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S05.E03: Big Fat Ambush

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That is not stretching if someone else maneuvers your body.

It is - it's just not weight bearing exercise. But physical therapists will move a patient's limbs around to stretch muscles when they can't move them alone.

But I take your point - she really can't do much physical activity at all. Forget dancing. She can't seem to even walk five feet from the kitchen to the family room without getting out of breath.

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On 1/19/2018 at 8:32 PM, ClareWalks said:

If Adolf Whitler really wanted to reproduce, she would have gotten her weight under control a decade ago. She barely ever gets her period, you know it would be impossible for her to get pregnant without major weight loss and major medical intervention, if not IVF. She also is terrible with babies, she babysat one time with Lennie and she threw such a dramatic fit about changing a poopy diaper it was ridiculous. There is nothing maternal about her. Her parents seem to be in denial that their daughter even has the ability to get/stay pregnant. It would take a loaves and fishes miracle for Whitney to produce life.

And for this, Oh Lord, we are truly, truly grateful. Amen.

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18 minutes ago, gigiann said:

So what ever happened to "The Diabetes"?  She shouldn't be eating pizza, mac n cheese, ice cream and all those frappe drinks.  Back when that happened she tried to sound so convincing that she was on top of it and suddenly now she is bigger than ever and bolting down crap again!  She waddles like a whale if they could stand on 2 legs.  She barely walks and we see her lying on beds and couches all the time.  The next step is being bed bound.  She is NOT healthy.....why does she keep on with this damn scheme.  She has to have Todd life up her legs to stretch?  That is not stretching if someone else maneuvers your body.  She calls herself a professional dancer?????  LOL. She rolls her fat stomach and ass back and forth while making arm movements to appear like she is dancing.  God I dislike how she used Nada and Allison to make herself appear better.  When they confronted Avi at the coffee shop he was apologizing to Nada and Twit screams..."no apology for me?"   And he says no and takes off....ooooooohhhhhh you know she was pissed and when she found out he asked to speak with Nada in private her jealousy ran amuck.  One scene during "the hike" after Nada took a chair, the camera and editing tried to show Twit as if she were keeping up with the .8 of a mile is a fucking stroll????????  This woman annoys me to death.   LOL, but I keep watching.

The look on her face when Nada said that! Poison. I am amazed that Whitney finds so many people who allow her to have a leadership role in their lives. Everyone just nods their head and goes along with her nonsense. Except for Buddy which is probably why he is leaving town. 

5 hours ago, AUJulia said:

Order: Mailman, conman, UK conman. Yes, he got out of prison, moved in, dealt drugs from her house (she had teenaged daughters then), stole all her late parents' family silver, took off for Mexico. She divorced all three but she's been dead several years. 

Girl - There is a Lifetime movie script in your future. You could have made bank.

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35 minutes ago, gigiann said:

So what ever happened to "The Diabetes"?  She shouldn't be eating pizza, mac n cheese, ice cream and all those frappe drinks.  Back when that happened she tried to sound so convincing that she was on top of it and suddenly now she is bigger than ever and bolting down crap again!  

I think she must not understand how The Diabetes works. Having been pre-diabetic and changing her diet/exercise JUST enough to get her A1C down into normal range ONCE, I think she must be under the impression that she's beaten it for good. That now it's going stay in the normal range. Sadly, it doesn't work that way. OH how I wish it did!!! God only knows what her A1C is these days!

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1 hour ago, gigiann said:

So what ever happened to "The Diabetes"?  

So in Season 2, her A1C was on the high side of normal (how high, we don't know). She leaped into action!! Well, she whined a lot and apparently gave up pasta -her very most favorite food. She got back with trainer Will Powell and we saw how well she did there. Then after some indeterminate time, she went back to the doctor and her A1C level was down, so no diabetes for her! Yay! As Maggienola pointed out, she apparently thinks that test was  a previously unknown get-out-of-diabetes-free-for-all-time result and we haven't heard anything at all about it since then. I'm guessing that the macaroni and cheese she chowed down on with Nada and company is another indicator that she is going to keep on ignoring her health until she can't any more. Talk about a really Big Ambush!

Edited by Ketzel
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2 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

So in Season 2, her A1C was on the high side of normal (how high, we don't know). She leaped into action!! Well, she whined a lot and apparently gave up pasta -her very most favorite food. She got back with trainer Will Powell and we saw how well she did there. Then after some indeterminate time, she went back to the doctor and her A1C level was down, so no diabetes for her! Yay! As Maggienola pointed out, she apparently thinks that test was  a previously unknown get-out-of-diabetes-free-for-all-time result and we haven't heard anything at all about it since then. I'm guessing that the macaroni and cheese she chowed down on with Nada and company is another indicator that she is going to keep on ignoring her health until she can't any more. Talk about a really Big Ambush!

In related news my cholesterol was in the normal range once and I was so relieved that I now get to eat unlimited bacon for the rest of my life. Hooray! I'm out of the woods!

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2 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

In related news my cholesterol was in the normal range once and I was so relieved that I now get to eat unlimited bacon for the rest of my life. Hooray! I'm out of the woods!

Woo hoo, girl!! Plus, I'm sure there's a great steakhouse somewhere near you where you can celebrate with a big juicy steak - and extra sour cream on your baked potato! I, myself, will be munching a handful of statins and then going out for a double hot fudge sundae, extra whip.

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On 1/17/2018 at 0:00 AM, John M said:

With the current turmoil in Egypt it skews perceptions but there are plenty of wealthy people in Egypt and Nada's family is almost certainly among them. Also a lot of non-native speakers of English learn British English but it's not THAT rare for people to choose to learn American English. It's entirely possible that Nada attended an American school in Egypt and was fully immersed in American English for most of her life.


Agreed. I have an Egyptian friend (who now works and lives in Paris) and his English is almost flawless. Much like Nada he has a very subtle accent; he has never lived in the US or any English speaking country. His family comes from quite a bit of wealth and he always had a stellar education, lots of international travel opportunities, and many tutors. 

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I've always known Whitney had issues but I have never been as disturbed as I was while watching this episode. First of all, she overdid the complements so much I was wondering if she has a real problem. Saying, "Nada is gorgeous. She's so much prettier than me." Um...no. She's not gorgeous. Seems below average in facial beauty to me. The same with the other woman who thought they were weird for contacting her. The first thing Whitney says is, "You're beautiful." Again, not that pretty. Listen, I don't give a shit about people's looks. I'm just wondering why Whitney kissed so much ass. Why over sell the compliments? Why run to Nada at the airport and bring her flowers? Why all the sex talk? Why does she want to sleep in the same bed with a stranger? Why is she concerned for Nada's feelings when Todd doesn't give a fuck? If I were Nada, I'd be embarrassed and wouldn't want to think that Whitney has told all her friends every damn thing. Perhaps Todd didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Cheating is a touchy subject. 

I think Whitney has a serious mental problem and I'm not kidding. I know we've all laughed at her histrionics but this episode was so abnormal on so many levels. It really makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with her. Seriously.

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On 1/17/2018 at 9:17 AM, Alapaki said:

And another thing (my God, it's like I"m having flashbacks!):

Why does Whitney insist on calling Nada, whom she's literally just met as "bitch"?

Whitney is just so lacking in class, grace, or common manners that it almost defies belief.

Word. She's just gross in so many ways. She's inappropriate with Nada and the other girl. Keep your hands to yourself! No bed sharing! Quit smelling people and hugging them and and and. Just.stop.

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On 1/19/2018 at 8:03 AM, Nancypants said:

I cannot understand chubby chasers..what is the attraction. Uuuuuuggggghhhh.

 Well, my husband had girlfriends before he met me, of all shapes & sizes. Some were heavy like me, others thin. Believe it or not some people do find heavier people attractive. We aren't lepers.

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12 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I think Whitney has a serious mental problem and I'm not kidding. I know we've all laughed at her histrionics but this episode was so abnormal on so many levels. It really makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with her. Seriously.

If everything that comes out of her mouth is not scripted, I agree with you. There is something seriously wrong with her and, in my opinion, it’s a personality disorder. And those aren’t fixable.

Oh, and with regard to all the compliments, if it’s fat she finds it beautiful.

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On 1/16/2018 at 9:21 PM, aliya said:

What the heck - on so many levels. Glenn already said it was very hot & they should go in. What would possess Whit to take Nada on an 8 mile hike in the heat? Why not walk the mall if you're looking for something to do, for crying out loud?

Did Whit not get the memo that it is impolite, like bordering on racist in some circles, to touch somebody's hair like that? It's like white people wanting to touch Afros  back in the day. No. Just no. Keep your hands to yourself. 

And wait a minute - she left Nada there. She left a foreign visitor who was having problems walking and breathing on the friggin' trail????  Rude. Just rude.

The only reason Whit did this was to showcase her "healthy, fit" body.  She can do a hike!  See?!

Then she took it upon herself to be Nada's personal coach, adding at the end that she hoped Nada felt "capable" and strong for hiking.  She made it 1/8 of a mile! She is NOT strong, and she is, in fact, INCAPABLE.  But go you, Whitney, for continuing your powerful message that fat girls can do anything.

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4 hours ago, Kid said:

If everything that comes out of her mouth is not scripted, I agree with you. There is something seriously wrong with her and, in my opinion, it’s a personality disorder. And those aren’t fixable.

Oh, and with regard to all the compliments, if it’s fat she finds it beautiful.

I've thought for quite some time she is mentally unstable. Seriously. While I suspect there's a fair amount of scripting I think the producers give guidelines and she fills in the rest. Whitney is on a bad trajectory. I wonder how she will be when the show ends.

Edited by LivinLovinLife
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So I'm watching these episodes now....sorry if this has been mentioned before:  I feel like Whitney is totally into Nada, and if Nada would have given the slightest encouragement, Whitney would have been all over her like white on rice.  

As I continue watching, I thiink Nada thinks Whitney is insane. She seems so "over" writing down all these names and putting these pictures on the Avi Fan Club board.

Edited by LocalGovt
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If a couple of men were chasing a woman, verbally assaulting her and getting in her face when she told them to go away, someone would call the police.  That's what should have happened here.  This episode really upset me because Whitney demonstrated that she isn't just "whacky"...she's disturbed.

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1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

So I'm watching these episodes now....sorry if this has been mentioned before:  I feel like Whitney is totally into Nada, and if Nada would have given the slightest encouragement, Whitney would have been all over her like white on rice.  

As I continue watching, I thiink Nada thinks Whitney is insane. She seems so "over" writing down all these names and putting these pictures on the Avi Fan Club board.

I think she wants us to think that she could be into Nada. The only reason she wants us to think that is to prove how beautiful morbidly obese people are and how ok it is to be morbidly obese. She way overdid the compliments to all the fat women. Sorry but I don't care how fat Nada is, she's still not that pretty. Maybe I'm in the minority.

And why did she try to kill Nada on that trail? 

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20 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I think she wants us to think that she could be into Nada. The only reason she wants us to think that is to prove how beautiful morbidly obese people are and how ok it is to be morbidly obese. She way overdid the compliments to all the fat women. Sorry but I don't care how fat Nada is, she's still not that pretty. Maybe I'm in the minority.

And why did she try to kill Nada on that trail? 

It's very Single White Female, isn't it? Maybe Whitney was like "If I can't have you, Nada, NOBODY CAN."

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On 1/21/2018 at 10:20 PM, lovetheduns said:


Agreed. I have an Egyptian friend (who now works and lives in Paris) and his English is almost flawless. Much like Nada he has a very subtle accent; he has never lived in the US or any English speaking country. His family comes from quite a bit of wealth and he always had a stellar education, lots of international travel opportunities, and many tutors. 

The school in Egypt where Nada (according to her FB profile) taught English teaches their students (and these are middle/high school age) English, Arabic and French. The US sucks at the whole "learn another language" thing.

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On 1/18/2018 at 9:55 PM, MissCurmudgeonly said:

Yes! Once you pulled that MASK off, it was always Mr. Crumpers the high school principal, complaining about those dang kids! Damn, that was some good detective work. Wait. Maybe Nada.....and all those other women.....maybe they're ALL THE SAME PERSON! :-o 

Haha! My mind immediately goes to the “scene”: Avi is standing there with the gang. Shaggy is throwing Avi some serious shade while Avi offers to feed Velma pizza until she pukes. Meanwhile, Nada, in handcuffs, has her mask pulled off by Scoobs.   Surprise! It’s Allison! But that mask is pulled off to reveal some other Avi “victim” and on and on until 20 masks later the last mask is pulled off and it’s...Whitney! Whit yells “I would have gotten away with it too if it hadn’t of been for you pesky kids!”   Mystery solved! Avi is now the real victim.  Velma feels sorry for him and accepts the pizza feeder date out of pity.  Todd pirouettes across the scene from apparently nowhere.  Scene fades to black. 

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11 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I think she wants us to think that she could be into Nada. The only reason she wants us to think that is to prove how beautiful morbidly obese people are and how ok it is to be morbidly obese. She way overdid the compliments to all the fat women. Sorry but I don't care how fat Nada is, she's still not that pretty. Maybe I'm in the minority.

And why did she try to kill Nada on that trail? 

Yeah, I thought it really showed how selfish she is -- I mean, here's this poor woman, a visitor from abroad, who can barely breathe and seems on the verge of a heart attack, and instead of sitting with her, or getting her back to the hotel, all Whitney cares about is proving to everyone (oh, herself, sorry) that she could do the loop.

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If Whitney would take even half as much time on herself than she does trying to find love with ANYONE, she's got to love herself first, and no matter how she might try and fool the public and her fans I don't believe she is living a fabulous life.  She tries to convince everyone who watches her show that she is happy with her body just the way it is.  Her smile, her laugh, etc...but, all fake.  If she would just get fit for HERSELF who knows what change she could see in her life. 

Also, since Todd is Ashley's cousin, are they both trying to bow out of her show?  Where has Todd been lately?  And Ashley is starting to tell Whitney the truth about Whitney, the cats diapers, smelling her placenta, and chasing her down wanting to know if she needs to go to a regular hospital or a mental hospital.  I don't know how Whitney missed that line.  

She puts her friends down in ways that sting.  With Tal, who is one of her best friends; would rather have a baby with Todd?  She is so very hurtful, always trying to make herself look good to the eyes of the public when what she really looks like to the public is a pathetic narcissist who's world revolves around no one but her and she will say and do everything to let people know how fabulous she is.  Her nit-whits buy into it during every episode.  

She must be hurting inside more than she realizes.  I would feel sorry for her, but I don't.  Not until she hits rock bottom.  And, she's not even close to the bottom even yet.

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Ugh! After Avi tore off in his little red car, (narrowly avoiding a crash!) Whitney just marched past Nada without a second glance and was continuing her usual stomp around the car park thing. I guess one of the crew pointed back towards Nada eventually, causing Whitney to retrace her steps a bit and make it look like while it was ALL about her, she better throw in a sisterly hug of condolence so she didn't look like a complete bitch! 

I agree with other posters, that whole hike thing was a set up. It was obvious Nada was struggling to walk even in the airport, her centre of gravity is all off. It was despicable the way the camera kept showing her in long shots gasping for breath. How was this relevant to this already convoluted story, unless to show Whitney as being relatively nimble in comparison? Bet it was all her idea. 

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It's not so obvious while she's moving around, but in Nada's TH segments, you can see there is a really beautiful girl trapped inside there. She reminds me of the image below :(

It's very tragic as you can see how much it's affecting her health. I don't think it will be too long before she's immobile if she doesn't change her ways. 




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4 hours ago, Not a Heroine said:

It's not so obvious while she's moving around, but in Nada's TH segments, you can see there is a really beautiful girl trapped inside there. She reminds me of the image below :(

It's very tragic as you can see how much it's affecting her health. I don't think it will be too long before she's immobile if she doesn't change her ways. 




Oh god, what do you think the Fat Activism community has to say about THIS sculpture? I bet there are some gems indeed.

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2 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Oh god, what do you think the Fat Activism community has to say about THIS sculpture? I bet there are some gems indeed.

I actually think I'm going to print this picture and tape it to my refrigerator.

ETA:  Did it.  We're going on a cruise in 3 months, and I have a knee replacement on one leg and plantar fascitis on the other foot.  Weight has been creeping up because I can't do the walking I want to do.  Doctor visit tomorrow for the foot issue; if she gives me a steroid shot in the heel, I'm hoping the PF will stop.  And then I can walk.  But if I walk to the fridge, I'll see whose job it is for me to chisel off some weight - MINE.

Edited by AZChristian
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Did anyone else wonder about the neatly placed footstools in the room at the "Renewal Center." There was one in front of each nightstand and the next morning, one was next to Whitney's bed so they were clearly there to help them climb up into the beds. Those beds are pretty high but I'm wondering if it's standard practice to have the footstools in there or if these were specially added?

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On 1/24/2018 at 7:14 PM, Elizzikra said:

There was one in front of each nightstand and the next morning, one was next to Whitney's bed so they were clearly there to help them climb up into the beds. Those beds are pretty high but I'm wondering if it's standard practice to have the footstools in there or if these were specially added?

I think they're standard for high beds.  I've seen them in several hotels.  
At Mt. Vernon, George Washington had a little stool by his bed.

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8 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Well, I just watched an episode of “Grace and Frankie,” and a pregnant woman needed to sniff someone’s armpit. 

Wait!!!  What episode was that?  I missed that.  (Hubby just told me that Allison wanted to sniff Bud's armpit.  I have GOT to stop crocheting while I watch TV.)

Of course, Allison and Twitney are both high on the strange-o-meter . . . 

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On 1/21/2018 at 4:20 PM, gigiann said:

So what ever happened to "The Diabetes"?  She shouldn't be eating pizza, mac n cheese, ice cream and all those frappe drinks.  Back when that happened she tried to sound so convincing that she was on top of it and suddenly now she is bigger than ever and bolting down crap again!  She waddles like a whale if they could stand on 2 legs.  She barely walks and we see her lying on beds and couches all the time.  The next step is being bed bound.  She is NOT healthy.....why does she keep on with this damn scheme.  She has to have Todd life up her legs to stretch?  That is not stretching if someone else maneuvers your body.  She calls herself a professional dancer?????  LOL. She rolls her fat stomach and ass back and forth while making arm movements to appear like she is dancing.  God I dislike how she used Nada and Allison to make herself appear better.  When they confronted Avi at the coffee shop he was apologizing to Nada and Twit screams..."no apology for me?"   And he says no and takes off....ooooooohhhhhh you know she was pissed and when she found out he asked to speak with Nada in private her jealousy ran amuck.  One scene during "the hike" after Nada took a chair, the camera and editing tried to show Twit as if she were keeping up with the .8 of a mile is a fucking stroll????????  This woman annoys me to death.   LOL, but I keep watching.

All of this! Not to give Avi any credit, but I bet once he found out her true personality, he tried to distance himself from her and Whitney made the relationship out to be more than it truly was (in typical Whitney fashion). 

Also, her grating, loud voice reminds me of a jake brake on a semi. 

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Wait!!!  What episode was that?  I missed that.  (Hubby just told me that Allison wanted to sniff Bud's armpit.  I have GOT to stop crocheting while I watch TV.)

Of course, Allison and Twitney are both high on the strange-o-meter . . . 

Are we twins!? I was crocheting, too! 

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

All of this! Not to give Avi any credit, but I bet once he found out her true personality, he tried to distance himself from her and Whitney made the relationship out to be more than it truly was (in typical Whitney fashion). 

Also, her grating, loud voice reminds me of a jake brake on a semi. 

I guess I need to watch episode 1 - but until I do, can someone tell me if Avi knew Whit had a TV show, etc., when they met? Did he flee when he realized she had a means of outing him, so to speak? It looks to me like he is solely a grifter, wheedling $$ outnof the vulnerable, whether Whit wants to think so or not. When they ambushed him, Nada looked more visibly sad while Whit was PISSED. I think that’s why Avi wanted to get Nada and not Whit alone; it had nothing to do with how much he cares for anyone, but rather who he thought he could continue to play. 

Who the hell IS this guy, anyway? 

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On 1/21/2018 at 7:20 PM, gigiann said:

So what ever happened to "The Diabetes"?  She shouldn't be eating pizza, mac n cheese, ice cream and all those frappe drinks.  Back when that happened she tried to sound so convincing that she was on top of it and suddenly now she is bigger than ever and bolting down crap again!

I've been thinking about this myself.  I can't recall whether the scare was being diagnosed as "diabetic" or "pre-diabetic" (but, either way; c'mon!)

I think the disappearance of that "issue" is emblematic of why so many folks here (myself included) describe being originally interested in the show and favorable towards Whitney, but not are purely in hate-watch mode.

That storyline was in line with what the show as originally pitched as: a very big woman who nevertheless was active and healthy (at least by some medical metrics).  And if someone of Whitney's Season 1 size could have a normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, that would indeed be worthy of depiction.

The fact that we haven't heard anything about that since suggests to me that either her numbers are completely off the charts now, or those numbers from Season 1 were bullshit to begin with and they can't find any doctor willing to play along anymore.

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On 1/21/2018 at 7:40 PM, Elizzikra said:

It is - it's just not weight bearing exercise. But physical therapists will move a patient's limbs around to stretch muscles when they can't move them alone.

Yes.  There is such a thing a "passive stretching" where a trainer will assist so that the stretchee can keep the particular muscle relaxed and un-contracted while the trainer stretches the muscle out.  Or, the trainer can step in to push the already-stretched muscle a little further to gradually increase flexibility and range-of-motion.

But Todd was doing neither of those things.  I'd bet that if Whitney were to lay on her side with both legs extended straight out (so, say, 9:00 on a clock face) and she tried to lift the leg which is on-top, closest the ceiling, she'd barely get past 10:00 on a clock face; and the fat from her lifted leg would still be touching the bottom leg that's still on the ground.  

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@alapaki, there is no mention about health issues because Twit now refuses to go along with the original plot line. It was mid-S-3 -- I think -- when she announced on FB that she was no longer actively working on losing weight. Since then, there has been no training with Will, no visits to a doctor or dietician about health issues & food addiction. She is now even allowing the crew to film her eating again. So TLC has totally changed the direction of MBFFL, placing her in ridiculous "I Love Lucy" situations & ignoring her weight & disabilities, as well as the original, inspiring theme.

Edited by Dot
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On 1/27/2018 at 9:02 AM, Tabbygirl521 said:

I guess I need to watch episode 1 - but until I do, can someone tell me if Avi knew Whit had a TV show, etc., when they met? . . .

Who the hell IS this guy, anyway? 

Avi knew she was on TV, but he didn't want to be shown, so he refused to sign a release. The only time he is known to have been filmed was when he was sitting in the audience at the dance battle with his face blurred out. Twit thought it was becuz he was a very private person. It now seems more likely he didn't want the several other women he was dating at the time to know he was also dating Twit. Or perhaps he didn't want the world to know he was dating such a zero.

As far as who he is, there is gobs of info in the Social Media thread.

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On January 24, 2018 at 6:05 AM, Not a Heroine said:

It's not so obvious while she's moving around, but in Nada's TH segments, you can see there is a really beautiful girl trapped inside there. She reminds me of the image below :(

It's very tragic as you can see how much it's affecting her health. I don't think it will be too long before she's immobile if she doesn't change her ways. 




This is an amazing picture.  Thanks for sharing it.  I've saved it for inspiration.

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On January 27, 2018 at 12:50 PM, Alapaki said:

I've been thinking about this myself.  I can't recall whether the scare was being diagnosed as "diabetic" or "pre-diabetic" (but, either way; c'mon!)

I think the disappearance of that "issue" is emblematic of why so many folks here (myself included) describe being originally interested in the show and favorable towards Whitney, but not are purely in hate-watch mode.

That storyline was in line with what the show as originally pitched as: a very big woman who nevertheless was active and healthy (at least by some medical metrics).  And if someone of Whitney's Season 1 size could have a normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, that would indeed be worthy of depiction.

The fact that we haven't heard anything about that since suggests to me that either her numbers are completely off the charts now, or those numbers from Season 1 were bullshit to begin with and they can't find any doctor willing to play along anymore.

She mentioned in a later season....."Now that I have "TheDiabetes" behind me I can move on."  BS BS BS.  Once you are pre diabetic you don't just move on.  You need to be constantly monitoring your weight and food intake.  You don't just get a lower A1C level and your are cured.  It is a constant battle.  We see her eat sugar cereal, ice cream sundaes, pizza, mochas, mac n cheese, etc etc.. She said she had had a heart murmur previously, she wore a cpap on one episode, she had a back injury, a foot injury, panic attack (of which that phony dr should have sent her for ekg immediately), collapse from dancing, she waddles, and can't breathe half the time.  She is lying to herself that she likes being fat and she won't let it limit her lifestyle.  BS BS she is lying to herself cause she is too lazy to deal with her weight problem.  

1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

I've already printed it out and taped it to my refrigerator. It is an awesome picture.

I'm doing the same AZ.  I love the pic.

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On 1/22/2018 at 3:01 AM, Stripper Glitter said:

 Well, my husband had girlfriends before he met me, of all shapes & sizes. Some were heavy like me, others thin. Believe it or not some people do find heavier people attractive. We aren't lepers.

Didn't think you made it to PTV!  I'm so excited to see you here.  And love this post.  

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