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S08.E15: Love You, Mean It

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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Jace has been hitting others including Barb.

Maryssa has been hitting Jace.

Kaiser is hitting Jace and telling him "Shut up!"

Three children with three different situations and fathers, but one common denominator: Jenelle 

Second to the children I feel worst for Barb. She must cry herself to sleep at night sometimes.

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Chelsea puts so much emphasis on Cole's last name...."D" hanging all over the place, playfully calling each other Mr and Mrs DeBoar. It's no wonder Aubree feels left out.

I don't see Kail fretting over the smorgasbord of last names under her roof!

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14 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Luis is not supposed to sleep. He needs to be awake 24 hours a day, because "stepping up to the plate" means never sleeping, especially at his own house. As I posted upthread, even if Luis had no need to sleep, was a fully trained baby nurse with money hanging out of his pockets, and a giant shopping bag full of diapers and wipes which magically never emptied, he would still not be enough for this crew of whining sourpusses. They'd bitch about the brand of the magical diapers and ask why Luis had to be awake all the time, taking up space in their house, breathing their air, and requiring food. 

And when Stella was having problems Brianna texted Luis. He didn't respond immediately and she is all can you believe it? Not that Luis is a prize but there could be a myriad of reasons he didn't respond. Maybe his phone is off, maybe it died, maybe he forgot it. Mr poetic does not bring his phone into his office so if I call or text I know it will be hours before I hear back. But no,Luis is a deadbeat because , well just because he has male parts. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Kail couldn't pass them either. She didn't fulfill her credits and was told she was barely passing her classes with the "D" grades she received. 

Good grief.  Then what was all that over-the-top celebrating about?  

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Just now, Sprockets said:

Good grief.  Then what was all that over-the-top celebrating about?  

More of Kail's bullshit. She thinks going through the line and then making up those classes is enough to lay claim as "the only Teen Mom to have graduated from a 4 year college" except that isn't true either. 

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14 hours ago, mamadrama said:

"Plaintiff does not work out of the home but chooses to have child in daycare 5 out of 7 days." Shit, "plaintiff" doesn't work at ALL. I would have zero complaints if Jenelle had an actual home office that was used for anything other than Twitter. 


That poor little boy. I hope grandma gets him, and soon. 

Hahaha this is so random, but I went to high school with Doris's lawyer!!!! Goooooo Ashley!!!!! It's a small world!

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9 hours ago, JuliesMommy said:

THIS a million fucking times!!!! All that mt dew shit, canned soup (served cold btw), pepporoni rolls, lunchables, cheese puffs... those poor girlses ?

Seriously! I'm a grown woman and i can't eat or drink that shit without feeling like shit so i cannot even imagine pumping that crap into a growing childs body.

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Well, as others have said this episode was very sad for me to watch. I teared up during the “feed me” scene because those poor kids are screaming for help and there’s not much I can do. Those kids are already so damaged. They didn’t ask for POS parents, no kid deserves that... Just think, this is a woman who’d rather take pictures than mother her children. Very very sad.

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I wish I could afford to pay for Nathans mother's legal expenses.  One thing Jenelle does have going for her is that she has money.  Kristin(?) was annoying the shit out of me by continuing to press the fighting issue.  You know they were fighting, they know they were fighting, and anybody with half a brain could tell it was NOT a good thing to rehash it.  Not that I care about Jenelle or David, but the kids will be in the line of fire when David comes home in a blind rage.  Way to read a room there.  


The coven are ridiculous, as has been covered here already.  Is Roxanne actually regressing, because she's seriously immature.

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Janelle is now lashing out at producers saying they were wrong for captioning Kaiser because he has a speech impediment and gets speech therapy. She says that he can says "it's hot" but it means "it's not".  It doesn't matter if he said feed me, help me, or whatever. Your baby was hysterical. Whether it was hunger, needing a nap, etc. he needed your attention. This is one of the reasons why kids need a routine. If she was a real mother she would know that you don't do a bullshit save the date photo shoot during your child's meal time or nap time, especially when you do absolutely nothing all day long so it could have been done any other time.  She is also saying the edit made it look like UBT is hiding some weird ass shit from the public.


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A speech problem that she got a form for on 9-4 way after this was filmed. Regardless of his speech you screamed at, dragged, and completely ignored him after the fact. I can't stand those two. 

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15 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

Watson always looks like he's thinking "Oh boy here's my sister again! I bet she's going to do something funny. OMG she did it! That's hilarious!" 

Thank you. I just smiled. Much needed as I keep playing 'feed me' over and over in my head. That is literally haunting my thoughts right now. 

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19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

As to the phone call with Barb. Yea, quit doing that shit in front of Jace. But I feel like there was more to it - why she started yelling the minute Jenelle answered the phone. I'm picturing Barb agreeing to let Jenelle throw the party, in a gesture of good will, and then Jenelle not doing shit. Time is getting closer, Jace is asking where it will be, kids need to be invited. I'm picturing Barb TRYING to text Jenelle a million times about it and getting no response. And then she lost it. Not a good look, but Jenelle never makes shit easy. 


Guess what? It was WONKY EDITING AT PLAY! (I posted video below on this page). 

I rewatched the scene. Something was off with that phone call. I noticed a tiny glitch like you would notice when a scene has been spliced. I rewinded it numerous times. Finally, I noticed something. Jenelle answers the phone and holds it to her ear. She then quickly takes it away from her ear as if she is going to put it on speaker. Suddenly, her phone is in her hand sideways. Never did you see her touch her phone to indicate she was putting it on speaker.  Barb's voice was inserted too early during this wonky editing. Barb's conversation does not seem to go with what was happening at that moment which was Jenelle had just removed the phone from her ear. I think Jenelle was either speaking to someone else prior to Barb (possibly UBT telling her to hurry up) or the scene was edited to remove part of a longer conversation between Jenelle and Barb.

Also, check out Jenelle's blouse. When she answers the phone, her blouse is off her shoulder. When Barb is heard asking about the birthday party, suddenly Jenelle's blouse is ON her shoulder.  Either that was two different phone calls spliced to make it look like one call or the conversation was a lot longer than shown and during that time Jenelle moved her blouse onto her shoulder. 

As for Barb's loud voice, at first I thought she was upset and pissed right from the start, which I found odd. Knowing now the beginning of that conversation was edited out, it may have been as you pointed out - Barb was exasperated from trying to reach Jenelle, finally got her on the phone, and was talking to her about the party preparations. Jenelle gave her attitude because we know she always does no matter what Barb talks to her about, and it started to go downhill from there. As you mentioned, Jenelle never makes anything easy. Barb is done with her attitude and just demands to know if Jenelle is going to throw the party or not as the day is getting closer and people have to be notified. That is what MTV decided to start with in that scene.

David's birthday was apparently more important than Jace's.

I was also thinking that maybe Jenelle had a hard time hearing Barb and she told her she couldn't hear her so, Barb spoke louder. The connection could have been wonky, like MTV's editing. 

All of that still doesn't change the fact Barb had no business discussing with Jenelle about Jace's therapy on camera and in front of him. There is a better way to handle things, and that was not the right way. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Ok, everybody. As I was watching that scene, I found it odd that a 3yr old would yell "Feed me," as opposed to a more age appropriate "I'm hungry." Really, as i watched, i gave MTV the side-eye, rewound, but still couldn't make out what he really said.

Jenelle is terrible, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt in this situation. We all know MTV is guilty of heavy-editing in order to benefit their agenda.

ETA: I totally believe that Jenelle was ignoring the kids during her Very Important Photoshoot, but I'm not buying that Kaiser screamed "Feed me." He could have been screaming at Jace, for all we know.

Edited by Blissfool
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8 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Ok, everybody. As I was watching that scene, I found it odd that a 3yr old would yell "Feed me," as opposed to a more age appropriate "I'm hungry." Really, as i watched, i gave MTV the side-eye, rewound, but still couldn't make out what he really said.

Jenelle is terrible, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt in this situation. We all know MTV is guilty of heavy-editing in order to benefit their agenda.

I don't know what he truly said, but his actions told me he was agitated, upset, and crying. He needed attention. Infants don't speak, but when they cry, parents should tend to that child immediately. Jenelle can wail all she wants about the subtitles, but she can't excuse herself from putting her needs above that of her child and how her son was grabbed and dragged across The Land as punishment for something he didn't do. 

I know you are not implying that Blissfool. I am just sick and tired of how some of these bitches overlook the real issue at hand when they are defending themselves from the criticisms and judgments lodged against them. No one cares at this point what Kaiser said. It was the fact his needs were ignored after he was grabbed and almost tossed around like a toy while his so-called parents were too busy indulging in their stupid photo-shoot. 

I meant to response to something @druzy posted, I believe. She posted an old article about MTV trying to rent out a police car from the local police station for use during filming Teen Mom. They were denied use of a police car. It makes me wonder about what else have they tried to pass off on this show and succeeded in doing so without us realizing. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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20 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Ok, everybody. As I was watching that scene, I found it odd that a 3yr old would yell "Feed me," as opposed to a more age appropriate "I'm hungry." Really, as i watched, i gave MTV the side-eye, rewound, but still couldn't make out what he really said.

Jenelle is terrible, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt in this situation. We all know MTV is guilty of heavy-editing in order to benefit their agenda.

ETA: I totally believe that Jenelle was ignoring the kids during her Very Important Photoshoot, but I'm not buying that Kaiser screamed "Feed me." He could have been screaming at Jace, for all we know.

Not doubting your interpretation, but I could see Kaiser screaming "feed me" if hays a phrase he hears a lot. Toddlers tend to repeat EVERYTHING they hear. If UBT yells "feed me!" to Jenelle or vice versa I 100% believe Kaiser would repeat that phrase. 

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6 hours ago, chrissybk said:

I don't care about Janelle either tbh, but as long as she is with David those kids are in even more danger. At least with Jace and The Roll, there is Barb and Nathan's mom to keep an eye on that bitch Janelle. Poor Endtable is fully in the clutches of Janelle and David. There is nobody to save her. :(  

If MTV fires them both, there is hope that David will disappear when those MTV checks do. Which could save Jace and The Roll but still leaves little Endtable as either a victim of kidnapping by her father or consistent neglect by her mother and the dick she jumps on next.  


Don't get me wrong. I want David (& Jenelle) off of my TV. I just worry that if this plays out with any negative consequences to David as far as his money train (Jenelle), he and Jenelle will blame it on Kaiser for acting like a regular toddler during that photo shoot, etc. They already blame everything on Kaiser, so that seems natural for them anyway.

if David gets booted off the show, I guarantee you he will make Jenelle quit. Then things will get really bad with no cameras and money. It will be all Kaiser's fault for daring to be a toddler while Jenelle and David took their Save the Date pictures for viewing by a national audience of "hatters." Kaiser is "ruining" their Instagram-playing-family-picnic-image (ha, no one bought it anyway).  I guess the best situation would be for Doris to get custody then David to get thrown off the show, so he and Jenelle can't take that out on Kaiser.

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RE the article - there is no way Jenelle is quitting the show.  How will she live without the check?

It is hard to watch David/Jenelle with the kids.

The coven is truly horrible and Luis does not stand a chance.  There was no way Brianna was giving that child up for adoption.  That's how she got back on TV.  I am sick of the coven blaming Luis for everything.  Maybe if Brianna had not had sex in a club with a random guy without protection none of this would have happened.

Leah sure has grown this season.  Her discussion with the twin without the problem was awesome.  I always say you need to keep talking to the kids.  For the child to come up with the idea that she was the one who caused her sister's issue because she squished her in utero was heartbreaking.

We need Chelsea to balance the sickness that is Jenelle and Kailyn.

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23 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Infants don't speak, but when they cry, parents should tend to that child immediately.

Meanwhile Barb is a bitch because her (adult) daughter was crying her eyes out, and Barb didn't even care!  

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

A speech problem that she got a form for on 9-4 way after this was filmed. Regardless of his speech you screamed at, dragged, and completely ignored him after the fact. I can't stand those two. 

I think Jenelle is trying to give proof to her claim Kaiser had this speech issue when MTV filmed them in July, BEFORE she was informed about his problem in September.  By saying he was having speech issues, it would explain away why he sounded like he was saying "feed me" when he truly meant something else. And you know, he may have been crying about something else, but this bitch doesn't care. She is too wrapped up in the subtitles instead of the issue at hand - Kaiser was manhandled. He was grabbed by his arms, the same way David grabs Jenelle by the arms. I don't care if he tosses Jenelle around. She has an option to leave. Kaiser doesn't have that option. 

Jenelle doesn't care if her kids cry. BUT! when she cries, you better give her all the attention she fucking demands. 

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And why could Kaiser have a speech problem?  Does anyone think he gets read to in that house?  We know that Jace has been read to all the time.  Jenelle hasn't even taken the time to learn that reading to your kids everyday will set them up for school and life.  Do kids who are read to also have speech problems?  Sure but they also have a wider vocabulary.  Jenelle's kids are just props.  At least Kail reads to her kids and is involved in their school.

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Here is the wonky editing at play here during the Jenelle and Barb phone call scene. Watch the phone, then notice how it seems Barb's voice was edited in as Jenelle hadn't even put the phone on speaker, the quick splice, suddenly Jenelle's phone is on speaker even though you didn't see her touch the key to change it to speaker, her phone is suddenly turned sideways, and then look at her blouse on her shoulder as it suddenly changes:  

Edited by GreatKazu
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I'm going to have to rewatch to see if I interpret what Kaiser said differently. I can see MTV editing for drama, but with the way Jenelle was rushing home I can also see her prioritizing that stupid photo shoot above feeding her children dinner.

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

I'm going to have to rewatch to see if I interpret what Kaiser said differently. I can see MTV editing for drama, but with the way Jenelle was rushing home I can also see her prioritizing that stupid photo shoot above feeding her children dinner.

Keep in mind, Jenelle had just picked up Kaiser from daycare. He might have definitely been hungry if they only serve the kids lunch. She also has Kaiser in daycare all day. Jenelle made it a point that she had to do the photo-shoot before the sun went down. She definitely was in a hurry and it was all about what she had to do. She even yelled at Jace to hurry up and get in the car when she picked him up. I bet David was on her ass as well to hurry up and get home. 

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4 hours ago, eskimo said:

Kristin(?) was annoying the shit out of me by continuing to press the fighting issue.  You know they were fighting, they know they were fighting, and anybody with half a brain could tell it was NOT a good thing to rehash it.  Not that I care about Jenelle or David, but the kids will be in the line of fire when David comes home in a blind rage.  Way to read a room there.  

Oh she knows it wasn't a good thing to do but she did it anyway because it's her job to instigate things and cause drama where there is none or, in this case, add fuel to the fire.

She'd probably get a raise if she could get David to go off on Jenelle or the kids on camera. In MTV's eyes, they could care less if Jenelle or the kids get physically injured or killed as long as they get it on film. MTV and these producers make me sick. 

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8 hours ago, chrissybk said:

I enjoy the drama, it entertains me. But I have to draw the line and child abuse and endangerment.

So, here you go guys!  Let's see how fast we can get past 1000. Maybe MTV will pay attention to the viewers. 

Remove David and Janelle From Teen Mom 2 Cast

IDK Originally, I was all about removing both UBT and Jenelle from the show but now I'm not sure that would be the best thing. 

What I wish would happen is that MTV would give Jenelle an ultimatum. The terms would be leave UBT permanently, go into intense therapy, not date until cleared by her therapist, take parenting classes, and stay completely sober (including marijuana) during this time. Also, the therapy should NOT occur on camera. If she violates any of these stipulations, she is fired immediately. Also, I think that Barb needs to be involved in this therapy for Jace's sake and just overall effectiveness. 

Yes, Jenelle greatly disturbs me but I don't think she is a sociopath. I think she suffers from borderline personality disorder as well as other issues. I, also, think she has not properly bonded with her children for whatever reason. But I do think all of these issues could be helped with intense, long term therapy and the right medications.

I just don't think it would be fair for MTV to just walk away from this train wreck that they, not only exploited, but might have even made worse by filming it. I mean they filmed someone's most vulnerable and problematic moments with no intervention and then threw money at them, thus, rewarding them for the behavior. And they started all of this when said person was only a teenager. 

And even if you don't think MTV owes Jenelle anything, I think we can all agree they owe those innocent kids. And whether we like Jenelle or not, the best case scenario for her kids is that she is helped if possible. 


Of course, all of this is really a moot point because if given an ultimatum, I can almost guarantee you Jenelle would choose UBT. Also, MTV would never do this because they don't want Jenelle to get better. A sober, mentally stable Jenelle wouldn't make for good TV. MTV is only interested in ratings and money, innocent kids be damned. But I do feel that if there is anything that might get to Jenelle, it's being faced with losing the show and all the money that goes along with it


TLDR: MTV needs to give Jenelle an ultimatum. Leave UBT and get long term mental help or be fired. Firing them both doesn't help the kids involved, and MTV has a moral obligation to them whether they like it or not. 

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I don't know what he truly said, but his actions told me he was agitated, upset, and crying. He needed attention. Infants don't speak, but when they cry, parents should tend to that child immediately. Jenelle can wail all she wants about the subtitles, but she can't excuse herself from putting her needs above that of her child and how her son was grabbed and dragged across The Land as punishment for something he didn't do. 

I know you are not implying that Blissfool. I am just sick and tired of how some of these bitches overlook the real issue at hand when they are defending themselves from the criticisms and judgments lodged against them. No one cares at this point what Kaiser said. It was the fact his needs were ignored after he was grabbed and almost tossed around like a toy while his so-called parents were too busy indulging in their stupid photo-shoot. 

I meant to response to something @druzy posted, I believe. She posted an old article about MTV trying to rent out a police car from the local police station for use during filming Teen Mom. They were denied use of a police car. It makes me wonder about what else have they tried to pass off on this show and succeeded in doing so without us realizing. 

????Well said! 

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Regarding the phone call btw Barb and Jenelle, I knew something was wrong with that scene! Yes, Barb has been known to get frustrated easily and yell but I've never seen her come straight at Jenelle yelling. That makes sense that we the audience came in at the middle of that convo. 

Wow, the producers have really been bending over backwards to make Jenelle look good in regards to Barb. I'm surprised they edited the scene with UBT, Jenelle, and kids to highlight the disfunction going on. What happened to make them suddenly turn on Jenelle and show the truth? I guess they couldn't keep passing up the ratings gold mine that is her real life.  


BTW, sorry for flooding this topic with so many posts. This episode just got me really heated. Had to come out from lurking and get my thoughts out. 

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4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Keep in mind, Jenelle had just picked up Kaiser from daycare. He might have definitely been hungry if they only serve the kids lunch. She also has Kaiser in daycare all day. Jenelle made it a point that she had to do the photo-shoot before the sun went down. She definitely was in a hurry and it was all about what she had to do. She even yelled at Jace to hurry up and get in the car when she picked him up. I bet David was on her ass as well to hurry up and get home. 

I wonder what time it was. Wasn’t this filmed in the summer? The sun was probably up until 8:30.

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21 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I know Gracie can be a brat, but I understood where she was coming from. She's having a great time, then the second Ali complains they have to pack up and leave. In her 7 year-old mind, it's just Ali's needs taking precedence over hers for the hundredth time, not poor planning on her father's part.

I also notice how Ali immediately starts freaking out and crying any time she and Gracie have a disagreement. I wonder if she isn't putting on an act much of the time considering the end result is usually Gracie being blamed and yelled at. I'm sure Gracie instigates, but I'm also pretty sure a lot of their fights are just typical sibling squabbles that all kids have. Yet Leah and Cory come down on Gracie every time. It's no surprise these two are having issues.

Gracie is the "bad kid" in their family and Ali is the "good kid" - I've seen this a lot in families...they often seem blind to the fact "good kid" isn't always totally innocent. I'm sure it's ultra magnified because of Ali having MD. Gracie is the scapegoat. 

20 hours ago, amandabanana said:

Jenelle posted on instagram that she is quitting the show.


"Probably"? Sure, Jan. She wants them to cowtow and kiss her ass.

20 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

This is why I can't quit this show or this board!  I wondered what those things The Girlses were eating and now I know!  *small whisper voice* The "pepperoni rolls" looked tasty and made my stomach growl.

I have to agree that The Girlses poor diet most likely is at least 50% of their behavioral problems.  The other 25% is reacting to being shuttled back and forth between two homes and the remainder is lack of schedule/routine and poor parenting in general.

Their diet consists of "food" high in processed junk carbs, sugar/candy, artificial colors (red dye #40 has been shown to cause ADHD/ADD symptoms and it is banned in most countries except here), and unhealthy transfats.  I would be willing to bet my savings account everything they drink contains a minimum of 2 out of the following 3: caffeine, sugar, and/or artificial color.   Those poor girlses are tweaking on sugar and caffeine.  Of course they are fighting and acting like maniacs!

I'm glad my useless knowledge had a use! I'm a vegetarian but pepperoni rolls are supposed to be really good because the pepperoni grease gets all up in the bread as they bake. They were invented by Italian immigrants and coal miners to eat in the mines, if I remember correctly. I couldn't agree more about the dyes, I bet some pepperoni even has red #40 in it! (I avoid all the fake dyes, personally.)

20 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Ha ha ha, Mr Poetic was watching that scene with me and I commented that the food was probably from a gas station. The jerky and sandwiches or whatever they were in cellophane was a dead giveaway. Cellophane wrappers allow the food to be microwaved. Many of gas stations/convenience store have microwaves available to heat up the food that people buy. 

I don't think pepperoni rolls are even heated usually. Honestly, your average gas station sandwich is probably healthier than the WV pepperoni roll. White, sugary bread and pepperoni is basically no nutritional value at all! 

20 hours ago, BitterApple said:


Even at the gas station you can buy protein bars, string cheese, bananas, packages of nuts, yogurts etc., so even if 7-11 was the only option in the vicinity, they don't have to eat crap. It's just what they're used to, so real food doesn't appeal to them.

She lives in a rural area, they don't have 7-11 even. Their gas stations quite possibly don't have much or any of that. She could definitely find better than she has but it's definitely not the same as many other areas as far as healthy items, especially at gas stations there. She would need to plan ahead and grocery shop. Hell, she could go to Charleston and buy from some chain called "healthy life market" since she has the money.

13 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Or Chelsea could stop with shoving this stuff in her face? 

This. I think it's way more important to Chelsea. Is Paislee's last name Lind? I still maintain that Chelsea and Cole haven't been together long enough at this point and divorce could happen. If in 5 years it's all still great and Aubree wants to, go for it.  

13 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I wonder if this is really more of a storyline for MTV than anything else. What else does Chelsea have going on to talk about besides living her relativity normal upper-middle class "basic" life? (Totally not saying basic in a negative way. All these other chicks could benefit from a dose of "basic" at this point.)

Her already married wedding party that we won't even be seeing. Yawn.

11 hours ago, MoonMountain said:

Do the producers bring security with them to film at the houses of the more volatile cast members? They really should start if they don't...

And thanks for the info on CPS -- I was just wondering what it takes to get a child removed from a bad situation.

All of the kids seem to be in obvious danger, but I think as of right now, Marissa has it the worst. At least Jace has Barb and Kaiser has Nathan's family who seem interested in him. Endtable is still young so hopefully some changes happen before she gets a little older, but Marissa seems to be entering the formative years and she has to have a pretty good understanding of what's going on. I thought she was like 11 or 12, but I think somewhere I read she's only 8 (she's just tall, which makes sense considering UBT's height). Either way, I hope things change for that poor girl. Like, hey, you can't stay with your mom or your grandparents, so you're stuck with your creepy dad. And, surprise! You get 2 step-siblings, a baby half-sister, a lazy uninterested step-mom, and your life will now be filmed and broadcast on national TV.


When you put Maryssa's life out so blunt like that it's really shocking and rough what she's had to adjust to.

10 hours ago, eskimo said:

The coven are ridiculous, as has been covered here already.  Is Roxanne actually regressing, because she's seriously immature.

It's like she's taken lessons on how to be the most annoying, dramatic, trashy and extra person in the any situation.

7 hours ago, eskimo said:

Meanwhile Barb is a bitch because her (adult) daughter was crying her eyes out, and Barb didn't even care!  

Jenelle is a narcissist sociopath. It's clearer and clearer to me each episode.

@SPLAIN I wish I could more than like your post. ?

Edited by Rebecca
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7 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Cleaning the house apparently ain't so simple. 

This!  You could totally see into Aubree's room/playroom when she opened the door; such a mess.  I am not a cleaner, and I let my kids' have messy rooms, BUT this was never seen on TV.

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8 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Don't get me wrong. I want David (& Jenelle) off of my TV. I just worry that if this plays out with any negative consequences to David as far as his money train (Jenelle), he and Jenelle will blame it on Kaiser for acting like a regular toddler during that photo shoot, etc. They already blame everything on Kaiser, so that seems natural for them anyway.

if David gets booted off the show, I guarantee you he will make Jenelle quit. Then things will get really bad with no cameras and money. It will be all Kaiser's fault for daring to be a toddler while Jenelle and David took their Save the Date pictures for viewing by a national audience of "hatters." Kaiser is "ruining" their Instagram-playing-family-picnic-image (ha, no one bought it anyway).  I guess the best situation would be for Doris to get custody then David to get thrown off the show, so he and Jenelle can't take that out on Kaiser.

This!  Jen-yell and The Neanderthal are delusional whack jobs.  They have majorly distorted perceptions of reality that go beyond delusions.  If they get removed from the show it will be ALL Kaiser's fault.   Living with The Coven would be a better environment than Jen-yell and her Neanderthal.

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9 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Why was Jenelle wearing daisy duke shorts for her Very Important Photoshoot instead of a cute skirt, or even jeans!?

I know, I  know, this question is redundant.

Because the shorts were what David threw down into her pit that morning. "it wears the shorts or else it gets the hose again"

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9 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Not doubting your interpretation, but I could see Kaiser screaming "feed me" if hays a phrase he hears a lot. Toddlers tend to repeat EVERYTHING they hear. If UBT yells "feed me!" to Jenelle or vice versa I 100% believe Kaiser would repeat that phrase. 

I really can’t imagine David yelling “feed me.” I can see him yelling a lot of things, but not that.

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