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Evelyn & David: Who Let Them in Here?

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7 hours ago, Booger666 said:

All I can think about when watching these two is that show The Good Place where two characters think they are in heaven but are actually in hell and have been matched up to make each other miserable.  David and Evelyn are fundie failures slowly and consistently torturing each other to death in their frozen hell.  It cracks me up when they are onscreen talking about how in love and fabulous they are when everything about them as a couple is the pinnacle of relationship misery and drudgery.  

Truth. I have not seen David Spain smile once. (Maybe he doesn’t have to since his air headed fiancé won’t stop smiling even when angry/sad/bored/annoyed/happy/hungry/sleepy/etc.) Neither of them seems to enjoy being around the other. Evil-lyn is only smiling because she gets to have a big party with a fancy dress where she’ll get to tell everyone to do what she says because it is “her day.” 

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Fun fact, Evelyn. I was watching CNN and Trump addressed South Korea and was talking about  “a Korean Dream”.  I almost burst out laughing thinking of Herself and her fun facts.

So there, Evelyn, the American Dream isn’t the only dream out there.  She was utterly convinced there was no such thing as A European Dream and she sure told David Spain how the cow ate the cabbage.

  • Love 5

OK, I did it. I listened to some of Evelyn’s videos on YouTube.  I didn’t think her singing was that awful, and she did look pretty and ethereal in the video for the song “Run something”. I didn’t care for her other material, too breathy and affected and the voice volume and music volume were “off”. Not terribly impressed, but I’ve heard worse.

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On 10/24/2017 at 0:05 AM, sleekandchic said:

I know many people see Evelyn as smug, and I don't disagree, but I also think that she's striving for the other-worldly, beatific countenance, too.  You know, sort of an enraptured, filled-with-the-Spirit aura.

That's hysterical, and could be true, although that look is common among people who are high on speed, cocaine, LSD, or adrenaline.   I think she's manic and that combined with her arrogance is a pretty hefty package to handle.  I wish David well, but he seems pretty arrogant too, so this should be an interesting situation.  Truth be told, I think he's dying to get into her hyper-18-year-old  panties.  I don't like either of them or her family either, but Jesus in on their side, so my opinion doesn't matter!  :-)

Edited by ScarlettRuby
  • Love 7

Joy, hydrolyzed soy protein. Soy is in freaking everything. I’m trying to avoid it for medical reasons. The last thing anyone with thyroid disease, breast cancer, or ovarian cancer needs is soy and iits estrogenic properties. Look at all the men walking around with moobs and talking in high pitched voices. 

Its in mayonnaise, shortening, salad dressings, sauces, most baked goods, and packaged foods contain soybean oil. Chocolate even contains soy lecithin.  That’s the one concession I’ll make, since 95% of the worlds chocolate contains it.  Lots of people are allergic to soy because it’s in too many of the foods they eat. Restaurants use it a lot, often without being aware it’s there. 

Cant people have kosher food without that crap? Ashkenazi Jewish women are at higher risk for breast and ovarian cancer. Sorry, rant over. I went off topic.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Cant people have kosher food without that crap?

They sure can, if they don't eat processed food like weiners.  Kosher only means it was prepared in a certain way.  It doesn't mean its good for you.  

3 hours ago, gavinmac said:

I'm seeing on the 90DF Facebook group that twentysomething year old David was grooming Evelyn with flirty Instagram chat when she was 15-16.

He's been having CYBERSEX with our Pretty Princess???  Villagers, get your flaming torches and meet me in the town square!  

  • Love 5

What is her family thinking? Oh yea, exposure for their band. I don't usually don't care about age differences but in this case, one is a child and one an adult.

She behaves like a 10 year old. That whole " I've dreamt of this since I was a little girl" makes me want to vomit. I dreamt of becoming President when I was a little girl but you don't see me living in the White House. She is so, so childish, I don't know how anyone can think she's mature enough to make a life long commitment to anything. She is still at the stage where she thinks everyone grows money on a tree in their backyard. This idea that his family and friends are unimportant and shouldn't be groomsmen unless they can afford cheesy tuxes on top of $1000 airfare AND accomodations is insane. You're darn right her family should be opening their homes to the groom's family, unless her family is putting them up at the Sheraton that is. IF David went through with this wedding it's obvious he had ulterior motives, he had fair warning of how miserable he will be. A person who doesn't understand that the people are more important than the rented tuxes is too selfish to make the compromises required in an adult relationship. She won't wake up one morning suddenly willing to consider what it means to make David happy and possibly compromise. I laughed like crazy.....a wedding party cake? Who buys a cake for only themselves and eats it in front of their guests? That has got to be the tackiest thing I've ever heard of. If you're on a budget fine but if you're on a budget you plan the wedding you can afford. A wedding is about 2 families coming together, it's about love and vows to be kept a lifetime. Its about making your guests feel like treasured parts of your lives because if you ARE on a budget you shouldn't be inviting anyone who isn't just that. What's next......a sit down dinner for the wedding party and the guests get frozen pizza?

  • Love 12

Who buys a special cake for herself and expects her guests to split Little Debbie snack cakes? The same Bridezilla who will complain that David’s friends didn’t buy expensive enough wedding presents (or god forbid, ignored the registry!) after flying over from Europe and paying for tuxes, food, transportation to and from the airport, and hotel rooms.

Her parents never taught her any manners.

 Also I wonder if Evil-lyn’s comment about her job tutoring French and giving singing lessons wasn’t for our benefit. After all, in an earlier episode, she was only worried about turning down singing gigs so she’d have time available for wedding planning -  she never mentioned taking time off from tutoring.  I think she got onto social media or this forum and saw mean comments about her doing nothing with her life except singing with her goat-voice and she decided to make up a story about having a “job.” 

7 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

So she dangled the cake choice right in front of him then yanked it right back. Watch out for whatever else she's gonna dangle & yank there David.

 I noticed that she seemed to have planned out the cake tasting with the baker before hand.  She chose the flavors that she and David were going to select from that day ahead of time.  She treated David the way you treat a toddler who wants to pick out their clothing: you pick out two outfits that are acceptable and give them a choice between them. Then they think they got to make a choice. 

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 11
10 hours ago, PityFree said:


 Also I wonder if Evil-lyn’s comment about her job tutoring French and giving singing lessons wasn’t for our benefit. After all, in an earlier episode, she was only worried about turning down singing gigs so she’d have time available for wedding planning -  she never mentioned taking time off from tutoring.  I think she got onto social media or this forum and saw mean comments about her doing nothing with her life except singing with her goat-voice and she decided to make up a story about having a “job.” 


Except the entire season was filmed - and edited - months ago. So nothing said here (or anywhere else) has any effect on what we're seeing now.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

I suspect all this wedding planning is manufactured drama.  They probably are on the show to pay for their wedding.

That makes sense because they are so boring otherwise. They are probably making all kinds of fake drama.  It’s making Evelyn look like Devilyn. She’s all about the family band and being a devout Christian, so I wonder if it makes her feel bad about how she’s been portrayed because she’s coming off as a smug, spiteful entitled , enfant horrible. That can’t be good for the band or personally for her as an ambassador for her faith.  She may just be as awful as she really is, otherwise she’s got some acting chops that are more her true calling than caterwauling for the family band.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, PityFree said:

Also I wonder if Evil-lyn’s comment about her job tutoring French and giving singing lessons wasn’t for our benefit

I've seen no evidence that the Blessed Virgin does or says anything for anyone else's benefit.  She probably "tutored" one child, once, and is now an official tutor in her mind - much as she considers herself to be a professional singer, er vocal artist.  

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Sprockets said:

I've seen no evidence that the Blessed Virgin does or says anything for anyone else's benefit.  She probably "tutored" one child, once, and is now an official tutor in her mind - much as she considers herself to be a professional singer, er vocal artist.  

Sort of like when the Duggars claimed to be experts at something just because they shadowed a professional for a couple of hours that they paid to watch and learn from.  Like they claim the eldest daughter is a “concert pianist” when she’s never given recitals or played at a hall, or even a church.

  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

She probably "tutored" one child, once, and is now an official tutor in her mind - much as she considers herself to be a professional singer, er vocal artist.  

She probably baby sat and the kid said "wee wee" and Evelyn said "it's pronounced Oui Oui"

hence the tutoring comment

  • Love 10
On 11/14/2017 at 3:08 PM, AZChristian said:

Just checked out the school's website.  David is currently the volunteer PE teacher.  With a double major in international businesses and languages.  Seems like the 90 days should be about up . . . he needs to get a paying job if he wants to be able to save money to move to Virginia.

I just did the same thing, but I read somewhere he is a volunteer SPANISH teacher. Since the Claremont Christian Academy is K-12, I believe Evelyn is a recent graduate and she probably is/was a VOLUNTEER French and music teacher, the older kids tutoring the younger type situation.  And guess who is the Religious Ed teacher? None other than PASTOR TIM! 


I rewatched episode last night and Evelyn said she "makes a small income" from her teaching job, whatever that means

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I just did the same thing, but I read somewhere he is a volunteer SPANISH teacher. Since the Claremont Christian Academy is K-12, I believe Evelyn is a recent graduate and she probably is/was a VOLUNTEER French and music teacher, the older kids tutoring the younger type situation.  And guess who is the Religious Ed teacher? None other than PASTOR TIM! 


I looked at some of the volunteer opportunities, and they included being a PE Assistant under "Mr. Vazquez."  In these small schools, "teachers" wear many hats.  

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

eems like the 90 days should be about up . . . he needs to get a paying job if he wants to be able to save money to move to Virginia.

You aren't instantly granted the right to work when you get married, it still takes time and if their wedding registry was accurate they have been married less than a month.

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For the 

On 11/12/2017 at 1:53 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Joy, hydrolyzed soy protein. Soy is in freaking everything. I’m trying to avoid it for medical reasons. The last thing anyone with thyroid disease, breast cancer, or ovarian cancer needs is soy and iits estrogenic properties. Look at all the men walking around with moobs and talking in high pitched voices. 

Its in mayonnaise, shortening, salad dressings, sauces, most baked goods, and packaged foods contain soybean oil. Chocolate even contains soy lecithin.  That’s the one concession I’ll make, since 95% of the worlds chocolate contains it.  Lots of people are allergic to soy because it’s in too many of the foods they eat. Restaurants use it a lot, often without being aware it’s there. 

Cant people have kosher food without that crap? Ashkenazi Jewish women are at higher risk for breast and ovarian cancer. Sorry, rant over. I went off topic.

I am Ashkenazi Jewish and all of the female in my family have had either breast or ovarian cancer. None of them ever ate or even heard of Hebrew National hot dogs, we grew up in Eastern Europe and didnt even have access to the many different kinds of processed junk one can find here. There is no increase in the amount of soy in "kosher" processed products vs non-kosher, it's all the same junk. 

FTR, Hebrew National is NOT kosher. It is only a misunderstanding that it is kosher; it has not been accepted as kosher by orthodox Rabbis.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Matias130 said:

For the 

I am Ashkenazi Jewish and all of the female in my family have had either breast or ovarian cancer. None of them ever ate or even heard of Hebrew National hot dogs, we grew up in Eastern Europe and didnt even have access to the many different kinds of processed junk one can find here. There is no increase in the amount of soy in "kosher" processed products vs non-kosher, it's all the same junk. 

FTR, Hebrew National is NOT kosher. It is only a misunderstanding that it is kosher; it has not been accepted as kosher by orthodox Rabbis.

Question: the Hebrew National package says "100% Kosher Beef" and has the kosher symbol.  Is the beef kosher, but not the actual hotdogs?  Or are they just wrong?

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Matias130 said:

None of them ever ate or even heard of Hebrew National hot dogs,

You know, I am sorry that I even mentioned this in the first place.  My point was, there are people in places like rural Indiana who are less than likely to eat something they think is Jewish.  Or foreign.  Or exotic.  Or can't be drowned in Hidden Valley Ranch dressing.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Question: the Hebrew National package says "100% Kosher Beef" and has the kosher symbol.  Is the beef kosher, but not the actual hotdogs?  Or are they just wrong?

There are various kosher symbols, some of them are more "kosher" than others. Hebrew National isn't "glatt kosher",which means that it hasn't been accepted as kosher by Orthodox standards. It does have a kosher symbol (triangle K) but this symbol is not considered a really "strong" symbol when it comes to meat, not sure if that was confusing or not !

3 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

You know, I am sorry that I even mentioned this in the first place.  My point was, there are people in places like rural Indiana who are less than likely to eat something they think is Jewish.  Or foreign.  Or exotic.  Or can't be drowned in Hidden Valley Ranch dressing.

LOL, yes, I know lots of people like that too ! 

  • Love 2
On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 1:31 AM, lenny said:

She behaves like a 10 year old. That whole " I've dreamt of this since I was a little girl" makes me want to vomit. I dreamt of becoming President when I was a little girl but you don't see me living in the White House. She is so, so childish, I don't know how anyone can think she's mature enough to make a life long commitment to anything. She is still at the stage where she thinks everyone grows money on a tree in their backyard. This idea that his family and friends are unimportant and shouldn't be groomsmen unless they can afford cheesy tuxes on top of $1000 airfare AND accomodations is insane. You're darn right her family should be opening their homes to the groom's family, unless her family is putting them up at the Sheraton that is. IF David went through with this wedding it's obvious he had ulterior motives, he had fair warning of how miserable he will be. A person who doesn't understand that the people are more important than the rented tuxes is too selfish to make the compromises required in an adult relationship. She won't wake up one morning suddenly willing to consider what it means to make David happy and possibly compromise. I laughed like crazy.....a wedding party cake? Who buys a cake for only themselves and eats it in front of their guests? That has got to be the tackiest thing I've ever heard of. If you're on a budget fine but if you're on a budget you plan the wedding you can afford. A wedding is about 2 families coming together, it's about love and vows to be kept a lifetime. Its about making your guests feel like treasured parts of your lives because if you ARE on a budget you shouldn't be inviting anyone who isn't just that. What's next......a sit down dinner for the wedding party and the guests get frozen pizza?

The dreaming of their wedding is a stock Fundie answer.  I've heard it repeated over and over.  Just like how the parents prayed for a good husband.

As for the cake, they're doing what a lot of things I've read over the years suggest if you're on a budget.  You buy a small cake for show and to cut, and you serve sheet cake.  It's a lot less expensive, and no one really cares.  My cake was a gift from my aunt - a professional baker.  She was nervous making my cake.  When we got to the wedding, I saw a 3 tier cake on the table.  We chose a four tier cake - the bottom layer as chocolate, the next as vanilla, and the top 2 as half/half.  We questioned it to each other, but our wedding was a cluster thanks to Mr. Funky's family, and we just shrugged it off.  When we cut it, it was vanilla, and we questioned again, but would never dream of complaining, so we just left it go.  When cake was served, it was chocolate.  My aunt finally came over and said "I was so nervous that I forgot to bake the dowels in to the bottom layer.  When we put the cake together, it sank.  She kept saying "I'm SO SORRY!".  We just laughed and told her it was seriously no issue.  No one knew.  No one figured it out.  And when you get served a cut of cake, if it's off of a sheet, no one will likely know, and if they figure it out, they're rude for saying anything.  Cake is cake.  HOWEVER, Evelyn explained it stupidly.  "This cake will be for just us and our friends.  Everyone else can have something else."  Um...no.  It should have been "Let's have a small cake for decoration, and we'll have sheet cake for the rest of the guests, since it's more budget friendly".  The correct thing to do, however, is make the sheets the same as the decorative cake - both in cake flavor and frosting flavor.  It remains to be seen if she'll do that.......

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, Quof said:

Evelyn made it quite clear the bridal party would be eating the expensive bakery cake. The rest of the guests would be eating cake from a mix, with frosting from a can.  

I certainly do not doubt that Miss Manners would have her Stank Face on for that sort of behavior.  I remember reading a column of hers when a bride to be asked her if it was OK to just have shrimp for herself and the groom. Miss Manners declared it “the height of rudeness” to have a special treat just for yourselves but to leave everyone else out. But, that was during a time when people stil said please and thank you and excuse me (when the belched, passed gas, or bumped into someone).  With all the entitlement of Snowflake Millennials these days, what we remember as etiquette has long since gone out the window.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Quof said:

Evelyn made it quite clear the bridal party would be eating the expensive bakery cake. The rest of the guests would be eating cake from a mix, with frosting from a can.  

She is lucky that she got married before show aired. I was just figuring how much money I would deduct from the envelope when I realized that I was being fed D list cake and Hawaiian punch in plastic cups. 

I did watch her "Let it Run" video. She sounds like a fairly bad Tori Amos and the video, wardrobe, lyrics and acting in the video are all amateurish. I don't think that she is destined for a stellar career worth skipping a move with her new husband. 

Edited by spankydoll
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, spankydoll said:

She is lucky that she got married before show aired. I was just figuring how much money I would deduct from the envelope when I realized that I was being fed D list cake and Hawaiian punch in plastic cups. 

I did watch her "Let it Run" video. She sounds like a fairly bad Tori Amos and the video, wardrobe, lyrics and acting in the video are all amateurish. I don't think that she is destined for a stellar career worth skipping a move with her new husband. 

Given they only married a month ago some guests might not have bought their gift yet.

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I read somewhere that Evelyn deleted her Facebook page because of all the hate she was getting for being on the show.  She claims the show was heavily edited.  Everyone who comes on this show claims that.

They may have been too nice, too squeaky clean, and too boring for the show, so let’s make all kinds of drama to make us hate on them. 

Though their performance was definitely snark worthy, and I’ve dealt out plenty of snark myself, I would never go to any of these people’s Facebook or YouTube or Twitter page to eviscerate them. That’s a bridge too far for me.  

  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I read somewhere that Evelyn deleted her Facebook page because of all the hate she was getting for being on the show.  She claims the show was heavily edited.  Everyone who comes on this show claims that.

I wonder why, in 2017, people still sign up for these shows and think THEIR story won't be heavily edited.  The tricks of reality television aren't brand new.   What do they expect?  I'd LOVE for Shaun Robinson to ask them that exact question on a reunion show.  "You say you don't think you got a fair edit.  Why is that? What exactly did you expect? To be portrayed exactly as boring as you actually are?  Would YOU watch you?"   But we know what Shaun Robinson will ACTUALLY ask (nothing of any interest) and so here we are.  

People signing up for second seasons, I'm also looking right at you. 

  • Love 5
23 hours ago, funky-rat said:

As for the cake, they're doing what a lot of things I've read over the years suggest if you're on a budget.  You buy a small cake for show and to cut, and you serve sheet cake.

And let EVERYONE* be served sheet cake.

*The bride and groom could "eat" the one piece they're cutting...for photos.  Remove the rest of the small cake so there's no whispering about who got what.

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I don’t fault them for wanting to economize.  The groom’s cake has commonly been a sheet cake and smaller for those who might prefer chocolate or red velvet to vanilla bride’s cake.  I have been to weddings with a small or single tier wedding cake for show and sheet cake.  The traditional top tier used to be frozen and eaten on the anniversary.  I don’t think they still do that, or do they?  And, after the cake photos, it’s all taken to the back.

I fault them for their “let everyone else eat shit (sheet cake)” line. Acting like they deserve something special, while everyone else doesn’t seems a bit disingenuous for our devoutly Christian couple.  Again, probably a TLC scripted line, but had I been a guest who spent money on travel, stay in a hotel, and a gift to attend Claremont’s Social Event of the Season, I’d be disappointed in them and a bit miffed to see that little tête-à-tête on camera.

A wedding reception is essentially a big dinner party.  You wouldn't invite people to your house for dinner and serve them a lesser quality meal than the one you are eating at the head of the table.  You also wouldn't invite one half of a couple, because you only know or like one of them.  You most certainly wouldn't expect your dinner guests to pay for their own alcohol.    A good host doesn't do those things. 

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