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S08.E17: In Sod We Trust

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Haha, I was glad to see Roxanne stand up (in a booth!) to Devoin in the preview because his comment was out of line and designed to hurt her and her daughters.

Sad that Ali is upset about being separated from Gracie while Gracie couldn't care less.

Jenelle, it's not MTV's job to referee your relationship with David.

Quay is a nicer friend than Kail deserves.

Chris wore headphones the whole time during one ultrasound appt? What a colossal a-hole.

Edited by nikita
touch screen keyboards are the work of satan
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Nah I don't blame Gracie.Ali gets a lot of attention and school is one place where she doesn't need to be in her sisters shadow.I could see how it could get irritating for Gracie.They practically with each other 24/7.I get where she's coming from.

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Barbs Donna  is not a friend. 

Chelsea looks beautiful and her husband is a good guy. 

I FF thru Briana person because  I don't know her ( so I must have had a life at one time) 

The we don't want nana there because we don't want fighting to Jace is pretty low , so don't have her as an excuse why all the fighting gurl? 

Are you even suppose to step  on sod immediately? Idiots. 

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The last five minutes of this episode were everything. Jenelle chasing after David and crying because nobody was paying attention to her was pure comedy. As far as her not having help, what the hell did she expect when she excluded her family from the wedding? Was she hoping they'd grovel at her feet for an invitation? And then she's bitching about having to pick up her own kids, as if that's not a normal part of parenthood. God, please don't allow this woman to continue to breed.

Kail was also pure comedy. She is so desperate for Chris to want her it's pathetic. The way she shouted "he's here!!!" reminded me of the way a five year-old gets excited when he sees Santa at the mall. Also, do none of her friends have jobs? Everyone's just available all day to sit at her house and babysit and clean her pool for her?

Regarding Briana, was there no way to check the price of the school's aftercare before the orientation? At least Devoid contributed something, but I can also see Briana's point that if he didn't even have a couple hundred bucks in his account now, how's he going to come up with it later? 

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Seriously.. who was that person talking to Barb? Barns being stubborn?!?! Are you kidding? Janelle is an awful person to Barb. Awful. And shows no remorse for it. She’s awful. That’s the only excuse. 

I used to think gracie was the bad twin but.. it must be hard on her. Remember the season where we watching Leah be completely out of  it and Gracie seemed to be running the household at times? Wasn’t there a scene where they were going somewhere and Gracie was holding a blow dryer and doing her hair and she said to Aydi “go see if mommy’s going to help me” I mean.. so I can’t fault her for enjoying it not having to share everything with Ali. She should get a break. She’s still a kid.

I wish I felt for Kail, but I can’t. She’s made her choices to have a  3rd baby with a guy she wasn’t even in a real relationship with, and has known  throughout this whole pregnancy that he was kind of meh on the whole thing, getting upset about it at the 11th hour is kind of ridiculous to me. And I know emotions are heightened right now for her but she has known this about this guy for months!

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Liar liar, Kail. There was no doctor note. I noticed how quick you put on that seatbelt as you quickly glanced at the dash cam. Either you got tired of being slammed on social media or you were pulled over and cited. 

ETA: Never mind. The later scene showed her crying and driving while on the phone and did not have a seat belt on.  POS does not care about her newborn or other drivers. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Oh. My. God. The sight of squat ass cum dumpster Jenelle chasing David around in his little toy while he yells "I'm workin'!" *vrooom* *vrooom* *spin* *turn* "I'M WORKIN'!!!", was one of the most hilarious things I've seen on this show. 

"Raise your hands if you've ever felt personally victimized by Jenelle Evans." *entire crew raises hands*

Fuuuck Im in real tears!!! ???

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4 hours ago, Persianpear said:

Nah I don't blame Gracie.Ali gets a lot of attention and school is one place where she doesn't need to be in her sisters shadow.I could see how it could get irritating for Gracie.They practically with each other 24/7.I get where she's coming from.

Did anyone catch Ali’s big, evil smile while Addy was in time out?

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Did that editing suck? So, did Jenelle help lay down the sod or hang in the house all day? What was David doing with that front loader thing? Janelle was upset because she had  stuff to do---go pick up all the kids for the wedding? Sounds like the crew had to leave because things weren't "perfect" and she couldn't control them.

I get what Barb's "friend" was trying to do (try to get them to make peace?), but man, she was barking up the wrong tree. We'll hear back from "Donna" on the ID special.  ' I'm in shock, such a family man" 

Edited by bounnatalie
extra word
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I usually FF through Brianas scenes. (What did she bring to the table) - anyway, I watched this live...what kind of Shady before and after Care are they getting. Cash only?? Always want a traceable form of payment, especially as childcare is a write off on taxes....on both ends. Why would Devoin bring cash, it would have never occurred to me that it would have been cash only. 

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

The later scene showed her crying and driving while on the phone and did not have a seat belt on.  POS does not care about her newborn or other drivers. 

That is totally NOT OKAY!  That sea cow is endangering her unborn child AND everyone else on the road!  Why is that piece of film not an automatic ticket?  Why does the crew keep filming that illegal and dangerous behavior?  I want to yank her out of the car, stomp on her phone and slap her silly.  Now she's gone and made me angry, the bitch.  


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1 hour ago, Farmfam said:

I usually FF through Brianas scenes. (What did she bring to the table) - anyway, I watched this live...what kind of Shady before and after Care are they getting. Cash only?? Always want a traceable form of payment, especially as childcare is a write off on taxes....on both ends. Why would Devoin bring cash, it would have never occurred to me that it would have been cash only. 

I couldn't figure out what it was. I went to aftercare at my school, and it was FREE. But when I worked in daycare, we had before and after care, for school aged kids. We dropped them off and picked them up. It certainly wasn't free. But we took checks, at least. I haven't worked in daycare in over 10 years, but we didn't take debit/credit cards back then. Maybe they do now? At any rate, it seemed weird to me that no one had any idea what was going on. 

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8 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Oh. My. God. The sight of squat ass cum dumpster Jenelle chasing David around in his little toy while he yells "I'm workin'!" *vrooom* *vrooom* *spin* *turn* "I'M WORKIN'!!!", was one of the most hilarious things I've seen on this show. 

"Raise your hands if you've ever felt personally victimized by Jenelle Evans." *entire crew raises hands*

Mean Girls reference, I see you! 

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1 hour ago, Farmfam said:

I usually FF through Brianas scenes. (What did she bring to the table) - anyway, I watched this live...what kind of Shady before and after Care are they getting. Cash only?? Always want a traceable form of payment, especially as childcare is a write off on taxes....on both ends. Why would Devoin bring cash, it would have never occurred to me that it would have been cash only. 

Written receipts. Those are still available. 

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The girlies never got the definition for motivated.  Alie said, "we don't even know what motivated means."  Leah said, "yes you do, I told you what motivated means".  Gracie said, "I haven't learned about it yet."  Leah said, "I'm feeling nervous, happy". Gracie said, "why you feeling nervous?"  I say, "what happened to the definition of motivated Leah.?"  

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52 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

It's really fun to watch Chelsea's wedding planning vs. Jenelle's.

Well, to be fair Chelsea's reception-a-year-after-the-wedding-planning-because-she-couldn't-child-plan vs. Jenelle's wedding. (And I like Chelsea a hell of a lot more than Jenelle, FTR.)

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45 minutes ago, lasandi said:

I say, "what happened to the definition of motivated Leah.?"  

She hasn't learned about it yet.  At least she managed to not seem so drugged out this episode.  

3 hours ago, bounnatalie said:

What was David doing with that front loader thing?

He was compacting the clay so nothing will ever grow there, while attempting to flatten his feelings of nonspecific rage.  

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9 minutes ago, 3outta5 said:

i can't believe I've forgotten as it drove me totally nuts, but who refers to filing for child support the way Briana etc. do? "Time to do the child support"?? My mind rage-blanked.

That bothered me too. She also said I'm going to put child support on him. 

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I have only had half a mug of coffee so I hope I can make sense...

The Coven never disappoints!  They only travel as a pack when they need to chase off a man.  I am far from being a "dead beat parent" but if I needed to pull $200+ cash out of my purse I wouldn't be able to.  My husband couldn't do it either.  Briana didn't know about it or have it but that's all OK.  Devoin though will never hear the end of it.  (Around here I'm the one who manages home and the kids.  I keep up with and manage our schedule and things coming up.  In the world of The Coven that makes him a piece of shit and I should shriek at him over it.)

In the preview clip, I'm defending what Devoin said that made Mother Witch stand in the booth.  He said, "What do you know about dads?  You have never had a dad."  Which is true!  It is true because Mother Witch probably in the past was a lesser member of another coven and they ran off Brittany and Briana's dad(s).

The Coven are modeling the behavior they grew up with.  They don't know how a dad should be because they have never had one.   Their constant harping runs them off.

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It's funny to me how each one of Leah's girlses favor one parent so strongly in the looks department (IMO). Gracie is a Leah clone, Addie has Jeremy's face, and Ali is mini-Corey. 

I guess Karl was trying to gain some sympathy over her little "Chris isn't coming to my appointment, WAAAAAAAH" breakdown, but I couldn't help but be distracted by the hideous lion on her arm. Did she ask for a rendition of a lion who just found out Mufasa died? I think it's supposed to come off as "strong", but homie just looks sad & like he would like to be on anybody else's ham hocks. 

I notice Javi was gloriously absent from the episode. He's probably freaking the fuck out right now & on the first flight to Florida. 

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5 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:


I notice Javi was gloriously absent from the episode. He's probably freaking the fuck out right now & on the first flight to Florida. 

They showed him on his phone in the montage in the closing seconds. LOL


And yeah, zero problems with Devion throwing some shit back the Coven's way at the restaurant. I am going to guess they probably said something completely stupid prior and he just had enough of their shit. Both he and Luis are pretty shit dad's but even if they were decent they'd never have a change with the Coven. I will however give each of them props for consistently keeping their cool around the Coven versus someone like UBT who would probably already have them six feet under. 

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

So I live in FL, two counties away from the coven. Most of the school districts work the same and I have two kids who graduated from the school system, so let me enlighten. About two weeks before school starts, you receive a packet of info from the school that contains classroom and teacher assignments, bus schedules, drop off info, etc etc. There is typically an invitation to an orientation a day or two before school starts, which is where we saw the coven. Some districts hold a special one for kindie, just so it's not so overwhelming. They also include info in the packet about programs and groups who will be at orientation, like the PTA, aftercare, yearbook sales, etc. At $185 a month, this is most likely a program sponsored by the school district, not a private provider, because they would be charging much, much more. I am one million percent sure that they included the information about the price and the fact that they don;t take credit cards in the flyer that was included in the packet sent to Brianna. When I went to orientation, I took my checkbook and a pile of cash in small bills, because the districts don't accept credit cards.   If you pay by check, your check is your receipt, if you pay cash, they write you a receipt. As for Devion not knowing, I call BS on Brianna. The districts send home the packet to the address that the parent says is the child's address. They only send duplicate info to non-custodial parents by request. I don't understand who Brianna is upset that Devion didn;t have 200 bucks in his pocket, unless she told him the price and that it was cash only, which clearly she didn't because she needs to bring the drama. 

Now this makes sense. There is a paper flying around somewhere with a notice saying "cash (or check) only" that was conveniently left out. Interesting, because I don't know hardly anyone that will have $200 in cash with them at Kindergarten registration unless they were aware that it was necessary. All I could think is "what? Why would any school district or any business be cash only, $200 per kid, 100 kids sign up and they are sitting with $20000 in cash?! Checks would be a lot easier. I'm back to FF through her...

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55 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:


I notice Javi was gloriously absent from the episode. He's probably freaking the fuck out right now & on the first flight to Florida. 

Javi was there, he was in all the Briana scenes. You just can't see him because he crawled up inside her ass.

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Briana to baby Stella: "Don't you dare take another shit girl, I'm over it!".   Such a loving mother!

Even though they are not sympathetic characters, only the Coven could make me feel bad for Devoin and Luis.  Briana seemed to show a moment of self awareness when she recognized that all they do is bitch and moan at Luis, but when every encounter she has with her baby daddys involves the whole group, how can anything ever change?   I guess it would never occur to her to leave Stella home with her mother and sister, while her and Devoin run out for an hour to take care of registering Nova for Kindergarten.   Why bring an entourage?

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2 hours ago, nikita said:

Well, to be fair Chelsea's reception-a-year-after-the-wedding-planning-because-she-couldn't-child-plan vs. Jenelle's wedding. (And I like Chelsea a hell of a lot more than Jenelle, FTR.)

Lol, yeah, I'm not really shipping Chelsea in this whole showdown because we're talking about someone who had to have two weddings because she got knocked up before marriage for the second time and didn't want to miss her chance to be Barbie Bride. Her and Cole are the more likeable couple by far but it's not like we're comparing Jenelle to Kate Middleton here. Chelsea just looks like Superwoman because these other girls are such trainwrecks.

Edited by BitterApple
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37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

(after burying their wives underneath it. That's actually probably the reason for the delay. He's like, "damn, I don't want to do all this work, then have to dick it back up after I take a shovel to her head.")

This is one of those typos / autocorrects that can't know how much closer to accurate it is than what was originally intended to be there. Yup, he dicked it up the first time and doesn't want to do it again. 

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11 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I think she has looked especially pretty this season. Her face looks thin and it magnifies her bone structure.  I've always thought she had a potato-face, but her weight loss really agrees with her.

She definitely had a potato face, and very thin lips.  She must have gotten her lips done, and maybe her chin?


2 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

or this



They're break-dance fighting!!!

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Just now, poeticlicensed said:

helping Janelle with her to do list is no something they are required to do. 

They are probably contractually obligated to not help cast members in any real way, like with their chores and errands.  

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