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S08.E01: Stronger Than Ever

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13 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

That Harry and Lisa duo IS creepy. There's an old rumor that he was accused of raping Julianne Moore and when Lisa found out, went after Julieanne with threats and ruination if she disclosed it. That was supposedly what Kim was alluding to when Rinna had her Teresa Guidice moment in Amsterdam. At the time I didn't believe it, but after seeing Rinna in action the last couple years, I think she's nuts. Mean nuts. 

And I bet that chance encounter between Kyle and Harry on the hiking path, wasn't such 'chance'. That was menacing. He knew she hiked there. Creepy is right on the money.

Gentle correction: Julianne Phillips. A subtle difference in terms of name but an important one in terms of power. 

I agree with all of your interpretations, though!

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1 minute ago, twilightzone said:

We all know PK is no stranger to lawsuits - since he been sued many times for scamming and bad business dealings.  I'm sure if he even remotely thought he could win litigation against Rinna, he would have done so.

Dorit staying on the show is probably important to them, not to mention the clause they have in their contracts that they can't sue one another. 

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2 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

LOL at Erika suggesting on camera that she would do DWTS  All Stars.  Wasn't she voted out like the second episode?  Not hardly a fan favorite.  That talking head with the Dog ears some how reminds me of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.

4th to be voted out tyvm! 

Edited by Primal Slayer
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9 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Gentle correction: Julianne Phillips. A subtle difference in terms of name but an important one in terms of power. 

I agree with all of your interpretations, though!

Oops! You're right! Will fix, THANKS!

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6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

4th to be voted out tyvm! 

Thanks. I knew it was early in the season.

Lisa R doing the vitamin infusions. How long will it be before she says she has the lemon-lime disease?

Also, if it is true about Harry H and Julianne Phillips, I hope he is publicly outed soon.

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8 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

It speaks to their insecurity in themselves and their standing that they need these labels to scream designer to feel like a somebody. It also highlights their obvious lack of taste in refinement. Can anyone imagine Luanne pointing out 'it's Prada!' When given a compliment? Whose wearing who? Are you wearing Prada or is Prada wearing you? Dorinda-not Dorit-frequently wears high-end designers, but she looks so elegant and moneyed. Erika and Marlo look like trash with money. Sorry. :)

One of my favorite housewife quotes ever comes from Dorinda - "Money screams, wealth whispers" (not sure if she originated that quote, though) - seems to be the same with these women's fashions, as well.  Although, I think that Erika IS actually wealthy, and Marlo just uses the DSL version of getting her designer duds.  See - I learned something new tonight!!  ;-)  

And, don't be sorry - your opinion is spot on!  

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WTF was going on with Erika in her TH with the black poofy dress, pink raccoon eyes and that odd-looking tiara on her head?  Did Mikey do that to her?

Dorit tries so hard to impress it's painful.  I know I liked something about her last season but maybe it was just because she seemed like the underdog.  

Teddi made a good first impression.  I like the differences between the desperate fame whores (Erika, Dorit, Taylor, Lisa R...) and the ones who grew up in the industry (Kyle, Kim, Eden...).  Plus, I love a dry sense of humor (smart ass).  

That's quite interesting about the Harry Hamlin/Julianne Phillips rumor.  I always thought Kim was just bullshitting but now it actually makes some sense.  

Edited by enchantingmonkey
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3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

One of my favorite housewife quotes ever comes from Dorinda - "Money screams, wealth whispers" (not sure if she originated that quote, though) - seems to be the same with these women's fashions, as well.  Although, I think that Erika IS actually wealthy, and Marlo just uses the DSL version of getting her designer duds.  See - I learned something new tonight!!  ;-)  

And, don't be sorry - your opinion is spot on!  

Loved that quote too, and it's SO TRUE! 

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1 hour ago, mbaywife123 said:

I really don't like or dislike Dorit but I do appreciate the fact that she says Thank You to servers, drivers, ect. And not in a snobby way. Manners are a good thing.

Kind of like how the thing I appreciate most about the mess that is Kelly Dodd in RHoC is that she has amazing table etiquette - she holds her fork and cuts her food in the classic European way!

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53 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

That Harry and Lisa duo IS creepy. There's an old rumor that he was accused of raping Julianne Phillips and when Lisa found out, went after Julianne with threats and ruination if she disclosed it. That was supposedly what Kim was alluding to when Rinna had her Teresa Guidice moment in Amsterdam. At the time I didn't believe it, but after seeing Rinna in action the last couple years, I think she's nuts. Mean nuts. 

And I bet that chance encounter between Kyle and Harry on the hiking path, wasn't such 'chance'. That was menacing. He knew she hiked there. Creepy is right on the money.

According to Erika on "WWHL," next week they deal with that! Kyle must talk to Rinna about it and it's resolved in some way! ;-)

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2 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

D!CK Suckin' Lips! She's so gross, trashy, and disgusting! ;-(


1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

Dick sucking lips. Erika and the glam skwad dropped the reference a couple of times tonight because they are kewl.

Thanks! I do remember hearing that, but got distracted by Doritos 8 million hairstyles.

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3 minutes ago, Cranky One said:


Thanks! I do remember hearing that, but got distracted by Doritos 8 million hairstyles.

She's not even an entertainer; even though we see her hogging the MIC with Boy George next week! It makes no sense! ;-)

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5 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Dick sucking lips. Erika and the glam skwad dropped the reference a couple of times tonight because they are kewl.

I think it's like a wink to her gay fans.  It doesn't seem like something straight women would use in reference to each other.  

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14 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

I think it's like a wink to her gay fans.  It doesn't seem like something straight women would use in reference to each other.  

To keep her husband from being jealous, she surrounds herself with gay people! It's a deflection so he doesn't "Kelsey Grammar" her "gold-digging" arse one day! lol! ;-)

12 minutes ago, filmfan2480 said:

What I've looked forward to most of all.

I like her enough! She was a little twisted a few years ago, but like Shannon of the OC, she was probably going thru a lot with the fickle Kelsey Grammar! ;-(

Edited by Fiero425
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Drink every time you hear the words Harry Hamlin



One of my favorite housewife quotes ever comes from Dorinda - "Money screams, wealth whispers" (not sure if she originated that quote, though)

She definitely didn't originate it.

Edited by BBHN
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37 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

I think it's like a wink to her gay fans.  It doesn't seem like something straight women would use in reference to each other.  

It is, but at the same time Erika doesn't ever invoke other references that gays might get like saying "she looks fish." There's an entire lexicon that Erika refuses to invoke because those actually desexualize her. She'll never call herself a kitty girl either. Erika can pretend these are winks and nods to gay fans, but she avoids a ton of inside references that would detract from her being sexy sexy sexy because she has an issue with not being seen as sexy sexy sexy.

After learning about the Julianne Phillips rumor, I couldn't look at Rinna or Harry the same way. It's horrifying.

Edited by HunterHunted
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4 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

To keep her husband from being jealous, she surrounds herself with gay people! It's a deflection so he doesn't "Kelsey Grammar" her "gold-digging arse one day! lol! ;-)

I like her enough! She was a little twisted a few years ago, but like Shannon of the OC, she was probably going thru a lot with the fickle Kelsey Grammar! ;-(

Oh, Twisted, indeed. But shes really changed her persona over the years and I think shes just a lovely, amiable presence in this group. I like her friendships with the girls and, I think shes much smarter/more keen than she looks. She has interesting insights (historically, in her talking head interviews).

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3 minutes ago, filmfan2480 said:

What I've looked forward to most of all.

I wish Bravo would give Camille her own spin off show. What a huge FU to Kelsey that would be. He thought he was so sly by putting her on this show as a diversion to his affair, and he was such a shit heel in the way that he dumped her . How's his career going now? It would be the cherry on the sundae exploding in his face!

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

Are you new to these women? lol. Erika has a glam squad EVERYWHERE she goes. everywhere. 

I watched/FF'd through the reunions before this - Dorit claimed to ALSO have a traveling glam squad - "except for the places we go often, because I have people there" - of course :)

1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

DSL.. Erika is just so....adorable.?..

What I found hilarious is that her lips are ridiculously overdrawn in that TH!  (the one with the Bam Bam hair)

1 hour ago, howiveaddict said:

LOL at Erika suggesting on camera that she would do DWTS  All Stars.  Wasn't she voted out like the second episode?  Not hardly a fan favorite.  That talking head with the Dog ears some how reminds me of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.

Because of the lips :)

Edited by princelina
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2 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

I am already so tired of Erica and her too cool attitude, tacky clothes, referring to herself in the third person, Mikey, her voice and her complete self absorption. She thinks she is two people but sadly she's one and boring. And fake "should I go on.."

Glad  to hear Jagger is talking. He is adorable. Dorit doesn't bother me.

Rhinna - ugh. Nasty vile human piece of waste. She is cringe-worthy and every time they show that clip of her cat walking I just wanna heave. If these HH rape rumors are true, let's put it out there.  That I would love to see. Not her Gigi wannabes.

New girl may make things interesting. Pretty and younger than Erika. And without a squad of men telling her how fabulous she is. 

So glad Eileen is gone. With her soap expressions, whispery voice and constant pot stirring. Who's gonna back up Rhinna this season?

OTG Eileen's gone! I'll miss Vince though! I had no idea! I figured that whack-a-doodle Eden was history, but Eileen? Good riddance! She won't be missed by me or anyone else but her shadow Rinna! LR has no one but her b!tch husband to keep her calm now! More vitriol in the offing I guess! ;-(

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Dorit's vocal fry though.

5 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

OTG Eileen's gone! I'll miss Vince though! I had no idea! I figured that whack-a-doodle Eden was history, but Eileen? Good riddance! She won't be missed by me or anyone else but her shadow Rinna! LR has no one but her b!tch husband to keep her calm now! More vitriol in the offing I guess! ;-(

Funny how Eden tried to get unboring by throwing a hysterical fit in the last episode. And then she still wasn't asked back.

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Jagger is the most charming child ever! What a sweet little face and voice! Dorit being asked back has gone to her head; someone should tell her this isn't a great calling. I hope she doesn't make her 2nd season about Erika as well because that will be exhausting.

I love having Camille in the mix and Teddi is a great addition. I hope that she brings the down to earth vibe Eileen did but with a little more uumph.

Someone mentioned last season that Erika's glam squad are mostly drag queens and it's starting to show. I love her! She's my fave but she will become a caricature of herself if she doesn't tone it down. On the other hand, Dorit's glam squad is a little drab but I like her wig game.

I'd bet good money Kyle is lying about her exchange with Harry Hamlin. 

Why is LVP always complaining about shit she didn't pay for or trying to mooch private plane rides? Sorry I don't love LVP anymore.

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Holy sh--. Erika's talking head look with the pigtails, purple and turquoise tentacle print jacket; the evil stepmother enormous poofy sleeves, with crown/headband

Dorit's TH look with the big First Lady hair and shiny, sparkly long sleeve turtleneck 

Erika: What can I say? I like clothes.

But she can't choose an outfit or put an outfit together without Mikey's help.

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5 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Fixed it for you! Erika pays a lot of money for her Sychophant Squad to shower her with compliments. It reeks of insecurity, as does the mask-like makeup and costume clothing.

Try again! I did it a while back in my reply! The spell check has a problem with some words and can't accept the correct spelling at times! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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Vitamin drips? How about some healthy food instead? 

Rinna telling us it’s important to keep her girls grounded and not enamoured by themselves .... ::huge eye roll:: TOO LATE RINNA!! Ha ha ha.

2 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

Try again! I did it a while back! The spell check has a problem with some words and can't accept the correct spelling at times! ;-)

No.... I inserted the word PAID! That’s why I bolded it... to show I added it in.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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Kyles face looked a little different. LVP still needs a wardrobe update. Rinna still annoys me. I like Teddy so far, which if my HW viewing history tells me anything means she'll end up being crazy or a horrible person. Dorit doesn't bother me; I enjoy seeing what hairdo she'll come up with next. Still not a fan of Erika. It was good to see Camille.

Welcome back, ladies! 

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23 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Holy sh--. Erika's talking head look with the pigtails, purple and turquoise tentacle print jacket; the evil stepmother enormous poofy sleeves, with crown/headband

Dorit's TH look with the big First Lady hair and shiny, sparkly long sleeve turtleneck 

Erika: What can I say? I like clothes.

But she can't choose an outfit or put an outfit together without Mikey's help.

Erika looked like a cross between Malificence  (Sleeping Beauty) and Ursula (Little Mermaid).  Even Andy referred to that look as "Disney evil queen" or something...But the pink eye shadow outlining her entire eye made her look like she got punched and had two bruised eyes or she had been crying for days.  

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1 minute ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Vitamin drips? How about some healthy food instead? 

Rinna telling us it’s important to keep her girls grounded and not enamoured by themselves .... ::huge eye roll:: TOO LATE RINNA!! Ha ha ha.

No.... I inserted the word PAID!

I was looking at "absorption" among other words misspelled! ;-)

1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

Erika looked like a cross between Malificence  (Sleeping Beauty) and Ursula (Little Mermaid).  Even Andy referred to that look as "Disney evil queen" or something...But the pink eye shadow outlining her entire eye made her look like she got punched and had two bruised eyes or she had been crying for days.  

I think that's what Andy called it on WWHL; "an evil Disney character!" ;-)

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20 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Erika looked like a cross between Malificence  (Sleeping Beauty) and Ursula (Little Mermaid).  Even Andy referred to that look as "Disney evil queen" or something...But the pink eye shadow outlining her entire eye made her look like she got punched and had two bruised eyes or she had been crying for days.  

To me, it was more Game of Thrones cosplayer 

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