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S05.E03: Big Fat Ambush

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34 minutes ago, Bunnygirl said:

Those adjustable beds are designed to be VERY heavy duty. How telling is it that with both of them in it, Twit was unable to make just the HEAD portion rise?!  Gawd!

Did a quick google on serta brand adjustable mattress/base and the weight limit on one of the higher end ones was 650#. Since hers has the heat and vibration and all the bells and whistles, maybe it has a higher weight limit but still... the motors in that bed!!! Holy cow! 

19 minutes ago, auntjess said:

Maybe Stacy and Clinton would reunite just for Whit. I can see Stacy getting her in heels.

No pair of heels deserves that kind of torture.

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4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm not ready to say Avi scammed any of these women.  All of the players here are adults. 


Whose fault is it if these women took two romps in the hay with this man and blew it up in their heads as a relationship. Nada says they were "almost" engaged.  What the hell is that??  He either proposed or he didn't.  

Agreed. The one (Allison?) who gave him $500 for a plane ticket BUT COULD NOT PAY HER OWN DAMN RENT got exactly what she deserved. Once she said that, all of my empathy for her flew right out the window. (caveat: I vaguely remember something about him saying he'd pay her back the next day; if that's the case, a very short-term loan like that would put a few ounces of sympathy back).

I agree with you r.e. Nada's engagement with Avi. There was no mention of a proposal or ring that I remember, and definitely no pictures of him dropping on one knee or of a ring that he gave her. I think that probably there was a HUGE expectation on her part which was then conveyed to her family, but to buy a dress with no proposal, no ring, and no wedding date set was ALL on Nada. Not Avi, even if he's a total sleazedog douchenozzle.

Also, where does Nada get her money to go and spend six months at an English fat camp and fly to the States to hang with Sweatney with apparently no job? I'm wondering how much money her family has, because girlfriend can't be making bank on her social media alone to fund all of that.

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1 minute ago, lightninggirl said:
4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm not ready to say Avi scammed any of these women.  All of the players here are adults. 


Whose fault is it if these women took two romps in the hay with this man and blew it up in their heads as a relationship. Nada says they were "almost" engaged.  What the hell is that??  He either proposed or he didn't.  

Agreed. The one (Allison?) who gave him $500 for a plane ticket BUT COULD NOT PAY HER OWN DAMN RENT got exactly what she deserved. Once she said that, all of my empathy for her flew right out the window. (caveat: I vaguely remember something about him saying he'd pay her back the next day; if that's the case, a very short-term loan like that would put a few ounces of sympathy back).

Not sure why Allison didn't just say "don't you have a credit card?" I have watched enough Judge Judy to know that you never lend money you can't afford to lose.

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3 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:


Also, where does Nada get her money to go and spend six months at an English fat camp and fly to the States to hang with Sweatney with apparently no job? I'm wondering how much money her family has, because girlfriend can't be making bank on her social media alone to fund all of that.

I thought Nada said on the facetime with Twit that she was coming to DC for her job. Did I hear wrong?? 

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Echoing what other people said how was Nada "almost engaged"? That is not a thing. The guy wasn't even returning Whit's phone calls, hadn't met her friends or family and this is the love of her life, the man she is going to marry.

I'm willing to to believe the guy is an asshole, most of us have dated assholes but I'm not convinced that any of these women had a serious exclusive relationship in the first place. 

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20 minutes ago, Ravenna said:

May Nada see this episode and let it be a big wake up call for her. I'm going to sound like Dr. Now, but she's not going to make it to 40 the way she's going now. During the walk, I seriously thought she was going to have a heart attack and keel over. She seems like a lovely girl, but deeply in denial

While I'm automatically suspicious just by virtue of her participation in this farce, it does seem to me that there is something naive (or may just plain not-that-bright) about Nada.  

She's obviously overwhelmed personality-wise (and not in a good way) by Whitney.  But it really seems like Whitney was pushing/manipulating her into being involved in this whole thing. 

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1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

Oh and Todd?  You can't dance or sing. Both are fingernails on a blackboard. And....chuck the grimacing too. You can't act either.

But for all that, I'm still for Todd over Whit.

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10 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

Also, where does Nada get her money to go and spend six months at an English fat camp

I thought she was talking about having been on one of those meal-replacement-shake diets and something-something England.  It wasn't clear to me that she was spending a long-term time in England, as opposed to maybe ordering the replacement shakes from there and possibly going for periodic check-ups?


8 minutes ago, John M said:

Echoing what other people said how was Nada "almost engaged"? That is not a thing. The guy wasn't even returning Whit's phone calls, hadn't met her friends or family and this is the love of her life, the man she is going to marry.

I'm willing to to believe the guy is an asshole, most of us have dated assholes but I'm not convinced that any of these women had a serious exclusive relationship in the first place. 

I think this is exactly what we have to conclude based on what we've seen.  We know he "meets" women online.  We know he tells morbidly obese women that he only likes to date fat women.  We know that he "disappears" for periods of time in which he's out-of-touch to them.

Everything else that we know about him is coming from Whitney and is contradicted by those other things that Whitney has said.  

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5 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

Also, where does Nada get her money to go and spend six months at an English fat camp and fly to the States to hang with Sweatney with apparently no job? I'm wondering how much money her family has, because girlfriend can't be making bank on her social media alone to fund all of that.

As I mentioned before there are plenty of very wealthy people that live in Cairo, we mainly filter Egypt through the Arab Spring now but when I went to Cairo we stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel & Residences, I could only find one listing for a condo there but it would set you back over $4M USD. There was a mall attached to the hotel and condos and it had stores that you would find at any very high-end shopping center in the US.

I suspect Nada's family is very wealthy and Nada probably went to an expensive private American school.

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Ok - so I know I mentioned a few posts up that I think it's quite possible Avi doesn't exist, both he and Nada are from central casting. and the story is fake. I have an even better theory. What if TLC hired Avi (and Nada) to be this douchy guy hoping that Whitney would blow the relationship out of proportion and she more than delivered with this insane stalking and investigation. So everyone but Whitney knew it was fake. It seems like the only possible explanation. The camera person just "happens" to find Avi right when Nada is in town? TLC had to have set this up. But Whitney's completely insane obsession seems way beyond being made up. Someone creating a scenario like that would say that even Whitney isn't that pathetic. But reality says she's is. I think TLC catfished Whitney hoping for an interesting storyline and fell into 'Fat chick goes insane"

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1 hour ago, M.F. Luder said:

Whitney's desire to make Avi feel guilty will never be satisfied because he doesn't care enough about those women to feel any kind of remorse about lying to them. People like him probably get some kind of twisted joy out of having that kind of power over someone else's emotions. The best revenge would have been for all of them to ghost him; his narcissism would make him get angry that all of his women so easily dropped him from their lives. Whitney and Nada harassing him for attention and "closure" just feeds his ego.

I really hope this whole situation is just manufactured drama for the show. As immature as Whitney is, I don't think it's believable that a woman her age would be so gungho about a man who barely shows interest in her to the point where she's actually thinking of switching religions.  Especially not after she dumped Lennie for not being invested enough. Lennie at least spent time with her. 

I agree totally with your first paragraph.  If they all just ignored him, all at once, he would have been so upset and confused. 

However I do not think that Avi showed little interest in her and she blew it up to be more. I think  hesnowed her into thinking he had very deep feelings for her and their relationship was special. If you go back to the first episodes when she was describing their relationship, it seemed like she had met her soulmate. and long term partner I don't think this was all in her head: she said he was hinting that this could lead to marriage. When you hear the other stories, he said the same things to the other women. I think she was totally snowed and manipulated, to the point where she considered converting for him.  He made it seem serious to her. Also he does this to get them to give him money because if they are going to be married some day, why not? Maybe she did only see him once a week, but I imagine these meetings he would give her signs that he was in love with her.  Of course with Whitney she exaggerates everything, but it seems like this guy has some mad skills.

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Nada's fat camp story was not impressive to me at all. Sorry, Nada. She said she lost 100 lb in 6 months by "not eating anything." I just plugged the numbers into a TDEE calculator, and for a woman about Whit's height who weighs 500 lb (that's my guess, anyway), she could eat 1,550 calories a day and lose that amount of weight (her TDEE is about 3550 so she needs a 2000-calorie deficit to lose 4 lb a week). That is a decent amount of food. Certainly not "starving" or "not eating anything" by a long shot. 

Edited to add: I calculated for a sedentary 25-year-old woman that size, so that's without even exercising at all, and with the benefit of youth.

Edited by ClareWalks
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2 hours ago, Alapaki said:

Well, I was really planning on finishing this "hike" (which is really no longer than her rambling in the parking lot during her "panic attack" last week), but if you want me to stay back, I guess I could."  "Wait here, I'll just bark at my production minions to bring a chair.  No, don't worry.  They're used to having to do that.  They always keep one handy."

That's exactly what a narcissistic does.  exactly.  me, me, me, and doesn't care about anyone else's feelings whatsoever.  If it's not about them, they make it about them.  I'm so done with this show.  

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What is "hinting at marriage"? Whit is in her mid-thirties, by that age a lot of women and men for that matter are kind of done with casual dating, they are established, they know what they want/need in a partner and want to know that the relationship is going somewhere before they invest a lot of energy into it. I mean not picking out rings and wedding dresses but some sort of clarity that we aren't going to casually date for years and that marriage is on the roadmap unless there are any major surprises about compatibility or someone say hiding a bunch of debt or something. 

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28 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I thought she was talking about having been on one of those meal-replacement-shake diets and something-something England.  It wasn't clear to me that she was spending a long-term time in England, as opposed to maybe ordering the replacement shakes from there and possibly going for periodic check-ups?

She said that she went to a place in England and drank protein powder shakes for 6 months and lost 100 pounds. But when she got home, eating ‘real’ food caused her to regain all of the weight (and probably more, I’m guessing).

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18 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

However I do not think that Avi showed little interest in her and she blew it up to be more. I think  hesnowed her into thinking he had very deep feelings for her and their relationship was special. If you go back to the first episodes when she was describing their relationship, it seemed like she had met her soulmate. and long term partner I don't think this was all in her head: she said he was hinting that this could lead to marriage.

BUT, Whitney also said that Avi told her he was a "commitment-phobic" and that he's "broken a lot of hearts".  We also heard her say, both to Todd/Tal and to Buddy that Avi would disappear and go incommunicado for long periods of time.  

She didn't want to call him after her "panic attack" because . . . . I still don't understand her explanation.

She said in Seasons 1/2 that she was extremely leery of chubby-chasers, to the extent that she would not date anyone whom she thought was a fat-fetishist.  Now she's bragging about how Avi said he loves to date "fat women", and when she asked him if he was only dating him because she was fat, he said "no, I just love your fat stomach" (again . . . . . . . ?)

He's never met her parents.

He's obviously never had Whitney over to his house (otherwise she'd know where he lived and be staking it out 24/7).

If Whitney honestly took "hinting at marriage" from all of that, then she's even more delusional that she seems.

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Yes, I remember that now but I still think when he was with her, he really played it up.  He really made her think she was the one for him, because he wanted the money. Of course there were signs, that she should have picked up on,  like the long absences but I think he always had explanations. I dislike Whitney but she fell into a trap. If I were here I would be so so so embarrassed that I would not have put this on the show.....This guy is good! He makes them think they are the one and only.   She missed all the signs, but like one of the girls said, now they will know in the future cause there were plenty of signs but they were really taken by this guy. He is a great actor.

Edited by calpurnia99
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27 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

I agree totally with your first paragraph.  If they all just ignored him, all at once, he would have been so upset and confused. 

However I do not think that Avi showed little interest in her and she blew it up to be more. I think  hesnowed her into thinking he had very deep feelings for her and their relationship was special. If you go back to the first episodes when she was describing their relationship, it seemed like she had met her soulmate. and long term partner I don't think this was all in her head: she said he was hinting that this could lead to marriage. When you hear the other stories, he said the same things to the other women. I think she was totally snowed and manipulated, to the point where she considered converting for him.  He made it seem serious to her. Also he does this to get them to give him money because if they are going to be married some day, why not? Maybe she did only see him once a week, but I imagine these meetings he would give her signs that he was in love with her.  Of course with Whitney she exaggerates everything, but it seems like this guy has some mad skills.

I think the way Whitney talked about the relationship showed her immaturity and complete lack of understanding of how real relationships work. Maybe it's just me, but I am always very wary of guys that go overboard with the lovefest super early into a relationship. But besides that, Whitney saying that "if it doesn't work out with him, I will never recover" and other overdramatic things like that suggests (to me at least) that she has a very fragile sense of herself and despite her claims of being confident, she actually feels like she has very limited options and is too eager to settle for the scraps of love that men are willing to throw at her. And for her to be considering converting to Judaism for the wishy washy relationship she described, it either means that religion doesn't mean much to her, or she's all too willing to change major things about her identity (except being fat, that's the one thing she has to hold on to) for some dude that has only been in her life for months.

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5 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Yes, I remember that now but I still think when he was with her, he really played it up.  He really made her think she was the one for him, because he wanted the money. Of course there were signs, that she should have picked up on,  like the long absences but I think he always had explanations. I dislike Whitney but she fell into a trap. If I were here I would be so so so embarrassed that I would not have put this on the show.....This guy is good! He makes them think they are the one and only.   She missed all the signs, but like one of the girls said, now they will know in the future cause there were plenty of signs but they were really taken by this guy. He is a great actor.

I don't think he is a great actor, I think they were just incredibly lonely and desperate and ignored the sirens and flashing red spotlights. I know some big girls in their 30s on the dating scene and it is not fun and they aren't nearly as big as Whit.

And were they really signs? At least with Whit he might as well put one of those giant construction signs on her front lawn saying that he isn't that into her. You know what I want to do when I have a busy shitty day? Talk to my partner, not just disappear for a few days without contact. 

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Buddy needs a CPAP machine and a stint at rehab. And someone needs to slap that plate of 6 pounds of mac n cheese out of Whit's hands. Don't their friends care about  them at all?


The stuff with sharing the bed was creepy. Whitney needs to learn about boundaries - I wouldn't last ten minutes in her presence. She sure has blown he warranty on that bed though.

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Couple of random thoughts, and a question:

  • Babs said, "You're going to make a GORGEOUS bride," and then, "Whitney needs to lose A LITTLE weight."  The delusion is strong in this one.
  • I have a tempurpedic bed with the head/foot raising feature and vibration.  It's over 15 years old, and it's still going strong.  Combined, Mr. AZC and I (neither one of us "skinny") weigh about as much as Twit.  Other than learning the hard way that we shouldn't both sit on the foot of the bed at the same time (plastic hinges), that bed is built like a tank.  If the head and/or vibration don't work, the people on that bed are WAY past "normal use" restrictions.
  • QUESTIONS:  Do we know for a fact how Twit, Nada, and the other lady(ies) came in contact with Avi?  Did he initiate contact?  Did anyone actually meet him in person before their "relationship" began?  If he was reaching out to them, he's a catfish, except it appears he didn't do it with a false profile.  But he still seems to have contacted them for fraudulent or deceptive purposes (textbook definition).
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26 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

Whitney saying that "if it doesn't work out with him, I will never recover" and other overdramatic things like that suggests (to me at least) that she has a very fragile sense of herself and despite her claims of being confident, she actually feels like she has very limited options and is too eager to settle for the scraps of love that men are willing to throw at her.

But this is precisely the way she was acting, and the sort of things she was saying to Babs when they went antique shopping after that lunch where Roy told her that (obviously) he had no interest in her.

Either Whitney is an absolute bunny-boiler (tm Fatal Attraction) or she's deliberately overstating these interactions to gin up grist for the mill of this show.  I'm inclined to think it's the latter.  

But, either way, knowing nothing more than what we know about Whitney, I believe that any guy who she claims "did her wrong" deserves the strong benefit of the doubt.

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11 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Babs said, "You're going to make a GORGEOUS bride," and then, "Whitney needs to lose A LITTLE weight."  The delusion is strong in this one.

I'm afraid that I've come to the conclusion that both Glenn and Babs know exactly what a vulgar failure Whitney is.  They've just decided that it's more fun to play along, and bask in whatever reflected pseudo-fame they feel they're getting, than to put their foot down and really push Whitney to change her lifestyle. 

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Eh, Avi obviously is just out for easy sex without a relationship. So he seeks out fat women because he thinks they are desperate enough to have sex anytime anywhere with anybody. And Twit shows us he is correct. As does Nada. I really don’t get the vibe that Avi does it strictly for the money. That’s just a nice side perk.

Why TLC thought we needed to spend 2+ hours on desperate women behaving desperately, I have no idea. But I’ll watch and laugh at Twit because I can.

And the pregnant lady - if I didn’t know she was pregnant I’d have assumed she was just fat. I guess I’ve gotten so used to in shape women who have defined bellies instead of mounds. 

Todd and Twit both need to grow up 

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And let's not lose sight of the absurdity of that whole trip to the Retreat in the first place.

They went there to "cleanse" themselves of Avi because . . . . Avi had mentioned it to them and suggested that they should go there?!?!?!

What am I missing?  

Too bad he never suggested they go . . . on a diet.  Hey now!  I'm here all week.  Remember to tip your waitresses.  

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I'm watching the new episode now. Somehow I fogot it came on yesterday. One thing I've noticed is Whit keeps telling Nada how cute, beautiful, & sweet she is. For some reason I feel like she's fishing for compliments from Nada every time. Never once, thus far, has she replied back anything but basically 'Thank you". I haven't been able to read all the previous comments, so I apologize if it's already been mentioned. I'll catch up on the comments later.

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I was watching MBFFL, smh at Ms NOBS and her girl-gang of Avi bashers.  After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I googled “WTF Whitney???” and followed the first linked result to you savvy, funny people! I am in fat sweaty Twitney heaven!!! Love you guys!!! Off to read more now...

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8 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I hope that Nada will get bariatric surgery. She is a young, beautiful woman with a really sweet personality and good sense of humor and she is limiting her life by being so overweight.  Whitney is making a living off of being fat so I'm not worried about her but Nada deserves better.  I also felt badly for Allison who had to have an old wound opened for the sake of Whitney's bizarre obsession.

Dear god , that poor girl has to weigh 500 lbs.  She could barely walk.  She was such a lovely girl but she needs help fast.  Really sad when Whitney looked skinny next to her.

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7 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Who has large wall maps and a huge wooden pointer in their home? 

HAHA, I was wondering the same thing.  Just laying hands on a wooden pointer would have necessitated a trip to the store and maybe a visit to Amazon for most of us.  This show, this woman, and these producers are all absolutely full of shit.

On another topic, does anyone else here remember the show that aired several years ago about an overweight woman named Ruby Gettinger?  Ostensibly, the show was about her weight loss progress, but it was canceled when Ruby just didn't lose the weight.  It turned out that she was lying about her weight and dieting in the first place.  This show is starting to trend that way.  There is no progress being made whatsoever.  Call me crazy, but Whitney looks the same (if not heavier) as she did when the show began three years ago.  I guess they really are staying true to the name of the show and she's not expected to make any progress. 

I'm sorry, Whitney, but chasing men who don't want you through shopping centers and parking lots may get your heart racing a bit, but it just isn't going to lead to lasting weight loss. 

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Just now, nytonc said:

I was watching MBFFL, smh at Ms NOBS and her girl-gang of Avi bashers.  After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I googled “WTF Whitney???” and followed the first linked result to you savvy, funny people! I am in fat sweaty Twitney heaven!!! Love you guys!!! Off to read more now...

That's exactly my reaction when I found this sight! I thought I was the only one who felt this way. All the comments I had ever seen before were on her Facebook & if you disagreed the minions would stalk the poor person's profile.

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2 hours ago, auntjess said:

Maybe Stacy and Clinton would reunite just for Whit. I can see Stacy getting her in heels.

Those shoes would have to be from the Maloof Hoof Collection courtesy of RHOBH.

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3 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

My guess is either a Ford or Kia. This based on the shape of the car and the shape of the logo they try to hide on the front grill. I'd also like to know why she's got a new car. She just bought a new car in season 3 when her old one died. Although maybe she fell victim to a wily salesperson who convinced her to trade-in/up for a new one. Been there, done that. 3 Pilots later I got tired of being Our Lady of Perpetual Car Payments and came to my senses. 

She couln't keep the new monster SUV because she had to climb up to get into it. She is no longer able to get into any kind of truck because of her size & knees.

The Kia, tho also an SUV, is designed so that you step down to get in it, like a sedan.

Jocelyn, you are correct, Twit never said this is the reason -- and never would admit such. But I know this is the reason, as I said in the Rescue Me thread, because I myself have been in that situation when I was 380+ #s.

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23 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I'm afraid that I've come to the conclusion that both Glenn and Babs know exactly what a vulgar failure Whitney is.  They've just decided that it's more fun to play along, and bask in whatever reflected pseudo-fame they feel they're getting, than to put their foot down and really push Whitney to change her lifestyle. 

Plus, what can they do? She’s a 33-year-old adult. I doubt that they can get her declared incompetent.

18 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

Too bad he never suggested they go . . . on a diet. 

??????  You guys are really funny today.

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30 minutes ago, nytonc said:

I am in fat sweaty Twitney heaven!!! Love you guys!!! Off to read more now...

that's exactly how I felt about 2 weeks ago when I found these extremely funny, and informative people!!  They are ALL the best.. :) 

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I really feel sorry for Buddy. He seems like the odd man out. He defends her, assists her (I'd probably call rescue for lift assistance), and seems like a loyal friend. I think he won't tell...I can't remember her name... it's done due to the women's wrath that surrounds him 24/7. What's her name would say she's uncomfortable & Buddy's probably afraid he's out. That lease he signed while Whit was acting like a heifer, well Whit would probably no longer be worried about it.

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:
  • QUESTIONS:  Do we know for a fact how Twit, Nada, and the other lady(ies) came in contact with Avi?  Did he initiate contact? 

We know Twit met Avi at an on-line dating site in Sep 2016, which is when she considers herself to have begun "dating" him. She posted a msg from him on FB; from the context, it appeared to be a reply to a msg Twit sent him.

Allison met him on J-Date. So it appears that at least some -- if  not all -- his hookups begin on an on-line dating website.

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1 hour ago, M.F. Luder said:

Maybe it's just me, but I am always very wary of guys that go overboard with the lovefest super early into a relationship.

THIS!  100 percent that this behaviour is a bright red flag. 

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34 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

QUESTIONS:  Do we know for a fact how Twit, Nada, and the other lady(ies) came in contact with Avi?  Did he initiate contact?  Did anyone actually meet him in person before their "relationship" began?  If he was reaching out to them, he's a catfish, except it appears he didn't do it with a false profile.  But he still seems to have contacted them for fraudulent or deceptive purposes (textbook definition).

One he met on JDate (I'm thinking that was Allison [I think I have the name right] the one who gave him $500 for the plane ticket). I agree with you wondering about how many of them met him in person, but I think the way that Sweatney (AKA Magnum P.U.) was able to link Avi to certain women was seeing them in pics together. That was I think how Nada figured out that he and Sweatney were together and accused them of having a relationship (which he flatly denied, and made Nada look crazy for accusing him).

I think that he was trolling women online for the most part. That was his M.O. - being charming and figuring out how lonely they were so he could worm his way into their pocketbooks. The mental manipulation was probably just something that he got off on, seeing how hard he could play them. Dick.

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1 hour ago, JenniofTroy said:

I'm watching the new episode now. Somehow I fogot it came on yesterday. One thing I've noticed is Whit keeps telling Nada how cute, beautiful, & sweet she is. For some reason I feel like she's fishing for compliments from Nada every time. Never once, thus far, has she replied back anything but basically 'Thank you". I haven't been able to read all the previous comments, so I apologize if it's already been mentioned. I'll catch up on the comments later.

I noticed this a lot too, and I think you're on to something. I also thought maybe she was harping on how pretty and beautiful Nada is so that she can show (us, Avi, the next guy she obsesses over, whoever?) that she's not a hater and that she's not going to bash The Other Woman. It wouldn't do for her MO to be bashing another fat woman, although you know for a fact that she's jealous Nada got "farther" with Avi and was desperate to show how much "better" she was than Nada. It's seeping out of her pores like her ever-present sweat, so she's over compensating with kind words about this woman.

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5 hours ago, Alapaki said:

And another thing (my God, it's like I"m having flashbacks!):

Why does Whitney insist on calling Nada, whom she's literally just met as "bitch"?

Whitney is just so lacking in class, grace, or common manners that it almost defies belief.

And Nada being from Egypt--though clearly modern, she is still conservative in dress and behavior. You could see there were some things she was uncomfortable with ("we don't do naked in Egypt"). I liked Nada, she was the opposite of Whitney. She was respectful, not loud, not running around half naked. I wish her the best and hope she gets a handle on her health (that hike nearly did her in!).

As far the Avi shenanigans go, I'm just glad we didn't have to watch Whitney try and convert to Judaism. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Nada's fat camp story was not impressive to me at all. Sorry, Nada. She said she lost 100 lb in 6 months by "not eating anything." I just plugged the numbers into a TDEE calculator, and for a woman about Whit's height who weighs 500 lb (that's my guess, anyway), she could eat 1,550 calories a day and lose that amount of weight (her TDEE is about 3550 so she needs a 2000-calorie deficit to lose 4 lb a week). That is a decent amount of food. Certainly not "starving" or "not eating anything" by a long shot. 

Edited to add: I calculated for a sedentary 25-year-old woman that size, so that's without even exercising at all, and with the benefit of youth.

Comeon. You know "not eating anything" is code for "they fed us low calorie/healthy food".  Meaning, no junk food, little or no breads, probably little to no fruit (too much natural sugar) and no sugary drinks.

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2 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Comeon. You know "not eating anything" is code for "they fed us low calorie/healthy food".  Meaning, no junk food, little or no breads, probably little to no fruit (too much natural sugar) and no sugary drinks.

I wondered if she meant she had to drink all the calories she was allowed. Isn't that what those diet shake plans are all about?

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4 hours ago, AZChristian said:
  • QUESTIONS:  Do we know for a fact how Twit, Nada, and the other lady(ies) came in contact with Avi?  Did he initiate contact? 

Deleted duplicate post.

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3 hours ago, nytonc said:

After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I googled “WTF Whitney???” and followed the first linked result to you savvy, funny people! I am in fat sweaty Twitney heaven!!! Love you guys!!! Off to read more now...

Welcome, and tonight is My 600 Lb Life, with live posting.

3 hours ago, Dot said:

We know Twit met Avi at an on-line dating site in Sep 2016, which is when she considers herself to have begun "dating" him.

The site that hooked her up with her 2nd cousin?  

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Random thoughts:
? "Southern dinner," my ass! At that description my Alabama-born-&-bred mother would have *snorted* in the genteel, Southern Belle way Babs likes to play.
Fried chicken? Yes. But FRIED chicken & dumplings -- NEVER!
You cut up a chicken too tough for anything but stewing, stick it in a pot for 3-4 hrs, remove the pieces & drop the dumplings on the boiling pot likker to fluff up. Make the gravy from the pot likker & slop it over the STEWED chicken & dumplings.
And sides of mac & cheese and mashed potatoes? Puhleeeze: those are the same kinds of carbs that dumpings are. A true Southern dinner might include a mess o' greens as a side. Or maybe okra or black-eyed peas or fried green tomatoes. And no Southern dinner is complete without buttermilk biscuits or cornbread.
? So Piggy the pig & piggy the daughter both need to lose a little wgt, according to Babs. What I can't fathom is how she can look at Twit, who is close to 500 #s now & contend that Twit is "fairly healthy."
? Holy foreshadowing, Batman! Glenn thinks Twit needs to run another 5K to get her challenged to get back in shape. In Hawaii, perhaps?
? I love that garage as dance studio is now dance studio as adult day center, with walls & floors covered with a childish arts 'n' crafts project. What a colossal waste of money that remodel was.
? I especially love that Todd refuses to call it anything but a "garage." More & more, I am on Team Todd. If THAT's a slogan T-shirt in the NoBS Store, I'm pulling out my debit card.
? I've never been a mother: is it a "thing" to make a paper mache form of your swollen belly while pregnant to paste in your baby book? Seems weird to me.
? Why are the other 13 women allowing themselves to be a part of Twit's madness? (I did notice one photo was blurred.) What do you think they had to pay Allison to appear? I felt for her -- the phone call where she said she'd have to think about it becuz she was "trying to put it out of [her] life" sounded sincere.
? Avi swindled Allison out of $500. Does Twit realize she was almost 4 times more gullible?
? I thought Nada's glasses were awful.
? It always makes my day when the film crew gets behind Twit to film her "running." First, the hospital; now, the airport. Her pace is so slow & strained that it looks like she is running in place.
? And Nada looked "just like I expected her to look." What, Twit? You thought she was catfishing you with a photo of a different fat Egyptian in those multiple phone calls you had with her?
? Nada must weigh about 600 #s & the lymphodema in her legs was very apparent. How cruel was it for Twit to insist on a woodsy hike when she already knew the woman barely made it from the airport to the car?
And Twit abandons Nada on the trail becuz it was so important for her to finish less than a mile over mostly level ground to show how fit she is? I mean, really. If my new BFF had abandoned me, the first thing I would have said, were I Nada, is: "Take me to the airport NOW, you self-absorbed bitch."
? With a smirk Twit tells Nada, "You should feel strong and capable." I can't even . . .
? Twit is eating her way thru this season if the first 6 hours are any example. Fascinating. I wonder if the PMG crew members who lurk (yes, we know you're here) took our complaints to heart & told her she had to quit pretending she was living on nothing but air.
? I call shenanigans on the whole bedroom routine: 1,000 #s on the hoof sleeping together, tho strangers, in one bed; the cramming of an air mattress into the bedroom like it's a preteen slumber party; the smelling of & kissing on poor Nada; the lace bra as a sleep top instead of a loose t-shirt, etc. And where was Twit's CPAP machine in all this stupidity?
? Twit said she was being "unhealthy & obsessive" with her stalking art project. Followed in the next breath with how "therapeutic" it was for her. And "empowering" to be "developing a sisterhood" of other Avi victims. TLC: you have really let this woman fall too far in the pit of delusion.
? Finally, a question: Twit printed something at the top of her chart in a light blue ink. I couldn't read it. Can someone tell me what is said?

Edited by Dot
correct typo
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What a self centered bItch Twat is!   She purposely put Nada in a difficult spot with that "hike" crap!  I have a family member about these women's size and I am very aware of her difficulties in certain situations.  I make sure stairs won't be involved or how far to walk to go somewhere.  Will the seating work for her etc.. I'm aware of her limitations and don't want her to feel any more uncomfortable than she already is.  TWATBITCH took utter delight watching and filming Nada during that very hard to watch "hike"!  After Nada took a chair and bitch continued on, they would make it look like BITCH was doing well....smiling as she walks and her mouth closed when you know damn well she HAD to be struggling.  It's like she was saying "Look at me everyone....at least I am not THAT fat like Nada!"  She just wanted to make someone else look unhealthy, fat, tired, can hardly walk, unable to breathe to try and make herself feel better.  

And she is still saying Avi doesn't have a fat fettish, that he just happens to like fat girls.   UMMM...how is that different.  Look at the 3 of them; Allison, Whitney and Nada sitting in the living room.....how much more do we have to see to decide Avi DOES have a fat fetish.  And that's fine...we all have our own preferences we see as beautiful.  She should count her blessings for a fat loving man--not be appalled that's his preference.  

And her damn TH shots saying how she is over him and can move on and this CSI shit is for the other to heal and get closer and she wants to help them thru it (just for them).  Then ya see her dying inside cause Avi asked to see Nada alone.  OH GIRL, Twit...we saw that look on your face when Nada told you that!!!     That face said it all!!!  She was so jealous and manipulated Nada with this "be tough" speech with women power.   That was jealously speaking.

Another random thought.....what do these 400+lbs size women do for a living.  Nada was going to be in DC for a conference (?) and Allison travels a lot for work(?). And they can just buy all these airline tickets to add on leg on a trip (2seats mind you) . More BS...storylines created to make the white board concept work.  I'm sure TLC paid for the tickets.

AND...I'm sorry but leave Avi alone.  He is single and not married.  He can date however many he likes.  All these women were told upfront that is a commitment phob. I am sure he enjoyed all those women but by his own admission he is not the commitment type.  Yeah, he was still an ass about it all but,I'll give him a pass on it.  I blame the women for the fairytale mode they dove into when someone actually "liked" them and threw all caution to the wind with a dream of a wedding ring.

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22 minutes ago, Dot said:

Random thoughts:
? "Southern dinner," my ass! At that description my Alabama-born-&-bred mother would have *snorted* in the genteel, Southern Belle way Babs likes to play.
Fried chicken? Yes. But FRIED chicken & dumplings -- NEVER!
You cut up a chicken too tough for anything but stewing, stick it in a pot for 3-4 hrs, remove the pieces & drop the dumplings on the boiling pot likker to fluff up. Make the gravy from the pot likker & slop it over the STEWED chicken & dumplings.
And sides of mac & cheese and mashed potatoes? Puhleeeze: those are the same kinds of carbs that dumpings are. A true Southern dinner might include a mess 'o greens as a side. Or maybe okra or black-eyed peas or fried green tomatoes. And no Southern dinner is complete without buttermilk biscuits or cornbread.
? So Piggy the pig & piggy the daughter both need to lose a little wgt, according to Babs. What I can't fathom is how she can look at Twit, who is close to 500 #s now & contend that Twit is "fairly healthy."
? Holy foreshadowing, Batman! Glenn thinks Twit needs to run another 5K to get her challenged to get back in shape. In Hawaii, perhaps?
? I love that garage as dance studio is now dance studio as adult day center, with walls & floors covered with a childish arts 'n' crafts project. What a colossal waste of money that remodel was.
? I especially love that Todd refuses to call it anything but a "garage." More & more, I am on Team Todd. If THAT's a slogan T-shirt in the NoBS Store, I'm pulling out my debit card.
? I've never been a mother: is it a "thing" to make a paper mache form of your swollen belly while pregnant to paste in your baby book? Seems weird to me.
? Why are the other 13 women allowing themselves to be a part of Twit's madness? (I did notice one photo was blurred.) What do you think they had to pay Allison to appear? I felt for her -- the phone call where she said she'd have to think about it becuz she was "trying to put it out of [her] life" sounded sincere.
? Avi swindled Allison out of $500. Does Twit realize she was almost 4 times more gullible?
? I thought Nada's glasses were awful.
? It always makes my day when the film crew gets behind Twit to film her "running." First, the hospital; now, the airport. Her pace is so slow & strained that it looks like she is running in place.
? And Nada looked "just like I expected her to look." What, Twit? You thought she was catfishing you with a photo of a different fat Egyptian in those multiple phone calls you had with her?
? Nada must weigh about 600 #s & the lymphodema in her legs was very apparent. How cruel was it was Twit to insist on a woodsy hike when she already knew the woman barely made it from yhe airport to the car?
And Twit abandons Nada on the trail becuz it was so important for her to finish less than a mile over mostly level ground to show how fit she is? I mean, really. If my new BFF had abandoned me, the first thing I would have said, were I Nada, is: "Take me to the airport NOW, you self-absorbed bitch."
? With a smirk Twit tells Nada, "You should feel strong and capable." I can't even . . .
? Twit is eating her way thru this season if the first 6 hours are any example. Fascinating. I wonder if the PMG crew members who lurk (yes, we know you're here) took our complaints to heart & told her she had to quit pretending she was living on nothing but air.
? I call shenanigans on the whole bedroom routine: 1,000 #s on the hoof sleeping together, tho strangers, in one bed; the cramming of an air mattress into the bedroom like it's a preteen slumber party; the smelling of & kissing on poor Nada; the lace bra as a sleep top instead of a loose t-shirt, etc. And where was Twit's CPAP machine in all this stupidity?
? Twit said she was being "unhealthy & obsessive" with her stalking art project. Followed in the next breath with how "therapeutic" it was for her. And "empowering" to be "developing a sisterhood" of other Avi victims. TLC: you have really let this woman fall too far in the pit of delusion.
? Finally, a question: Twit printed something at the top of her chart in a light blue ink. I couldn't read it. Can someone tell me what is said?

Dot!!!!!!   Yesssssss all of these.  You nailed it as I viewed it too.  Regarding the blue printing ....at irt it said Avi Fan  Club and then she changed it to like "Big Beautiful Women" or long those lines.

I, too, was so damn pissed at TWAT the whole "hike" thing.  She was so pleased with herself for that one.  (Beyyyaatttcccchhhh)

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