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S01.E01: Pilot

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Pilot Episode/TBA

Series Description: From executive producers Ellen DeGeneres, Emily Kapnek ("Suburgatory"), Jeff Kleeman ("Little Big Shots") and Dean Holland ("Parks and Recreation") comes "Splitting Up Together," the story of Lena (Jenna Fischer, "The Office") and Martin (Oliver Hudson, "Scream Queens"), whose marriage is reignited by their divorce. "Splitting Up Together" stars Jenna Fischer as Lena, Oliver Hudson as Martin, Bobby Lee as Arthur, Lindsay Price as Camille, Olivia Keville as Mae, Van Crosby as Mason and Sander Thomas as Milo. Mette Heeno, Mie Andreasen and Hella Joof are also executive producers, along with DeGeneres, Kapnek, Kleeman and Holland, of "Splitting Up Together," which is based on the original Danish series of the same name created by Heeno.   Source




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That was good, but, I feel it was trying to border on a sitcom and  kind of a family drama. But can't a dad be fun and not come across like some overgrown teen on a TV show? It would be nice for once. Especially when you have two kids who are teens and your other one isn't quite a tween yet. I got where Lena was coming from, but they better not throw out the financial problems after the pilot because I will call foul. 

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I thought this wad awful. Didn't laugh once and I thought the acting was bad even though I typically like most of the actors.

Did Lindsay Price get another nose job? I don't think contouring can do that but either way she needs to stop.

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I thought this wad awful. Didn't laugh once and I thought the acting was bad even though I typically like most of the actors.

I also thought it was awful. It wasn't funny. I hope it gets better. The only thing that made me laugh is when the husband turned off the dehumidifier and you could see the centipedes crawling all over the background while he talked to the wife.  What was up with Bobby Lee and his hair? It was just odd. 

Edited by BooBear
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Tuned in on a whim and thought it was okay. Cracked up at the centipedes crawling on the wall in the background when he turned off the dehumidifier. Liked seeing Diane Farr again. Otherwise - it's no Speechless. 

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1 hour ago, Kip Hackman said:

Yeah, I don't know. JF was really good, but this wasn't very funny. I don't know if I'm interested in a "will they or won't they" sitcom about a divorcing couple.  Or if that premise is even sustainable.

I know what you mean, I even read about upcoming episodes and I went: "Oh great, talk about the problems in the pilot and then not bring them up again until towards the end again." Like I said earlier, I'm not happy with the dad being treated as: "he's the fun dad, but clueless and acts like a big kid himself" joke. I mean the dehumidifier joke was funny, but after the wife rant at the end. I was thinking: "I feel sorry for her, but really? They want to go with the he has ignored me to the point he hasn't seen me naked or slept with me in years?" 

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I thought it was ok.  Not great.  Just ok.  Such a shame because I was more hopeful since I fell hard for Selfie (RIP).  I'll keep watching since it's only 20 minutes or so out of my day and it may get better as the actors settle into their roles.  

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I also did not care for this show.  I am a huge Office fan, and love Jenna Fischer.  Her acting was fine, as was Oliver Hudson's, but the premise was just so bad.  Divorced couple living in the same house, switching from garage to bedroom on a weekly basis?  Also, the show seemed like it was confused...was it a comedy or a drama?  Just very weird and disappointing.  I didn't even finish the episode.

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I liked it. almost all pilots are a little shaky, and then hopefully they find their footing. I love Jenna F and Oliver Hudson, and the supporting cast, and I think this has real potential. I'll watch again.

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I liked this one a lot. Laughed quite a bit, and just I'm chalking up some of the forced stuff I didn't like to the fact that it was the pilot. Just saw the Seinfeld pilot again the other night, and while it's not a bad episode, it's nothing like the show it would become.

Edited by BTBAM310
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I liked it. It wasn't perfect and it had a lot of issues, but it was a good start. I won't be watching this live, but I thought the actors were all decent, and the writing didn't completely make me cringe.

Oliver Hudson and Jenna Fischer did a really great job with what they were given. I even chuckled at some of the moments (Martin telling Lena that he shut off the dehumidifier and no bugs were in the garage, with the background walls crawling with bugs). 

I kind of like that, with Lena and Martin separating, they actually had their support systems actually be honest with them for once. It was nice to hear both sides say "no, you were wrong in the relationship in this way".

Overall, I'll give it another chance. 

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If Lena and Martin had separate bedrooms to sleep in, why do the boys need to share a bedroom?  Then Mason (the older boy) wouldn't need a pantry boudoir.  Also, why wouldn't his mom know his text was from him?  Did he just get a new phone # and his mom didn't put it in her phone?

Since they seemed perturbed at each pregnancy, they're also really bad at birth control.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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This started off well for me, then was rather 'off' in the middle, but improved a bit toward the end, so I'll probably watch a few more episodes to see if it will get better. 

I really like Jenna Fischer, (and Diane Farr since Roswell), but I am having some trouble warming up to Oliver Hudson after hating his character in Nashville so intensely.  I know it's not his fault, but some of his his grins just come across so smarmy and sleezy, which is probably largely due to the associations I have with his previous character.  Hopefully that will go away soon.

The male friend was way off for me too, in both of his scenes with Oliver Hudson's character, but especially the first one in the garage.  His acting choices and line deliveries were so strange... he seems like a terrible actor and they didn't seem to have any friend chemistry either.  I'm not sure why he was cast in this role.

To tell you the truth, the ball-problem/masturbation-solution storyline was pretty icky to me.  (I always feel so bad for child actors who have to play that kind of scene.)  I suppose the show was going for edgy, but it made me think of the awful 9JKL pilot in which the mother makes a quip to her grown son about having had his little balls inside her.  That was enough for me to be done with that show forever.  (Mom discussing her son's balls on network television?  I'll pass, thank you!)  At least in this show it was more acceptable since Mom was forced to deal with her adolescent son's complaint, but I still find it kind of worrisome that that is what they chose to focus on in the pilot.  It also reminded me of some storylines on Life In Pieces, especially early on, that were borderline offensive and way too TMI.  That kind of stuff among family members just squicks me out.

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11 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

  Also, why wouldn't his mom know his text was from him?  Did he just get a new phone # and his mom didn't put it in her phone?


I immediately wondered the same thing. Why would her son’s number come up as “unknown”?

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1 hour ago, Accidental Martyr said:

I immediately wondered the same thing. Why would her son’s number come up as “unknown”?

I was wondering that exact thing. I hope we get an explanation to that.

Maybe he borrowed someone's phone.

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Surprised at the dislike here. I loved it! 

The house itself seems familiar. I'm always into production design and decorating on shows.

I like the feminist daughter (  "Male tears" on the mug) and the younger son who orders takeout. 

What husband would not dance with his bride at the wedding?  A plot point for sure, but come on.

Pantry boudoir?   Ewww.

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On 3/29/2018 at 1:25 AM, Accidental Martyr said:

I immediately wondered the same thing. Why would her son’s number come up as “unknown”?

Or, why wouldn't the kid just text his dad to begin with? They can't honestly have a rule that on Mom's week they can't even talk to their Dad, right? Because that would be nuts.

It bugged me that the older kids were named Mae and Mason. Way too similar.

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It bugged me that the older kids were named Mae and Mason. Way too similar.

I read an article on Slate once where a mom named her daughter Olive, and then struggled and struggled to come up with a name for her son. She came up with Liev.  Really?!?!  There are other letters in the alphabet.  Continuing slightly off-topic talk, how about when the 1st name is very similar to the last name, like Jeff Jeffries?

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14 minutes ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

I read an article on Slate once where a mom named her daughter Olive, and then struggled and struggled to come up with a name for her son. She came up with Liev.  Really?!?!  There are other letters in the alphabet.  Continuing slightly off-topic talk, how about when the 1st name is very similar to the last name, like Jeff Jeffries?

It makes it easy to remember though.  I saw a dentist named John Johnson almost thirty years ago, and I still remember his name.

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On 3/28/2018 at 10:18 AM, BTBAM310 said:

I liked this one a lot. Laughed quite a bit, and just I'm chalking up some of the forced stuff I didn't like to the fact that it was the pilot. Just saw the Seinfeld pilot again the other night, and while it's not a bad episode, it's nothing like the show it would become.

saw the pilot of Modern Family the other night and changed the channel.  I rarely watch a pilot of a show in reruns.  

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4 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

saw the pilot of Modern Family the other night and changed the channel.  I rarely watch a pilot of a show in reruns.  

The 30 Rock pilot makes me flip a table it's so bad... and The Office pilot... and the Parks and Rec pilot (least of the three) and those are my favorite shows. 

Mindy Project had a PERFECT pilot and even though it lasted 5 or 6 seasons, the show nose-dived by season 2. So a good pilot doesn't decide a show's fate.

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1 hour ago, TV Diva Queen said:

saw the pilot of Modern Family the other night and changed the channel.  I rarely watch a pilot of a show in reruns.  

At the time it originally aired, I thought the Modern Family pilot was the best pilot I'd ever seen. Still holds up for me. I completely stopped watching the show during season 4 - specifically after episode 6, Yard Sale. It got too stupid for me. I saw it coming - I could tell the way Sofia Vergara was overexposed that summer, that the show was going to go downhill. I can still watch a few of the episodes from the first season in reruns.  I did randomly watch the celebrity episode from earlier this season - the Chris Martin/Phil and Manny story lines were really funny. It's weird how old Luke and Manny are now.

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4 minutes ago, BTBAM310 said:

At the time it originally aired, I thought the Modern Family pilot was the best pilot I'd ever seen. Still holds up for me. I completely stopped watching the show during season 4 - specifically after episode 6, Yard Sale. It got too stupid for me. I saw it coming - I could tell the way Sofia Vergara was overexposed that summer, that the show was going to go downhill. I can still watch a few of the episodes from the first season in reruns.  I did randomly watch the celebrity episode from earlier this season - the Chris Martin/Phil and Manny story lines were really funny. It's weird how old Luke and Manny are now.

This is a newly discovered show to me - maybe a little over a year.  I only watch whats handed to me  through syndication.  So I'm still pleased as punch with the show.  I heard its goes downhill quickly though.  

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On 28/03/2018 at 8:12 AM, Phoebe70 said:

I also did not care for this show.  I am a huge Office fan, and love Jenna Fischer.  Her acting was fine, as was Oliver Hudson's, but the premise was just so bad.  Divorced couple living in the same house, switching from garage to bedroom on a weekly basis?  Also, the show seemed like it was confused...was it a comedy or a drama?  Just very weird and disappointing.  I didn't even finish the episode.

Agree 100%  When it was over, I turned to my husband and said "was that supposed to be a comedy or a drama?" Not sure if I will keep watching.

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I wonder where they filmed this pilot?  The street used for the outdoor scene with Oliver Hudson's character and his friend was gorgeous with all those beautiful homes and the lush tree canopy.  That was my favorite part of the episode. ;)

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We can all see where this will end. Jenna & Oliver will finally become exactly the partner that the other one needs and more, but it will take a while, because obstacles. And if it does well in the ratings & because US networks like to keep certain shows on well past their expiration date, we will still be seeing Jenna & Oliver still alternating between the house & the garage while the kids are filling out college applications. I guess whichever parent is on duty that week will take them on campus visits? 

No way a (pre?) teen boy would go to his mom about that sort of delicate issue when Dad is just across the yard (setting up the pantry, where food is stored and I am guessing no lock? gross!) much like a girl would prefer Mom to Dad when she gets her first period. Kids have to have the comfort & confidence to know that they have either parent available to them regardless of whose week it is. And parents in a situation like this have to communicate with each other. Maybe as the show goes on, the rules will evolve depending on the crisis/lesson of the week. Also, the only response to a text from a supposedly unknown number that says "my balls hurt" is "lose my number creep, or I will report you to the police".

My identical twin daughters' names are less similar than Mae & Mason. 

This is only the pilot, so I am not canceling this from the DVR unless it does not improve. And I hope it does improve, and that they either lose or rehaul Bobby Lee's character. He is obnoxious! As is the feminist daughter, and the way Jenna was giving into her, but then telling the son he could have what he wanted. Ugh! I am not a hard ass in the least, but I hate when parents let the kids make the rules, or even allow them to think they are dictating what is going on. 

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On 3/29/2018 at 2:05 PM, MoreCoffeePlease said:

What husband would not dance with his bride at the wedding?  A plot point for sure, but come on.

Mine, but we also didn't have a traditional wedding reception.  It was a backyard BBQ with no dance floor.  No one danced.  ;)

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On 4/2/2018 at 1:07 PM, BTBAM310 said:

At the time it originally aired, I thought the Modern Family pilot was the best pilot I'd ever seen. Still holds up for me. I completely stopped watching the show during season 4 - specifically after episode 6, Yard Sale. It got too stupid for me. I saw it coming - I could tell the way Sofia Vergara was overexposed that summer, that the show was going to go downhill. I can still watch a few of the episodes from the first season in reruns.  I did randomly watch the celebrity episode from earlier this season - the Chris Martin/Phil and Manny story lines were really funny. It's weird how old Luke and Manny are now.

Well, last night I was purging my DVR and saw that I had the pilot...I watched it on your recommendation....and dang it, you're right!  It was really a good show.  thanks. :)

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I liked the pilot and I'll watch at least the next couple episodes to see where it goes. The concept of a divorced couple who don't absolutely hate each other is pleasantly unusual for a sitcom, and I've been a big Jenna Fisher fan since The Office... when she does that sad/lonely look I want to reach into the TV and hug her. Yes, there were a couple rough edges in the pilot, but most shows seems to take a few episodes to hit their stride.

And there were centipedes!!!

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21 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Well, last night I was purging my DVR and saw that I had the pilot...I watched it on your recommendation....and dang it, you're right!  It was really a good show.  thanks. :)

You're welcome :)

Assuming you're talking about Modern Family...favorite part of that episode is Phil saying he's the cool dad and knows all of the text abbreviations including "WTF, Why The Face"

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6 minutes ago, BTBAM310 said:

You're welcome :)

Assuming you're talking about Modern Family...favorite part of that episode is Phil saying he's the cool dad and knows all of the text abbreviations including "WTF, Why The Face"

Yes and he say's it all cool, like he knows what hes talking about. 

I'm laughing out loud right now.  I will never doubt you again...... :)

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Just started watching this (too many other existing shows!)...

I'm with those who like Jenna Fischer and Oliver Hudson and their acting, but not so much this storyline. First of all, the whole setup smacks of privilege; how many people have a garage that's fancier than many apartments just waiting for such an arrangement? Second, I am really creeped out by Artie (how many times did he mention suicide in the event that his wife would leave him?? Not funny..but MAYBE could get by if it was just once. Numerous times turns him into a strange and inappropriate person...) Third, I am not feeling those kids! The boys, so far, seem really generic; and the girl's "personality" is being a feminist, which apparently equals having no sense of humor and being downright unpleasant to be around.

I'll definitely give it a couple more episodes but...

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On 2018-03-28 at 6:12 PM, Aileen said:

The centipede gag was fun, but then the next time they cut to Oliver Hudson talking, they were gone.


I thought it was cute and definitely teared up at the end.

I noticed that too. Perhaps they cut a bit when he excuses himself and runs to turn on the dehumidifier, and then they instantly disappear? I definitely stopped listening to Lena's conversation, it was definitely a distraction. Probably the funniest moment in the show.

On 2018-03-28 at 1:40 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

If Lena and Martin had separate bedrooms to sleep in, why do the boys need to share a bedroom?  Then Mason (the older boy) wouldn't need a pantry boudoir.  Also, why wouldn't his mom know his text was from him?  Did he just get a new phone # and his mom didn't put it in her phone?

Since they seemed perturbed at each pregnancy, they're also really bad at birth control.

That's a good point, although it's possible that Martin just slept on the couch. I don't think we actually saw him go into another room to sleep during the flashbacks. Yeah, the phone bit doesn't make sense.

On 2018-03-28 at 11:13 PM, AnnaRose said:

This started off well for me, then was rather 'off' in the middle, but improved a bit toward the end, so I'll probably watch a few more episodes to see if it will get better. 

I really like Jenna Fischer, (and Diane Farr since Roswell), but I am having some trouble warming up to Oliver Hudson after hating his character in Nashville so intensely.  I know it's not his fault, but some of his his grins just come across so smarmy and sleezy, which is probably largely due to the associations I have with his previous character.  Hopefully that will go away soon.

The male friend was way off for me too, in both of his scenes with Oliver Hudson's character, but especially the first one in the garage.  His acting choices and line deliveries were so strange... he seems like a terrible actor and they didn't seem to have any friend chemistry either.  I'm not sure why he was cast in this role.

I really like Jenna Fischer too. I don't have any association with Oliver Hudson other than knowing that his mom is Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson is his sister, and his father was Bill Hudson (of the Hudson Brothers). I was surprised that he actually looked older in some of their flashbacks, and looks the most attractive in the current day. That seems a little weird. Jenna looks amazing though. She has a radiant glow about her.

On 2018-04-04 at 12:21 AM, Toothbrush said:

We can all see where this will end. Jenna & Oliver will finally become exactly the partner that the other one needs and more, but it will take a while, because obstacles. And if it does well in the ratings & because US networks like to keep certain shows on well past their expiration date, we will still be seeing Jenna & Oliver still alternating between the house & the garage while the kids are filling out college applications. I guess whichever parent is on duty that week will take them on campus visits? 

No way a (pre?) teen boy would go to his mom about that sort of delicate issue when Dad is just across the yard (setting up the pantry, where food is stored and I am guessing no lock? gross!) much like a girl would prefer Mom to Dad when she gets her first period. Kids have to have the comfort & confidence to know that they have either parent available to them regardless of whose week it is. And parents in a situation like this have to communicate with each other. Maybe as the show goes on, the rules will evolve depending on the crisis/lesson of the week. Also, the only response to a text from a supposedly unknown number that says "my balls hurt" is "lose my number creep, or I will report you to the police".

This is only the pilot, so I am not canceling this from the DVR unless it does not improve. And I hope it does improve, and that they either lose or rehaul Bobby Lee's character. He is obnoxious! As is the feminist daughter, and the way Jenna was giving into her, but then telling the son he could have what he wanted. Ugh! I am not a hard ass in the least, but I hate when parents let the kids make the rules, or even allow them to think they are dictating what is going on. 

Now that you put it like that, I can't see this show going on for years unless it becomes more about various other people living in the garage once they reconcile. Bobby Lee's character (because I really don't think/hope he really doesn't intend to go thru with suicide when they inevitably break up), and then the various children as they age. With the one consistent tenant being the centipedes.

I think Bobby Lee is horribly misused. He is a great comic, one of my favourites from Mad TV.  But I have noticed that most of the comic actors from that show have not fit in really well after leaving it - Nicole Sullivan, Will Sasso, Debra Wilson, Mike McDonald etc. They have such a strong presence that I think they need their own vehicles, not to be put into paer thin supporting roles.

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