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S06.E04: The Honeymoons, Part 1

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10 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Have Ryan amd Jacyln said they had sex? The condom on the floor in between the petals wasn't jsed so I assumed they put it there as a joke.

Jephte is an asshole. He wants it all on his terms anf doesnt give a damn about Shawneice.

Yes, there was a voiceover from Jackie this episode when the couples were meeting. She said something like "When the time is right, we'll tell them we had sex."

13 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Of course I'm also baffled by TWENTY-FIVE YEAR OLDS who do this  because they are "tired" of dating and haven't been able to find anyone.  Thirty year olds, maybe.  Thirty-five, sure.  But is anyone this season 30 or over? 

I find it interesting as well that these folks are in Boston; in my experience as a lifelong dweller of the urban northeast, folks tend to marry later here. It would surprise me if they were the only single people they knew. I'm kind of surprised Jonathan isn't playing the field more.

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Jepthe acted like such a little bitch walking up that waterfall or whatever it is?  He's rude and insensitive.  I have to fast forward thru them now.  She's just going to be crying a lot and they have less then zero chance of being happy together.

I wanted to like that Ryan guy from the start, but kind of sketchy?  My grandfather was a captain in the fire dept. and my dad befriended some local fireman and they've moved furniture for parents when they were in a bad situation.  A geniunely noble profession but something seems a little off with him?  Sometimes motormouths are the likeable life of the party and sometimes they're closet narcissists that are pretty miserable to be around when they're not getting enough attention.  I suspect the latter with him!

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25 minutes ago, Indy USAF said:

I wanted to like that Ryan guy from the start, but kind of sketchy?

Not to mention he's a flat out liar, going on and on about not having sex yet. He needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut and stop talking. If they want to keep it to themselves then just say "No, we haven't yet".  Jackie was looking at him like he was out of his mind with his elaborate explanation. 

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The only couple I think has even a little bit of a chance is Molly and Jon. Molly seems very skittish, but I hope she realizes that she will need to have sex with her husband at some point. I don't see anything really wrong with Jon yet; I don't think he has creepy looking feet, don't think he had to rent friends because he couldn't possibly have any, or really anything than he seems like a typical guy for his age. Maybe Molly doesn't like joking around, but a lot of people resort to that when they are nervous and I would be plenty nervous married to a stranger.

Jepthe seems like a really odd choice for this show. I'm thinking he wanted a quiet, intellectual woman, but if so he should have made it clear, and maybe tried dating other teachers or woman who wouldn't agree to marry a stranger. If he is so uncomfortable being around Shawniece, I don't see it changing. I also didn't get why he even told her not to go in the water. Everyone was in the water. I think he was rude. Shawniece is growing on me. I think she is pretty without all the heavy makeup, and at least she is trying to have fun. Maybe she is a little forward sexually (and I agree the lap dance was tasteless), but she is making an effort and he is not.

Jaclyn should not be getting married while she is still grieving. Plenty of people date in a year or even less than a year after a partner dies, but getting married to a stranger is a whole different thing. She will be comparing Ryan to her dead boyfriend, because she hasn't known him long enough to form new memories. I don't really care for Ryan either; I find him unattractive and he seems pushy. 

In regard to the makeup comments: I give credit to anyone who has the energy to run to the bathroom and put on a full face of makeup and contacts the second they wake up. Sorry, but if a man doesn't like my natural face and the fact I wear glasses, he can find someone else. 

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Jepthe is acting like this marriage is something that happened *at him.* Dude, you signed up for this. He is being a douchebag.

Ryan was acting weird on the beach with the word game, although to be fair if my new spouse wrote "PATRIOTS" in the sand I would not be thrilled either. (Go Pack Go) ;)

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2 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Extensively? They've only had one conversation about it. It would be really weird for them not to talk about it. I don't think you need to share every detail about every relationship, but talking about the defining ones makes sense - and having your boyfriend, who she calls "the love of [her] life," DIE is certainly something that will change you and shape the way you approach relationships. Didn't she say she was the one who found him dead since they were living together? That's a life-shaping moment. I don't think Ryan needs to change his attitude towards her, but it's definitely something that they should acknowledge, which so far is all they've done. (Honestly, she sounds like she's still grieving, which is another reason she shouldn't be here, but that's the producer's fault).

To me, when someone says "I was in a bad place," a natural follow-up question is "Sorry to hear that - what happened?" He didn't know about her late boyfriend - she could have been in a bad place because she got laid off*, her grandmother was sick, she was fighting with her best friend, etc. To just gloss over that shows a certain cluelessness. If she came home from work and said "I had a bad day" and he was like "Oh word?" and didn't ask any follow-up questions, I'd think that was clueless too, and kind of inconsiderate. The idea behind this experiment is that these couples will grow to love each other, and part of that, to me, is opening up about stuff. Sometimes that means opening up about BIG stuff, otherwise what's the point? I couldn't keep dating someone who didn't show any curiosity about my life (see also: Jephte).

Who is that?

*Typing that, I just realized that I have no idea what she does for a living. 

Vaughn Copeland from season 1 of Married at First sight.



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10 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I don't blame Jackie and Ryan for not talking about their sex life, and I think they were on the same page with lying to the other couples about it. It's none of their business.

I get that but do blame them because they knew their "secret" was going to be on blast to millions of strangers, along with their deceitfulness. What are they ashamed of? I don't understand what lying to their comrades-in-arms was supposed to achieve. If it wasn't something they wanted to talk about, just say that. Jeez, all the self-induced complications.

I wondered how discreetly Jepthe and Jon checked out Jackie's humongous ring finger. Oh, they didn't? Too busy staring at her lithe and sexy body?

8 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

[Jepthe] needs to tell Shawniece to calm down, chill out and just have natural fun on the honeymoon and not worry about them being physical.

Shawniece has likely been on enough dates to know that when a sexy woman signals that she's DTF, 80% of men get a big ol' grin on their faces and head right to the mental bedroom. I can't fault her for not realizing at the jump that Jepthe isn't one of those guys (at least where she's concerned). Honestly, if he didn't want a public lap dance, he should have nicely told her it made him uncomfortable. And at this point she isn't even thinking about sex with him but rather how to interact at all.

WRT to said lap dance, it seems apparent now that Jepthe just went along to get along. He subsequently kept repeating to Shawniece -- and us in interviews -- that he needs baby steps. Shawniece has no reference for what that means to him. During an argument she says okay, she'll leave him alone and let him take the lead to indicate how much closeness he's comfortable with. He blows up and says he doesn't want the lead. Then what do you want, you intractable, tongue-tied, inconsiderate moper?

I'm not completely absolving Shawniece; she's been unable to tone herself down or try to match his energy levels, but currently that would require catatonia on her part.

Edited by 2727
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3 hours ago, Lily247 said:


It seems like Jephte and Shawniece did a lot of shopping in the resort gift shop to get some Jamaica gear lol. 


If I remember -- didn't their luggage get lost on the way there?  They had a delay in their flight or something and their luggage got lost -- so it may have been the only option.


Yeah -- Ryan....keeping your 'we already had sex' secret among the other couples is fine....however....announcing it on a nationally broadcast show may have defeated the purpose...

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I will probably regret defending jephete because he will likely turn out to be a huge jerk.. But from a female point of

View.. If I started dating a guy and I told him i wanted to take things slowly and get to know each other and we had a, conversation  where we discussed a few basic getting to know each other things like ur career or favorite color and he basically cut me off and acted like we now knew each other well enough  and kept pushing to have sex it would be a huge turn off. Because I'd feel the guy has no interest in getting to know me and just wants sex. And If i kept reminding him I didn't feel comfortable yet and he demanded that we are dating so I should be fine with it and kept disregarding my feelings I'd be annoyed and not want to date him. Shawniece isn't blatantly pushing for sex but she's being too forward and innapropiate in jephetes eyes and she really doesn't care to get to know him she just wants an insta husband complete with the affection intimacy and sex without putting any work into it. 

Edited by kira28
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15 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I get that but do blame them because they knew their "secret" was going to be on blast to millions of strangers, along with their deceitfulness. What are they ashamed of? I don't understand what lying to their comrades-in-arms was supposed to achieve. If it wasn't something they wanted to talk about, just say that. Jeez, all the self-induced complications.


That is definitely a convo to have in a girls only or guys only context. I imagine that Jaclyn would have been mortified if Ryan announced to other couples about them having sex; however they probably wold have both told the truth if he was with the guys and she was with the girls.  I am very private as well but sometimes talk about sex with my girlfriends; I would be horribly embarrased if our sex life was discussed among mixed-groups , particularly around my husband's male friends if I was in the room. 

Is it just me, or did Jon give a side eye to both the other couples ? 

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34 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I get that but do blame them because they knew their "secret" was going to be on blast to millions of strangers, along with their deceitfulness. What are they ashamed of? I don't understand what lying to their comrades-in-arms was supposed to achieve. If it wasn't something they wanted to talk about, just say that. Jeez, all the self-induced complications.

I wondered how discreetly Ryan and Jon checked out Jackie's humongous ring finger. Oh, they didn't? Too busy staring at her lithe and sexy body?

Shawniece has likely been on enough dates to know that when a sexy woman signals that she's DTF, 80% of men get a big ol' grin on their faces and head right to the mental bedroom. I can't fault her for not realizing at the jump that Jepthe isn't one of those guys (at least where she's concerned). Honestly, if he didn't want a public lap dance, he should have nicely told her it made him uncomfortable. And at this point she isn't even thinking about sex with him but rather how to interact at all.

WRT to said lap dance, it seems apparent now that Jepthe just went along to get along. He subsequently kept repeating to Shawniece -- and us in interviews -- that he needs baby steps. Shawniece has no reference for what that means to him. During an argument she says okay, she'll leave him alone and let him take the lead to indicate how much closeness he's comfortable with. He blows up and says he doesn't want the lead. Then what do you want, you intractable, tongue-tied, inconsiderate moper?

I'm not completely absolving Shawniece; she's been unable to tone herself down or try to match his energy levels, but currently that would require catatonia on her part.

Shawniece may be DTF but Jephte has made it clear he prefers to move slowly, marriage or no.  Neither is totally innocent here.  Neither is picking up on the other's signals or what's being said.  Jephte wants to move slowly. Shawniece wants some kind of encouragement or affection that Jephte's in this thing.

FWIW, doing a lap dance on your groom at the wedding reception is beyond tacky to me, whether it's Shawniece or anyone else.  Shawniece had just met Jephte and his family; she was crazy to do something like that.  And again  - she should have read his body language and face to see that he was not thrilled.  Maybe I'm reading your post incorrectly, but if she's doing a lap dance on him, she is CLEARLY thinking about sex. 

Shawniece strikes me as someone who has some self esteem issues.  Maybe she bases her self worth on how attractive she is to men?  Just a guess but she's so over the top with Jephte.

Regarding Ryan and Jackie  -- totally agree.  Why the cloak and dagger when you've already been on camera insinuating you've had sex and pointed out a condom on the floor?  (ewww)  Maybe just say you're still getting to know each other, without specifically answering the question?  And honestly, why was it even asked?  It is a personal question.  I'm wondering if Shawniece thought the other couples would have had sex by that point, further indicating that Jephte was friend zoning her? 

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11 hours ago, qtpye said:

I think there is something to be said for body language and the vibe between Jephte and Shawnice, particularly when compared to the other couples, was not good.  I was shocked at how little concern he showed for her when she got hurt, beyond a smug "I told you, so".  I am a reserved person and I would have been kinder to a complete stranger, then he was to his wife.  I would of at least seen if the person was okay. 

Jephte is also acting like someone literally held a gun to his head to participate in this show.  Shawnice is realizing that this guy is just not into her and really, at this point she should just pull a Heather instead of subjecting herself to more humiliation.

Like I said, I am pretty quiet and reserved, but that is not the reason he is not opening up to her.  He is just not feeling it (which is his right) and it is going be very awkward to watch these two on screen for the remainder of the season.  I hope I am wrong and things change for the better after the honeymoon.

Not excusing his behavior but I think Jephte is VERY aware of the cameras and worried about what his Mom will see later on with the footage.   But he really is being rude even if Shawnice is coming on too strong at times.  She should just give him his space and do her own  thing for awhile if he keeps giving these vibes. 

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But when she said she'd back off, give him his space, and let him take the lead, he bit her head off. She can't catch a break. They are supposedly married, and on their honeymoon. She's supposed to, what? go to the library so Jepthe can brood in peace? Yes, its awkward and at least sometimes downright uncomfortable but the whole idea is that they got married! And now they should at the very least expend some effort to see if they can be married. Its not a first date. Jepthe acting like Shawniece is some interloper who's intruding on his space is just baffling. This is what he signed up for. He seems offended by her very existence.

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IMO, the focusing on Shawniece being a "stranger" is just a symptom of a deeper issue with Jephte. It appeared, in this episode anyway, he's a person who is overly cautious and fearful. Shawniece and Jepthe walking down the stairs to the waterfall area and Jephte tells Shawniece multiple times to hang onto the railings. He's frightened to climb to the top of the waterfall due to the signs indicating climbers should use caution. He made comments about safety during the paddle boarding.

There's reasonable caution/fear and unreasonable caution/fear. Risk assessment. It's one thing to say "I'm going to keep a hand on the railing in case I slip" and quite another to tell someone multiple times to do so as well (and those stairs didn't look particularly hazardous to me). The warning signs at the waterfall were likewise reasonable - and I suspect were posted for liability purposes - but I didn't see anything that said it should NOT be climbed (which, if it were all that dangerous, it would).

It's not like they were going base-jumping or anything truly dangerous, but Jephte was acting as if they were. Someone who is THAT fearful when confronted with new experiences is not the right person to take part in marrying a stranger. It's doomed from the start. Shawniece, OTOH, appears to be reasonably cautious (she climbed up the rock "steps" to the top of the waterfall carefully) while still maintaining a sense of adventure and willingness to try new things. Having to prod Jephte into trying new things and constantly reassuring him and allaying his fears is going to get really old really fast.

Oh, and unlike the majority, I loved Shawniece's bathing suit and thought she looked fabulous in it. It was a good choice for  climbing the waterfall because it would be unlikely for the bottom to slip down or the top to ride up -it had the security of a one-piece but was almost as revealing as a two-piece.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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You guys are rough on Shawniece.  There was nothing wrong with her swimsuit or her behavior, and I think she looks better with minimal/no makeup.  Jeff was a complete asshole when she cut her foot.  The dude isn't in this at all and should never have been picked.  I stand by my prediction that he was dating someone else.

Jaclyn was dressed appropriately for a woman walking down to the beach.  She and Ryan are boring.  Why did Ryan need wings in barely chest-high water? 

Molly is the fittest woman this show has ever had.  She looked great in a bikini and seemed to be having fun.  It's weird, on one hand, she's hinting that she's game for sex by the end on the honeymoon, on the other, she's calling him a 12 year old boy and doesn't want him to see her naked.  I get what she's saying - he's high strung and a little jiggly - but it's just nerves.  She'll pump the brakes, he'll get frustrated and things will hopefully blow up so there's something fun to watch.

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7 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:


Molly is the fittest woman this show has ever had.  She looked great in a bikini and seemed to be having fun.  It's weird, on one hand, she's hinting that she's game for sex by the end on the honeymoon, on the other, she's calling him a 12 year old boy and doesn't want him to see her naked.  I get what she's saying - he's high strung and a little jiggly - but it's just nerves.  She'll pump the brakes, he'll get frustrated and things will hopefully blow up so there's something fun to watch.


I wouldnt judge level of fitness by how thin a woman is. It looks like that is just her natural body type and she is shown to eat normally. She might not even work out for all we know. Jaclyn on the other hand, while not as thin as Molly, definitely appears to work out regularly and looks very toned. There have been numerous women on this show who looked very fit and had great bodies.

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Molly and Shawniece should change partners. Shawniece and Jon are both DTF. Molly and Jepthe can sit on opposite ends of the couch with their phones.

When those 2 couples met at the beach, Molly (in the interview) said something like, “Jephte looks good” with a smile. I’m starting to think that this show is afraid to pair black people with non-black people though. Or maybe people sign up saying that they don’t date interracially because their parents wouldn’t accept it.

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6 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Jephte, IMO, needs someone who is more like him - - reserved, quiet, etc. while Shawniece needs someone who is more take charge and a bigger personality.  Jephte needs time to warm up; Shawniece wants immediate demonstration of affection, or promise of affection.  

Jephte needs someone like him, a corpse.  Shawniece needs someone like her, a human being.



Oh, and unlike the majority, I loved Shawniece's bathing suit and thought she looked fabulous in it. It was a good choice for  climbing the waterfall because it would be unlikely for the bottom to slip down or the top to ride up -it had the security of a one-piece but was almost as revealing as a two-piece.

Sit over here with me.  I loved her bathing suit too.  She needs a MAN, not a boy, which is what Jephte is.

Edited by Neurochick
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Jephte and Shawniece must really regret not doing carry on.

Luckily both of them have banging bods and can wear tacky gift shop clothing...

Their Jamacian centric matching outfits did make me guffaw...

Jon and a producer must have planned the couples massage...a miscalculation that made Molly uncomfortable but she was a trooper to be filmed and let herself be touched all over my some stranger lady.

Ryan has already dropped his best behavior by not going along with the guessing game...is he dyslexic...a bad sport...hates the Patriots?

Pissy over reaction...what happened to the fairy tale, Ryan?

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51 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Jephte needs someone like him, a corpse.  Shawniece needs someone like her, a human being.


Sit over here with me.  I loved her bathing suit too.  She needs a MAN, not a boy, which is what Jephte is.

I wish I could like this post one hundred times. Shawniece would fare much better with a big, confident man who likes to laugh. Not pampered mama's boy Jepthe. 

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Loved shawniece’s swimsuit and her red rose headband, she dresses for her body and rocks the cute. Jephte would have had to get my good foot outa his ass after the way he behaved at the paddleboard couples date. Really dude?  Your gonna show this in front of the other men?  How bout I tell them how “brave” you were at the falls.  I think it’s about time she points out to him that there is a couch in the motel room because he needs to have a seat.

i guess if Jackie wants Ryan to shut up she should just suggest word games!

am I wrong or isn’t Molly the girl that said she had partaken in a threesome once.  Must not have been strangers huh?

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Hmmm ..   After watching the episode for a second time, you could see some things differently.  As of last night, we saw Jep being a dick and Ryan being a little mean for not wanting to play the game.  Molly was dating for ten years and didn't find anyone that she would marry.  Jon is looking to win her heart as he thinks she will make him happy as they both like adventure .. Like EVERY DAY.  Marriage is not just about adventure, especially when the kids come and the in laws, etc.. Molly is great, but she's very particular about things and looks like she wants everything perfect.  Like they say, you can't judge a book by its cover.  I have a feeling we will be surprised at the outcome.  Men are so different than women.  Most of the time, they don't have a clue.  Shawneice is crying and Jep just can't take it and walks away as he cant handle it like he's disgusted with her. Meantime, maybe he just doesn't know what the hell to do.  In my own marriage, there were times that I was very upset about something and instead of the husband comforting me, he walks away because he can't handle it and doesn't know what to do.  I think it comes from his childhood where they weren't touchy-feely and didn't show emotion.  Shawneice comes on very strong and is very affectionate and Jep is the opposite.  I don't think he knows how to show feelings, therefore comes across as a dick.   This show wasn't for him as it exposes you.  Little by little, we will get to know each person more & more, and might be surprised at the outcome.  Then, there's always the editing.  I went with the husband for two years before marriage and still learned afterwards what made him tick.  You don't really know them until you actually live with them.  Some things he does still surprise me after many, many years.  And, actually, I was always more the "giver" and he was the "spoiled brat", ha ha.  Yes, I spoiled him and now it's too late to change.

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5 hours ago, kira28 said:

I will probably regret defending jephete because he will likely turn out to be a huge jerk.. But from a female point of

View.. If I started dating a guy and I told him i wanted to take things slowly and get to know each other and we had a, conversation  where we discussed a few basic getting to know each other things like ur career or favorite color and he basically cut me off and acted like we now knew each other well enough  and kept pushing to have sex it would be a huge turn off. Because I'd feel the guy has no interest in getting to know me and just wants sex. And If i kept reminding him I didn't feel comfortable yet and he demanded that we are dating so I should be fine with it and kept disregarding my feelings I'd be annoyed and not want to date him. Shawniece isn't blatantly pushing for sex but she's being too forward and innapropiate in jephetes eyes and she really doesn't care to get to know him she just wants an insta husband complete with the affection intimacy and sex without putting any work into it. 

But these 2 ARE MARRIED, not just dating.

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45 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I wish I could like this post one hundred times. Shawniece would fare much better with a big, confident man who likes to laugh. Not pampered mama's boy Jepthe. 

And that was my first impression of Jepthe, a mama's boy.  Ugh, dated far too many of them.  

I kind of get the comments of "what if the genders were reversed" when it comes to Shawnice and Jepthe, but on the other hand it makes no sense to me.  If a man were pushing a woman to be intimate or pushing the relationship on a woman, most of us would not feel for that man the way some of us feel for Shawnice.  But there's a reason for that; the power dynamic for one.  In this society, right now, men have more power than women; men make more money than women, men have more upper body strength than women and it goes on.  I just don't think it makes sense to say, "what if the genders were reversed" in this case.

I'm not upset with Jepthe because he wants to take it slow, I'm annoyed with him because he didn't show any care when Shawnice cut her foot in the water.  All he said was, "I told you so."  WTF?  I'm a straight woman and even I would have shown more care for a fellow human being, than Jepthe did his WIFE.

Edited by Neurochick
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9 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I wouldn't even mind if he was teasing - if he said "I told you so!" while chuckling and then went to check on her. That is totally the sort of joke I would make with a boyfriend because I have a kind of snarky sense of humor - but I would say it as I was going to see about how badly hurt he was, and would try to help. Jephte clearly wasn't teasing and didn't care at all about whether or not she was hurt. That's a dick move.

It's really weird to me that they pipe in him saying how he thinks he could really fall for her when literally every behavior he displays says the opposite.

Remember the edits are done in a crappy way to make things look how the show wants. Its not always the truth...and hell if it ever is from MAFS its a miracle at this point. They replay so many of those THs over and over again with people saying they can fall for whoever or something that is opposite of what we are seeing. Same as past seasons. Then the edits in it all. It could have been totally edited out that he had actually looked at her foot but it wouldn't fit the "story line" the crappy producers want to tell. Hell some people get a tiny cut and play up how hurt they really are too for the attention factor. 

8 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

What I don't understand is how on earth the "experts" ever chose Jephte to be a match for anyone, given that it is highly unlikely he showed much personality in the interviews.  Many of the posters here have said that the experts make matches to stir up trouble, not to find soul mates...but even if that is true, they still need their "cast members" to show some life to hold the viewers' interest.  He is just a disaster for this show (not saying in real life there isn't a match for him, but he's not teevee material!).

He has more personality then Atlanta Ashley IMO. I am thinking they picked him and had him sign on the dotted line asap because he had not seen the show before. I can imagine finding those that hadn't heard of the show a task so if they can pluck one form a dating site, sucker them into it then they won't care who the person is. Its about drama they can make and how the can manipulate the couples while filming and with edits. IMO most the people that come on "reality" tv shows are not tv material. 

8 hours ago, Lily247 said:

I meant to discuss it extensively in the future, it only showed them mentioning it in this episode. I also dont think it is right at all for Jaclyn to describe her ex as the love of her life, whether or not she feels that he was, when she just got married to someone else. It shows that she was not ready to really move on. I really like Jaclyn and she seems like a free spirited woman without any issues so I hope that things work out between them.

I personally dont discuss ex boyfriends with my husband and I definitely dont want to hear about his past love life. My husband did have his girlfriend die very suddenly a few years before he met me. However he only mentioned it once with sadness while we were dating, I told him I was sorry about what happened, but he never talked about it again. TBH if he would need consoling from *me* about his ex GF I wouldnt even think to get married, he would be friendzoned from there on out. 

If I can ask, why? I don't feel like its a big deal to discuss these things at times. Things pop up that remind us of something and we will be like "omg, I had a boy/girlfriend that was that way". We have been married almost 17 yrs so we have talked about a lot of things with that part of our lives and sometimes its something new we didn't say before. Yet is a part of who we are and sometimes its why we are a certain way in our relationships. Nothing wrong if that is how someone wants to be or if a couple is agreeable on which way to go with that kind of talk but I don't see the big deal in it. I just think I rather be able to talk about anything then have to keep things stuffed away that I might like to talk about with my spouse and same with him as well. I wouldn't want him to not feel he can't talk to me about anything he wants. Just the way we are though and I know not all are like that. 


8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Have Ryan amd Jacyln said they had sex? The condom on the floor in between the petals wasn't jsed so I assumed they put it there as a joke.

Jephte is an asshole. He wants it all on his terms anf doesnt give a damn about Shawneice.

The look on their faces when Ryan said no, to me said they had. 

And I actually think Shawniece is the one that wants it on her terms and nothing more. She is basically telling him they shouldn't be strangers once they said I do. Which is stupid because they are. The problem is they do things differently when it comes to relationships. He comes off as he wants to do more getting to know the person before getting into sex but she would rather just jump into the sex and forget about the rest. I agree with whoever said that its no wonder she hasn't been in a relationship for the last 4 yrs. I will say it again that if she was the one wanting baby steps and he was behaving like her everyone would be calling him an asshole still for pushing her but because he is wanting to not just jump in bed with her and speed it up he is still an asshole to some. No matter what he does I think he will not be liked by some. 

8 hours ago, Real4real said:

I think that Jepthe and Shawniece need major help with communication.  It's like they are speaking different languages!  I really think that the word "stranger" means something different to each of them.  For Jepthe, it's his way of saying "I don't know you, I need baby steps in this process".  For Shawniece, she hears "stranger" and it's a full stop for her.  Maybe it's the editing, but sometimes their misunderstandings are just bizarre.  

I wonder too what their birth order is--I know they both come from big families.  Jepthe seems like maybe a second child (doesn't seem to have the drive of a first born), and Shawniece seems like the baby of the family.

I wanted to know too. I think he is one of the older ones because he had said he needed to basically step in as a father figure for his siblings. Which is probably why he is so much with the don't do this or that and cautious...as well as the fact he does it all day being a teacher. Sometime its hard to turn that off and hell some of us in the world are a little more cautious in doing things. There is nothing wrong with one for being that way either. its just the nature of the person. Just like being more adventurous is for some. Yet she come off like either a middle child does that is dying for attention or like you said the baby of the family who is used to attention on them. Not saying that is the case for all in that order though but in most cases it is. 

I want to bring up that black swimsuit again that Shawniece had on. I think if she had it on sitting on the beach or by the pool...or heck even paddleboarding it wouldn't have been so bad but it just didn't seem the best kind to pick for climbing a waterfall. 

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3 hours ago, Deni said:

When those 2 couples met at the beach, Molly (in the interview) said something like, “Jephte looks good” with a smile. I’m starting to think that this show is afraid to pair black people with non-black people though. Or maybe people sign up saying that they don’t date interracially because their parents wouldn’t accept it.

I didn't catch that one but I sure did notice Shawniece was talking as she was about Jon in her TH and how he looked. 


6 hours ago, kira28 said:

I will probably regret defending jephete because he will likely turn out to be a huge jerk.. But from a female point of

View.. If I started dating a guy and I told him i wanted to take things slowly and get to know each other and we had a, conversation  where we discussed a few basic getting to know each other things like ur career or favorite color and he basically cut me off and acted like we now knew each other well enough  and kept pushing to have sex it would be a huge turn off. Because I'd feel the guy has no interest in getting to know me and just wants sex. And If i kept reminding him I didn't feel comfortable yet and he demanded that we are dating so I should be fine with it and kept disregarding my feelings I'd be annoyed and not want to date him. Shawniece isn't blatantly pushing for sex but she's being too forward and innapropiate in jephetes eyes and she really doesn't care to get to know him she just wants an insta husband complete with the affection intimacy and sex without putting any work into it. 

Exactly! Yet if it was reversed in roles and he was pushing there would be major freak out over it. Then you have edits that play games with it all so we aren't getting everything either. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if there is more to what is going on and good reason for him to be like he is. Just like I said last season there was reasons for Sheila coming off like she was but she still got shit on in the comments too and Nate got a lot of the "I feel sorry for him" comments. Show plays major games with what is going on. We get little tastes of things at times and the edits don't match up a lot of times. There are so many things at times that give away something is off in the edits for the person they are trying to make the jerk. Its typical MAFS. 

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51 minutes ago, Waterlilly said:

Loved shawniece’s swimsuit and her red rose headband, she dresses for her body and rocks the cute. Jephte would have had to get my good foot outa his ass after the way he behaved at the paddleboard couples date. Really dude?  Your gonna show this in front of the other men?  How bout I tell them how “brave” you were at the falls.  I think it’s about time she points out to him that there is a couch in the motel room because he needs to have a seat.

i guess if Jackie wants Ryan to shut up she should just suggest word games!

am I wrong or isn’t Molly the girl that said she had partaken in a threesome once.  Must not have been strangers huh?

4 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

You guys are rough on Shawniece.  There was nothing wrong with her swimsuit or her behavior, and I think she looks better with minimal/no makeup.  Jeff was a complete asshole when she cut her foot.  The dude isn't in this at all and should never have been picked.  I stand by my prediction that he was dating someone else.

Jaclyn was dressed appropriately for a woman walking down to the beach.  She and Ryan are boring.  Why did Ryan need wings in barely chest-high water? 

Molly is the fittest woman this show has ever had.  She looked great in a bikini and seemed to be having fun.  It's weird, on one hand, she's hinting that she's game for sex by the end on the honeymoon, on the other, she's calling him a 12 year old boy and doesn't want him to see her naked.  I get what she's saying - he's high strung and a little jiggly - but it's just nerves.  She'll pump the brakes, he'll get frustrated and things will hopefully blow up so there's something fun to watch.

  Wait.  Molly doesn't want her husband to see her naked and doesn't like people touching her?  Well, how the hell did she have a threesome then?

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23 hours ago, PityFree said:

 And she never called him names. Jephtie needs to stop being so judgemental.

What do you mean! She keeps calling him HUSBAND! You know how much he hates that!


13 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Yes .. I feel the same way.   How much rejection could that girl take, 

Yes! And I felt sorry for her when she asked the sex question and Jon said "who brought HER to the party?!" I know he was just joking but can someone give Shawniece a break!?

(Hated her swimsuit, btw.)


8 hours ago, Lily247 said:


Is it just me, or did Jon give a side eye to both the other couples ? 

I didn't catch it but I wouldn't blame him if he did. He and Molly came off very well in that get-together. Bet they went back to the hotel thinking "Those other couples are weird" and had sex with each other out of gratitude (or maybe they just high-fived.)

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9 hours ago, Lily247 said:

That is definitely a convo to have in a girls only or guys only context. I imagine that Jaclyn would have been mortified if Ryan announced to other couples about them having sex; however they probably wold have both told the truth if he was with the guys and she was with the girls.  I am very private as well but sometimes talk about sex with my girlfriends; I would be horribly embarrased if our sex life was discussed among mixed-groups , particularly around my husband's male friends if I was in the room. 

If I were in their shoes, the husband and I would have had a private conversation re:  If they ask if we had sex, let's say no.  It's not like these are their real friends, and if someone is rude enough to ask (or production insists) then you have no idea what their follow-up questions will be!  

4 hours ago, Waterlilly said:

Loved shawniece’s swimsuit and her red rose headband, she dresses for her body and rocks the cute. Jephte would have had to get my good foot outa his ass after the way he behaved at the paddleboard couples date. Really dude?  Your gonna show this in front of the other men?  How bout I tell them how “brave” you were at the falls.  I think it’s about time she points out to him that there is a couch in the motel room because he needs to have a seat.

I loved the red rose headband too, but did not care for the swimsuit - reminded me of gladiator sandals.  But she looked good in it.  After tonight I have moved onto Team Shawniece.  After the way he acted in the water I would have friend-zoned him for good, and just tried to enjoy my week in Jamaica.  And after the wedding night he said that if there had been a blanket he would have slept on the couch, so maybe he's there already anyway.  

The other thing he did that I didn't see anyone mention is that he tried to high-five her for calling him a stranger, then she had a retort or two, but then when she went to high-five him he refused and refused and refused.  I thought that was kind of mean, when they could have had a laugh and a bit of an understanding.  I did get what she was saying - he is her husband now and that's a fact, but they are not friends.  I do think she is too aggressive for him and kind of shoots herself in the foot because she can't seem to help it, and I said last week that maybe he's afraid if he gives even a little she'll jump all over it, but some of his actions this week were just over the top rude and mean.

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8 minutes ago, princelina said:

After tonight I have moved onto Team Shawniece.  After the way he acted in the water I would have friend-zoned him for good, and just tried to enjoy my week in Jamaica. 

And the way he carried her, head down. I thought he might drop her.....on purpose.

Alas, he didn't drop her, but he did throw her onto the chaise.

Edited by Blissfool
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Who thinks Jon/Molly will consummate their marriage before the end of the honeymoon?

As show of hands please....

Jon will take advantage of Molly's competitive streak and as the best first sight couple... she will feel closer to him...cue the steel drums...

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1 minute ago, 2727 said:

Here's my indictment of both Jon and Ryan: They're the type of men who will say they've had no lasting romantic success because women "don't want nice guys."

Hmmmm?. So what explains Jephte's lack of success? 

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19 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Jepthe is acting like a hostage, and keeps saying "you're a stranger" to Shawniece like its her fault. He's a stranger to her, too! She's trying to get to know him but whenever she does anything he either lectures her, talks over her, or tells her she's a stranger and therefore unworthy of his attention or effort. Baby steps? How about no steps? Jepthe is a douchebag. Shawniece needs out. I felt so bad for her when she was crying. Nothing she does is right. He can't acknowledge her feelings or speak to her like she's a fellow human being. He must be a hit with his second graders. Does he stand in front of his class on the first day of school and tell them that they are all strangers to him so they will have to fall into line, do whatever he deems correct, and maybe he'll bestow a smile or a kind word? God, what a dick.

Coldly saying "I told you so" when she cut her foot would have sealed the deal for me in my long term rental in the House of Shawniece, except he acted like such a whiny cowardly titty baby at the waterfall I'd already moved in, set up the Xbox and was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Jesus, what a tool.


17 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Jepthe keeps saying "you're a stranger" accusingly, like its something she did to him, on purpose.

When he was acting like a big old nervous nelly on the waterfall, she waited for him, adjusted her pace to suit his, didn't make fun of him for being so timid, and spun it positively as a shared experience where they could have fun together. When she cut her foot, he sneered that "she went into the water even though I told her not to" (told her! she's not one of your second graders, jerk). When she was crying on the balcony and trying to explain her feelings, he cut her off, talked over her, and did not give her a chance to get out one sentence. And it was all about him. Not a word of apology, kindness, or compassion for her, just his sad lonely fee-fees about how she's a stranger. I really, really, really dislike this toolbag. He's full of himself, completely self centered, and seems to be lacking not only in kindness, but basic decency. I hope his mama is proud.

I think Jephte is using the "you're a stranger" mantra as a cock block.  It's making Shawniece feel like he's not interested in getting to know her, and she's right!  I don't believe that he wants to get to know her gradually.  He just doesn't like her, period.  His mind is not open to her in the least.  The fact that there's so much footage of him repeating his mantra over and over again supports that.

I might be suspicious of misleading editing with him but when the other couples met him their reactions to him told the story.  If they were there and thinking the same things as I am, that's pretty convincing.  Molly's talking head was especially convincing, not to mention the facial expressions from the rest of them at the beach.

I don't care if Shawniece is a forward woman that is trying to take things to the next level too fast for him - That's no excuse for acting cold and "I told you so" when someone injures themselves.  I can't even imagine something she could have done that didn't get shown that would warrant that kind of lack of compassion.  And that includes being a nag and crying a lot AND ignoring his warnings.  He seems to be overly cautious about everything.  Oh and by the way, I saw others standing in the water too so it's not like she was doing something so out there.

I could NOT get over what a wet noodle/wimp he acted like when he was climbing with her.  You would think she was forcing him to scale Mount Everest.  

Jephte is self centered and immature, and I thought there was something a little off about his mother from the start so I think he's a product of a dysfunctional mother/son relationship. 

The experts should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this "match".  I can't believe they were convinced that these two would hit it off.  They could have matched two random strangers and had a better result.  This whole "opposites complement each other" garbage is just an excuse for bad matching.  It's just plain irresponsible.  Molly's talking head about being happy that she was at least matched with someone that shared more in common with her was also telling.  It doesn't take much to see that this was a huge mistake.

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9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I kind of get the comments of "what if the genders were reversed" when it comes to Shawnice and Jepthe, but on the other hand it makes no sense to me.  If a man were pushing a woman to be intimate or pushing the relationship on a woman, most of us would not feel for that man the way some of us feel for Shawnice.  But there's a reason for that; the power dynamic for one.  In this society, right now, men have more power than women; men make more money than women, men have more upper body strength than women and it goes on.  I just don't think it makes sense to say, "what if the genders were reversed" in this case.

I think this is very true, but also because women react to certain kinds of behavior differently than men do.  To a lot of men a reticent woman is a challenge and not necessarily a sign of total, final rejection while to a woman reticence in a man is a big red flag that he will never like her or find her attractive.  Men know that a woman sometimes needs time to find them interesting and/or attractive, so they don't take it so badly if in the beginning she's a little slow on that front.   They tend to think that in time they will "win her over".  I think women know deep down that if a guy isn't open to her/into her right away it most likely IS a rejection because usually a guy either likes or does not like a woman right away and nothing thereafter will ever change his mind.  Women's minds are more often the ones that can change over time.   So yes, I agree that reversing the genders doesn't make sense in this kind of situation.

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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I think this is very true, but also because women react to certain kinds of behavior differently than men do.  To a lot of men a reticent woman is a challenge and not necessarily a sign of total, final rejection while to a woman reticence in a man is a big red flag that he will never like her or find her attractive.  Men know that a woman sometimes needs time to find them interesting and/or attractive, so they don't take it so badly if in the beginning she's a little slow on that front.   They tend to think that in time they will "win her over".  I think women know deep down that if a guy isn't open to her/into her right away it most likely IS a rejection because usually a guy either likes or does not like a woman right away and nothing thereafter will ever change his mind.  Women's minds are more often the ones that can change over time.   So yes, I agree that reversing the genders doesn't make sense in this kind of situation.

Very well said.  I can tell Jephte is totally not into Shawnice, but Molly is just taking it slow and there is still a lot of hope for her and Jon.

I remember a guy once told me women friend zone and guys sister zone.  He said when a guy says that a woman is like a sister to him, it means he likes her a lot, but will never have romantic feelings for her.  I feel like Jephte treats Shawnice like a little sister that Mom and Dad are forcing him to babysit and he can't wait to get rid of the brat (in his mind).

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15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Jephte needs someone like him, a corpse.  Shawniece needs someone like her, a human being.



Respectfully disagree.  I wouldn't say Jephte is a corpse.  He's definitely more introverted than Shawniece.   He needs someone different than her, she needs someone different than him.  Not the fault of either Shawniece or Jephte.  Certainly the fault of the so-called "experts." 

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2 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Respectfully disagree.  I wouldn't say Jephte is a corpse.  He's definitely more introverted than Shawniece.   He needs someone different than her, she needs someone different than him.  Not the fault of either Shawniece or Jephte.  Certainly the fault of the so-called "experts." 

I agree that Jephte is more introverted and reserved in general but I don't think he is ready for marriage at all with anyone.  From what I have seen so far I think he is way too immature.  Of course, that too would be the fault of the so-called "experts"!

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Shawniece told the whole room at the reception that the lap dance was something her husband had requested. Then during it, he acted like she had cooties and wouldn't even touch her. Maybe he didn't appreciate that lie she told.  Maybe that's what turned him off to her right off the bat. 


And when she started talking about masterbation his response was "I am a teacher", "I work with children".. HUH??? Does that mean YOU are not an adult who has sex ?? That made no sense to me.  He seems like a major wuss to me, not just a shy guy. I honestly believe that these 2 were put together for ratings and nothing more. 

Holding onto the rail while going to the waterfall and telling her to hold on cause she could fall, man he is like a fricking child!

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4 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I agree that Jephte is more introverted and reserved in general but I don't think he is ready for marriage at all with anyone.  From what I have seen so far I think he is way too immature.  Of course, that too would be the fault of the so-called "experts"!

Could be that Jephte is not ready for marriage.  So why did he do this?  Did he think he was and is now freaked out by the LEGALLY BINDING MARRIAGE?  By Shawniece?  

This is partly why I get frustrated with the 25 year olds that do this. You're fucking 25.  Settle down.

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To show how much I can read a room (not!), I loved both Shawniece and Jephte in the first episode and thought they would be the couple that would really make it work.

Just my gut feeling now but I think Jephte shut down/was turned off at the wedding when Shawniece was steamrolling all over the place with her personality and I don't see him accepting her, period.  Granted, he did tell her he wanted to take it slow but it seems like Shawniece views "slow" like a bad, four letter word and neither of them, so far, have sat down, like adults, and addressed the situation.  Jephte should be telling her that he's shy, easily intimidated, nervous, whatever and Shawniece could tell him that she gets over the top when she's nervous, she's been friend zoned before, she doesn't understand, whatever.  

Normally I dislike those games the "experts" give the newlyweds but in their case, I think the questions may be helpful.

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15 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:

Shawniece told the whole room at the reception that the lap dance was something her husband had requested. Then during it, he acted like she had cooties and wouldn't even touch her. Maybe he didn't appreciate that lie she told.  Maybe that's what turned him off to her right off the bat. 


And when she started talking about masterbation his response was "I am a teacher", "I work with children".. HUH??? Does that mean YOU are not an adult who has sex ?? That made no sense to me.  He seems like a major wuss to me, not just a shy guy. I honestly believe that these 2 were put together for ratings and nothing more. 

Holding onto the rail while going to the waterfall and telling her to hold on cause she could fall, man he is like a fricking child!

Re: the "I'm a teacher" thing, I was on his side there. Yes, he's an adult who presumably has sex, but teachers are held to a higher standard. Lots of teachers and nurses on this board have pointed out that they could lose their jobs for "acting inappropriately," and that teachers who appeared on other reality shows have indeed lost their jobs. There have been a bunch of stories about teachers who were fired after pasts in sex work came to light. All my teacher friends lock their social media profiles down very, very tightly, and even then, they're careful about what they post. Jonathan lost his job for appearing on this show; it's not a stretch to believe that Jephte's principal or the parents of his students wouldn't be that happy about him on TV talking about his sex life.

14 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

To show how much I can read a room (not!), I loved both Shawniece and Jephte in the first episode and thought they would be the couple that would really make it work.

Just my gut feeling now but I think Jephte shut down/was turned off at the wedding when Shawniece was steamrolling all over the place with her personality and I don't see him accepting her, period.  Granted, he did tell her he wanted to take it slow but it seems like Shawniece views "slow" like a bad, four letter word and neither of them, so far, have sat down, like adults, and addressed the situation.  Jephte should be telling her that he's shy, easily intimidated, nervous, whatever and Shawniece could tell him that she gets over the top when she's nervous, she's been friend zoned before, she doesn't understand, whatever.  

Normally I dislike those games the "experts" give the newlyweds but in their case, I think the questions may be helpful.

They are not communicating at ALL. They really need some help* because their points are just whizzing by each other.

*I actually think they should just call it, but that's not going to happen.

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14 hours ago, Evil Queen said:


If I can ask, why? I don't feel like its a big deal to discuss these things at times. Things pop up that remind us of something and we will be like "omg, I had a boy/girlfriend that was that way". We have been married almost 17 yrs so we have talked about a lot of things with that part of our lives and sometimes its something new we didn't say before. Yet is a part of who we are and sometimes its why we are a certain way in our relationships. Nothing wrong if that is how someone wants to be or if a couple is agreeable on which way to go with that kind of talk but I don't see the big deal in it. I just think I rather be able to talk about anything then have to keep things stuffed away that I might like to talk about with my spouse and same with him as well. I wouldn't want him to not feel he can't talk to me about anything he wants. Just the way we are though and I know not all are like that. 


I guess it is just the way I am wired as well as he. Sometimes past relationships used to come up in convo in the beginning of our relationship and it never gave the conversation any positivity. I would say unless there were ,serious issues, like if someone had previosuly dated an abuser, exes should stay in the past, JMHO. Now this is just me personally, but if my husband while we were dating were to bring up his deceased ex girlfriend numerous times; if he woke up in the middle of the night saying her name; if I found him crying in the shower about it; etc, I wouldnt get serious with him because it would mean that he wasn't ready to move on. He was quite young when he lost his girlfriend so I'm sure he feels sad and wistful about it but does not need me to comfort him on such an issue, since he only talked about it once and is very well adjusted. Maybe other individuals have no issue with it but I would never be in the mood to compete with the legacy of a dead ex. My husband and I are also not each other's BFFs - that would be placing way too high expecations over both of our heads, and so not absolutely everything is discussed out between us at length. I hope that explained it though ! :)

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I have a question.  If I was paddle boarding somewhere gorgeous like that and was told not to get off the board in shallow water cuz “you don’t know what’s down there” I wouldn’t even go in the ocean.  Gross.  

My parents lived in a beach condo on the Gulf of Mexico and I was always in that water and never once stepped on garbage or anything. 

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