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S12.E09: Hit the Field


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6 minutes ago, ElenaFR said:

Not sure what to think of this episode. Will sleep on it. 

Holly does have some striking eyes. 

I thought her eyes were much more striking during that interview with less makeup on them. They really popped.

This whole incident makes me sad, I've loved Holly since she tried out.

I wonder how much of the squad knew about the fraternization. 

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Blue eyes always pop when you're crying!

Or when it's Spring in the South (aka Summer just with Pollen) and they're red and puffy.

I really hoped this would have been clear for all that went down but they just skirted around it. I mean I know they gotta protect their image, but common Kelli, give us the full dirt.

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

To clear up confusion: 

They portrayed it as Jenna only being in the wrong by not encouraging Holly not to do the things she did, even though we already know she was halfway to the printing press for her and Dak's wedding invites.

Holly wasn't cut/quit, but next weeks foreshadows some more mess going down. She's in the office again, so maybe K&J just needed time to "think" or consult with Charlotte on whether to cut her or not. I'm thinking Holly quits.

Jenna and Dak was more last season if I’m remembering gossip correctly. The Jenna/Dak story has just been talked about so much that it’s taken on a life of its own. Plus, it’s just more fun to think about Jenna holding Dak hostage in a basement somewhere. :::stalker alert:::


Holly...”I shouldn’t have done it...but it was fun.”  Y’all, if I was Kelli and saw/heard her say that, I’d be barreling down that hallway after her screaming “you’re cut, SECURITY!!!!”. 

  • Love 15

1) The Demi Lovato section was forgettable

2) The country star section was further forgettable to the point where I can’t even remember the girl’s name

3) Just remembered the most awkward spin class I’ve ever seen took place in between those two events. Thanks Melissa

4) If Jenna knew enough to tattle on Holly’s fraternization, clearly she was also participating. Are K&J really attempting to gloss over that fact? Eye roll. Sorry Jenna, I didn’t like any aspect of how you handled that situation for yourself or your ‘friend’

5) Holly’s dancing during the country star’s section (name is still escaping me) was fabulous per usual. Watching her in the office reminded me of a time I got caught cheating on a reading quiz in the 6th grade. Try to lie, realize you can’t, admit and apologize, but then try to back pedal and say you didn’t break the WHOLE rule. Or, I’m not cheating ‘currently’ lol. Just your average immaturity 

6) Hmmm what else. Oh Christina’s breathing explanation.. very odd. Then they show her excited to show off on cycling right before Melissa says she expected more from her. The editing on this show is seriously so creative 

7) OMG CHARLOTTE’S TOUR! Seriously I almost just posted this without addressing it. Enough said I suppose

8) I really like Taryn.. she’s just not a favorite for whatever reason. Lauren and her bread have my heart. Keyra & Kalyssa too. Speaking of rookies, Lexie didn’t make her college Pom squad? Now that is surprising. Beautiful girl. ALSO OMG GET GINA OUT OF THE VETERAN ROUTINE FOR THE COUNTRY SINGER GIRL gah


p.s. Go Brennan for hitting those yard lines!

Edited by evasworld123
  • Love 12

I'm thinking there's a legal issue as to why the underage drinking stuff wasn't shown, especially for Holly.  As for Jenna, you need to suck it up, admit that you screwed up and made bad decisions, and then let them know that you'll accept whatever consequences they're willing to give you, all the while working your ass off to stay on the team.  

Edited by EricaShadows
2 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I'm thinking there's a legal issue as to why the underage drinking stuff wasn't shown, especially for Holly.  As for Jenna, you need to suck it up, admit that you screwed up and made bad decisions, and then let them know that you'll accept whatever consequences they're willing to give you, all the while working your ass off to stay on the team.  

Kelli does show Holly a list of clubs, ask if she’s been to any, & then ask how old she is. When Holly says 20, she says she ‘knows it wrong.’ So they do hint at the underage drinking, but you’re right it’s definitely not covered in depth. I was thinking they probably glossed over some things to save face down the road in the event Jenna or Holly or both still make the team. Just a theory!

  • Love 2

That whole Demi Lovato party scene was so random. It seemed like one big piece of promotional material for her. Is she getting her own reality show on CMT or something?  I got the impression that the "contest" that the random girl "won" was sponsored by CMT and squeezed into the show. Of all the events to see the cheerleaders attend, that is not one I needed to see.


I literally cannot stand Christina's voice. That smacking sound she makes when she talks makes me want to mute my tv. And she was winded because she "forgot to breathe"?  Give me a break. Send her and her book of excuses home already. 


The whole tour of the Star and all the "it's a privilege, not a right" stuff seemed a little prententious. Okay, a lot pretentious.


"Everyone touch the Star!" ... oh dear God. I don't think I could have taken any of that seriously. I probably would not have shown up for training camp the next day. That is some Kool-Aid I could not drink 


Charlotte's arms though? #goals


That whole spinning on the bikes with Melissa R. was so painful to watch. Why was this episode so weird?!?!


Rae Lynn. Those silver boots. No. Just no.


Lexi seem sweet in her background segment. I agree with other posters though who have mentioned it's a little late in the season to still be doing those interviews. They should definitely come in the earlier episodes.


Lauren's abs are still spectacular.


Kalyssa is an absolute doll.


Why are Gina's roots still so horrendous??


Jenna, Jenna, Jenna . Girlfriend didn't just throw Holly under the bus, she damn well ran her over with it. I'm glad she didn't cover for or lie for Holly, but I feel like the appropriate response should have been more along the lines of "talk to Holly, she's responsible for her own actions, not me". But Kelli did call Jenna out for not being a good example and having questionable leadership abilities, so I don't know. The whole situation sucks. It's kind of a lose-lose for both of them.


Anyone else notice that they blurred out the contract? That's funny because they totally didn't in the previews when I screenshotted it and shared it on here.

Edited by NMDD43
  • Love 13

I loved the tour. Beautiful facilities. But then, as a fan of the 'Boys since the late seventies, I'd gladly drink the blue Kool Aid. (I guess you could say I already have ?)  We need to add another few trophies to that case. 

Loved Charlotte's shoes, stunning. Loved Judy and Kelli's shoes when they were on the field as well. 

So both Jenna and Holly were at a club where some of the players were? And yet they managed to skip that part regarding Jenna and only focused on the fact she didn't tell Holly not to do it anymore and also because she didn't tell Kelli that they were both at that club?  Color me confused. 

I don't follow country music at all so I lose interest when they bring all these singers to the show. 

Okay so  that part about touching the Star was cheesy as hell. Still liked the facilities, though. 

Edited by Ferniesfreckles
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

That whole Demi Lovato party scene was so random. It seemed like one big piece of promotional material for her. Is she getting her own reality show on CMT or something?  I got the impression that the "contest" that the random girl "won" was sponsored by CMT and squeezed into the show. Of all the events to see the cheerleaders attend, that is not one I needed to see.


I literally cannot stand Christina's voice. That smacking sound she makes when she talks makes me want to mute my tv. And she was winded because she "forgot to breathe"?  Give me a break. Send her and her book of excuses home already. 


The whole tour of the Star and all the "it's a privilege, not a right" stuff seemed a little prententious. Okay, a lot pretentious.


"Everyone touch the Star!" ... oh dear God. I don't think I could have taken any of that seriously. I probably would have not showed up for training camp the next day. That some Kool-Aid I could not drink 


Charlotte's arms though? #goals


That whole spinning on the bikes with Melissa R. was so painful to watch. Why was this episode so weird?!?!


Rae Lynn. Those silver boots. No. Just no.


Lexi seem sweet in her background segment. I agree with other posters though who have mentioned it's a little late in the season to still be doing those interviews. They should definitely come in the earlier episodes.


Lauren's abs are still spectacular.


Kalyssa is an absolute doll.


Why are Gina's roots still so horrendous??


Jenna, Jenna, Jenna . Girlfriend didn't just throw Holly under the bus, she damn well ran her over with it. I'm glad she didn't cover for or lie for Holly, but I feel like the appropriate response should have been more along the lines of "talk to Holly, she's responsible for her own actions, not me". But Kelli did call Jenna out for not being a good example and having questionable leadership abilities, so I don't know. The whole situation sucks. It's kind of a lose-lose for both of them.


Anyone else notice that they blurred out the contract? That's funny because they totally didn't in the previews when I screenshotted it and shared it on here.

I second this entire post, but I’m especially into the Demi getting a show on CMT theory. Why else would anyone do that odd of a TV segment? Perhaps it’ll air after Keller pickler’s show...

  • Love 3

I would have never, EVER had the cahoneys (or cahunas as my dad says ?) to go into a club underage. Sure I consumed underage, but never in a public place, not even a restaurant. I'm shocked that Holly didn't think about getting caught, especially because she is technically a recognizable local celebrity. That just blows my mind. I didn't even make bad choices like that at 15 let alone 20! I don't buy the immaturity. I think it's just ignorance.

  • Love 3

Kelli looks so good when she wears pants. 

Brennan has done everything Kelli and Judy have asked of her, I think she should make it for her maturity alone. She didn't do anything for me last year but she seems so mature and together that I think she'd be an asset to the team just for the influence she would have in the locker room.

Were the Demi Lovato competition winners the home owners? That house was HUGE.

Lexie just looks like a DCC, she's like an avatar of a DCC.

I'm sure Gina is a great dancer but even the way she nods when K & J are speaking bothers me. 

  • Love 5


That was weird. So much that was obvious was not even addressed. Oh really Jenna? You tell Holly to stop? When? When you AND underage-drinking-law-breaking Holly are popping bottles at the club with Zeke? That is not a leader or a friend who does that. It's what an immature looking out for #1 jerk does, Jenna. Shame on you. #Jennajerk

Holly. Who were you talking too? Why are you breaking the law? Silly Stupid girl. Holly, you were a 2 year going on 3 year Vet. You knew better.

Sorry but it is my opinion that the biggest idiot in the room was Kelli. Your team leader only cares about herself, parties with players, and doesn't give a flying F*ck about her teammates as shown by her taking some of them to clubs where players are at. And all you do is keep her on the team with NO real consequences? So effective. 

Kelli then showing great leadership let's Holly lie to her face, break her contract, and break the law. Consequence? No HOF game? Please. Kelli made a laughingstock of the World Class DCC with such lame ineffective Director decisions. 

It's time to send Kelli off to a development effective manager skills seminar. I'm sure the Cowboys Organization can afford it. 

Hey, did anyone else catch ex-DCC Hannah West and Jacie Scott in the front of the party crowd when Demi L. performed? 

Edited by TiaGrace
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, kacesq said:

I have watched this show since Day 1 and I've always felt Kelli was intimidating as hell and tonight she showed me I wouldn't want to cross with

The eyes Judy and Kelli were giving those girls made me want to curl up and hide! I can only imagine how they felt!

I am so proud of Kelli and Judy for actually having those conversations with them and for airing it. Thank you Kelli, Judy, and the producers for being real and not trying to showcase the DCC as all rainbows and unicorns. 

  • Love 13

The entire thing with Jenna was completely confusing. Why is she not in trouble for fraternization? Forget Dak, I mean she took Holly to a club, players were there, but only Holly hung out with them? Where did Jenna go? We are missing information......


Jenna sucks.... you took your underage 20 year old friend to a club, probably left her there with players, alcohol etc. And you hope she'd make better decisions? Eff you. At least Holly is young and dumb and probably couldn't believe Zeke was talking to her.  What a bitch, and her hair looked terrible. 


Kelli should've cut them both- Jenna for not only being a bad leader, but also a shitty friend.  Holly for lying straight to their faces. I can forgive the fraternizing, but lying? Nope. 

Edited by PrincessLeia
  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I would have never, EVER had the cahoneys (or cahunas as my dad says ?) to go into a club underage. Sure I consumed underage, but never in a public place, not even a restaurant. I'm shocked that Holly didn't think about getting caught, especially because she is technically a recognizable local celebrity. That just blows my mind. I didn't even make bad choices like that at 15 let alone 20! I don't buy the immaturity. I think it's just ignorance.

What is the actual law in Dallas though? Because yes, lots of places card at the door to screen for those under 21. But there is a wide range of laws about whether you have to actually be 21 to be in an establishment.  They card for convenience -- to take the onus off of the bartenders about serving (although technically the bartender is still the one liable for serving -- they cannot say "well the bouncer let them in").

If Holly was drinking, sure. But technically just being in the club may have not been illegal, even if they did card. Those laws vary though.

3 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

The entire thing with Jenna was completely confusing. Why is she not in trouble for fraternization? Forget Dak, I mean she took Holly to a club, players were there, but only Holly hung out with them? Where did Jenna go? We are missing information......


Jenna sucks.... you took your underage 20 year old friend to a club, probably left her there with players, alcohol etc. And you hope she'd make better decisions? Eff you. At least Holly is young and dumb and probably couldn't believe Zeke was talking to her.  What a bitch, and her hair looked terrible. 


Kelli should've cut them both- Jenna for not only being a bad leader, but also a shitty friend.  Holly for lying straight to their faces. I can forgive the fraternizing, but lying? Nope. 

Right??? I wanted to see Jenna cut just because she is a crappy friend. Hardly a "locker room favorite"!

  • Love 2

What a cliffhanger!  But seriously they should have cut both of them from the team.  After seeing ladies get dragged by Kelli this season for overdone lash extensions and the like, I think her reaction to Fraternizationgate was a bit tepid. 

The Demi Lovato segment was lame-o.  It somehow rubbed me wrong when Holly said DCC and Demi were both world class performers.   

Melissa's segments are consistently annoying.   She is one of the luckiest people in the world to get paid to do crap like that because I find her utterly mediocre.   Next season I want them to furlough her and bring back Jay.

Charlotte instructing the ladies to caress The Star was amazing.   The whole tour was hypnotically cult like.   Like Jonestown, but with Jerry Jones instead of Jim Jones.   

  • Love 12
30 minutes ago, TiaGrace said:

Hey, did anyone else catch ex-DCC Hannah West and Jacie Scott in the front of the party crowd when Demi L. performed? 

Yes! I forgot until you mentioned it. I thought I saw Hannah but forgot to go back and pause it. Her and Jacie being there just makes that whole segment even more weird/random ? It looked like mostly teenagers in the crowd too

  • Love 2
56 minutes ago, Rubyslippahz said:


Charlotte instructing the ladies to caress The Star was amazing.   The whole tour was hypnotically cult like.   Like Jonestown, but with Jerry Jones instead of Jim Jones.   

Caress The Star????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ewwwwwwwww!  Thank you for warning me.  When I finally get to watch this on Amazon, I will fast forward over that.

Well, to be honest, I probably would have fast forwarded to the office visit anyway:)

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, evasworld123 said:

I’d believe it lol. Or maybe Paige. I imagine her husband has some insight to locker room talk, and may mention it to his wife/former DCC

Well Paige got a marriage out of breaking the dcc rules so I doubt she thinks following their rules is more important than your personal happiness. Yes Holly probably won't end up married to a player at 20, but it's her choice to make.

2 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

The eyes Judy and Kelli were giving those girls made me want to curl up and hide! I can only imagine how they felt!

I am so proud of Kelli and Judy for actually having those conversations with them and for airing it. Thank you Kelli, Judy, and the producers for being real and not trying to showcase the DCC as all rainbows and unicorns. 

Well... they only did because people on social media were going crazy over this. They still kept most of what happened out of the segment so I can't really congratulate them for trying to milk the cow. Apparently Holly and Jenna weren't the first ones to break the rules. At the very least, we know that Paige did and Danielle was her roommate-so why disn't they punish Danielle for not being a rat as well? I get it, they only show what they want, it's their show etc. But if I was the one called in after seeing multiple of my 'sisters' throughout the years doing the same thing and getting away with it... yes i would have quitted the moment the decided to bring this up in front of the cameras.

29 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

When she is no longer a DCC, it will be interesting to see who remains a friend.  

Exactly. I mean she is always bffs with a new girl and then moves to the next one and the next one...

I think the Jinelle part was just bad editing. I don't think they have the skills to actually edit something in on purpose to hint that Jinelle is a rat.

  • Love 4

comparing stopping someone from crossing in front of a car vs. not going out underage drinking and "socializing", is a bit extreme.

what is leaving them behind from the Canton trip supposed to accomplish? I first thought- ok, a free weekend when the team tattletale (assuming its a veteran) is someplace else, and just make sure I don't go to a place that is not on the club list kelli had.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, sATL said:

comparing stopping someone from crossing in front of a car vs. not going out underage drinking and "socializing", is a bit extreme.

what is leaving them behind from the Canton trip supposed to accomplish? I first thought- ok, a free weekend when the team tattletale (assuming its a veteran) is someplace else, and just make sure I don't go to a place that is not on the club list kelli had.

THIS. 100%

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

Jenna is the bus.  She did exactly what Holly did and blamed it on Holly.  Seems like Kelli was referencing "locker room" chat.

I do not like Jinelle anymore.  She was smiling when she got up.

And I do like how K&J handled the situation.  I want to give Kelli a hug.  You could tell it was hard for her.  


I like Jinelle same as always. Since I have absolutely no idea what she was thinking about - plus she wasn't the only one who smiled as soon as theyre dismissed - I'm not going to jump to any conclusions speculating about whether there were nefarious undertones associated with her smile. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, Ferniesfreckles said:

So both Jenna and Holly were at a club where some of the players were? And yet they managed to skip that part regarding Jenna and only focused on the fact she didn't tell Holly not to do it anymore and also because she didn't tell Kelli that they were both at that club?  Color me confused. 

It's not a misdemeanor for taking someone underage to a club? And even if its not - that to me is grounds for at least removing jenna permanently as a leader.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, sATL said:

It's not a misdemeanor for taking someone underage to a club? And even if its not - that to me is grounds for at least removing jenna permanently as a leader.

Definitely. They should have removed her from GL right there and then. What was the point of showing that weird scene before auditions of her being asked about being a good leader? They just showed us that Jenna can't handle being a leader after a whole year of being a leader and after discussing this with K&J.

  • Love 5

Holly did a great job in talking herself into staying on the team. I would have stammered and choked. I have a feeling she is going to make more bad decisions in the near future. We will have to wait and see on that one.

K&J had doubts in the beginning about Jenna's leadership and that got proven. 

The house party sequence was so unnecessary. Demi looked like, "Oh, I do this every day." and acted like the whole thing was no big deal. Her response to everything was so manufactured. I was waiting for one of those teens to bust out a 40 oz. with beer foam falling into the pool. Demi's belted T-shirt outfit was too casual. She could have blinged it up a little bit.

I got the feeling the girl who hosted the party had a lot of so-called friends show up just to be seen. That made me feel sad for her. (Cue doofus in the pool.)

The Star. Geez....it goes WAY beyond being a shrine. It is highly excessive. One Cowboy Way. Like it is the ONLY address that matters. Give me a break. 

As an aside, I have a major girl crush on Lexie. She is a gorgeous little ray of sunshine. :)

Edited by tinabee1967
  • Love 8
4 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

That whole Demi Lovato party scene was so random. It seemed like one big piece of promotional material for her. Is she getting her own reality show on CMT or something?  I got the impression that the "contest" that the random girl "won" was sponsored by CMT and squeezed into the show. Of all the events to see the cheerleaders attend, that is not one I needed to see.


I literally cannot stand Christina's voice. That smacking sound she makes when she talks makes me want to mute my tv. And she was winded because she "forgot to breathe"?  Give me a break. Send her and her book of excuses home already. 


The whole tour of the Star and all the "it's a privilege, not a right" stuff seemed a little prententious. Okay, a lot pretentious.


"Everyone touch the Star!" ... oh dear God. I don't think I could have taken any of that seriously. I probably would not have shown up for training camp the next day. That is some Kool-Aid I could not drink 


Charlotte's arms though? #goals


That whole spinning on the bikes with Melissa R. was so painful to watch. Why was this episode so weird?!?!


Rae Lynn. Those silver boots. No. Just no.


Lexi seem sweet in her background segment. I agree with other posters though who have mentioned it's a little late in the season to still be doing those interviews. They should definitely come in the earlier episodes.


Lauren's abs are still spectacular.


Kalyssa is an absolute doll.


Why are Gina's roots still so horrendous??


Jenna, Jenna, Jenna . Girlfriend didn't just throw Holly under the bus, she damn well ran her over with it. I'm glad she didn't cover for or lie for Holly, but I feel like the appropriate response should have been more along the lines of "talk to Holly, she's responsible for her own actions, not me". But Kelli did call Jenna out for not being a good example and having questionable leadership abilities, so I don't know. The whole situation sucks. It's kind of a lose-lose for both of them.


Anyone else notice that they blurred out the contract? That's funny because they totally didn't in the previews when I screenshotted it and shared it on here.

 I just watched the ep on Amazon and the contract wasn't blurry.

But seriously, that was it?? I really was expecting Jenna to get reamed even after what you all said

  • Love 1

I have been a long time watcher of the show and have kept up with this blog for a couple of seasons now but, am just now making an account because let's be honest after last nights episode how could I not?!

I completely agree that some of the segments last night were just time fillers and a waste of my time, I guess that's what we get when the decide to add more episodes in this season... because I could have done without a lot of that  

I find it comical that what Allie had said last season about Holly all came out to be true, and they chose to believe Holly last season but now it's all coming out again and she attempted to lie her way out of it AGAIN. I guess now we understand her moving out of just a few weeks!

I am still a huge fan of Jinelle, like others have said before I believe it's just bad editing, she's always seemed to be so genuine and sweet. 

But those are just my 2 cents from the episode!

  • Love 5

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the tour of the Star was ridiculous. The mantra of working for the Cowboys is a privledge not a right seems like a creepy way of controlling your employees and demanding they be grateful no matter how they are treated.

i was totally confused about what happened with Jenna and Holly.  Why have these scenes if they aren't going to say even vaguely what happened like "we are mad because you were at the club and hanging out with the players." And totally confusing why Holly was more in trouble than Jenna. They were not emphasizing the underage aspect so I don't think that was it. Cmon Kelli, give us the juicy dirt!!!


the RaeLynn segment was probably the most pointless guest appearance so far and that is saying a lot. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, happyfeet211 said:

I find it comical that what Allie had said last season about Holly all came out to be true, and they chose to believe Holly last season but now it's all coming out again and she attempted to lie her way out of it AGAIN. I guess now we understand her moving out of just a few weeks!

Wait what did Allie say about Holly?

  • Love 6

Sigh. I wish Holly was honest from the start when she was called in. 

Her initial denials must make it all the more excruciating for her to have to watch back now on TV, and I feel so sorry for her to have to live out some bad choices so publicly.

It's disappointing too that the organisation has apparently suddenly drawn the line and made an example of her when other DCC past and present have appeared to get away with fraternising... but perhaps they were more humble in their response when confronted/owning up to it and possibly more discreet in the first place - Holly's lies were pretty galling. And her attitude on social media hasn't been pretty.

I'm not so much a fan of hers anymore, but I hope she moves on successfully with some big lessons in integrity and attitude tucked under her belt and does well in future.

Edited by Pinknblue
Added some words
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, beachespeaches said:

They've done it before? Who was caught messing with players in the past?

I think she was referring to "done it" as 'removed veterans from the team.'

8 hours ago, Annmarie said:

Wait...wasn’t Jenna with a player too??


8 hours ago, Glamourdoll said:

I have been saying this since Camp Rock.


7 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

I literally cannot stand Christina's voice. That smacking sound she makes when she talks makes me want to mute my tv. And she was winded because she "forgot to breathe"?  

The whole tour of the Star and all the "it's a privilege, not a right" stuff seemed a little prententious. Okay, a lot pretentious.


7 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I would have never, EVER had the cahoneys (or cahunas as my dad says ?) to go into a club underage. Sure I consumed underage, but never in a public place, not even a restaurant. I'm shocked that Holly didn't think about getting caught, especially because she is technically a recognizable local celebrity. That just blows my mind. I didn't even make bad choices like that at 15 let alone 20! I don't buy the immaturity. I think it's just ignorance.

Right. Like girl..you HAVE to know walls have ears and eyes are EVERYWHERE.

4 hours ago, Blndee6 said:

I like Jinelle same as always. Since I have absolutely no idea what she was thinking about - plus she wasn't the only one who smiled as soon as theyre dismissed - I'm not going to jump to any conclusions speculating about whether there were nefarious undertones associated with her smile. 

Right! I wish people wouldn't jump to conclusions about everything. I'm positive she wasn't smiling and thinking "YES FINALLY THEY GOT CAUGHT!" tf..

  • Love 10

Why is K & J letting Jenna off the hook? Jenna wasn't just a bad leader, she was an enabler. I can't stand snitches but why would Jenna tell on Holly, she was right there with her! 

Look if you're going to break the rules, don't get caught. The end.

Also the whole locker room talk is subjective. We have no way to know if K & J heard outside rumors and then called individual vets in to confirm the rumors. To me it's not snitching if K & J have proof and a vet confirms it because you'll look stupid if you lie. 

That being said, that list of clubs was disturbing...K & J have some very detailed informants. 

  • Love 2

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