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S07.E10: Fertile Myrtle

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Have we rules out that the Edward's clan are not pod people?  Maybe once they "dock" into the couch they can't disengage until they get all their nutrients?   First Rhine was engaged with the couch, then Larry.  

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Am I the only one who appreciated Farrah's statement to Sophia about not settling for just anyone?  With so many inappropriate engagements and shitty marriages on this series, it is refreshing to see this advice.

10 minutes ago, SuzWhat said:

Have we rules out that the Edward's clan are not pod people?  Maybe once they "dock" into the couch they can't disengage until they get all their nutrients?   First Rhine was engaged with the couch, then Larry.  

Tide Pod people.  If Ryan isn't back on the H, I think he's Tide Pod Challenging it.

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Hey! we're back from Maui. We opened the door and were overcome with dog shit odor and had to go lay on the bed. The sheets probably haven't been changed since old Matt lived there.


These stunted teenage girls sense the money train leaving the station and think getting pregnant will buy a few more seasons.

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As much as I loathe old Matt, I have to give him props for acting like he was interested in/possibly loved Amber (and/or her MTV paycheck).  There was constant interaction between the two of them.  Granted, it was manipulative b.s. but at least it was there.  NuMatt doesn't even make an attempt to appear connected to Amber.  Or Leah.  Or anyone else in Amber's world.  Is he on pillses, too?

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5 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I wonder if Rhine even knows that Mac intentionally omitted Taylors name from the wedding and added Macis maiden name? That could be a great thing to bring up as he’s wondering about the RSVP status. 

I just happened to have watched the "oh baby" episode this morning and in that episode one of the producers asks Ryan (while sitting with his buddies and his dad somewhere in vegas) if they invited Maci to the wedding and Ryan says "yea, Maci and Bentley" and Larry says "no...Maci & Taylor" and Ryan says "Maci & Bentley" and Larry "nooooo...Macy & Taylor".  Camera lingers on Ryan for a second showing him shaking his head.

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11 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

As much as I loathe old Matt, I have to give him props for acting like he was interested in/possibly loved Amber (and/or her MTV paycheck).  There was constant interaction between the two of them.  Granted, it was manipulative b.s. but at least it was there.  NuMatt doesn't even make an attempt to appear connected to Amber.  Or Leah.  Or anyone else in Amber's world.  Is he on pillses, too?

There is something so off about New Matt. Amber doesn't seem to be herself around him. I've said this several times before-I am convinced he's wearing a disguise.


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Ugh - time to rename the franchise to "Teen Breeders TT" 

Can these ladies just try and raise the spawn they already have? 

And after hearing Tyler tell Nova "Now you don't get none."  And then watching him and Cate refer to the "Party in His Pants" and his hand in his pants in front of the 3 year old, We need to remove the OG and replace it with TT for Totally Trashy. Throw in Maci's greasy hair and messy house. We all  have messy houses form time to time, but dude, MTV films for like a week, right? And with plenty of advance notice, too. Wouldn't that be a good time, to say., clean up your hovel? And let's not forget Amber calling her daughter "boogerbutt" as a term of endearment. Barf. 

And in something somewhat related: some of us refer to Sophia a feral child, but I  actually think Nova is feral. For me she acts and talks like a child left to roam the woods and raise herself. It;'s like she has her own dialect. I can't ever make out the occasional parts of speech she randomly screeches out. And as stated so well above, she really only has two speeds - blank stare or shriek anf flail. Her social skills seem as stunted as her verbal skills.

Say what you may about daycare, but it is a good way to get your kids out in the world, socialized, and practicing their verbal skills. Nova would really benefit from a few hours a day of daycare, preschool, pre K. The girl needs more mental stimulation than she is getting listening to semi lewd conversations and whine sessions in the car. 

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3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

-I wrote this in another thread but I mention it again. We have 3 pregnancies the moment Briana is added to TM2...

-Why did Tyler put the trampoline in the front yard? They have a sweet backyard party area. Perhaps party buddies don’t want to see their children while they’re Bud Lighting it up so that’s why they put it in the front?

-Amber told Leah and Gary by phone? Why not just do it in person. Oh yeah, because she doesn’t see the child if the cameras aren’t around. 

-Tyler on the party in [his] pants: “It’s closed to a prior engagement.”  Then Catelynn replies, “Yeah, your hand.”  Yep, believe it’s his hand Catelynn. I really have no idea how she got pregnant. 

-Why the hell would Farrah want her daughter to go to the same wedding that Amber, who wants to physically harm Farrah, was invited. Amber is an uncontrollable beast. 

-It was fucked up of Deb to bring up that Daddy Derek “hurt” Farrah while Mowgli Monroe was right there. The kid has no memories of her father. Now she has the imagine of Derek hurting her mother.  She held on to Farrah for the rest of the scene. 

-Amber and Andrew supposedly shared a connection and spent time during Marriage Boot Camp filming, but her mother (who was there for the whole 2 weeks) doesn’t remember him....

-I wonder how often Mimi Jen and Larry are responsible for Hudson.  Also, shouldn’t Hudson have been in a booster seat in the car?  For most states is 8 years/80 pounds.

-Mack’s engagement ring is fake?!  Hahahahah. 

-Ryan was doing his best Amber impression with his couch. Can’t even be bothered to even try to sit up or greet the kid he cries over not being able to see.

-Haley: “Because I KNOW Tyler’s talking about a lot [of kids].”  Bitch, you don’t know Tyler like that — or do you....

-Amber still has all of Matt’s fake ebay music memorabilia. I figured she would have smashed everything during a fight with Matt a few months ago.  It shows that when Matt left he was so confident that he was coming back. 

-Deb, crocodile tears do not work on ex-husbands. 

-Mack is such a snake. She’s telling Ryan that Maci hasn’t RSVP’d to the wedding but it sounds like she did — and that Mack faux apologizes for leaving Taylor and the other children off the invitation. 

-Tyler on Nova being a big sister. “No, she’s not. No, she’s not. No, she’s not,” and a “you’ve gotta be on drugs right now.”  He couldn’t even be bothered to get out of his chair. 

-Next week: Looks like trouble in paradise already for Amber and Andrew. 

I LOVE & agree with every word of this! 

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5 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I don'r really pay attention to these people outside the show, so I'm a little confused. Who is NuCate?

That chick Haley who is suddenly Catelynn and Tyler’s BFF. 

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13 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:


Say what you may about daycare, but it is a good way to get your kids out in the world, socialized, and practicing their verbal skills. Nova would really benefit from a few hours a day of daycare, preschool, pre K. The girl needs more mental stimulation than she is getting listening to semi lewd conversations and whine sessions in the car. 

She has had a few “first” days of school, but she is enrolled. Does she go consistently? Who knows.


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I thought it was sweet seeing Bentley comfortably laying beside his grandpa, especially in light of Ryan laying wrapped up like he is recovering from a severe illness. Maybe I should light a candle in hopes Ryan recovers enough to attend his highly anticipated wedding. It’s obvious Ryan has no interest in Bentley. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ryan parents bribe him to see Bentley. Taking Bentley to see Ryan is like being forced on a play date with the kid you avoid at school becuase you know he is bad news. 

I don’t see Mac’s endgame. She isn’t trying to be likeable or the non-teen mom star with common sense. She is just a bland figure who is in a stupid “relationship” and seems to have bubbling anger under the surface at the whole situation she put herself in.

I feel bad for Amber’s mom because she seems to know this is a bad situation. She is probably wondering who is going to take care of this baby since Gary isn’t going to do it. I also have a hard time believing Amber accidentally got pregnant. I almost wonder if this is a FU to old Matt or a way she knows will keep her from going back to old Matt.

I think Sophia acts weird on purpose because she was completely normal with Michael as he likely doesn’t expect her to be anything other than a little girl. I know I am alone but I also think Sophia is actually cute. She just looks unhappy most of the Time and I totally get it because I would be miserable dealing with that mess. 

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10 hours ago, pheebs said:

Farrah and her "Talking Tina doll" - I mean Mowgli, can you feel my terror through the screen? She's so emotionless, so completely absent of any trace of anything akin to a grip on reality. Her growling, "It's not about my wedding right now, we're talking about yours,"  as she looks down with her eyes like Jack Nicholson in the black turtleneck going insane at the Overlook Hotel. *crosses myself*

OMG, so much THIS! I was frightened to my core watching that scene. Also, I think that kid is being coached to within an inch of her life. Every time she said "David will be at the wedding & I don't like David", she'd get this creepy, self-satisfied look on her face that said to me "I just got my lines right!". 

1 hour ago, CofCinci said:
2 hours ago, mscav said:

I think Amber's new man is sloooow.


I don't think she is slow.  He was only planning to party/chill with Amber in between camera gigs and now she is pregnant.  He's not into her and has no interest in developing a relationship with her family.  There is no love there.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think he's slow either, but I think he had every intention of getting her knocked up so he can ride the "Teen Mom" wave of infamy. I also think that it's Amber who is slooooooow, and therefore very easily manipulated. She's easier to play than a game of Candyland, but the other people in her life (the producers, her mom) aren't so much, so when they start questioning Andrew with their "wtf is this nonsense?!" questions, he just shut ups, gives a creepy smile & a weird valley girl "yaaaaaaa". 

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6 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

I thought it was sweet seeing Bentley comfortably laying beside his grandpa, especially in light of Ryan laying wrapped up like he is recovering from a severe illness. Maybe I should light a candle in hopes Ryan recovers enough to attend his highly anticipated wedding. It’s obvious Ryan has no interest in Bentley. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ryan parents bribe him to see Bentley. Taking Bentley to see Ryan is like being forced on a play date with the kid you avoid at school becuase you know he is bad news. 

I don’t see Mac’s endgame. She isn’t trying to be likeable or the non-teen mom star with common sense. She is just a bland figure who is in a stupid “relationship” and seems to have bubbling anger under the surface at the whole situation she put herself in.

I feel bad for Amber’s mom because she seems to know this is a bad situation. She is probably wondering who is going to take care of this baby since Gary isn’t going to do it. I also have a hard time believing Amber accidentally got pregnant. I almost wonder if this is a FU to old Matt or a way she knows will keep her from going back to old Matt.

I think Sophia acts weird on purpose because she was completely normal with Michael as he likely doesn’t expect her to be anything other than a little girl. I know I am alone but I also think Sophia is actually cute. She just looks unhappy most of the Time and I totally get it because I would be miserable dealing with that mess. 

Ryan acts like Bentley's older brother or cousin if anything. I cant figure Mac out either, what is she getting out of all of this? A few teen mom dollars? Her adorable son deserves better.

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*Several weeks ago, someone posted that they talk to Nova like a dog and that is totally right.

When NoReign was shrieking and the Dobe joined in for a good-ole-Dobey-howl, that did make me smile. Maybe he's teaching her to speak?

Edited by pheebs
It's "good," not "god." Not that Dobies aren't saintly!
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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:


I would never go on vacation with Deb. She ruins everything. How did that Kareoke bar even get her music? Does she seriously travel with that shit? Forgive me, that is NOT music. 

But Italy will forever be tainted by her crying and manipulating. Now, let me make one thing clear - I don't think that Sophia really gives that much of a fuck about David. I hate David, but I 100% believe that she parroting things she's heard Farrah say, acting on what she thinks her mother would want her to do. Farrah is the type to phrase questions like, "You don't want to go to the wedding, DO YOU?" That being said, Deb is the grandmother here, and should respect the parent's wishes. Showing those dresses to Sophia, then stipulating that she only gets one if she wears it to the wedding, was such a disgusting thing to do. She's not helping matters at all. 

And then she pulls poor Michael, who's still glowing from his proposal, into an alleyway to cry to HIM. As if he has any control over the situation. He's just trying to maintain the status quo, and I can't say I blame him. (I also noticed that Sophia spoke normally when with him. Less time around the crazy women, more time with Grandpa!)



This!  All this!!  You said it all perfectly.

Michael is the only stabilizer in poor Sophia's world.

Debra Danielson, EMBA and Farrah both antagonize each other then wonder why they don't get along.  It takes two to tango.

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38 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Say what you may about daycare, but it is a good way to get your kids out in the world, socialized, and practicing their verbal skills. Nova would really benefit from a few hours a day of daycare, preschool, pre K. The girl needs more mental stimulation than she is getting listening to semi lewd conversations and whine sessions in the car. 

Some children have speech delays that have nothing to do with any external factors. I have homeschooled all 3 of my children from day one; they've never been in a daycare or school before. Both my oldest and youngest had speech delays; my younger child's was more severe, but even the speech pathologist she saw said that therapy wasn't recommended. That she would get it in time. I read and talked to my kids constantly when they were younger (still do). We have always been the type to get out in the world and go on outings. My middle child was talking before he was even one and taught himself to read at age 4. Kids are  different and speech issues are just very common, and usually sort themselves out. 

That being said, I feel very badly for Nova. I don't think she gets talked to much at all. I can't see them reading to her. What do they read? Tyler's shitty ass molestation book that he seemingly never finished? She just seems so lost most of the time. And even if her speech issues are normal, her parents don't seem interested in helping her or trying to find other ways to understand her. I thought in the beverage scene that it was clear she just couldn't express what she wanted. And instead of trying to calm her down and figure it out, he just blows up at her and denies her one of the basic tenets of survival - liquid. And by doing that, he basically FORCED Catelynn to set up a situation where both parents aren't on the same page, and "no" really means "yes". Because what's she going to do? Deny her daughter a drink? NO. So she basically had to confuse her child and reinforce the idea that punishments don't stick. 

Just shitty parenting all around. 

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38 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

She has had a few “first” days of school, but she is enrolled. Does she go consistently? Who knows.



they probably just parade her through the classroom a few times a year as an ad for Tierra Reign.

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36 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

That chick Haley who is suddenly Catelynn and Tyler’s BFF. 

I first really took  notice of her in the episode about the MTV awards. She was so talkative and curious towards New Matt. As if she and Amber were close friends.  She asked "so, do you have alot of money?" Something else about his home in Malibu  (eyeroll) . I was surprised Amber wasn't a little put off by her. Amber doesn't seem to take to new people , maybe she was but they didn't show it. Yeah,  New Cate, telling Caitlin that Tyler wants alot kids, made me think she is really trying to get in the middle of that relationship.  Not only by what she said but the idea that Tyler's wife needs to to be informed what Tyler wants from another woman.  She seems very extra to me. I don't think  a woman can "steal" a man but Cate and Tyler seem over each other. Tyler more so than Cate but both seem unhappy. Which is even more disturbing that they want to bring another child into this Cleary unhappy marriage. 

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2 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

 First Rhine was engaged with the couch, then Larry.  

You would think the first time seeing Bentley and knowing it was being filmed. He could get up from under his blankie. Ryan has had 8 years to change his deadbeat persona, instead he gets worse every passing year. 

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I find that fact that NOBODY works at a real job very troubling. They are all 20 somethings, yet none of them have a skill set, education or plans. They are independent contractors for MTV, so as soon as the show is cancelled, the checks stop, and that could happen any time.  It's bad enough that the TMs don't work, but as soon as some rando hooks up with one of them, the rando stops working also. I give a pass to Gary, because it looks like he is running a farm and he apparently manages rental property. Tyler and Cate do nothing except buy house and remodel them, but unless you are consistent and quick, house flipping is not a steady income. Their kids clothing company, just like Maci and Taylor's pocket shirt company are total BS.  Taylor apparently had a job, but quit after hooking up with Maci. Amber hasn't worked a day in her life. Work a job? She can't even get out of bed. And Nu Matt is going down the path of old Matt, no job, live off Amber's MTV money. Farrah does porn and sex toys, but hell, at least she has other businesses/investments. And now her parents are on the gravy train, which is crazy. Mac and Rhine, no jobs there, right? I find the whole thing just sad. 20 year from now, when the show is long over, where will they be?

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I do think Ryan is brain damaged from something (car wreck, drugs, who knows...).  He seemed more alert in the first season.  Now staying awake and coherent seems like a challenge.  He'll always be a douchebag no matter what his mental state is.

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh! And she apparently texted Maci, apologizing, because she "just now realized" that Taylor wasn't on the invite. Bull fucking shit. That a deliberate slight and you know it. 

Im kinda bummed that Mac fessed up and re-invited the whole family. I really wanted Maci to crash with 3 additional guests. 

And didnt she try to blame someone else for the 'mix up' ??? 

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Just now, gunderda said:

Im kinda bummed that Mac fessed up and re-invited the whole family. I really wanted Maci to crash with 3 additional guests. 

And didnt she try to blame someone else for the 'mix up' ??? 

Wasn't she on camera just two weeks ago cackling with her friends in Vegas about the invite addressing?

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2 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Wasn't she on camera just two weeks ago cackling with her friends in Vegas about the invite addressing?

yep! i'm curious as to how the turn around happened. especially with the whole ryan asking mac if maci had RSVP'd yet in this same episode.

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I realized this episode what is strange about Farrah.  She bounces off her thoughts to Sophia, that one would normally talk to a spouse about.  I think that is why she lets Sophia make decisions like an adult.   I have been manipulated my whole life by family members, except now I can see when it is happening....and Deb manipulating Sophia infuriates me! Can we go one episode without Debzog crying? 

Cate looked nice in the gray shirt she wore to the p patch.  I think the looser shirts make her look bigger. I don't care if she is fat or not...just noticed the more fitted shirt looked nicer on her. 

If Andrew is shy....I get it.  It's painful and hard to meet new people for me.  But talkers saying, you are so quiet, never ever helps, and makes it harder to come up with something to say...for me atleast. 

Edited by Cherry Cola
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4 hours ago, A-Lo said:

As much as I loathe old Matt, I have to give him props for acting like he was interested in/possibly loved Amber (and/or her MTV paycheck).  There was constant interaction between the two of them.  Granted, it was manipulative b.s. but at least it was there.  NuMatt doesn't even make an attempt to appear connected to Amber.  Or Leah.  Or anyone else in Amber's world.  Is he on pillses, too?

Matt was a much better con than Andrew. At least Matt could be assed to be nice to Amber's mom's and cousin's faces and act like he has spent a few minutes around kids before around Leah.  As gross as old Matt was/is, there was something under there that at least made it feel like spending a few minutes around him wouldn't make you feel too terribly uncomfortable (if you didn't know about his past).  And I could kind of get a sense of how old Matt several decades ago may have been quasi-attractive and charming to a lot of women.  I've got nothing with Andrew.  I mean, I'm into tall guys like cousin Crystal, too, but his height can't balance out everything else about him. 

3 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

I feel bad for Amber’s mom because she seems to know this is a bad situation. She is probably wondering who is going to take care of this baby since Gary isn’t going to do it. I also have a hard time believing Amber accidentally got pregnant. I almost wonder if this is a FU to old Matt or a way she knows will keep her from going back to old Matt.

I 100% believe this baby is a "spite baby" on Amber's part. I don't think Old Matt even cares. I think even old Matt got tired of playing the be Amber's caretaker game and spending 100% of his time around her.  I think even he realized the leased Cadillacs, fake music memorabilia, free trips, and McMansion weren't worth having to put up with Amber, so he cut his loses (ie: cleaned out her bank account) and left for Vegas.

3 hours ago, MissMel said:

Haha, "The day Amber wanted introduce Andrew to her family and tell them she was pregnant, was also the day she was supposed to marry Matt."  So just for future reference, the day of the pumpkin patch hayride was Friday, October 13.  No wonder Amber's mom asked Andrew if it was his baby.  Lol

Yep. Spite baby.  (If it wasn't a failed attempt at a trap-Matt-baby.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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17 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Matt was a much better con than Andrew.

That's just it. Matt WAS a con.  Andrew used to live his life behind the camera so I'm not entirely surprised that he's more reserved and quiet. Have we seen his exes? Does he maybe just have a type?

I'm not so sure his end game is to con her because if he's to be believed, he comes from a well off family already so he probably doesn't need Amber's money? And I'm not sure that un-motivated individuals would find themselves to be employed by a major network (or tv show.. however that works) so I'm not entirely sure he's looking for a complete out from working.

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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

That's just it. Matt WAS a con.  Andrew used to live his life behind the camera so I'm not entirely surprised that he's more reserved and quiet. Have we seen his exes? Does he maybe just have a type?

I'm not so sure his end game is to con her because if he's to be believed, he comes from a well off family already so he probably doesn't need Amber's money? And I'm not sure that un-motivated individuals would find themselves to be employed by a major network (or tv show.. however that works) so I'm not entirely sure he's looking for a complete out from working.

My guess is he was probably just a lonely awkward guy that wanted a girlfriend. He saw a pretty easy catch in amber and went for it. I don't think he wanted to get her pregnant. I wonder if Amber didn't tell him anything. She definitely got pregnant out of spite. How does this timing  line up with Matt getting married to the outback waitress?

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I'm not a germophobe, but I kept thinking that Cate, whose nearly three year old kid (time of filming) has the *same verbal range of NuCate's much younger son, placed the pregnancy test on the diaper change table!  Countless babies' diapers (and what's been in those diapers!) have  been on that table and you're going to touch and keep that test?!?!?!

I'm not sure what you are most concerned about - the test wand being contaminated (after all, it has already been peed on, so . . . . ?) or the diaper changing table being contaminated by the pee stick.  If anyone is actually going to use the changing table to change their child's diaper, they should be aware that other dirty baby butts and diapers have gone before her and protect her child accordingly. 

Did anyone else notice a point where Maci was talking on the phone and the camera zoomed in and stayed on a shot of the cup/mug sitting next to Maci for several seconds?  I thought that was really odd.  Were they trying to send a message?

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NewMatt didn't seem shy to me, he just seemed like he didn't give a damn.  He was beyond rude to Amber and her family constantly and just seemed like an ass the whole hayride.  Someone who is shy wouldn't leap out of the car and quickly siddle up to Leah a few weeks ago when Amber said she didn't want Leah to meet him.  Once the new baby comes and the cameras leave, I don't see him sticking around.  He doesn't even act like he likes Amber, and this is the honeymoon period of their new relationship.

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8 minutes ago, gunderda said:

That's just it. Matt WAS a con.  Andrew used to live his life behind the camera so I'm not entirely surprised that he's more reserved and quiet. Have we seen his exes? Does he maybe just have a type?

I'm not so sure his end game is to con her because if he's to be believed, he comes from a well off family already so he probably doesn't need Amber's money? And I'm not sure that un-motivated individuals would find themselves to be employed by a major network (or tv show.. however that works) so I'm not entirely sure he's looking for a complete out from working.

We haven't seen his exes but we did see the restraining orders. In 2014, Andrew's ex filed a domestic violence restraining order against him, accusing him of stalking her, slashing her tires, and hacking her mobile phone, among other things.

I don't think he is employed. He went to Indiana and never left. But then again he may be collecting an MTV check :)

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15 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

It is clear that Tyler & Caitlyn know nothing about parenting the child they have.  She was obviously irritable, either having just woken from a nap or not having a nap. A three year old does not have to be offered three or more options about a drink that's going to be in the car. Tyler had a very short fuse "ok then you don't get any!" Caitlyn overrode that decision anyway. 


It was "ok now you don't get NONE!"  To which Nova should have said, "so I get some?"  Double negative!

Also I would like to point out that my kids do not get a choice for a car drink - it is water or nothing.  I learned the hard way after a few orange juice spills.  Even with the cups with lids - there are always spills.  It's water or nothing.


7 hours ago, CofCinci said:


-Why did Tyler put the trampoline in the front yard? They have a sweet backyard party area. Perhaps party buddies don’t want to see their children while they’re Bud Lighting it up so that’s why they put it in the front?


I thought that was weird too.  It is safer to have the kids in the backyard, there is a busy street in the front.  Also, it would feel weird to be hanging out in the front.  Also, they need some SOD in the yard!  It was all dry dirt.  Maybe they can get Janelle's David over there - he can do the rakin' !!  



5 hours ago, A-Lo said:

As much as I loathe old Matt, I have to give him props for acting like he was interested in/possibly loved Amber (and/or her MTV paycheck).  There was constant interaction between the two of them.  Granted, it was manipulative b.s. but at least it was there.  NuMatt doesn't even make an attempt to appear connected to Amber.  Or Leah.  Or anyone else in Amber's world.  Is he on pillses, too?


There is ZERO chemistry between Amber and numatt.  She is so not into him.  She said something last episode, like she didn't want him to move in, but then the producer was like, really??  he kind of has to now... She was like, yeah I know.

She actually seemed to be in love with original recipe Matt.  So gross, but hey look at her.


4 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Sophia reminds me of Tony from The Shining. 


Do you mean Danny?  OMG I totally agree!  I am waiting for her to talk with her finger.


4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought in the beverage scene that it was clear she just couldn't express what she wanted. And instead of trying to calm her down and figure it out, he just blows up at her and denies her one of the basic tenets of survival - liquid. And by doing that, he basically FORCED Catelynn to set up a situation where both parents aren't on the same page, and "no" really means "yes". Because what's she going to do? Deny her daughter a drink? NO. So she basically had to confuse her child and reinforce the idea that punishments don't stick. 

Just shitty parenting all around. 


I think Tyler blew up because she swatted at the milk carton and the milk spilled all over.  He didn't get mad that she wasn't making up her mind.  Although, like I said above - my kids do not get options for drinks in the car!  It is water or nothing.



50 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:


Cate looked nice in the gray shirt she wore to the p patch.  I think the looser shirts make her look bigger. I don't care if she is fat or not...just noticed the more fitted shirt looked nicer on her. 



I thought so too - she needs to step away from the drapy, baggy mumus.  I thought the top looked nice... until I saw the layered bottom of the shirt.  She needs someone to help her dress for her body type.  I almost want to send her some ideas.


18 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I'm not sure what you are most concerned about - the test wand being contaminated (after all, it has already been peed on, so . . . . ?) or the diaper changing table being contaminated by the pee stick.  If anyone is actually going to use the changing table to change their child's diaper, they should be aware that other dirty baby butts and diapers have gone before her and protect her child accordingly. 



Right, I don't get the outrage.  That changing table is actually the best place to put it.  

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39 minutes ago, TaxNerd said:

NewMatt didn't seem shy to me, he just seemed like he didn't give a damn.  He was beyond rude to Amber and her family constantly and just seemed like an ass the whole hayride.  Someone who is shy wouldn't leap out of the car and quickly siddle up to Leah a few weeks ago when Amber said she didn't want Leah to meet him.  Once the new baby comes and the cameras leave, I don't see him sticking around.  He doesn't even act like he likes Amber, and this is the honeymoon period of their new relationship.

Andrew seems like what we call a shy/covert narcissist. 

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2 hours ago, MerryMary said:

I do think Ryan is brain damaged from something (car wreck, drugs, who knows...).  He seemed more alert in the first season.  Now staying awake and coherent seems like a challenge.  He'll always be a douchebag no matter what his mental state is.

If Ryan was brain-damaged, someone, mainly Jen, would have mentioned that long ago to explain away his drug addiction or at the very least, his behavior. I believe Ryan is brain-damaged now, but it is due to the addiction, which can happen to many addicts.

Ryan first season wasn't as bad as he is now, but all that can mean is he hadn't hit heroin yet. He was likely popping pills.


27 minutes ago, druzy said:

We haven't seen his exes but we did see the restraining orders. In 2014, Andrew's ex filed a domestic violence restraining order against him, accusing him of stalking her, slashing her tires, and hacking her mobile phone, among other things.

I don't think he is employed. He went to Indiana and never left. But then again he may be collecting an MTV check :)

Thanks. I was just going to post that we don't know the exes, but we can see the legal documents where his exes have filed restraining orders against him. That is all I need to know about the guy at this stage. This isn't a case of an angry ex (like Kail) who did it out of spite. When there are at least two different people filing restraining orders against you, and they have documentation of your harassment or abuse, you are not fit to be in a relationship with anyone.

55 minutes ago, gunderda said:

That's just it. Matt WAS a con.  Andrew used to live his life behind the camera so I'm not entirely surprised that he's more reserved and quiet. Have we seen his exes? Does he maybe just have a type?

I'm not so sure his end game is to con her because if he's to be believed, he comes from a well off family already so he probably doesn't need Amber's money? And I'm not sure that un-motivated individuals would find themselves to be employed by a major network (or tv show.. however that works) so I'm not entirely sure he's looking for a complete out from working.

Seems like Andrew has you believing he is not a con artist. See how good he is. He fooled you. : )

All this chatter about what he has through his family is just what he is likely telling Amber and it is likely how he paints himself. Notice, he is not the one saying anything to the viewers. It is Amber who is throwing out all this information about Andrew.  Just because Andrew's father may have made a decent living working as a cinematographer, that doesn't mean Andrew was benefiting from him financially. Andrew's parents may have had money (that has never been proven or established, by the way), that doesn't mean he has money. My parents were very well off due to all their hard work. That didn't mean I was well-off.  I had to work to earn my money. My parents paid for my education and my car. Any money after that was loaned to me with the promise to pay it back in payments. What I inherited from them came after my father passed away and that was many years down the road after I was married and had children. I remember a Cosby Show episode where Dr. Huxtable had to explain to Vanessa how they (Dr. Huxtable and Mrs. Huxtable) are rich, but not her.

Andrew doesn't have enough work credit established to even be considered a true cinematographer. He is more like those guys who they call in when they need to replace someone.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I CAN'T STAND the way that C&T repeat everything that Nova says right back to her. How to they expect her to learn the proper way to talk in sentences? It makes me want to scream at them every time that they do it.

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2 hours ago, CofCinci said:
2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Do you mean Danny?  OMG I totally agree!  I am waiting for her to talk with her finger.


Isn't Tony the little guy whose voice Danny does with his finger? That's who. But yes, also Danny, now that I think of it.  :)

Edited by woodscommaelle
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1 hour ago, TaxNerd said:

NewMatt didn't seem shy to me, he just seemed like he didn't give a damn.  He was beyond rude to Amber and her family constantly and just seemed like an ass the whole hayride.  Someone who is shy wouldn't leap out of the car and quickly siddle up to Leah a few weeks ago when Amber said she didn't want Leah to meet him.  Once the new baby comes and the cameras leave, I don't see him sticking around.  He doesn't even act like he likes Amber, and this is the honeymoon period of their new relationship.

Good point! I definitely wouldn't jump out of car to meet people if asked not to.  I still don't think he is gross like Matt, but not sure why he is with Amber. 

This group makes me sad.  There isn't a whole lot of personal growth happening.  Everything Farrah says sounds so fake to me. 

Edited by Cherry Cola
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