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S12.E17: A Case Of The Vickis

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I don't fault anyone for taking precautions when they have heart attack or stroke symptoms. All jokes aside.   You can't play around with that stuff.  It might be overkill, pardon the pun, but, if it is a problem, it's best to find out in the ER where they can save your life.  I believe that nausea, vomiting and weakness are classic heart attack symptoms for women.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 17
4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Who is Muriel? 

Its a line from Muriel's Wedding.  Hilarious movie!

4 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Ok, does anyone think that Vicki used her being hungover/jetlagged/worn out from partying to garner sympathy as a way to cement herself back into the group?  I think she was sick - just throwing up/nauseous and then maybe thought hey I can use this to my advantage.  Maybe she does it all the time.  I've got a splinter - I need a casserole!!   She has to know that if she's only filming with a couple of folks, she could be on the chopping block.

While Kelly and Tamra are or were dependent upon the men in their lives for financial purposes, I don't see them asking their men, hey should I do this or that for every damned thing.  Go to the hospital or don't.  You can't make that decision on your own?  Then the I'll have my husband call your husband?  Tamra has always fought her own battles when needed, I think the same goes for Kelly.  That remark is some akin to "I'm gonna tell Mom!"  

Or is Peggy really that committed to the Armenian schtick - Armenian women always yield to the wishes/commands of our men/husbands?  Sure don't see that from our most infamous Armenian family - the Kartrashians.  They do whatever they want, men be damned.   Just waiting for the line next week how Armenian mothers are the best (or some variation).  Peggy needs to exit now, and no she doesn't need to ask Dicko first.

Worked after Glamis.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, jaync said:

Breaking news....Peggy, Lydia and Meghan are all out next season. YAY!!!

Soooooo HAPPY about that!!


9 hours ago, Mu Shu said:
On 01/11/2017 at 1:13 PM, KungFuBunny said:

My husband is great man, he has been kissed by angels in heaven. My husband takes my temperature 2 times a day every day. His thermometer is attached to his body underneath the belly button - he is miracle Armenian. In the morning it is done orally and at night it is done rectally. I know he will tell me my temperature as soon as he says oh god oh god. My husband, he prays all the time.

You’re terrible, Muriel.

Love you both!!

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

THIS!! My exact thoughts! Lydia's jacket was ridiculous in the best way and draped around her shoulders a la a Kardashian and it was all I could see in that prayer circle.

Kelly getting so annoyed by every single thing Peggy said and did was hilarious. "We're going in SHIFTS!!", "It's an ANALOGY!!!" "How do you LIVE in America?!!" >.< LMAO!

Vicky... wow. She hated the ATVs and the glacier hike was rough and she was hurtin' and wanted to whoop it up! Can't she just whoop it up? She finally got to whoop it up in Shannon's room and cry and make up with Tamra because she had a medical scare for her heart condition  due to the high altitude. Hilarious. She did look like she was dying, complete with nausea, sweats, and face melting... from the worst Iwillneverdrinkagain Imgonnaneedadrink hangover ever. 

Kelly really points out how improbable it is that Peggy is so ignorant of American culture and idioms.  Kelly has frequently talked of her Mexican heritage, so maybe she grew up in a bilingual home, too?  It would explain why she's so disbelieving of Peggy's dumb act.

  • Love 18
18 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Not only that, but hadn't they been at her side for hours in the hotel? In many cases I'd be irritated that they didn't go to the hospital. But in this case... sending one or two as representatives (IN SHIFTS!!11!1) seemed enough. What more could they do? It's not like Vicki was sitting around in the ER waiting room, right? They couldn't all cram into the place she was getting her tests done. If it were me, I'd be grateful that a couple friends came, and ok if the rest ate and got their own rest, etc.

Both the cast members AND medical team. I don't know for sure in Iceland, but in some countries the team that comes out to the patient does most of the stabilizing aspect of the treatment there in the field, as opposed to the American style of getting them to the ER as quickly as possible to do majority of the stabilizing there. (I remember reading about that when Princess Diana died.) So it's possible she didn't need as long at the hospital.

Also, as someone who has spent a fair amount of time waiting around in ERs (for my job, not my personal life, thankfully), waiting with a friend or loved one is overrated. Most of the time, you can't be with them (certainly not more than one or two), there are minimal food options, and there is A LOT of waiting. Hours and hours. And siccing that group of ladies on the poor folks waiting at the hospital? Those poor folks were spared! The first half of this episode was some version of Lucy and Ethel and their equally crazy friends have a medical emergency. It was alternately hilarious and head-shaking. 

Edited by candle96
  • Love 15
14 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Kelly really points out how improbable it is that Peggy is so ignorant of American culture and idioms.  Kelly has frequently talked of her Mexican heritage, so maybe she grew up in a bilingual home, too?  It would explain why she's so disbelieving of Peggy's dumb act.

I think what I enjoyed most about Kelly in this episode was the dinner scene when Lydia came a preaching.

It's my first memory of an OC HW chowing down and enjoying her meal as opposed to looking miserable and pushing food around a plate.

  • Love 17
14 minutes ago, candle96 said:

Both the cast members AND medical team. I don't know for sure in Iceland, but in some countries the team that comes out to the patient does most of the stabilizing aspect of the treatment there in the field, as opposed to the American style of getting them to the ER as quickly as possible to do majority of the stabilizing there. (I remember reading about that when Princess Diana died.) So it's possible she didn't need as long at the hospital.

Also, as someone who has spent a fair amount of time waiting around in ERs (for my job, not my personal life, thankfully), waiting with a friend or loved one is overrated. Most of the time, you can't be with them (certainly not more than one or two), there are minimal food options, and there is A LOT of waiting. Hours and hours. And siccing that group of ladies on the poor folks waiting at the hospital? Those poor folks were spared! The first half of this episode was some version of Lucy and Ethel and their equally crazy friends have a medical emergency. It was alternately hilarious and head-shaking. 

The dirty truth is that although we have the best medical care in the world, we have one of the higher rates of infant mortality, maternal death, etc., in Europe and other first world countries.  We spend the most, and do the most procedures, tests, what have you, with the poorest results.  If Vicki had experienced these symptoms here she would most likely have had x-rays, CT, MRI, EKG, Stress Test, TEE, Tilt Table Test, Echocardiogram, and been admitted with a heart monitor.  Only to be later discharged with the exact same diagnosis Iceland gave her.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, SnarkAttack said:

Vicki can't always yell "the sky is falling!" with regard to her health, and then expect people to believe her when it really is.  That will come back to haunt her some day.

I’m thinking this is the straw that will break Bravos back.  They’ve kept her on even after all the shitty things she’s said and done, but this is her second  trip to the E.R.  There may be liability they can’t take on with her anymore.  Please baby Jesus make it so. 

  • Love 10

Watching this episode and being very familiar with Iceland I put two and two together and have come to the conclusion this drama was way overdone.  Those women are nuts, either camera whores trying to earn they cheque or just the wrong people to have around you in a crisis.  I'm going for camera whore because really, who behaves that way when there are medical personal on the scene. 

Also I don't get this whole high altitude bullshit they spoke about.  They were staying at Hotel Ranga, altitude there is 29m/69ft, pretty much sea level.   Also the waterfall they went to in this episode altitude is  36m/117ft.  I don't imagine the part of the glacier they hiked is much more than that.  There is no way Vicky was suffering any form of altitude sickness.  

I am also highly skeptical that that ambulance would have put their sirens on or that the police entered that hotel as dramatically as the deliberately shaking camera would have you believe.  

I also think she put that robe over her head because she wasn't camera ready.  I would not be surprised if the whole thing spiraled the way it did because the cameras followed Kelly into that bathroom.  It's an odd think for Peggy to be concerned that Vicky wasn´t camera suitable in that moment. 

Finally judging from the time traveled my best guess is Vicky went to the hospital in Selfoss.  There would not have been some crazy insane ER there (Lydia implies it was a scary place to find herself in some tweet some time back).  I'd say they ran some standard tests to make sure it wasn't a heart issue and sent her off.  No way did she have any tests that would have found blood clots.  Not there, at that hour of the night in that time frame.  If she had shown any signs that a blood clot could be a possibility I think she would have been sent to Reykjavik.  

My diagnosis, mountain made out of a molehill.

Edited by Castina
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

I’m thinking this is the straw that will break Bravos back.  They’ve kept her on even after all the shitty things she’s said and done, but this is her second  trip to the E.R.  There may be liability they can’t take on with her anymore.  Please baby Jesus make it so. 

I know we saw only bits and pieces, and edited in a very jumbled way, but I never got the impression that Vicki wanted to go to the hospital.  She felt like shit, looked like shit, and seemed to just want to lay down.  Peggy and Kelly got everything stirred up, and by that I mean Peggy.  Kelly thought it was anxiety and Vicki should lay down.  Peggy was running around like the sky was falling.  Frankly, I can't imagine Vicki wanted to be seen by the camera in that condition, and that's probably the true reason she had the robe over her face.  Not that she's a martyr, of course.  I think she would have been happy with Peggy, Kelly, and whoever else showed up, doting on her.  

It wouldn't be uncommon for Vicki to be throwing up and grew faint, and you do feel like you're dying in that moment.  While it's most likely dehydration and exhaustion, at Vicki's age and with an abnormal EKG, I wouldn't be surprised if production called the ambulance.  As someone posted earlier, women's cardiac symptoms tend to be different than the typical crushing chest pain.   

Why that fucker Fridrick had to have his nose in everything, I'm not sure.  He's garbage for pressuring the women into eating that rotten shark when he could hardly put it in his mouth himself.  And his lodge sucks.  If I went to Iceland, I wouldn't want to stay in a Japanese spa with wooden shoes, or some stereotype of an African country.   If I didn't know better I'd think my aunt planned this trip.  Every trip she got her hands on was destroyed by the fact that she's incredibly cheap.  A wonderful Jamaican vacation that turned out to be at some dump in a town called Runaway Bay, with water so disgusting not one person entered it.  And a Christmas trip to Hawaii that was a long walk from the ocean.  Cheap cheap cheap.  No way would the NY or BH women tolerate that place.

  • Love 11

Icelanders do eat the shark.  Not all of course but I have even seen children eat it, depends on where they are from on the island. Fwiw I tried it once and never again, it is putrid but when people travel they sometimes like to try weird local delicacies.   I don't think it makes him garbage to offer this.  Not everyone tried it and he had a smile on his face the whole time.  I hope Icelandic tourist board learns that there is rarely a benefit to allowing US reality shows to film there. 

As for the hotel (to me it has more of a lodge vibe) I don't like theme rooms, I find them tacky, but that place has a majority of good reviews on tripadvisor.  The location is ideal for viewing the Northern Lights, is close to a lot of attractions in south Iceland and they have a very good restaurant and bar service.  You stay there for specific reasons, there are other more modern  Scandinavian style hotels within 30-70 minute drive from their hotel so I imagine that location was picked by production for space reasons (and probably got a great deal from Fridrick with promises of wonderful free advertising )

Edited by Castina
  • Love 13
On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 4:31 PM, Natalie68 said:

It seems whenever they show the times of these types of things it ends up being important.  Now I cannot remember, did anything that WOULD be important happen?  Or is it the fact Vicki is the fastest person ever to recover from a 'medical emergency'?  Straight from the hospital to Shitface Town.  She had to be drunk to allow herself to be filmed looking so horribly.  I don't know about y'all, but if I am sweating/hurling/rushed to the hospital and I feel semi ok upon release I am taking a shower.  


THIS! Did you see her hair all matted in the back from lying down?  HOW LONG has she been on TV?  Victoria Gunvalson, you should know better!!!

  • Love 6
On 11/2/2017 at 9:53 AM, Mu Shu said:

You’re terrible, Muriel.

I love you for this.  

My dear friend and i used to say this to each other ALL the time and it - literally - never failed to crack us up.  Yet, I have not thought of it in many years.  Thanks for the memory! <3 

Edited by Duke2801
spelling and wc
  • Love 8

Vicki and her dramatics are the most entertaining things about the show right now.  Voice of 1, here, but I hope she stays. 

I'd really like to see her, Tamra, and Shannon get over it already and become friends.  They are in the same zone age-wise, relationship-wise, etc.  and could be good for each other.  Plus, when they let loose and DO get along, they are fun to watch.

  • Love 5
On 11/2/2017 at 8:42 AM, Luckylondon said:

Kelly getting so annoyed by every single thing Peggy said and did was hilarious. "We're going in SHIFTS!!", "It's an ANALOGY!!!" "How do you LIVE in America?!!" >.< LMAO!

Well, to be fair to Peggy (LOL) - perhaps she thought they were all supposed to change clothes and WEAR shifts to the hospital.....although it did seem a little cool for that, as I usually think of shifts as more of a summery dress.....but......I'm not Peggy!!!

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, teapot said:

THIS! Did you see her hair all matted in the back from lying down?  HOW LONG has she been on TV?  Victoria Gunvalson, you should know better!!!

I think her name may be "Victorious".    That is what Donn said in Turks and Caicos when they renewed there vows.  I hate that I know/remember this.    But I just checked the Google machines and it has Victoria.   I want her name to be "Victorious". 

Edited by SuzWhat
  • Love 2
20 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I’m thinking this is the straw that will break Bravos back.  They’ve kept her on even after all the shitty things she’s said and done, but this is her second  trip to the E.R.  There may be liability they can’t take on  with her anymore.  Please baby Jesus make it so. 

i think that bravo will drop this franchise.  i don't see them firing icki. i think  they will end the franchise rather than  fire her.  i maybe wrong but i believe that andy has a soft spot for vicki because she's the og of the oc.  

if they haven't fired her by now, the won't.

Edited by jaybird2
  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

i think that bravo will drop this franchise.  i don't see them firing icki. i think  they will end the franchise rather than  fire her.  i maybe wrong but i believe that andy has a soft spot for vicki because she's the og of the oc.  

if they haven't fired her by now, the won't.

Actually, Vicki isn't the "OG" of the OC, that would be Jenna. Jenna was THE first HW of the entire HW franchise, Vicki is just the longest lasting and only because she/Tamra went after Jenna to get her booted off the show. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, Vicki isn't the "OG" of the OC, that would be Jenna. Jenna was THE first HW of the entire HW franchise, Vicki is just the longest lasting and only because she/Tamra went after Jenna to get her booted off the show. 

that's true but andy refers to her as the og of the oc.  for the longest time i didn't know what og stood/stands for.

  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

that's true but andy refers to her as the og of the oc.  for the longest time i didn't know what og stood/stands for.

Your right, for some unknown reason Andy does love her, at least he did, but I suspect (hope) that his feelings may have changed. At this point, she has very little to offer the show that we haven't already seen/heard over the years. 

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, Vicki isn't the "OG" of the OC, that would be Jenna. Jenna was THE first HW of the entire HW franchise, Vicki is just the longest lasting and only because she/Tamra went after Jenna to get her booted off the show. 

Jeana and Vicki both were original cast members of Real Housewives of Orange County from the beginning. Vicki’s son Michael is actually the one who got the ball rolling. 

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Jextella said:

Vicki and her dramatics are the most entertaining things about the show right now.  Voice of 1, here, but I hope she stays. 

I can't stand Vicki, but I know that party of one feeling -- sending a cocktail over to your table : ) 

6 hours ago, jaybird2 said:

 for the longest time i didn't know what og stood/stands for.

Plus, Andy ALWAYS leaves off the "re" at the end of "og"!

Edited by film noire
  • Love 13
59 minutes ago, Dehellion said:

Jeana and Vicki both were original cast members of Real Housewives of Orange County from the beginning. Vicki’s son Michael is actually the one who got the ball rolling. 

No, Jenna was the first. She was a neighbor of Scott Dunlop, the originator of the HWs and picked her first. Michael saw an add for HWs and got Vicki to fill it out but that was after Jenna was already signed. 

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

No, Jenna was the first. She was a neighbor of Scott Dunlop, the originator of the HWs and picked her first. Michael saw an add for HWs and got Vicki to fill it out but that was after Jenna was already signed. 

You can try and spin it any way you want to but only one of them has been in every episode of all 12 seasons. Jeana may have been the first to be cast but there were five original cast members ?

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Dehellion said:

Jeana and Vicki both were original cast members of Real Housewives of Orange County from the beginning. Vicki’s son Michael is actually the one who got the ball rolling. 


Yes. Back in the day the story was Michael had seen an advert and brought it Vix's attention. From 2006:



Dunlop placed an ad in local papers and interviewed about 60 people. He narrowed the field to five women: Jeana Keough, Vicki Gunvalson, Kimberly Bryant, Lauri Waring and Jo De La Rosa.



  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, Dehellion said:

You can try and spin it any way you want to but only one of them has been in every episode of all 12 seasons. Jeana may have been the first to be cast but there were five original cast members ?

We can twist it any way but to say that Vicki is the OG because she was hired first is incorrect, Jenna was hired first. Jenna was SD's neighbor and knew him and he hired her as the first HW. Yes, Vicki out lasted all of them but she did so with help from various HWs and that still doesn't make her the "original (OG)" HW. Tamra helped her get Jenna ousted then grew to regret that as she watched Tamra become a force of her own. Now Vicki has to face that Tamra may get her booted off the show or down graded to FOH after this season. Vicki is merely the longest lasting full HW of the entire franchise.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9
1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

We can twist it any way but to say that Vicki is the OG because she was hired first is incorrect, Jenna was hired first. Jenna was SD's neighbor and knew him and he hired her as the first HW. Yes, Vicki out lasted all of them but she did so with help from various HWs and that still doesn't make her the "original (OG)" HW. Tamra helped her get Jenna ousted then grew to regret that as she watched Tamra become a force of her own. Now Vicki has to face that Tamra may get her booted off the show or down graded to FOH after this season.

I believe the reason Andy calls Vicki the OG of the OC is because she has been around since episode one of season one of the first series of Housewives and hasn’t left. She’s been around for like 200 episodes at this point, she’s deserving of the title. Just because you don’t like her doesn’t make her not an original cast member. 

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

We can twist it any way but to say that Vicki is the OG because she was hired first is incorrect, Jenna was hired first. Jenna was SD's neighbor and knew him and he hired her as the first HW. Yes, Vicki out lasted all of them but she did so with help from various HWs and that still doesn't make her the "original (OG)" HW. Tamra helped her get Jenna ousted then grew to regret that as she watched Tamra become a force of her own. Now Vicki has to face that Tamra may get her booted off the show or down graded to FOH after this season. Vicki is merely the longest lasting full HW of the entire franchise.

Jenna said Scott got the idea from knowing her and her family and I've always believed it. An ex-playmate marries baseball star and have 3 kids while living behind the gates of an upscale So CA suburb was a good idea to build on ten years ago. Vicki prefers the story of son, Michael answering an ad. They can each have a different crown. One for being the original muse and one for staying power.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Your right, for some unknown reason Andy does love her, at least he did, but I suspect (hope) that his feelings may have changed. At this point, she has very little to offer the show that we haven't already seen/heard over the years. 

totally agree.  he seems to love the most vile, hateful, trashy mouths hws.  i thought kelly would be gone but he thinks she's great.  the same with the on bh's, her name escapes me she is so vile.

  • Love 3
On November 2, 2017 at 7:24 AM, hoosier80 said:

Ok, does anyone think that Vicki used her being hungover/jetlagged/worn out from partying to garner sympathy as a way to cement herself back into the group?  I think she was sick - just throwing up/nauseous and then maybe thought hey I can use this to my advantage.  Maybe she does it all the time.  I've got a splinter - I need a casserole!!   She has to know that if she's only filming with a couple of folks, she could be on the chopping block.

While Kelly and Tamra are or were dependent upon the men in their lives for financial purposes, I don't see them asking their men, hey should I do this or that for every damned thing.  Go to the hospital or don't.  You can't make that decision on your own?  Then the I'll have my husband call your husband?  Tamra has always fought her own battles when needed, I think the same goes for Kelly.  That remark is some akin to "I'm gonna tell Mom!"  

Or is Peggy really that committed to the Armenian schtick - Armenian women always yield to the wishes/commands of our men/husbands?  Sure don't see that from our most infamous Armenian family - the Kartrashians.  They do whatever they want, men be damned.   Just waiting for the line next week how Armenian mothers are the best (or some variation).  Peggy needs to exit now, and no she doesn't need to ask Dicko first.

Most of these women seem to have rudimentary skills at best when it comes to articulating their point but Kelly and Tamra specifically contextualized their criticism of Peggy's solicitation of Diko's feedback in the terms of "get an education and have your own career so no man tells you what to do."

This is a very odd tack for Kelly and Tamra to use in the interest of lambasting the Sulahians. Peggy specifically asked Diko to affirm her instincts - so it's not like she was being instructed to adopt a course of action that contradicted her instincts. 

Whereas Kelly herself said she eventually decided to call off her first effort at divorce because Michael fought her so aggressively ... and thus basically told her what to do. 

Tamra, meanwhile, has lived her life at the caprice of men and is still doing so IMO. Most of these women are here in large part per the whims of Andy and/or their respective showrunners but Tamra is dependent more than most. 

I know that Peggy is almost universally reviled - and I find her grating and stupid at times myself. But she and Diko seem to have the healthiest relationship and most respectful marital dynamic among the cast from my view. Most of the others unions aside from Tamra and Eddie seem to feature at least one partner who holds the other in transparent contempt. 

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Most of these seem to have rudimentary skills at best when it comes to articulating their point but Kelly and Tamra specifically contextualized their criticism of Peggy's solicitation of Diko's feedback in the terms of "get an education and have your own career so no man tells you what to do."

This is a very odd tack for Kelly and Tamra to use in the interest of lambasting the Sulahians. Peggy specifically asked Diko to affirm her instincts - so it's not like she was being instructed to adopt a course of action that contradicted her instincts. 

Whereas Kelly herself said she eventually decided to call off her first effort at divorce because Michael fought her so aggressively ... and thus basically told her what to do. 

Tamra, meanwhile, has lived her life at the caprice of men and is still doing so IMO. Most of these women are here in large part per the whims of Andy and/or their respective showrunners but Tamra is dependent more than most. 

I know that Peggy is almost universally reviled - and I find her grating and stupid at times myself. But she and Diko seem to have the healthiest relationship and most respectful marital dynamic among the cast from my view. 

I don't think Kelly/Tamra knew anything beyond what Peggy told them and that was Ditko told her to go to the hospital. Her explanation came off as that she called him so that he could tell her what to do, not that she called him to support her decision to go and that is why Tamra/Kelly reacted like they did. Kelly has an education (she graduated college) and became a SaH when she had Jolie, Tamra was a SaH when she married Simon but started the gym (with Eddie) after they got together. Peggy is a SaH and has been for a long time. Neither Tamra or Peggy have a college education (degree). 

As for Peggy/Ditko's relationship.......it seems they were divorced a year after they married. No one knows if they have lived together since then or are just faking married/living together now for the show but there is no record of them remarrying. So, I am not so sure their relationship really is as we see. 

  • Love 4
22 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I love you for this.  

My dear friend and i used to say this to each other ALL the time and it - literally - never failed to crack us up.  Yet, I have not thought of it in many years.  Thanks for the memory! <3 

My male BFF and I like to quote a line from The Color Purple.

It is especially funny when we are both getting ready to go out - dinner, a party, church. Even funnier after one of us had a haircut/blowout

Once ready, instead of saying how do I look the other one immediately says "Celie, you sho is ugly!"

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

My male BFF and I like to quote a line from The Color Purple.

It is especially funny when we are both getting ready to go out - dinner, a party, church. Even funnier after one of us had a haircut/blowout

Once ready, instead of saying how do I look the other one immediately says "Celie, you sho is ugly!"

Love it! ?


This is was actually my male BFF from high school I was referring to also! ❤️

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

No, Jenna was the first. She was a neighbor of Scott Dunlop, the originator of the HWs and picked her first. Michael saw an add for HWs and got Vicki to fill it out but that was after Jenna was already signed. 

Yes.  And Jeana was a somebody.  Vicki was just a homely mutt from the Midwest who happened to cheat on her husband with a guy who was transferred to Cali with a good income.  But for the grace of god she would be dusting Precious Moments figurines in the Chicago suburbs right now.  

  • Love 14
On 11/2/2017 at 2:23 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't fault anyone for taking precautions when they have heart attack or stroke symptoms. All jokes aside.   You can't play around with that stuff.  It might be overkill, pardon the pun, but, if it is a problem, it's best to find out in the ER where they can save your life.  I believe that nausea, vomiting and weakness are classic heart attack symptoms for women.  

Good point.

  • Love 1

What a know-it-all Peggy was this episode - has she and Vicki been BFFs for years and we just didn't know it?  She was obsessed with inserting herself into the situation, which would be understandable if it was her husband or child or relative, but someone she's known a matter of months?  Please.  And telling the doctor what HE needs to do?  OMG, then crying in her phone conversation with Dorko - Peggy, get a grip for god's sake!!  

Of course this is the PERFECT opportunity for Lydia to thrust her Christianity in everyone's face because she's more goddamn Christian than anyone else on the planet.  Even her prayers are pretentious "Dear Lord, I lift up Vicki to your eyes ... "  Sheesh!

All these medical questions everyone's asking of the first responders -- they must be assuming there's no HIPAA in Iceland.  Peggy looked truly chagrined that the ambulance left her behind.  She sits in judgment on everyone else actually eating and drinking while poor poor Vicki is suffering so, and then appoints herself compassion policewoman of the year.

Followed by Lydia, who is aghast that the other women aren't all fixated on rushing to Vicki's side at the hospital.  Kelly was so funny, vying with Peggy to wait for her so they can both go together to the hospital.  Kelly can't let Peggy out-bestfriend her with Vicki demanding that she wait "two seconds", and Peggy tries to one-up her by turning it into spousal disrespect if she doesn't immediately leave for the hospital.

Best line of the show award goes to Meghan: "Excuse me, can we order a casserole? To go."  Followed by Kelly's line to Peggy "how the fuck did you get into UCLA?"

To nobody's surprise, Vicki is released from death's door (the hospital) within a few hours.  Steve's warm and tender sentiments afterward - dragging her off the plane with a rope?  We either missed something key in that conversation, or there isn't even a hint of romance going on there -- not that anyone was ever fooled into thinking that.

Finally, tiresome Peggy took to her room all day and night eating worms.  Banging on Peggy's door, Tamra can't figure out why Peggy has her nose out of joint -- you were literally rolling on the floor laughing at Peggy after Kelly said, "I'm going to have my husband call your husband" and "my daddy can beat up your daddy".  It wouldn't surprise me if off camera, Peggy turned the "daddy" thing into something cruel toward Peggy's late father, which of course is absurd.  Because in Armenia they don't have "my daddy can beat up your daddy", so to Peggy the meaning was totally alien and unrecognizable.   Bitch takes herself and everything else SO damn seriously.

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