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S22.E03: Week 3


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Ok, is anyone liking this season? I just can't get into it. I was hoping that it was just because I hadn't yet had time in the 1st 2 episodes, but there's just no denying it's rubbish. Why do they come up with these stupid pugilistic group dates every season? Last week's derby was ok, this was just uncomfortable. The dog show was ok. Omg, Annalise has too much traumatic baggage, geez! Again wtg production on her trauma reenactment, whoever came up with that deserves a raise for the only interesting thing so far. The only person I seem to still have a positive opinion of is Becca. 

  • Love 15

Apparently she's had a very rough childhood. lol 

It was pretty rough getting dumped on the one on one. That's the ultimate "It's not me it's you" dump. 

I will say, of all the group dates, the dog one would be my favorite. I love dogs and very likely would have run up and hugged Arie's dog before him. haha. Also, screw the tricks, just get up there and have fun with the dog. Crack jokes about the dog not doing anything you say. If the dog doesn't move, go "Stay" then "ta da" if the dog sits say "sit" and then "ta da". This isn't rocket science ladies. 

This season isn't doing much for me yet. You've got a bunch of wallpaper, Bibiana the whiner, the two bitchy blonds with the baby voices, and Bekah of the short hair. 

The one dark haired girl whose name I don't know is quite beautiful though. But she's not part of the drama so I have no idea who she is. 

  • Love 7

The editors are hysterical.  You guys are too. I am unabashedly loving this season.  More exciting than both Nick's and Ben's.  I find it hilarious.

Krystal the porn star !   I've met so many women like her in the past.  They will attempt to steal your husband, no joke and with no remorse.

Bekah is so fricking manipulative, and Arie licks it all up waiting for more!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

The editors are hysterical.  You guys are too. I am unabashedly loving this season.  More exciting than both Nick's and Ben's.  I find it hilarious.

Krystal the porn star !   I've met so many women like her in the past.  They will attempt to steal your husband, no joke and with no remorse.

Even more than her horrible voice, which makes me question everything good in this world, her flaring nostrils freak me out. I genuinely find her a bit terrifying. 

  • Love 9

To basically beg a guy to kiss you and he's all "um, we're not there yet" then shoves his throat down the next girl he runs into. Honey, take yourself out of the game because he is NOT into you. YIKES!

I think it's because she looks about 45 or so. Arie likes em young and pretty. (see Bekah the playa)

Edited by Mabinogia
  • Love 9
55 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Ok, is anyone liking this season? I just can't get into it. I was hoping that it was just because I hadn't yet had time in the 1st 2 episodes, but there's just no denying it's rubbish. Why do they come up with these stupid pugilistic group dates every season? Last week's derby was ok, this was just uncomfortable. The dog show was ok. Omg, Annalise has too much traumatic baggage, geez! Again wtg production on her trauma reenactment, whoever came up with that deserves a raise for the only interesting thing so far. The only person I seem to still have a positive opinion of is Becca. 

Which Becca?  I like short-hair Becca, she is not acting as 'needy" as some of the other girls.  But, I agree, I did not care for the wrestling matches or demolition derby.  Puppies were more my cup of tea

  • Love 2

I think this GLOW lady with the dark hair is Tamara from RHOC. She looks AND sounds exactly like her. This broad is pretty culturally insensitive making fun of Bibiana’s name—but I suppose we shouldn’t expect much more from someone who culturally appropriated an ancient Egyptian persona.

Keeeeeennnnyyyyy!!!! Now I wish Kenny were The Bachelor—and I’m one of those long-time Arie fans. But that was nice that they let Arie “win.” Those were some pretty crazy costumes. Would anyone have gotten “Bridezilla” if it weren’t explained? Who was she supposed to be up against—a milkmaid? At first I thought it was Jill (as per Jack and) but then my daughter pointed out that what I thought were grass stains (from tumbling down the hill?) were green flowers, so I don’t know.

Krystal is kicking up the stealth bitch act—so how was everyone’s time with Arieeeee? Awwww! {Doesn’t get rose. Gives dagger eyes with unwavering plastered smile.} I must up my game.

Now Krystal is talking to DROP DEAD GORGEOUS Marikh how girls have always been jealous over how pretty she is. I mean, come on, yes, you were probably the prettiest girl in your middle school, but do you SEE this woman you’re talking to over your beauty woes?!? Someone give her a GLOB body slam.

There is nothing noteworthy about this Lauren who’s on the Napa date. Oh, now she’s getting wound up. Arie is totally checked out as she’s rambling on. He’s EATING!! Ladies and gentlemen, this is a first in Bachelor History! I feel like Harrison needs to come out and make a special proclamation. {clink, clink} Oh, man, it’s so cruel when they PICK UP the rose just to not give it. Ouch! Lauren didn’t even eat HER cake. Arie had two desserts in front of him and chatty Lauren has half an untouched roasted chicken. Now he needs to listen to the romantic string orchestra all alone.

One girl is sobbing, the others are in shock—and Krystal is SMILING behind her clasped hands and now giving a know-it-all speech. They keep trying to make all of these villains happen, but I think Krystal is the one and only that’s really taking.

OMFG, Annalise has ANOTHER traumatic childhood experience with lifelong PTSD! I never thought I’d laugh over a baby almost getting an eye bitten out or whatever the heck happened, but these re-enactments!!! Hahahaha!

Eek, after this bad 1:1, Annalise is going to have some PTSD about trying to talk to men.

Uh, forgot to pay attention for a little bit...

But here comes Cool Girl Beckah telling Arie she doesn’t need him. Oh, shut up. Is anyone still rooting for her?? She only cut her hair like that to look like Rizzo from Grease, but she’s coming off more like Sandy all made up, “Tell me about it, stud!”

Oh, no, Annalise, I sense a Nurse Jaime straddling winery Ben for a kiss coming on. At least a denial wasn’t THAT bad. Ooh, he IS kissing this other girl who asked for a kiss. No, these girls are telling her to go out there and be aggressive!! Nooooo! That’s TOTALLY the nurse Jaime trap! Don’t do it! I’m having PreTSD FOR you at this point! This is also like when some girl put Jason in a similar scenario and was sent home on the spot. Whelp, if she goes to Bachelor Winter Games, I’m looking forward to the PTSD re-enactment of this moment if she tries to find love.

TWO bonus PTSD dog re-enactments!! Love it!

  • Love 21
23 minutes ago, ragingpixie said:

So. Much. Vocal. Fry.

Oh my god.  But it’s the uptalking killing me. If he hadn’t sent uptalker Lauren no. 1 home, I would have flown out there and done it myself.  

bibiana will never find love.  Poor thing has to fly back to Miami and compete with better looking women.  Poor sad sack.  

I don’t like Arie and his need to kiss everyone all the time.  The one in the white dress crawling over him might could have benefited from a blow dart or something.

why is there this peaked looking girl named Ashley there?  Is she new?

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Which Becca?

Becca who got the 1st date. No way he's taking Bekah home to mommy. I like her, but to him she seems like a sexy kitten fun time to keep around till before home town dates, no serious potential. But I realized later I also like Ashley and Sienne, just hadn't seen much of them before.

Edited by dizzyd
  • Love 3

How is Annalise an event planner in real life? I can't see her ever having fun outside of her bubble. If she had received the winery date, there would have been a grape juice accident in her childhood to relate.

Must have been a lot of DNA left on that bed Bibiana so thoughtfully set up for all the other women.

When Arie picked up his fork at the winery, I wondered if he was going to stab himself in the ears so he wouldn't have to listen to one of the Lauren's talk.

  • Love 16

I almost feel bad for laughing so much at Annaliese's expense. Almost.

1 hour ago, ragingpixie said:

So. Much. Vocal. Fry.

38 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh my god.  But it’s the uptalking killing me.

For me it's the likes. I need to write an app that edits out all the filler likes from reality shows.

TPTB really had it in for Bibiana tonight. I think this was the first time someone got to do a "special" set-up but then never got time with the lead.

Did someone really ask Tia if she felt "in her element" in the RV park? I know she puts on a trashy persona, but if she's a physical therapist like her chyron says, she's one of the most accomplished women there. And then TPTB bring out the hay bales and moonshine for her, so I guess the trashy theme is here to stay.

Edited by chocolatine
because "hale bays" is not a thing
  • Love 9

Poor Annaliese!  I usually thoroughly enjoy when these beautiful women get dumped for the first time in their lives (and on national TV!), but I really felt bad for Annaliese.  She really had no clue what she was doing wrong, when in reality, she wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong; Arie just liked 19 other women more than her (ouch!).  Then again, maybe Arie heard about all of her childhood trauma and was getting out of that trap quick.  Asking for a kiss from "the kissing bandit" and then getting shot down is a massive diss.  YIKES!  I actually yelled out loud when he turned her down.  That was really, REALLY bad! She definitely had some issues, and seemed like kind of a sad-sack, but I liked her anyway.  (I loved all her childhood re-enactments-  great job, producers!)

I'm glad Bibliography got cut loose.  She kept trying to act so tough, calling out Krystal for "not waiting her turn" - as if they were actually taking turns for Arie -  and making herself the classroom monitor as to what's "respectful" to the other ladies and what's not.  She really shot herself in the foot by complaining to Arie about Krystal.  He really didn't like that!

The woman who got sent home during the one-on-one date was kind of boring, but Arie completely gave up on her fast.  I didn't mind her talking about her life; heck, isn't that what they're supposed to be doing on these dates?  Sure, she was kind of all over the place, but so what?  I get the feeling that when Arie wants to have a conversation, he wants it to be about him, not the woman he's with at the time. 

He's not coming across as a nice guy, as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 16

In all fairness to Lauren, if I were trapped in the mansion all day with some of those girls, I would have gotten plastered during that winery date too. She didn't get a group date last week so I'm sure she was itching to break free, not to mention producers probably prodding her with delicious, expensive wine.

I do feel bad. She's gorgeous and based on her social media, pretty witty. Usually the Bachelor is really into the episode 3 one-on-one date girl, so she probably could have made it halfway through the season on looks alone.

But considering Arie expects the women to beat each other up and crash into each other with cars, she's arguably the real winner here.

Edited by Bossley
  • Love 6

I think the season finally took off tonight with a lot happening and plenty to talk about. 

Krystal- Does anyone like this woman? Contestants or viewers? Honestly if I were one of the other women hearing that voice constantly would make me want to stick a needle in my eye! I noticed Lauren S who was eliminated had a similar voice but hers was more so on the husky side and seemed genuine. Does anyone really talk like this? So over the top and fake.

Speaking of Lauren S I didn't see that elimination coming. Or wasn't expecting an elimination during a date I guess I should say. Krystal was so obvious with her half hearted attempt at dismayed shock when they came to get Lauren's suitcase. You could obviously see her smile through the hands over her mouth. And then the little condescending speech for everyone. Ugh. Good on Caroline for seeing right through it. Who by the way I am liking more and more every time I see her.

I liked that they showed more of Tia's personality. She seems real laid back and easy to get along with. I don't think she is one of the prettier ones but I  like her attitude so far and liked the comraderie between her and Bibiana. I can see why Arie likes her.

Really like Becca. I could see way more chemistry this time around. There's a ease between them. Hope she makes it far.

Annaliese- OMG girl how have you got to 32 and survived life this far..lol. I can see a traumatic event in childhood but she just seems like a perpetual victim or something. I bet she was so tiring as a child. No wonder Arie didn't have any attraction for her. Wet blanket.

Bibiana was starting to get on my nerves with the whining but I honestly felt sorry for her when Arie used the cabana she had set up to woo the other women. But I have to say she took her elimination better than most anyone I've seen on this show. Hope she finds what she's looking for.

  • Love 11

I was horrified by the pro women wrestler's treatment of Bibiana. In what world is it okay to ridicule someone's name? Ugh. I would have refused to participate in that date. Who wants to watch that shit?

Anneliese looks like she's got permagrooves on her face from wearing swim goggles or something. Oh yeah, and bad breath.

Arie seems nice enough, but his eyes always look really bleary or something. He is not the picture of robust health. And his kissing technique is getting old. Frankly, I had to look away for most of the kisses. And there were too many.

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, sauce62 said:

I was horrified by the pro women wrestler's treatment of Bibiana. In what world is it okay to ridicule someone's name? Ugh. I would have refused to participate in that date. Who wants to watch that shit?

Yeah, I haven't watched the whole episode yet, but DAMN! I'm so not into violence, even fake violence, I would not have  been able to do that wrestling thing.  HOw is any of that safe after such a short training?  

  • Love 1

Arie makes me sick.

He's so full of platitudes and so all over (almost) everyone.  Who WOULDN'T feel bad when someone's kissing everyone but her?  On the other hand, one could take the "who wants a dog like that to kiss me anyway?"  Except then I guess that person wouldn't be on this show.  Anyhow.  I just can't stand him.  Almost as much as I couldn't stand Nick.  (Seems like they take - what? - acting sincere lessons?  Except they never get it right?  What Bachelor has seemed SINCERE to y'all?)

  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I almost feel bad for laughing so much at Annaliese's expense. Almost.

For me it's the likes. I need to write an app that edits out all the filler likes from reality shows.

TPTB really had it in for Bibiana tonight. I think this was the first time someone got to do a "special" set-up but then never got time with the lead.

Did someone really ask Tia if she felt "in her element" in the RV park? I know she puts on a trashy persona, but if she's a physical therapist like her chyron says, she's one of the most accomplished women there. And then TPTB bring out the hay bales and moonshine for her, so I guess the trashy theme is here to stay.

I didn't hear anyone ask her that but I don't think Tia has had a trashy persona at all. Of course my definition of "trashy" may be different. To me "trashy" is just that...like something you would put in the trash. That definition more suited the blonde who was straddling Arie on the couch. Don't know her name but she was obviously drunk. I mean get a room already. Her parents must be so proud.

I think you meant, "down home, country, southern", maybe? That the producers of this show so obviously like to exploit. I'm still amazed at how much the women who come on this show will allow themselves to be ridiculed and mocked for whatever perceived gain they think they're getting.  What made the producers think that because she was from the south that she would like moonshine? Or Arie for that matter. I was disappointed in him.

  • Love 7

"So with Emily, I was so in love and we were going to get married and I think because of that I've been with women who didn't want to get married, kind of )choosing them) as a defense mechanism."  Um, no, Arie.  You were not "going to get married" except in -your- one-sided hope.  She chose F1 not F2 to get engaged to (and someone else altogether to marry)!

Every week he confirms what I've thought from the beginning. He's still in love with Emily, hasn't formed anything serious in the five years since then, and isn't going to find anyone permanent here either. He's probably built her up to such an incredible degree in his mind in the past five years that no other woman could hope to measure up.  Run, ladies, run!

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

Did someone really ask Tia if she felt "in her element" in the RV park? 

Yes, someone asked that.   I don't know who it was, because I can barely tell one from the other when their faces are shown.  When it's just comments, or one woman commenting on a scene, they're not really good at letting us know who is talking. Sometimes, I can't figure out the name of the one being shown, and I go to the ABC website to match the face with the name.  And, nope, I still can't figure it out.

When Krystal came back from talking to Arie, she kind of butted in and changed the topic.  It looked she was wearing some lingerie-like black lace shorts.  She's really a pretty terrible person, I cannot stand her sex-kitten voice.  

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I think you meant, "down home, country, southern", maybe?

No, I meant what I said. Tia has to be bleeped almost every time she speaks - that's trashy in my book. I doubt she speaks that way in real life, certainly not in her job, which is why I think she's playing up the trashy persona for the show. And someone asked her if she's "in her element" in a trailer park, so at least one other person is running with the "Tia is trashy" theme as well.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

No, I meant what I said. Tia has to be bleeped almost every time she speaks - that's trashy in my book. I doubt she speaks that way in real life, certainly not in her job, which is why I think she's playing up the trashy persona for the show. And someone asked her if she's "in her element" in a trailer park, so at least one other person is running with the "Tia is trashy" theme as well.

Oh...ok. Of course for many things on this show we as viewers have different perceptions and opinions. I honestly have not noticed that about Tia.

  • Love 3

I felt bad for Annaliese that he wouldn’t kiss her.  Was it gonna kill him to just give a small close mouthed kiss?  What a dick humiliating her like that.  

The one who went on the wine date with him was boring as fuck and trying too hard.  But another dick move was him picking up the rose like he was going to give it to her and then he’s like, no. 

Krystal is so tacky.  She’s the type of women who gets even tackier around 40 years old when she sees youth slipping away and starts to shop in the junior section trying to hold on.  

Edited by Lemons
  • Love 18
2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I almost feel bad for laughing so much at Annaliese's expense. Almost.

Man you could see that crash and burn coming a mile away! I was yelling at her to just keep walking and leave pride intact... you should never give an ultimatum after previously trying to force someone to kiss you. Take the 'no' as a no!! But she just had to go back and find out. Well, you found out!

Equally crushing was the woman making out with multiple other women in the little boom-boom lounge Bibiana set up for herself and Arie. Nobody even looked twice at the telescope by the way. Too busy making out/lounging. She basically signed her own exit slip as she never, I don't know, went and TALKED to Arie! She just sat and stewed and drank and complained that she wasn't getting any time. Honey, that couch ain't givin ya a rose ARIE is. I know the two of you are a scorching couple in you mind, but all he sees is some woman who never talks to him. Not a great path to a rose.

It still must have been tough being the ONLY woman eliminated at the rose ceremony. That moment when like 6 beautiful women, all with roses in their hands try to hug you could give you worse PTSD than any dog bite! Brutal.

2 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

Krystal- Does anyone like this woman? Contestants or viewers? Honestly if I were one of the other women hearing that voice constantly would make me want to stick a needle in my eye!

It wouldn't be as bad being around her as she seems to only put it on some of the time... but I don't think anyone is exactly 'on her team' at this point. The 'holding court' lecturing the girls about how they should act is doing her no favors either. So very condescending. There is a plenitude of things to dislike about her so yeah I think the answer you're looking for here is 'Everybody Hates Krys'.

The post-send home shots of Arie listening to the quartet and gazing out the window holding the rose like a conductors baton were... a little creepy, no?

I agree the re-enactments are comedy GOLD.

I'm still a bit in shock though that we actually saw Arie EAT something on a 1 on 1. Has this ever happened?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11

The re-enactment of the girl getting bitten by the dog was WEIRD.  were we supposed to think that was a home movie?  UGH! 

I have noticed that toasting glasses has become "a cheers" on the Bachelor shows.   Instead of "let's have a toast"  and saying Cheers when the clink glasses, it's "let's have a cheers."  It's becoming "bachelor speak" almost as much as "her and I's relationship."  (which has not been said yet by Arie, so Cheers to him!) 

My thought when watching the "cocktail party"  was that if ONE girl had a cold, flu, sore throat, etc.,  then they would ALL get it.  Seriously, the back-to-back makeout sessions were kind of gross.  They might as well just line up and each one gets "5 minutes to make out with Arie." 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 2

Annalise reminded me of Rachel Dratch's Debbie Downer. 

I think Bekah is too smart for him. Or wily. I love watching her, but I can  see how other viewers wouldn't like her. I didn't like Emily at all. 

Krystal is a disaster. 

Tia is cute. Moonshine, really? 

I hated that bitch wrestling chick. Making fun of someone's ethnic name, really? Someone punch her in the face. 

  • Love 21

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