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S06.E00: Steven & Justin Assanti: Where Are They Now?

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Unfortunately psychological treatment will not help Steven.  He is a psychopath.  If he was a more normal weight, he’d be preying on others for drugs and food. Remember Andrew Cunanan?   Steven could easily be him.  

Justin is just damaged and has underlying rage.  You can see he seething hates his brother and resentful that his dad bows down to Steven.   A good therapist would help Justin immensely succeed in losing weight and having a real life.  But that would take time.  

Steven Sr knows he’s screws up his kids and carries the guilt, hence the reason why he indulges them.  Family counseling over a course of time would help, too. 

If TLC gave a shit, the would pay for counseling for Justin and his father.  JMPO but surgery is only part of the puzzle.   Without counseling, Justin will not keep the weight off.  

  • Love 9

What the hell is this disgusting, dysfunctional family holding over TLC & Dr Now that they feel it necessary to keep updating us on them?

I kind of remember Steven seeing a therapist in the past. The day he "tucked & rolled" out of the back of the golf cart, he had an appointment with the therapist, he claimed to be in too much pain, so dad saw therapist while Jr sat in the van & called the paramedics. The therapist talked Sr into standing up to Jr. 

Those legs! I have always thought they looked like hooves also.

Jr thinks he is some celebrity & is loving all of this publicity. I went onto his Facebook page once after the very first time this family aired & he had women telling him how they loved him. What in the world does Sr think is going to happen since Jr had this surgery....Jr would automatically lose 600 pounds, his body,, which is completely deformed due to his abuse, would look like a normal body should look, he will suddenly mature to the maturity level of a 36 year old man, get a job, find s good woman & start spawning his own Steven Jr's and Justin's. 

I'm so glad Dr Now finally told Justin that he's actually in worse shape than his brother. I think because he's mobile & semi productive, he & Sr think he's in better shape. He's 7 years younger than Jr.  At the rate he's going, in 7 years, he's going to be 1000 lbs. I've never seen a customer in his hobby store.   Yet, there was a little blurb that said he's thinking about opening a second location.  His store reminds me of a garage sale setup. 

Another blurb saying Justin is writing a book about his terrors of growing up with Steven, says it will be a psychological thriller, how scary! 

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I wonder just what the Dad does for a living. Owns a pretty nice-sized house. Before TLC got involved he must have been paying something for Stephens treatment. He's bankrolling Justins hobby store. He  must be bleeding money.

After being told he's on a watch list to stop him from getting opiates at any ER and being told in no uncertain terms by Dr. Now that he won't prescribe any more pain pills; Stephen shows up at his office, in an ambulance no less, and innocently asks for a refill.  Is he brainless, thick or what?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, LuciaMia said:

I wonder just what the Dad does for a living. Owns a pretty nice-sized house. Before TLC got involved he must have been paying something for Stephens treatment. He's bankrolling Justins hobby store. He  must be bleeding money.

After being told he's on a watch list to stop him from getting opiates at any ER and being told in no uncertain terms by Dr. Now that he won't prescribe any more pain pills; Stephen shows up at his office, in an ambulance no less, and innocently asks for a refill.  Is he brainless, thick or what?

If I remember correctly, dad had a window cleaning business. 

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2 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

What the hell is this disgusting, dysfunctional family holding over TLC & Dr Now that they feel it necessary to keep updating us on them?

I wonder too.  

2 hours ago, LuciaMia said:

I wonder just what the Dad does for a living. Owns a pretty nice-sized house. Before TLC got involved he must have been paying something for Stephens treatment. He's bankrolling Justins hobby store. He  must be bleeding money.

I wouldn't want to look into it too closely.

  • Love 1

Things I'm thankful for:

- There is no Smell-O-Vision yet.

The fact that Dr Now casually told Steven that he smells bad means it is an on going problem.


- That I not in the business of providing home heath health assistance to people like these folks.


Another takeaway, I don't think Steven and Justin have the same mother.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Noirprncess said:

Things I'm thankful for:

- There is no Smell-O-Vision yet.

The fact that Dr Now casually told Steven that he smells bad means it is an on going problem.


- That I not in the business of providing home heath health assistance to people like these folks.


Another takeaway, I don't think Steven and Justin have the same mother.

I remember one of the previous episodes, Steven was getting ready to go to the Dr's, he took a bottle of cologne and sprayed all around his crotch, like that would mask the smell. 

I agree with you about different mothers, they have no similar features...except their body types.

20 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Yeah, but Charles Manson was about 130 lbs and you didn’t have to be re enacted by a d list actress in Half Ton Killer, because he wouldn’t crush you.  Also, Charlie was terribly charismatic and street smart.  

Oh man, I so wanted to say something about Manson and the Menendez brothers and how they are in a different league than Steven, but couldn't figure how to say it without getting kicked off the board. : )  

  • Love 5

I think I said this before but I genuinely feel like there is something OFF with Steven. Like, not the types of mental illness we see in the others on this show. It feels like something fundamental is wrong with him. The way he treat people, the way he looks at them and speaks to them, it's like he's observing aliens or lesser beings who amuse and/or enrage him. He doesn't connect with anyone emotionally at all, everyone exists to serve him in some form whether with attention, drugs, money, entertainment etc and he legitimately doesn't seem to care about anything except attention. Never once have I felt any sense of genuine emotion or warmth from him - the crying it always fake or because of something physical, not emotional; the positive stuff is fake as heck too; it's all just fake. I don't think therapy will help him, I think he's beyond any kind of help.

Edited by missnoa
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One thing I don't understand is how Justin gets away with not going to a doctor and getting his weight checked for over a year. I assume he must be on diabetic medication. My sister has to go to the doctor every 6 months to get her ac levels checked, and gets weighed in order to refill her medication. How do these people get their medications refilled without having to go to the doctor?

  • Love 1

From what I've found online, they are full brothers.  It kind of makes sense.  As Steven is talking to Mama on the phone, Justin is saying things like, "Tell her to go ______ herself."  If she were Steven's mother - who left - why would Justin hate her so much?  If she were Justin's mother, why would Steven be so happy to talk to her?  Justin has a lot of anger towards her because of her abandoning them when they were little.  One article says she would lock them in the house with food and go drinking and clubbing.  Steven would eat all the food before Justin got any.  No surprise there.

Besides . . . try as I might, I can't imagine there are TWO women on earth who would sleep with Steven Sr.  Maybe one woman with a drinking problem, but surely not two!

  • Love 6

If you search on YouTube, you will find they get much more disturbing. The song post above " I cant see my little cock", is an old song of his...there are other versions of it?.  He also said he wants to become more famous, and be an entertainer, so Im afraid he may really push the boundaries more and more, which could be dangerous.

I had the misfortune of seeing those videos of Steven dancing and giggling on Youtube. Scary stuff. He thinks he's a celebrity. Many others have said it before and I agree 100% that if he were of a normal size and out in society with the rest of us he would be a serial rapist and possible killer of men, women, anybody. I'm trying to think of the logistics of him going to prison in his current state. Would they accommodate to him or just wheel him in there and leave him to take care of himself? I can guarantee he would offer sexual favors for drugs and extra food of course, but I'm wondering if the other inmates would even want that. 

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, Onceafan said:

One thing I don't understand is how Justin gets away with not going to a doctor and getting his weight checked for over a year. I assume he must be on diabetic medication. My sister has to go to the doctor every 6 months to get her ac levels checked, and gets weighed in order to refill her medication. How do these people get their medications refilled without having to go to the doctor?

I'm a Type 2, so maybe it's different for Type 1s, but I can get away with seeing my doc once a year (tho I don't, usually). I think my scripts last for a year, as well. I've had to get refills and they haven't made me come in. On the other hand, I'm a regular patient (I go to the hospital connected to the university where I work, so all the paperwork for everything is available  to anyone who sees me) and I guess they can tell that I'm fairly consistent with my visits and blood work and I'll be back.  : )  If a diabetic can get medication without regularly seeing a doctor, I'm going to assume that they'd rather write a script than have a dead diabetic on their hands.

I'm probably not considering all situations, but insulin and maybe anti-rejection drugs for people with organ transplants are the only drugs I can think of that people need all the time as opposed to being able to wait a few weeks to get in to see the doc. 

Also - isn't that a picture of Marilyn Monroe on Steven's wall? In 64 years, I've never met a straight guy who had, or would have, that on his wall. Just sayin' that Steven may have some issues he needs to explore.

Edited by aliya
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On 1/6/2018 at 0:50 PM, LuciaMia said:

 Is he brainless, thick or what?

He's a junkie.  A junkie will stoop to whatever low he needs to in order to get his fix.  It doesn't matter what rules have been set for him by Dr. Now.  Steven is a pill head and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

And let's face it...he's shopping ERs around Houston again because it works.

ETA: There's a writing campaign on Twitter in order to save poor little Cupcake.  Send your messages of concern here: https://twitter.com/houstonhumane?lang=en

Edited by bethster2000
  • Love 1
13 hours ago, notyrmomma said:

He keeps posting on facebook how you can paypal him $20 to make you laugh and other sums of money to do various things in a video.  I wanted to ask how much for you to check yourself into rehab, but I didn't want my name out there for the public to see.

I know!  I wanted to comment on his FB, but I'm genuinely afraid of him.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

ETA: There's a writing campaign on Twitter in order to save poor little Cupcake.  Send your messages of concern here: https://twitter.com/houstonhumane?lang=en

https://twitter.com/search?q=%40houstonhumane cupcake&src=typd&lang=en 

Well dang.  If we can't save Stephen, there might be hope for little C-cake.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, aliya said:

I'm a Type 2, so maybe it's different for Type 1s, but I can get away with seeing my doc once a year (tho I don't, usually). I think my scripts last for a year, as well. I've had to get refills and they haven't made me come in. On the other hand, I'm a regular patient (I go to the hospital connected to the university where I work, so all the paperwork for everything is available  to anyone who sees me) and I guess they can tell that I'm fairly consistent with my visits and blood work and I'll be back.  : )  If a diabetic can get medication without regularly seeing a doctor, I'm going to assume that they'd rather write a script than have a dead diabetic on their hands.

I'm probably not considering all situations, but insulin and maybe anti-rejection drugs for people with organ transplants are the only drugs I can think of that people need all the time as opposed to being able to wait a few weeks to get in to see the doc. 

Also - isn't that a picture of Marilyn Monroe on Steven's wall? In 64 years, I've never met a straight guy who had, or would have, that on his wall. Just sayin' that Steven may have some issues he needs to explore.

This exactly. Steven is not bisexual, he is gay. And I’m not at all saying that as a negative, just that, no Dad, there will never be a girl because not only is he gross and disgusting, but because he is 100% gay. The father is beyond delusional.

  • Love 7
On 1/7/2018 at 0:59 AM, missnoa said:

I think I said this before but I genuinely feel like there is something OFF with Steven. Like, not the types of mental illness we see in the others on this show. It feels like something fundamental is wrong with him. The way he treat people, the way he looks at them and speaks to them, it's like he's observing aliens or lesser beings who amuse and/or enrage him. He doesn't connect with anyone emotionally at all, everyone exists to serve him in some form whether with attention, drugs, money, entertainment etc and he legitimately doesn't seem to care about anything except attention. Never once have I felt any sense of genuine emotion or warmth from him - the crying it always fake or because of something physical, not emotional; the positive stuff is fake as heck too; it's all just fake. I don't think therapy will help him, I think he's beyond any kind of help.

You just described a sociopath which is exactly what Steven is. And yes there is no help for a sociopath.

  • Love 2

Sigh, finally got up the courage to watch the trainwreck.  

  • Dad really does love Steven and Justin; but IMO shows favoritism to Steven; but maybe Justin can no longer tolerate how his brother treats his father and has some resentment towards his dad for tolerating such abuse.  
  • Steven must have a home health worker to do stuff for him; except for cleaning the kitty box
  • Dr. Now still rocks; but how he can continue to treat Steven is a mystery.  Giving him a sleeve will be a fail since Steven refuses to adhere to instructions. 
  • Prediction:  Steven will never be more than a freak and there are no awards shows for that.  Maybe something on MTV.  
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On 1/6/2018 at 8:35 PM, spankydoll said:

Is that some sort of porn?

I'm not clicking the links, but "feeder porn" is a thing.  So is porn and fetish videos of people smearing food on themselves, smushing food with their feet, etc.  And no, I don't watch that stuff, but this show has opened my eyes to the darker side of the world.

This discussion also makes me think of that King of the Hill episode, where Peggy gets tricked into making fetish videos with her big feet.  

On 1/6/2018 at 11:59 PM, missnoa said:

I think I said this before but I genuinely feel like there is something OFF with Steven. Like, not the types of mental illness we see in the others on this show. It feels like something fundamental is wrong with him. The way he treat people, the way he looks at them and speaks to them, it's like he's observing aliens or lesser beings who amuse and/or enrage him. He doesn't connect with anyone emotionally at all, everyone exists to serve him in some form whether with attention, drugs, money, entertainment etc and he legitimately doesn't seem to care about anything except attention. Never once have I felt any sense of genuine emotion or warmth from him - the crying it always fake or because of something physical, not emotional; the positive stuff is fake as heck too; it's all just fake. I don't think therapy will help him, I think he's beyond any kind of help.

He is a sociopath.  They have no empathy.  To them, other people are just a means to an end.  Many sociopaths learn to mimic actual human emotions and empathy so that they blend in to society.  I'm guessing Justin hasn't because he doesn't spend that much time in actual society.  Or maybe he just doesn't care.  Doing what he has done has always gotten him what he wanted, so why bother?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, 88Keys said:

I'm not clicking the links, but "feeder porn" is a thing.  So is porn and fetish videos of people smearing food on themselves, smushing food with their feet, etc.  And no, I don't watch that stuff, but this show has opened my eyes to the darker side of the world.

This discussion also makes me think of that King of the Hill episode, where Peggy gets tricked into making fetish videos with her big feet.  

He is a sociopath.  They have no empathy.  To them, other people are just a means to an end.  Many sociopaths learn to mimic actual human emotions and empathy so that they blend in to society.  I'm guessing Justin hasn't because he doesn't spend that much time in actual society.  Or maybe he just doesn't care.  Doing what he has done has always gotten him what he wanted, so why bother?

This is why I'm surprised he even got the surgery. It may have made for good tv (in a twisted way), but Steven didn't deserve the help. He's probably back to his old tricks of faking pain to get drugs or has found some other addiction. I wish Dr. Now had sent him packing, he was way too patient with Steven; another, more appreciative person could have been in his place.

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There was once a person denied surgery because she (I think it was a woman) was three lbs over the goal Now set for her- he wanted her to lose 40 and she lost 37.  So he sent her home and made her come back in a new month, with a new goal and the three lbs!  I wonder how that person felt seeing Steven just get approved?

  • Love 6

I am still amazed at Steve's ability to get so many many MANY prescriptions drugs without being caught!!!  How does he get them/still get them?

On 1/8/2018 at 1:24 AM, bethster2000 said:

e's a junkie.  A junkie will stoop to whatever low he needs to in order to get his fix.  It doesn't matter what rules have been set for him by Dr. Now.  Steven is a pill head and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

And let's face it...he's shopping ERs around Houston again because it works.

Does this answer my question?  I want him to get busted now for his opiate abuse.  How can he get so many pills while bedridden?  Does his dad get them for him?  Or his brother?  Why do I care?  LOL!

On 1/7/2018 at 8:10 PM, kewpiedolls said:

I had the misfortune of seeing those videos of Steven dancing and giggling on Youtube. Scary stuff. He thinks he's a celebrity. Many others have said it before and I agree 100% that if he were of a normal size and out in society with the rest of us he would be a serial rapist and possible killer of men, women, anybody. I'm trying to think of the logistics of him going to prison in his current state. Would they accommodate to him or just wheel him in there and leave him to take care of himself? I can guarantee he would offer sexual favors for drugs and extra food of course, but I'm wondering if the other inmates would even want that. 

Ironically, Prison is the only thing that would save his miserable life. 2200 calories a day and no drugs. And nobody would put up with his TomFuckery. He would inevitably be in isolation, because, Reasons. Also they would make him bathe. Then, once he hangs himself in his cell, the state would cremate him. One less Wart on the Ass of Humanity. Done and Done. *Claps hands in  dusting-off motion*.

Fuck him.* hork

  • Love 3
50 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

Ironically, Prison is the only thing that would save his miserable life. 2200 calories a day and no drugs. And nobody would put up with his TomFuckery.

True this.  They would not put up with any of his shit - no wonder he about crapped his pants FOR REAL when Dr. Now was reeling off off all the meds he was taking/abusing.  He probably thought the law was on the other side of the door waiting to arrest him for prescription pill shopping/abuse.  No cell phone/tablet none of those creature comforts IN JAIL.  Free Cupcake!!!

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Rachel in Texas said:

Y'all, I was looking at reviews of a hospital my aunt is in and found this. This hospital has to be 30 minutes away...


In other words, the ER told this Warthog from Hell that there would be no Hydocodone today, so you can get back in your Uber and Go away, Mr Assanti.  

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You guys, I want to watch this episode to see THE  HOOF, but I'm scared. Also, I hate to watch trash tv without a snack, and snacking is impossible during this show. 


I hate Steven more than any reality show character ever, and that includes all Housewives, Hoarders, and Survivors. (OK, maybe not the hoarders who neglect their pets.)

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