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Season 8 Discussion

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On 9/30/2017 at 1:11 AM, VinceW said:

I thought I had missed an episode

Here too.  We were binge watching last season's finale through the first two of the new season.  Unfortunately, because a couple of posters on another forum spoiled the plot, I knew Linda was dead, but didn't know how/why.  We started up Episode 1 of the new season, and she was already dead.  I gave the hubs hell for screwing up the on-demand, lol.  Very, very strange.  Sort of makes me believe that the actor/show runner relationship did not end on good terms. 

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It was an odd scene. My take was that Jamie implied Danny never suspected the wife because he's still grieving for Linda (you know police procedural 1.0.1 - it's always the spouse). And judging from Danny's reaction he was actually right. Never mind that Danny has a partner. Baez had absolutely nothing to do this episode except giving Danny concerned looks when he slipped up during the first interview with the wife where he referred to Linda in the present. And more concerned when he threatened the mafia guy with a razor. In other words: Danny is even more of a lose gun than he was before because every mention of his wife throws him off. I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for him but I'd rather feel sorry for everyone around him.

And yet (not particularly surprising) he wasn't the most annoying Reagan in this episode. Frank easily scored that win. Erin might be a tie with Danny. Jamie and Grandpa plus the kids are in the clear.

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This season is making me sad.  It's sad that Linda is gone, of course.  What's sadder is that her absence has completely changed the dynamic of the family dinner.  They haven't said grace since the first episode, in episode two they started eating without saying grace, and in this episode and the last, they show the family mid dinner.  It's not that grace has to be there, but it doesn't feel the same.  Family dinner was always my favorite part of every episode.

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Could they be telegraphing "Danny has a breakdown due to his inability to process his grief" any harder?   Geez...

Poor Garrett gets no respect.  I would have expected a bit more sympathy.

I am not liking this new dynamic where one family member a week is relegated to 2 minutes at family dinner.  It seems that in the past every Reagan had a storyline in each episode.

Len Cariou only says "pass the potatoes"?

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10 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

Poor Garrett gets no respect.  I would have expected a bit more sympathy.

Well, he's always been Frank's doormat. But the switch from 'You take some time and take care of Cynthia' to 'WHAAAAHHAAA, WHY ARE YOU NOT HERE? WE'RE IN CRISIS!!!' was truly whiplash-inducing. And pretty funny considering every time Garrett is there and tries to do his job Frank's not happy either. Even funnier was Frank Yoda-ing Garrett into finding the culprit.

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I am not liking this new dynamic where one family member a week is relegated to 2 minutes at family dinner.  It seems that in the past every Reagan had a storyline in each episode.

There was a stretch where Will was only in the dinner scene for a full month of episodes.  Donnie had Bridget started to do the same: shoot one day out of the 8 standard. 


6 hours ago, babs1226 said:

.  It's not that grace has to be there, but it doesn't feel the same.  Family dinner was always my favorite part of every episode.

This seems to be a bigger complaint made overall when I read the Facebook posts for the show and I'm like "We get a few graces a year.  It's not a hard and fast rule that they need to do it every episode.  

3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Could they be telegraphing "Danny has a breakdown due to his inability to process his grief" any harder?   Geez..

They have to be building something for sweeps, right?  I say...for February. Still too early for November's wallow of grief.

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1 minute ago, mtlchick said:

This seems to be a bigger complaint made overall when I read the Facebook posts for the show and I'm like "We get a few graces a year.  It's not a hard and fast rule that they need to do it every episode.  

No, it's not a rule at all, but episode 2 was the first time I remember that they showed the beginning of a meal,Danny serving his chicken dish, and the family did not say grace before digging in.  Sacrilege?  No.  Unusual?  Yes.  

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3 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Well, he's always been Frank's doormat. But the switch from 'You take some time and take care of Cynthia' to 'WHAAAAHHAAA, WHY ARE YOU NOT HERE? WE'RE IN CRISIS!!!' was truly whiplash-inducing. And pretty funny considering every time Garrett is there and tries to do his job Frank's not happy either. Even funnier was Frank Yoda-ing Garrett into finding the culprit.

Frank was really a d*ck!  I was shocked that he was so uninterested in what happened to Garrett.  Then he dismissed him like  he was a child. Seemed out of character.

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18 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Baez had absolutely nothing to do this episode except giving Danny concerned looks when he slipped up during the first interview with the wife where he referred to Linda in the present. And more concerned when he threatened the mafia guy with a razor.

Honestly, that's all it feels like she does in most episodes, the occasional concerned look, obvious comment, question about the case that of course Danny has the answer to, and a bit of exposition. She plays "straight man" to Danny Reagan, supercop, while he does 90% of the legwork. I'm not saying she's bad, or stupid, just that they don't write her very well, or give her nearly enough to do.


Also, I thought it was the wife the second she came running out to hand him his coffee, followed by (imo) her kinda phony reaction to him laying there dying. But that's probably because I've watched way too many episodes of police procedurals in my life :-)

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22 hours ago, MissLucas said:

It was an odd scene. My take was that Jamie implied Danny never suspected the wife because he's still grieving for Linda (you know police procedural 1.0.1 - it's always the spouse). And judging from Danny's reaction he was actually right. Never mind that Danny has a partner. Baez had absolutely nothing to do this episode except giving Danny concerned looks when he slipped up during the first interview with the wife where he referred to Linda in the present. And more concerned when he threatened the mafia guy with a razor. In other words: Danny is even more of a lose gun than he was before because every mention of his wife throws him off. I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for him but I'd rather feel sorry for everyone around him.

And yet (not particularly surprising) he wasn't the most annoying Reagan in this episode. Frank easily scored that win. Erin might be a tie with Danny. Jamie and Grandpa plus the kids are in the clear.

Nah Erin is definitely behind Danny. Bridget is a much better actor than Danny and Erin isn't one of the two lead characters so they were able to clearly convey that she made a questionable decision (for the right reasons of course, she is still a Reagan) and her gratitude to someone else for their efforts. She was clearly more sympathetic even though it was clearly Danny we were supposed to feel for.


14 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

Frank was really a d*ck!  I was shocked that he was so uninterested in what happened to Garrett.  Then he dismissed him like  he was a child. Seemed out of character.

I guess it might be considered out of character since Frank usually is more of an a-hole, but this seemed to be pretty typical to me. He was a selfish arrogant jerk throughout the episode, than made everything better at the end with a big scene that made no logical sense. I get the feeling that they had a good idea (give Garrett a plot, do something about a law enforcement issue, and explore Frank's flaws) and once again they ran into time constraints, inability to seriously question anything the police do, and Tom Selleck's red pen crossing out everything that makes clear that Frank has real flaws.

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12 hours ago, wknt3 said:


I guess it might be considered out of character since Frank usually is more of an a-hole, but this seemed to be pretty typical to me. He was a selfish arrogant jerk throughout the episode, than made everything better at the end with a big scene that made no logical sense. I get the feeling that they had a good idea (give Garrett a plot, do something about a law enforcement issue, and explore Frank's flaws) and once again they ran into time constraints, inability to seriously question anything the police do, and Tom Selleck's red pen crossing out everything that makes clear that Frank has real flaws.

I never really saw Frank as an a-hole though.  Condescending at times, totally stuck in his ways, but he usually seems to have his heart in the right place or at least where he thinks it should be.  Garrett is like family and he was just awful to him.

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What I don't like about this season, in addition to killing Linda, is the fact that they're glossing over so many stories.   I wanted to know why the brother killed his sister in a previous episode and I wanted to see more of the backstory with the kid who SWAT'ed Garrett.  It was just so quickly glossed over with the very short interview with the kid not getting Commissioner of the day, but it left me wanting more.  Seems like they're trying to shove too many stories into one episode.  

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Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a single mother whose ex-husband has a history of violence. Meanwhile, Frank deals with the fallout when Mayor Dutton eliminates solitary confinement in prisons; and Jamie's efforts to save a young woman who overdosed on drugs lead to unexpected consequences.

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I'm very happy that Jamie got a story this week.  I was missing him.  I may be missing something, but shouldn't the hospital have done a blood test on Gina before releasing her to make sure the heroin was out of her system?  

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I'm confused. The girl dying at the precinct had been getting into drugs via painkillers/oxy - and the Reagans think 'Just say No' could have saved her? The 'Just say No' campaign' was part of the war on drugs meant to fight drug abuse caused by peer pressure, that's not the same problem as the opioid crisis. Not to mention that there's some dispute over the efficiency of 'Just say No'.

I also had no idea what exactly the mayor and Frank were fighting over or why she had to defend Frank against the governor. But at least that plot gave us the episode's best moment: another epic eyeroll by Baker. Welcome back old-school Baker. (Oh, and of course the mayor hates the one woman on her security detail - just to be later enlightened by the very same officer though I have no idea either how that actually went down.)

Danny's plot was decent. Good casting with father and son.

Edited by MissLucas
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Why was the mayor setting policy at a prison?  Cities and counties have jails, which are short term facilities.  Prisons are run by the state or Feds.

I totally missed why the mayor was defending Frank.  She doesn't like him, didn't agree with him and he's basically told her he doesn't care about her authority.  She should have been up for immediate induction to the Albany Hates Frank Club.  

I'm really tired of the Frank battles a liberal mayor who doesn't care about cops plot.  This has gone on with 3 mayor's since the beginning of the show.  Why can't the writers show some creativity.  How about a mayor that's more Frank than Frank that could cause him to examine himself and how he comes across. 

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Jamie's story was good but don't the writers know they pretty much did it already?  S6E4......Jamie finds a woman blocking traffic, Jamie finds out the woman has a problem , Jamie gets over involved in the woman's problem, Jamie pulls some strings to get the woman help, the woman dies anyway.   The first time was mental  illness where this was drugs but there was a ton of similarities. 

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Why was the mayor setting policy at a prison?  Cities and counties have jails, which are short term facilities.  Prisons are run by the state or Feds.

I didn't get that either, but I think some of this is handled differently in NYC/state than it is in other states.


2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Jamie's story was good but don't the writers know they pretty much did it already?  S6E4......Jamie finds a woman blocking traffic, Jamie finds out the woman has a problem , Jamie gets over involved in the woman's problem, Jamie pulls some strings to get the woman help, the woman dies anyway.   The first time was mental  illness where this was drugs but there was a ton of similarities. 

I thought of that episode, too.  The show seems to constantly repeat the Jamie plots; they need to let him take the sergeant's exam for a fresh storyline.

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Unlurking for a moment.

I really dislike Mayor Rizzoli.

I really, really miss Linda.

I really, really, really hate that Nicky the brat is sitting in Linda's seat at the table.  Why can't Danny sit there with both of his boys beside him?

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Is it ok for police officers to get so involved with someone like Jamie did? How many drug addicts does he see in a day that made this one more special? Walking her around the precinct like that? Then he leaves her to go talk to Eddie and the girl drops dead right there as soon as he turns his back? Yea, ok. Rediculous storyline. 

It feels like Donny Walberg is phoning it in this season, he just doesn't seem in to it anymore. The show is getting stale, it may be getting time to pull the plug. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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15 hours ago, Magnumfangirl said:

I thought of that episode, too.  The show seems to constantly repeat the Jamie plots; they need to let him take the sergeant's exam for a fresh storyline.

If they don't take our advice about promoting him, but keeping him in uniform they could also consider sticking with a Jamie storyline other than the freaking UST with Eddie for longer than an episode or two. I know there might be some sort of issues with the producers feeling skittish since the last time he had a arc it was the Blue Templar misfire, but the keep hinting at stuff that seems like an arc and ends up being an episode.

13 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I really, really, really hate that Nicky the brat is sitting in Linda's seat at the table.  Why can't Danny sit there with both of his boys beside him?

Nikki is there because seats are not assigned according to any sort of internal logic but strictly for camera blocking. Danny needs to be across from Jamie and relatively near Erin so they can bicker and they can get an easy shot of the two of them. Nikki gets the spot on Frank's left because they want a female there to try to balance things out a bit and not put the only two women at the table next to each other and call attention to just what a sausage fest the show is.

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2 hours ago, wknt3 said:

Nikki is there because seats are not assigned according to any sort of internal logic but strictly for camera blocking. Danny needs to be across from Jamie and relatively near Erin so they can bicker and they can get an easy shot of the two of them. Nikki gets the spot on Frank's left because they want a female there to try to balance things out a bit and not put the only two women at the table next to each other and call attention to just what a sausage fest the show is.

Plus they're not actually interested in using the boys during the dinner scenes.  They throw to them as little as they can get away with, and it's everyone else there who's playing the meat of the scene.  So the boys have to be split up, if they kept them on the same side of the table, it's too much concentrated dead air.

What they should have done is have the empty place setting with no one in Linda's spot for awhile, then eventually have the poignant episode resolution be when Danny lets that go and they reorganize the seating arrangements

How weird was Len Cariou's line this week to the boys that they were "too young for a tragedy like that" -- the tragedy being acquaintances from school ODing.  What about the tragedy of your mother just dying in a helicopter accident?!?

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On 10/28/2017 at 9:11 PM, sigmaforce86 said:

Jamie's story was good but don't the writers know they pretty much did it already?  S6E4......Jamie finds a woman blocking traffic, Jamie finds out the woman has a problem , Jamie gets over involved in the woman's problem, Jamie pulls some strings to get the woman help, the woman dies anyway.   The first time was mental  illness where this was drugs but there was a ton of similarities. 

^THIS. Once in a while it would be nice to see one of these stories have a happier ending.... especially if it's a Jamie story since I am an unabashed Jamie fan! 

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On 10/29/2017 at 2:36 AM, CarpeDiem54 said:

Unlurking for a moment.

I really dislike Mayor Rizzoli.

I really, really miss Linda.

I really, really, really hate that Nicky the brat is sitting in Linda's seat at the table.  Why can't Danny sit there with both of his boys beside him?

LOL this made me laugh :). Great post. And I agree 100% with all you said. 

It still feels weird without Linda there. The Mayor overall just annoys me. 

Although there is an explanation from other comments about the seating arrangements I agree with you that the boys should sit next to Danny.

10 hours ago, jaimesommers said:

^THIS. Once in a while it would be nice to see one of these stories have a happier ending.... especially if it's a Jamie story since I am an unabashed Jamie fan! 

Yes, I agree with you. Just like you I'm a Jamie fan as well. I like when they give him story lines. I just feel there's more they can do with Jamie. 

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 Prisons are run by the state or Feds.

Rikers is a city jail, so the mayor has ultimate oversight. In fact, there's a plan in the works to shut it down. There's a lot of corruption/scandal there, and the way it's run has made a lot of (bad) headlines. It is literally an island just off Queens, and my guess is when it's vacated, real estate developers will go to town with luxury, water-view housing. (The express bus there stops by my apt. and it's actually a great way to get to the nearest major subway hub!)

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A famous basketball player is found dead of an apparent drug overdose; Danny looks into possible ties to a local drug gang; Erin revisits the case of a man she may have wrongfully convicted years ago; Frank is approached by Archbishop Kearns.

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Erin to Danny: "Turns out, we may have flaws."

Me *in best Gibbs voice*: "Ya think???"

That dude did not look like a man broken by years spent innocent in prison - or dead inside as his wife put it. All it took was an apology to restore him to his prior self? No talk of suing the state of New York to kingdom come? Fine.

That painting made me laugh. It wasn't anything like the artwork displayed in her atelier. Obviously Frank wouldn't have appreciated something in her usual style (no matter how much the show insists that he liked her work - we all know what he really liked) so instead he got - I don't know what to call it - a study in bad anatomy (he's got an additional elbow and some very questionable fingers)? Too bad we don't get to see the mayor's face when she's presented with it.

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7 hours ago, morriss said:

We have just met Frank's new lady friend.

That's the first thing I thought too!  Can't imagine her at a Sunday dinner though.  She will just be a booty call, like the ones before her.

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1 hour ago, SuzieQ said:

That's the first thing I thought too!  Can't imagine her at a Sunday dinner though.  She will just be a booty call, like the ones before her.

After Jamie described her smoking hot, that would get a little awkward. 

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15 hours ago, DrScottie said:

After Jamie described her smoking hot, that would get a little awkward. 

I did a double take when he said that.  I was looking at her thinking "Wow, she was married to Tom Cruise and hasn't aged well"

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On 11/4/2017 at 10:12 AM, MissLucas said:

Erin to Danny: "Turns out, we may have flaws."

That was the worst line ever! I wanted to smack Erin at that moment.

19 minutes ago, SuzieQ said:

I was looking at her thinking "Wow, she was married to Tom Cruise and hasn't aged well"

Mimi Rogers is 61. I thought she was around 70. To her credit, I don't think she's had any work done. In this instance a little botox and filler (and I do mean a little) would go a long way for her. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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12 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

I did a double take when he said that.  I was looking at her thinking "Wow, she was married to Tom Cruise and hasn't aged well"

Smoking hot is not a term I'd use either for Mimi Rogers. A few examples of actresses in their 60s that aged well would be Christie Brinkley, Dana Delaney, or Jane Seymour, not Mimi Rogers. 

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10 hours ago, DrScottie said:

Smoking hot is not a term I'd use either for Mimi Rogers. A few examples of actresses in their 60s that aged well would be Christie Brinkley, Dana Delaney, or Jane Seymour, not Mimi Rogers. 

Agree!! I think she looks 10 or 12 years older than she is.  In her day though, she was beautiful.  Not the cookie cutter Hollywood type.

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A case turns personal for Danny when he works to protect a nurse from her violent ex-boyfriend. Also, an acquaintance of Frank’s, comes to him with a theory regarding the death of an inmate, and Jamie and Eddie help deliver a baby.

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The last time I recall a Reagan shooting someone in the head was season 1 when Frank shot the creep stalking Erin in her office.  The only difference is, Frank didn't let him prattle on, he just shot the bastard. 


At least Eddie and Jamie didn't have a drab storyline for a change, but someone needs to explain the Frank one to me.  I just tuned out.


Finally, NO SHOW.  Ease up on women hitting on Danny already.  We're barely processing losing Linda!

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How many episodes before Danny and the nurse are dating?? Also, why would her husband be a cop also? That was just way too cheesy!

I will say though: Danny who usually irritates the crap out of me almost made me like him at that scene at the desk.  He seemed really sincere and humble.......................not qualities you usually see in him.

And what was Frank's speech about?  I thought he was going with the brothers story as a parallel to people in the neighborhood protecting criminals by not talking, but then when he finished up with letting everyone know Joe died, I was kind of confused.

Also, who was older, Danny or Joe?  I always thought Danny, but tonight it sounded like Joe was.  

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1 minute ago, SuzieQ said:

How many episodes before Danny and the nurse are dating?? Also, why would her husband be a cop also? That was just way too cheesy!

I rolled my eyes at everything with the nurse and Danny during their one on one scenes. I was thinking of course she is a nurse. Of course her husband was a cop. Of course she is also a widow. So they killed Linda off so Danny can possibly date a Linda clone? 

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1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

The last time I recall a Reagan shooting someone in the head was season 1 when Frank shot the creep stalking Erin in her office.  The only difference is, Frank didn't let him prattle on, he just shot the bastard. 

It raised an interesting legal question. She knew that psycho was going to come back and try to kill her. She came in beat up and he assaults her again in the hospital. As far as I am concerned that's two assaults. Considering he had been threatening her prior to the assault also, I can't believe that loser got out on his own recognizance. A restraining order isn't going to dissuade someone bent on killing someone else, Henry had a point that the law should protect the people more than the criminals. Plenty of good people got shot in that hospital because of it, so screw that judge who let him out. 

1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

At least Eddie and Jamie didn't have a drab storyline for a change, but someone needs to explain the Frank one to me.  I just tuned out.

Okay, I think what happened is that Shelley was trying to talk to Theresa Hill, a convict who believed that she witnessed a murder by one of the corrections officers and Shelley thought she was being stopped from doing so as part of a conspiracy to cover it up. It had been ruled a suicide and that guard had a history of sexual assault. She went on the radio calling the NYPD corrupt with sweeping that issue under the rug. She then calls him out for having no skin in the game having not lost anyone while she's lost family and friends to violence

9 minutes ago, SuzieQ said:

And what was Frank's speech about?  I thought he was going with the brothers story as a parallel to people in the neighborhood protecting criminals by not talking, but then when he finished up with letting everyone know Joe died, I was kind of confused.

I think there were two aspects here. The neighborhood protecting its own like his family did and that he actually did have skin in the game in how he lost Joe. The whole thing was rather complicated. 

1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

Finally, NO SHOW.  Ease up on women hitting on Danny already.  We're barely processing losing Linda!

Of course, they just had to make it even more personal with her being a nurse and her husband being a cop. At least he realized it was too soon.  

6 minutes ago, SuzieQ said:

Also, who was older, Danny or Joe?  I always thought Danny, but tonight it sounded like Joe was.  

I'm almost positive is Danny also, did they forget?  

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11 hours ago, DrScottie said:
11 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

And what was Frank's speech about?  I thought he was going with the brothers story as a parallel to people in the neighborhood protecting criminals by not talking, but then when he finished up with letting everyone know Joe died, I was kind of confused.

I think there were two aspects here. The neighborhood protecting its own like his family did and that he actually did have skin in the game in how he lost Joe. The whole thing was rather complicated.

Thanks! I though about that too but since Joe was killed by cops, it's kind of a bad story to tell since the people he was talking to are worried about police violence.  He didn't specify that Joe was killed by cops, but if they knew, it would just confirm their worst fears I would think.


Unrelated, but I loved that the couple with the baby named him Eddie, thinking it was Jaimie's name.  That was a cute touch!  Better than the cheesefest of Danny meeting a widowed nurse who was married to a cop. UGH!

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3 minutes ago, babs1226 said:

The support group that Shelley runs is for parents that have lost a child to violence.  Frank's "speech"  was his way of sharing that he also lost a child to violence.   

I know we've seen this woman before, but I can't recall from which episode.  Could you please clue me in, the episode last night was so vague on it. 

Loved Erin smokin' Danny on the newly created basketball court.  That was fun.

Oh.....someone needs to tell Danny that his house looks like a prison, he needs some pictures on the wall and so forth.  No wonder his kids are unhappy, they're living in a barracks.

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17 hours ago, SuzieQ said:


Also, who was older, Danny or Joe?  I always thought Danny, but tonight it sounded like Joe was.  


17 hours ago, DrScottie said:


I'm almost positive is Danny also, did they forget?  


Yup, you're both right. In S1 it was established that the birth order was Danny, Erin Joe, and Jamie. Later, in one of the early seasons, during one of Jamie and Danny's many work-related conflicts, Jamie challenged Danny about not taking him seriously and doing the same thing to Joe when Joe was a young cop. Even Wiki, that bastion of semi-accuracy, has it correct;


Frank's oldest son Danny is an NYPD detective, his youngest son Jamie is an NYPD police officer, and his daughter Erin is an assistant district attorney. Frank's middle son Joe was murdered by a crooked cop in the line of duty in events that pre-date the series, when he was involved with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigating a group of corrupt NYPD cops. 


It's ridiculous that none of the cast or crew caught this error during the table read -- or worse, caught the error and didn't care.

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1 hour ago, Blonde Gator said:

I know we've seen this woman before, but I can't recall from which episode.  Could you please clue me in, the episode last night was so vague on it. 

I believe it was last season, in the episode where Potter lost his son.  I could be wrong.  I don't have them memorized lol

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