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Amber is completely done with Matt and starts dating a new guy. Farrah visits Omaha and Sophia expresses her dislike for Deb’s fiancé, David. Taylor surprises Maci and takes her skydiving. Catelynn and Tyler finally get to see Carly.

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Damn it. They're sucking me back in next week after that preview. What's Maci talking about?!

And holy shit, I'm so glad they fired Farrah's fucking ass again. There's no reason to snap at her producer for asking a question.

Edited by Madison Bumgarner
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4 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Gary is way too nice to Amber.  You haven’t seen Leah in ages because you’re too depressed but your new dude shows up and suddenly you’re fine and expect them to drop everything so you can come over.  

And yet she wasn't too depressed to go to CA and film a new show. Or pick up a new guy. Ugh. 

I missed the first half. Did she explain the whole "going to Vegas to see Matt" thing? (You know, code for Reality TV Boot Camp)

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Amber just does not care about Leah. I feel sorry for the new baby, because if Andrew doesn't step up, he's screwed.

I haven't been on here in forever and I forgot how much more fun you guys are than Reddit. If you dare say Ensley has a flat head, you get told "No child bashing!" Fucking ridiculous. It feels like the twilight zone when they're over there defending Jenelle.

Edited by Madison Bumgarner
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Calling bullshit on NewMatt being "from Malibu." He sure as fuck doesn't sound like any Californian I've met or grown up next to for the last 47 years. Also, fuck you, NewMatt.*

I'm behind Farrah gently telling people to fuck off on this episode.  Her producer, her mom. I laughed out loud when she passive aggressively pointed out to Sophia how her mom gives the non-apology and then just stares. lol.

I am a little worried about Sophia growling and hitting herself. That's...well...not the behavior of a neurotypical child. 

Also Tyler talks to Nova like she's a dog. 


* I snooped him. He has also lived in Monterey County and in Oregon. 

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
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36 minutes ago, druzy said:

Catelynn Carly doesn't miss you

She probably does.  In our family one of our boys had a child out of wedlock and the girl's parents whisked her away to another state and he did not meet his daughter until she was a late teen.  They were back in our state and walking through a mall and the daughter started to stare then follow a man, her bio dad.  She asked her mother if that was her father.  Just like Tyler she looks just like her dad.  Her mother finally contacted the bio dad and made arrangements to meet.  The daughter said she finally had someone that looked like her and both parents were adults and blended the two families.  She is now back with the family longer then she was gone and it as natural as if she never left.

26 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

At this point, to close the adoption, B&T would need to go inside some kind of reality tv relocation protection program.

I think the opposite needs to happen.  I get that Cate and Tyler were WRONG to post pics of Carly and talk about her all the time, absolutely wrong.  I am sure Carly loves her adoptive parents and she can love her bio parents too.  I love how in Iceland they have perfected the blended family.

28 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Cate...Carly could care less about seeing you at this point and the only thing Nova cared about was going to the park. And no, Carly was not "obsessed" over Nova-she was a little girl playing with another little girl. 

Having seen it myself, an adopted child is obsessed with a blood link with others.  Just having people that they can see themselves in is quite something.

17 minutes ago, pheebs said:

Sofeeya is genuinely worrying me. Growling and hitting herself?

Me too!  Farrah talks about how horrible her own childhood is and she is giving Sofia a terrible childhood too by making her very, very odd and mouthy.

11 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Christina is the most same and mature person in entire franchise! 


Amber is so self-centered.  It is better for Leah to live with Gary, he has done a great job with her.  I frankly don't know how he has learned to not get in a screaming match with Amber but good for him.  I thought Amber met the new guy when he worked in production on Marriage Bootcamp.  Off now to google how much money Matt stole from Amber.

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10 minutes ago, Frank the Tank said:

while her gremlin daughter is growling and snorting while licking herself ..... this is why you don’t feed Sofia after midnight


11 minutes ago, Frank the Tank said:

and damn fat sumo matt is coming off as a stalker

OMG!  Just reading about him here and here too.  You must be psychic.

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Ryan still seems fucked a bit. Their engagement photos were a joke. He doesn’t care he’s only staying with her cause she takes care of him. It’s pathetic.

When Gary and Kristina were taking to Amber at the table it seemed like two parents talking to their teenage daughter lol..and telling her to spend more time with her younger sister Leah.

Amber is a total joke. Oh I’m gonna take it slow oh wait prego within a month pretty much. Oo she didn’t let him around Leah like  one time. And she’s behind on child support. Total loser.

Im not trying to be mean or offend anyone but Sophia has some issues going on that need to be diagnosed. On the spectrum? I don’t know what’s going on but Farrah should deal with it and help her daughter.

Catelynn and Tyler I ff most of their stuff tonight. I just can’t with those 2 self important losers.

I usually like Taylor and found him good looking before but his beard is so raggity now it’s distracting. It’s like it’s not growing normal anymore. He needs to take it all off or trim it way up.

Edited by Marley
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13 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Man! Gary was about to bite his tongue OFF talking to Amber. He is so unimpressed w Amber and her fucking tears over why she cant be there for Leah. His side eyes were epic!

Brookynista, your eyes must be better than mine, because I didn't see any tears from Amber! An award-winning actress, she's not.


43 minutes ago, Frank the Tank said:

Ok where do I start with gaggle of misfits 

Lets start with good ol dead eyes Rhine complaining how difficult the pictures are gonna be since he has to put on a dress shirt and pants .... no wonder he won’t take a drug test he won’t pass cause he’s still high as fuck ... cmon I know a stoned bitch when I see one .... they probably had to super glue his eyelids open in the pics so he looks awake .... and how old is this fucking tool ... just sits around and puts decals on truck models .. I wish someone would just beat his spoiled as for the fun of it . As for Mackensie I hope those photographers can photoshop in a chin for that shrek looking bitch... how desperate you gotta be for fame and money to marry a total drugged out d bag then try and play the victim card ..... with those teeth and no chin her only quality would be as a can opener.


ok now Farrah the human blow up doll.. she’s just too easy to go on about ... she’s thinks she’s the Mother Theresa of whores .... tries to sound intelligent but once that pez dispenser opens its mouth you see how dumb it is.... says she doesn’t associate with crazy people while her gremlin daughter is growling and snorting while licking herself ..... this is why you don’t feed Sofia after midnight ... it turns into a gremlin .... they had the no water thing going cause god knows that real life garbage pail kid hadn’t touched water or soap since it’s birth .... also Deb lay off the peyote you look like a circus clown.

Then there’s Slamber.... the human slug .... always with the excuses to why she can’t see her daughter .... talk about a waste of space ... this bitch is the epitome of trailer trash knob gobbler. She’s too depressed to see her own daughter but perfectly fine to have her new bf ... matt In sumo suit come see her.... and damn fat sumo matt is coming off as a stalker .... was I the only one who found it weird when he said he was trying to follow slugsworth from room to room so he could hear more about her .... creepy but hey serial killers need love too.

Finally the Powe Couple .... Tyler and Cate .... I love how they have all the answers and the adoption parents she be lucky that they gave them Carley .... I wish .... shit I’ll pay the the adoption parents to never let those two mental giants see Carley again.... I fucking can not stand Tyler and cate .... every scene Tyler has his phone stuck in his face .... Tyler listen to me no one wants to buy your shit clothes bro .... you’re a complete d bag as your dirty cockroach dad. And I’m still wondering in amazement how that porch swing did not collapse when jean shorts queen decided to try it out..... you know her horse is thinking to himself every time she rides him ... what did I do to get punished .... poor horse is 2 yrs old and already has back problems for that piggly wiggly .... 


the only thing about maci is I wish they made her wear a mask so I didn’t have to see her man face when she talks .... I swear she’s a tranny .... she looks more masculine than that pirate she’s married to...

You're my new favorite, Frank the Tank!

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51 minutes ago, Frank the Tank said:

Ok where do I start with gaggle of misfits 

Lets start with good ol dead eyes Rhine complaining how difficult the pictures are gonna be since he has to put on a dress shirt and pants .... no wonder he won’t take a drug test he won’t pass cause he’s still high as fuck ... cmon I know a stoned bitch when I see one .... they probably had to super glue his eyelids open in the pics so he looks awake .... and how old is this fucking tool ... just sits around and puts decals on truck models .. I wish someone would just beat his spoiled as for the fun of it . As for Mackensie I hope those photographers can photoshop in a chin for that shrek looking bitch... how desperate you gotta be for fame and money to marry a total drugged out d bag then try and play the victim card ..... with those teeth and no chin her only quality would be as a can opener.


ok now Farrah the human blow up doll.. she’s just too easy to go on about ... she’s thinks she’s the Mother Theresa of whores .... tries to sound intelligent but once that pez dispenser opens its mouth you see how dumb it is.... says she doesn’t associate with crazy people while her gremlin daughter is growling and snorting while licking herself ..... this is why you don’t feed Sofia after midnight ... it turns into a gremlin .... they had the no water thing going cause god knows that real life garbage pail kid hadn’t touched water or soap since it’s birth .... also Deb lay off the peyote you look like a circus clown.

Then there’s Slamber.... the human slug .... always with the excuses to why she can’t see her daughter .... talk about a waste of space ... this bitch is the epitome of trailer trash knob gobbler. She’s too depressed to see her own daughter but perfectly fine to have her new bf ... matt In sumo suit come see her.... and damn fat sumo matt is coming off as a stalker .... was I the only one who found it weird when he said he was trying to follow slugsworth from room to room so he could hear more about her .... creepy but hey serial killers need love too.

Finally the Powe Couple .... Tyler and Cate .... I love how they have all the answers and the adoption parents she be lucky that they gave them Carley .... I wish .... shit I’ll pay  the adoption parents to never let those two mental giants see Carley again.... I fucking can not stand Tyler and cate .... every scene Tyler has his phone stuck in his face .... Tyler listen to me no one wants to buy your shit clothes bro .... you’re a complete d bag as is your dirty cockroach dad. And I’m still wondering in amazement how that porch swing did not collapse when jean shorts queen decided to try it out..... you know her horse is thinking to himself every time cate gets on to ride him ... what did I do to get punished .... poor horse is 2 yrs old and already has back problems for that piggly wiggly .... 


the only thing about maci is I wish they made her wear a mask so I didn’t have to see her man face when she talks .... I swear she’s a tranny .... she looks more masculine than that pirate she’s married to...

I'm in tears!! They must have rug burn from the dragging you just gave them. 

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Wait. Farrah was fired again? 


I think C&T saw Carly twice. Or something. The pictures they showed from the visit had Cate wearing not the tank top but he drapy shirt she is wearing the next day as she and Tyler talk at the picnic table. Haha! Dawn got stuck in the middle seat in the back of the van. That made me chuckle. 


High five to Gary for being over Amber's crap. And she is already letting New Matt drive her car? Also, why didn't she know the answer the producer asked him as to if he had kids or not. Shouldn't that have been discussed prior to him flying out to visit? I ... just ... can't. 


Farrah! Don't you dare claim Omaha or Nebraska. You too Deb. Y'all are from Council Bluffs, Iowa aka Counciltucky.

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1 hour ago, Frank the Tank said:

Ok where do I start with gaggle of misfits 

Lets start with good ol dead eyes Rhine complaining how difficult the pictures are gonna be since he has to put on a dress shirt and pants .... no wonder he won’t take a drug test he won’t pass cause he’s still high as fuck ... cmon I know a stoned bitch when I see one .... they probably had to super glue his eyelids open in the pics so he looks awake .... and how old is this fucking tool ... just sits around and puts decals on truck models .. I wish someone would just beat his spoiled as for the fun of it . As for Mackensie I hope those photographers can photoshop in a chin for that shrek looking bitch... how desperate you gotta be for fame and money to marry a total drugged out d bag then try and play the victim card ..... with those teeth and no chin her only quality would be as a can opener.


ok now Farrah the human blow up doll.. she’s just too easy to go on about ... she’s thinks she’s the Mother Theresa of whores .... tries to sound intelligent but once that pez dispenser opens its mouth you see how dumb it is.... says she doesn’t associate with crazy people while her gremlin daughter is growling and snorting while licking herself ..... this is why you don’t feed Sofia after midnight ... it turns into a gremlin .... they had the no water thing going cause god knows that real life garbage pail kid hadn’t touched water or soap since it’s birth .... also Deb lay off the peyote you look like a circus clown.

Then there’s Slamber.... the human slug .... always with the excuses to why she can’t see her daughter .... talk about a waste of space ... this bitch is the epitome of trailer trash knob gobbler. She’s too depressed to see her own daughter but perfectly fine to have her new bf ... matt In sumo suit come see her.... and damn fat sumo matt is coming off as a stalker .... was I the only one who found it weird when he said he was trying to follow slugsworth from room to room so he could hear more about her .... creepy but hey serial killers need love too.

Finally the Powe Couple .... Tyler and Cate .... I love how they have all the answers and the adoption parents she be lucky that they gave them Carley .... I wish .... shit I’ll pay  the adoption parents to never let those two mental giants see Carley again.... I fucking can not stand Tyler and cate .... every scene Tyler has his phone stuck in his face .... Tyler listen to me no one wants to buy your shit clothes bro .... you’re a complete d bag as is your dirty cockroach dad. And I’m still wondering in amazement how that porch swing did not collapse when jean shorts queen decided to try it out..... you know her horse is thinking to himself every time cate gets on to ride him ... what did I do to get punished .... poor horse is 2 yrs old and already has back problems for that piggly wiggly .... 


the only thing about maci is I wish they made her wear a mask so I didn’t have to see her man face when she talks .... I swear she’s a tranny .... she looks more masculine than that pirate she’s married to...

Frank the Tank, you sound like one of those comedian roasters I see on Comedy Central. Hilarious and impressive! 

16 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

I know we kind to snark on C & T and that can resume after this comment. 

Watching that scene with those still shots, I’m a total mess. I am so choked up seeing caits face in that one photo where she is hugging Carly It was just so heartbreaking and I could just feel all of that pain. 

Having two children of my own (one who is only 3 months today!) makes me feel totally differently thAn I did when I saw their 16 and pregnant. 

I think that visit Alone may have sent me to a rehab or mental health facility. It’s just Almost too much to process. I just feel really bad for Caitlin in many ways. She’s had such a fucked up very sad life. 

I agree. Her heartbreak sounds so sincere. She's doing herself more harm than good with those yearly visits. 

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13 minutes ago, Mischievious said:

Wait. Farrah was fired again? 



God I hope so. Honestly, as far as I'm concerned Maci and her hubs are the only people here that are close to normal. I mean they work, they do homework with Bentley and we see them taking care of the other kids. I mean the girl actually makes supper and cleans up etc etc.  Gary and his wife would also qualify for the normal as they can possibly achieve club.  The rest of these idiots are ridiculous.

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14 hours ago, Mischievious said:

I think C&T saw Carly twice. Or something. The pictures they showed from the visit had Cate wearing not the tank top but he drapy shirt she is wearing the next day as she and Tyler talk at the picnic table.

I noticed that as well.  First I thought that it was the next day, but now I'm thinking that it was an early afternoon, then evening meet-up.  Cate said that Carly asked to ride with them so they were definitely meeting somewhere else that day.  Maybe the little kids needed to have some naps and quiet time.  And mean old Theresa said 'no', Carly couldn't ride with them.  One place Carly should NEVER be is alone with C&T. 

Edited by eskimo
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1 minute ago, eskimo said:

 And mean old Theresa said 'no', Carly couldn't ride with them.  One place Carly should NEVER be is alone with C&T. 

She wouldn't even have fit. Did you see how tightly Dawn was squeezed into that backseat. Tyler probably said, "oh, she can sit on my lap." Ha!

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27 minutes ago, eskimo said:

I noticed that as well.  First I thought that it was the next day, but now I'm thinking that it was a early afternoon, then evening meet-up.  Cate said that Carly asked to ride with them so they were definitely meeting somewhere else that day.  Maybe the little kids needed to have some naps and quiet time.  And mean old Theresa said 'no', Carly couldn't ride with them.  One place Carly should NEVER be is alone with C&T. 

Great catch! I heard Cate say that and didn’t think a thing about it. And shame on me for not applauding Theresa for saying ‘no.’ 

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1 hour ago, Linny said:

Alright, let me get this straight: Amber ends her tumultuous and toxic relationship with Matt and almost immediately begins talking to a guy who hit her up on social media (just like Matt), invites this dude to her home and lets him stay as long as he wants (just like Matt), admits this guy is a distraction from her problems (but distracting herself with her kid isn't a viable option apparently), admits she has no plan (which explains the forthcoming pregnancy), and continues to only have anything to do with Leah when the mood strikes her (much to Gary's justified exasperation). But yeah, her situation is soooo different now and she's "learned her lesson." You know, I used to have sympathy for Amber for getting ensnared in Matt's manipulative web, but that sympathy ends now. She's showing the same poor judgment she's always shown, she's still focusing on everything but her daughter, and she's using her mental health as an excuse for her relentlessly shitty parenting. I see nothing in her behavior that I can support or understand, so all my good will is going toward the casualties of Amber's drama: Leah, who is stuck with a flighty fairweather mother, and Gary, who will forever be burdened with picking up Amber's slack.

Amber met Baby Huey through the Marriage Boot Camp show, not social media.

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Cate just stop projecting your shit onto Carly. She is not missing you!  

Gary, take Amber's ass to court for that support she owes. Ten grand is a shit load of support money. 

I see Amber still resorts to her threats to get her way..."You are pissing me off" to Gary when he was trying to tell her she could not just stop by at the last minute. 

She owes ten grand and she's be-bopping around in a Range Rover?? That some new scheister is driving?? If she had any self- awareness at all she would trade that shit in for a Honda. Instead she's keeping up with her of the manor born lifestyle while we all know Old Matt has robbed her blind.

No Amby, that's Gary's jeep til he is made square. Gary needs to come for her guns blazing.


Eta: was this bitch really saying Old Matt asked to see her every day? Cause he's broke and a new seaon has started dumbass! He needs a re-up!

Edited by Brooklynista
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Jesus Ryan was high as fuck again. His dear wife was getting angry just like when he was driving high to that awful wedding because he is not supposed to act that way on camera. She just wants to portrait their relationship as this happy fairy tale but Ryan is ruining her narration. He was weirdly talkative like we saw him before when he took something. He obviously doesn't give a fuck as long as his diaper is changed and his dealer is on time.  I guess famewhoring still pays well enough and obviously means more to Mackenzie (I hate she has that name as our first sweet doggie was called that name and I don't want him to be associated with this despicable person in any shape and form) than finding normal guy who doesn't do drugs and it's not a danger to her child. I can't wait for this to go all wrong (as we are already seeing) and then she can go play a victim and do a run on all the trashy talk shows to squeeze a little more money out of this shit show.  It's fascinating how she is trying to manage him to play "happy and in love" so they can take pictures of their engagement long after their sham of a wedding. I bet she already had them sold to some magazine so he had to do it otherwise she wouldn't buy him more pilses. It seems this couple will provide enough drama and Macy will become obsolete and hopefully cut from the show.

Catelynn  is delusional if she thinks Carly misses them. The kid barely knows who they are. She definitely can't remember meeting them the first 3-4 years of her life so she probably met them 3-4 times including their wedding that she can have any real memory off. She might only remember them because they send her these ugly clothes in weirdly stinking packages with mysterious glass instruments that her parents immediately throw to the trash.

Farrah should take a long hard look at her new bestie Frenchie and stop with her plastic surgeries otherwise she will end up on Botched like Frenchie did. Oh but she already appeared on that so never mind. Another reality show checked off her list. I should go check her Imdb to see everything she appeared in. I wonder if there is separate database for porn  or if they just jam it all together. At least she works and doesn't go from one fucked up relationship to another. Or if she does she keeps it private. Thank you Farrah for acting seminormal the last few years. The bar is set very low for these people if nasty person like her seems  better than the rest of them. I might actually miss her but not filming might be actually good for her feral turning child who wants to please her mom so she repeats all those nasty things she hears about her grandmother from her mother. Not that Debra is not nasty... seems this trait runs in the family.

And Amber took about 3 and half minutes after breaking up with her "fiancee"  and "her soulmate" to get over him and find new man. Or maybe he " found" her? It was just couple episodes ago when he was still living with her and trying to get back in her good graces (and bank account). I don't pray but maybe I should start as the upcoming child should be better off to never be born, that's how sorry I feel for him/her. Maybe Gary and Christina will take it in but then Amber cannot seem to care about paying child support for her first child anyway. Leah is lucky if she sees her "birth" mother once a month despite her living only 30 minutes away. That's a pretty huge sum to not give to her Boo, it must be at least a year since Gary seen any money from her. She always has some mental health excuse why she didn't see Leah for months. Stay on your meds and stop jumping from D to D and learn how to be a proper mom! But I guess dogs are her babies now (like she said tonight) - they don't require as much attention, but wait... Her favorite must be the cat, that one doesn't need anything but some food and water and if Amber sleeps too late cat can always catch some spare rodent and find a puddle. Actually after thinking about it some more Amber's very favorite must be a snake as it doesn't need to eat but couple times a month. That would also explain her weird infatuation with Matt despite him having forgot to tell her about his gazillion children. But he just did what Amber does to Leah on regular basis - abandoned them - so it was fine, no harm done... Until he took too many "cookies" from her cookie jar. 

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Gary stated Amber owes $9600 in child support. Wow.  So, at the filming of this episode (Aug/Sept) she is 8 months behind....  She stopped paying Gary before Matt even ran off. 

Edited by CofCinci
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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Amber met Baby Huey through the Marriage Boot Camp show, not social media.

I said he hit her up on social media, not that she met him on social media (meaning that until he made that contact, their only prior association was professional). I'm just suspicious that this guy seems to be following Matt's modus operandi of sliding into the DMs of an emotionally insecure woman, immediately ingratiating himself with her, immediately meeting her kid, etc.

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