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S08.E02: Let Them Eat Cake

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I went from loving Siggy last season to hating her more than I hate Teresa within 2 new episodes.  Ick what a delusional nutball.  (Still sad about the cake though, it looked delicious and I love vanilla cake with strawberry filling.

i like Margaret now and will stop calling her Pigtails.  I didn't think her memorial was a sneaky way to exclude Siggy and Delores.  I do think though that while it was really sweet she did want to suck up to queen bee Teresa at least a little.

WTF happened to Frankie jr- last season he was a cute kid and now he's all jacked up and bloated like his dad.  Put the steroids away, boy.

  • Love 17
31 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Siggy is obnoxious but why am I the only one that agrees with Siggy that tossing the huge cake across the restaurant was waaay out of hand and super disrespectful?

I think tossing the cake was terrible and immature!  Siggy is handling it very strangely though!  

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 16
57 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I'm getting a little concerned.  RHOC is awful, RHOD is horrendous, and,now this is starting out kind of crappy.  I'm soon going to have time for a part time job is I stop watching all these shows.

Sorry for his loss, but, Teresa's father is creepy as hell.  Always has been.

RHoOC is practically must-see tv compared to this ridiculousness(at least for me!) But I'm seriously counting down the days till the return of Beverly Hills and Vanderpump Rules.

Siggy is just a nightmare. 

  • Love 7
34 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I agree, but, I don't think it was so egregious that it merits talking about it non-stop. The bigger question to me is why would you spend a $1000 on a cake?

Siggy kept changing the amount she spent on this super special cake.  She told her husband on the phone is cost $500 and then later at the table she doubled that number.  She was overreacting.  Yeah, Teresa and Melissa may have been annoying her with their lack of appreciation and gratitude for this cake, but she needed to let it go.  All the condescension and chastising afterward was taking it too far.  She was just pissed that Melissa and Teresa weren't thanking their lucky stars that Siggy let them come to "her town."  Nevermind the fact that Boca really ain't all that and didn't this show do a Boca trip before?  

  • Love 18

Siggy was out of control over the cake ordeal.  And what a pretentious snob she is!  First of all, she kept saying "this is my town and so many people here know me", referring to Boca Raton.  The restaurant they were in where the cake was thrown was Shooters and it's in Ft Lauderdale, not Boca.  I lived in Ft Lauderdale most of my life and trust me... they've seen worse.

Lighten up honey and quit acting like a baby!  

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, Sai said:

I cried in the first episode and now the second one.  I lost both my parents so I feel the pain.  So sad.  The beach ceremony was beautiful.

I'm enjoying Danielle and Pigtail girl.  Soggy!!  LOL!  Spot on!

SHUT UP SOGGY.  She's insane and nothing she was saying made any sense.  Did she take some Jacqueline pills?  Cripes.

If I was a customer in a restaurant and loud mouth Siggy walked in screaming and shouting and making a spectacle of herself like she did at the first dinner I would have rolled my eyes and would not have been able to enjoy my dinner.  If I was a customer in the second restaurant and saw the cake tossing at a birthday celebration I would have laughed and enjoyed watching people having a good time.  Siggy is WAY too full of herself.

It was beautiful, but it was also throwing garbage into the ocean, which really irritates me.  Same as sending helium balloons into the sky.  Can we honor loved ones without damaging the environment?

For once, Tre and Joey's father didn't scare me.  He smiled and had fun.  Gabriella seems more comfortable in front of the cameras with grandpa around.  It was a sweet scene.

45 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Siggy is going to ruin this season -- she needs to go. She can take her loudmouth sidekick Delores with her.

I like Dolores - for her dogs at the very least.  I also like her daughter.

If Florida Lady's husband is seeing 40 vaginas a day, he is triple and quadruple scheduling appointments.

  • Love 12
On 10/12/2017 at 0:51 AM, Almost 3000 said:

As much as Soggy is annoying to me this season I did sympathize a bit with her because she did put thought into the cake gift and put effort into "making it nice." Neither Dorinda or Siggy got the apologies they thought they deserved but the edit is really stacked against Siggy this season.


On 10/11/2017 at 9:34 PM, Bronzedog said:

"I brought you in".  Soggy Flicker, Godfather wannabe.

The cake gesture was over the top given that Siggy isn't particularly close to Melissa.  It came off as godfather-ish to me...as if Melissa and the others were supposed to kiss her ring.   In Siggy's defense, though, throwing the cake was out of bounds.  That's just not something you do in a restaurant.  For Teresa and Melissa to think it was ok makes me think they feel they can do whatever they want.  And, as disingenuine as the cake gesture was, to destory it was rude to Siggy.   Both sides were wrong - but in different ways, IMO.

On 10/11/2017 at 11:31 PM, AttackTurtle said:

Did Margaret even know that Dolores and Siggy were not going to be present for yoga?  I don't think she had some underhanded motives toward Dolores and Siggy.

Unlike Siggy's cake for Melissa, Margaret's ceremony for Teresa seemed completely genuine and without any ulterior motives.   I get that Siggy and Delores would be hurt by not being invited, but there is context to consider.  It might have been a spur of the moment thing or maybe Margaret may have felt having Siggy and Margaret there would have taken away from the moment (and they would have).

I get that Siggy may feel that Margaret should defer to her a bit because she brought her on the show.  It is a gift on many levels.  On the other hand, it doesn't mean Margaret has to bow down to her.  She shouldn't have brought another person on the show if she felt she could control them once there.  Another godfather-ish moment for Siggy.

I actually feel this kind of sentiment is exactly what put Teresa over the edge with Melissa when she first went on the show.  The show was Teresa's turf, and out of the blue, without notice, she had to share it with Melissa - someone she didn't like to begin with.   At the end of the day, most of the fights on these shows have to do with territoriality, IMO.  

One thing I missed and am wondering if anyone can fill me in.  What did Siggy say about IQ's after the cake fight?

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Siggy's pictures of herself in various poses at her place in Boca cracked me up. They were so ridiculous.

I know right?? Sometime between the airing of last season and the filming of this one, her z-list celebrity status has really gone to her head.

I did actually feel the memorial was a little odd considering Margaret had just met Teresa.  I mean it was nice and all but considering how T reacted to newcomers in the past I was half expecting her to not take it well.  I guess 'camp' really did change her.

  • Love 10

I think it was rude to toss the cake around and it's not something I would do, but Siggy was such an ass about the whole thing that I don't think she deserves an apology.  As many have said, she was much more of an embarrassment in the restaurant screaming at everyone.  What a pompous ass.  I also started thinking that Teresa and Melissa have been dealing with such grief and heavy emotions that maybe the cake throwing was a light, fun moment to cut loose.  So, if I think of it that way, I don't fault them too much.  I really don't like Teresa, but I do feel for her and her pain is palpable.   Like someone else stated, that restaurant has seen worse, plus it looked like they were in a private area and weren't bothering other patrons, unlike Siggy and her screaming.

I guess when you're the most talented human being on the planet with the highest IQ, you need to sulk and blow things out of proportion.  Personally, I wouldn't know.

  • Love 24
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

And Joe Gorga has to remind me why I find him so gross. He's all proud of his youngest son for calling girls "sexy", but Antonia better not go anywhere near a non-related male. Okay then. 

Thank you! I wasn't here for his whining that drama always goes down when women get together, to which Melissa told him to be thankful he doesn't have a vagina. 

10 hours ago, Jextella said:

The cake gesture was over the top given that Siggy isn't particularly close to Melissa.  It came off as godfather-ish to me...as if Melissa and the others were supposed to kiss her ring.   In her defense, though, throwing the cake was out of bounds.  That's just not something you do in a restaurant.  For Teresa and Melissa to think it was ok makes me think they feel they can do whatever they want.  And, as disingenuine as the gesture was, it was rude to Siggy.   Both sides were wrong - but in different ways, IMO.

Unlike Siggy's cake for Melissa, Margaret's ceremony idea seemed completely genuine and without any ulterior motives.   I get that Siggy and Delores would be hurt by not being invited, but there is context to consider.  It might have been a spur of the moment thing or maybe Margaret may have felt having Siggy and Margaret there would have taken away from the moment (and they would have).

I get that Siggy may feel that Margaret should defer to her a bit because she brought her on the show.  It is a gift on many levels.  On the other hand, it doesn't mean Margaret has to bow down to her.  She shouldn't have brought another person on the show if she felt she could control them once there.  Another godfather-ish moment for Siggy.

I actually feel this kind of sentiment is exactly what put Teresa over the edge with Melissa when she first went on the show.  The show was Teresa's turf, and out of the blue, without notice, she had to share it with Melissa - someone she didn't like to begin with.   At the end of the day, most of the fights on these shows have to do with territoriality, IMO.  

One thing I missed and am wondering if anyone can fill me in.  What did Siggy say about IQ's after the cake fight?

All of this is very true. I get where Siggy is coming from, but I thought she reacted immaturely and obnoxiously. However, what's Dolores' damage? I can see feeling left out, but why the rage towards Margaret? Did Margaret tell them to skip yoga? Yeesh.

Edited by Vanderboom
  • Love 12
11 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I can't believe how entitled that Frankie feels. Blaming the dirty dishes in the sink on his absent mother. 

I thought Frank Sr. was overreacting. I've got boys, it could be WAY messier than it was. Also, we don't know what's going on with editing. That scene could have been filmed the afternoon they left for Boca. They COULD have been Delores's dishes. 


10 hours ago, Sai said:

I'm enjoying Danielle and Pigtail girl.  Soggy!!  LOL!  Spot on!

I thought they were saying "Sobby" at first. But I think I like Soggy even better!


8 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Like last week I enjoyed RHNJ way more than RHOC. I will be at my table for one now.

You're not alone. This is MUCH more fun than OC. I'm enjoying it so far. 


7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

For once, Tre and Joey's father didn't scare me.  He smiled and had fun.  Gabriella seems more comfortable in front of the cameras with grandpa around.  It was a sweet scene.

I love those simple, at-home scenes with the girls. When Papa Gorga told Milania to eat a banana, I cracked up so hard. 

  • Love 15

My thoughts (I live in NJ btw)

1. Cake drama = producer driven/influenced set up.  I'm sure the show paid for the ridiculous cake.  Perhaps it got out of control because they were performing for the camera.  If my friends were throwing cake around in a restaurant, I'd be embarrassed too.  But Siggy come on, did you watch one of the other seasons of RHONJ - NO TRIP HAS EVER NOT HAD DRAMA.

2. I don't think the 4 girls knew Dolores and Siggy were going to skip beach/yoga.  So the fact that Siggy was all bent out of shape about missing it is totally on her.  She should have called/text them to let them know they were skipping out.  F

3. Siggy acts more "New Jersey rich trash" than the rest of them - her antics in the restaurants was so over the top it totally outweighed the private dinner/cake throwing incident outside.  

4. I like Margaret and Melissa.  Not hating Danielle yet.

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

I think tossing the cake was terrible and immature!  Siggy is handling it very strangely though!  

That's exactly how I feel! Like, I cannot understand how the others don't see the issue--come on, man! Regardless of Siggy being a loon, she did procure a personalized "fabulous" cake (quotes only because, while it looked like it took talent to create, it was way overdone and ostentatious [just like the ladies themselves, haha!]--and probably tasted horrible). And without weighing in on whether people should be having a food fight in public, I'll add that I'd understand their behavior better if, say, they'd all had some cake and then tossed around the leftovers. But it was still uncut (right?) so I can see where Siggy would feel like her gesture was rudely ignored.

As for being excluded the next day, someone in the van said that neither Siggy nor Dolores had replied to the group text about the beach.

Was it not Melissa who started the cake fight by smushing it onto Teresa's head? I feel like everyone's recounts start with/focus on Teresa hurling the thing across the floor. 


If Florida Lady's husband is seeing 40 vaginas a day, he is triple and quadruple scheduling appointments.

I hate when doctors do that, man! If I have an appointment, I want my appointment at the time I made it because, while I am not a fancy doctor, I do have other obligations (barring, of course, unforeseen circumstances in which someone needs that doctor more than I do; in that case, tell me to go home)! And I hate it even more when it's a gyno appointment; ugh, I am already about two seconds from changing my mind and fleeing the premises anyway; do not give me one more reason (excuse!) to do so. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 13

I was very distracted during the ladies ride over to Siggy's friends house. I couldn't stop seeing Melissa chewing her gum with her mouth open (I'm just so grateful that I didn't have to hear it). 

I'm thinking that Siggy went out of her way to make it nice (tm Dorinda) and felt under appreciated and now she can't let go of her resentment. 

I thought it was weird that Siggy would decorate her Boca place the same as her place in NJ. I get that she loves horses and the decor in their main residence, however, why didn't she do a beach or boating theme for a place near the ocean? Seems like a lost opportunity to branch out and do something new and fun. I think that she's a little too stuck in her ways. 

  • Love 3

What cracks me up is when people try to act all bad ass.  Case in point, Danielle put on her tough girl face, pointed her finger and angrilly told Siggs to never use that word (can't remember the word...maybe trashy?) in front of her again.   Siggs then said the word 3 more times and the camera panned back to Danyell who had no reply...nothing...nada.  She injected herself into that little squabble just so it's known whose side she's on.  

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 4

"Soggy", hah! Margaret's making a good impression, so far.

No shame at all in having a condo as a second home, but it's more likely the women didn't stay at Siggy's because it would've been too cramped, and not that Siggy just didn't want to clean after them.


Also - how does Teresa manage to go to prison, owe millions, manage to not lose her house AND GET HER KITCHEN REDONE?

...and have all those Cartier bracelets and diamond rings she was wearing on WWHL. Once a shady thief, always a shady thief.

The memorial was very nice, but of course Teresa had to question why Antonia left her, as if the woman died on purpose. The selfishness will never cease to amaze.

Did I miss her, or was Audriana not there?

Was that raw pasta that Frankie poured into a bowl?

On a shallow note, Melissa is hotter than ever.

  • Love 7

The memorial was very nice, but of course Teresa had to question why Antonia left her, as if the woman died on purpose. The selfishness will never cease to amaze.

This is a pretty common question and lament among people who've lost someone. I am not saying that Teresa is or isn't selfish, just that this is, IMO, so not proof of it.

  • Love 22
2 hours ago, Normades said:

I guess when you're the most talented human being on the planet with the highest IQ, you need to sulk and blow things out of proportion.  Personally, I wouldn't know.

I'd like to tell SOGGY that a high IQ means nothing, just that you're good at taking IQ tests.  I scored almost 140 and sucked at most classes that weren't math.  

OMG I meant to comment about Teresa's bracelets!  Talk about dumb.  And tacky.  She's that friend who borrows money from you and claims she can't pay you back even though she buys tacky shit at the mall every day.

  • Love 3

I am not saying that Teresa is or isn't selfish, just that this is, IMO, so not proof of it.

I don't see it as proof, just par for the course. If she were not so innately self-centered, it would've been just as easy to ask why her mother left "us".


 She's that friend who borrows money from you and claims she can't pay you back even though she buys tacky shit at the mall every day.

I'm surprised she actually spent money on braces for Milania and Gabriella, being there's no flash to those purchases.

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