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S05.E03: Big Fat Ambush

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1 hour ago, PityFree said:

 There is no way that Whitney would be able to do the practice sessions I assume they have to do for dancing with the stars.  

"It was so weird! Suddenly, I wasn't feeling well... my muscles were really sore, I was out of breath, I was all sweaty... and my heart was really racing! I don't know what it was! This has never happened in my entire dance career! Here I am, a professional dancer, and all of a sudden I can't keep up with a dance class??? I'm going to consult with a bunch of specialists to see whether they can figure out this mystery disease that suddenly took hold of me!"

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6 hours ago, Ketzel said:


10 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:

Her wake up call should have been when she couldn’t ski. Who could forget that gem of an episode. 

Owwwww, mah baayyyygggg!!!

Edited by Moloch Must Die
HTML fail, as usual
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1 hour ago, thebigboot said:

Alright, I’d love to see Whitney on DWTS. She’d actually have to do something besides flail around.

There is absolutely no way Whitney would be physically cleared to compete on DWTS. (It's a family-friendly, feel-good show. They don't want contestants who have a good chance of stroking out on the dance floor.) She couldn't even wear the necessary shoes for a ten minute fake competition, let alone a six-to-eight hour real rehearsal!

Edited by Ketzel
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1 hour ago, thebigboot said:

Alright, I’d love to see Whitney on DWTS. She’d actually have to do something besides flail around.

It’ll never happen. She is physically unable to do basic dance moves—she can barely pick up her feet. She’d have to work out for months to get back up to speed and we’ve seen she doesn’t watch her diet, or even try to. 

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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

It’ll never happen. She is physically unable to do basic dance moves—she can barely pick up her feet. She’d have to work out for months to get back up to speed and we’ve seen she doesn’t watch her diet, or even try to. 

In my dream world, they would invite TODD to be on DWTS (he's as much a "star" - and can dance as well - as some of the others they've had on the show).  Just watching Twitney's head explode would be worth it.  

ETA:  Even though it's a prime-time show, they DO have a budget.  Buying enough fabric for Twit's "costumes" would break the bank.  Because they will NOT let her appear in a sports bra and tights.

Edited by AZChristian
Typo discovered after my nap.
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26 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

There is absolutely no way Whitney would be physically cleared to compete on DWTS. (It's a family-friendly, feel-good show. They don't want contestants who have a good chance of stroking out on the dance floor.) She couldn't even wear the necessary shoes for a ten minute fake competition, let alone a six-to-eight hour real rehearsal!


2 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

It’ll never happen. She is physically unable to do basic dance moves—she can barely pick up her feet. She’d have to work out for months to get back up to speed and we’ve seen she doesn’t watch her diet, or even try to. 

We all know she’d never be cleared to do it nor could she physically do it. It’d still be hilarious to watch though.

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12 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:



Her wake up call should have been when she couldn’t ski. Who could forget that gem of an episode. 


Thanks, @Bubbles1967. I always appreciate an opening to go down Memory Lane.


Twit sez: "When I'm lying in the snow, I can only think about how scared I am & how disappointed I am . . ."

When Twit is lying in the snow, all I can think about is how much like a beached whale she looks.

BTW, does anyone else think she looks like Chris Farley in the closing close-up?

Edited by Dot
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40 minutes ago, Dot said:

Thanks, @Bubbles1967. I always appreciate an opening to go down Memory Lane.


Twit sez: "When I'm lying in the snow, I can only think about how scared I am & how disappointed I am . . ."

When Twit is lying in the snow, all I can think about is how much like a beached whale she looks.

BTW, does anyone else think she looks like Chris Farley in the closing close-up?

In the scene prior (tubing), all I could think was how she looked like a giant oversized turtle.


Which is really cruel of me. Turtles and tortoises are gentle, powerful, and majestic creatures.

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10 hours ago, writerchick57 said:

Who could forget that heart wrenching scene.  I really thought that would be her breaking point, but obviously she still believes she can still do anything she used to do when she wasn't morbidly obese.  Very sad.  

It was a wake-up call for her. But apparently it was the kind of wake-up where she was able to just roll over and go right back to sleep.

5 hours ago, Emma C said:

OMG!!! Whit on DWTS??? Who would her partner be, a professional bodybuilder? Who else could spin her around and hold her doing a dip?

No problem, she always leads - remember? She'd being doing the dipping. God help her partner. And everyone having to watch. 

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 I know Whit couldn't get through 1 DWTS practice session, sadly it's only a dream. It would be great revenge for Todd. I would love to see how she'd interact with people on Big Brother when everyone didn't agree with her. Alas, it's probably only a dream too because she couldn't even make it through 1 challenge. Her waddling abilities aren't fast enough, but it would be great entertainment. Also, the skiing episode was one of my favorites. Nothing could stop that force of gravity.

Edited by JenniofTroy
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I'm reading and thinking about Avi and women and money and just remembered a woman I knew years ago. She 'met' a man through the singles ads in the glossy magazine for the city where we lived (this is pre-internet). OK, so this guy tells her he's working for the CIA in Iraq (this is during the 1st Gulf War). Because he's overseas and 'undercover,' he can't get to his CIA check and wonders if she could send money to his PO box.

She asks me what I thought and I said it didn't sound right. People doing espionage don't tell other people they are doing it. There is direct deposit, the government's not holding his salary until he gets back. And if he's on assignment, the gov would have given him money to use in country.  I'm a DC native. I grew up knowing people in embassies, the military, and many levels in the government. I would have heard tales like this along the way, but never did. 

Well, my friend was still gonna send him the money because he seemed like a 'catch,' and it might be worth it to build their connection. A few days later, she calls me breathless - she just saw a news story about a woman who had been scammed by a guy in jail. Same story. The 'PO' number was his prisoner number! But you can't help some people - had she not seen that story, I know she would have sent him money. 

Don't mothers tell their daughters about these kinds of guys anymore? 

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Because they will NOT let her appear in a sports bra and tights.


27 minutes ago, aliya said:

Don't mothers tell their daughters about these kinds of guys anymore? 

On Catfish, we sometimes see the mothers being catfished, and their child calling the show.


Edited by auntjess
Wrong thread!
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Can someone tell me why all not even 1 of her umpteen enablers doesn't snap at some point? I wouldn't last around Sweatney for 5 minutes the Santa Claus laugh then the high pitched giggle then the crying, crying, and more crying. Has the definition of FABULOUS changed? Are we now ok with someone eating themselves to death for a paycheck? And why the hell haven't her parents ever taken her for a psych evaluation? PCOS does not make you have an ice cream party, secretly gorge food in your car in parking lots, obsess over food etc. An E.R. Doctor told this woman to lose weight, a Cardiologist told her lose weight, a Gynecologist told her to lose weight, a nutritionist told her to lose weight but ohh NOOO she's healthy everyone! Can't wear shoes, walk, run, dance because of PCOS, right? And wtf is the whole smells of Armpits, cat breath, birth? Not one of her enablers can tell this nut that she needs mental help. She's probably too busy skiing anyway.

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20 minutes ago, aliya said:

Don't mothers tell their daughters about these kinds of guys anymore? 

I think we're a generation (or half) removed from this now, as many moms old enough to have daughters dating online are too old/too married to have dated online themselves. I have a wonderful, kind, educated friend with a Master's degree who got scammed out of about $5K when she was 50 years old a few years ago. Her 'boyfriend' was from Nigeria (I know, I know) and ran an import/export business with antiques from his country (yup) and had his goods held in customs by corrupt agents (mmmm hmmm). Her mom is in her 80s and doesn't do computers/internet, and her sisters are all older and married and never dated online. Plus she would tell us (her friends) scant details here & there, and not about lending him money (but we did hear about the 'corrupt customs agents'). I'm sure Babs wouldn't think to warn Sweatney NOT to give Avi any money, but I'm equally as sure that Sweatney didn't tell Babs & Glenn that she was forking over nearly 2 Gs to Avi, either.

6 minutes ago, Sommer said:

Can someone tell me why all not even 1 of her umpteen enablers doesn't snap at some point? I wouldn't last around Sweatney for 5 minutes the Santa Claus laugh then the high pitched giggle then the crying, crying, and more crying. Has the definition of FABULOUS changed? Are we now ok with someone eating themselves to death for a paycheck? And why the hell haven't her parents ever taken her for a psych evaluation? PCOS does not make you have an ice cream party, secretly gorge food in your car in parking lots, obsess over food etc. An E.R. Doctor told this woman to lose weight, a Cardiologist told her lose weight, a Gynecologist told her to lose weight, a nutritionist told her to lose weight but ohh NOOO she's healthy everyone! Can't wear shoes, walk, run, dance because of PCOS, right? And wtf is the whole smells of Armpits, cat breath, birth? Not one of her enablers can tell this nut that she needs mental help. She's probably too busy skiing anyway.

They did all get together and have a Fake Sweatney Funeral (I think in S1?) where everyone except for BrilloHead Todd got up and spoke about how sad they were that Sweatney ate herself to death. It was a come-to-Jesus moment that was pretty extreme with everyone dressed in black and somber/crying. They may have felt like they went too far and now might be reticent to really push any more come-to-Jesus talks with her again.

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Sweatney would give any man money of it meant she could smell his pits and he would rub on her blubber it's amazing to me that these self proclaimed BBW's say they are so confident so smart so secure yet they are so desperate for a man they will overlook the red flags and empty their bank accounts just to be able to say "oh I have a boyfriend" and for Sweatney to even utter that she wants a baby made me yell at my tv!! Why hasn't Babs and Glenn told her how physically demanding a kid is? She can't even wear shoes to the damn kids school plays. Why would Babs encourage this?

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10 minutes ago, Sommer said:

for Sweatney to even utter that she wants a baby made me yell at my tv!! Why hasn't Babs and Glenn told her how physically demanding a kid is? She can't even wear shoes to the damn kids school plays. Why would Babs encourage this?

If Adolf Whitler really wanted to reproduce, she would have gotten her weight under control a decade ago. She barely ever gets her period, you know it would be impossible for her to get pregnant without major weight loss and major medical intervention, if not IVF. She also is terrible with babies, she babysat one time with Lennie and she threw such a dramatic fit about changing a poopy diaper it was ridiculous. There is nothing maternal about her. Her parents seem to be in denial that their daughter even has the ability to get/stay pregnant. It would take a loaves and fishes miracle for Whitney to produce life.

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Did you see how happy Sweatney was having someone fatter than her around to make her look smaller? Once in a lifetime chance. Nada is in poor health it's ashame. Her in the airport I'm sorry but I gasped she can barely walk. Doesn't Sweatney know that showing all these morbidly obese desperate money giving women just shows everyone what poor judgement they all have? Why are they blaming Avi? He is the genius here! Had big fat mamas giving him money and folds to flounder around in. Talking about oh Avi his accent and he is just sooo handsome, this coming from the taste in men Sweatney has!! Avi is farrrrrr from handsome but I'm sure she doesn't care as long as he can help pluck her chin hairs and put up with her annoying voice and gross habits and Santa Claus laugh. Of course these women are going to latch on to whatever comes there way. DUH.

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56 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

IThey did all get together and have a Fake Sweatney Funeral (I think in S1?) where everyone except for BrilloHead Todd got up and spoke about how sad they were that Sweatney ate herself to death. It was a come-to-Jesus moment that was pretty extreme with everyone dressed in black and somber/crying. They may have felt like they went too far and now might be reticent to really push any more come-to-Jesus talks with her again.

It was season 3. She got mad, picked up the giant portrait they'd had made of her and left in a huff.

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Did you see how happy Sweatney was having someone fatter than her around to make her look smaller? Once in a lifetime chance. Nada is in poor health it's ashame. Her in the airport I'm sorry but I gasped she can barely walk. Doesn't Sweatney know that showing all these morbidly obese desperate money giving women just shows everyone how morbidly obese women will take whatever they can get. And the fake funeral thing, what a waste of her family and friends time. She had the balls to say oh I'm so pissed. Grabs the big picture of herself (of course) and leaves then next day no one brings it up, no one confronts her and as usual, everyone walked on eggshells around Atilla the Hun. When she left that hospital after he Oscar performance of fainting, she had Buddy order her ass a stuffed cheesesteak pizza. That's when my gloves came off!! I tried to see the good but that was the final straw and then she laughed about it in her side interview. Just wasted all those doctor and nurses time. Someone else who waited for hours in that E.R. could have used that time she wasted. How can TLC continue to run a show on such a vile elephant

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Big Fat Ambush ratings:

Back up to a 0.32 share, with 1.067 million viewers places MBFFL at #25 of the Top 50 cable shows on Wed.

If you're interested in comparisons, here are this week's ratings for some other prime-time TLC shows:

TUE, MBFFL-Super Fat, 0.16, #89, 509,000

TUE, I Am Jazz, 0.22, #52, 821,000

WED, M600#L, 0.45, #9, 1.567 million

WED, Family by the Ton, 0.29, #25, 1.001 mil

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They're taking these two on a hike and there is no ambulance on standby.

None that we saw...


Do you guys keep a supply of plastic party goods? I don't.

Yes, but they're leftover from when our daughter was in Girl Scouts and a barbecue we had last summer. We don't break them out when we have guests for dinner.


Avi teaches in Greensboro, and yet finds time to date 8-9 women

Maybe catfishing is his side gig over summer break?


I don’t think Babs is as clueless as everyone thinks she is and I think both of them are totally fed up with her. Problem is they continue to enable.

I can't decide if I think she is clueless or not but I do think that they love their daughter and they know that she is really, really unhealthy. I think it's got to be difficult for them to realize that there is a really good possibility that one or both of them will outlive her. And there is really nothing at all they can do for her until and unless Whitney accepts the reality of her situation and decides to change. It's got to be really difficult to watch your kid literally killing herself right in front of you, knowing that there is no reason at all that she can't choose to be healthy, and watch her time and time again make lousy choices.


I really feel sorry for Buddy. He seems like the odd man out. He defends her, assists her (I'd probably call rescue for lift assistance), and seems like a loyal friend.

Meh - he does live pretty much rent-free in what looks like a pretty nice house. I know Whitney made him sign a lease and supposedly charges him rent but I think she said he pays late sometimes and sometimes not at all.


She wasn't catfished though.  He was who he said he was, and she's met him.  Seems he's just a jerk.  

Maybe Avi is just as good of a catfisher as Whitney is a dancer? Which is to say not particularly good at it at all.



She can't handle the truth!!  LOL  That used to be a popular sentence a while ago.  I can't remember where it came from. But it fits with twit.

Jack Nicholson in a Few Good Men. 


Little did we know at the time that Tom Cruise really couldn't handle the truth.


And why the hell haven't her parents ever taken her for a psych evaluation?

She's an adult; they can't force her to go and she doesn't think she has a problem. And I think it was discussed on another thread that she has been in therapy for several years. So she is getting some sort of mental health treatment but it doesn't seem to be effectively addressing her weight and food issues.

Edited by Elizzikra
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DWTS??!! Now that's laughable. She would snap Max's poor ankles. Former contestants have said that rehearsals can be up to 6 hours long. It would be something to watch though. We all know she would craft up an injury 10 minutes in on the first day then ugly cry then Tal can come pick her up.

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On 1/17/2018 at 9:33 AM, Brooklynista said:

These women have made the same mistake a lot of women (and men) do. Get all giddy after some good lovin', start picking baby names and giving him money to show him their not materialistic.  Meanwhile, none of your friends have met him,  he won't answer your calls and your relationship only exists in text messages.

I hope they all take this as a lesson.  Sometimes dick is just dick.

"Hope springs eternal" - I guess this is evidence of how desperate some of these women are that they would fantasize what is essentially nothing more than a long distance texting relationship into a real one.  But come on, this is internet 101 here.  This is not 1998 when people didn't know about this stuff and routinely got taken in by scam artists in AOL chat rooms or princes from Nigeria that wanted to send them money.  I especially don't believe for one minute that Twit was that gullible or emotionally invested in this guy.  Her crocodile tears and all her offhand comments about him gave that away.  Oh yeah sure, "she won't get over him", why don't I believe that especially when her statement seemed without much emotion?  She was never that into him to get over him!  She was probably just having a good time with him like she does with everyone else.  What a phony!  

Twit got all those women together as fodder for the show, not because she needed an emotional support group or because she was concerned about them.  I'm sure the only reason they showed up was because they were being paid (including travel) and got to be on TV.  I think Nada was genuine and probably did get hurt by the creep, but as she shed real tears it was obvious that Twit wasn't really able to empathize.  She just sat there with a blank expression on her face like she couldn't relate.  Also, no way was that meeting with Avi the result of a random encounter.  I'm sure whoever found him was stalking him for the show because it would make a more interesting scene if they could confront him face to face.  Maybe he didn't realize he had his iphone or some app set to reveal his location.  It was just a little too coincidental that some friend would just happen to see him in a coffee shop and then let Twit know about it so she could come running down there ASAP.

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On 1/17/2018 at 3:18 PM, M.F. Luder said:

I think the way Whitney talked about the relationship showed her immaturity and complete lack of understanding of how real relationships work. Maybe it's just me, but I am always very wary of guys that go overboard with the lovefest super early into a relationship. But besides that, Whitney saying that "if it doesn't work out with him, I will never recover" and other overdramatic things like that suggests (to me at least) that she has a very fragile sense of herself and despite her claims of being confident, she actually feels like she has very limited options and is too eager to settle for the scraps of love that men are willing to throw at her. And for her to be considering converting to Judaism for the wishy washy relationship she described, it either means that religion doesn't mean much to her, or she's all too willing to change major things about her identity (except being fat, that's the one thing she has to hold on to) for some dude that has only been in her life for months.

I know a mature woman in her 60s who had been married and widowed and then later lived (and broke up with) someone for over a decade fall into this trap with a guy.  He came on very strong very fast and I told her that this was a big red flag but after several years of feeling "invisible" to men due to her age and letting herself go it was too hard for her to pay attention to her better sense because it was like a dream come true.  Of course my mother used to say "if it seems too good to be true it probably is".   But as I said in my previous post I don't really believe that Whitney herself fell into that trap as much as the other women.  I think she is too much of a narcissist to really be that hurt by a man and uses them as much as they use her.  I also don't believe for one minute that she was serious about converting to Judaism for this guy.  I think she invented that for the show to make it look like she was sooooo into him that she would have done that.  Same is true for saying she "will never recover".  She learned those things from seeing what the other women would have done for this guy and used them to make herself look like she was just as far gone about him as they were.

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Watching the full episode now.

She really opened up a wound for Allison. She looked in so much pain when Twit was talking about the other women.

Twit saw it but kept on going.  She probably doesn’t want to talk about it so leave her the fuck alone.  Leave all the women alone!!!!   She so selfish.  She wants to make herself feel better by making all the others feel miserable.

Twit that fucking twat    They should all block her number

(I’m on my 3rd cup of coffee so I’m a little hyped up...but yet I’m going for another...and a donut)

Edited by Bubbles1967
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9 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Maybe catfishing is his side gig over summer break?

Avi isn't catfishing.  He tells the women exactly who he is, doesn't lie about what he does and where he lives, and they can call, skype, and even sleep with him.  That makes him a sleazy scumbag, but not a catfisher.

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52 minutes ago, cynicat said:

Avi isn't catfishing.  He tells the women exactly who he is, doesn't lie about what he does and where he lives, and they can call, skype, and even sleep with him.  That makes him a sleazy scumbag, but not a catfisher.

No it was not catfishing, but it was close.  He was sending mixed messages hinting around about marriage, etc. to keep them on the hook.  Yet the red flags were all over the place with him.   How many books and articles have been written warning people that if someone says they're commitment phobic they should believe them?  In the end all they are guilty of is being too gullible while he is a deliberately deceptive creep.  

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We all know she would craft up an injury 10 minutes in on the first day then ugly cry then Tal can come pick her up.

Or decide that Babs needs her "help" and she can't stand being away. Even though her mother appears to have recovered and is doing just fine.



Maybe catfishing is his side gig over summer break?

Avi isn't catfishing.  He tells the women exactly who he is, doesn't lie about what he does and where he lives, and they can call, skype, and even sleep with him.  That makes him a sleazy scumbag, but not a catfisher.


I know. I was joking about the side gig. Then again, maybe he is catfishing and he just isn't very good at it. After the Twitervention with him, maybe he will learn not to use his real name.

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13 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

I think we're a generation (or half) removed from this now, as many moms old enough to have daughters dating online are too old/too married to have dated online themselves. I have a wonderful, kind, educated friend with a Master's degree who got scammed out of about $5K when she was 50 years old a few years ago. Her 'boyfriend' was from Nigeria (I know, I know) and ran an import/export business with antiques from his country (yup) and had his goods held in customs by corrupt agents (mmmm hmmm). Her mom is in her 80s and doesn't do computers/internet, and her sisters are all older and married and never dated online. Plus she would tell us (her friends) scant details here & there, and not about lending him money (but we did hear about the 'corrupt customs agents'). I'm sure Babs wouldn't think to warn Sweatney NOT to give Avi any money, but I'm equally as sure that Sweatney didn't tell Babs & Glenn that she was forking over nearly 2 Gs to Avi, either.

I am older myself and would never be taken in by something like that, internet or no internet.   Tons of articles and books have been all over the media about such scams for over 20 years now warning people about scam artists on the internet.  My own 90 year old dad is aware of such things.  I'm sure that if Babs knew the entire story with Avi she would see that freight train coming a mile away and it wouldn't matter that her daughter met him on the internet.  Dirt bags like Avi didn't just come into existence 20 years ago.  Their venue may be a little different but they do a lot of the same things and it's easier to keep up the deception by stringing people along online.  It's also that more people are potential victims now than in the past so people have to be educated on these things.  I sometimes can't believe that my own good friend got tricked by a guy like this because she is definitely mature and aware enough to know better and the red flags were HUGE but I think desperation makes people tune out their better sense. 

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11 hours ago, Sommer said:

What a surprise RATINGS FALLING just like Miss Fabulous herself walking on skis

The only way this show will continue to last another season is if Twit SERIOUSLY begins lifestyle changes.  I think people would watch her succeed in improving her health, but watching her continue along the path to killing herself is getting boring.

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2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

The only way this show will continue to last another season is if Twit SERIOUSLY begins lifestyle changes.  I think people would watch her succeed in improving her health, but watching her continue along the path to killing herself is getting boring.

If she showed any sigh of wanting to lose weight like she did in the beginning I would root for her. But she would have to change her attitude and we all know that ain’t happening.  Like a true narcissist she doesn’t think anything is wrong with her

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47 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

If she showed any sigh of wanting to lose weight like she did in the beginning I would root for her. But she would have to change her attitude and we all know that ain’t happening.  Like a true narcissist she doesn’t think anything is wrong with her

I think that I would have to see results too, and not just on a scale. Like before and after pictures, and clothes from the first season that are falling off because they're too big now. I don't want to hear she's ten pounds lighter and watch 20 seconds of her begging her trainer to take her back. That's not going to cut it.

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

The only way this show will continue to last another season is if Twit SERIOUSLY begins lifestyle changes.  I think people would watch her succeed in improving her health, but watching her continue along the path to killing herself is getting boring.

Fixed it for ya!

I thought the exact same thing at the conclusion of S-4: there is NO way this crapfest will continue. Yet here we are. I'm guessing now that MBFFL will continue until Twit is bedridden & willing to undergo Dr Now's knife, refuting all her previous statements about wgt loss not being important to her. And TLC knows that would be a ratings-busting episode of M600#L.

13 hours ago, Sommer said:

What a surprise RATINGS FALLING just like Miss Fabulous herself walking on skis

Actually, her viewership is up by about 200,000+ over the conclusion of S-4. Tho it'll probably level back out to 800,000 as the season progresses.

Edited by Dot
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Judging from her attempts to have Buddy and Heather talk to each other and her lack of empathy with Allison, all I can say is THANK DOG THAT SHE DIDN'T DECIDE TO BE A THERAPIST. Because she would be an enormous failure at that too.

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

I thought the exact same thing at the conclusion of S-4: there is NO way this crapfest will continue. Yet here we are.

It is because 99% of viewers are hate watching. It is a well worn formula for reality shows.

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18 hours ago, aliya said:

I'm reading and thinking about Avi and women and money and just remembered a woman I knew years ago. She 'met' a man through the singles ads in the glossy magazine for the city where we lived (this is pre-internet). OK, so this guy tells her he's working for the CIA in Iraq (this is during the 1st Gulf War). Because he's overseas and 'undercover,' he can't get to his CIA check and wonders if she could send money to his PO box.

She asks me what I thought and I said it didn't sound right. People doing espionage don't tell other people they are doing it. There is direct deposit, the government's not holding his salary until he gets back. And if he's on assignment, the gov would have given him money to use in country.  I'm a DC native. I grew up knowing people in embassies, the military, and many levels in the government. I would have heard tales like this along the way, but never did. 

Well, my friend was still gonna send him the money because he seemed like a 'catch,' and it might be worth it to build their connection. A few days later, she calls me breathless - she just saw a news story about a woman who had been scammed by a guy in jail. Same story. The 'PO' number was his prisoner number! But you can't help some people - had she not seen that story, I know she would have sent him money. 

Don't mothers tell their daughters about these kinds of guys anymore? 

"CIA"? Can't access his gov't "check"?  Hilarious. There's the first clue, ladies. 

Scams are still so common. You get some message from the "IRS" that you're going to be arrested if you don't pay said amount. Lucky for us, we're like "well we're law enforcement so, we think we'd know if we were about to be arrested." Then they lose their minds and start swearing at you--it's priceless.

As for Avi the Armpit Licker, at least he's outed now as a scammer.

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This show keeps getting worse and worse on a weekly basis.

What Twit needs is Jillian Michaels and a good gym. IF Jillian can't get Twit in shape then she so needs to go see Dr. Now. That is where I want this ridiculous show's direction needs to go. Having Twit crying all the time and chasing after people is just beyond bizarre and creepy. 

She is not committed to losing weight. Twit's only commitment is to find stranger ways of getting attention.

I mean how can anyone take this show seriously?!?!?!?!?!?!

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On January 17, 2018 at 6:08 PM, Dot said:

Random thoughts:
? "Southern dinner," my ass! At that description my Alabama-born-&-bred mother would have *snorted* in the genteel, Southern Belle way Babs likes to play.
Fried chicken? Yes. But FRIED chicken & dumplings -- NEVER!
You cut up a chicken too tough for anything but stewing, stick it in a pot for 3-4 hrs, remove the pieces & drop the dumplings on the boiling pot likker to fluff up. Make the gravy from the pot likker & slop it over the STEWED chicken & dumplings.
And sides of mac & cheese and mashed potatoes? Puhleeeze: those are the same kinds of carbs that dumpings are. A true Southern dinner might include a mess o' greens as a side. Or maybe okra or black-eyed peas or fried green tomatoes. And no Southern dinner is complete without buttermilk biscuits or cornbread.
? So Piggy the pig & piggy the daughter both need to lose a little wgt, according to Babs. What I can't fathom is how she can look at Twit, who is close to 500 #s now & contend that Twit is "fairly healthy."
? Holy foreshadowing, Batman! Glenn thinks Twit needs to run another 5K to get her challenged to get back in shape. In Hawaii, perhaps?
? I love that garage as dance studio is now dance studio as adult day center, with walls & floors covered with a childish arts 'n' crafts project. What a colossal waste of money that remodel was.
? I especially love that Todd refuses to call it anything but a "garage." More & more, I am on Team Todd. If THAT's a slogan T-shirt in the NoBS Store, I'm pulling out my debit card.
? I've never been a mother: is it a "thing" to make a paper mache form of your swollen belly while pregnant to paste in your baby book? Seems weird to me.
? Why are the other 13 women allowing themselves to be a part of Twit's madness? (I did notice one photo was blurred.) What do you think they had to pay Allison to appear? I felt for her -- the phone call where she said she'd have to think about it becuz she was "trying to put it out of [her] life" sounded sincere.
? Avi swindled Allison out of $500. Does Twit realize she was almost 4 times more gullible?
? I thought Nada's glasses were awful.
? It always makes my day when the film crew gets behind Twit to film her "running." First, the hospital; now, the airport. Her pace is so slow & strained that it looks like she is running in place.
? And Nada looked "just like I expected her to look." What, Twit? You thought she was catfishing you with a photo of a different fat Egyptian in those multiple phone calls you had with her?
? Nada must weigh about 600 #s & the lymphodema in her legs was very apparent. How cruel was it for Twit to insist on a woodsy hike when she already knew the woman barely made it from the airport to the car?
And Twit abandons Nada on the trail becuz it was so important for her to finish less than a mile over mostly level ground to show how fit she is? I mean, really. If my new BFF had abandoned me, the first thing I would have said, were I Nada, is: "Take me to the airport NOW, you self-absorbed bitch."
? With a smirk Twit tells Nada, "You should feel strong and capable." I can't even . . .
? Twit is eating her way thru this season if the first 6 hours are any example. Fascinating. I wonder if the PMG crew members who lurk (yes, we know you're here) took our complaints to heart & told her she had to quit pretending she was living on nothing but air.
? I call shenanigans on the whole bedroom routine: 1,000 #s on the hoof sleeping together, tho strangers, in one bed; the cramming of an air mattress into the bedroom like it's a preteen slumber party; the smelling of & kissing on poor Nada; the lace bra as a sleep top instead of a loose t-shirt, etc. And where was Twit's CPAP machine in all this stupidity?
? Twit said she was being "unhealthy & obsessive" with her stalking art project. Followed in the next breath with how "therapeutic" it was for her. And "empowering" to be "developing a sisterhood" of other Avi victims. TLC: you have really let this woman fall too far in the pit of delusion.
? Finally, a question: Twit printed something at the top of her chart in a light blue ink. I couldn't read it. Can someone tell me what is said?

Agree with all your comments. Sorry I forget what she scrawled up there. (Side note: my people are from Alabama, too, and I just returned from a funeral there---ate lots of biscuits and okra ?)

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On January 18, 2018 at 10:54 AM, gigiann said:

LOL Family Boot Camp would be hysterical but I am sure Whit would never do that cause she would be forced into seeing the truth.

Nah, she'd waddle in circles hysterically claiming her stumps were numb. 

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On January 19, 2018 at 4:37 PM, Maggienolia said:

It was a wake-up call for her. But apparently it was the kind of wake-up where she was able to just roll over and go right back to sleep.

No problem, she always leads - remember? She'd being doing the dipping. God help her partner. And everyone having to watch. 

"Ooooo, you SMELLLL GOOOOD! Let me smell your pits"

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On January 20, 2018 at 7:42 AM, Yeah No said:

I am older myself and would never be taken in by something like that, internet or no internet.   Tons of articles and books have been all over the media about such scams for over 20 years now warning people about scam artists on the internet.  My own 90 year old dad is aware of such things.  I'm sure that if Babs knew the entire story with Avi she would see that freight train coming a mile away and it wouldn't matter that her daughter met him on the internet.  Dirt bags like Avi didn't just come into existence 20 years ago.  Their venue may be a little different but they do a lot of the same things and it's easier to keep up the deception by stringing people along online.  It's also that more people are potential victims now than in the past so people have to be educated on these things.  I sometimes can't believe that my own good friend got tricked by a guy like this because she is definitely mature and aware enough to know better and the red flags were HUGE but I think desperation makes people tune out their better sense. 

My late mother-in-law was active back in the late seventies/early eighties as a pen pal (remember those?) and married THREE different men she met via letter-writing: one was in Attica prison, one was a lonely mailman in another state, and one was a con artist running from UK tax evasion charges. She had a master's degree. 

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1 hour ago, AUJulia said:

My late mother-in-law was active back in the late seventies/early eighties as a pen pal (remember those?) and married THREE different men she met via letter-writing: one was in Attica prison, one was a lonely mailman in another state, and one was a con artist running from UK tax evasion charges. She had a master's degree. 

I need to know more. Was that the order that she married then in? Did the guy from Attica get out? Is she still married to line of them now? 

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Order: Mailman, conman, UK conman. Yes, he got out of prison, moved in, dealt drugs from her house (she had teenaged daughters then), stole all her late parents' family silver, took off for Mexico. She divorced all three but she's been dead several years. 

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On 1/17/2018 at 1:22 PM, Ravenna said:

What happened to Will the trainer? Did his ass-kissing contract with Whitney end?

I've also noticed this season that she's not even trying to pretend she's eating properly. The pizza, the huge bowl of cereal, and the  Southern fried food buffet. I didn't see any really healthy food choices.  She can't possibly blame it all on hormones. 

It's all been a big fat lie. 

Well, she did explicitly make a comment about how she wasn't going to eat the fried chicken. I thought, maybe, for a second, that she was faux dieting again. Then she piled a few pounds of mac and cheese on her plate! Maybe Whit thinks that mac and cheese is healthier because it's not fried? ?

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1 minute ago, MrsWitter said:

Well, she did explicitly make a comment about how she wasn't going to eat the fried chicken. I thought, maybe, for a second, that she was faux dieting again. Then she piled a few pounds of mac and cheese on her plate! Maybe Whit thinks that mac and cheese is healthier because it's not fried? ?

"I can't eat fried chicken. All that empty protein." ;)

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So what ever happened to "The Diabetes"?  She shouldn't be eating pizza, mac n cheese, ice cream and all those frappe drinks.  Back when that happened she tried to sound so convincing that she was on top of it and suddenly now she is bigger than ever and bolting down crap again!  She waddles like a whale if they could stand on 2 legs.  She barely walks and we see her lying on beds and couches all the time.  The next step is being bed bound.  She is NOT healthy.....why does she keep on with this damn scheme.  She has to have Todd life up her legs to stretch?  That is not stretching if someone else maneuvers your body.  She calls herself a professional dancer?????  LOL. She rolls her fat stomach and ass back and forth while making arm movements to appear like she is dancing.  God I dislike how she used Nada and Allison to make herself appear better.  When they confronted Avi at the coffee shop he was apologizing to Nada and Twit screams..."no apology for me?"   And he says no and takes off....ooooooohhhhhh you know she was pissed and when she found out he asked to speak with Nada in private her jealousy ran amuck.  One scene during "the hike" after Nada took a chair, the camera and editing tried to show Twit as if she were keeping up with the .8 of a mile is a fucking stroll????????  This woman annoys me to death.   LOL, but I keep watching.

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