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S22.E04: Week 4


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These b-ettes crack me up with all their hoity-toity "Bekka is so YOUNG, she's TOO YOUNG for Arie" talk when they all SCREAM and jump up and down and scream some more because they are going somewhere. And SCREAM! when they see their room and jump on the beds ... and do all the things junior high kids do when on a field trip. Arie comes in the room and they all SCREAM! Then they SCREAM at a hand full of grubs. And BEKKAH is too young? Please. These "women" are all little cry babies. They make me tired.

I remember reading that Krystal had a cold for about 3 weeks during the show (hence the hoarse voice).  I believe it, because she looks exhausted and like she's on something (heavy-duty cold medication, maybe??)  Also, she may be fakey or phony, but I think some of what we see if producer-prompted. Mixed in with some slice and dice (where you hear or see things that were really said in response to other producer prompting). Anyway, it's hard to hate on someone who looks kind of out of it anyway. JMO.

I hope no viewers are taking a drink every time someone says a filler "like" (for example, "I'm like looking forward to the date but, like, I'm also like kind of nervous, like you know what I mean?")  Because anyone playing that game probably passed out half an hour ago...

EDITING TO ADD:  "She's being ingenuine..."  "I think this is the best force of action..." "Kendall and I's relationship..."  Man, these ladies and the bachelor are just masters of the spoken word. 

ALSO ADDING:  I love Seinne. Not sure when they will have another Bachelor/ette of color, but she'd be awesome. However, I do not see a lot of chemistry between her and Arie. I think he'd like her as a friend, that's it.

Edited by adhoc
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Listening to Arie like talk to like all these women you know, like grates on my nerves. Like, I don't know, you know what I mean? Like, you know, I don't know, what if he like paused like a few times to like gather his thoughts, you know, before he like started rambling to like every woman, you know?


Seriously, how is Arie different than JP (other than no accent)? He has no interest in getting to know these women, has nothing interesting to say, and when women are talking to him you can see him checking them out and just waiting for when he can make out with them. Sienne is definitely too good for him (and so are most of the other women). 

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10 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Stan kinda beat me to it, but I came here to ask how old someone has to be before they can say a complete sentence without the use of "you know" and "like" multi times

Well, I'm like, 45 and you know, I think it's like totally pervy watching Arie with the like, you know, a 22 year old who is like so much more, you know, mature than him. But like, Krystal like, is so unsure about Arie and hers relationship that she like, you know, has to take him like aside and like make it all about like her. So, reading this back, I'd say like a person has to be like at least 46 or, you know, like, older? 

But really, I'm not a stickler for age differences since I was just in a relationship with some 15 years younger than me, but I look very young for my age and he looks quite mature, and I am young at heart and he is an old soul, so the age different wasn't really noticeable. But watching grey haired, cardigan wearing Arie with fresh faced, doe eyes Bekah was...awkward. And really, she does seem more mature than him. I have to say, she seems more mature than most of them. She asks interesting questions. 

Krystal, just go away. Please. 

Edited by Mabinogia
becuase even when I'm being a you know like, ditz I still try to use proper grammer, as much as like possible.
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I don't know why I'm watching this show but here I am, watching this episode. 

I find Krystal hilarious.  She is a soap opera character.  She has a soap opera character's name.  She has a soap opera character's hair.  Her whole affect reminds me of the 80s soap opera vibe.  The voice.  The sighs.  The teary eyes.  It feels so nostalgic.

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You are correct, Mabinogia, too-young Bekkah is more mature than too-old Arie. Like, you know, it's true. As for the career of real estate, to me that doesn't say "I want to be a reality star like Sean *yawn* Lowe." To me that means I want to work whatever hours I want, and be able to live extremely well by selling only a couple very-nice homes per year. Work a couple of days a month, then take off, travel, go to Europe, sleep late. Yeah, sounds like a good career choice to me.

The ladies run up and down the stairs of the Tahoe chalet like a pack of wild wildebeests—nearly crashing one another over the hand-planed wooden railings—except for Kendall, who is in awe petting the taxidermy.

All the girls interviewed seem to think Sienne will be sent home on the 1:1, which means these two will probably elope and call the show a wrap. Here are some binoculars to “look at the pine needles” say the producers with, ehrm, no ulterior motive. They should have given those gals a Whisper 2000 so they could hear Arie gush about how remarkable Sienne is and how he’s sorry she had to wait for a date. 

Sienne going on and on about no black fairy tale love ideal, and—now thanks to all of you—all I can think of it’s like if Tianna kissed a possum instead of a frog. 

Wait, what?! The one girl actually started to drink her own urine!! They didn’t even have any kind of purification system, so how could that have even been a thing that anyone even thought they could do?! Ew! A new spin on the 2:1 leaving the loser in a remote location to die—now leaving an entire group to die on a mountaintop in the snow.

“I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I’m sure whatever I do it’s going to be perfect,” says the resident villainess, Krystal.

“I’ve always really wanted to eat a lot of bugs!” exclaims resident weirdo Kendall who goes on to say how she travels with a dead animal peeking out of her pack. For some reason Arie thinks this is fantastic.

OMG! Krystal antagonizes these girls, and then baby-face cries to Arie that they ostracize her! What the?!? She’s hitting upper echelon Bachelor History villainess levels. Arie did date Ben F’s Courtney AFTER seeing how she acted on TV, so Krystal fits right into his type. Tia, nooooo, the Wrong Reasons accuser against the favorite NEVER works out! Oh, thankfully she stopped and made it about her own feelings without calling out Krystal—close call! Good save—got herself the rose instead of the thorn!

Two girls I have never seen before are debating Bekah’s age and appropriateness for Arie. Are you even ON this show? 

How can a 15-year old professionally race cars? Can you even get a driver’s license that young? And what kind of “racing family” puts their kid in The Black Widow? Shouldn’t they know better? And why the hell would he go back to racing after having to have his head screwed back onto his body (more or less)? Ok, sorry, got onto a rhetorical questioning roll there.

After Arie’s deep age talk with Bekah, I do think he’s Here for the Right Reasons (ie, to get married). Unfortunately, his two favorites are the too-cool-barely-outta-school 22-year-old and the fake-ass villainess, so unless he wises up, expect a Very Special Breakup episode soon after the engagement.

I think Krystal is Wrong Reasoning outing HERSELF! “I’m not here to play games,” says Krystal playing the game of Pre-empting the Rose Ceremony for Attention.

Caroline missed a grand opportunity to go scorched earth on the way out and tell Arie all about how conniving Krystal is. But fear not, she’s getting her due next week!

Glam shaming! Oh, come on! And I liked Mahrik, too. Now I need to give her 75 demerits for a glam shaming accusation! People, we need to stop the madness. I was a proud participant in the Women’s March this weekend, but shit like this just turns REAL issues into a joke!

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Dammit! Arie, you had ONE rose ......! ?

Cannot believe he kept Jessica Rabbit. ?

Don't forget, sabre5055, this IS Arie's second show. I predict that DWTS is on his horizon. ?

As for Bekah, he can assuage any cradle-robbing guilt by reminding himself that he tried to tell her. ?

I didn't recognize some of the No Rose women who had to pack their knives and go. 

Oh, wait. ?

Must Arie start pawing and kissing everyone before they get a chance at some light conversation?  He always goes straight for the tonsillectomy.  Kendall and I’s.  You rumpkin!

krystle looks like Britt’s older, blonder sister who has been tending bar at the run down, smoky strip club by the airport for the past five years.  

I liked the bit with Chelsea at the end.  

Bekah is running circles around in bed by 9:30 grandpa possum.  What a tongue tied fool he is around her.  Loved her casual outfit and minimal makeup.  This girl is a hot shit, annoying or no. 

Dont cry Brittany K, whoever you are.  You’re a doppelgänger for Stacy Dash, and you seem smart and personable.  You’ll do so much better than old grandpa.

anyone who accuses someone for glam shading should be sent right home.  That’s just the most vapid thing I’ve heard a combatant say since the beaches of New Mexico dumbassery.  

Becca is a doppelgänger for Dana Delaney and Meridith.  Kendal is actually quite beautiful.  

Maybe Arie was relieved that Bekah was over 17? I'm getting "To Catch a Predator" vibes from their interactions. My only hope is that if they wind up together that she takes him clothes shopping and burns his cardigans. He must have hit his head hard many times racing. That's my only explanation for his choices. Oh right, producer picks.

Tahoe is pretty. I'm here for the travel porn and meltdowns and fake cry voices. 

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Did anyone else cringe when Arie was kissing Bekah and put his hands through her hoop earrings?  I was just waiting for disaster to strike.

Who the heck is Jacqueline?  I’ve never seen her interact with Arie or get any screen time, but she’s a beauty.  I remember on Sean’s season, they all but ignored Catherine’s existence until suddenly, voila, she was F1.

I love how much material Krystal is giving the editors. It's like she instinctively knew they'd be hard up now that they can no longer do Annaliese trauma reenactments, so she generously gave them many tone-deaf soundbites and creepy facial expressions to work with.

I don't buy Arie's reservations about Bekah's age. You could see the wheels turning in his head - "I need to look like I'm serious about finding a wife, but damn it, I really want to take Bekah to the fantasy suite." Speaking about Bekah, without the fake eyelashes she kinda looks like Timothee Chalamet.

Seinne for Bachelorette! She is classy and not a glam shamer.

I loved Arie's date with Sienna. So natural and effortless. She was so articulate and Arie really seemed to be interested in what she had to say. Good date.

Bekah's date was revealing to say the least. I was really impressed with the way Arie handled the situation of her age. He rightly voiced his concerns but at the same time didn't immediately dismiss her and what they had built to that point. I think it would have looked worse and been selfish on his part if he had did that. Giving her fair warning that he would proceed with caution was fair and mature in my opinion.

I am so sick of talking about Krystal. Her antics are so expected and been done to death. She's like a caricature of the mean girl at this point. I don't even take her seriously anymore and I don't think Arie does either. I think the producers are making him keep her. 

Since it was pointed out to me I've noticed that Tia does seem to get beeped a lot. I don't know if the show is over exaggerating it to force a narrative (I noticed there were others beeped tonight, Arie included) but it doesn't seem to jive with everything else we've been shown of her. She comes across to me as kind of boring and bland. I really can't see or understand the connection Arie seems to have with her and I think she is one of the least attractive women he has left. Just my opinion.

I liked Caroline. Sad to see her go.

Overall I was really impressed with Arie tonight. He seems to have finally come alive and hope it continues.

21 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I loved Arie's date with Sienna. So natural and effortless. She was so articulate and Arie really seemed to be interested in what she had to say. Good date.

Bekah's date was revealing to say the least. I was really impressed with the way Arie handled the situation of her age. He rightly voiced his concerns but at the same time didn't immediately dismiss her and what they had built to that point. I think it would have looked worse and been selfish on his part if he had did that. Giving her fair warning that he would proceed with caution was fair and mature in my opinion.

I am so sick of talking about Krystal. Her antics are so expected and been done to death. She's like a caricature of the mean girl at this point. I don't even take her seriously anymore and I don't think Arie does either. I think the producers are making him keep her. 

Since it was pointed out to me I've noticed that Tia does seem to get beeped a lot. I don't know if the show is over exaggerating it to force a narrative (I noticed there were others beeped tonight, Arie included) but it doesn't seem to jive with everything else we've been shown of her. She comes across to me as kind of boring and bland. I really can't see or understand the connection Arie seems to have with her and I think she is one of the least attractive women he has left. Just my opinion.

I liked Caroline. Sad to see her go.

Overall I was really impressed with Arie tonight. He seems to have finally come alive and hope it continues.

I agree, but I quite like Tia, she was pretty drunk though.I thought he might be better, when we saw him actually talk to the women. I like him so much better than Nick, now he gave me the creeps! 

22 minutes ago, Wings said:

That had producer pick written all.over it. 

I thought she might be, but Krystal must be. At one point I was sure Arie was going to say bye bye porn voice! 

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