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S08.E15: Love You, Mean It

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5 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

When he left, did he say he was going to the hardware store "for my wedding?"  

Something like that, like it was the first thing he could think of and that he thought would somehow get people to sympathize with him?  Like he's so stressed that he's going to get married?  Asshole is a charitable way to describe him, as far as I'm concerned.

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Just now, Sprockets said:

But she still found time to bash Luis with her mom on the way to the ER.  

That's cause she's AWFUL. She needs to shush and focus on Stella. My thoughts are for Stella's health and comfort. Brianna can sit down and shut up. 

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10 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

And the whole crew just stood there.  And that pos producer kept taking happy couple pictures while he screamed his head off.  I just...I mean it’s not like this is serious journalism where you understand they can’t intervene.  Disgusting.

They need to call social services!  They have all this - and who knows what else - on film.  FFS.  

I also saw Jace not properly seatbelted in a moving car twice in this episode.  But compared to the rest of his traumatic life that probably doesn't mean as much as it would otherwise.  

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53 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Was Jenelle high when she was talking about the jellyfish?  That scene was really weird.

I'd say yeah she was high.  Duuude come look at myjellyfish.

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7 minutes ago, Linny said:

It's beyond the pale that MTV is funding Jenelle and David's lifestyle and enforcing the delusion that these are decent people when there are kids suffering from neglect and (probable) abuse.

So right.  I am sickened by what I saw tonight.  

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9 minutes ago, Linny said:

Jenelle and David posing for the camera pretending everything's fine while the children melt down in the background=Jenelle's life in a nutshell. Dear Lord, what an atrocity.

The look on David's face when the producer asked him about fighting with Jenelle was off the charts creepy. He was clearly pissed off at the insinuation of trouble in the relationship and was challenging Jenelle to not defy him. I already knew he was a scary dude, but man, that was a chilling moment. I'm certain he's going to hurt someone in that house if he hasn't already, and that makes me immeasurably sad for the children. Jenelle's an adult and she's proven to be just as nasty and volatile as David, so she can fight her own battles, but the kids are vulnerable. And MTV is clearly aware of the dangerous situation (producer Kristen seemed really taken aback by David's threats to call the cops) and yet they're giving Jenelle and David a generous edit. This episode is the only one where we've seen undeniable proof of the instability in Jenelle's home but I guarantee MTV is sitting on damning footage. It's way past time they start exposing how fucked up these people are. There are multiple small children who are at risk here and denying the reality of the situation is not helping. It's beyond the pale that MTV is funding Jenelle and David's lifestyle and enforcing the delusion that these are decent people when there are kids suffering from neglect and (probable) abuse.



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2 minutes ago, druzy said:

Oh, for fuck's sake, Kail. STFU. You better just worry about your own kids and the spiral of abuse they have witnessed at your hands upon others. You aren't any better. You are addicted to dick like Jenelle. 

I agree, that is so fucking inappropriate. This is disgusting. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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3 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

But Kail is right in this case.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.    

I didn't say she wasn't right. I just pointed out she needs to concern herself with the abuse that occurs in the presence of her own kids. She can show she is disgusted by quitting this show rather than pick and choose what she finds inappropriate. 

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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

Chelsea also tweeted a sad face. If they are all concerned, they can publicly call out the show, Jenelle, UBT, and the producers.  They all can be a collective front and decide to quit the show and call CPS. Will they do it? No. Easier to tweet from the safety of their couches while still collecting a check. 

I agree.

They also know that Jenelle deleted her Twitter account today, they are all playing it safe.

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I love how Briana was all "I should be asleep right now"...uuuuuh, then why aren't you? Is there a reason all 3 of you (+ Nova in 3 inch dangly earrings) need to be awake in the middle of the night? I'm even sick of Brittany & her "too cool for school" Alicia Keys drawl. 

Watson looks like a grumpy old man baby (which I find adorable). 

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10 minutes ago, jennyplayswithfire said:

100% agree. This IS beyond the pale, you nailed it. This is criminal neglect on the producers part. No excuse.

The producers do not have a code of ethics nor are they mandated reporters.  Please see Kevin Carter’s PULITIZER PRIZE winning photo “The vulture and the little girl”.  There is no criminal neglect. They’re dirtbags - but they are legally absolved of any wrong doing. 

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28 minutes ago, druzy said:

I agree.

They also know that Jenelle deleted her Twitter account today, they are all playing it safe.

Right. They knew what Jenelle was all about long ago. I sure didn't hear a peep out of them when Leah was doped up and driving her kids around. Why didn't anyone speak up about Leah leaving her youngest unattended and who eventually walked outside without Leah knowing about it? Why didn't any of the rest of the cast members speak up, tweet, or take a stand on previous occasions?

Only Farrah gets attacked and removed from the show and it is for her choice in making a porn video.  

Kail can miss me with her selective choice as to when she decides she can be horrified about something concerning child abuse. Jenelle is easy pickings because no one likes her, just like no one liked Farrah. But poor pitiful Leah gets her sympathy even though she put her girls in danger. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

GASLIGHTING in action.

She made an effort to change the subject - to avoid making David angry.  She can pick up on the subtle physical cues that come before his attack.

Exactly this. 

1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

“But if you don’t drop it we can’t go on this trip”. Ummmm yeah Kail, he doesn’t give a shit about your trip.  K thx.

Wow, UBT.  Bad.  Scary.

Well Kail, it's your own actions that caused you to maybe miss this trip. You filed a fake PFA. Don't blame Javi.  You set the actions in motion.  That would have been no ones fault but your own. Although we know you went anyway.  

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1 hour ago, mscav said:

Is it wrong that I don't care that David obviously beat the shit out of Jenelle? I fear for the kids and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them, and I don't condone abuse at all, but Jenelle is such a vile horrible person that her kids best chance may be with her missing on the land and UBT in jail for life. Otherwise they are in for a life of abuse from UBT and neglect from her. Even if she were to get away from David she would just find someone just as bad if not worse.

Hopefully the kids will be in away when David goes full ID Channel.

Of course Lurch attends therapy sessions meant for Jenelle and Jace. He probably waits outside as an intimidation tactic and makes Jenelle tell him everything said. Poor Jace, he probably feels there is really no safe space for him express his feelings.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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50 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

But Kail is right in this case.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.    


45 minutes ago, kelseykixx said:

Yeah I'm glad she said something actually - Jenelle is used to everyone staying quiet about the dysfunction in her life. I think having this episode air plus cast members/peers speaking out on what they just saw is positive in some ways - if everyone admonishes the abuse publicly Jenelle and David can no longer paint their own narrative.

Too late. Where was the Hulk's outrage before tonight's episode? In fact, she seems more upset at a tasteless and crass gif on a Twitter page (of course, Twitter) rather than calling out MTV directly for their lack of concern over children who are clearly in an abusive household. 

Then again, what would Kail know what is considered child abuse since she has physically abused her then-boyfriend, Javi, in front of Isaac and her friends' children.

This is seriously disgusting. These kids need to be saved from that hell hole of a house.

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Wow, Teen2 Twitter account is really blowing up about Jenelle and UBT! My heart just breaks for those four kids in that house. Part of me wants MTV to cancel this show because without the paycheck I'm sure UBT would leave Jenelle and then maybe those boys would be safe. Unfortunately the girls wouldn't be. 

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Im only five minutes in but the hulk is ridiculous. "The last vacation before the baby comeS??!!? " boo fucking hoo! I haven't taken a real vacation since 2013! I have two kids! Vacation is not my priority! It shouldn't be hers either! These are her problems!? I would LOVE to have those be my problems. I can't wait for her to have her fourth kid by her fourth baby daddy and see her try to schedule a vacation then! Her main problem is going to be scheduling! She's gonna need a separate calendar just  to keep track of visitation and her job is going to be picking up and dropping off kids st all these different houses and fucking up yheir lives! You think these boys aren't gonna figure out one day that their mom is a Whore??? 

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David calling that "my house" before they'd even wed. Gah, he is so gross.

Why would Javi drop pursuing child support? I think that's foolish. Kail won't have MTV dough forever. So get it now, Javi, for your son!

Edited by nikita
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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

The producers do not have a code of ethics nor are they mandated reporters.  Please see Kevin Carter’s PULITIZER PRIZE winning photo “The vulture and the little girl”.  There is no criminal neglect. They’re dirtbags - but they are legally absolved of any wrong doing. 

Yeah, I know this. I was speaking more off the cuff, you know, "criminal" in the moral sense. . I am just tired of watching that poor little boy being abused.

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When David said he was going to the hardware store, I couldn't help but think he headed there to buy plastic wrap, lime, bleach, duct tape and anything else he thought he would need to effectively bury a body.

I agree that maybe it's time for this show to end because watching the producers walking on eggshells around David, knowing what he is doing to those kids and Jenelle is too much! 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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I'm LOL'ing at Briana's entire family bitching about Lewww-issss at four in the morning. Why was Nova even up? Put that poor child to bed.

David is beyond scary. The way he was gaslighting Jenelle and lying to Kristen about the fight sent chills up my spine. You could see both Jenelle and Maryssa shrinking and mentally checking out as David went on the attack. 

I agree that Chelsea hyphenating Aubree's name is a bit premature. I wonder if Aubree really cares or whether she jumped on the idea after Chelsea mentioned it ten thousand times. I know everyone goes into relationships thinking they're going to be Togetha 4-Eva, but Cole's only been around a couple years. Give it a little more time and let Aubree decide when she's older. 

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Seeing Kaiser treated like that I think it'll be a miracle if Nathan isn't arrested for harming/trying to harm UBT.  I'm not trying to imply he's better or has the moral high ground I'm just saying even though he doesn't want to actually raise his kid we're talking about a guy who

1.  does seem to care for his child in some capacity (a child that looks very very much like him)

2. apparently has a TBI

3. has anger issues

4. potentially abuses steroids and/or other drugs

5. has military training so he's literally been taught how to go after people with bare hands, knife, and guns

Has anyone checked out his twitter feed tonight? Can you post anything form it?

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40 minutes ago, nikita said:

David caliing that "my house" before they'd even wed. Gah, he is so gross.

Why would Javi drop pursuing child support? I think that's foolish. Kail won't have MTV dough forever. So get it now, Javi, for your son!

It is his house. It is supposedly in his name only. Jenelle likely doesn't have credit. Of course, that is all moot since they married. He will still call it "his house" though, since cadavers can't own a home. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Jenelle makes her own choices.  Those kids should all be taken away.  

I can only hope that this show really does show other potential teen moms how teen pregnancy can affect many lives, by reporting that the authorities came and took all 3 kids out of that house. Or else pull the plug on that part of the franchise. Jenelle has proven that she is incapable of proper parenting, and David is a ticking time bomb. I don't feel that Nathan is any better at parenting, as I get the feeling he is one step away from flatout 'roid rage, and don't know anything about his mother to speak to her abilities, but I am seriously concerned about those children being in that house. They should have one on one supervised visits - David only with Ensley, Nathan only with Kaiser, and Jenelle only with each of the 3 kids separately, not all 3 together. Jenelle and any other adult she has lived with is a toxic mix. None of them should be able to put those kids on the spot with their awkward questions or constant fights.  

There is absolutely nothing entertaining or educational about watching unchecked scenes about abuse, be it verbal, physical, or mental, or even drug. MTV has no integrity whatsoever. 

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I can't stomach watching these assholes any longer, but still read here. 

Can anyone post a too long didn't read version of what happened with Uncle scary? 

I will forever be indebted to you and shall pay you in Denial, American flag gear, A PFA, and a white mesh ill fitting bathing suit. 

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2 minutes ago, LunaMia said:

I can't stomach watching these assholes any longer, but still read here. 

Can anyone post a too long didn't read version of what happened with Uncle scary? 

I will forever be indebted to you and shall pay you in Denial, American flag gear, A PFA, and a white mesh ill fitting bathing suit. 

I would, but I am now watching my Dodgers. I see you are a fan. :-) 

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