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S30.E18: Finale Part 1

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I was surprised that Tori ended up being in third place, but I'm not surprised she hooked up with Jordan. It was obvious she had a thing for him. 


Aww, CT in third place was disappointing for me because I wanted him to win. I hope Derrick and Cara win, but I don't understand why we have to wait yet again to know who won. Come on already!

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The pacing on this season SUCKSSSSSSSS. Why are they dragging this out? 

Can Camilla win if she’s not there? That will be super anticlimactic if she did win. So I feel like Cara will win (maybe by default aka they messed with the times so Camilla cannot win). I think it’s weird they aren’t acknowledging why she’s not there. I mean we all know why, so just say it. 

I did not loathe Tori this season. Yes, she’s animated but she can compete and I respect the fact that she owned up to everything on the stage in front of everyone. 

Come on MTV. Pony up the money to trace the IP address so we can know who sent the screenshots. I immediately assumed Johnny because we know he likes to meddle in relationships.

Disappointed for CT but glad Derrick still has a chance! 

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At least CT is a good third loser, compared to the last challenge and all the sore second and third place losers who were rude and ungrateful. 

And seriously.. the only thing kind of interesting was Tori and Derrick breaking up but.. during the segment it felt like this was a reunion for a different show. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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28 minutes ago, UGAmp said:

The pacing on this season SUCKSSSSSSSS. Why are they dragging this out? 

Can Camilla win if she’s not there? That will be super anticlimactic if she did win. So I feel like Cara will win (maybe by default aka they messed with the times so Camilla cannot win). I think it’s weird they aren’t acknowledging why she’s not there. I mean we all know why, so just say it. 

I did not loathe Tori this season. Yes, she’s animated but she can compete and I respect the fact that she owned up to everything on the stage in front of everyone. 

Come on MTV. Pony up the money to trace the IP address so we can know who sent the screenshots. I immediately assumed Johnny because we know he likes to meddle in relationships.

Disappointed for CT but glad Derrick still has a chance! 

Them fudging the times in favor of Cara crossed my mind as well.  Especially seeing how from what they showed us on the last episode it would have seemed that the finals was between Tori and Camilla.  It seemed to me like Cara was beaten by both Tori and Camilla during most of the challenges.  If Cara is the winner it would be funny if the five minute penalty was the reason for Camilla's loss.

I have to say I am liking Jenna with the brown hair.  I mean I always found her attractive but I really like her with dark hair.

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It's almost over.At least there's that. And maybe, just maybe, CvP2/CvS/Whatever won't suck outright. Really, though, why can't MTV put this series out of its mizery misery? And ours?

Nine weeks? Does any competitive reality show last that long aside from Big Brother? I'm thinking that's why everybody sucked a little harder this season . . . more fatigue = fewer barriers from saying something stupid. Unless you're Camila, then you basically start off at zero.

Not caring about Tori/Derrick H. One thing: when Derrick was going on about how somebody tipped him off, did anybody else expect the entire panel to slowly turn their heads in Ammo's direction? I mean, he does have a history of informing, and I did see him in a few crowd shots.

There was somebody on AYTO named "Prosper"? Whatever.

Of course we didn't get the winners this week. Whomever thought jerking us around was a good idea needs a beating. We'll probably wind up with Jordan & Camila, because it's been that kind of season. Jordan is cocky hard to take in medium doses, and he turned most of the women against him in the van . ..  but he's a damn saint compared to Camila. At least you could say Jordan was drunk and/or stretching for a rhyme. Camila suuuuuuuuucks. Oh, and if Cara Maria wins, there's going to be a possibility that MTV and/or BMP decided to fudge the results to prevent Camilanator from winning. I mean, Cara Maria is good, and I canj see her outright winning, but things are shysty the way they're set up.

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Wow. So boring.  Although I was mildly entertained by the Tori/Derrick saga and the reactions from the rest of the cast (except for Ammo, who was straight up digging for gold in his nose the entire segment, lol!) when Tori revealed the results of her private investigation.  I for one believe that Derrick did it; he was straight up lying.  And what the hell was he talking about when he said, "I'm black; I can't get a phone!". Uhmmmmm, what?

Darrel showed what it means to be a classy competitor.  Cause Tony's dumb ass definitely won by luck.  

Nelson's still dumb.

Who was the chick in the red dress sitting next to Nelson?

And what was the point of bringing back all 30, uhm 29, people, if only 10 are gonna speak? 

Edited by luckyroll3
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That was a waste of time. This did not need to be a two-parter. Why did they spend all that time on the unrecorded fight in the redemption house and then all the drama of Tori and Derrick's relationship break up? This could have been a quick hour even with the reveal. BTW fuck MTV for giving Tori's exes airtime to call her a slut and not wifey material. So helpful.

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I would have thought if there was any fudging of the numbers, it would have placed Camilla in third place and not second (if that's what happened).  Putting her in third gets her out of the way in the first episode and leaves the second Camilla free.  Out of sight, out of mind.  But MTV puts everyone's dirty laundry out on the line for all to see in hopes that no one will notice the racist isn't there so when TJ pulls out the double cross on her behalf and she wins, it won't seem so bad.  What MTV has failed to realize, though, is that it is noticeable.  When I wonder why this final was filmed the way it was, maybe it seemed to MTV that this was the best of all outcomes from a legal standpoint.  They screwed up by not eliminating her in the first place and in order for them to keep filming, they can't mess around with the times.  If that gets out then the show is over.

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Poor Tori probably blew her entire win on that private detective.  Am I the only one who thought her hookup was CT before they named Jordan?  I think the most likely rat was Camila.  

All of these people are experienced with TV now, and yet Britney was caught messing with her lipstick, and Ammo thoroughly picked his nose - both sides!

I like Tori and it looks like MTV is priming her to be the new star.  Why else create a VIP section and drag Teej on to interview her "exes"?  If felt like the whole episode was about her, but the slut shaming was gross.

Was TJ's girlfriend sitting with him?  I noticed there was a woman who was practically sitting on his lap.

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I really shouldn't have been surprised that this cluster duck of a season would give us a 2 hour reunion. 

It was like an episode of Jerry Springer without the thrown chairs or Maurry without the paternity testing. I don't care about all this relationship drama. Tori cheated on Derek big deal. Cory hooked up with a bunch of chicks. Already knew that. Don't see why we need to revisit that. 

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Basically, Dirty XXX is to this series as Bad Blood was for The Real World. Bloated cast, it lasted too long (nine weeks?!?), and you wind up barely caring in the end. Sure, we were familiar with most of the cast and you gave a shit, unlike the two AYTO sociopaths, Faux Spice and the other eleven. But in both cases, you just want a resolution. Drawing the Reunion over two hours, spread across two weeks, and we can only find out the winner there? That calls for finding the people behind those notions and beating the stuffing out of them.

ETA for @toomuchtv47 . . . I've been saying that for several seasons. I don't think Mrray and his crew have the intelligence or balls to try that, but the possibility lingers.

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1 hour ago, ProphecyGrrl said:

I think the reunion may actually be in THREE parts.  Oy.

The MTV publicist has told us that the finale (with winner reveal) will be Tuesday, November 21, before the premiere of Season 31 -- yes, they are back to back on the same night -- but then her predecessor had told us that the finale would be November 7, so we know they do lie.

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I am sickened that Camilla is not on and it appears MTV is as said above protecting her. I think she came in first, and they have been scrambling on how to "fix this issue" since the public outrage regarding her blatant racism and incredible unlikeability.   MTV: never ever bring Camilla on any season of anything again. At the very least make a real public statement about her actions and that they were not condoned.

I would be so happy if she did win, but then a disclaimer went up that due to review of her actions, the winning female prize money went to the second place female (CM).

I love CT, hes amusing to no end, but I hope he gets in a little better shape, the audible wheezing is concerning and he lost due to how out of shape he is. Being strong is one thing, but you also need to be fast.

"Tory is the new Cory" was kind of funny but kind  of not. She really dogged Derrik and I felt sorry for him.  She could have at least called him and explained she fell out of love/lust and moved on. Not communicating is chicken sh*t.  And good luck with your "great relationship" with Jordan, she can profess all she wants that its not a real relationship, but she obviously has stars in her eyes for him.

MTV: Camilla needs the boot for good, Tony does not make good TV (no one cares about his countless illegitimate kids).  And in general the AYTO cast brings a bunch of duds.

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3 hours ago, toomuchtv47 said:

When I wonder why this final was filmed the way it was, maybe it seemed to MTV that this was the best of all outcomes from a legal standpoint.  They screwed up by not eliminating her in the first place and in order for them to keep filming, they can't mess around with the times.  If that gets out then the show is over.

They found out that Johnny took speed to stay awake during one of the legs of the finals a few seasons back (it was against the rules), and even though that win (on the leg) probably gave him the win overall, they allowed him to keep the money and the title, and only docked him a small fine.  I thought that was a huge deal, and thought that Sara had a strong case against BMP, but apparently not, and the show continues....

As for that VIP section, I didn't recognize anyone, but I'm guessing they're some of the "stars" that are competing in the Champs vs. Stars show that starts next week.  They'll probably be introduced during part 2 - it airs at 9 PM, with the new show premiering at 10 PM.  

Edited by LotusFlower
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8 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:


Who was the chick in the red dress sitting next to Nelson?

And what was the point of bringing back all 30, uhm 29, people, if only 10 are gonna speak? 

That was Ashley. Along with her, why were half of these people even there?

Can someone please wake me when they reveal who won, this is ridiculous.

It’s funny to watch John trying so hard to be relevant.

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Derrick you’re still way hot and you’re obviously too good for Tori.

Sorry I have NO patience with cheaters and that song and dance about “oh the challenge is so long and YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE wah fucking wah” sounds so lame.  

I will give her that she admitted she was wrong but she was still trying to make excuses so fuck her.

I was so lost in the fight with Simone and Whatshisface and why Mike was so disappointed daddy at the end.

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18 hours ago, Steph619 said:

I was surprised that Tori ended up being in third place, but I'm not surprised she hooked up with Jordan. It was obvious she had a thing for him. 

I honestly didn't even give that any thought during the past few weeks of the show, but the very second she said she cheated on him, I said "I bet it was with Jordan!"  So I must have picked up that vibe but just not really thought much of it.  

I'd be willing to bet Jordan hooked up with her so they could be future Exes partners, and she has zero idea.  I think she still thinks there's some chance that, now that the reunion has happened, and she's publicly cleared the air about their hookup and her relationship with her ex, she and Jordan are going to have some kind of relationship.  She just kept insisting that they're relationship is great way too many times, and it came off as kind of pathetic and desperate.  Meanwhile, he's totally moved on.  He got his hook up and his future Exes partner, so he's done.  

When Miz (who should host all the reunions from now on) asked Cory "fuck, marry, kill" with Kailah, Aneesa, and Camilla, I knew exactly how he was going to answer.  Camilla in the "kill" slot is a gimme (if you ask any of those guys at this point), and it seems like he has some level of genuine feelings for Aneesa, although I'm not sure, exactly, what those are, but she seems to be the one he seems most intent on maintaining some level of relationship with.  

I can see why people think the network is protecting Camila by keeping her off the reunion, but, knowing Camila's need for drama and the spotlight, it's probably killing her that she's not there and that they're largely just pretending she doesn't exist, beyond having TJ stand in for her at the end.  I think it would be awesome if, after basically ignoring her existence, right at the very end, they have a couple cast members make statements condemning her behavior, and there's a production announcement that she will no longer be allowed back in any future seasons, due, in general, to her repeated history of acting abusively towards her cast members and her racist comments, specifically.  Very little of the drama she adores, no real spotlight on her, no chance for her to respond on air, and her Challenge career is over.  

And I just looked at her Twitter account.  She's claiming she couldn't make it to the reunion because of a death in the family.  My favorite response "I didn't realize your dignity was family."  Someone defending her is saying something like "I hope all of you people calling her racist are perfect and have never made a mistake in your life."  Mistakes? Sure.  Drunken rant where I call someone who I claim is my friend the n-word and throw a whole bunch of racist crap at him and others, because I'm embarrassed that I got drunk and hooked up with a complete loser?  Nope, can't say that I have.  If that makes me perfect, so be it.  

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23 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I'd be willing to bet Jordan hooked up with her so they could be future Exes partners, and she has zero idea.

Yep. My first thought upon hearing that Jordan and Tori hooked up was that Jordan was strategizing for an Exes partner. (Though if a hookup happens off camera does it really happen?) Between his Tori hookup and his Cara Maria fights, he's set himself up quite nicely for future themed seasons. 

What was the point of Teej being there if they were just going to have him sit in the 'VIP Section' and stand in for Camilla during the winner announcement. I'd love to hear his thoughts about some of the shenanigans he sees. The Bachelor/ette has the Tell All episodes. Why can't we have a Teej Tells All? 

I realize my fuddy duddy side may now be showing, but what was up with the wardrobe on this episode? One of the girls was showing quite a bit of underboob, Corey had on a Knicks jersey, ripped leggings and a denim jacket and Miz was wearing a velour t-shirt under his suitcoat. Meanwhile Bananas and CT are dressed like its a Sunday and they're kicking back watching football and Derrick K has on a freaking tie! What the heck? 

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59 minutes ago, sabretooth said:

Yep. My first thought upon hearing that Jordan and Tori hooked up was that Jordan was strategizing for an Exes partner. (Though if a hookup happens off camera does it really happen?) Between his Tori hookup and his Cara Maria fights, he's set himself up quite nicely for future themed seasons. 

It counts if it becomes one of the big story lines covered at the reunion.  (Of course, none of John's hookups are ever shown on camera or talked about at reunions, yet he always has a partner for Exes.) 

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Was going to say how lame that they spent two segments in Tori-Derek-Jordan drama and then another segment on Corey and the women.

But of course they're going to milk this.  For one thing, looks like they brought most of the cast and put them up in NYC hotels, which isn't cheap unless they're doubling up.  Or maybe that Capitale venue is comping them, because it apparently has hotel rooms in addition to being an even venue.

They could still explain next week why Camilla, who may have won it, isn't at the event.

Anyways, this million dollar purse is probably a one-time thing unless the ratings were boffo.  No point in them tripling the total prize money unless this season got at least 59% greater ratings than the typical Challenge season.

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17 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

That was Ashley. Along with her, why were half of these people even there?

As in Smashly?  Who quit in the first episode?  Why the fuck is she there?!?!?!

13 hours ago, sabretooth said:

What was the point of Teej being there if they were just going to have him sit in the 'VIP Section' and stand in for Camilla during the winner announcement. I'd love to hear his thoughts about some of the shenanigans he sees. The Bachelor/ette has the Tell All episodes. Why can't we have a Teej Tells All? 

This would be great.  You just know Teej has some shit to say!  In head, I believe that he genuinely hates most of them.  

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16 hours ago, mojoween said:

Well get me a walker too because I could not fathom what the trash Britni was wearing.  It was horrific.  Only her mammographer should see that much boob.


16 hours ago, sabretooth said:

I realize my fuddy duddy side may now be showing, but what was up with the wardrobe on this episode? One of the girls was showing quite a bit of underboob, Corey had on a Knicks jersey, ripped leggings and a denim jacket and Miz was wearing a velour t-shirt under his suitcoat. Meanwhile Bananas and CT are dressed like its a Sunday and they're kicking back watching football and Derrick K has on a freaking tie! What the heck? 

Let's not forget Cara's leggings! 

I am not at all surprised at the Tori/Jordan hookup

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20 hours ago, mojoween said:

Well get me a walker too because I could not fathom what the trash Britni was wearing.  It was horrific.  Only her mammographer should see that much boob.

The only good point of her spilled-her-food-on-her-shirt-and-fashioned-a-replacement-out-of-table-napkins style is that she was seated right behind Bananas and so every time he spoke my gaze was fixated on trying to figure out that shirt rather than on his smug, annoying, barely-relevant-to-this-Challenge-so-why-is-he-still-talking face.  In other words, I'd rather stare at boobs than at that Boob.

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On 11/15/2017 at 8:30 PM, KerleyQ said:

It counts if it becomes one of the big story lines covered at the reunion.  (Of course, none of John's hookups are ever shown on camera or talked about at reunions, yet he always has a partner for Exes.) 

I noticed while they were hanging out at the house that wherever John was, Nicole was usually there too. And guess who she was sitting beside at the reunion. Hmmmm.

 Nicole’s ‘don’t underestimate me because of my size’ crap got old a long time ago. If she loses at something she’ll say it was because the elimination/challenge favored someone larger. Yet the elimination where Aneesa beat her did not favor size, and she still lost. Now she’s saying she can beat anyone there at puzzles?

On the subject of wardrobe, does Aneesa ever wear anything that’s not a black tank top?

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On 11/15/2017 at 9:32 AM, ProphecyGrrl said:

I think the reunion may actually be in THREE parts.  Oy.

That would be ridiculous. 

On 11/15/2017 at 1:39 PM, Amers said:

So that whole talking a vote for the final winner isn't gonna happen?

I never heard about that.

For the love of god don't let that POS snake Jordan win. 

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21 hours ago, Hiacios said:

I'm so glad Torri got 3rd place. She is a whore who is absolutely ugly inside and out.  

There is a grotesque racist in contention and you're more concerned about somebody else's sex life?

Tori seems to know who she is and knows what she wants. I wish I was that self assured in my early 20s. From the sounds of things, she and Derrick took a break and during that time she experimented with Jordan. I think it was big of her to admit wrongdoing, because I don't really get what she supposedly did wrong.

To quote Friends: "They were on a break!!!"

Edited by Oholibamah
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  On 15/11/2017 at 10:32 AM, ProphecyGrrl said:

I think the reunion may actually be in THREE parts.  Oy.

The MTV publicist has told us that the finale (with winner reveal) will be Tuesday, November 21, before the premiere of Season 31 -- yes, they are back to back on the same night -- but then her predecessor had told us that the finale would be November 7, so we know they do lie.

I believe the third part is gonna be a behind the scenes of the two-part reunion. Streeeeeeetcccchhhhiiingggggg!

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On 11/20/2017 at 10:41 AM, Oholibamah said:

There is a grotesque racist in contention and you're more concerned about somebody else's sex life?

Tori seems to know who she is and knows what she wants. I wish I was that self assured in my early 20s. From the sounds of things, she and Derrick took a break and during that time she experimented with Jordan. I think it was big of her to admit wrongdoing, because I don't really get what she supposedly did wrong.

To quote Friends: "They were on a break!!!"

I said she is an ugly person on the inside and out. I never liked Tori when she was on AYTO and seeing that she and Jorden clicked together so easily just solidifies my deep hatred for her as Jorden is one of the biggest POS to ever be on the Challenge IMO. 

As the saying goes: "You"re Only As Good As The Company You Keep"

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