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Season 5 Discussion


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8 minutes ago, ChiBurbsMama said:

Plus that whole 'agency' was a set-up to sell big bucks training and photography (head shots, etc.). They brought Josh in to assess the checkbook status. Did he and Aika really think what they were talking about was going to be FREE? Nope, fees would be paid; very little work will be booked.

This show is starting to feel retread: modeling (though this time the hubby is a fan and the wife isn't), interesting local food served up, controlling men, bratty brides. Can we have a nice real, sweet story mixed in to cut the ick factor a little? Please?

And she is correct -- at 36 she needs to get on that goal. I sense trouble in paradise over this issue (among others).

What happens if you are on a K-1 Visa and during the 90 days, you marry a different American citizen than your sponsor?  Can you get a green card that way?  If so, I could see that as being an option for Aika. :)

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Annie seems to be having second thoughts about David and rightly so. I think the fact that he hasn’t told his children about her and is unable to take care of her financially is starting to make her worry.

And that's just the beginning. Desperately hiding her ring from his daughter, borrowing money left and right, drinking to excess, letting his 'friend' nearly proposition her . . . ewwww. He's dishonest, evasive, damaged, and skeevy. I felt really sorry for her when she was crying with her friend. If she wasn't so desperate to leave Thailand (and help her family) I think she'd bail. As it is, she should toss DavidPoor back and throw another worm in the pond that is FilipinoCupid.com

17 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Someone should probably tell her that not all Asian women do nails. 

And that someone should have been David Poor, but no -- he ENCOURAGED his daughter to ask Annie (and he & his daughter had obviously discussed it earlier). Annie played along, but how hurtful and presumptuous. RUN ANNIE!

Edited by ChiBurbsMama
  • Love 11

Ok - I admit I'm reading the forum here before watching the episode so maybe I'm missing something but I don't see the problem with a small cake for the bride and groom (or bridal party) and sheet cakes for the guests. That's done a lot. Often people will have a small cake for the "cutting" which they then eat and then they feed the crowd with sheet cakes which are easier to cut and more reasonably priced. I wouldn't be angry if I went to a wedding and was served sheet cake from Costco.  That stuff is delicious which isn't always true of expensive, fancy wedding cakes with all of that thick fondant. EWW

Oh and to the poster who said cupcakes should be cheaper at a wedding - one would think right? But alas no. We looked into for my daughter's wedding and they still run $4-$6 per cupcake. Insanity. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

This is the brightest reg flag of all in a truly huge parade of them! There is something strongly bullying in the way Luis is so defiant in this perversion. When Molly got upset, and put on her actual mother pants, Luis was still defiant, undaunted, and taunting her. He clearly did not give a flying f*ck about what she thought or what she had to say about boundaries, or her daughter's sanctity, or any of it. And, NO, it is not a cultural thing! It is a predator thing!

I get that the producers may have prompted the whole, "I'm your dad" fiasco, but any man with an ounce of decency or sense would have shut that sh*t down almost immediately, but not Luis. He just pressed and pressed, and bullied the little girl, pounding at her psyche and sense of security. He went on and on and would not stop! Why? Because he has no respect for women or their boundaries.

Luis is letting his freak flag fly. He's also slowly taking over the house, and Molly may blister and rage, but in the end, she will do nothing. Her eunuch brother won't either because his endgame is to keep a roof over his head without really doing anything. So much for Uncle watching out for the girls.

Molly couldn't have done a worse job picking out a husband than if she had driven down I-75 at night and picked up the first male hitchhiker she saw in the shadows. 

Luis makes Mo look like a prince.

I agree; it was unsettling that Luis persisted in sharing his stupid opinion about this. And yes, I think it turned him on. (And I am not one who was anti-Luis even last week. This exchange just really rubbed me the wrong way.

Luis is a really sexual guy. In his talking head he basically said, "I'm glad to be in the US where I can now smell Molly (btwn the legs) and F her. Stay in your room, Kensley, unless you wanna see me F'ing the brains our of your mami. Olivia needs to get her back blown out real good so she stops worrying about what we're doing. So is bf putting it down, Olivia? I have no problem w/ you two F'ing to your heart's content so we don't have to see you that often. Hey, it's her body and if she should decide to share it w/ her horny stepdaddy a few times when  no one is looking, I'm not going to be mad at her."

He is very sexual! And yes, I bet he fantasizes about his bitchy, smug stepdaughter <gross face>

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, ChiBurbsMama said:

And that's just the beginning. Desperately hiding her ring from his daughter, borrowing money left and right, drinking to excess, letting his 'friend' nearly proposition her . . . ewwww. He's dishonest, evasive, damaged, and skeevy. I felt really sorry for her when she was crying with her friend. If she wasn't so desperate to leave Thailand (and help her family) I think she'd bail. As it is, she should toss DavidPoor back and throw another worm in the pond that is FilipinoCupid.com

And those are his good points. :)

  • Love 7

David being in Thailand and giving all that money (that he does not have) to Annie's family etc...would and probably does rub his kids the wrong way because he cannot provide the basics for them and now they see their father borrowing money for a ridiculously frivolous thing like this K1 visa nonsense, enjoying the sights of Thailand and buying a bride, yet another person he cannot provide for.  David Poor's daughter is most likely less than thrilled with his behavior and he knows it.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Real Eyes said:
1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

The problem I had with what Luis said was that he said she could "fuck" if that's what she wanted. He could have talked about it in a more mature manner considering she is still only 17. That's not how you go about talking about sex to a teenager. He may be all feminist, her body her choice, etc but he made it very creepy by talking about it dirty, making Olivia very uncomfortable. And Molly had already said she didn't want him talking about it. 


A lot of non native speakers don't know that f##k is an exceptionally vulgar word in English, especially as it is used so liberally in movies.

He also used another word in Spanish that I didn't quite catch, so I rewound and put on CC and it was something that translated "to grab." I think we tend to forget that being able to speak a 2nd language can be hard, forget idioms and the like, and translating isn't always the best. I really think he was trying to put her at ease that he wouldn't "tattle tale" on her about having sex because he doesn't see it as secretive or dirty and that if she wants to grab at it while she's young that's fine. I don't even think fuck is a particularly vulgar word, and he was using it in it's most literal sense. Again, in a language that is not his primary one.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

David being in Thailand and giving all that money (that he does not have) to Annie's family etc...would and probably does rub his kids the wrong way because he cannot provide the basics for them and now they see their father borrowing money for a ridiculously frivolous thing like this K1 visa nonsense, enjoying the sights of Thailand and buying a bride, yet another person he cannot provide for.  David Poor's daughter is most likely less than thrilled with his behavior and he knows it.

Yes, I think David Poor is ashamed to tell his kids that he is spending all this money bringing Annie to America and marrying her and taking on another mouth to feed, when he can't afford his current responsibilities.   

I thought it was funny that his daughter was relieved to find that Annie was a real person and not a "phantom" he invented.  That makes me think she has heard some tall tales from Dad over the years.

  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

He is very sexual! And yes, I bet he fantasizes about his bitchy, smug stepdaughter <gross face>

Yes, he does. He's planning his moment. When Molly's at work, he'll start throwing wine coolers at her and go from there.

She is, after all, more attractive to him than the mother.

I need to go throw up now.

  • Love 10
20 hours ago, millennium said:

Luis may be the most harmless guy in the world.  But common sense alone should inform Molly that you don't bring a strange man into a home where he will have unsupervised access and control over two young and vulnerable children.

I don't care if he's the Pope, you don't do it.    

Even a benign guy like Brett brought Daya over and expected her to babysit his daughter. all these parents who bring strangers into their homes with minor children are crazy!!!! As a parent, I rarely do the right thing, lol, but I do know that having brought children into the world whether i like it or not when I become a parent, they become my priority--not my dating life. Too risky and really unfair to the kids. JMHO.

  • Love 12
45 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Yes, I think David Poor is ashamed to tell his kids that he is spending all this money bringing Annie to America and marrying her and taking on another mouth to feed, when he can't afford his current responsibilities.   

I thought it was funny that his daughter was relieved to find that Annie was a real person and not a "phantom" he invented.  That makes me think she has heard some tall tales from Dad over the years.

He's been able to avoid paying child support in Thailand.

Assuming his ex-wife didn't say, "You run along, honey. I'll assume ALL of the financial responsibilities for raising our children."

Also, the way he seems to have zero problem or shame in admitting, "I have no home, no car, no savings, not even a bank account." Dude, what have you been up to all these years?

That's a good point. He probably has been known to fib. And, Annie just thinks keeping outrageous secrets is an American thing.

Just like Molly's family thinks Luis's lasciviousness towards minors is a Dominican Republic thing.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

! If you want to expose sheltered Americans to your cuisine, start slowly. She couldn't make a shish kebab??


At this point Nicole has spent a few months in Morocco between her two trips.  She's not fresh off the plane.  Head away!

3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

by the way, to those more worldly than me....is sheep head a real Moroccan dish?  Teeth and all?   They just shove the head in the oven and call it good?  I am truly appalled.  

Yup.  It's totally a thing.  Just like they do it with a cow head in Argentina.  Not really my jam, but when you want to use the entire animal, and your easiest method of cooking is a slow roast, it makes perfect sense.

  • Love 1

I freakin' loved the irony of the lady at the cake tasting place in New Hampshire: Patience.

We know Evelyn won't eat more than one bite of the cake, however, I loved when Evelyn said "I know that you have a lot of preferences for a lot of things, so what kind of cake were you expecting to have at the wedding?" I have no words about how lame she is. No words.#Heypotthisisthekettle

(Apologies if someone else covered this - I haven't read through all of the comments yet!)

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ChiBurbsMama said:

Does Aika know Josh is in no hurry?

Okay I need new glasses:  I read that as "Does Aika know Josh is so horny?"  


1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

@Mrs. Hanson   CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MARRIAGE.  You seem very happy. 

Thank you, I am.  We managed to NOT be gross in front of my kids (he has none), I did NOT force a relationship on them, we kept a three feet zone of "no touch" between us at all times, I did NOT make them call him Daddy (first name is fine, thanks) and we were, oh I don't know.....mature?

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I am starting to sense fakery on the part of Evelyn and David Spain. I have a hard time believing that Evelyn, who I don't doubt  has been planning her wedding day all her life, does know the exact price of every detail. I think she knows enough to understand that she has to bring the drama for TLC.I think TLC is pushing the "Evelyn is being unreasonable" narrative by scheduling things like a cake tasting when they have a limited budget. And in the previews for next week, they are looking at apartments when she admits she is paid next to nothing and he can't work based on his status. Of all the couples, outside of the whole fundie why get married so young storyline, they are the most normal. David is a college graduate, Evelyn teaches and sings. Yes, she is being pouty, but psst, I wouldn't want my fiance picking a tux color that didn't match with my color scheme. Yes she's OTT, but I am wondering how much of it is producer driven. 

Evelyn doesn't care about food. So she's leaving that piece up to David. She could barely force herself to eat an egg in an earlier episode. And she doesn't give a hoot about what her guest's experience will be. She's a hick!

2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

The problem I had with what Luis said was that he said she could "fuck" if that's what she wanted. He could have talked about it in a more mature manner considering she is still only 17. That's not how you go about talking about sex to a teenager. He may be all feminist, her body her choice, etc but he made it very creepy by talking about it dirty, making Olivia very uncomfortable. And Molly had already said she didn't want him talking about it. 

I had to agree with Andrei. There's no reason for a married woman to go to the club without her husband. He said the same for himself, which I appreciated.

Yes, meth rots out teeth and kills the complexion. It really does a lot of permanent damage. 

Luis may not realize that the term is offensive. Brits say fuck and cunt all of the time without a second thought - but call something bloody in the UK and people are covering their ears. 


Andrei seems to be a very limited person. She will not have a very interesting life with him. His experience as a bouncer may come in handy if there is a zombie apocalypse. 

  • Love 3

Did Evelyn do ALL of her wedding planning on a napkin? 

Clearly your band is not successful when you cannot afford a notebook...or is she too stupid to take a planner/schedule/lined sheets of paper from the school where she teaches part-time? Or, even use some of her own teaching supplies to help her plan the wedding? ANYTHING but a napkin! 

Evelyn is a part time teacher of both French and music? She is allowed to be an impressionable person on the youths of America? That's wrong on so many levels. I guess we should be thankful she's not teaching Driver's Ed!!!  

(Most private schools, especially those that are based in religion, don't require teachers to have a teaching credential. However, I've never heard of any school that does not require any teacher, part time or not, to not have at least a BA at the bare minimum. I think our pretty, pretty princess volunteers for some after school clubs and calls that teaching.)

  • Love 9

I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm going to defend Luis.  He's not a pervert, he's not a skeevy stepdad, he's a bartender. He's talking to Olivia like she's a normal, late teenage girl.  Exactly how peers would speak to each other, and he and Olivia pretty much are peers.  Molly might be trying to make him insta-dad, but he's not.  She can't have it both ways.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Bridget said:

I think our pretty, pretty princess volunteers for some after school clubs and calls that teaching.)

I think you are right.  I work in a charter school (fully licensed, btw) and we can hire non licensed people in, for example, Art if they are experienced studio artists, etc.  Our princess seems a little dim for the real thing.

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm going to defend Luis.  He's not a pervert, he's not a skeevy stepdad, he's a bartender. He's talking to Olivia like she's a normal, late teenage girl.  Exactly how peers would speak to each other, and he and Olivia pretty much are peers.  Molly might be trying to make him insta-dad, but he's not.  She can't have it both ways.

He's still a 26 talking to a girl of 17 about getting "fucked." He knows what that word means in English. And, Molly made it very clear that she didn't want him talking to her that way. She's laid down very few other rules if any others. 

And, he really did seem turned on. It was more than a verbal exchange to him. It was highly charged. That's what set off his future stepdaughter's creepmeter into high gear!

She can't expect him to be a full on stepdad, but he's crossing her boundaries, creeping out a teenaged girl and her friend in her own home, causing them to run upstairs while uncle jughandle stood there slack-jawed, and he obviously doesn't give a damn about her mother trying to protect her. He was taunting Molly even as she became outraged. 

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I am not seeing the tender side of Andrei at all.  When she was excited about him meeting her family his comment was something like, "It's not my concern to meet your family," I sense something off with him.  I may be in the minority but his personality is a zero and I am not crazy over his looks either.

I think she was going on and on about how worried she was about him meeting her family and what they will think, etc.  She is obsessed with her family and their reaction to Andre.  That's why he responded in his "English as a second language" that it was not his concern to meet her family.   

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Did Evelyn do ALL of her wedding planning on a napkin? 

Clearly your band is not successful when you cannot afford a notebook...or is she too stupid to take a planner/schedule/lined sheets of paper from the school where she teaches part-time? Or, even use some of her own teaching supplies to help her plan the wedding? ANYTHING but a napkin! 

Evelyn is a part time teacher of both French and music? She is allowed to be an impressionable person on the youths of America? That's wrong on so many levels. I guess we should be thankful she's not teaching Driver's Ed!!!  

(Most private schools, especially those that are based in religion, don't require teachers to have a teaching credential. However, I've never heard of any school that does not require any teacher, part time or not, to not have at least a BA at the bare minimum. I think our pretty, pretty princess volunteers for some after school clubs and calls that teaching.)

Did she say she was teaching at a school? It's more likely that she's giving private lessons. She may only have one student for all we know. For example, a girl that was well respected for her vocal talent graduated from high school with my son and many of the underclassman kids wanted to take voice and piano lessons from her. The only experience she had was the fact that she took private lessons from a PhD since seventh grade. She had no qualifications. But people paid her because she was popular. I suspect Evelyn "teaches" a couple of friends who think she's the shit. 

So Evelyn is a French tutor and a vocal coach lol. It's not a career and probably won't pay the bills. It's almost like saying you babysit for a living. There are teenagers who get paid to babysit when the adults go out once a week and then there are nannies who have made a career out of it, all day every day. Those are two different things. Evelyn is just trying to show how mature she is and how ready for marriage she is by acting like she has a job. And I doubt they get as many "gigs" as they claim. 

That brings me to another thought regarding David expecting an eventual move. This girl acts like she is on the verge of a recording contract. He may have been told that the family would be moving eventually to a bigger place for the sake of the band and all the gigs they get after they're famous and opening for Taylor Swift. Evelyn and the family act like she is more important than she is. Her voice is terrible though. Anybody can make a YouTube video. 

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

I think Josh and Luis would both be in first place after tonight, if it was a pervert contest. 

The way Josh looks at Aika (every single scene) is like he was watching porn. He's one sick puppy. 

I think Luis might be closer in age to Olivia than David and Evelyn are? Either way, he is going to be in the very least checking her out. But more likely, much more. Talking to her so openly about sex, and the constant reminders that she is basically grown made it obvious. 

Josh just looks weird to me....like a 40 something teenager, who would be more comfortable wearing baggy "down to your a$$" jeans, a baseball hat worn bakcwards, and a skateboard under his arm. It's like he never grew up.

  • Love 15
56 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Did Evelyn do ALL of her wedding planning on a napkin? 

Clearly your band is not successful when you cannot afford a notebook...or is she too stupid to take a planner/schedule/lined sheets of paper from the school where she teaches part-time? Or, even use some of her own teaching supplies to help her plan the wedding? ANYTHING but a napkin! 

Evelyn is a part time teacher of both French and music? She is allowed to be an impressionable person on the youths of America? That's wrong on so many levels. I guess we should be thankful she's not teaching Driver's Ed!!!  

(Most private schools, especially those that are based in religion, don't require teachers to have a teaching credential. However, I've never heard of any school that does not require any teacher, part time or not, to not have at least a BA at the bare minimum. I think our pretty, pretty princess volunteers for some after school clubs and calls that teaching.)

If she was homeschooled, as has been speculated here, she might volunteer at a co-op. A lot of co-ops meet once a week to work in a group especially for activities like language and music. The parent is still in charge of the actual learning. Some co-ops, like the one we belong to, hire teachers with specific expertise and we pay to be a part of it. But if Evelyn is "teaching" she's probably just in charge of a class of young kids having fun with French and music each week. 

  • Love 1

Who was it that said (in the last episode's thread) that Elizabeth's mouth deserved a show of its own?  Pure gold! It kept playing, like a mantra in my head, the whole time she was on camera.   

Oh, until I saw her very wet underarm stains while waiting for Andrrrrrrrei to come back from his interview.  She must have really been nervous.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, shockermolar said:

He also used another word in Spanish that I didn't quite catch, so I rewound and put on CC and it was something that translated "to grab." I think we tend to forget that being able to speak a 2nd language can be hard, forget idioms and the like, and translating isn't always the best. I really think he was trying to put her at ease that he wouldn't "tattle tale" on her about having sex because he doesn't see it as secretive or dirty and that if she wants to grab at it while she's young that's fine. I don't even think fuck is a particularly vulgar word, and he was using it in it's most literal sense. Again, in a language that is not his primary one.

Agarrar is slang for kissing. I love listening to Luis mangle the English language because I mangle the Spanish language the same way. 

I know many people are horrified when they hear the fuck word used so literally, especially older people. Personally, I like the word better when using it in my insults.  

  • Love 2

I like Aika, I feel like she is being herself and will do well in the states. She kind of reminds me of my former doctor. Something tells me that she is older than 36 though. That modeling agency was a total fake. The painted logo was so poorly done. They never just walk you in and film you, there is always an interview, even at the sham agencies. I wonder what else Josh asks her to do that she doesn't want to do? As they were walking to the car from the grocery store she asked him something about their future and children and he kind of choked out "sure". Hang in there, girl, do whatcha gotta do. 

I am terrified and attracted to Andrrrei at the same time. My husband is Polish (1st generation American) so I am familiar with Eastern European people. A lot  are VERY stubborn and set in tradition but have strong work ethics and love hard. I am really curious to see Andrrrei's family and home and get his back story. I think that Elizabeth would do better to tone down the lipstick to a soft pink or nude shade. When you have a not so cute feature why draw attention there?

Evelyn and David Spain. She is just young and used to being 'somebody' in her small world. She is not coming off well on the show, I don't care for them as a couple.

As for David Poor and Annie, yikes, I'm feeling pretty bad for Annie. She has attached her future to a homeless alcoholic. Annie is very pretty and seems like a decent girl doing her best to survive the hand she has been dealt, but the more I watch, the more I wonder if she wouldn't be better off staying where she is. David's face makes me think of when a man gets older and has hormonal issues and starts looking almost like a woman. Not feminine exactly but kind of Paul McCartneyish? (God love Sir Paul).

Luis..oh boy. I don't care if Olivia was 25, you went there. Couldn't he see the look on her face when he said fuck? He just kept on. Read your audience, man! He is bored and horny and that is going to be a problem. His family seemed decent on Skype and he was very respectful to his parents, surely he knows what's proper.  Even as a bartender to young women you know when you've gone too far? I may be way off but he looks like he is always aroused, those half closed eyes and grin. Maybe I'm the pervert. Molly doesn't seem to want to know. I was stunned that she left him to babysit the youngest (Kensley?) after such a short time. Maybe Uncle Cooter was home but I doubt he would notice anything happening.

Lordy, why do I give 2 craps?

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Lemons said:

Agarrar is slang for kissing. I love listening to Luis mangle the English language because I mangle the Spanish language the same way. 

I know many people are horrified when they hear the fuck word used so literally, especially older people. Personally, I like the word better when using it in my insults.  

I'm not horrified by the 'fuck' word. I say it several times a fucking day every fucking day. I'm horrified by a man his age talking to a teenager about whether she likes to fuck her boyfriend and that she should be allowed to fuck her boyfriend. The look on her face when he said it should have been enough to get him to stop saying it but he didn't. 

Like Sinead said above, Luis, know you're audience. This is your fiancé's child, not a woman you can talk dirty to. Clean it up around the kids. 

Edited by Nowhere
  • Love 16
26 minutes ago, Sinead said:

I think that Elizabeth would do better to tone down the lipstick to a soft pink or nude shade. When you have a not so cute feature why draw attention there?

By 'not so cute feature' were you referring to her face or something else?

26 minutes ago, Sinead said:

As for David Poor and Annie, yikes, I'm feeling pretty bad for Annie. She has attached her future to a homeless alcoholic. Annie is very pretty and seems like a decent girl doing her best to survive the hand she has been dealt, but the more I watch, the more I wonder if she wouldn't be better off staying where she is. David's face makes me think of when a man gets older and has hormonal issues and starts looking almost like a woman.

I've spent a lot of time in Thailand and there are a shit ton of legit jobs in tourism, restaurant industry, shops, etc. that Annie could get with her English language skills in Bangkok that don't include, well, banging cock (sorry, it was there and I had to do it, it was too easy). Her intended is a 'fat fuck' (tm Susie, Curb Your Enthusiasm) with no money, no prospects, no job, no home, no plan, and a drinking problem. With all the opportunities in Bangkok and throughout major Thai cities, Annie doesn't need this shit. She has options but it seems like she wants to grab the gravy train gold ring - marry an American expat and never work again. If you go to BKK, you will see a never ending parade of old, fat fuck foreign men with pretty or mediocre ladies like Annie on their arms. It's like they both know whats up but they pretend they're a legit couple in love. Puke.

Edited by gingerella
  • Love 9

Don't you wish you could read Auntie's and the rest of Family Azan's minds about what they really think of Nicole? I think the cooked sheep head plopped on the table was set up to get a "rise" out of her, much like Mama Pedro serving chicken feet. In contrast, I don't think Jenny's family served Larry the roasted pig for the same reasons and they were truly trying to be hospitable. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm going to defend Luis.  He's not a pervert, he's not a skeevy stepdad, he's a bartender. He's talking to Olivia like she's a normal, late teenage girl.  Exactly how peers would speak to each other, and he and Olivia pretty much are peers.  Molly might be trying to make him insta-dad, but he's not.  She can't have it both ways.

But using that argument, then he sees himself as a peer of 6 year old Kensley, to, bc he got somewhat out of pocket with her. as well, reminding her to stay in her bedroom so she won't walk in on Luis and Molly banging. That was a bit too sexually oriented a comment to be directed toward a 6 year old. A 6 year old shouldn't have any idea about walking in on them screwing or naked or whatever, and should feel it's OK to leave her bedroom if she needs to. All a 6 year old should be taught is that it's polite to knock (right before they install a commercial grade deadbolt on the inside of Molly's door).

7 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

My point is that it's no longer the responsibility of Azan, or family Azan, to ease her into the culture.  

Well, if they want her to think favorably about the place (not assuming they do) then they need to fix her rice and shish kebobs for the rest of the trip. And definitely lots of baklava.

1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

You know Luis wants Olivia for himself.

At least those nights when Molly is working late.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

But using that argument, then he sees himself as a peer of 6 year old Kensley, to, bc he got somewhat out of pocket with her. as well, reminding her to stay in her bedroom so she won't walk in on Luis and Molly banging. That was a bit too sexually oriented a comment to be directed toward a 6 year old. A 6 year old shouldn't have any idea about walking in on them screwing or naked or whatever, and should feel it's OK to leave her bedroom if she needs to. All a 6 year old should be taught is that it's polite to knock (right before they install a commercial grade deadbolt on the inside of Molly's door).

To be fair, he only said that he would be sleeping in there now. I don't think Kensly knows what will be going on before sleep actually occurs. Anyway, she should have been told she can't sleep in bed with Molly anymore, but it wasn't Luis' place to tell her. He needs to slow down and let Molly talk about this stuff with her kids. He has a very weird habit of saying everything he thinks. It will only get worse. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, shockermolar said:

I don't think what Luis was doing was pervy - honestly.  I think he was talking about sex because the uncle and Olivia were the ones that brought it up. Clearly she's at least engaging in some type of sexual behaviors with the blond boyfriend (as evidenced by her uncle ratting her out when he spent the night) and Luis was awkwardly and in a foreign language at that expressing that she should do what she wants to do. From the TH later with Molly it's clear that he honestly believes that she should be able to engage in healthy sexuality - he kept repeating that it's her body and she can do what she wants to with it - and probably he's trying to get in good with Olivia about it by saying if that's what she wants to do then he won't tattle about it. Add to that the fact that he seemed to be asking some honest questions - is this a long term thing that will lead to marriage, etc. - and Molly's kind of oddly puritanical reaction at the restaurant at the mere thought that her almost 18yo daughter might be having sex, and I would say that he likely has problems getting where to draw the line (I mean she was discussing it with her uncle to some degree so why not with her stepdad) between honesty and TMI.  But I've had almost identical conversations with my teenage sons and their friends without accusations of being a pervert and preying on them. I think in this case Luis is being a little unfairly targeted because of his gender.


I 100% agree with this. She and the uncle started the topic.  She raced upstairs and couldn't wait to spin his participation as a pervert with no context at all. 

5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I am not seeing the tender side of Andrei at all.  When she was excited about him meeting her family his comment was something like, "It's not my concern to meet your family," I sense something off with him.  I may be in the minority but his personality is a zero and I am not crazy over his looks either.


Andrerrrrrrrerrrei is scary ugly for me like Frankenstein with his block head thick neck with the big vein popping out. I csll him Igor. He is repulsive and her mouth draws more attention to her missing chin, sorry not sorry  she has a very weak chin.

5 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

A lot of non native speakers don't know that f##k is an exceptionally vulgar word in English, especially as it is used so liberally in movies.

Agree. That was the word he knew and I agree  here. 

2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I think you are right.  I work in a charter school (fully licensed, btw) and we can hire non licensed people in, for example, Art if they are experienced studio artists, etc.  Our princess seems a little dim for the real thing.

Gotta be teaching in a independent/private religious school.

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, spankydoll said:

Evelyn doesn't care about food. So she's leaving that piece up to David. She could barely force herself to eat an egg in an earlier episode. And she doesn't give a hoot about what her guest's experience will be. She's a hick!

I think Evil-lyn has an eating disorder, among the many other hangups she has. Aside from being painfully thin, you are so right about forcing herself to eat that egg. She cut it into peices and  pushed it around her plate to make it look like she ate some if it. A classic sign of someone with an eating disorder. At the cake tasting, she was forcing herself to scrape the tiniest bit of cake off of her fork with her teeth in to her mouth. It was the weirdest thing. It was like she didn't want the tiny bite of cake to touch her lips. This chick has issues. 

6 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Andrerrrrrrrerrrei is scary ugly for me like Frankenstein with his block head thick neck with the big vein popping out. I csll him Igor. He is repulsive and her mouth draws more attention to her missing chin, sorry not sorry  she has a very weak chin.

Oh, god. Yes. Yes to all of this!!!!

  • Love 13
44 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I'm not horrified by the 'fuck' word. I say it several times a fucking day every fucking day. I'm horrified by a man his age talking to a teenager about whether she likes to fuck her boyfriend and that she should be allowed to fuck her boyfriend. The look on her face when he said it should have been enough to get him to stop saying it but he didn't. 

Like Sinead said above, Luis, know you're audience. This is your fiancé's child, not a woman you can talk dirty to. Clean it up around the kids. 

Agreed. I know many young Dominican men. Most of them don't use any kind of "bad language" at all, in any context. If anything, they have a certain courtliness around women (yes, its probably the flip side of an old world, old fashioned perspective. But they will leap to their feet on the bus for a pregnant woman, or an older one. One young friend told me "its in our blood!"). They flirt with great dedication and skill, but they aren't crude. They don't ask a girl if she fucks her boyfriend! 

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11 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Aside from being painfully thin, you are so right about forcing herself to eat that egg.

I don' see her as painfully thin at all. She has rosy cheeks, good looking hair, and no other signs of an eating disorder. She was nervous when she said she couldn' eat the egg and she would hardly be the first woman who watched what she ate in order to fit into a wedding dress.

I assume there will be alterations but David looked like shit in that I'll fitting tux.

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