old selected amnesia plot and turn Laurel “good” and try to redeem herself for all the bad things she’s done in the past. Of course she wouldn’t remember anything about the money and eventually would turn evil again and betray the team. (Taken from chapter 4 of “How to write daytime soap operas 101”

I'm fairly certain she's faking. She's been shown thus far to be pretty smart, and if she actually doesn't have the bearer bonds and was negotiating in bad faith (or even if she does), outing herself as the  thought dead DA that's been kidnapped for a couple of years is a great way to get some cover from Dinah and Team Arrow since her original plan fell through. I thought they made it pretty clear that she was manipulating Quentin when she asked him to tell her all about his Laurel. I'll be disappointed if they go with that instead of the obvious thing that someone like BS would try to do, haha. 

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29 minutes ago, BadArcher said:

I really hope Laurel was faking at the end (although why would she) I’m worried they will pull the old selected amnesia plot and turn Laurel “good” and try to redeem herself for all the bad things she’s done in the past. Of course she wouldn’t remember anything about the money and eventually would turn evil again and betray the team. (Taken from chapter 4 of “How to write daytime soap operas 101”

I 100% think she was taking. For her to have amnesia and to only remember info about her doppelganger is far fetched even for this show.

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You know an episode is bad when A.V. Club gives it a grade of D+...

I cheered when Oliver took down Rene and Curtis. I wanted Dinah to kill Black Siren and then go to jail for life.

The newbies continue to be contemptible hypocrites. Dinah has never apologized or even acknowledged any fault in lying to Oliver and the team about Vince/Vigilante. And in this episode, she never takes any responsibility for the fact that her actions contributed to the events that led to Rene's injury. Curtis never apologizes for despicably disabling Diggle's chip and causing Diggle to suffer severe pain. (And Curtis has never apologized to Felicity for putting those tracking nanites in her pancakes last year). I don't recall Rene ever apologizing to Oliver for betraying him. He still acts like the wronged victim. He seems motivated mostly by a macho desire to defeat the top dog (Oliver). 

NTA's decisions and actions contributed hugely to the series of events that led to their big fight with OTA and consequently Rene's hospitalization, as well as Black Siren escaping and the city losing the $70M. (Sure, we don't know if Black Siren would've let Quentin live and given back the money, but I'm sure that Oliver would've had Felicity track her.) Yet, as usual, NTA blames everything on OTA. I supposed they would've been happier if Oliver had let Rene kill him with the axe.  Also, Oliver fought the axe-wielding Rene using only his bare hands. If you fight Oliver, you should expect to get injured.

Oh, Quentin, a lot of children grow up without a father, and they don't become cold-blooded murderers. And a lot of children grow up without a father or a mother, and they don't become cold-blooded murderers. 

I'm pretty sure that E2 Laurel was faking the amnesia thing at the end and only pretending to be E1 Laurel. The injury was to her side, not to her head. She milked Quentin for info about his real daughter.

This episode was just a chore to watch from beginning to end (except for the nice scene with Oliver, Felicity and William, and the OTA scenes). Can this be the last we see of Dinah, Curtis and Rene - please? They're just the worst. (I know they'll be back, but one can hope.)

Nitpick: Felicity is supposed to be the expert hacker and software expert, while Curtis is supposed to be the hardware expert (per WM comments). Yet in this episode, Curtis complains about Felicity using a "triple worm. blue cobalt IP hack" that he taught her. Huh? How about a little character continuity, Arrow writers? This is the woman who specialized in virus creation while at M.I.T. (Arrow: Oliver Queen's Dossier).

ETA:  As for Felicity's qualifications to start her own tech company without Curtis' help - she has an IQ of 170 (genius level), she has been building computers since she was 7 years old, she was ranked 2nd in the 2008 National Information Technology Competition at age 19, she created a super computer virus in college, she earned a master's degree in Cyber Security and Computer Science at M.I.T., she developed trick arrows for Oliver, she deactivated the earthquake machine device, she developed a voice modulator (Arrow Season 2.5), she was instrumental in getting Ray Palmer's A.T.O.M. suit operational, etc.

Edited by tv echo
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52 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

For her to have amnesia and to only remember info about her doppelganger is far fetched even for this show.

The only way I'd accept this is if they put the blame 100% on Lance for kidnapping her, bringing her to the cabin and basically being like, "Let me tell you all about my daughter! Be her!" 

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3 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Yet, as usual, NTA blames everything on OTA.

This is my biggest problem with NTA. Ever since this storyline started, we've seen OTA consider their actions, decide whether they're willing to accept the ramifications of those actions, take those actions, and then be accountable for their actions. Meanwhile, NTA is all impulse. They don't consider the consequences of anything they do, and when shit goes south on them, it's never a result of the choices they've made. They handwave everything by blaming Oliver and smugly congratulating themselves for how morally superior they are. It's beyond obnoxious

If you fight Oliver, you should expect to get injured.

I honestly don't understand how any of them thought they could take Oliver on and expect to not catch a beat down. It's incomprehensible.

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12 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Did you see the clip on Twitter?

She even had them iced! She can make cookies! 

I kind of love it how scared Felicity and William are of Oliver when he catches them with junk! He totally lectures them on eating healthy I reckon! 

I did! Now we know she can make cookies and pigs in a blanket, just not omelette. (TBF, omelette's can be difficult)

She's totally the parent who sneaks the kids cookies and candy while Oliver lectures about being careful in what you put in your body ;)

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This episode was badly written as well as badly acted for the most part, the only saving grace being Paul Blackthorne, but Quentin does seem to be losing his mind.

It would be amusing if Curtis, Rene and Dinah turn out to be the Big Bads of this season.

I love how Arrow likes making Bones interns evil :). First Diggle's brother and now Oliver's prosecutor. Hey Arastoo!

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Rene went from being the best of the newbies to the worst.  He dares call Oliver a thug even though it's Rene that's willing to screw over Oliver to get his daughter back even though he choked when he had a perfectly non-shady way to do it.  Him taking an axe to Oliver meant that Oliver could do whatever he wanted to Rene as far as I'm concerned.  He tried to murder him!

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These writers really need to reign it in. Dinah beating Quentin, Rene trying to axe Oliver, Curtis disabling Diggle (It's one thing if those two are in the middle of a fight and he does it to survive but he cast the first stone)...and didn't Felicity get shut? I didn't understand that scene. It looks like she jumped in front of Wild Dog as he was shooting and got hit but nothing came of it.

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Nitpick: Felicity is supposed to be the expert hacker and software expert, while Curtis is supposed to be the hardware expert (per WM comments). Yet in this episode, Curtis complains about Felicity using a "triple worm. blue cobalt IP hack" that he taught her. Huh? How about a little character continuity, Arrow writers? This is the woman who specialized in virus creation while at M.I.T. (Arrow: Oliver Queen's Dossier).

So apparently it's not just the personalities of the characters that the writers change to fit their story but their abilities as well.

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7 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

These writers really need to reign it in. Dinah beating Quentin, Rene trying to axe Oliver, Curtis disabling Diggle (It's one thing if those two are in the middle of a fight and he does it to survive but he cast the first stone)...and didn't Felicity get shut? I didn't understand that scene. It looks like she jumped in front of Wild Dog as he was shooting and got hit but nothing came of it.

I saw a lightened-up gif of it and it looks like the bullet just barely misses her arm. 

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Oliver Queen is the worst mayor that Star City has ever seen. The city is on the verge of collapse because of $70 million? $70 million is budget dust. A city the size of Star City should have a budget of $1 - $1.5 billion. To cover $70 million you would just hold off on nonessential projects, cut back on some city services, implement a hiring freeze, and maybe temporarily increase taxes. Or you would ask the state or the feds to bail you out.

Also Oliver needed to use that same decibel that he used on NTA on Quentin. Had Thea never followed Quentin out to the cabin, Quentin would have happily kept Oliver in the dark about Black Siren's whereabouts even knowing that the city needed the money even being the deputy mayor. Also OTA needs to stop calling her Laurel. Every time they do, they subtly reinforce to Quentin that the crazy shit he pulled was emotionally understandable. It's not.

I'm team no one. I thought both teams were acting like assholes.

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

Nitpick: Felicity is supposed to be the expert hacker and software expert, while Curtis is supposed to be the hardware expert (per WM comments). Yet in this episode, Curtis complains about Felicity using a "triple worm. blue cobalt IP hack" that he taught her. Huh? How about a little character continuity, Arrow writers? This is the woman who specialized in virus creation while at M.I.T. (Arrow: Oliver Queen's Dossier).

ETA:  As for Felicity's qualifications to start her own tech company without Curtis' help - she has an IQ of 170 (genius level), she has been building computers since she was 7 years old, she was ranked 2nd in the 2008 National Information Technology Competition at age 19, she created a super computer virus in college, she earned a master's degree in Cyber Security and Computer Science at M.I.T., she developed trick arrows for Oliver, she deactivated the earthquake machine device, she developed a voice modulator (Arrow Season 2.5), she was instrumental in getting Ray Palmer's A.T.O.M. suit operational, etc.

I'm still furious about this. The lessening of Felicity's skills to prop Curtis has been a huge issue of mine for a long time now but it's never felt more apparent than it did in this episode. RAGE.

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Nitpick: Felicity is supposed to be the expert hacker and software expert, while Curtis is supposed to be the hardware expert (per WM comments). Yet in this episode, Curtis complains about Felicity using a "triple worm. blue cobalt IP hack" that he taught her. Huh? How about a little character continuity, Arrow writers? This is the woman who specialized in virus creation while at M.I.T. (Arrow: Oliver Queen's Dossier).

My first instinct remains to believe Curtis was deluding himself but it's possible that some new technique had come out and he just was the first one to read about it or copy it and show it to her before she would have mastered it herself.  Both are hackers so they probably collect and share interesting code but there's no way that anything Curtis showed her was something she couldn't have bested on her own had she wanted to.  Curtis has always deferred to Felicity when he's doing the hard stuff.   

Also, it's satisfying to know Felicity took something Curtis was very familiar with and had no trouble using it to punch past his defenses.  I'd like to think that it was a deliberate hacker thumb of the nose and that she was rubbing his face in it.  It's how he took it.  :D  

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

My first instinct remains to believe Curtis was deluding himself but it's possible that some new technique had come out and he just was the first one to read about it or copy it and show it to her before she would have mastered it herself.  Both are hackers so they probably collect and share interesting code but there's no way that anything Curtis showed her was something she couldn't have bested on her own had she wanted to.  Curtis has always deferred to Felicity when he's doing the hard stuff.   

Yeah, I mean Felicity has a lot going on in her life. I don't take any issue with Felicity not knowing something and Curtis showing it to her. I didn't take it as she needed him to walk her through it to be able to learn it, rather that it was probably something she hadn't needed thus far and he shared his knowledge. It happens all the time with coworkers - even subject matter experts. 

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The whole thing is unacceptable to me. They made it clear there was this hardware/software divide but now Curtis gets to do software as well as invent and build tech and Felicity gets what? LET ME FIGHT. 

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14 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

My first instinct remains to believe Curtis was deluding himself but it's possible that some new technique had come out and he just was the first one to read about it or copy it and show it to her before she would have mastered it herself.  Both are hackers so they probably collect and share interesting code but there's no way that anything Curtis showed her was something she couldn't have bested on her own had she wanted to.  Curtis has always deferred to Felicity when he's doing the hard stuff. 

So much so that he was begging her to leave Oliver's arraignment (his arraignment, yo) to perform some complicated hack. It doesn't bother me at all that Curtis is a skilled hacker, because his skills have been useful and complementary to Felicity's on many occasions. But I don't buy him "teaching" her anything about hacking at all, the same way I wouldn't buy her teaching him something about his T spheres. 

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So when is this show gonna admit that they can't write for the BC and they should just give up already? They've had 3 tries at this now and Dinah is, unbelievably, the worst one yet. HOW ARE THEY SO BAD AT THIS? 

I mean, it doesn't help that JH is a mediocre actress who can't carry dramatic scenes and thinks being badass is pouting and strutting and glaring but the writing is also to blame here. Just quit. Please. For the love of everything. 

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15 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Rene could die from the beating he took from Ollie.. And that's partly due to a previous gunshot wound he got when diggle was on drugs. Look if the newbies leave I'm not really shedding tears I like em enuff but they aren't dealbreakers.. But especially this episode OTA was more wrong than NTA..  I know I'm in the minority with that take but what can you do

I don't even know if you're actually serious with this opinion or what but Rene went after Oliver. Oliver told him to stay down. It is not Oliver's fault that Rene kept fighting. If Oliver had turned away from Rene and Rene killed BS then there was NO chance for the money to be found.  So what the hell was Rene thinking he was going to accomplish? He pulled guns on Oliver FFS. Rene condoned and approved of Curtis using tech to disable John's arm!

Rene didn't hold back from Oliver so why should Oliver hold back in his fighting?

Why is Oliver being blamed for defending himself to his utmost when Rene was throwing everything at him? Sorry but I have hard time believing you are serious on this?

Rene started this fight. Not Oliver.

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm team no one. I thought both teams were acting like assholes.

Honest and serious question: How were Oliver, Felicity and John acting like assholes? I'm not being snarky. 

There were only three MEGA Arseholes last night, and they were Dong, Pouty Lips, and stutterbark.

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I'm doing a rewatch.  Have waaaay too many observations which I will post once I'm done but just realized something I had to share. 

Remember how in the promo it looked like Oliver in order to protect Felicity was holding her back as she shouted John's name in anguish?  I am soo delighted that it turned out instead that Felicity was furious and so intent on going after Curtis for what he did to John that Oliver stopped her from attacking him, lol.  

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5 minutes ago, jenrising said:

I guess when someone comes after you with an axe the only right thing to do is ask them politely to stop. Or let them axe murder you and then thank them for it. 

And what if Diggle had still been driving when Curtis hurt him? All of OTA could've been killed. 

Oh gods. I forgot he came at Oliver with an axe.  At least I can now rightly, and truly, call Rene an axe murderer. This pleases me. LOL

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7 minutes ago, jenrising said:

I guess when someone comes after you with an axe the only right thing to do is ask them politely to stop. Or let them axe murder you and then thank them for it. 

I just got a good laugh at how ridiculous "Rene. Put the axe down" would've been in context, so thank you.

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46 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Honest and serious question: How were Oliver, Felicity and John acting like assholes? I'm not being snarky. 

There were only three MEGA Arseholes last night, and they were Dong, Pouty Lips, and stutterbark.

There were definitely four in my book. Lance belongs on that list as well. While not fighting OTA, he, deputy mayor, completely disregarded the best interests of the city to play out Misery. 

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