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S03.E09: Beebo The God Of War

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Leo Snart, Waverider shrink, was a hoot. 

Leo and Mick at odds was delightful. Miller and Purcell were having so much fun.

You can tell that Ava’s being set up as a Sara love interest because her hair is down in that weird over the shoulder style that CW actresses wear. She seems like a nice person but I don’t think she’s selling the attraction and change of heart. I know it’s there because of her hair and the laws of television, and that’s all.

It’s impressive they managed to get takes with the Viking actors not giggling uncontrollably. Beebo was hilarious. 

I also enjoyed the Montage of Plans. That was fun. 

I think my favorite was Ray As Beebo. When he flew in I lost it. 

Nice twist of Sara getting a glimpse of Mallus and his Upside Down as she went to stop Darhk. 

Jax taking adorable Lily a Beebo and getting one last lesson from SteinDaddy. And then a follow up goodbye with Big Sis Sara. I’ll be over here crying if you need me.

I hope Jax isn’t gone for good. He can still be the engineer once he figures out himself.

Looking forward to Constantine and magic shenanigans. February is too far.

  • Love 18
Just now, scarynikki12 said:

Looking forward to Constantine and magic shenanigans. February is too far.

Yup, I'll take what I can get of him.  I do miss that show.

1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

You can tell that Ava’s being set up as a Sara love interest because her hair is down in that weird over the shoulder style that CW actresses wear.

Haha I thought the same thing "oh look they did her hair all flowy"


Wentworth Miller has chemistry with everyone, I swear.

  • Love 7

Knock off Furby as God. When the actual Furby was more like a demon. :lol: I guess we are setting up Avalance, with her saying she's not the husband type. 

Montage Sara dies, does that count towards Sara's death scenes? Therapy Leo was funny, did he really have Gideon make a Stein puppet. I hope Jax is not gone for good, I'll miss his little brother relationship with Sara. 


A demon that knows Sara, is that confirmation that Sara was in hell after she died? Also did Sara and Constantine meet before he saved her soul. They really acted like they knew each other and she called him John. They didn't speak at all in arrow ep.

  • Love 6

This show made a Tickle Me Elmo stand-in a god, and Ray controlled it and preached about Global Warming.  I love this show.  It's completely batshit off the wall insane, and it's great.

They are definitely doing Sharpe and Sara.  Sharpe's look after Sara said she looked good, Sharpe saying she's not about husbands, Sara's look after that, and Sharpe coming back to save Sara.

Ray was 100% right about his plan, who'd have thunk it.

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Miller and Purcell back together makes me realize just how badly I need to see the Prison Break sequel. They have wonderful chemistry no matter what characters they play and it never feels the same. 

I don't care how flowy they make Ava's hair, you can't convince me she'd be a good love interest for Sara. Although I did like the way they worked together better in this episode and Ava did come off more likable. 

Jax better come back. My feelings on Jax aren't that strong, but he will not get kicked off the show because Victor Garber wanted out, right?

  • Love 6

Fun episode and I love how this show embraces the silliness of it all, particularly Beebo.

Definitely felt like someone was watching Vikings on History with the general look on the show.

Katina Winter and John Noble...Sleepy Hollow reunion there although those two were NOT the strongest elements of that show to say the least.

I liked the actor who plays Young Stein a lot.  Sorry to see Jax go and that's really going to hurt the team as he's the ship's engineer.  That just leaves Sara, Ray and Mick as the original members of the team still on the ship.  Who would have thought Mick would be one of the last ones standing?  I don't count Leo since he isn't the Earth-1 Snart.

Leo is a lot of fun and it's good to see this old but new dynamic between him and Mick.

Glad to see Ava join up with the team like that.

Constantine!  Been waiting for him to show up for two years.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 7

How many emotions can Legends put you through in one episode?

- Every time the Beebo showed up I was rolling! Especially when it laughed after Mick got punched by the Viking lady. Ray!Beebo was just as hilarious.

- Darhk's Odin wig was also hilarious. As in, hilariously bad.

- Leo was...okay for me. I think I'll be happy with having him in small doses. I did enjoy the puppet Stein scenes.

- Jax, come back! They got me in the feels once again with him leaving then the Christmas party then him saying his final goodbyes to his big sister Sara. I may have been cutting onions at the same time *coughs*

- "B-list" heroes was harsh Jefferson but I did laugh all the same.

- Clearly, Agent Ava is not immune to Sara's charms and the potential lover anvils were dropping more today than any other time.

- Zari really doesn't know who she's messing with when it comes to Sara does she? That's okay, she'll learn one day and never do it again.

- John Constantine!

Now I have to wait until February for one of my favourite shows to come back. I don't like it.

Edited by kdm07
  • Love 9

Another great episode. Between The Middle (Mike’s speech) and Legends, my contact lenses were making my eyes tear up. I was really hopeful that Martin would walk on the ship at the end and he’d get a happy ending with his family. 

Ray talking as Beebo cracked me up. I’m hoping we haven’t seen the last of Jefferson. I’m also wondering if the reference to Rip means we will get a prison break (pun intended) in the future. 

  • Love 3

This episode was such a whirl wind of emotions. We had everyone grieving over Martin (Jax is desperate to save his past self, Sara doesn't want to lose anyone else) and saying goodbye to Jax and his speech about how the Legends are a bunch of broken parts working better together, to Ava and Sara being set up (and kudos to them for making her more likable) to laughing my ass off at Beebo and all of the antics surrounding him, to cheering when Constantine showed up in the end. 

Just, so many great moments, from little things like Zari playing video games with Jax and Leo as everyone grief counselor to big things like the hilarious series of hypothetical situations where Sara gets killed, Ray as Beebo, and Jax finally letting Martin go and live his life. I just need Jax to come back soon. I get why being on the Waverider would be really hard for him right now, but I will miss him so much, he needs to take some time for himself, then get back here ASAP. The team needs its mechanic/Burning Man. 

I feel like the writers just saw Vikings, and decided they wanted to do their own episode. Man, Ragnar would have LOVED meeting time travelers, he would have thought it was the coolest thing ever. 

I cant wait until February! Anyone have a time machine? 

  • Love 14
32 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

Wait, we have to wait until February?  What the hell, I am going to be on LOT withdrawal! 

Right?!? I’m going have to rewatch seasons 1and 2 on Netflix to get my fix. Season 2 will be my reward for making it through the Hawkfolk and Savage. 

Is this really the end of Jax? I didn’t think he’d actually leave but it seems like overkill for a send off if he’s only going to be gone a few episodes. I’ll miss him, probably not as much as Sara will. I love that she called him her little brother. All these broken idiots really are family. 

1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

You can tell that Ava’s being set up as a Sara love interest because her hair is down in that weird over the shoulder style that CW actresses wear

Lol! So true! I don’t mind Ava, I just find her a little bland. I hope she won’t be a long term thing. 


57 minutes ago, johntfs said:

One of the best thing about LoT is that everyone has chemistry with everyone. 

This. I love this cast so much. All the combinations work. Zari and Jax were cute bonding over video games, Mick and Leo were fun as they reached an understanding with the new versions of themselves. The writers must love that they can put almost any two characters together in a scene and it works because the whole crew has a real sense of familiarity and togetherness.

1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

Beebo Ray lecturing about God, evolution and science while choking on cotton stuffing

This was my second favourite moment. I cracked up when he started talking about Greenland and global warming definitely being a thing. My favourite moment though was Amaya accidently squeezing Beebo when her and Nate were trying to sneak away, the look on her face made me lose it for some reason. 

I cannot wait so see what craziness Constantine brings with him. I just wish it was sooner than February.  

  • Love 9

There’s so much batshit crazy stuff to love in this ep I don’t know where to start.

Leo Snart, therapist. With a puppet. Although between WM’s delivery and original Snart’s personality, somehow I always expect Leo to undercut his psychotherapy with a some grade A snark. I appreciated the scene between he and Mick where they came to terms with neither of them being the friend they remember. And damn am I glad to see the cold gun in action again. I really, truly hope WM changes his mind and decides to return again at some point in the future. There’s just too much fun left undone for Snart, in any version.

Funzo, God of War and Destroyer of Worlds, ha. So ridiculous, and so fun. Amaya and Nate’s sneaking poses when everyone looked over was something straight out of a cartoon, in a good way. And Ray as Beebo might just have won the episode. “Jesus is the one true god but science and religion are still real! And so is global warming!” Ray is just a delight. Also, he made a pretty damn good Viking. All of them did, really.

I noticed Ava’s hairstyle shift right away too. It’s like the tv version of a placard around the neck that started the season saying “uptight antagonist” and has now switched to “love interest.” At least they’re adding more layers to her character, so that’s a welcome development.

Very interested to see where things go with Constantine. Hopefully he won’t make the show too dark.

I’m trying not to think of Martin, old or young, because I’ve just barely gotten over my sads from last week. sniff. Even though Jax hasn’t ever been my favorite character (I don’t dislike him at all, there are just other characters I like better) I’m really hoping that’s not the end of him.

I don’t wanna wait until February! Beebo want more batshit crazy show now! Which reminds me, I loved Caity’s take on the Beebo voice at the beginning of the ep.

I enjoyed the multiple versions of the Dark confrontation too, and I’m glad Zari got in on the action a little bit.

Well the first half of the season has been a blast, and I look forward to more fun in February. Until then, Happy Beebo Day everyone!

  • Love 17

It definitely feels like someone's been watching Vikings.  Everyone made pretty damn good Vikings, Ray looked good while Nate's beard was too much and Mick was Mick.  Sara and Ava both had a Lagertha vibe going on (seriously, Blue God, give me a kick-ass action-adventure with Caity Lotz and Katheryn Winnick for Beebo-day). The guy that played Leif even looked like the guy that plays Ubbe on Vikings.  Just a minor quibble, the Norse didn't leave Vinland due to Leif's Christianity but because the Native Americans kicked them out.  Also Damien Darhk could have at least put on an eyepatch when he pretended to be Odin.

The high point was Ray as Beebo, lecturing on science and global warming, and Sara's montage of plans, even the ones that ended in her death.  Also Amaya and Nate getting caught in the middle of their sneaking pose.  I think I'm even warming to Ava too.

The Jax/Stein moments were good, and Graeme nails it as young Stein.  I can see Jax needing to leave for a while, but hope he doesn't stay away too long.  I loved the b-list heroes and washed up bank robbers coming together at the end.

Awesome to see Constantine again, but I don't want to wait until February.

  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

Also, he made a pretty damn good Viking. All of them did, really.

Yeah, this was a good era for our gang. They really did look like characters you would see in Vikings or some other period show. They really lucked out that all of the actors on this show look good in most period clothes, and generally look period appropriate wherever they go. They all have various "classic" looks that fit in most places. 

I for one, welcome our new furry overlord. Merry Beebo to all and to all a good Beebo! 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:

I really, truly hope WM changes his mind and decides to return again at some point in the future. There’s just too much fun left undone for Snart, in any version.

If nothing else, I hope they convince him to return when the show has it's final season.  I am determined to have Snart/Sara sexytimes.  I don't need them to date, show!  Give me a one night stand and I'll be happy.

  • Love 5

Is Constantine staying for the remainder of the season..? or is this going to be a one-off appearance like in Arrow

3 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

Will Jax be hanging out with Wally now?  Hopefully he'll get the Rip treatment from season 2 and come back after a few episodes. 

So over/under on sexy times between Sara and Ava?  Less than 5 episodes from now, right, especially since it sure sounded like Ava prefers the ladies.

I suspect Jax may return in the season finale..which may also be when we see Sara and Agent Sharp consummate their relationship,presumably after something happens and they have a big physical fight

  • Love 2

Haven't read the thread yet, but some thoughts in no particular order:

  • Leo Snart as ship's counselor.  That was weird and disconcerting, but also hilarious.  It did seem like WM and CL were having a hard time keeping a straight face in some scenes.  
  • Damn it, Legends writers!  I had a good hate on going for Ava Sharpe!  Now you turn around and actually make me like her?   Curses on you!  Lol.  In all seriousness, I'm not unhappy about seeing a more human side to Ava, especially if they do end up pairing her with Sara.   Keep up the good work.  (However, the sudden hair down look? Not at all subtle.)
  • ahhhh Jax.  Why you got to make me cry again?  Don't goooooo! 
  • "John?"  Ok, Sara, you haven't seen the man since he brought back your soul, and you barely saw him then.  How in the world do you know him so well?  
  • Playing the Arrow theme music when young!Martin was shooting down the Beebo doll was hilarious. 
  • team mom Sara waiting up for little brother to get home.
  • Team family Christmas dinner.  I love this show. 
  • Love 12
34 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Haven't read the thread yet, but some thoughts in no particular order:

  • Leo Snart as ship's counselor.  That was weird and disconcerting, but also hilarious.  It did seem like WM and CL were having a hard time keeping a straight face in some scenes.  
  • Damn it, Legends writers!  I had a good hate on going for Ava Sharpe!  Now you turn around and actually make me like her?   Curses on you!  Lol.  In all seriousness, I'm not unhappy about seeing a more human side to Ava, especially if they do end up pairing her with Sara.   Keep up the good work.  (However, the sudden hair down look? Not at all subtle.)
  • ahhhh Jax.  Why you got to make me cry again?  Don't goooooo! 
  • "John?"  Ok, Sara, you haven't seen the man since he brought back your soul, and you barely saw him then.  How in the world do you know him so well?  
  • Playing the Arrow theme music when young!Martin was shooting down the Beebo doll was hilarious. 
  • team mom Sara waiting up for little brother to get home.
  • Team family Christmas dinner.  I love this show. 

Wow, you're turning around on Ava! Glad to see she's winning over more people. :)

  • Love 2

This is totally an episode where I want to know how this even got put together in the writers' room.  Yes, I really, really want to know who it was that apparently said "Hey, you remember Furby?  And Tickle Me Elmo?  Why do we have something like that somehow fall into Vikings' hands and they start worshiping it and it leads to them concurring America?!"  And then with that concept in mind, the episode then features everything from Mick almost getting sacrificed for a child's toy deity (love that even Mick was just shaking his head at one point, because he even couldn't believe his life has come to this), a wacky football game with it that ends with Mick just torching it (naturally, Ray shrinking himself inside said toy and then preaching about how science and religion can co-exist and the importance of global warming, to Damien and Nora showing up cosplaying as Odin and Hela. There truly is no other show like this!

And then while all that is going on, they are actually have heartfelt moments like the team having to save Young Martin again, and poor Jax's dilemma over wanting to tell him the truth, even though it could cause major problems in the timeline and it would be against Sara's wishes.  Not surprised that Young Martin didn't open the letter, because I think Ray was right that this is who Martin is.  He wouldn't endanger everyone else just to save himself.  If Victor Garber is truly gone, I do hope he pops up every now and then, because I really like the actor.  Not sure what to make of Jax's exit.  I can understand why he feels like he needs some space, but factoring in Wally needing to "find himself" on The Flash, it is noticeable that two of the DC shows has suddenly gotten rid of their young black male heroes. Hopefully we won't be gone for long.

Love Leo and how different he is from Snart.  Him trying to get Mick to sober up was hilarious and a bad idea on so many levels.  Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell are magical together.

Ray as Beebo was the most hilarious moment (again, I can't believe I use to dislike him on Arrow), but a surprise runner-up is Sara intimitating its voice in the beginning.  I like it when the show actually lets Caity Lotz be funny compared to her normal, awesome, but straight-forward badass self.  Speaking of Sara, she and Sharpe are so going to get it on, right?  Both of them were giving each other the eyes at one point or another.

Damien might be magical mastermind, but he clearly didn't put much effort into that hilariously bad wig.  I'm guessing Nora won't be dead, because I still think half of the reason they cast Courtney Ford is so they can have some kind of Nora/Ray face-off in the future.

Sleepy Hollow reunion out of nowhere, with John Noble as Mallus' voice again and Katia Winter as the female Viking.  She's no Lagertha, but at least she didn't embarrass herself, so progress?

Constantine!  I knew he was going to show up, but I wasn't expecting it to happen now!  Really can't wait to see more of him and I hope he sticks around longer then one episode this time.

Bummed that we have to wait till February for the next new one, since it sounds like Black Lightening will take its spot for now (plan on checking it out too.) But this show has really become not just the best DC CW show by far, but probably one of the best comic book shows period.  Never would have predicted that three years ago. 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Jax better come back. My feelings on Jax aren't that strong, but he will not get kicked off the show because Victor Garber wanted out, right?

My thoughts exactly.  I think it would be very messed up if they ended up getting rid of Jax just because Victor Garber wanted to return to Broadway.  I wonder if Jax is gone for good.

6 hours ago, benteen said:

Definitely felt like someone was watching Vikings on History with the general look on the show.

Katina Winter and John Noble...Sleepy Hollow reunion there although those two were NOT the strongest elements of that show to say the least.

Yes, I thought Sara was looking a lot like Lagertha in this episode.  I kept on waiting/hoping that the awesome Floki would show up, but sadly he did not.

Hey now it is a proven fact that John Noble (Much like Roger Cross and CCH Pounder) automatically makes any show that he is at even more awesome.  That is just scientific fact...uh yeah...look it up.


Come on writers we all have eyes we all know Caity Lotz is hot, but why must every single Bisexual female or Lesbian character fall in love with her right off the bat?  I just find it a tad bit unrealistic that every single LBGT female character automatically finds her attractive.

  • Love 2

Ray as Beebo stole the show for me today! Most cutest and Ray-est things said ever! I almost died when he made the comment about Global Warming.

On the other hand Ray in braids is...not good! We have finally hit something that is not a good look on BR's handsome face!

Weirdly I teared up at the Jax and YoungMartin farewell more than I did in the crossover death. That line about how Jax is chasing after a ghost (something like that) *sniffles*

Puppet theray was the best and most hilarious!

ADORED the Leo and Mick conflict/issues. It was such a great way to build on the Heatwave/Captain Cold relationship and show us how much it meant without being hamfisted. LoT shows you and makes you feel things, other shows beat you on the head with it hoping you will give up and submit to what they are selling you! 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Come on writers we all have eyes we all know Caity Lotz is hot, but why must every single Bisexual female or Lesbian character fall in love with her right off the bat?  I just find it a tad bit unrealistic that every single LBGT female character automatically finds her attractive.

Maybe that's Sara's power, everyone falls for her, they either want to be her friend or her lover. While Leo Snart loves everyone, Leonard Snart didn't and even he fell for Sara and changed his ways for her. 

  • Love 6

It's interesting how it was speculated early on that the characters might turn over every season.  That hasn't been the case but slowly, the original 9 characters have begun to depart and new ones have come on.  To their credit, the show hasn't missed a beat and has only gotten better.  Like I said, I'll miss Jax and this episode doesn't bring up the fact that now the Waverider has lost their engineer.

As a Vikings fan, I would have loved to have seen Ragnar, Lagertha and Floki pop up but alas....

  • Love 3

Vikings and a Furby ersatz. That....shouldn't work, but somehow this show pulls it off.

I'm with Mick, I generally hate puppets, it's just a shame (or maybe safer for everyone around me come to think of it) I don't have my own personal flamethrower to deal with them.

Counselor Snart. I did not see that coming.

Speaking of, it's hard for me to tell. Who do you think has more fun on this show? Wentworth Miller or Neal McDonough? I'd give the edge to NM, I think, because it takes a special kind of personality to make that Odin wig look ridiculous and awesome at the same time.

Bye Jax. Hope the Waverider doesn't need anything repaired while you're gone. Because it's up to Ray now.

Damn Caity Lotz in hot in that white suit. I mean, it's not like I hadn't noticed before, I just wanted to put that out there. And if it wasn't clear Sara and Ava were at least going to have a kiss before, it pretty much is now.

Still waiting to see why Mallus would recruit Dark, considering he's failed as a villain twice now. Then again maybe the demon is just as much of a fan of Neal McDonough as I am.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Wore, he call them D-List heroes.  

That's horrible lol (he's not entirely wrong either).

5 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Come on writers we all have eyes we all know Caity Lotz is hot, but why must every single Bisexual female or Lesbian character fall in love with her right off the bat?  I just find it a tad bit unrealistic that every single LBGT female character automatically finds her attractive.

At this point I've just accepted it as a (positive) side-effect of the Lazarus Pit.

  • Love 3

Wait . . . isn't The Flash coming back next month? What, is LoT getting a shorter run again? Dang, CW. I'm guessing there will be rotation with Black Lightning, but LoT is the good shit.

"In case you missed last week's event, we're gonna have Jax watch his substitute dad die all over again." I know, not really that, but it's still painful. And Jax leaves, which kinda makes sense since he has no powers at the moment. I was think that "Marty" (winner of the Most Hanukah Sweater for five straight years) might have subconsciously put in a bit where Jax gets Firestorm powers without a partner. Or that he can merge with somebody new. Or anybody. Still pulling for him sucking in Mick for the humor alone.

The Waverider: a ship so awesome, Gideon won't even blink if you ask her to make a puppet of Dr. Stein. I know that Snarts are as different as Harrisons Wellses over on The Flash, but I like this Leo. He's snarky, but the malice isn't in full effect. Trying to get Mick to dry out? A bit out of bounds, and just begging for a beating.

The plot? Right. Vikings get a hold on a Furby, and they take over North America. Works for me . . . and that's before Dark rolls in with his weak Odin game. I mean, doesn't he go to the movies or binge on DVDs? Odin only has the one eye! I also liked the team dismissing Ray's plan, because it was like the Doctor trying to pass himself as Odin in "The Girl Who Died." Naturally, Dark is more convincing. Apparently, so is Ray in the Beebo, telling the Viking to stand down. Only this show.

Constantine? Whatever. If there was a huge appeal, the character would still have a series. Sorry for the negativity . . . I just think that he is a character no TV series or movie will get "right."

ETA: I was writing this around the time my connection went down, so it had been a few hours after I watched the episode.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

So Sara went to the Upside Down, then said that's the not first alternate dimension she's been too. What other dimensions has she been in? The Nazi Earth was another Earth not another dimension. 

I assume she’s referring to wherever she was after resurrection but before soul restoration. Maybe the place Oliver and Laurel went when Constantine was doing his magic?

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