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Season 5 Discussion

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I got really strange vibes from Luis this episode. He is a mind fucker and has a mean streak. If Molly doesn't wake up, he's going to have her selling her business, selling her house, and leaving her kids with their dads so he can drag her back to his beloved DR which is exactly where he wants her. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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6 hours ago, Drogo said:

Nicole & Azan have a big fight. 

I saw this opening sentence and HAD to respond. I apologize (in advance) for any repetitions as I haven't even begun to read the posts.

My main concern is Nicole's daughter. Nicole's parents need to obtain custody of the little girl (and Nicole needs to acquire permanent birth control). She is a sad role model for this little girl, so she needs to move elsewhere while there is still a chance to save this little girl's outlook on relationships.

Nicole's yelling, bitching, pushing, grabbing, hitting, etc. just fly in the face of her continual complaints that Azan always disrespects her. Who disrespects whom? Every time she whines about Azan's behaviours, I am chanting, "leave him, leave him, leave him, leave him". There is no love between them. All I see is a desperate little girl clinging on to a guy who has openly told her she's physically unattractive, as well crazy. She complains that he won't 'talk' when her real complaint is, he won't say what she wants to hear. Let's end this relationship, ASAP. It's too painful to watch.

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The most disturbing thing about Joe was the size of that goldtone watch.

Edited by HappyDancex2
well let's face it, "tone" was probably understood and implied but still wanted to clarify that Mr. Wonderful wouldn't be sporting anything better than the equivalent of a FoLeX
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21 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I really think that was editing. Either that or she doesn't understand how much money he makes and the cost of living in US dollars. 

I agree. For the most part, Alka comes across as fairly straight forward. We can see what she is in for, and sadly, I can see what he is in this for (and it creeps me out). But for now, all I can do is wonder why they chose her to be the 'greedy one' for this show. 

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Little May was VERY aware of her mother's upset, and the child was frightened of the agitation between Azan and Nicole.   It's obvious that Azan detests Nicole and wants her gone.  I truly hope those two don't marry.

Did you notice that when the camera pulled back during the kitchen scene with pathetic David Poor, the Manicurist from earlier was there watching the Antonio mayhem from behind the camera?  I guess they had invited her to the BBQ, but then decided she didn't fit into the whole "showdown" scenario by the hot tub?

Poor Annie said she had to sleep on the floor her first night in America because David Poor was so drunk he was splayed over the entire bed. 

Mrs Chris is quite beautiful, and she has two gorgeous children. Please stop cursing in their presence, Mama!  They DO hear you.

I think I actively dislike Molly because she is WILLFULLY choosing to disregard all the signs that Luis is NOT marriage material.  He's sure not happy to be a parent or responsible for household maintenance.  Molly is foolish.

I was amused by the guys' strip club attire.  Molly's bro wore a jacket and tie, and left his long locks flowing, while Luis decided on an outfit from the House of Monsieur Organ-Grinder's Monkey.  Come on!  The bowtie, the suspenders.  What a look.  Oh, and btw, if he was truly lusting after the dancers (and his longing did seem legit) those women were totally different body types than Molly.  Is he really physically attracted to Molly?  I've wondered about that from the beginning.

And Molly's clothing choices this episode were holy moly.  God bless her, she's happy with herself and comfortable in her own skin, for sure.

Evelyn is too young to get married, too spoiled and sheltered.  But I truly dislike David Spain.  I don't trust him.  It seems he goes out of his way to be a contrarian.  The shtick is already old, just a few weeks in.   And, for all their accusations of "elitism," it seemed to me that Evelyn's parents were fine with recognizing David as "head of household," and Evelyn's boss. 

The Elizabeth Coven is punking us, right?  They canNOT be for real!  They're ridiculous, and make me root for Andreiiiiiiiiii.

Josh and "best friend" Joe are serious drunks.  They were loaded in the middle of the afternoon during their tete a tete In front of their weird array of shotglasses.

Edited by sleekandchic
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I'd like to dissect the "Ninja turtle penguin batman ass bitch" insult.  What a weird hilarious string of random words!!  Penguin because David was wearing a black and white outfit?  We call him Baht-man here but I'm not thinking that was Antonio's intent. LOL.  I personally think he should have thrown Teletubby in the mix because that's what David looked like sitting with his legs in the pool looking completely wasted.  Annie has really grown on me---she seems so sweet and I am sad she may not have the wherewithal to leave his ninja turtle ass.  

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3 hours ago, nr65000 said:

My god Azan has the patience of a saint. If that cow kept coming at me and telling me I was making her do that and grabbing me and demanding that I look at her I would have lost my damn mind. 

There was an instant where Azan seemed about to smack her.   He moved towards her, then looked back at the camera and thought better of it. 

I was repulsed by the scene with Antonio vs. David Pour(me another).   What happens between David and Annie is none of Antonio's business.   It's okay to personally and privately disapprove of David's behavior but Antonio had no right to get in David's face and publicly embarrass him like that.   It's not like David was physically abusing Annie and Antonio had to step in to prevent her from getting hurt.  Nor is Antonio paying the bill for sheltering David and Annie.   Antonio had no grounds whatsoever to challenge David -- except that Antonio regards David as less than human because David is broke, and that strips David of all rights and respect in his eyes.    Beneath all the cliched flamboyance, Antonio's attack on David was just hateful and cruel, and says more about Antonio's damaged personality than David's.

I congratulate Family Evelyn on their composure and kindness when dealing with El Douchebag.   I think it's wise of them to hold back and allow Evelyn to come to her own realization that David Spain is a horrible little man.  His habitual superiority is maddening.  Evelyn could take him to the top of Mt. Washington, push him off, and on the way down he'd say, "I'd fall further if we were in the Swiss Alps."   SO WHAT if the Mexican restaurant is owned by white people?   SO WHAT if Claremont isn't diverse?   It's not like there are armed guards posted at the town line turning people of color away.   That's just how the demographic has worked out over the years.    It doesn't make it a bad place.   It doesn't make it unworthy of respect.  I applaud Evelyn and her brother for their love and appreciation of their hometown and its rural beauty.   I'm a native New Englander.  It's a beautiful, historic region, and many who live there never want to leave.    I'll also defend the Family Evelyn for wanting to keep their band together.   Even if it's the worst band in the world, it's obviously an extension of their family and very important to them.   Are they so awful for hoping they can hold on to something -- and someone -- they love?   They've already said they won't stand in the way whatever Evelyn decides.

Luis' breakdown in the car was probably the most honest moment I've seen in this show.  "My single life!"  I don't like him at all but I am tempted to start a GoFundMe to buy him a ticket home.   Anything to save him from indentured servitude to that abominable woman with the cartoon voice.

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5 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think Libby’s sisters are pretty controlling themselves.

If Libby never went to strip clubs before, why does she need to go to one for her “last hoorah?”

Sisters said if Elizabeth doesn't go to the strip club she will regret it. Why?  I've never been to a strip club and have zero regrets. Having a strange man jiggle his junk in my face is not my idea of a good time. Leave Elizabeth alone. If she doesn't want to go, she doesn't want to go. Period. 

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6 hours ago, BeachyWave said:

So I married a very wealthy man 12 years ago -- except he falsified the marriage. I was a giant publicity stunt. What cracks me up now is that he gave me a $3,000 engagement ring (he makes well over $1m/year) and told everyone at his fancy parties that he had to get me such a tiny diamond because I had small hands. LMAO.

You didn't star in the movie BRIDGET JONES' DIARY and marry a country music singer, did you? ;-)

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That was the saddest strip club ever and even sadder they got the day shift strippers.

I get that Claremont is everything gets annoying, particularly that sad mountain she was pointing to but there was absolutely no need to say out of nowhere that he had had better apples, that was a dick move.

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4 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I was watching this with my husband during Applegate and he turned to me and said, "Remember the cherries we ate during siesta in Barcelona?"  Not only does he get points for grouping apples and cherries together in the same basic group, he summed up everything that is wrong with our Manic Pixie Dream Yodeler.  We bought those cherries at a big open-air market on Las Ramblas.  We went back to the hotel because it was beastly hot and the town had quieted down anyway for siesta.  We ate those cherries like two little kids, because they were sweet and juicy and perfect.  Our balcony was open to the street noise below but our shades were drawn to the heat.

You don't make memories like that in Claremont.  And I say that as a small-town girl from Indiana.

One of my favorite memories is of sitting inside a cafe off a back alleyway in Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic. It was January and bitter cold outside but big, fat fluffy snowflakes were falling everywhere. The cobblestone streets were covered in a blanket of white and as we sipped on our hot chocolate, we had an amazing view of the pink-tipped castle in the distance. 

One of my other favorite memories is of sitting in my living room in my tiny, tiny town in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. It was January and all the leaves were off the trees, giving us a gorgeous view of the Appalachian Mountains. We sipped hot chocolate and watched the sun sink down over the river valley below. 

Point being, sometimes your window to the world really IS your own front door. I am well-traveled (visited 32 countries and lived in 4). I married a foreigner who is also well-traveled. Received my BA in the south's largest city and my MA abroad. I travel extensively throughout the US during the year in support of my business. I still prefer the small, sometimes backwards, town where I am from-even though it lacks chain stores and interstate access. 

I didn't think Evelyn OR David Spain came off well in this episode. He WAS kind of pompous and rude; Evelyn won't give an inch and doesn't know the meaning of the word "compromise." She doesn't want to leave the Claremont area, he wants to live in a different kind of environment. Neither one of them are wrong, but neither decision meshes with the other. This is something that should have been sorted out long before the engagement and really should have been the dealbreaker if it truly matters that much to both of them. 

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5 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I was watching this with my husband during Applegate and he turned to me and said, "Remember the cherries we ate during siesta in Barcelona?"  Not only does he get points for grouping apples and cherries together in the same basic group, he summed up everything that is wrong with our Manic Pixie Dream Yodeler.  We bought those cherries at a big open-air market on Las Ramblas.  We went back to the hotel because it was beastly hot and the town had quieted down anyway for siesta.  We ate those cherries like two little kids, because they were sweet and juicy and perfect.  Our balcony was open to the street noise below but our shades were drawn to the heat.

You don't make memories like that in Claremont.  And I say that as a small-town girl from Indiana.

Maybe you do if you're from Barcelona visiting New England.


P.S. I have an online friend who lives in Andorra, north of Barcelona.   She chides me whenever I gripe about blizzards or being snowed in.   She tells me to stop complaining because she has never experienced a true snowfall.   Then she asks me to send her photos.   

Edited by millennium
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Now I have never been married, but I can't think of a single thing that you can't do married that you can do when in a committed relationship.  What is the huge freaking deal with bachelor/bachelorette parties?  

Libby has the right idea about respect, but isn't expressing herself well.  It's pretty obvious that every single member of her family is super controlling though.

Luis is an idiot.  And Molly is only hearing what she wants to hear.  He's saying loud and clear that he doesn't like her kids, doesn't like non-vacation Molly, and is so not ready for the reality of marriage.

Family Evelyn need a dictionary.  David isn't an elitist.  He's correctly saying that he doesn't think a small town has enough to offer him.  He can say it in a less douchy way, but he's not wrong.  What I find interesting is that instead of pointing out that Claremont isn't so far from actual cities (Boston, NYC, etc...), so they can live in town, but still have more urban experiences, the entire family Evelyn acts like Claremont is all you should ever need or want.  

Azan just needs to pull the trigger and be done with Nicole.  It's just painful to watch now.  And Nicole, if you're going to sob over Azan making you the poster girl for America, instead of treating you as an individual, you can't use, "some Americans are loud", as an argument.  (Unrelated side note, I love how Azan blends the skinny jeans/pants sagging trends.  That takes true shopping dedication.)

Aika needs to go home.  If you are a woman of a certain age, having children is important to you, and your man has had a vasectomy, there's no happy ending.  Especially if he failed to mention it before now (which I imagine will either be shown or not next week). 

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5 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Those were silver dollars compared to the ones they serve at the Country Pancake House in Ridgewood NJ.

Hah! that's exactly what I was thinking! Come to Ridgewood, Evelyn! 

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2 hours ago, millennium said:

SO WHAT if the Mexican restaurant is owned by white people?   SO WHAT if Claremont isn't diverse

I imagine his point since he mentioned specifically Spanish speakers that he was hoping to find someone who was a native Spanish speaker. Doesn't seem odd to me that he would want to talk to people who could speak his language. It can get exhausting only communicating in your second language. 

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2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I imagine his point since he mentioned specifically Spanish speakers that he was hoping to find someone who was a native Spanish speaker. Doesn't seem odd to me that he would want to talk to people who could speak his language. It can get exhausting only communicating in your second language. 

It seemed to me he was trying to score a point to make Town Evelyn and Family Evelyn appear inferior.   Just prior to that he ridiculed the family as being ignorant of the difference between Spaniards and Mexicans.   Of course that didn't stop him from letting them buy him dinner ...

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Just now, millennium said:

It seemed to me he was trying to score a point to make Town Evelyn and Family Evelyn appear inferior.   Just prior to that he ridiculed the family as being ignorant of the difference between Spaniards and Mexicans.   Of course that didn't stop him from letting them buy him dinner ...

Do we know who picked up the check, it's been established that he and his family are paying for half of the wedding and this show is clearly paying Evelyn so she should be picking up the check. Also, adults not knowing the difference between the two is embarrassing particularly when a Spaniard is about to be married into your family. Given how great Claremont is I assume they have access to google.

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Do we know who picked up the check, it's been established that he and his family are paying for half of the wedding and this show is clearly paying Evelyn so she should be picking up the check. Also, adults not knowing the difference between the two is embarrassing particularly when a Spaniard is about to be married into your family. Given how great Claremont is I assume they have access to google.

He specifically stated that the family was taking him to dinner.   It seemed he didn't know for sure whether the family knew the difference, but suspected.   Anyway, what if they didn't?  Should he be mocking his future in-laws on national TV?  I don't see them being critical of him in any way.   I guess being gracious is something not taught to children in Barcelona.

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6 minutes ago, millennium said:

   I guess being gracious is something not taught to children in Barcelona.

David is from Granada not Barcelona. As for mocking it seemed more like that they had ever made an attempt to ask him about himself, his country, his food and his culture. 

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

David is from Granada not Barcelona. As for mocking it seemed more like that they had ever made an attempt to ask him about himself, his country, his food and his culture. 

Granada then.   My bad.  

It sure seemed mocking to me, like "psst, they're so dumb they don't know the difference."

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5 minutes ago, millennium said:

Granada then.   My bad.  

It sure seemed mocking to me, like "psst, they're so dumb they don't know the difference."

In my opinion they are dumb to not to know the difference. Her mother was the one insisting in her talking head that they were "cultured".

David is a dick but I loved when he shot down Evelyn's brother nonsense about moving Evelyn away from the family with "I left my sister in Spain". They shut up and apparently her parents will be cool with avid making all decisions or her once they are married.

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14 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

In my opinion they are dumb to not to know the difference. Her mother was the one insisting in her talking head that they were "cultured".

David is a dick but I loved when he shot down Evelyn's brother nonsense about moving Evelyn away from the family with "I left my sister in Spain". They shut up and apparently her parents will be cool with avid making all decisions or her once they are married.

It was never established that they don't know the difference.   It was merely a suspicion voiced by David, and as such may be merely a cynical, condescending insult aimed at people who have shown him nothing but a warm welcome and unconditional hospitality so far -- and worse, it was uttered behind their backs.

As for David leaving his sister, apples and oranges.   David's separation from his sister was voluntary, plus he had the payoff of a child bride waiting for him in America.  

For Evelyn's brother, being separated from his sister would be involuntary, and there's no upside for him at all.   

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5 minutes ago, millennium said:


As for David leaving his sister, apples and oranges.   David's separation from his sister was voluntary, plus he had the payoff of a child bride waiting for him in America.  

For Evelyn's brother, being separated from his sister would be involuntary, and there's no upside for him at all.   

I see it as apples to apples. He left his family to be with her. She would be leaving her family to be with him. Unless, David's sister hates him it was also involuntary with no upside. And her family would be a day or two drive away not across an ocean.

I will give David the benefit of the doubt and suggest someone probably said we are going to take you to a restaurant that will remind you of home and it turned out it was Mexican, this happens often but it doesn't excuse it.

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5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I see it as apples to apples. He left his family to be with her. She would be leaving her family to be with him. Unless, David's sister hates him it was also involuntary with no upside. And her family would be a day or two drive away not across an ocean.

I will give David the benefit of the doubt and suggest someone probably said we are going to take you to a restaurant that will remind you of home and it turned out it was Mexican, this happens often but it doesn't excuse it.

But David was trying to put Evelyn's brother in his place, not Evelyn.  He was equating his sacrifice with the brother's impending loss.   The tit for tat equation just doesn't work, for the reasons I stated above.

As for the restaurant, I think I'll stick with what was actually stated on the show.

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7 hours ago, tincansailor981 said:


Lippy should tell cro magnan man, Andreeeeei, to back the fuck up.  Shes a grown woman who wants to hang with her sisters and friend for a minute.  Thats not a crime to anyone but his controlling ass.  Many women are saying dude is handsome and sexy and shit.  I dont get it,  but then again, I'm a straight man.


She won't. She's enjoying playing damsel in distress and pitting her family and fiancé against each other for attention. It's all fun and games until he restricts her from going grocery shopping because there are men at the grocery store.

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Evelyn's parents may very well know the difference between Spain and Mexico, but there most likely wasn't a Spanish restaurant around.  There was at least a chance that someone at the Mexican restaurant spoke Spanish.  If I were overseas and I was taken to an English restaurant rather than one serving "American" fare, I wouldn't be offended.


-Evelyn and David are equally insufferable.  She is entitled and close-minded.  But he lost me tonight.  New England is beautiful, and I'm sure that small town life can be lovely.  He has no right to piss on that.  This conversation about where to live should have been had a long time ago. Oh, and brother Evelyn- Northern Virginia is quite different from New Hampshire.

-Nicole and Azan- I don't get it.  These two can't stand each other.  Surely if Azan really wants to come to the USA, he can find someone else.  Poor May.  I can't imagine what this girl has seen.

-Similarly, I hated how the fight between Nikki's brother and David Poor happened in front of the kids. 

-Libby's sisters are awful.  I didn't want strippers for my bachelorette party, so my bridesmaids didn't consider it.  Are their marriages really that sad that going to a party like that is so exciting?  Do they actually work or do anything?  I get the impression they sit around and drink wine a lot.

-This show is so educational!  Now I know that strippers in the Dominican Republic touch guys all over!

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I see it as apples to apples. He left his family to be with her. She would be leaving her family to be with him. Unless, David's sister hates him it was also involuntary with no upside. And her family would be a day or two drive away not across an ocean.

I will give David the benefit of the doubt and suggest someone probably said we are going to take you to a restaurant that will remind you of home and it turned out it was Mexican, this happens often but it doesn't excuse it.

Are those succulent, Granada apples or mealy NH apples? :)

I am sure Family Evelyn knows the difference between Spain and Mexico.  I assume a Mexican restaurant was the closest thing local to a Spanish one.  After all, they speak Mexican in Spain too, right. :)

While it was well meaning, it probably made David's attitude toward Claremont even worse, because it made him realize there were no Spanish restaurants nearby and that even the local Mexican food wasn't too authentic, with no Spanish speakers.  

That said, while there are plenty of real Mexican restaurants in my area,  my family loves the local Mexican takeout place, owned and run by Chinese Americans. :)

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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7 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

I totally forgot about that! That is a big mistake by Annie! She is going to get embarrassed at the wedding....

Maybe it is not a mistake.  If David Poor plastered Annie might not be forced to consumate the marriage. 

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9 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I didn't like Andrei's putting his foot down re: the bachelorette party. Red flag, although I suppose his experiences as a bouncer explain why he feels that way. Having said that, I also get that the strippers thing is a HUGE issue with many couples. Total hot button issue. I admit I'm probably blinded by how intensely hot I find Andrei.

Having said that, CHRIST were Elizabeth's sisters annoying. It was the female version of the inquisition he faced from her father and brother. Someone mentioned it in a previous episode thread: I think Elizabeth did Andrei a big disservice by talking about him before he arrived and not letting the family form an opinion without being influenced. Hilarious seeing him stir that drink while being bombarded with questions.

Overall Andrei and Elizabeth seem to have an intensely physical relationship. They remind me of Russ and Paola from season one. Those two couldn't keep their hands off each other, and the dynamic seems similar here.

My husband had also explicitly told me for my bachelorette party not to visit a strip club or have a party with any kind of strippers, and he also refrained from that. Maybe we're old school but we were both raised in households where the man was in charge. If my husband explicitly tells me not to do something that would bother him, I listen and respect his wishes. I personally believe that men were designed to be in charge and make final decisions for their families, and that marriages tend thrive when this is in place, maybe this is no longer a popular opinion, but it is mine.

I think Elizabeth should just listen to Andrei because he seems like the type that would be capable of making decisions. Her sisters seem like a bunch of shrews though. 

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8 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

Kensley, and she has been a disrespectful brat in the clips shown,

I don't take it that way at all.  I take it to mean the child would scream, "Danger, danger".  She is too small to articulate her fight or flight sense and her mother is doing NOTHING to dispel any apprehension the kids have.  Those girls have a stranger living with them and is being given complete control over them by a creep her mother slept with.  It is beyond dangerous to have a stranger in your house, let alone, a house with children.


8 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Can we talk about Nicole's snapback?? She looks amazing!! 

[Runs over to her thread.......................]

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7 minutes ago, Matias130 said:

My husband had also explicitly told me for my bachelorette party not to visit a strip club or have a party with any kind of strippers, and he also refrained from that. Maybe we're old school but we were both raised in households where the man was in charge. If my husband explicitly tells me not to do something that would bother him, I listen and respect his wishes. I personally believe that men were designed to be in charge and make final decisions for their families, and that marriages tend thrive when this is in place, maybe this is no longer a popular opinion, but it is mine.

I agree it is your opinion.  No one would ever HAVE to TELL ME to not do something.  I would never do anything I would not want to do.  My live-in bf of 21 years and I know each other and know we would never have to make any kind of proclamation.  I think most people these days, I hope anyway, are operating on a partnership where both parties discuss, debate and come to an agreement that fits their household.  I think if my other half ever tried to tell me to or not to do something I would burst out laughing and then so would he because we are together because of mutual respect, trust and love.  We are in it together and no one is in charge.

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8 hours ago, Lizzing said:

a guy with past violent offenses goes shooting guns

Umm, was he convicted?   Because "possess" means have the thing in your hands at ANY TIME.   Not just own.   The point of those laws is to keep an abuser from giving a gun to his buddy so he can claim he doesn't "possess" it anymore than going and getting it whenever he wants.   I think you can figure out the implication of why he would want it.

Azan needs to give it up.    Even if he has a sponsor, doesn't mean he has to go to the US right now.   He can say "look it's not working" and try for another sucker.   

Elizabeth and Andrei would do well to get physically away from her family as someone suggested.    She needs to stop working for daddy.   they need their own place that they pay for themselves, etc.   Her family is very controlling is not going to stop.    Unfortunately, Elizabeth believes that is how someone shows love.   "I am only doing this because I love" while they tell you what to do with your life.

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I imagine his point since he mentioned specifically Spanish speakers that he was hoping to find someone who was a native Spanish speaker. Doesn't seem odd to me that he would want to talk to people who could speak his language. It can get exhausting only communicating in your second language. 

 Good point. And the waiter said that the owners were from Florida! A lot of people in Florida speak Spanish - especially if they have roots in Cuba or Puerto Rico. He should’ve asked to meet them anyway — there was a good chance they spoke Spanish.

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5 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 Good point. And the waiter said that the owners were from Florida! A lot of people in Florida speak Spanish - especially if they have roots in Cuba or Puerto Rico. He should’ve asked to meet them anyway — there was a good chance they spoke Spanish.

By the way the waiter said it I feel comfortable assuming they didn't. 

An Italian, French or Mediterranean restaurant would have more similar dishes to what David is used to then Mexican but it wouldn' surprise me if that is the only vaguely "ethnic" place in town. Also, in a town that size I can' imagine the Claremont Chamber of Commerce that Evelyn's family represents themselves to be wasn' aware who owned the restaurant.

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24 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Umm, was he convicted?   Because "possess" means have the thing in your hands at ANY TIME.   Not just own.   The point of those laws is to keep an abuser from giving a gun to his buddy so he can claim he doesn't "possess" it anymore than going and getting it whenever he wants.   I think you can figure out the implication of why he would want it.

Azan needs to give it up.    Even if he has a sponsor, doesn't mean he has to go to the US right now.   He can say "look it's not working" and try for another sucker.   

Elizabeth and Andrei would do well to get physically away from her family as someone suggested.    She needs to stop working for daddy.   they need their own place that they pay for themselves, etc.   Her family is very controlling is not going to stop.    Unfortunately, Elizabeth believes that is how someone shows love.   "I am only doing this because I love" while they tell you what to do with your life.

I saw no felony convictions in the article I read about Josh's legal troubles.  He was accused of a domestic violence charge, but it was dismissed when the alleged victim refused to cooperate.  Even a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction would bar him from possessing guns under Federal law.   A current restraining order for DV would also disqualify him.  

Did Josh actually fire or handle the guns?  I remember seeing Joe and Aika shoot, but I don't recall if Josh shot. 

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The previews for next week show Nicole's mother apparently siding with her over the way Azan treats her. At times, Mother Nicole seems cogent that Nicole is who she is, and takes on the role of tough love parent. But then we see moments of her enabling, like the FaceTime call. If I'm aware that my daughter is a bull dozing, selfish, immature child, I would assume there was two sides to the story. Unless Mother Nicole just wants her grandbaby back and is encouraging her daughter to dump Azan so she comes home sooner. 

I don't like to comment on anyone's body shape but David Spain is a turd, so I'm going to. Is it just me or did the camera man purposefully zoom in on his lady butt? I first noticed he had chi chi's, then a feminine back side. Fast forward to the sex talk and he runs out of the room...hmm, maybe he isn't looking forward to showing off his curvaceous figure. 

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11 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Could Elizabeth's sisters be any bitchier? Andrei was just laughing and smiling through the whole thing. 

Oh Annie you are so sweet. Run, run away fro. David poor. He was acting like an asshole when he was drunk and cameras were rolling. I can only imagine how bad he is when no one is watching. 

Shut up Evelyn. Claremont is not the center if the universe. The apples are better than anywhere else. Whatever. 

I hope those two can never afford to live in a house on their own. He would be so much worse if it was just the two of them! David Pour knows quite well that he's a menace, and he just doesn't care. 

I hope he's at least getting to observe himself drunk, making Annie cry, making those awful, unfunny, ill-timed remarks. What a big dummy.

And judging from the way he pads around on his feet, I would guess, operative word, guess, that it's diabetic nerve pain and not arthritis, although he probably has arthritis, too. Dude, has put a lot of stress on his joints over the years.

Nikki is the total package. Beautiful, sane, and she brings a fun brother for family dinners. 

How desperately bad is Annie's life in Thailand that she "believes" in David Pour?

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1 minute ago, brillia79 said:

Claremont is where a group of white teens tried to lynch a 9 year old biracial child. This year. In 2017.

Sundown towns always communicate who is welcome... and who is not.

Holy shit!

When Evelyn and David Spain AND her brother were sitting up on the rocks, I kept thinking of the movie IT, like small town with the streak of horror. 

I guess I wasn't that far off the mark.

David Spain would do well to take Evelyn and run although I still don't like seeing her separated from her family. Reason being that he's a spirit-breaking kind of guy.

What putty-butt doesn't realize is that the mark of a truly sophisticated person is the ability to make others feel at ease. He could put his emphasis on leaving to find a better job, a career where he could keep Evelyn in a better lifestyle, find her more musical opportunities there, visit home a lot, etc., instead of knocking the only home they've ever known.

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I finally figured out who Molly is just like!  Have you seen Amber Portwood on Teen Mom?  Here's a photo.


They even sound alike! Voice is like nails on a chalkboard.  It's weird.    What does Molly do?

I think the theme of the guy's not into the small towns is contrived. David and Luis, both share it.  So....but, I do get it from David's perspective.  Living and starting a career in a small sleepy town is really frustrating and not very practical.  A larger city makes much more sense, though, he's claiming it's about the climate.    You can retire to a small sleepy town in 50 years.  I am from a town like that and it's just not good. I moved to our state's capital and it's quite different.   Opportunities are just very limited in small, sleepy towns.   But, those kinds of issues would certainly have been addressed in the months leading up to him coming to America.  That's why I don't buy it.  I buy Luis's story more.

I'm trying to figure out what Nicole wants Azan to say.  His body language screams, Get away.  I do not like you.  She shouldn't have put her hands on him. That is considered abuse.  I hope she gets educated on that. Wink. If he did that to her, we'd have a different show.  But, I doubt Nicole will learn much. I honestly wonder if she is capable.  Seriously, she may have some kind of disability.  At times, she has the expression of a 5 year old.

I've done my share of male strips clubs for parties.....it's so overblown.  I mean, it's not even a fun way to spend money, imo.  To each his own, but, to me, it's not what it's cracked up to be, even if you're toasted.  It seems that married ladies often are more intent on going out and raising hell than the single ladies.  That's fine, but, have the balls to say that it's for yourself.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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3 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Holy shit!

When Evelyn and David Spain AND her brother were sitting up on the rocks, I kept thinking of the movie IT, like small town with the streak of horror. 

I guess I wasn't that far off the mark.

David Spain would do well to take Evelyn and run although I still don't like seeing her separated from her family. Reason being that he's a spirit-breaking kind of guy.

What putty-butt doesn't realize is that the mark of a truly sophisticated person is the ability to make others feel at ease. He could put his emphasis on leaving to find a better job, a career where he could keep Evelyn in a better lifestyle, find her more musical opportunities there, visit home a lot, etc., instead of knocking the only home they've ever known.

I have no doubt that Claremont probably isn't that welcoming to people of various racial and ethnic backgrounds.  I looked up the alleged lynching story, and I don't see any articles after September.  I really want to know if charges were filed and what is being dong about this.

I find the whole discussion of whether Evelyn and David are going to live in Claremont tiresome.  Shouldn't the discussion be about having David find a JOB and then living where he can find gainful employment?  I'm assuming he's going to be the breadwinner since I have a hard time believing they can live on what she is bringing in.

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4 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Holy shit!

When Evelyn and David Spain AND her brother were sitting up on the rocks, I kept thinking of the movie IT, like small town with the streak of horror. 

I guess I wasn't that far off the mark.

David Spain would do well to take Evelyn and run although I still don't like seeing her separated from her family. Reason being that he's a spirit-breaking kind of guy.

What putty-butt doesn't realize is that the mark of a truly sophisticated person is the ability to make others feel at ease. He could put his emphasis on leaving to find a better job, a career where he could keep Evelyn in a better lifestyle, find her more musical opportunities there, visit home a lot, etc., instead of knocking the only home they've ever known.

Exactly.  If David played up the positives of moving somewhere else, instead of trashing Claremont, he wouldn't seem like such a douchebag and Evelyn and her family would be less defensive.  

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1 hour ago, lucy711 said:


-Libby's sisters are awful.  I didn't want strippers for my bachelorette party, so my bridesmaids didn't consider it.  Are their marriages really that sad that going to a party like that is so exciting?  Do they actually work or do anything?  I get the impression they sit around and drink wine a lot.

-This show is so educational!  Now I know that strippers in the Dominican Republic touch guys all over!

Agreed. They were really abrasive with Andrei, who seemed happy to have an alcoholic beverage and was apparently thinking, "Blah, blah, blah, this one is pretty like Libby, and this one, and this one, too..."

I don't agree with this iron clad Christian Grey type of agreement the two of them have got going, but I do think her sisters should respect it unless they just want Libby's relationship to blow up in her face. While I don't think marrying a chauvinist is the way to go in the first place, hopefully, Andrei will start to mellow and the two of them will renegotiate, based upon mutual trust. However, if she blatantly betrays that trust and visits a strip club, he will be upset and, rightfully so because she will be everything she told him she wasn't. She will have lied about something important. If she wants to go back to being that person, she needs to talk it out with him first and take some baby steps. Breaching their trust will not help him get there.

BTW, I give credit to the sisters for picking up on the fake rrrrrr immediately!

Also, they'll touch you all over in the U.S., too, if you tip them enough. You just have to know where to go and which ones to ask.

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On 11/20/2017 at 9:24 AM, Granny58 said:

Oh yes, this!  To do that to a 36 yo is a horrible move.  I am almost certain that she would have told him she wants to start a family (and his "now?  I was thinking a couple of years." DUDE at 36 women are nearing the END of fertility) so if he has fertility issues and didn't mention it...that would indicate that he knew she would bolt and then he wouldn't have arm candy.  Disgusting (if this is the case).  

Interesting....I get a 180 degree different view of Andrrrrei.  I think he's (so far) turned out to be respectful, controlled and not a bully at all.  

Agreed on Andrrrrrei.  I didn't think I'd like him the first episode, but I think he's a good guy.  He doesn't appear to be someone using Libby for a green card, although what he sees in her I don't know.

The day of expensive diamond rings should be over.  It's truly a waste of money.  I understand everyone wants a big rock, but if you're married to someone ho doesn't have a lot of money, get the best cubic you can find, don't tell anyone it's fake, and put the money elsewhere.

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