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S06.E05: Karina's Story

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2 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

The excuse of the heartburn when she doesn't eat is a new one! I have heartburn and it comes from EATING TOO MUCH, eating greasy food, eating sugary food and overeating.  I can't help it when I saw those pizzas the first thing I thought is all that grease and tomato sauce she is going to be up all night with heartburn and indigestion.  I mean these people HAVE to all have acid reflux which is extremely painful. There is no way all the stomach juices can stay down after eating all that quantity of food.  

Who was the one who got nauseous if she didn't eat every half hour? And don't forget the one who had a wobbler on the plane because she hadn't eaten!

And seriously, one would think that a little heartburn would be preferable to hauling around 600+ pounds. Sigh.

So, this one had a job but it was so painful to haul her bulk around she quit? There's some problem solving right there. Not "Hmm, I'm so heavy that its hard to do my work at the hospital. Maybe I should try and lose a few pounds", but "Ow, may laigs! They hurt from use! Better quit my job rather than risk any further damage. Besides, working was cutting into my time spent shoveling pizzas down my maw".

That pizza scene will live in infamy, along with Pauline's pee pad wontons and Nicole's meatloaf. Jesus. I would be mortified to answer the door for the pizza delivery guy. Oh, and Karina? You are not fooling anyone. Your parents have EYES. They can see the pizza boxes in the trash!

  • Love 22
4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I really do, but, you can provide family with the ball schedule, so they can plan to be there and avoid making those appointments that conflict. 

Since DAD was the one who drove her to the appointments and assisted her when necessary to get in and out of the car, I don't understand why MOM had a conflict.  She could have gone to the game and Sis could have dropped her off at the doctor.  

  • Love 13
35 minutes ago, Trillium said:

I did the calorie calculations on her Papa Johns order:

2 Medium pizzas: ~255 a slice (don’t remember what she had for toppings) x 16 slices = 4,080 cal

Cheese sticks: 90 a piece x 14 pieces in an order = 1,260 cal

24 Honey Chipotle Wings: (I think that is the kind she got) = 2,710 cal 

Double Chocolate Brownie: 240 a square x 9 in an order = 2,160 cal

I believe there was also a 2 liter of soda delivered so add another 980 cal.

Grand Total (not including dipping sauces or couch chocolate) = 11,190 calories 

 On Dr Now’s 1,200 calorie a day diet that would be just over 9 days worth of food. 

WOWOWOWOIEEEEE  11,190 Calories?  Thanks for adding that all up. 

I just don't understand how she could have eaten all that with a balloon in her stomach.  Even without one, that is way too much food for one person.  Then these people complain that the diets are too strict and why do THEY have this problem....ahhh well a normal person would eat pizza and have just a slice or two and and more balanced menu at the next meal or next day.  It's all about moderation, ya know?  You cant just eat 9 days worth of food in one sitting.

Between the heartburn excuse and last week with Janine saying she is bulimic and didn't eat enough so that is what made her feel bad on the plane trip are just things I don't understand. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I'm a mom.  I think like a mom.  I would do anything to help my kids better themselves, even if it might sometimes be self-sacrificing - and regardless of whether my kids would do the same thing for me.   I just think there is something really dysfunctional when other moms won't do something to help their kids survive - and believe me, that fat has GOT to be killing them!

There's something hugely dysfunctional for a parent to give a child that much food in the first place....especially crap food.  They never overwhelm them with apples. 

  • Love 8
47 minutes ago, Trillium said:

I did the calorie calculations on her Papa Johns order:

2 Medium pizzas: ~255 a slice (don’t remember what she had for toppings) x 16 slices = 4,080 cal

Cheese sticks: 90 a piece x 14 pieces in an order = 1,260 cal

24 Honey Chipotle Wings: (I think that is the kind she got) = 2,710 cal 

Double Chocolate Brownie: 240 a square x 9 in an order = 2,160 cal

I believe there was also a 2 liter of soda delivered so add another 980 cal.

Grand Total (not including dipping sauces or couch chocolate) = 11,190 calories 

 On Dr Now’s 1,200 calorie a day diet that would be just over 9 days worth of food. 

That is literally 6 days worth of calories for me...5 days when I’m training more.   That’s insane.  I try to picture being imprisoned by a 600+ pound body and I can’t.  It’s too depressing. At one time I weighed 257 for a year at 5’8”.  It was awful.  I had the sleeve surgery 8 years ago and have been 136-140 for years now.   When I think about these folks, it’s so clear they have a mental illness first and an obesity problem second.   No one would perpetuate that cruelty on themselves absent mental illness. 

  • Love 15

Add me to those astounded that she was able to eat that pizza/wings/etc order with that balloon in her stomach--and we got to see the balloon!  That thing filled her whole stomach!  Did the food just slide around it straight into her intestines?  How could that happen physically?

I think the bitchy sister maintains a lot of resentment for the attention Karina got when she was a child with asthma.  In children (well, adults too) asthma can be life-threatening and at the very least is frightening as hell.  I'm sure the sister felt ignored and put on the back burner throughout that part of their childhood.  I believe Karina knows this, and that's why the little smirky smile she wears in response to criticism; she feels it isn't her fault because it wasn't her fault then.

And when the sister pulled the shit about her daughter's *last game* I wanted to yell at her, oh so your daughter will never play another game--this is grandma's last chance ever to watch her?  (although as someone pointed out, why did mom have to go with Karina)..

This family fixating on Karina getting a job when she wasn't able (for whatever non-reason) to walk reminded me of a friend's mother who yelled at her daughter, who was recovering at my house from hemorrhagic dengue fever, to get a job.

  • Love 10
22 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I believe Karina knows this, and that's why the little smirky smile she wears in response to criticism; she feels it isn't her fault because it wasn't her fault then.

I truly see that smirk differently.  It is a plastered on agreeable face when inside she is crushed.  I bet she feels horribly guilty for the stress she put on her family as a child even though it wasn't her fault.  I wonder if she was ever told "it's okay."  

  • Love 4

I had to pause the scene with her having all that food laid out in front of her like she was at Disneyland.  OMG so gross all that food.

She was also super whiny and immature.  At one point she's whining about her family not asking her out for dinner and then ten seconds later she's giddy like a school girl because she gets to eat whatever she wants without them judging her.

That family was in a no-win situation.  She wanted all the attention and didn't care how she got it.  Her sister had very valid points about why she was upset and all Karina could whine about was how bad it made her feel.  Good, she should feel bad.  She's already had one weight loss surgery and it failed because she pushed it to fail when she felt she wasn't getting the right amount of attention.  What will happen after Dr. Now does this surgery and the spotlight gets taken off her?  I suspect the same thing.

She's keeping her family hostage with her "eating disorder" which seems to me to be a narcissism issue that she takes to extremes to prove how far she'll go.

  • Love 11

Regarding the emotionally cold parents....I think it may be a case of being uncomfortable acting normally when there is a camera crew in your home maybe?  The sister is just a bully who seemed to take advantage of the cameras knowing her karina wouldn't fight back.  What a spoiled brat, jealous of the attention that her sister takes away from her (and her children of course).  I don't think Karina will ever leave mom's and dad's home, but at least she's not parked in the living room anymore.  Progress???

  • Love 2

Ref. the pizza she ordered. I think it was pepperoni and sausage.  Not that it matters. Even if it was cheese pizza, that's a lot of food.

Ref. the large amount of food consumed by her and others who are super morbidly obese.  I'm not that surprised by it, because these people have more than a big appetite. In fact, some eat, even when they are not hungry. I"m no expert, but,  I've read a lot about people with eating disorders and watched a lot on documentaries about them.  Apparently, these people have multiple things going on in their brain.  Yeah, I'm big on saying how they need to follow the doctor's orders, but, for these people, it's just not that simple.  It is theorized that their brain is just wired different.  Their impulse control is just not like the average sized person.  Not sure if it's a switch, DNA, depression, PTSD or what, but, the food is like more than food.....maybe like a drug.   IT's like air we need to breath to them.  There is also a theory that they don't have those signals from the belly to the brain that says, ENOUGH.  The average size person gets that signal with an average amount of food, but, some people just take a lot to think it's enough.

Since we know that Karina's belly was FULL when she was eating that huge meal with a balloon already in there, there must be some kind of signal not getting through.  I try to keep this mind, because, it's really sad to see people harming themselves so severely with apparently little to no self control.  I think this explains why Dr. Now says that most super morbidly obese people will not lose weight without the surgery, because it forces the stomach to accommodate less food. 

  • Love 5

I was wondering if anyone had an update on our sweet-faced, smiling little Brittany in Chicago, who always seemed to find a rainbow.  Does she have a FaceBook page?  I'd love to see a "Two Years On" episode on her.  

Someone on the other thread was ahead of me.  Her Facebook page reveals a thin, stunning woman who still has that 1000-watt smile.  

Edited by Carolina Girl
found information wanted to share
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There is also a theory that they don't have those signals from the belly to the brain that says, ENOUGH.  The average size person gets that signal with an average amount of food, but, some people just take a lot to think it's enough. 

Absolutely.  I have failed on every diet that claims you can eat to some mythical thing called “satisfaction” because I don’t have that setting.  I am either “hungry” or “will be sick if I take another bite”, there is nothing in between.  That’s why weighing, measuring and tracking calories are a forever thing for me.

  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, ThereButFor said:

Absolutely.  I have failed on every diet that claims you can eat to some mythical thing called “satisfaction” because I don’t have that setting.  I am either “hungry” or “will be sick if I take another bite”, there is nothing in between.  That’s why weighing, measuring and tracking calories are a forever thing for me.

I'm rarely full when I finish my meal, but, that doesn't bother me.   I just know that I have eaten a reasonable meal, so, I stop.  I don't have much of a problem with that...meals are pretty easy.  It's evening snacking that I have to really focus on.  I'm not hungry at all.  It's just done out of mindless habit.  So, I have to only eat certain things and limit the quantity.  

I do recall being really full to the point that I was uncomfortable about 6 years ago.  I ate too much watermelon.  I haven't done that since and don't intend to ever do it again. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Motor City said:


“2 Medium pizzas: ~255 a slice (don’t remember what she had for toppings) x 16 slices = 4,080 cal”

I believe Karina ordered pepperoni and sausage on her pizzas.

Sausage and pepperoni is what I used because that’s what I thought she said  


I’m not surprised someone on this show eats that much, they’d have to go get that large. But this was a lot more than what they normally show them eating. Usually what they show is probably around 4,000-6,000 calories, which is a shocking amount, but this was nearly double that. Add in the balloon, and it was really baffling how she was able to accomplish that. 

I don’t think it was this show but many years ago I remember a show where they’d lay out on the table everything they would eat in a day.  I’d wish this show would show more of a honest look at what they eat on a daily basis. They whole “I slipped a few times yet gained 60lbs in a

month” is a gross understatement. 

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Trillium said:

Sausage and pepperoni is what I used because that’s what I thought she said  


I’m not surprised someone on this show eats that much, they’d have to go get that large. But this was a lot more than what they normally show them eating. Usually what they show is probably around 4,000-6,000 calories, which is a shocking amount, but this was nearly double that. Add in the balloon, and it was really baffling how she was able to accomplish that. 

I don’t think it was this show but many years ago I remember a show where they’d lay out on the table everything they would eat in a day.  I’d wish this show would show more of a honest look at what they eat on a daily basis. They whole “I slipped a few times yet gained 60lbs in a

month” is a gross understatement. 

Supersize vs Superskinny is a UK show that used to do that. They would drop it all down a tube mixed together and it was always gross. I don't know if they do it any more. I haven't seen it in a while. We usually only ever see one binge-like meal here before surgery and maybe a cheat meal or two after. I wouldn't mind seeing a food diary from the patients for just a week's worth of food and having it all laid out on a table on this show, maybe while they're talking about their eating habits. I get that they eat a lot, but I want to know more about everything they're eating and how much. The trips to the grocery aren't doing it for my curiosity.

  • Love 1

I have to call shenanigans on the pizza, wings and brownie meal. I suspect that was staged for the show. After seeing how much space that balloon filled inside her stomach, she would be vomiting if she ate all that food. I don’t doubt that she ate those foods, but I suspect the quantities were exaggerated for drama. They’d have to be, right?

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, gardendiva said:

I have to call shenanigans on the pizza, wings and brownie meal.

I think you may be right.  There was crew there too eat, and aren't we told that TLC tells person to order a lot of the food.
Sister may still be resentful of being the healthy child, who had to make do with less attention than her sick sister.  
 Mom may not have a car to drive without Dad, so sis would have to pick her up.   And coming to games can be important to kids.


42 minutes ago, Trillium said:

I don’t think it was this show but many years ago I remember a show where they’d lay out on the table everything they would eat in a day.

Didn't Dr. Phil do this?  Remember seeing a show long ago, and lots of sodas and Stouffer's family sized meals, on a table.

  • Love 1

Plus, Karina's sister does NOT want to be an enabler!  Good for her!

There is a vast amount of space between "enabler" and "raging bitch." Surely Karina could find something in between?


I have to call shenanigans on the pizza, wings and brownie meal. I suspect that was staged for the show. After seeing how much space that balloon filled inside her stomach, she would be vomiting if she ate all that food. I don’t doubt that she ate those foods, but I suspect the quantities were exaggerated for drama. They’d have to be, right?

I wonder what period of time she had to eat it all. I wondered the same thing you did - how she could eat so much and not vomit, particularly after we saw the balloon. But I suppose if she ate it over some period of time and her stomach stretches, she could take it all in. Do we know that she finished everything? I can't remember if we saw the empty containers or she said she finished it.

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

Supersize vs Superskinny is a UK show that used to do that. They would drop it all down a tube mixed together and it was always gross. I don't know if they do it any more. I haven't seen it in a while. We usually only ever see one binge-like meal here before surgery and maybe a cheat meal or two after. I wouldn't mind seeing a food diary from the patients for just a week's worth of food and having it all laid out on a table on this show, maybe while they're talking about their eating habits. I get that they eat a lot, but I want to know more about everything they're eating and how much. The trips to the grocery aren't doing it for my curiosity.

You know, if the show spread out people's food for 5 days, maybe some of them would be shocked into being more compliant with Dr Now's diet. It's easy to say, "I don't eat that much" when you're not keeping a food diary and not really paying attention.  I don't think it would be enough for most of them not to have the surgery, but seeing what they really eat might wake some of them up.

I think Supersize vs Superskinny stopped showing the food shoot. There were a lot of SJWs online complaining about wasting food....  I thought it was a great visual tool for both participants.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, aliya said:

You know, if the show spread out people's food for 5 days, maybe some of them would be shocked into being more compliant with Dr Now's diet. It's easy to say, "I don't eat that much" when you're not keeping a food diary and not really paying attention.  I don't think it would be enough for most of them not to have the surgery, but seeing what they really eat might wake some of them up.

For it to work correctly, though, you'd have to have someone with them at all times, keeping tab of what they really eat.  
I think they'd have a lot of what I call "drive-by eating," walking though the kitchen and grabbing a chip or a cookie, or a handful of grapes.  I know I'm guilty of this.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, auntjess said:

For it to work correctly, though, you'd have to have someone with them at all times, keeping tab of what they really eat.  
I think they'd have a lot of what I call "drive-by eating," walking though the kitchen and grabbing a chip or a cookie, or a handful of grapes.  I know I'm guilty of this.

A lot of the people on the show don't get around too well, so someone would have to bring them crap to eat.  In order to get that enormous I don't think it's a cookie here or a handful of grapes there - more like a bag of cookies here, a bag of potato chips there, a 2-liter bottle of pop and a tub of ice cream to top it off.  I'm not trying to be rude, but these people eat a LOT!

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Karina is another one who did just enough to get the surgery.... she stood up or something. Then she sat back and did nothing. It's got to be something of a feat to not walk in spite of continual physical therapy although she did seem to enjoy the male contact with the physical therapist. 

Just like dear Penny.  Nope, they're gonna walk when they're ready, and it seems like that day will never come. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

There is a vast amount of space between "enabler" and "raging bitch." Surely Karina could find something in between?

I wonder what period of time she had to eat it all. I wondered the same thing you did - how she could eat so much and not vomit, particularly after we saw the balloon. But I suppose if she ate it over some period of time and her stomach stretches, she could take it all in. Do we know that she finished everything? I can't remember if we saw the empty containers or she said she finished it.

The sister looks like a "raging bitch" only because Karina is being a "passive aggressive victim".  If Karina needs something in between, she needs to bring something positive to the table besides her flipping appetite.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, aliya said:

You know, if the show spread out people's food for 5 days, maybe some of them would be shocked into being more compliant with Dr Now's diet. It's easy to say, "I don't eat that much" when you're not keeping a food diary and not really paying attention.  I don't think it would be enough for most of them not to have the surgery, but seeing what they really eat might wake some of them up.

I think Supersize vs Superskinny stopped showing the food shoot. There were a lot of SJWs online complaining about wasting food....  I thought it was a great visual tool for both participants.

There's also another UK show called Secret Eaters which did the whole table layout thing.  They basically put cameras in peoples houses and had two PI's follow them around for a week.  So when they said "there's not way I cheated" the table shows 6 bottles of beer, 4 burgers, fries, candy etc.

600 pound life is my guilty pleasure because when I watch the UK weight loss shows I feel like I'm actually learning something.

  • Love 6
On 2/7/2018 at 10:38 PM, Aw my lahgs said:

Karina’s sister is such a little bitch. 


I think sister is tired of being second fiddle. Her parents are enablers and Karina creates nonsensical demands like having to be taken to the grocery store to pick out her own junk food.

On 2/7/2018 at 10:38 PM, Aw my lahgs said:

Karina’s sister is such a little bitch. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, dahling said:

It sounded like these grandparents were pretty involved in general, and she was pissed about them missing THE LAST GAME as though that means something. 

What was with the row of partially empty soda/alcohol bottles that seemed like a permanent fixture on the pony wall between the kitchen and living room? 


  • Love 1

OK, got some figured out at currently half way through the super sized epi.  Pop up said her two other sisters had asthma also when they were little and that Karina got it at three years old.  Her dad went in the service after the bills started coming so he had some from the older sister too causing medical bills prior to service.  There's also a bonus scene of her asking her dad to get her fast food during the time before balloon removal.  She got a big brfk meal with pancakes and said it was the first time she felt happy in months, but the look on her dad's face when he brought it in and gave it to her made her feel like he was disappointed.  Anyways...that's why only a 6 pound weight loss and mini chew out from Dr. Now after the gangrene gag worthy green bag was pulled.  Ugh.

Edited by WillowG
  • Love 6
16 hours ago, gardendiva said:

I think one of the meanest things the sister said was when she kept repeating all of her RESPONSIBILITIES including and especially KIDS...implying in a not too subtle way that a man found her desirable enough to have sex with her, which is something Karina has no chance of hoping for. I would love to see Karina prove her wrong.

Liz would actually be prettier than her sister once she lost the weight and fixed that tooth.

  • Love 1

I watched the episode again last night because I missed a lot of it when it was on live, and watching Karina wheel herself around using her legs to pedal herself like Fred Flintstone got on my last nerve. Get up and walk! She’s about half the size of some of the very largest patients featured on this show, she’s lost over 200 lbs, and there is not a damn thing wrong with her leg according to Dr. Now. It didn’t bother me so much the first time I watched it, but for some reason it really triggered me after the second viewing.

  • Love 16
21 minutes ago, gardendiva said:

I watched the episode again last night because I missed a lot of it when it was on live, and watching Karina wheel herself around using her legs to pedal herself like Fred Flintstone got on my last nerve. Get up and walk! She’s about half the size of some of the very largest patients featured on this show, she’s lost over 200 lbs, and there is not a damn thing wrong with her leg according to Dr. Now. It didn’t bother me so much the first time I watched it, but for some reason it really triggered me after the second viewing.

All that physical therapy for... what?  Nothing.  She simply doesn't want to.

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It seemed pretty obvious to me that Karina just had a mental block on walking.  She seemed hellbent to not do it. ONCE AGAIN, this seems to be a theme of this show.  Are there that many people who refuse to walk, when they actually could?  IDK....odd. The therapist didn't mention her walking....maybe, that was cut out. 

I think in Karina's case, she knows that the second she starts walking her family is going to be pressuring her to get a job and take care of herself.  I understand where the family is coming from, but I'm sure it's daunting to be virtually homebound and then be expected to leap right back into the world.

A lot of these people have been using food to deal with anxiety/depression, yet we never hear of any attempts to use medication to help regulate that.  Remember that one woman who ended up in the ER with a panic attack after the surgery (she thought she was having a heart attack)?  Would it be too hard to regulate the dosage when they're losing weight so quickly?  

I truly hope these people are given more tools than we're shown.  These people are addicts, yet they're just handed a diet and sent on their way.  Would you tell an alcoholic to stop drinking for 30 days and if you do that, maybe you'll get some help?  

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, Kbo said:

A lot of these people have been using food to deal with anxiety/depression, yet we never hear of any attempts to use medication to help regulate that.  Remember that one woman who ended up in the ER with a panic attack after the surgery (she thought she was having a heart attack)?  Would it be too hard to regulate the dosage when they're losing weight so quickly?  

Many anti-depressants cause weight gain, which may be why doctors are hesitant to prescribe them to people who are already morbidly obese.  

I was on Paxil for 8 years.  I gained well over 100 pounds during the first two years.  As soon as I got off the Paxil, I was (1) more energetic, and (2) my appetite disappeared.  I lost most of the weight I'd gained, but the damage to my body of being so overweight didn't.  

  • Love 5
On 2/8/2018 at 12:02 AM, MsVixen said:

I can understand Karina's sister being upset.  She wanted the parents to see their grandchildren's activities.  We don't know how many times the parents may have had to take care of Karina and miss something with the sister.  Now Karina's sister is seeing that happening with her children.  Yes, I'd be pissed also.  Plus, Karina's sister does NOT want to be an enabler!  Good for her!

Also, Karina is in that predicament due to her being freaking obese and continuous overeating.  All her own doing - out eating the darn balloon....


The back story on this is that karina was very very sick until she was about 7-8 with asthma. The sister saw her get boatloads of attention over that and prob felt ignored a lot. After Karina got well she was suddenly, after getting years of attention, was then ignored herself due to the mom going to work to pay the medical bills.  (supposedly that is how she got obese, from being lonely.) So yes, I can see the sister having many "marsha,marsha,marsha" moments. 

  • Love 2
On 2/8/2018 at 5:55 AM, ThereButFor said:

While it would be nice for them to be more sensitive at the start, eventually you have to take responsibility for what you eat and not let what others are having get to you.  I do not eat sugar or flour and have to watch every bite I eat.  Yet I still bake pies and cookies for my family and make foods for them that I will not touch.  There certainly are times I smell something, like a rising crust pizza or even a piece of toast, that I would love to eat.  It is my choice to continue to cook for them knowing that I can’t control what anyone else chooses to eat just as I will not let them change the way that I eat.  (They cringe at the amount of butter I put on my vegetables!).   But I am a healthy weight and happy with my size so part of therapy is learning to cope with the challenges like others’ eating habits.

I agree, I dont feel bad for the patients when somebody eats in front of them, because I have seen plenty of people on this show where that happens and the patients use their own self control to not give in. The ones that don't?  They are never gonna make it in the real world anyway.

  • Love 2

Perhaps walking after an illness is a mental thing.  I had a cousin who was blind, a diabetic and on dialysis who had a condition where his legs were numb from mid-calf down. The condition was caused by his diabetes and poor circulation to his legs.  He had no feeling in his feet and he walked.  He was in the hospital once and the Doctor called for a wheelchair which he declined and said he would walk.  The Doctor's face was priceless when he sat up, stood, grabbed his cane and said which way.  So  I'm not sure why she and others are unable to walk after sufficient weight loss other than mentally they think they can't.  

Prior to me having weight loss surgery, the dietitian gave examples of failures.  She said some people would order pizza (seems to be the drug of choice) early in the morning and eat it all day until it was gone.  By eating that way they could out eat the surgery.  I suspect she ate the entire order over the course of the day in small quantities thereby out eating the balloon.  I truly believe she ate every bite until it was gone even if it took all night.  Now I'm not sure if you could hide a pizza in the armchair with chocolate but I bet she's quite creative in hiding food.  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

All that physical therapy for... what?  Nothing.  She simply doesn't want to.

Exactly. Walking would mean assuming responsibility... even doing things around the house to help out mom and dad. 

Walking would mean she couldn't lie back and smile and let everyone else take care of everything for her.

I think it is vital that we as a country have programs for people who are injured or disabled and cannot work.

She could potentially work, but she's completely content being a drain on society.

Am I wrong in thinking that a lot of the people on the show have some radical selfishness going on?

What do you say to a person who is so lazy that they simply won't move, won't budge?

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 9
35 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Am I wrong in thinking that a lot of the people on the show have some radical selfishness going on?

I think that despite any mental issues going on, this is a given.   I personally believe that is very selfish to EXPECT your family members to wait on you for everything including BATHING you, helping you take care of your bodily functions, dressing you - anything and everything - because of something YOU did to YOURSELF!!  These people were not born with disabilities.  MANY people suffer abuse in their childhood but do not flop on a mattress and eat until they weigh a ton.   We only see some of the obese people who see Dr. Now to make changes.  There has to be numerous people out there in similar situations who do NOT want to change and I have to wonder why these people think it is ok to expect their loved ones to essentially "donate" their time and lives to making THEM happy and cared for.    It is like they're grown infants... helpless unless their every need is taken care of.   The only difference between the bedridden obese and a true infant is that the adults are verbal - and they don't eat baby food.  Other than that, I see no differences whatsoever.  "Bathe me, change my pee/poo pads or help me to the bathtub and then clean up after me, (I've actually seen that on the show and felt SOOO sorry for the family member that has to muck out the bathtub after the monthly poo extravaganza)  bring me food, dress me, take me here/there/wherever (if I can get out of the house), bring me more food, close the curtains because of the sun, open the curtains, bring me this/that/whatever object I want, bring me more food."    You know - writing this I realize that the caregivers have to have mental issues as well.     My 600 Pound Life doesn't do updates very often - and the only person I saw who was successful long-term was a woman named Melissa - and even she gained back something like half of the weight she had lost.  Really sad after skin surgery and years of hard work.

Edited by Kyanight
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