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S15.E10: Red Rum and Then Some

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The chefs put their scariest nightmares on a plate in dessert form during a Quickfire set at the iconic Stanley Hotel, the site that inspired Stephen King's "The Shining"; the chefs offer a dish to John Hickenlooper, the governor of Colorado.

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Carrie’s phone call home had me nervous, but they've been doing that fake-out a lot this season.

“Have you ever cracked open an egg and had an unborn chicken?”  No, Mustache Joe, because the eggs aren’t fertilized.  Maybe some random backyard chicken owner doesn’t know to keep roosters out, but other than that, it’s not going to happen.  And, yeah, it could just be a nightmare, but the way he posed the question made it sound like it was an actual concern.

LOL at Bruce just making up a story.  But I feel for him not knowing how the hell you translate a nightmare into a dessert, or how to put his TC journey on the plate.  My mind doesn’t really work that way either; I, too, would come up with a dish, and then craft a story loosely based on reality to explain it.  (I don’t think I’d make up out of whole cloth something like being afraid of seeds, but who knows.)

I also laughed at Chris’s marzipan dead hiker, but in a different way; that was fun.  I liked Adrienne’s concept, too.

Gee, Tom, no pressure -- yikes on that talk as they prepped for the EC, but if he’s consistently getting better food out of LCK than on the show, that’s something they need to hear.

I liked Carrie’s journey story, gaining her confidence as she more than held her own with chefs from bigger culinary markets/with more experience.  And I love Chris honoring the influence of the other chefs he’s shared this experience with as his journey tale, but agreed with Carrie that it's a dicey strategy that is probably going to fail, especially at this stage.

Mustache Joe’s lamb and pasta dish looked delicious, except for the beets (which I don’t like; if I did, I think I’d love that dish).  He's my least favorite, but I can't argue with his win.

Carrie’s elk dish looked beautiful; elk is not my thing, but if I imagine it with a different meat, I salivate over it – what a great mix of flavors.  I was rooting for hers to win.  (Her BFF fantasy with the governor was cute, too -- I don't normally like people as cheery and goofy as Carrie, but I really like her.) 

Adrienne’s monkfish dish needed a contrasting color somewhere, but otherwise looked terrific (and I could so clearly see how perfectly cooked the fish was).  And sounded terrific.

Bruce’s duck dish was also a little bland, color-wise, but also apparently failed on multiple basic levels.  Chris’s trout sounded good, but the pasta part quite problematic, but Bruce just never got out of his head for QF or EC, and it was clear he’d screwed up the most.  And also that it was easy to see why Chris failed in the way he did, but confusing why Bruce screwed up the way he did.  The elimination was a no-brainer, even without the ability to taste.

Edited by Bastet
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Also, Bruce could not cook barley.  Barley is tricky and always takes longer than you think it will.  Rice would have been better but also too pedestrian.


I want an Adrienne vs. Carrie finale.  I think they are the two best cooks.  Adrienne: classically trained, experienced in high -end cuisine.  Carrie:  quirky, creative, inventive.

Edited by susannot
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4 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Chris’s marzipan dead hiker

It took me back a little bit to Hung's Smurf Village concept.

Chris and Joe really suck at pool. Or the editors were being shady.

Carrie dreams about stuffed tater tots because of COURSE she does.

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34 minutes ago, susannot said:

I want an Adrienne vs. Carrie finale.  I think they are the two best cooks.  Adrienne: classically trained, experienced in high -end cuisine.  Carrie:  quirky, creative, inventive.

Me too, and for those very reasons.

Graham, you're sitting at the grownup table...tennis shoes are not appropriate.

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Bruce’s head, understandably, wasn’t in the game. I also got the feeling that he was a little embarrassed to be competing on Top Chef with much younger contestants and being judged by his peers.   But also, screw Padma for her mixed signals. One day she tells him she’s sick of his pasta and another day she criticizes him for not making what he loves.

Carrie bugs me- I call bullshit on her tater tot dream- but if I had to choose between Carrie and Joe, she wins.  I really want Adrienne to win.  I loved her note taking. That really helps to make sense of things.

Who was the super pretentious judge who loved the “capriciousness” of the seasoning?  Stfu, dude, and that also applies to Padma, who of course has felt the air thicken in haunted hotel rooms. Give me a break.

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First, I TOTALLY agree....where's Gail?  That fat person in her seat with the white glasses on is just terrible.  Although truly, he didn't annoy me with his comments, but WE NEED GAIL!

Carrie just totally won me over this episode.  I think the reason most of us didn't care for her was that all season, she just seemed to cheery and optimistic, in a fake sort of way.  But after hearing her back story with her dad, and hearing her describe her own experience growing in her POV throughout the season was fantastic.  Go Carrie!

It was also wonderful to see Adrienne finally figure it out, and I thought the production of all of her little bits and bytes told the story very well.  We all know she's a fantastic technician, but you could almost see the pieces fall into place in her head as she envisioned where she was going...and it was telling to me, at least, that she told Padma "I believe I've finally found my path".  NOT that she'd figured it out, but that she was on the way.  Great stuff.

Sorry Bruce, and Chris, too.....these two both lost their ways by NOT cooking their own food and trying to make their "stories" fit their dish.  Always the wrong approach, IMO.  

I know Mustache Joe is not a favorite here, but he CAN cook, and he also is a thinker.  I like that.  I'm sure everyone here is sick of me saying one of the main keys to this competition is decision making...but I'd point out that once again, Joe S. received the memo, and reads it every day. 

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Padma’s eye rolling of Bruce’s pasta and polenta choices messed with his head.  Gee Thanks.  The governor missed out on an opportunity to taste Bruce’s spectacular pasta and had to choke down Chris’ dry homage ravioli.  Sigh.

Bruce then decided to make the dreaded risotto.  And that was after he chose to make the dreaded panna cotta that never sets in these competitions, that always gets passed off as a crappy semifreddo....and this was after he decided to make up his Seed Phobia.

He is clearly mind fucked and I hope he made pasta or polenta on LCK.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

“Have you ever cracked open an egg and had an unborn chicken?”  No, Mustache Joe, because the eggs aren’t fertilized.  Maybe some random backyard chicken owner doesn’t know to keep roosters out, but other than that, it’s not going to happen.  And, yeah, it could just be a nightmare, but the way he posed the question made it sound like it was an actual concern.

BALUT.  Usually done with duck eggs, but chicken eggs are also used. See here for one (just one) useful "inclusive" description.

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1 minute ago, chiaros said:

BALUT.  Usually done with duck eggs, but chicken eggs are also used. See here for one (just one) useful "inclusive" description.

Great, but it's unlikely that's what Mustache Joe is using, making my original point stand.

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I will never sympathize with anyone who goes home for making risotto (or risotto adjacent). See ya Bruce!


Carrie was absolutely delightful! Even Padma couldn't be upset when she basically served nothing on a plate. I was just shy of squealing when she was going on about how well she hit it off with the governor. She is precious!

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I feel like the judges have messed with the contestants' heads this season and majorly screwed them up.  One after the other they end going home after figuratively being spun around and blindfolded in the woods. They don't know whether to be true to themselves or be novel and creative.  They are stabbing in the dark and making bad decisions because they're not being given their best opportunity to shine.  No offense to the people still standing but I don't remember another season when so many of the most talented chefs went home before the finale.  It's been one let down after another and I blame the show for that.  I think the uncertainty, second guessing and over-strategizing is a result of the challenges being too gimmicky or the judges being too vague or giving mixed messages about what they're looking for.  Most of my favorites, then my "new" favorites have gone home.  I felt for Bruce as his head was clearly at home with his new baby.  I like Carrie and Adrienne so unless I love the LCK person that comes back, I won't be disappointed if either of them wins.  I actually think Adrienne deserves it more.  I can't believe how many times she's been passed over for best dish when she probably should have gotten it.

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Just now, hendersonrocks said:

His name is Graham. Fat people have names too, and generally like to be called by them (at least in my personal experience).

Carrie’s conversation with her dad hit me hard and helped me appreciate her a little bit more, and I am glad Adrienne is starting to do a little bit better. Chris got in his own head, again, and Joe made a good dish while continuing to regale us with how much he vows weed. Serious question: do you think production had a ban on it during filming even though it’s legal in Colorado?

Overall, this final four isn’t inspiring me as much as past seasons. I hope they turn it up to eleven in Telluride.

I KNOW who he is.  My point was he shouldn't be in Gail's seat.....and he's totally not necessary on this show, either!

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6 hours ago, pinguina said:

When I saw Carrie on the phone with her dad - it was sweet especially when she spoke about her father having Alzheimer's and how he is living in an assisted living facility.  My mom had Alzheimer's and just recently passed away, so hearing her talk about her worries about being able to take care of him really hit home for me.  It is such a horrible disease and you see the person that you love and spent time with, created memories with... and then one day they don't know who you are, all the memories you had made together are gone.  You can only hold their hand and just be with them and still love them as much as you can.

*Sorry, didn't mean to get off topic.

Don't be sorry!  I'm very sorry to hear about your mom.

How old could Carrie's father be?  It must be early onset Alzheimer's.  I'm hearing about more cases of that lately.  I wonder if it's on the rise.

6 hours ago, hendersonrocks said:

His name is Graham. Fat people have names too, and generally like to be called by them (at least in my personal experience).

I agree but isn't he not even fat anymore since his surgery?

I know a lot of people don't like him, but he doesn't really bother me.  The worst I can say about him is that he's a little too much of an introvert for TV.  I don't find that offensive.  He's probably a pretty decent guy personally although I really don't know because he keeps so much hidden.  I try to assume the best.

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49 minutes ago, hkit said:

Warning: 40 something old lady rant incoming.

I don't understand the need for kids Joe's age to drop that they get high into casual conversations with alarming regularity. Not because I have a problem with weed (I don't), but because it is soooo effing boring! Smoking up isn't a substitute for personality. It isn't taboo, interesting, or even particularly unique. I smoked my fair share in the 90s; even my straight edged parents Cheech and Chonged their way through the 60s/70s. You want to smoke? Knock yourself out. But forcing it into the conversation is getting so tired.

end rant.

I have a theory about this - Since cigarette smoking isn't "cool" anymore, now to be cool kids have to latch onto something else, and now that weed is legal in a lot of places they feel more "permission" to drop their use of it into conversation.  Newsflash for Joe:  Your ridiculous hipster mustache, your public bragging about pot smoking, AND your attempt to "be cool" by latching onto "the bears" this season isn't working.  I will probably like him more when he eventually grows up.

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10 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

I know Mustache Joe is not a favorite here, but he CAN cook, and he also is a thinker.  I like that.  I'm sure everyone here is sick of me saying one of the main keys to this competition is decision making...but I'd point out that once again, Joe S. received the memo, and reads it every day. 

I agree. I've poked fun at him before on this forum too, but indeed he can cook - and he "got the memo" this time for sure. His dish looked wonderful. I would have loved to taste it - and those beet greens lamb agnolotti of his looked great. I would have needed a dozen of them! As has also been mentioned upstream, Joe has won other challenges - specifically, episode 3 (Keep on Truckin') and episode 7 (Olympic Dreams).

As an aside, Adrienne helped him plate, although I don't think they talked about it on the episode as aired. It was a very fast moment when they showed it – here's a screen shot of her assisting with the final plating of Joe's dish:




10 hours ago, avecsans said:

Who was the super pretentious judge who loved the “capriciousness” of the seasoning?  Stfu, dude


I don't think he was especially pretentious. Perhaps he could have used another word, but "capriciousness" was not an unreasonable word to describe the unexpected changing flavors in Adrienne's dish and he explained what he meant. The judges seemed to accept that and also added to the characterization of the dish.

Edited by chiaros
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10 hours ago, whinewithwine said:

Graham, you're sitting at the grownup table...tennis shoes are not appropriate.

Totally agree. You're at the freakin' Governor's house. Have some respect.

I also thought it was amusingly dorky that Carrie said to the Governor "Thank you for being here." LOL, it's his own house.

So what on earth did Craftsy contribute to the QF? I couldn't figure that out.

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I want an Adrienne vs. Carrie finale.  I think they are the two best cooks.  Adrienne: classically trained, experienced in high -end cuisine.  Carrie:  quirky, creative, inventive.

I like them both and think that they are solid chefs, but I don't think that they are  the best cooks. Neither has done all that well (Adrienne almost got PPYKAG'd in each of the first 4 weeks) and Carrie has been very middle of the pack-neither has made very memorable or inventive dishes. And I don't think this is a case of gaining momentum or pulling out the good stuff at the end like Nicholas Elmi or Shirley Chung. AND NONE of them are close to even being in the neighborhood of a Voltaggio, Paul Qui, Stephanie or Blais....they barely get to Hosea

In my opinion, I think the best chefs are/were the Bears-Bruce, Joe F and Tyler....but they were not the best cheftestants. YMMV Actually, I take that back...the best chef, cook AND cheftestant was Lee Anne but was not to be

And I agree with everyone that Bruce's head was not totally in the game, between the arrival of his son and having to deal with a group that was not as accomplished as him.

Edited by AriAu
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3 hours ago, hkit said:

Warning: 40 something old lady rant incoming.

I don't understand the need for kids Joe's age to drop that they get high into casual conversations with alarming regularity. Not because I have a problem with weed (I don't), but because it is soooo effing boring! Smoking up isn't a substitute for personality. It isn't taboo, interesting, or even particularly unique. I smoked my fair share in the 90s; even my straight edged parents Cheech and Chonged their way through the 60s/70s. You want to smoke? Knock yourself out. But forcing it into the conversation is getting so tired.

end rant.

Unfortunately, these are the days of TMI.  If you've ever looked at Social Media, it seems as though there is nothing worth keeping private any longer.  I think it comes down to such feelings of entitlement that there are no longer any filters...about anything.   It is what it is, perhaps the pendulum will swing again and privacy will once again become a valuable commodity.  As for Stache Joe, he's still a decent chef, and his "hook" is the hipster thing.  Sigh.

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Snidely and Adrienne seem to be getting set up for the "You're a good chef, but you need a little more experience to find your path" elimination somewhere in the finale.  Of the remaining, Chris is the most "mature"/deserving. People actually tasted his rolls thru the TV screen, and the ginger ale chicken, et al. Plus his Pepper Pot Shrimp presentation was  Next Food Network Star worthy. He'd be the first "must be one of those Ohio"-Amish-soul food-Iggles Fan Top Chef!

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11 minutes ago, Eulipian 5k said:

Snidely and Adrienne seem to be getting set up for the "You're a good chef, but you need a little more experience to find your path" elimination somewhere in the finale.  Of the remaining, Chris is the most "mature"/deserving. People actually tasted his rolls thru the TV screen, and the ginger ale chicken, et al. Plus his Pepper Pot Shrimp presentation was  Next Food Network Star worthy. He'd be the first "must be one of those Ohio"-Amish-soul food-Iggles Fan Top Chef!

I think it's going to come down to Carrie vs. Chris (not counting whoever comes back from LCK - Joe F? Bruce?).  They both seem to know who they are, and for the most part deliver great food.

I think Chris's comment about wanting to be the first Michelin-star soul food restaurant had "winner" written all over it.  In Survivor-speak, that would be the winner TH.  :)

Edited by Special K
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13 hours ago, Bastet said:

“Have you ever cracked open an egg and had an unborn chicken?”  No, Mustache Joe, because the eggs aren’t fertilized.  Maybe some random backyard chicken owner doesn’t know to keep roosters out, but other than that, it’s not going to happen.  And, yeah, it could just be a nightmare, but the way he posed the question made it sound like it was an actual concern.

I actually had this happen to me last Sunday, so it is real.  Using eggs from the supermarket too.  Recipe calls for a dozen - I cracked 7 no problem, egg number 8 was full of blood and a small yellow mass.  I've been cooking for decades and never had it happen before.  But it is real.  

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1 minute ago, Special K said:

I think Chris's comment about wanting to be the first Michelin-star soul food restaurant had "winner" written all over it.  In Survivor-speak, that would be the winner TH.  :)

Beyond the topic of who will or won't win, I couldn't help but think that with someone like Marcus Samuelsson having Red Rooster to great acclaim (but no stars), what would a "Michelin-star soul food restaurant" look like? I'm having trouble imagining it.

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2 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

egg number 8 was full of blood and a small yellow mass.  I've been cooking for decades and never had it happen before.  But it is real.  

"Here you go Tom, here's your perfect French Omelet! Just the egg only, as it came out of the chicken!"

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4 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Beyond the topic of who will or won't win, I couldn't help but think that with someone like Marcus Samuelsson having Red Rooster to great acclaim (but no stars), what would a "Michelin-star soul food restaurant" look like? I'm having trouble imagining it.

Yes, seems like Samuelsson would be the top contender.

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I looked at the menus from Bruce's restaurants and the fare is simple and pasta heavy.   Meatballs are on both of them.   I don't think his lack of creativity is the fault of his new baby.  I think he is more limited than the other chefs.  Not saying he is not a good chef.   This competition did not work for his style, that is all.  

Had he stuck with pasta he would still be where he is now.  

Edited by Wings
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15 minutes ago, Wings said:

 I think he spaced and picked up the plate intended for photos.  The others left them in the kitchen.   

No, they all took two plates. I thought it was strange.

I have loved Carrie from the start, and am happy to see her doing so well. I was really worried after the phone call (my mom had dementia, too, and it's so brutal to watch it happen). I also thought she looked like she had been crying in some of her TH's. I was so relieved she was on the top. I'm Team Carrie all the way!

I have wanted to like Adrienne, and am glad she's finally hitting her stride.

Mustache Joe can cook, and has some good leadership qualities but I just have never warmed to him.

I think Chris is great with food, but I don't think he shows as much strength and leadership as I think a Top Chef needs to have.

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20 minutes ago, jpgr said:

No, they all took two plates. I thought it was strange.

I have loved Carrie from the start, and am happy to see her doing so well. I was really worried after the phone call (my mom had dementia, too, and it's so brutal to watch it happen). I also thought she looked like she had been crying in some of her TH's. I was so relieved she was on the top. I'm Team Carrie all the way!

I have wanted to like Adrienne, and am glad she's finally hitting her stride.

Mustache Joe can cook, and has some good leadership qualities but I just have never warmed to him.

I think Chris is great with food, but I don't think he shows as much strength and leadership as I think a Top Chef needs to have.

Odd, I only noticed one chef bring 2 plates.  There must have been another taster in there.  

Adrienne or Carrie for the win.  I like them both.  

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49 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

Was there supposed to be another judge for the QuickFire?  Why take two plates all the way to the room, and only Padma is there?  Did someone else get cut out?

I agree there was someone there they really didn’t want us to see it was weird

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I feel like Carrie missed a golden opportunity to say her worst fear was running out of time and coming to judging with an empty plate.

And I actually really liked Joe's QF concept.  I thought it was clever in that it was creepy and easy to translate into a dish.

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2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

Was there supposed to be another judge for the QuickFire?  Why take two plates all the way to the room, and only Padma is there?  Did someone else get cut out?

They always prepare an extra plate to be photographed for those segments where they have the name of the dish in the chyron (usually with the chef presenting the dish in voice-over). It was weird that the chefs brought it up with them to the room, but I assume that's what it was for.

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12 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

I KNOW who he is.  My point was he shouldn't be in Gail's seat.....and he's totally not necessary on this show, either!

I find him annoying too. He is so try-hard with the Converse at the mansion and those tacky glasses. Plus the attitude of superiority, ugh, bring Gail back please! She is a good realistic counter-point to Evil Queen Padma.

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