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S14.E05: Danger Zone

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4 minutes ago, Pallas said:

Owen says he has broken his patterns, his hewing to ideals instead of wading through the mess/wading further into the river that's life as we find it. If that means he truly is free -- free of his hopes of being neighbors with his family; free of his need to create a new nuclear family' free of his compulsion to protect -- then he could be free to make his way forward to Cristina.

Owen's always been terrified of losing the women he loved, and tried to bind them to him with their frailty. Acting as the "man of the house" with his mother about her much younger boyfriend ,and his sister about her impulsiveness; marrying Amelia's damage (which even came with its own tumor), marrying Cristina's trauma. 

But it wasn't Cristina's trauma that Owen loved. And if he's free, he can simply love the qualities he loves in her instead of trying to temper them, for fear of what life might do to a strong woman.

Owen's problem is he had this picture perfect life that he wanted to live, that apparently his father gave him growing up. So, he didn't want anyone to deviate from that course or felt he could have people see that same life.  Yet, he completely went wrong about it, trying to force Megan in that life style, thinking Christina would see what he wanted or after his talk with Amelia thought she saw the same views. With Christina, she was never going to change. She had her plan for life and what she wanted, and nothing was ever going to defer her from that, not one bit. If it did, she felt in both her world view and her fantasies her life would be a living hell. Amelia, it was the tumor. Tumor did this, tumor did this, caused her to radically change her mind on things she agreed on or felt she had moved on from. Yet, always made her go: "No, things will go wrong, I will have brainless babies! I will never be happy, I want things my way, but tomorrow I will change my mind." Owen might not have known about things with Amelia and was given a quick turn. However, he should have been up front with: "I want a family, I want to have a life similar to what my parents have, if you don't share that view, then I'm sorry." Instead Owen has been: "My way or the high way." or thinking they would come around to his view eventually. Megan finally told him to give it up. 

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

He's Scottish. Before Grey's I've only seen him in the movie Trainspotting, so it took me a while to get used to his American accent. BTW, that movie launched several Scottish/British actors. Ewan McGregor, Johnny Lee Miller, Robert Carlyle, Kelly Macdonald, etc.

He was in that movie with Patrick Dempsey, Maid of Honor or something, where Patrick's best (female) friend falls in love with a Scot and he has to win her back.

  • Love 1

I don't care if The Tumor is gone, Amelia's still got the crazy eyes.  When Owen walked in and she was smiling at him, I was expecting her to grab a butcher knife and stab him to death.   Owen might be overbearing at times but I like him (maybe it's because I remember liking him on the HBO tv show "Rome"), so I hope they stay split up for good.

Edited by Ohwell
  • Love 10

I can’t say I loved this episode, but I was definitely satisfied with its ultimate outcome. 

I stopped liking Owen when he married Cristina. For me this ep provided insight into what seemingly changed Owen from the badass we were introduced to, into the ultimately uninteresting two dimension background character he’d become. Seems like this season and KV’s mission is not to retcon but to resolve. (I’d go so far as to say that the show has been on an aimless course since the crash aftermath and Cristina’s exit.) 

It’s been enjoyable to see loose ends tied up - the Megan story; the backstory of why Owen wants that picture book family, come hell or high water; and Riggs arc meeting its natural conclusion and a peaceful, natural and respectful exit for his character from Meredith’s life. This episode wasn’t great, but it was well executed and imo, better than the majority of the eps from last two seasons, maybe even the last three. 

I never liked Owen with Amelia, but I enjoyed their scenes together in this ep. They may be better as really close friends - at least the stage has been set for that possibility.  

  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, Scatterbrained said:

Regarding a new love interest for Meredith:  I get the feeling that neuro might be her new love interest; or, at least, something related to her career.

Yea, Vernoff has spoken about wanting to see Meredith really shine as a surgeon this year - I'm not sure it will necessarily be in neuro, though one could argue that there have been hints that she'd go back to that. But she did a really badass surgery on Meghan and we're seeing a decidedly more mature, focused, and content Meredith, and I think is on purpose.  

  • Love 3

Along with her career, Meredith might also be seen to take an interest in at least one of her three children, as a person worth getting to know. A line or two in passing, here and there, in which she doesn't refer to them collectively and only in terms of their need for care and feeding, like three baby turtles she's trying to keep alive in a second-hand aquarium until their shells harden up

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Pallas said:

Owen says he has broken his patterns, his hewing to ideals instead of wading through the mess/wading further into the river that's life as we find it. If that means he truly is free -- free of his hopes of being neighbors with his family; free of his need to create a new nuclear family' free of his compulsion to protect -- then he could be free to make his way forward to Cristina.

Owen's always been terrified of losing the women he loved, and tried to bind them to him with their frailty. Acting as the "man of the house" with his mother about her much younger boyfriend ,and his sister about her impulsiveness; marrying Amelia's damage (which even came with its own tumor), marrying Cristina's trauma. 

But it wasn't Cristina's trauma that Owen loved. And if he's free, he can simply love the qualities he loves in her instead of trying to temper them, for fear of what life might do to a strong woman.

If Owen has to "go", I hope that's how it happens.  But I'm probably one of the only ones here who really loves Owen.  He's so principled, and he cares so much it hurts.  I'd like to see him maybe get into Ortho (don't get me started about the missing Callie)....and work with vets where he could shine in his medical career and creating cutting edge technologies/treatments.   Make him a mentor character again, he was good at that with trauma.    I hope they give him the time to settle into his new headspace, which, as you say, might allow him to enjoy himself without having to try to super-control everything around him.

I might add, PTSD is like that.  I know.  I deal with it every day of my life, and it can be maddening.  The thing to remember is that the person with PTSD can't easily control it....as a care-giver or partner, it's kind of like having a parent with Alzheimers, you just have to bite your tongue at so many things that you'd take someone's head off if they were "normal". 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

He was in that movie with Patrick Dempsey, Maid of Honor or something, where Patrick's best (female) friend falls in love with a Scot and he has to win her back.

He also starred in the HBO series "Rome".  Sad that it wasn't renewed for a 3rd season, but it was almost as expensive as Game of Thrones.  Good stuff, check it out on HBO.GO if you have it.

  • Love 4

Bye, bye Riggs. It's not like he is going to come back because he is some kind of great surgeon-don't remember him doing anything all that special in any episode-and therefore there is no real reason to bring him back to help with anything....unless war breaks out. Addison was a great ob'gyn/neonatal surgeon, Burke was a world class heart doc as was Hahn, Sloan was a top notch plastics guy, the president wanted Derek, Christina is...Christina and Mere is simply the greatest, but no recollection of Riggs being anything other than a good surgeon.

Overall, a fine farewell and a nice way to tie up loose ends, but nothing special as an episode and not all that interesting.

I didn’t hate the episode but it blows my mind that an entire hour was centered around a character we’ve known for four episodes and was mentioned for a year. Like...it really boggles me that they wrote something so nice for a character that we don’t care THAT much about. Yeah we like her but did we learn anything about her that couldn’t have been revealed in a regular episode?


I was surprised by Nathan’s exit cause there was no real lead up to this. Was it mentioned before they were moving to LA? That he quit his job in Seattle? And while Nathan got his HEA, the lead up was hasty. His and Owens animosity was an on going plot line last year, as was their lending their relationship, and there isn’t even a handshake between them. Krista forgot too, Nathan went to Grey Sloan cause he was transporting a patient for april. Nathan and April had a friendship and really nice chemistry before he got sucked into the sun, and nothing. Sucks for the fans that really started to warm up to him, and personally I always liked him cause of his relationship to April and how he was the only one to call her on her crap but not belittle her for it. I’m going to miss him for that alone. 


If if I thought this break up between Owen and Amelia would stick I’d be a lot happier. Amelia says he married a tumor, and that’s true, but he didn’t even know the “tumor” that well. Owen and Amelia, IMO, had no business getting married in the first place. Owen seemed to be the most attracted to whatever her darkness was and it never seemed like a good fit. Honestly I’m ready for Owen to move on from the show entirely unless he takes more of a bailey role where he is primarily there for the medical side of things and his personal drama/angst can be shelved for now. 


Im not entirely comfortable with this shows take on Owen wanting children. If he wants them he wants them and there is nothing wrong with that just like there’s nothing wrong with Cristina and Amelia not wanting them. What he needs to stop is projecting his feelings on to others and that was the biggest point megan made with him this episode, and if he comes away from that learning this than I’m happy. But him finally learning this feels like an “end” in a way. 


Not a bad episode but centrics by nature are going to alienate people. 

  • Love 5

Well, that was 40 minutes of my life I'll never get back. What a boring episode! I don't care much about Owen, never mind his sister or the kid (fluent in English) she raised. I don't even want to get into all the military stuff they got wrong or how strange it is for Megan/anyone to leave their kid with Riggs who doesn't even know him nor has any experience with children, let alone traumatized refugee children.

I did kinda like Mer and Riggs together, but if he has to go then fine. Wish he'd taken Owen and Amelia and Maggie with him.

  • Love 8

I'm also one of the few Owen lovers and I think his anxiety combined with his desire to always protect gets in his own way. I also see zero problem with a man wanting children. One of the things I enjoy about the younger generation is that men will take care of and love their children in the way that only women were allowed to at one time. I have a nephew and young cousin who due to circumstances had to be single dads, and they are doing an amazing job.

Back to the show-Megan seems too giddy and almost hysterical at times. I dont believe she could heal so fast from her injuries, and I find her story of raising a son for ten years in captivity a bit suspect. I also think a husband and wife who have been away from each other for ten years are going to have a hard time reconnecting. I don't mind Riggs leaving-they never knew quite what to do with him, and I think Meredith treated him like crap. 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Efzee said:

Well, that was 40 minutes of my life I'll never get back. What a boring episode! I don't care much about Owen, never mind his sister or the kid (fluent in English) she raised. I don't even want to get into all the military stuff they got wrong or how strange it is for Megan/anyone to leave their kid with Riggs who doesn't even know him nor has any experience with children, let alone traumatized refugee children.

I did kinda like Mer and Riggs together, but if he has to go then fine. Wish he'd taken Owen and Amelia and Maggie with him.

Farouk was four when his parents were killed.  Megan was with him for six years.  English is fairly widely spoken in Syria, so chances are he had plenty of time to learn it.

  • Love 1

English is somewhat common among the better educated Syrian families.  Many Syrian refugee families are having problems learning English right now. But I agree that six years with Megan was plenty of time to learn English.

This episode was better than I was expecting.  I still don't care about Riggs or Megan (how did Riggs not understand how Farouk was feeling about him moving in with them?) but the Megan/Owen reveals were interesting in terms of the light they shed on Owen.

12 hours ago, candall said:

I don't have siblings, but it's always seemed to me that the problem with an older brother is exactly what they showed tonight.  You can be 65 and you're still going to be the "kid sister" who can't be trusted to choose which Medicare Part D plan suits you best.

Younger brothers too.  It's incredibly annoying and we're not even from a male-dominated culture.

And I make much better decisions than Megan does.

4 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I’m not opposed to Alex and Meredith, but If it’s going to happen, I’d rather they wait until the end of the series. If they were to go there now and then they decided it didn’t work out, it would ruin the friendship and considering that they’re the last of the original five, I’d hate to see that history damaged. 

Now that Megan is gone, I hope we’ve seen the last of Teddy. I liked her the first time around, but not this time. If Owen were to leave with someone, I’d rather him leave to try to win back Christina. I’m still a little hopeful that he and Amelia will slowly get back together. 

Agreed.  I doubt they will put Meredith with Alex because as a character, he's not high enough status.  Meredith is the star of the show, anyone she dates during the run of the show is going to be high status.  Derek was a star neurosurgeon who was called by the President.  Riggs/Henderson was an incoming star.  She and Alex may go off into the sunset together but for the moment, I get the feeling that Alex and Jo reunited because KV was rightfully sick of that storyline.

I shipped Cristina/Owen like crazy, it was what brought me back to the show but I don't think that's a good match for Owen any more.  She's too  high octane and he just wants a settled life.  I want a border collie but I know that I could never work on enough to give it a good life. 

"You married a tumor."  I hate the way this show reduces people to a disease.

On the other hand, I'm one of the few people who likes Owen and Amelia when the writing for them isn't terrible, and I'm happy with how it ended because it gives them room to rediscover each other and move to a better relationship.  I figure the odds are 50/50.  Kevin McKidd is not ruling it out, after time as a single guy.   That's enough to keep me watching.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

I also see zero problem with a man wanting children.

I have no problem with a man wanting children.  I have a problem with a man getting married to women who tell him they don't want children, him thinking they will change their minds, and then getting mad at them when they don't.  I would say the same thing about a woman.  Don't marry someone thinking they will change or you will change them.

I can understand Grey's thinning the herd, but I still haven't figured out why characters like Mark and Lexie were killed off, or why they didn't do everything they could to keep Christina (SO).  None of their replacements have been half as interesting.

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Younger brothers too.  It's incredibly annoying and we're not even from a male-dominated culture.

I'm not so sure it's a brother - sister thing.  I believe it's more of struggle/battle about the birth order thing, older/younger.  Grey's really points this out.  We've had many sibling relationships.

Derek & his sisters - Derek the oldest, acted as the father (bossy), younger siblings always in competition regarding career, family, etc.

Alex/Brother & Sister - Still the caretaker figure, even though they're so far away

Meredith/half sisters - not the usual dynamic, because they didn't grow up together.  But Meredith certainly acts as the leader because she's the oldest.

I know from my own experience (younger sister)....she always wanted to "be me" while not being me.  Competitive in regard to career success, dating, clothing, etc.  AND, younger siblings are typically more outgoing and driven by attention seeking behavior, whereas the oldest sibling is more self-contained and assured due to being an only child for a period of time.  There are many excellent books on the topic of sibling birth order.

Just a thought, but as I am a big Owen fan, I really enjoyed this episode and the dissection of many of his sometimes-maddening behavior.  Last night's episode kind of makes everything fall into place as far as Owen's character.

16 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

I have no problem with a man wanting children.  I have a problem with a man getting married to women who tell him they don't want children, him thinking they will change their minds, and then getting mad at them when they don't.  I would say the same thing about a woman.  Don't marry someone thinking they will change or you will change them.

I can understand Grey's thinning the herd, but I still haven't figured out why characters like Mark and Lexie were killed off, or why they didn't do everything they could to keep Christina (SO).  None of their replacements have been half as interesting.

Losing Mark & Lexie (and Christina) wasn't for lack of material, it was the actors wanting to move on.  Sadly.  Although I love Eric Dane's new show (Last Ship), it's disappointing not to see Chyler with any new projects since she left Gray's.  And I still miss Burke, too.  Sandra Oh seems to have forged a decent post-Grey's career, but I'd love to see her come back and do a couple of guest episodes. 

IMO....the whole "you're my person" thing is one of the most unique and best thing about Grey's, the nucleus of the show about which everything else revolves (need I say, "my favorite part", the fabulous friendships?).

  • Love 3

I wish they would stop doing stuff that brings me out of the moment. The way what’s her name was throwing huge suitcases into the Jeep this soon after surgery was ridiculous. I had rather minor abdominal surgery and I can’t lift more than 5 pounds for 8 weeks. She had her whole stomach stitched on and was lifting those bags like a power lifter.  And the multi million dollar beach house, cmon! Even a dump on those stretches of beach are way expensive. Did the army give her $20m as some settlement? The 20 hour drive they did in between sunup and sundown? Cmon! It was an okay story about a bunch of characters I don’t know or care much about but whatevs. Waiting for next week.

  • Love 12
14 minutes ago, Blonde Gator said:

it's disappointing not to see Chyler with any new projects since she left Gray's. 

She's Kara's sister (and a serious badass in her own right!) on Supergirl. :)

1 minute ago, sadie said:

he way what’s her name was throwing huge suitcases into the Jeep this soon after surgery was ridiculous.

How long has it been since the last episode?  Because Amelia's hair grew back awfully fast...

  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, Blonde Gator said:

it's disappointing not to see Chyler with any new projects since she left Gray's. 

She has a season of Taxi Brooklyn doing a great job and left for Supergirl to play Kara's sister Alex.  It's an action role with good emotional stuff too. Last season her character had an arc discovering her sexuality, currently engaged to Maggie.

34 minutes ago, Blonde Gator said:

I'm not so sure it's a brother - sister thing.  I believe it's more of struggle/battle about the birth order thing, older/younger.  Grey's really points this out.  We've had many sibling relationships.

Grey's exaggerates for drama. Not all siblings struggle for power.

20 minutes ago, sadie said:

I wish they would stop doing stuff that brings me out of the moment. The way what’s her name was throwing huge suitcases into the Jeep this soon after surgery was ridiculous. I had rather minor abdominal surgery and I can’t lift more than 5 pounds for 8 weeks. She had her whole stomach stitched on and was lifting those bags like a power lifter.  And the multi million dollar beach house, cmon! Even a dump on those stretches of beach are way expensive. Did the army give her $20m as some settlement? The 20 hour drive they did in between sunup and sundown? Cmon! It was an okay story about a bunch of characters I don’t know or care much about but whatevs. Waiting for next week.

That bugged me.  But Riggs with the kid, missing normal cues bugged me more.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ugh, Owen had his Owen-ness cranked back up to 11. He tanked his sister's chances at the promotion/career/training she wanted because he was convinced that she couldn't handle it. He berated her for leaving Seattle because he doesn't want her to leave. Yes, yes, we're all supposed to make life decisions based on what Owen thinks is best because he is always right about everything. It's called free will, asshole. You get to exercise it but apparently you don't think your sister gets to. You're her brother so you get to uphold the patriarchy by deciding what she is allowed to do. Fuck off, Owen.

I didn't get that at all. I don't think Owen was intentionally being a controlling ass, I think he just did want his sister to move so far away after being gone for 10 years. I actually really felt for Owen in this regard. I mean the man literally thought she was dead for a decade, of course he isn't going to be thrilled about her moving away right as soon as she got back. I can understand thinking he was being controlling if it was a normal situation, but the guy just missed his sister! I actually think this was a great episode for revealing why Owen acts in such a stubborn, rigid way sometimes. I hope that his conversation with Megan will allow him to finally let himself be happy in one way or another.


6 hours ago, Pallas said:

Owen says he has broken his patterns, his hewing to ideals instead of wading through the mess/wading further into the river that's life as we find it. If that means he truly is free -- free of his hopes of being neighbors with his family; free of his need to create a new nuclear family' free of his compulsion to protect -- then he could be free to make his way forward to Cristina.

Owen's always been terrified of losing the women he loved, and tried to bind them to him with their frailty. Acting as the "man of the house" with his mother about her much younger boyfriend ,and his sister about her impulsiveness; marrying Amelia's damage (which even came with its own tumor), marrying Cristina's trauma. 

But it wasn't Cristina's trauma that Owen loved. And if he's free, he can simply love the qualities he loves in her instead of trying to temper them, for fear of what life might do to a strong woman.

I also had this thought while watching. Especially with Megan's whole speech to Owen about "letting go of his perfect idea of life" I thought maybe that was a sign he would just forgo kids and his "perfect life" completely and go to find Cristina. His character always seemed happiest when they were together, and I think they probably would've worked long term if it weren't for the kid thing and he could just loosen up a bit. Let's be real, Owen hasn't had an engaging storyline since Cristina left the show.


5 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I don't care if The Tumor is gone, Amelia's still got the crazy eyes.  When Owen walked in and she was smiling at him, I was expecting her to grab a butcher knife and stab him to death.   Owen might be overbearing at times but I like him (maybe it's because I remember liking him on the HBO tv show "Rome"), so I hope they stay split up for good.

Ha! I don't know what it is about the actress but she always looks just a little bit psycho ;)

Edited by only1shoe
  • Love 5

As for the rest of the episode, I called Megan and Riggs leaving together during the premiere, but I don't really know how I feel about it. On one hand I didn't really care about Riggs/Mer because he was such a poorly developed character who seemed to have no personality whatsoever, but I also was just starting to like him and I thought he had a good dynamic with Owen and a potential friend for April. I can't believe he was written off so quickly. He didn't even get a goodbye scene with either of them! But the final scene with him and Megan and Farouk on the beach was so beautiful, so I am glad they got a happy ending. I hope Megan can come back and guest star every now and then, because I really liked her dynamic with both Owen and Meredith.

Decent episode, nothing spectacular. But thank god for Owen finally breaking it off with Amelia. Those two were such an odd, awkward couple with really nothing in common. I mean they "dated", got married, and got divorced without once saying I love you to each other. Just bad writing. I hope the writers have the good sense to stick this out and not have them "slowly fall back in love" with this new and improved Amelia. That would just be too soapy for me.

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

She has a season of Taxi Brooklyn doing a great job and left for Supergirl to play Kara's sister Alex.  It's an action role with good emotional stuff too. Last season her character had an arc discovering her sexuality, currently engaged to Maggie.

Grey's exaggerates for drama. Not all siblings struggle for power.

That bugged me.  But Riggs with the kid, missing normal cues bugged me more.

Not familiar with Supergirl.  Nice to hear that Chyler is doing well. 

There are a plethora of examples of sibling order (not just on Grey's), so I totally disagree with your comment in that regard to Grey's exaggerating that, there have been many studies on birth order.  Look at the Kennedy's, if you want an example.  It's a fascinating topic if you're interested.  It really IS a whole "thing".  For example, a child who has siblings who are at least seven years younger will exhibit most of the tendencies of an only child.  Middle kids (of a group) exhibit very conciliatory behaviors, they are typically "peacemakers" in their future professional lives.  Oldest kids are driven to success, from having high expectations laid on, as well as the sole focus of their parents, when they are small.  Many youngest kids become comedians/actors, and so forth. 

As for Riggs, we've never been clued into his background with kids on the show.....no "history", not even with Meredith's kids.  So the fact that they chose to portray him with Farouk the way they did merely strikes me as convenient, nothing more.  I thought he did quite well for being thrown into a situation with a kid whom he barely knew. 

On the whole, I'm pleased with the episode, wrapped up some non-essential character arcs (hope Teddy's gone too, which would make sense since the situation has been resolved), it gave us insight into a major character (Owen), resolved an idiotic arc from the last two seasons (Owen/Amelia/tumor)........and opened up many possibilities for the rest of the season.  As I said earlier, really looking forward to Boys on a Boat episode, one of my favorite all time GA episodes was "the boys" working on Derek's deck.  Hoping we get more of the same next Thursday.

  • Love 4

I actually liked this episode more than I thought I would. It was very.... fitting. A lot of loose ends were tied and things felt definite. That's really important because basically all the storylines that got resolved here really, really need to stay in the past and never rear their head again. 

Although Megan seems like quite an interesting character, her story is just SO ridiculous that the longer she stayed, the more glaring holes would come through. This way it's much better to imagine she's living a happy life with Riggs and Farouk off-screen, so we don't have to think about how it's possible that no one immediately pursued her helicopter or how she wasn't found in 10 years or how she crossed paths were some Syrian refugees wherever she was kept or how she was allowed to adopt their son and raise him as her own or how she's so thoroughly unaffected by the whole experience except for deciding she wants to leave on the beach. 

It kinda sucks to lose Riggs this way (we didn't even see him say goodbye to April!) because I feel his character did have a lot of potential, but turning into an obsessed Meredith stalker ruined him beyond repair. Too bad, but it's great that their debacle of a relationship is gone for good. I'll try not to think it's inevitably leading to MerLex just yet.

"I/you married a tumor and we don't belong together" is an incredibly lazy cop-out for that hideous mess that Owen and Amelia together are, but I'll take it. Those two really needed to be split and I'll scream bloody murder if they ever try to put them back together AGAIN.

I really miss Teddy and wish she was still on the show. However, if she was, you just know they'd put her on an endless "Will they or won't they??!!" merry-go-round with Owen and it would be infuriating.

The show just lost quite a bit of dead weight it's been carrying for seasons and it's good. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

I have no problem with a man wanting children.  I have a problem with a man getting married to women who tell him they don't want children, him thinking they will change their minds, and then getting mad at them when they don't.  I would say the same thing about a woman.  Don't marry someone thinking they will change or you will change them.

I can understand Grey's thinning the herd, but I still haven't figured out why characters like Mark and Lexie were killed off, or why they didn't do everything they could to keep Christina (SO).  None of their replacements have been half as interesting.

Amelia said she wanted children when they got married.

  • Love 5

I like Owen, and I really enjoyed this episode. I’m glad the wrapped up the sister storyline because I didn’t want it to interfere with the regulars’ arcs anymore. As someone said upthread, my Bold prediction is that Own And April get together. They have a history, (platonic) and I for one would enjoy that romantic storyline/pairing. 

55 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Amelia said she wanted children when they got married.

Exactly and what pissed Owen off so much. She agreed, they talked about and then the next day it was: "No, never, no never!" Followed by her disappearing (of course having a baby in real life) but why write that into the story line? Because... drama. Same goes for Megan, I mean they acted like the helicopter just disappeared and that was it. Same when they showed the woman looking at the guy while they were flying away. I'm sorry, no way in hell she could have taken over the chopper to go where ever. Least when Teddy found out what happened he explained they shot back and they all lucked out they didn't die. Yet, no one had GSR on their hands? I mean come on. You can poke the entire story full of so many holes it is beyond stupid. 

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

She's Kara's sister (and a serious badass in her own right!) on Supergirl. :)

How long has it been since the last episode?  Because Amelia's hair grew back awfully fast...

I think it must have been some time since the last episode, enough for Megan to recover and buy a house in LA (and somehow get herself declared un-dead and get some money to do this).  There also would have been time Riggs to quit and all that.  It would have been nice to see some of that, but I think they didn't want to drag things out.

Now what "some time" is on Grey's, and how that compares to how much time has passed in the past two seasons is another question. Hasn't Jo been a resident for over five years by now? Not counting the year time jump when Derek died?

2 hours ago, flickers said:

I don't think Owen and April will get together. They both love kids, Jesus and the military and have red hair. Where's the struggle?

I seemed to be hinting at a Deluca/Amelia pairing in those scenes about her tumor, and I guess Jackson/Maggie are also going to happen.  I think that makes the only single people for Owen to be Meredith (which won't happen) and April. But I still can't see them putting Owen and April together. I don't know what their age difference is supposed to be, but I always felt there was a father/daughter vibe between them.

They'll need to bring in some outsiders if they really need to give all these characters a romantic story. Which they shouldn't really need to do, but it's Grey's, so they probably do.

  • Love 1

I've never had the impression that Owen is particularly religious. Was it ever mentioned? What April and him have in common is that they both like/want children, but that goes for the vast majority of people, so it hardly makes them soulmates. Their relationship is that of a mentor and a student, it's well functional that way and bringing in a romantic aspect at this point would be weird.

Amelia and De Luca would be another random pairing in a "they're both there, so why not" sort of way, but who knows with this show anymore.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, Chas411 said:

This exit of Riggs confirmed for me that they will go there with Alex/Meredith. There's nobody else to put her with now they've removed her love interest. I had wondered why they reunited Jolex so quickly but now I'm thinking it was just about to break them up for good eventually. 

I actually wonder about Deluca. He seems to have been deliberately cast as a younger Derek and has been given a lot of moments that are very Derek like. I wonder if he isn't the end game and they have been working on getting him there.

  • Love 1

The thing about Owen is, he had someone who wanted kids just like he does. No, I'm not talking about Amelia, I'm talking about the girlfriend he had after his divorce from Cristina, before Cristina left the show. Remember her? He was pretty happy with her, they wanted a kid, and then she told him that once she had their baby she'd take a couple of years off to stay with the baby and then go back to work once the kid was in preschool. And he dumped her for that! After so much whining season after season about Cristina being so obsessed with her career that she didn't want children, he dumped his girlfriend for not being career-obsessed enough.

That's the point at which I officially had it with Owen's baby rabies. Especially since I know perfectly damn well that if his partner had his baby and went straight back to work the way he said he wanted, he'd be whining in short order about how she's not spending enough time with their baby, about every time that she had to duck out on family time because of an emergency surgery, etc. There's nothing wrong with Owen or any man wanting a child. The problem is with Owen's ridiculous expectations revolving around it. No woman can actually satisfy them. Owen expects Superwoman. One can be both a successful, driven professional and a devoted parent, of course, but there will be situational compromises, that morning where you must choose between going in to work for an important meeting or staying home with your sick kid, between going to your kid's game or performing a major surgery. With Owen, either way you choose is wrong.

I liked the ending for Riggs and Megan. I kept expecting her to drop dead in this episode and it was a pleasant surprise that she didn't. Nathan wasn't a needed character; his relationship with Meredith never really clicked for me, and with that not working he was pretty much just dead weight. Glad to see Vernoff continuing to clean things up.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, readster said:

Exactly and what pissed Owen off so much. She agreed, they talked about and then the next day it was: "No, never, no never!" Followed by her disappearing (of course having a baby in real life) but why write that into the story line? Because... drama. Same goes for Megan, I mean they acted like the helicopter just disappeared and that was it. Same when they showed the woman looking at the guy while they were flying away. I'm sorry, no way in hell she could have taken over the chopper to go where ever. Least when Teddy found out what happened he explained they shot back and they all lucked out they didn't die. Yet, no one had GSR on their hands? I mean come on. You can poke the entire story full of so many holes it is beyond stupid. 

 they were a field hospital not a CSI unit

37 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

The thing about Owen is, he had someone who wanted kids just like he does. No, I'm not talking about Amelia, I'm talking about the girlfriend he had after his divorce from Cristina, before Cristina left the show. Remember her? He was pretty happy with her, they wanted a kid, and then she told him that once she had their baby she'd take a couple of years off to stay with the baby and then go back to work once the kid was in preschool. And he dumped her for that! After so much whining season after season about Cristina being so obsessed with her career that she didn't want children, he dumped his girlfriend for not being career-obsessed enough.

That's the point at which I officially had it with Owen's baby rabies. Especially since I know perfectly damn well that if his partner had his baby and went straight back to work the way he said he wanted, he'd be whining in short order about how she's not spending enough time with their baby, about every time that she had to duck out on family time because of an emergency surgery, etc. There's nothing wrong with Owen or any man wanting a child. The problem is with Owen's ridiculous expectations revolving around it. No woman can actually satisfy them. Owen expects Superwoman. One can be both a successful, driven professional and a devoted parent, of course, but there will be situational compromises, that morning where you must choose between going in to work for an important meeting or staying home with your sick kid, between going to your kid's game or performing a major surgery. With Owen, either way you choose is wrong.

He didn't actually break up with her because she said she wanted to take time off to raise her kids though, he broke up with her because she wasn't Cristina. Cristina came to Owen's trailer drunk and they ended up sleeping together, and then Owen broke it off with Emma. No matter how happy they looked, Owen was obviously still in love with Cristina and having her right in front of him in the same hospital made it impossible for him to fully let himself move on. It a big part of the reason Cristina decided to leave and go to Switzerland, to finally let Owen move on and "be happy" (which is ironic because he's been pretty much depressed ever since).

It is frustrating that he essentially sabotaged that seemingly "perfect" relationship to be with Cristina when he knows they don't work, but you can't help who you love I guess.

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, politichick said:

Owen and what's her name who was married to Jackson might make a good couple.

They could have a pack of ginger kids!

I kid, I kid. I don't really want to see them together, but the thought of Owen and April sitting at opposite ends of a long table with like ten little red headed kids in between them was cracking me up.

I don't want him to get back together with Cristina either. She doesn't want kids and he does. Neither of them should have to give that up for the other person.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

They could have a pack of ginger kids!

I kid, I kid. I don't really want to see them together, but the thought of Owen and April sitting at opposite ends of a long table with like ten little red headed kids in between them was cracking me up.

I don't want him to get back together with Cristina either. She doesn't want kids and he does. Neither of them should have to give that up for the other person.

Interesting considering that in the previous episode, Amelia mentioned she picked April as her medical POA because she knew she’d be there for Owen. 

  • Love 1

They actually gave someone a happy exit!! That's so rare. No getting hit by buses or trucks - hopefully they won't bring him back at some point, after breaking up with Megan, because they figure out they're not good together anymore, only to have him hit by a falling plane or something. 

That is a long drive. I've only done the drive from the top of California, to Sacramento, or from Sacramento to LA, and that was at least six hours, maybe closer to eight (it's been too long since we drove that way - I used to love that first peek of the ocean). We always stayed on the freeway, and tried to not stop, unless we absolutely had to. 

I didn't like Megan calling Owen judgemental, even if he is. She and Teddy were judging Amelia, and his marriage to her, right off the bat. But that ending was sweet, her son was adorable. 

That was mature of Amelia and Owen. I wonder how long it will last - because Grey's needs to mess with their characters. 

Edited by Anela
  • Love 1
17 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I think it must have been some time since the last episode, enough for Megan to recover and buy a house in LA (and somehow get herself declared un-dead and get some money to do this).  There also would have been time Riggs to quit and all that.  It would have been nice to see some of that, but I think they didn't want to drag things out.

Now what "some time" is on Grey's, and how that compares to how much time has passed in the past two seasons is another question. Hasn't Jo been a resident for over five years by now? Not counting the year time jump when Derek died?

I try my best to not let the timing of things bother me (especially once seasons 6-11 seemed to follow a year in the life), but the pacing for these last three seasons drives me crazy! Yes, Jo should be out of residency by now. They were third years when Derek died, which meant that they were fourth years during Meredith's away time. Season twelve began as a new academic year, so Jo (and Stephanie & Ben) should've been 5th years with DeLuca as an intern. Yet nearly 2.5 seasons later, Jo is still considered a "senior resident" and DeLuca is an intern, despite story arcs that clearly depicted months passing (Meredith's attack & recovery, Maggie's mother's cancer treatment, etc.). It would be much less frustrating had they just avoiding having residents or at least avoided anything that connects to their length of training. After 2 previous storylines of competitions for chief resident (Callie vs. Bailey, April), we never even found out who is the chief in Jo & Ben's class!

So yeah, it's annoying that apparently enough time has now passed that Amelia has a full head of hair and Megan (who was still battling infections at he incision sites last week) is now tossing around luggage into jeeps and swinging around her son at the beach like nothing. (Actually, my biggest pet peeve for unrealistic healing was back in season 11 when Meredith was jumping on a bed in her underwear. Ellen Pompeo may have a great torso, but Meredith's should be a tic-tac-toe board after having had an appendectomy, a c-section turned into an ex-lap with splenectomy, and having donated half her liver).

Other nitpicks that drew me out of the moment included the notion others have mention that one can apparently drive from Seattle to Malibu during the daylight, including a pit stop for a game of ring toss. Also, the green screen in the car kept flipping sceneries, so sometimes Owen would have a beach out his window and then so would Megan (as if they were driving on an isthmus!); other times there'd be cliffs one shot and then in the same conversation an open field with hills out the same window.

Finally, why did Megan even have a jeep in Seattle? It did not look like something that had been kept in storage for 10+ years, and I don't see why she'd buy a new car for a few weeks in Seattle if she already knew LA was her goal. Just buy a car down there while you're buying you're multi-million dollar beach home and ship your few remaining Seattle-based possessions.

Nice send off for Nathan, though!

  • Love 8

This episode revolves around characters that I don't like/indifferent to, but the ending is sweet.

- The poor man's Derek Shepard is gone thankfully. His dead eyed presence in the show wasn't needed at all. 

-In contrast, I found Megan to be a much better character than literally everyone in that entire episode (with the exception of Farouk, of course). She's much more interesting than Owen and really wish that they would've kept her and sent Hunt and Riggs off to their happily ever after.

-Amelia without a tumor is still... Amelia. 

-If they bring Teddy back just so she can be Owen's rebound, I will riot. She deserves better and it's strange since viewers were suppose to assume that she moved on from him when she married Henry.

Overall, this episode is the weakest compared to the previous 4 in the season.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I'm just amazed (and amused) at how perky Amelia and Megan are now, with one having survived a brain tumor and the other having survived massive injury to her stomach.  It's like "gee! no biggie!"

I feel the same way about Arizona's seemingly regrown leg. 

I also can't get past Megan's utterly unbelievable backstory, so I'm glad she's gone.  It bugged me every time she was on screen that she was supposed to have been a prisoner for 10 years blah blah blah.  Joe's backstory is also utterly unbelievable to me, so she bugs me too, for that reason. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, izabella said:

I feel the same way about Arizona's seemingly regrown leg. 

I also can't get past Megan's utterly unbelievable backstory, so I'm glad she's gone.  It bugged me every time she was on screen that she was supposed to have been a prisoner for 10 years blah blah blah.  Joe's backstory is also utterly unbelievable to me, so she bugs me too, for that reason. 

Word to all of this. Megan just got over 10 years of being a prisoner. Arizona got a new leg after years of saying how much losing her leg ruined her life. Add in Amelia's tumor to explain all the stupid stuff she did since Private Practice. Joe has had so much rewriting I just wish her ex-husband would get hit by a car and end the whole: "My husband can't fine me, he's powerful." Of course then they have some revenge seeking relative who would still look for Joe, because he was "a good man" crap. 

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, Anela said:

That is a long drive. I've only done the drive from the top of California, to Sacramento, or from Sacramento to LA, and that was at least six hours, maybe closer to eight (it's been too long since we drove that way - I used to love that first peek of the ocean). We always stayed on the freeway, and tried to not stop, unless we absolutely had to.

I've driven from San Diego to San Francisco and that's a long ass drive (500 miles, 7 hours if there's no traffic aka you drive in the middle of the night but most of the time you will definitely hit traffic on the Bay Bridge, around San Jose, and once you get near LA). The drive from Seattle to LA is 1100 miles/16 hours.

  • Love 1

I think Arizona's leg is one of those things like buying out the hospital or Meredith having her third kid. Or, hell, having kids at all. It gives some storytelling material for a while, but it doesn't really work in the long run because it affects so many other possible storylines and the writers really need to commit to it if it's going to work. It's too much hassle and all those things usually get conviniently ignored after some time. 

  • Love 7

The show just lost quite a bit of dead weight it's been carrying for seasons and it's good. 

It may just be an opening for new characters to be introduced, though.

I sort of liked moments of this episode. Teddy made me nuts in the flashbacks - she sure was busy getting up in both Riggs' and Owen's faces, wasn't she. What a busybody!! I get where she was coming from, and I'm not excusing anyone's bad behavior, but what a shrew she was shown to be. Jeez - everyone's an adult, let them work out their own messes themselves. 

Edited by Biggie B
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