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Figure Skating

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4 minutes ago, LadyKenobi said:

Yes, bring back the puppy lounge! That was awesome.

Well it's actually been proven that puppies/dogs calm people in tense moments. Their combination of empathy and cuteness makes humans secrete oxytocin. So yeah, a puppy is exactly what that tense "leader's room" couch needed last night.

As for the French team being "poor sports" I think some of it is coming from the fact that they didn't skate over to the Shib sibs to congratulate them:

While V/M did:

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8 hours ago, stealinghome said:

I'm watching the Olympic Ice post-performance show, and the more the announcers just gush all over P/C, the more I'm resisting. As a casual fan, if they really are the future of the sport, give me a pass. Their long program was boring as all get out and they came off as slow across the ice in both programs. They're pretty, but is that really enough to justify the "ZOMG BEST EVAR SO AMAZEBALLS!" hype?

They're awfully nice skaters (although not much in the looks department), but they sure don't compare to V/M.  In reading the comments, don't quite get the hate for V/M.  They are fantastic skaters & seem like nice people.

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I will cut P/C a break on not shaking hands with the Shibs because I usually have those “Oh, shoot, I should have -“ moments, especially if it is ceremonial and someone probably gave instructions like skate, take your bows, and then take your place.  I would do that and then later realize I should have done something extra.

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7 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

I will cut P/C a break on not shaking hands with the Shibs because I usually have those “Oh, shoot, I should have -“ moments, especially if it is ceremonial and someone probably gave instructions like skate, take your bows, and then take your place.  I would do that and then later realize I should have done something extra.

You are a very kind person. When I was in sports, good sportsmanship was drilled into my head just as much as the ABC’s of how to do it correctly. I agree some people blank but they have been around for awhile and probably were not deer in the headlights. 

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1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

I hate the idea that medal contenders have to be on display in the televised special waiting area.  They should be allowed to go wherever they want; I didn’t need to see Michelle Kwan cry in Nagano to know she was disappointed with the silver.  Sometimes we expect too much from our athletes.

It's awful. I get that the cameras want the eventual winner accessible in case they don't skate last to get that reaction but it will nearly always result in someone being uncomfortable in that room. I'd rather set up separate rooms for the top three so they can be with their coaches and family and if someone needs to be moved out for someone who placed higher, it can happen without an audience. People shouldn't have to be on all the time, especially after a physically and emotionally draining performance.

57 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

THIS!!  I don't think either Hubbell or Papadakis have acted in any way that is unsportsmanlike--if they start doing interviews where they're blaming their coach or implying collusion with judges, then we'll talk.  So now that Scott Moir has been crowned king of the ice dancing world like he thought he should have in 2014, can he go away now?

I have no problem with Hubbell or Papadakis or anyone else. I'm even forgiving of Scott's behavior back in 2014 though I think he was wrong to keep that going for as long as he did. I cannot imagine the effort and emotions that go into preparing for an Olympic run. It's years and years of work. So unless you get your ex-husband and his crazy friend to kneecap your competitor and refuse to own up to it, I'm not really going to judge people. (I actually do have somewhat higher standards than Tonya Harding but that's the figure skating I grew up on so not much higher, sadly.) I can be bratty when I'm disappointed and its hard to keep a poker face when you've just given your all emotionally on the ice.

12 minutes ago, Chaser said:

 IIRC the only ones up in arms over D/Ws win were V/M fans and Canada. The general consensus seemed to be that D/W deserved the win. 

I kind of get the feeling that's why V/M wanted to come back. The rivalry with D/W lasted years and it ended with them losing the Olympic Gold to them.  A Gold that Moir believe should have been theirs. I think V/M wanted the last word.

This Canadian agreed with the 2014 results. D/W skated better and had the stronger routine. I get why V/M  would want to come back and go out on top. What athlete doesn't want to go out on top? I don't know if this year and this Olympics had much to do with any rivals. V/M seemed pretty insular and focused on each other and on each skate. I think it was more about making sure their last competitive skate was a triumphant one.

I still think there were some very odd scores in the judging and Canada needs to get its act together if it wants to look legitimate going forward complaining about other countries. The Canadian judge was far too kind to our other two teams. They had lovely skates but some of the scores there were way too high in comparison to the more elite teams that came after. It'll be hard for us to make a complaint going forward if we're just as guilty of favouring our skaters.

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3 minutes ago, vibeology said:

I still think there were some very odd scores in the judging and Canada needs to get its act together if it wants to look legitimate going forward complaining about other countries. The Canadian judge was far too kind to our other two teams. They had lovely skates but some of the scores there were way too high in comparison to the more elite teams that came after. It'll be hard for us to make a complaint going forward if we're just as guilty of favouring our skaters.

It’s worth noting that the way this judging system works, you’re basically free to rate the home team however you want, as your vote will almost certainly be thrown out anyway (as the highest and lowest scores don’t count).  I do wonder if that knowledge affects scoring.

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Congratulation to The Shibutanis becoming the first team of Asian descent to win an ice dance medal at the Olympics. ?

I don't have a problem with Papadakis. I can't imagine how awful parts of this Olympics has been for her. 

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33 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

You are a very kind person. When I was in sports, good sportsmanship was drilled into my head just as much as the ABC’s of how to do it correctly. I agree some people blank but they have been around for awhile and probably were not deer in the headlights. 

Agree. Their whole performance is acting. How hard to act the good sport?


9 minutes ago, SeanC said:

It’s worth noting that the way this judging system works, you’re basically free to rate the home team however you want, as your vote will almost certainly be thrown out anyway (as the highest and lowest scores don’t count).  I do wonder if that knowledge affects scoring.

There seemed to be a few wonky scores other than Canadian’s.  The Chinese & Turkey - what’s up with them?

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1 hour ago, Moxie Cat said:


I do give Hubbell credit for saying "Well, that's the way it is" right before the camera went off them. She reacted very maturely to the results. Contrast that with Papadakis, whose eyes looked dead before P/C skated and who sat in the green room with the Shibs like a stone. You won a silver! You weren't that far behind! You have another Olympics in you! And barring another Moir comeback, you have a great shot at winning in 2022! Talk to Nathan Chen - it doesn't always happen. But you DID win a medal!

I think that the H/D bitch faces come out when they all skate clean and they feel that they've been wronged by placing below the Shibs or C/B. Last night, they knew it was no one's fault but their own. What can you do at that point? Shrug it off, like she did. However, up to the point of Zach touching down on the ice, I thought they were slow and boring, and not as good as the Shib's were.  I think skating after P/C didn't do them any favors, either. There was no excitement left in the room.  They were sandwiched between the two main events. That had to suck. 

It's a good damn thing that no one had to skate after V/M. 

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Whoever came up with the idea of having the top three skaters sit next to each other in the "results area" needs to be tarred, feathered and never allowed near another Olympic competition ever again. It's the most awkward, miserable set-up I've ever seen. 

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5 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

UGH.  My eyes rolled so far back in my head that I think they're permanently stuck in that position!

Thanks for taking one for the team - now I'll not need to strain these old eyes any further.  Excessive eyerolls could be dangerous to my health. (Hell, just looking at the goddamned ceiling makes me dizzy these days, and I don't have one of these Life Alert thingys to tell someone I've fallen and I can't get up).

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I really believe when they say they are just friends, although I do wonder what will happen now if they retire and the impact it will have on their relationship. After spending so much intense time together for so many years, it may be hard to separate

I believe Scott when he said they are doing their jobs. And the endless shipping proves they are good at it. But it also shows how society has to turn every connection into a sexual/romantic love. For me, I think it’s incredible to think of people forging a relationship of love and trust and it is not about having sex and getting married and having kids. Like Mulder and Scully before they were ruined, heh. That kind of relationship is more rare than the other kind, but people just want to put everything in this little box that fits their understanding of how men and women should relate. 

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Yeah, that whole "Go away, I just knocked your asses off the podium" to the third place athlete/athletes is the suck. 


The shipping of V/M is hilariously unhinged. They've been together since they were children. Maybe because of that fact, they'll always be close, like sibling close, but once off the ice, it's like "Ewww. I've known her since she was 10 years old. She's my best friend." Sure, Scott has put his hands (and face) everywhere on her body, but that's his job at this point.


Now, I could be off base and they are actually banging like bunnies, but I harken back to an episode of the important and classic television series, Friends.  Chandler thinks his girlfriend is sleeping with her Broadway co-star because of all the heat and chemistry on stage. Joseph Francis Tribbiani, ever the wise sage (hah!), puts his fears to rest. 


"The rule is, when two actors are actually doing it OFF STAGE, then all the sexual tension between them is gone.  As long as it's hot ON STAGE, then you've got nothing to worry about. It's when the heat goes away, that's when you're in trouble. " That is Virtue and Moir.  At least that is my guess. 

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6 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Yeah, that whole "Go away, I just knocked your asses off the podium" to the third place athlete/athletes is the suck. 


The shipping of V/M is hilariously unhinged. They've been together since they were children. Maybe because of that fact, they'll always be close, like sibling close, but once off the ice, it's like "Ewww. I've known her since she was 10 years old. She's my best friend." Sure, Scott has put his hands (and face) everywhere on her body, but that's his job at this point.


Now, I could be off base and they are actually banging like bunnies, but I harken back to an episode of the important and classic television series, Friends.  Chandler thinks his girlfriend is sleeping with her Broadway co-star because of all the heat and chemistry on stage. Joseph Francis Tribbiani, ever the wise sage (hah!), puts his fears to rest. 


"The rule is, when two actors are actually doing it OFF STAGE, then all the sexual tension between them is gone.  As long as it's hot ON STAGE, then you've got nothing to worry about. It's when the heat goes away, that's when you're in trouble. " That is Virtue and Moir.  At least that is my guess. 

Hmm when I see V/M I don't exactly see "sex" or "love." Of course part of their schtick is the sex appeal and what not. But I think what makes them a great pair is the fact that both of them are obviously fierce competitors, extremely intense, and you can see that competition fuels both of them in the same way. And on the ice it's the fact that both of them have that speed and sharp attack. Last night they sold that Moulin Rouge program not with their faces but with the speed and energy that had the crowd roaring.

It's sort of like Astaire/Rogers. Their dances were never smoldering. What made their partnership magical was that you got a sense of how both of them loved to dance. They transmitted this love of dance to millions of moveigoers. Offstage Astaire and Rogers weren't even friends.

As for V/M's off-ice relationship you can get a feel for it here. They look like childhood best friends. There's love, trust and respect there but it's not a "let's make 3 secret babies and hide them in the basement" type.

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I didn’t watch the Dance event live, but went back and watch the top 5 on the NBC Sports app. I think V/M absolutely deserved this win. They appeared fast, were passionate and were uninhibited in their skate - everything they needed to be to take gold.

The French had a nice program, but they put me to sleep. Sorry but they are no Annissina/Peizerant who were the last ice dancers than blew the roof off for me. 

The Shibs seemed to give it their all. They’re exciting to watch. So glad they were able to clutch the bronze and by several points too good for them!

Sorry but H/D were awful. Whoever said they were trying to be Fifty Shades on Ice were right. Their skate was uninspired and tasteless. 

So far the figure skating events have been one memorable event after another. The German’s win, with Aliona FINALLY winning an OGM after five attempts.

Yuzuru defends his OGM and is only the 2nd man in 60 years to do so. Javi wins the first Olympic medal in figure skating for Spain. 

Now V/M recapture the OGM and are only the second dance team to win two OG’s in dance. It’s been 20 years since that happened.

What an amazing competition it’s been thus far. Does the ladies event have an opportunity to bring such excitement and history? Isn’t Caroline Kostner competing again? Any chance she can cause an upset??

Edited by Enero
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4 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

Soooooo, I just read on anther board(not sports related) that there are rumors around the figure skating world that Tessa is knocked up....

Who's the babydaddy? And wouldn't this be baby #4 that they'll have to lock in the basement?

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1 hour ago, ChicksDigScars said:

I think skating after P/C didn't do them any favors, either. There was no excitement left in the room.  They were sandwiched between the two main events. That had to suck. 

It's a good damn thing that no one had to skate after V/M. 

I have a question about that, actually. I get that in the long program, what flight you’re in is determined by going from lowest score to highest in the short. How do they do the ordering within each flight, though? It’s not lowest to highest, so is it just randomly pulled out of a hat or something?

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8 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

How do they do the ordering within each flight, though? It’s not lowest to highest, so is it just randomly pulled out of a hat or something?

Pretty much.

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15 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

How do they do the ordering within each flight, though? It’s not lowest to highest, so is it just randomly pulled out of a hat or something?


Bowl, I think. They pick a number.

23 minutes ago, Enero said:

The German’s win, with Aliona FINALLY winning an OGM after five attempts.

Yuzuru defends his OGM and is only the 2nd man in 60 years to do so. Javi wins the first Olympic medal in figure skating for Spain. 

Now V/M recapture the OGM and are only the second dance team to win two OG’s in dance. It’s been 20 years since that happened.



Looking at the trend, I'm hoping both Caro and Mirai end up on the podium (yes, yes, I know! Close to impossible here)

The veterans have been leading.

Edited by Vera
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I don't follow figure skating like I used to years ago, I only watch the Olympics now.  I only know about the Shibs because they're from the U.S.  However, I watched last night and the skaters I liked the most were the Turkish pair.  They might not have been the best technically or artistically, but I really liked them.  Which means I probably won't see them ever again, lol.  

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Well it's actually been proven that puppies/dogs calm people in tense moments. Their combination of empathy and cuteness makes humans secrete oxytocin. So yeah, a puppy is exactly what that tense "leader's room" couch needed last night.

Some people.  A puppy would send my stress hormones straight through the roof.  Kittens, on the other hand...


Oh, skating content...I am over the moon that the Shibs won the bronze!  I have been pleasantly surprised by the judging this Olys.  Not that I expect that will keep the Not-Russian ladies from taking the top spots, though.

Edited by Omeletsmom
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Whoever came up with the idea of having the top three skaters sit next to each other in the "results area" needs to be tarred, feathered and never allowed near another Olympic competition ever again. It's the most awkward, miserable set-up I've ever seen. 

It works so well in other sports though. If you watch the snowboarders or free stylists, they all seem pretty happy to spend some time in the winners spot and happily congratulate the person that makes them move over. I think because in those sports, they are happy to see their friends do well and have a healthier view of competition. 

The pairs finale was lovely because all three pairs so warmly congratulated each other. IDK why skating is so different. Is it the stakes where gold can mean bazillions in endorsements?

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44 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

It's a MOO point.  ;-)

"I'm Joey and I'm disgusting." :-)

Wardrobe malfunctions: If it were me, I'd have a last minute bathroom break and then have someone sew me into my costume.

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4 minutes ago, kili said:

It works so well in other sports though. If you watch the snowboarders or free stylists, they all seem pretty happy to spend some time in the winners spot and happily congratulate the person that makes them move over. I think because in those sports, they are happy to see their friends do well and have a healthier view of competition. 

The pairs finale was lovely because all three pairs so warmly congratulated each other. IDK why skating is so different. Is it the stakes where gold can mean bazillions in endorsements?

The men’s finale was great as well especially once it got to the top 4-5 skaters. They all seem to respect each other, and nothing tops the bromance of Javi and Yuzuru. It’s so heartwarming watching their genuine affection for one another. 

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46 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

Soooooo, I just read on anther board(not sports related) that there are rumors around the figure skating world that Tessa is knocked up....

WTF. Oh yeah. Those skinny, revealing costumes would CERTAINLY lead me to the same conclusion.  Give me a break. 

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Very happy that the Shibs got their bronze medal last night.  I just love watching them skate, esp those twizzles.  I almost cried with Madison Chock, though.  What a heartbreaking thing to happen.  Oddly enough, I found the most interesting FD last night to be Hurtado/Diaz.  I loved the music and the way they performed with the music.  Though I was never a fan of V/M, I thought they totally deserved the gold, especially for their terrific SD--I really liked their SD music selections (almost made up for the dreadful MR in the FD!)

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5 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

WTF. Oh yeah. Those skinny, revealing costumes would CERTAINLY lead me to the same conclusion.  Give me a break. 

Not saying she is or isn't but one of the beach volleyball ladies was pregnant during the Olympics and they basically play in barely more than bikini's.

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Going back to someone's question about the Ice Dancing finals in Sochi, admittedly, I had no real investment in this but regarding Moir/Virtue vs. Davis/White, I think a lot of the anger/debate came from the belief that Moir/Virtue were unfairly underscored for their short program, thereby putting a significant difference between them and Davis/White, going into the long program. Naturally some started screaming fix and that it was like it'd been pre-determined that White and Davis were going to win so it didn't matter what Moir and Virtue did, etc. I do remember there was some major uproar online and on social media after the short program, and particularly Virtue and Moir's scores. I also remember seeing the clip when they got the score and Scott was visibly pissed.

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Puppies - and kittens (hell - ALL baby animals) make everything better.

I'd say no on the kittens ... their claws could tear those costumes (what there is of some of them) to shreds!!!

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34 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

Not saying she is or isn't but one of the beach volleyball ladies was pregnant during the Olympics and they basically play in barely more than bikini's.

Serena Williams won the Australian Open while pregnant. 

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The Washington Post has a great article about the Shib sibs:

Ice dancing is sensual. The Shibutanis try to portray passion of a different kind

This is the best quote from Alex: 

“With ice dance, it’s just generally grouped into ‘oh, it’s romantic. Oh, it’s sensual.’ That’s not fair to ice dance. You’re probably hurting ice dance’s feelings.”

I’m glad Alex doesn’t want to hurt ice dance’s feelings!

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41 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Going back to someone's question about the Ice Dancing finals in Sochi, admittedly, I had no real investment in this but regarding Moir/Virtue vs. Davis/White, I think a lot of the anger/debate came from the belief that Moir/Virtue were unfairly underscored for their short program, thereby putting a significant difference between them and Davis/White, going into the long program. Naturally some started screaming fix and that it was like it'd been pre-determined that White and Davis were going to win so it didn't matter what Moir and Virtue did, etc. I do remember there was some major uproar online and on social media after the short program, and particularly Virtue and Moir's scores. I also remember seeing the clip when they got the score and Scott was visibly pissed.

For me, I thought the free dance in Sochi could have gone either way, depending on how each skated on the day and I have no issues with Meryl and Charlie winning that with how they skated. 


As for the short, what’s quoted above is pretty much how I remember feeling. I thought that Tessa and Scott should have won that portion and while I’d never hold myself up as an ice dance expert (I can barely recognise an edge!) there were several experts - the Eurosport commentators, IIRC, definitely Robin Cousins, Petri Kokko who invented the Finnstep!) all went on record as saying that Tessa and Scott should have been in first. The ubers then took that to mean that the fix was in and ran with that idea. Me, I disagree with the SD placement but not their final standings. 

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