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S43.E13: Natalie Portman / Dua Lipa

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Cold Open: And we start with Fox & Friends. It's weird not seeing Bobby as Brian Kilmeade, Taran as Steve Doocey, and Vanessa as the woman. And of course Alec Baldwin is back as Trump. With so much crap to cover this week (light treason, memos, etc), they really didn't do much with it. And there was a brief camera error when Cecily was on, that was weird.

Monologue: Winter Oympics monologue with commentary! This was a nice change of pace. Meta was a great way to go, even Lenny Pickett's reactions get a bit. And yeah, loved seeing Leslie Jones giving her bit from the sidelines. "She is NOT killing it." 

1776: Here is the requisite Super Bowl sketch. With Rachel Dratch as 1776 Zazu! And Tina Fey representing Philly. Like the real teams, can BOTH of them lose? If these were our teams, I'll be British. "JUST SHUT UP" sums this up perfectly.

Stranger Things 3: I need to watch Stranger Things but I don't think I need to see it to understand this. Kids with numbers for name have weird, dumb powers. Luke Null got to do something funny!

Portman Rap: Fun, but nowhere near as fun as the original Lonely Island rap, even if Andy came back to save the day. I totally forgot she was in the Star Wars prequels, and I saw them all in the theater! (EDIT: This was also written by the Lonely Island)

WU: Nobody cares about the memo, not even the president. And Kate and Cecily together? Gold. That makeup team is really earning that Emmy this year with Kate's neck, aren't they? "Whether you're a Pats fan or an Eagles fan, remember: Child support was due on the first." Damn, that was savage. And that whole Passion of The Christ bit was great. We finally get an explanation of Pete's broken hand: He punched a door. Not even Willie coming back could save it. Necrophilia, slavery and "puppy molesting"? What?

Alien Sex: Yep, SNL has the best makeup team in the business. Beck's butt and face are flipped? So why is he wearing pants? This was a hell of a weird sketch, and I have to shout out both Beck and Natalie for getting through this without breaking. The hat was the perfect capper, though. Beck somehow got Natalie Portman to kiss his ass, I gotta respect pulling that off.

Kids' Choice Awards: Natalie Portman lost her voice screaming with kids. Amazing to hear her try to talk while inhaling, and and the super deep vocalizer was the best part. Those kids are up awfully late tonight.

Melania: Hmm, Melania getting advice from first ladies to womanizing presidents (Jackie Kennedy & Hillary). Loved seeing Martha Washington materializing outside (fair enough, the White House wasn't built yet), and man, Leslie as Michelle Obama didn't get to do much. So she's now been both Michelle and The Rock Obama version of Michelle. This whole sketch had lots of potential, but didn't really take it. Seriously, if it had more time, they could've brought in Pat Nixon, Mary Todd Lincoln, or Martha Jefferson (yeah, explaining HER husband for this crowd would've taken balls). It reminded me of the (MUCH BETTER) Funny or Die sketch with Obama getting advice from all the past SNL presidents (with Jim Carrey as Reagan because Phil Hartman isn't around).

Bar: Aidy as Bunny was so good. Weird, but I liked it. I feel like this could've been a Kate character, but I love any opportunity for Aidy to shine.

What did I watch? It was...eh? We return in March with...Charles Barkley again? Okay...


Edited by Galileo908
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Loved seeing Boston Dratch vs Eagles Fey. And I'll say it. Rachel never gets enough credit for her run as a cast member. She's great.

I nearly busted a gut seeing Natalie in her full Queen regalia going full crazy. "Yeah, say something about the MF-ing prequels, bitch!" That was awesome!

And Update was on fire again. I think I could easily watch a full show of Update with awesome lines like the child support one for the Pats and Eagles fans. 

I will say I found the revamped Fox and Friends hella awkward. I kept thinking they are attempting this without Bobby especially?  I actually thought Alec kinda saved that one. True, it was just his standard Trump. But the rest of it was not working.  I think it's too associated with Taran, Vanessa, and again Bobby for it to play any other way.

Natalie was a trouper with the monologue, and that butt sketch. I wonder how long Beck has been trying to get that on the show, and female hosts were always "Um, no way" before?  I bet it was a few.

Edited by vb68
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With Black Panther coming out in two weeks, I thought we'd see Leslie get psyched for it. Maybe when they get back? And would she be able to see it if she's going to South Korea? Which she just learned is close to North Korea?!? Now I'm expecting Charles Barkley in the Panther suit. Or maybe playing the ghost of his father.

Dang, does anybody remember V For Vendetta? Comic was better. Just sayin'.

I think Aidy killed it, though her two big moves were physical . . . going into a coma after the Borat impression, and breaking through the window as Martha Washington.

25 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

Cold Open: And we start with Fox & Friends. It's weird not seeing Bobby as Brian Kilmeade, Taran as Steve Doocey, and Vanessa as the woman.


9 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I will say I found the revamped Fox and Friends hella awkward. I kept thinking they are attempting this without Bobby especially?  I

Well, they didn't bring out a fact-checker. Or display their errors. And if you're going to play somebody real as "probably mentally diminished," you might want to change tactics when the first guy (Bobby) did it so well. Oh, and "I Dream of Jeanie" speech? So wrong. So wrong.

Edited by Lantern7
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12 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

Given all the SNL alums who showed up this week (Fey, Dratch, and Samberg), I wondered if they thought Will Ferrell was hosting this week instead of last week.

I think they do this when they think the host may need extra help or is not totally up to it. I remember Jon Hamm shadowing Lindsey Lohan all week. Natalie seemed fine, though. True, she's not known as a comedian, but she held her own. It certainly wasn't a January Jones situation.


32 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

We finally get an explanation of Pete's broken hand: He punched a door.

Honestly I worry about him a little.

Edited by vb68
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Thought Natalie was fine -- better than I expected.

Kid's Choice Awards sketch was too long -- I lost interest.

It was fun to see Rachel Dratch and Tina Fey, and the negative aspects of both teams.  

Never heard of the singer; liked second song better.  The Shallow:. First outfit not a good look.

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I haven't seen the early West Coast airing because NBC is showing the NFL Awards but a few sketches are now up on YouTube.

As a Stranger Things fan I enjoyed SNL's second parody of it. I thought seeing the other experiments was cute and Natalie looked great as post-punk makeover Eleven. Mikey Day's horny Mike Wheeler was funny although I wish he'd make his voice seem like it was changing. Millie Bobby Brown has been compared to Portman lately but I thinks she looks more like Elizabeth Perkins, which makes me really want them to do a Big sequel!

Edited by VCRTracking
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Holy crap, Cecily as Catherine Deneuve and Kate as Brigitte Bardot were amazing. I try to only think of Bardot when she was young, not because she's old but because she's a crazy person now but the makeup on Kate alone is so scary good.  I want to believe if Jeanne Moreau was alive she wouldn't have signed the petition.

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7 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

Holy crap, Cecily as Catherine Deneuve and Kate as Brigitte Bardot were amazing.

I second this.  They were really good together.  I know Cecily is a francophile, and it makes me smile when she can trot out her French impressions.

Colin’s “nailed it!” during Update was very cute.  On the other hand, that Willie bit on Update was cringe-worthy all the way through.  Re: this:

37 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Honestly I worry about him a little.

Me, too.  I think Pete is brave to be so frank about his quite serious battle with mental illness, but I just hope that he is getting the best possible care.

Natalie’s rap part deux was never going to be able to top the original, but I’m so glad they revisited it, because I found it very funny, and I liked seeing Andy again.  The Amadala getup was priceless.

The terrified children during Kids Choice was great (this is why I’m going to hell).  

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Ouch. That's was cast & crew whose thoughts were on their Olympic hiatus.  Was Aidy the only one who showed up for work and wasn't worried about catching a flight somewhere out of town?  Even the normally flawless stage crew had a night of it.

Hard to beat up on them too much for what has been a solid season to this point but this really smacked of an effort to clean up loose ends in the writer's room before closing shop for a few weeks.  I suspect if NBC had not been carrying the Super Bowl eighteen hours later, with the increased profile the network is getting, they may have been better off running a clip show.

Get some rest & relaxation SNL, I mean what could possibly go wrong in the next three weeks while you're off-the-air? (Errr... maybe I'd better put that another way...)

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I miss WaWa.  Thanks, Tina!

(Their venison hoagies are the best.  Yeah, hoagie, not sub. They have a writer from Philly for sure.) 

Edited by jjj
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1 hour ago, Peace 47 said:

Natalie’s rap part deux was never going to be able to top the original, but I’m so glad they revisited it, because I found it very funny, and I liked seeing Andy again.  The Amadala getup was priceless.

Maybe it was the lighting or she changed more than I realized in 20 years but the makeup looks so weird on her now.

The Nickelodeon Awards sketch and final bar one though did make me think she looks great as a blonde.

As a Catholic, Colin's "You crossed the wrong guy." for the Passion of the Christ sequel probably shouldn't have made me laugh so hard but it did. As did the "Nailed it!"

Edited by VCRTracking
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1 hour ago, Thumper said:

Thought Natalie was fine -- better than I expected.

Kid's Choice Awards sketch was too long -- I lost interest.

It was fun to see Rachel Dratch and Tina Fey, and the negative aspects of both teams.  

Never heard of the singer; liked second song better.  The Shallow:. First outfit not a good look.

With you on this. Her garbage-bag pants and pirate-wench top, plus the backup singers’ robe-like outfits, just weren’t working for me... didn’t really care for the song, either. 

Kate as Brigitte Bardot’s “we are WOKE” and all her facial expressions... awesome.

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Alex's Trump impersonation is getting old. Maybe he just needs to speed up the delivery, and nail the hand gestures, and posture better? It's become so slow and labored. Or maybe it's the monotone of the voice.

Pete Davidson's segments or pre-recorded bits can be funny but there is a theme developing of his work being a glorified therapy session homework. I dunno... it feels me with dread, that something won't end well.

Portman doesn't do comedy all that well, it turns out, making Weekend Update the highlight of the show.

The Superbowl skit at the beginning was a huge slog. Mr Strudel agreed, one of the worst.

Beck wearing a hat on his pants had me in stitches.

Aidy was genius as the catfishing, wildly successful in love barfly! I also always love Willie, Willie, love dolls don't come with twist ties!

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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4 hours ago, jjj said:

I miss WaWa.  Thanks, Tina!

(Their venison hoagies are the best.  Yeah, hoagie, not sub. They have a writer from Philly for sure.) 


WaWa is always my first stop when I go home to Pennsylvania. Last night I dreamed I was there buying Tastycakes. I woke up sad to realize it was just a dream. 

I loved the Super Bowl sketch, naturally. I'm surprised more people aren't rooting for the Patriots to lose. I guess they believe the BS they hear about Philly,  not realizing ESPN is ensconced in Patriots territory and has always crapped all over Philly teams and fans. Whatever. It was a great sketch. (go Eagles)

Natalie's rap was bomb. I had to go find the original, which I don't think I'd ever seen. Weekend Update is so hot right now. I remember how terrible they were when they started, and it's nice to see them settled in. 

I also liked the musical guest, whom I'd never heard or seen before. 

I give this episode a solid A. It's one of my favorites of the season. 

Edited by teebax
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7 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

1776: Here is the requisite Super Bowl sketch. With Rachel Dratch as 1776 Zazu! And Tina Fey representing Philly. Like the real teams, can BOTH of them lose? If these were our teams, I'll be British. "JUST SHUT UP" sums this up perfectly.

It pretty much was required and I have to give them credit for coming up with an interesting and unexpected premise. And extra credit for no Jimmy Fallon! Interesting that we saw the second Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reference in 3 episodes. I wonder if some SNL alum Lorne has a production deal with is trying to do a revival?



Alien Sex: Yep, SNL has the best makeup team in the business. Beck's butt and face are flipped? So why is he wearing pants? This was a hell of a weird sketch, and I have to shout out both Beck and Natalie for getting through this without breaking. The hat was the perfect capper, though. Beck somehow got Natalie Portman to kiss his ass, I gotta respect pulling that off.

Yeah this was extremely weird. I was kind of surprised this aired so early in the show, especially before the First Ladies which I thought was pretty strong. It seems like a classic "10 to 1" premise and since they had 2 of those this week I could see why they would do it first to make it easier technically, but I can't see any reason they slotted it in that spot.

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Couldn't even get through this...Natalie Portman is a complete dud...and her Jackie impersonation is a very bad caricature...here and in the film (all just my opinion, of course).  I will never understand her fame.

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Why were Dua's backup singers dressed like they were about to do a shampoo and rinse? I sure do like that song though.

Cecily actually looks like a young Catherine Deneuve. How fortunate that CD became culturally relevant (or irrelevant) again for a hot second.

Hmm, I think I would've gone with Martha Jefferson instead of Martha Washington but maybe they were afraid it would be seen as racially insensitive (as well as historically inaccurate since she died well before her husband became president).

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
put some respek on the spelling on Deneuve
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9 hours ago, vb68 said:

Loved seeing Boston Dratch vs Eagles Fey. And I'll say it. Rachel never gets enough credit for her run as a cast member. She's great.

Could not agree more. Dratch was one of the unsung heroes of SNL with so many classic characters. Unfortunately no hit TV series or thriving film career post show. <insert Debbie Downer wah wah here>


9 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

Millie Bobby Brown has been compared to Portman lately but I thinks she looks more like Elizabeth Perkins, which makes me really want them to do a Big sequel!

She DOES. At first I thought she looked like Winona Ryder but yeah she's a dead ringer for Perkins.

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40 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Cecily actually looks like a young Catherine Denueve.

I was seriously amazed how much Cecily looked like her!

40 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

How fortunate that CD became culturally relevant (or irrelevant) again for a hot second.

The last time SNL spoofed her was back in '75 when Candice Bergman played her making fun of her Chanel No. 5 commercials that aired throughout the 70s on American TV. They're way better than those bizarre 80s commercials for Obsession I grew up with!

Kate as Bardot telling Cecily as Deneuve "You are freaking old too bitch!" made me laugh so hard.

Edited by VCRTracking
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This was an uneven show and my personal take was that the big laughs were coming out of left field, examples being Bridgette Bardot's neck, Luke's brain-bleed, and the child support joke. 

I loved the alien ass-face sketch.  (Did anyone else notice the wet stain on Beck's cheek?)  The out-of-left-field business in that one wasn't the kiss at the end but right before that when Portman held up her finger to shush Beck's buttocks. 

They should have cut the last three sketches and second musical number and just let Pete do a 15 minute stand-up set instead.

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11 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Cold Open: And we start with Fox & Friends. It's weird not seeing Bobby as Brian Kilmeade, Taran as Steve Doocey, and Vanessa as the woman. And of course Alec Baldwin is back as Trump. With so much crap to cover this week (light treason, memos, etc), they really didn't do much with it. And there was a brief camera error when Cecily was on, that was weird.

Monologue: Winter Oympics monologue with commentary! This was a nice change of pace. Meta was a great way to go, even Lenny Pickett's reactions get a bit. And yeah, loved seeing Leslie Jones giving her bit from the sidelines. "She is NOT killing it." 

1776: Here is the requisite Super Bowl sketch. With Rachel Dratch as 1776 Zazu! And Tina Fey representing Philly. Like the real teams, can BOTH of them lose? If these were our teams, I'll be British. "JUST SHUT UP" sums this up perfectly.

Stranger Things 3: I need to watch Stranger Things but I don't think I need to see it to understand this. Kids with numbers for name have weird, dumb powers. Luke Null got to do something funny!

Portman Rap: Fun, but nowhere near as fun as the Lonely Island rap, even if Andy came back to save the day. I totally forgot she was in the Star Wars prequels, and I saw them all in the theater!

WU: Nobody cares about the memo, not even the president. And Kate and Cecily together? Gold. That makeup team is really earning that Emmy this year with Kate's neck, aren't they? "Whether you're a Pats fan or an Eagles fan, remember: Child support was due on the first." Damn, that was savage. And that whole Passion of The Christ bit was great. We finally get an explanation of Pete's broken hand: He punched a door. Not even Willie coming back could save it. Necrophilia, slavery and "puppy molesting"? What?

Alien Sex: Yep, SNL has the best makeup team in the business. Beck's butt and face are flipped? So why is he wearing pants? This was a hell of a weird sketch, and I have to shout out both Beck and Natalie for getting through this without breaking. The hat was the perfect capper, though. Beck somehow got Natalie Portman to kiss his ass, I gotta respect pulling that off.

Kids' Choice Awards: Natalie Portman lost her voice screaming with kids. Amazing to hear her try to talk while inhaling, and and the super deep vocalizer was the best part. Those kids are up awfully late tonight.

Melania: Hmm, Melania getting advice from first ladies to womanizing presidents (Jackie Kennedy & Hillary). Loved seeing Martha Washington materializing outside (fair enough, the White House wasn't built yet), and man, Leslie as Michelle Obama didn't get to do much. So she's now been both Michelle and The Rock Obama version of Michelle. This whole sketch had lots of potential, but didn't really take it. Seriously, if it had more time, they could've brought in Pat Nixon, Mary Todd Lincoln, or Martha Jefferson (yeah, explaining HER husband for this crowd would've taken balls). It reminded me of the (MUCH BETTER) Funny or Die sketch with Obama getting advice from all the past SNL presidents (with Jim Carrey as Reagan because Phil Hartman isn't around).

Bar: Aidy as Bunny was so good. Weird, but I liked it. I feel like this could've been a Kate character, but I love any opportunity for Aidy to shine.

What did I watch? It was...eh? We return in March with...Charles Barkley again? Okay...


I have never seen Stranger Things either, so I really didn't get what they were mocking in that sketch.  Kids with odd powers, ok then.

The Portman Rap was a decent follow up to the original rap, but I still like the original rap better.

Colin was on fire tonight  -- the Eagles/Pats line was dark and really funny, followed by the Passion movie sequel lines.  "Nailed it!" indeed.

Would it have killed them to get two pairs of pants for Beck for the Alien Sex sketch ?  When he bent over, the pants were stained (likely from dress rehearsal) and had a wet spot on the leg for no apparent reason.

10 hours ago, Thumper said:

Never heard of the singer; liked second song better.  The Shallow:. First outfit not a good look.


9 hours ago, ivygirl said:

With you on this. Her garbage-bag pants and pirate-wench top, plus the backup singers’ robe-like outfits, just weren’t working for me... didn’t really care for the song, either. 

Those pants Dua Lipa wore during the first song were pretty bad and ill-fitting.  I thought the backup singers were all wearing bathrobes.

I'd never heard of Dua Lipa before SNL either. She's an ok singer, but the songs weren't that good.

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Probably only skating fans will recall this, but I thought it was an odd but amusing coincidence to run with the "monologue as Olympic sport" angle when they did roughly the same premise 12 years ago when Portman hosted -- in a Weekend Update bit she played Sasha Cohen, nailing a short-form joke and then headcasing and literally falling on the long-form joke.

I feel like Portman is not obviously funny, but I find her much stronger at this than someone like Jessica Chastain last week for a comparison between serious actress types. I don't know if it's the difference between Chastain coming across more earnest and Portman more dry, the latter of which plays a lot more easily for SNL's humor.

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I laughed like hell at the Super Bowl sketch. I love Rachel Dratch so I’m always thrilled when she pops up.

i also enjoyed the Stranger Things skit and the alien buttface skit. 

I think Natalie Portman does a good rap and she seems game for anything. 

I saw Dua Lupa open for Bruno Mars some months ago. She’s got a few good tunes. 

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11 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

Natalie’s rap part deux was never going to be able to top the original, but I’m so glad they revisited it, because I found it very funny, and I liked seeing Andy again.  The Amadala getup was priceless.

I didn't know there was an original. I pretty much enjoyed this, but I feel I need to see it again to catch what I missed.


10 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

As a Catholic, Colin's "You crossed the wrong guy." for the Passion of the Christ sequel probably shouldn't have made me laugh so hard but it did. As did the "Nailed it!"

I thought that was hilarious, too. I didn't think "You crossed the wrong guy" got enough laughs.

My favorite sketch was the Stranger Things one. I saw only some of the first one, none of the second, and I don't think seeing any of it was needed to understand this sketch. Eleven has powers and a side effect. That's all you need to know. Cecily's farting was cracking me up, and it was nearly cracking her up, too. I loved the whole sketch.

I thought Fox & Friends was pretty good, though I missed the original performers. Still, the stuff with Trump watching and live-tweeting it, as well as the circle-jerkiness of it all was accurate. Farrakhan as a guest was rather clever. The Fox Friends embracing him just because he's against the FBI was good.

I also liked the Patriots of New England sketch. It's great seeing Rachel Dratch and Tina Fey again. They're both naturally funny.

The Kid's Choice Awards sketch didn't really work. The best part was when the kids were scared. Oh, and of course Mikey Day. He's always good.

The space sketch with ass-face was ... well, it was. The only thing I sorta liked was watching Beck be expressive with his butt.

The First Ladies sketch didn't do much for me. 

I liked WU. Kate and Cecily were good as Bardot and Deneuve. I also liked seeing Willie again, though he didn't crack me up like he usually does.

The final sketch in the bar was ok. I'm surprised I was a little shocked at some of the things Aidy/Bunny was saying. I'm glad Kate wasn't playing her, since it seems like such a Kate role. It's always nice to see everyone get a chance to play. Speaking of which, was Melissa anywhere?

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9 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Alex's Trump impersonation is getting old. Maybe he just needs to speed up the delivery, and nail the hand gestures, and posture better? It's become so slow and labored. Or maybe it's the monotone of the voice.

Pete Davidson's segments or pre-recorded bits can be funny but there is a theme developing of his work being a glorified therapy session homework. I dunno... it feels me with dread, that something won't end well.

Portman doesn't do comedy all that well, it turns out, making Weekend Update the highlight of the show.

The Superbowl skit at the beginning was a huge slog. Mr Strudel agreed, one of the worst.

Beck wearing a hat on his pants had me in stitches.

Aidy was genius as the catfishing, wildly successful in love barfly! I also always love Willie, Willie, love dolls don't come with twist ties!

Toe tags, not twist ties. It's a corpse.

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14 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

Holy crap, Cecily as Catherine Deneuve and Kate as Brigitte Bardot were amazing.

I enjoyed it, but I always wonder if a majority of the audience know who they are.

I used to always hate WU, but recently it's what I look forward to the most.

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I think this was my favorite show of the season. I laughed at least once every sketch. For not being known for comedic work, Natalie fits in seamlessly with the cast. This was a really fun episode.

The monologue was clever, and I liked Leslie's inclusion the best. "Why do they always make these tiny white actresses try to do stand up?" And the blocking with Natalie peaking out behind her was perfect.

Any time Tina shows up to dump on my beloved hometown, I'm all in. Iggles. Wuter. All our eyes are a little too close together.

Nothing will ever beat the original Natalie's Rap, but this was a great followup. "SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THE MOTHERFUCKING PREQUELS, BITCH!"

Kate and Cecily as Bardot and Deneuve were great. I don't say it enough but Cecily rarely steps wrong on this show. She's been reliable and hilarious since the beginning. I will be shocked if she doesn't have a thriving film and/or tv career when she leaves.

14 hours ago, jjj said:

I miss WaWa.  Thanks, Tina!

(Their venison hoagies are the best.  Yeah, hoagie, not sub. They have a writer from Philly for sure.) 

Tina is from Upper Darby, I'd bet real money she wrote that entire thing herself.

6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why were Dua's backup singers dressed like they were about to do a shampoo and rinse? I sure do like that song though.

I think it was a reference to her music video for the song, where part of it she's having a girl's night in with her friends.

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Patriots fan, but I have to chime in to say the writers need more research; the colonists lost the Battle of Bunker Hill after running out of ammo and surrendering! And they literally got killed at Lexington.  I was waiting for a Philly character to point it out, but it never happened.  I laughed more at those writing blunders than the skit itself! 

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11 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I enjoyed it, but I always wonder if a majority of the audience know who they are.

I think some older people might. Here are tweets from some French people who saw it:

Edited by VCRTracking
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