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S35.E01: I'm Not Crazy, I'm Confident

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17 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Just like Jeff was surprised the skinny guy could pull so hard! Remember "Don't judge a book it's cover". That woman was in the damn OLYMPICS for swimming. I don't care if was 1988.

She didn't tell anyone about her swimming background.  They had no idea.  She is very skinny and someone said she was weird, in an interview a poster read.  Easy first out.  

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

That was how I thought it went too, but since everyone on the show and here thought Alan asked JP to strip then I'm gonna assume that was how it really went. And honestly I checked out a lot during this ep so I don't have a good grasp on it.

I was confused by some of the comments so I rewatched that part and JP just dropped his pants on his own, Alan didn't ask him to strip. He (Alan) said something like "I know that idol is in your pants" and JP just let it all hang out.

I'm gonna go with the unpopular opinion here and say that, while I'm not particularly fond of the parole officer, he did not, in any way shape or form, bully the doctor. It's really a pet peeve of mine how people throw that word around like it's nothing. He was kind of a dick but there was no harassment or threats or hurtful insults or anything even remotely resembling that. The two of them had a conversation, confronting someone about something isn't bullying. 

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

She didn't tell anyone about her swimming background.  They had no idea.  She is very skinny and someone said she was weird, in an interview a poster read.  Easy first out.  

A podcast interview I heard of Katrina, she said that she just didn't bond with any of the other heroes, she couldn't get them to talk to her much or connect, that Chrissy seemed to bond with them better.  Just a situation of not gelling.

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3 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

A podcast interview I heard of Katrina, she said that she just didn't bond with any of the other heroes, she couldn't get them to talk to her much or connect, that Chrissy seemed to bond with them better.  Just a situation of not gelling.

It is interesting that she saw herself 'paired' with Chrissy in her mind, and the others were "them."  Due to their age most likely but right there she went to us and them.  I think it was always them and she stood alone.  We saw so little but I think Chrissy bonded with others and never considered Katrina as an alliance member. 

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Chrissy chose to keep the tribe strong and take out the weakest link hoping they will win immunities in the future.

It's so crazy, I watch a 42 minutes episode of survivor a week and I listen to 10 podcasts about it. The after talk is way more exciting than the episode itself.

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3 minutes ago, himela said:

Chrissy chose to keep the tribe strong and take out the weakest link hoping they will win immunities in the future.

It's so crazy, I watch a 42 minutes episode of survivor a week and I listen to 10 podcasts about it. The after talk is way more exciting than the episode itself.

I agree, that happens with BB, too.  Well, most TV shows for that matter.  

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Can they please quit claiming Survivor is a great "social experiment?" Bitch, please. When they deliberately cast the same "types" every damn season . . . the same number of bikini models, muscle heads, pencil neck geeks, rednecks, tokens and paranoid delusionals . . . the experiment is over. It was over like 15 years ago. Now it's just re-hash. Enough with this "social experiment" bullshit, they say the same thing on Big Brother for crying out loud. It's an entirely predictable reality show based on the fact that they use a call sheet and a casting agency to fill pre-determined roles they've carefully market researched and focus grouped. And these people are all savvy enough to know how reality shows work, it's not like they were snatched up by aliens and thrown under a microscope.


Heroes made the usual dumb mistake of keeping the crazy, unpredictable shit-stirrer because they think they need the muscle in challenges. They ought to know by now. When there are six tribes, your original six is going to last like six days, tops. There will be a shuffle almost immediately, and clearly this bozo has no loyalty. Cut him loose while you still have the chance.

Joe didn't really bug me that much (yet) because I don't mind him pulling Mike aside and telling him he looks sketchy as hell running around looking for the idol. And Mike is the worst liar in the whole freaking world. I'm already disliking Mike and Ryan, I have a feeling we're going to see way too much of them.

Personally I think Ryan is crushing hard on Devon. The excuse he gave for approaching him didn't wash. It would be one thing if he said something like "this dumb musclehead could be useful to me" but he tried to sell it like they were kindred souls or some bogus crap I didn't buy for one minute.

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36 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I'm gonna go with the unpopular opinion here and say that, while I'm not particularly fond of the parole officer, he did not, in any way shape or form, bully the doctor. It's really a pet peeve of mine how people throw that word around like it's nothing. He was kind of a dick but there was no harassment or threats or hurtful insults or anything even remotely resembling that. The two of them had a conversation, confronting someone about something isn't bullying. 

I am with you all the way on this one.  The word bully is overly and incorrectly used.  I am sick of it. 

Anyone who is aggressive is now labeled a bully.  The parole officer is just an asshole who will be out way before the merge.  

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Joe is definitely a jerk, and I thought he was trying to intimidate Mike.  But last night's episode is such a blur that all I remember is this big macho guy who thinks he's running the show and already won questioning the geeky sex doctor.  In reality, Mike annoys me and already strikes me as one of those super fans that is going to be spouting off random quotes and talking about making big moves, to where I'll be over him completely by episode 4 (if he makes it that far).  But I hope he outlasts Joe.  In fact, the longer the Healers are together, the more Joe might annoy his "victims" to where they turn on him.  Since this show is pretty routine when they swap/merge, those who've studied the show would probably be able to figure it out.  

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3 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Joe is definitely a jerk, and I thought he was trying to intimidate Mike.  But last night's episode is such a blur that all I remember is this big macho guy who thinks he's running the show and already won questioning the geeky sex doctor.  In reality, Mike annoys me and already strikes me as one of those super fans that is going to be spouting off random quotes and talking about making big moves, to where I'll be over him completely by episode 4 (if he makes it that far).  But I hope he outlasts Joe.  In fact, the longer the Healers are together, the more Joe might annoy his "victims" to where they turn on him.  Since this show is pretty routine when they swap/merge, those who've studied the show would probably be able to figure it out.  

Joe was such an a-hole. They must have cut a lot of stuff out because it didn't make that much sense. I guess Joe was playing super hard on Day 1. Mike is the annoying quirky guy they usually have but somewhat older then normal. Joe might go far if he cools his jets and calms down a bit. That said, Joe such an a-hole. Wait! I already said that, right? LOL!!

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36 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Personally I think Ryan is crushing hard on Devon. The excuse he gave for approaching him didn't wash. It would be one thing if he said something like "this dumb musclehead could be useful to me" but he tried to sell it like they were kindred souls or some bogus crap I didn't buy for one minute.

I tend to agree... he's the classic nerd who always idolized the football player but could never get noticed.  Now here he has some semblance of power and uses it as a tool to be friends with the guy who never would have looked at him at home.  I think there might be a very obvious reason why he said he doesn't have a girlfriend...

Regarding the whale... I have absolutely no doubt it was nowhere near the boat and the fruit.  That footage was probably filmed days or weeks before or after the contestants were even there.   And it was from the other side of the island or a different island altogether.

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Regarding the whale... I have absolutely no doubt it was nowhere near the boat and the fruit.  That footage was probably filmed days or weeks before or after the contestants were even there.   And it was from the other side of the island or a different island altogether.

Or, you know, stock footage from an old episode of Wild Kingdom.

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16 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

During the challenge why was Joe just climbing the stairs when the other people were climbing and hauling. Lots of talk from him but I see no action. Also, do his shorts have to ride below his butt so his underwear show? Be like most of the guys and just wear your briefs (then again maybe that would show why he's all talk...to make up for...) 

Because he was supposed to be at the top to help pull the rope.

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12 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

Did Alan ask JP to drop his drawers? No, JP is an insecure fool who did that on his own, from what I saw. Instead of walking away and even using it as leverage against Alan, he whips it out? Christ on a crutch, but he's an idiot. 

Isn't that what Alan was asking him to do when he told him they could go down to the ocean?  So he could drop trou in the water?

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I don't know why the producers thought anyone would play the Super Idol for anyone else (except for themselves).

Since it could only be used after the votes, it can't be used to break a 3-3 tie. So, it could only be used on a 4-2 or 5-1 split. Obviously, if you're the 1 on the 5-1, you play it for yourself.

But, if you're the other person in the 4-2, why save the other person? That just makes it 3-2, and the 3 are really pissed at you for breaking up their alliance on day 1. You're now in the minority, divided the tribe, and outed as the person working against the majority. Why blindside the majority there? Just makes your own game worse.

Much better to go along to get along and live to fight another day.


ALSO, anyone else confused why the blue team picked the crazy maze? That did not look easier than "roll it down a straight line". Why did that one get picked last? The missing side rails didn't seem that tough to overcome, the team that started last sure finished it faster than everyone else did after a head start. Weird choice.

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I saw JP taking his pants off to shut Alan up.  He would not stop grilling him about having an idol.  I didn't see insecurity, I saw it as a move to stop the target Alan was trying to paint on his back.  Alan already had him in a power couple and out to get him.  Too bad JP did not speak up in TC when Jeff dissed him a bit for taking his pants off.  

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18 minutes ago, Charlesman said:

Since it could only be used after the votes, it can't be used to break a 3-3 tie. So, it could only be used on a 4-2 or 5-1 split. Obviously, if you're the 1 on the 5-1, you play it for yourself.

Sorry, what do you mean it can't be used to break a tie? if one used the super idol, then the other one goes home.

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16 hours ago, vb68 said:

This whole theme is just ridiculous.  I mean, healers aren't also by definition heroes?    I have to avoid thinking about it. 

It's like the factions in "Divergent."  You can't be both peaceful and intellegent?  Or both brave and honest?  You can't be both a Hero and a Healer?  At some point, these themes are going to become caricatures of themselves, like "Hunks vs Hicks vs Hoes."  I personally would like to see NO themes and a schoolyard pick to start the next season.


5 hours ago, cousin oliver said:

Probst, of course, loudly declared his surprise that Ryan was designated to that part of the challenge. His never-ending quest to suck up to the alpha males continues.

Have a heart...you know Jeff never got over Colby. :)


3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

On a different point entirely, Jeff looks like he's got so much botox/fillers in his face that the only distinguishing features he has left are his dimples.  There's not enough filler in the world to affect them (thank goodness).

Aw, pretty Probst.  I love his swoony dimples.  I was a bit disturbed at first that he looked different...until I realized that if Jeff looks older then so do I, since I've been watching him on this show for 19 years.  I guess neither one of us is the spring chicken we used to be, but we can grow old together.  On that note, did anyone notice him nimbly hop off the boat and onto the beach like a stud?  He did that a couple of times.  I giggled.

Katrina reminded me of Holly from Nicaragua.  I found it odd that we never really got any sense of Katrina at all before she was voted out, but I guess there's only so much we can get with a one-hour premiere.

I still get irrationally giddy whenever a new season begins.  I have so much history with this show...I remember the first season, when I would hope that I could get my 2-year old to sleep before 8pm.  Now that two-year old is a junior in college.

Edited by laurakaye
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6 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

Sorry, what do you mean it can't be used to break a tie? if one used the super idol, then the other one goes home.


I may have overthought it. I assumed it meant it could only be used to save someone who was already voted out and walking to get their torch snuffed. I guess it's possible that if there was a 3-3 tie, they would revote, and the person who wanted to play the idol could switch and vote against the person they want to save, to get them voted out, and then save them after that. So, if it was the two old ladies and the cowboy, she would switch votes to make sure the other old lady got "voted out" and then turn around and play the idol for her, flipping the result.


But Probst did not explain what he meant by "ties play again this year". 

Edited by Charlesman
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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The excuse he gave for approaching him didn't wash. It would be one thing if he said something like "this dumb musclehead could be useful to me" but he tried to sell it like they were kindred souls or some bogus crap I didn't buy for one minute.

To be fair ... we had an emotional connection/kindred souls/whatever between a nerdy super-fan and a surfer dude on the last newbie season a year ago -- Millennials vs Gen X, with Adam and Jay.

Though I'd think if super-fan Ryan saw that season, he'd recognize that was lightning in a bottle as opposed to an indication that all nerdy super-fans should attempt to form emotional connections with surfer dudes, and vice-versa. Because I see Devon selling Ryan up the river pretty fast once there's a swap and he can bro up with other bros (or hot chicks).

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3 minutes ago, Charlesman said:

But Probst did not explain what he meant by "ties play again this year". 

The tie in Game Changers meant NO revote-


The biggest change we’re doing this season is if there’s a tie at Tribal Council, there will not be a revote. There will not be a chance for people to change their votes. You go directly to the tiebreaker, which is openly discussing among yourselves who you want to get rid of. If you can come to a unanimous decision, then that person goes home. If you can’t get a unanimous decision, everybody draws rocks.

When Jeff said ties play again, it just meant, revotes are back and if there's a tie again, then everybody excluding the two that was in a tie draw rocks.

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17 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Chrissy is an idiot.  Saving Katrina would have put those 2 plus Alan in total control of the tribe.  Now she is probably the next to go.

I hate the parole officer and it is ridiculous to call him a "healer".

Alan is a little crazy but he is using it as a strategy and I kind of like him.

I also like Desi, the bellhop (I was one for a few weeks in college) and the Prick Doctor. 

JP and Ashley can leave at any time.

She won't be next to go-she has now positioned herself as the swing vote and built trust with all 4 remaining. Alan clearly is gunning for one of JP and whatshername. They think Alan is an unstable loose canon.  Its seems pretty clear to me that its likely to be the 2 pairs with her as a swing.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Heroes made the usual dumb mistake of keeping the crazy, unpredictable shit-stirrer because they think they need the muscle in challenges. They ought to know by now. When there are six tribes, your original six is going to last like six days, tops. There will be a shuffle almost immediately, and clearly this bozo has no loyalty. Cut him loose while you still have the chance.

YES!  100 likes to your entire post.  This bugs me no end.  One more week of 3 tribes then they will merge.  

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34 minutes ago, Charlesman said:

ALSO, anyone else confused why the blue team picked the crazy maze? That did not look easier than "roll it down a straight line". Why did that one get picked last? The missing side rails didn't seem that tough to overcome, the team that started last sure finished it faster than everyone else did after a head start. Weird choice.

I was confused at first, but the side walls / barriers on the mazes were progressively lower, meaning you had to do more freestyle moving of the ball on open surfaces rather than "CLUNK-CLUNK-CLUNK" from wall to wall of the maze. Once you know the way through the complex maze, you can move a lot faster and less cautiously. It took finesse to pass the ball from side to side of the straight line without it bumping over a side wall. Driving it straight down the center of the line without touching the walls would have been prohibitively difficult. Luckily, that team figured out early on how to ease it as straight as possible while still watching out for the walls.

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Rule #1:  Work hard but lay low.  Stick your head up and be noticed...especially in a super negative way...is the best way to go home quickly.

On the other hand:  Chrissy showed her Survivor chops.  She knew folks would vote for her or Katrina so she lumped her vote in to ensure Katrina went home.   At that point, her using the idol would have been pointless.  The person she wanted to go home was going home.

The PO reminds me, as well, WAAY to much of Tony.  Again.....be a dick, go home.

Lastly....can't you see the bell hop in his little bell hop uniform?  The pillbox cap...the buttoned up shirt.  He'd look like a cartoon version of one for sure!

Edited by Robodude
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I wish they would have showed us more of the rest of the general dynamics around camp (a complaint I have every season) so we could get an idea of why Katrina was unanimously voted out.  Was she annoying?  More annoying than Alan?  A prima donna?  Did she talk to fruit?   Did she brag endlessly about being an Olympian?  Was she such a cypher that it was exceedingly easy to vote her out without a second thought?  I want to know, dammit. 

As usual, it will take me a while to figure out who I want to root for, and who I hate and will root against.  I kind of like quirky Ryan, but I don't think he'll last long.  He's gonna get on someone's last nerve.  Devon reminds me so very, very much of my niece's snowboarder duuuuuuude ex-boyfriend--looks, voice, attitude, expressions, vocal inflection, all of it.  I actually had to double check his name to make sure it wasn't him!

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9 hours ago, mojoween said:

I missed the beginning because of stupid TV issues, so I apparently missed the urologist is called a sex doctor, and I'm trying to understand why, because doesn't a urologist specialize in the urinary tract and the like?  Like evaluating your prostrate?  I'm confused.

He mentioned actually that he specializes in penis impotence/dysfunction I think.

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Ryan seems fairly astute and not like he's crushing on anyone to me. He kept his mouth shut about his advantage until he knew exactly what it was and that it was a one-time, this TC only use, then he used it both to help build a possible alliance in his tribe and to try to keep a possibly weaker player on another tribe there in the hopes that a stronger player would go home.

As to picking Devon to ally with, Ryan is aware of people's perceptions of him. I don't see choosing Devon as a starry-eyed infatuated choice, but a strategic one. Ryan will want a meat shield. There are two big guys on the Hustlers tribe (and big guys tend to stick around for a couple votes), and atm Devon seems like the calmer, more easygoing option. If they can pick up a third, they're starting to look really good.

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5 minutes ago, simplyme said:

If it helps, in her interviews, Katrina kept talking about what kind of "energy" people gave off. She came off as very new hippie, I guess? 

So she might not have fit in all that great for a number of reasons.

In pre-show interviews, Katrina didn't come off very well.  But it's one reason I hate the 3 tribe/6 person set up.  Katrina and Chrissy are automatically targeted for being older moms.  She said she didn't fit in, so she really had no chance. 



Ryan seems fairly astute and not like he's crushing on anyone to me. He kept his mouth shut about his advantage until he knew exactly what it was and that it was a one-time, this TC only use, then he used it both to help build a possible alliance in his tribe and to try to keep a possibly weaker player on another tribe there in the hopes that a stronger player would go home.

As to picking Devon to ally with, Ryan is aware of people's perceptions of him. I don't see choosing Devon as a starry-eyed infatuated choice, but a strategic one. Ryan will want a meat shield. There are two big guys on the Hustlers tribe (and big guys tend to stick around for a couple votes), and atm Devon seems like the calmer, more easygoing option. If they can pick up a third, they're starting to look really good.


I didn't see it as crushing or being starry eyed, either.  Devon actually seemed genuinely surprised/happy Ryan approached him and confided in him.  It's odd Ryan said he would use the idol for Devon, which makes me wonder what exactly we missed on the Hustler tribe.  I'd rather have a shorter season and get 90 minute/2 hour episodes every week, just to get more of the tribe dynamics.

Edited by LadyChatts
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24 minutes ago, ljp said:

She won't be next to go-she has now positioned herself as the swing vote and built trust with all 4 remaining. Alan clearly is gunning for one of JP and whatshername. They think Alan is an unstable loose canon.  Its seems pretty clear to me that its likely to be the 2 pairs with her as a swing.

I disagree.  The way I see it, Alan and Chrissy are now on the bottom.  If there is a swing vote it is Ben the Marine.  Based upon Ben's words and body language, I think he trust JP and Ashley more than he trusts Alan.  He seems very committed to the "keep the strong people" plan and seemed annoyed with Alan for wanting to deviate from that plan.  He also did not seem very concerned about the "power couple".

With Ben JP and Ashley all wanting to keep the tribe strong, I think they vote out Chrissy next, with or without Alan's support.  Of course, anything can happen, but I thought if she saved Katrina, and Ashley went home, she would have had a much better chance to form an Alan and the two old ladies alliance.  

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4 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Old people win sometimes. :)


My favorite winner ever!!!

Old people don't always have to be first boots. It depends on a lot of things - how well you do in challenges, how much you click with others, the dynamics of the tribe, how many tribes there are. Often, older people may have a hard time clicking with younger players and that may hurt them more than just being seen as "old and weak". In Kaoh Rong, Joe made it to day 34 and he was 72 years old. But he was in super good shape for his age, and Aubry became close with him early on. 

There are just really many factors at play and I don't think it's always "ageism" that brings about an "older" boot early on. 

4 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Not playing the idol (and voting for Katrina) might end up working out okay for Chrissy since JP and Ashley are isolated now, but I would have liked to see how she arrived at that. She said she was going to see how things developed at TC before she decided what to do, but it seems like they edited out all the most pertinent/interesting parts of TC and left us with a generic, "gotta keep the team strong!" discussion.

One of my biggest complaints with Survivor lately. I get wanting to leave some surprise for TC. But, conversely, we're often completely in the dark. 

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2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I'm gonna go with the unpopular opinion here and say that, while I'm not particularly fond of the parole officer, he did not, in any way shape or form, bully the doctor. It's really a pet peeve of mine how people throw that word around like it's nothing. He was kind of a dick but there was no harassment or threats or hurtful insults or anything even remotely resembling that. The two of them had a conversation, confronting someone about something isn't bullying. 

I can't agree.  There was definitely harassment and threat there in my opinion.  He was trying to dominate and humiliate Dr. Sex Doctor, because he sees him as an easy target.  Classic, textbook bullying, IMO.  However I will drop this topic because it upsets me.

56 minutes ago, Charlesman said:

I don't know why the producers thought anyone would play the Super Idol for anyone else (except for themselves).

Since it could only be used after the votes, it can't be used to break a 3-3 tie. So, it could only be used on a 4-2 or 5-1 split. Obviously, if you're the 1 on the 5-1, you play it for yourself.

But, if you're the other person in the 4-2, why save the other person? That just makes it 3-2, and the 3 are really pissed at you for breaking up their alliance on day 1. You're now in the minority, divided the tribe, and outed as the person working against the majority. Why blindside the majority there? Just makes your own game worse.

Much better to go along to get along and live to fight another day.

Personally I would use it on any of these situations.  If it's a 3-3 tie, bam, you use the idol on your ally and you have the majority.  (Why wouldn't you be able to use it on a tie?  Jeff reads the votes, he says "we are tied," then you do your best Amanda impression and say, "about that, Jeff...")  If it's 5-1 against you, of course, you use it on yourself and live to see another day.

If it's 4-2?  It seems like this will be controversial but I think that's crazy.  Of course you save your ally.  You've already voted against someone on the other alliance.  You don't get to take back your vote or hide it, no matter what kind of idol you have.  The fact that you're against them is already outed.  If the others didn't even tell you who they were voting for, or your ally is so close that you refuse to vote for her even knowing the numbers are against you, fuck it, go for it, idol those people, keep your ally.  3-2 against you is better than 4-1 against you.  They're already against you.  Let them be pissed!  Break them up!  Target the social glue of their alliance (in this case it would not be Ashley but the military guy, who right now is holding all the power on the blue tribe) and scatter them like ninepins!  Then get working on scooping up the likeliest of the leftovers.

Here, of course, I'm pretty sure Chrissy had no connection to Katrina and felt closest to the military guy (as I say he is the social game mastermind on that tribe) so there was no question of it except in the edit, which tried really hard to make it seem like there was some kind of suspense here.

28 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

To be fair ... we had an emotional connection/kindred souls/whatever between a nerdy super-fan and a surfer dude on the last newbie season a year ago -- Millennials vs Gen X, with Adam and Jay.

Though I'd think if super-fan Ryan saw that season, he'd recognize that was lightning in a bottle as opposed to an indication that all nerdy super-fans should attempt to form emotional connections with surfer dudes, and vice-versa. Because I see Devon selling Ryan up the river pretty fast once there's a swap and he can bro up with other bros (or hot chicks).

Adam and Jay?  Don't you mean David and Ken?

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When and why did bullying become a strategy in TV reality game shows? I went through a whole season of that crap on BB, and even though it worked for the finalists on that show and even if it was just supposed to be an act or strategy, that was one of the most disgusting displays of humanity and I have zero tolerance for it. Hope we don't have to see any more of it on this show.

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7 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

In pre-show interviews, Katrina didn't come off very well.  But it's one reason I hate the 3 tribe/6 person set up.  Katrina and Chrissy are automatically targeted for being older moms.  She said she didn't fit in, so she really had no chance. 

Didn't work that way for Denise, right?

As for Ryan and his idol, it's only for one vote, why not show it to someone?  I think that was a good move.

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When I said “sex doctor, begone!”, it wasn’t because I didn’t like the guy, @KimberStormer. :) I just think he’s pigeonholed himself into a spot for online fodder, and for being picked on. And I do agree with you, I think Tony/TheSpecialist Jr was being mean to him. Bigger guy picking on the kid with glasses, back in the day in my schoolyard.

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32 minutes ago, Robodude said:


Rule #1:  Work hard but lay low.  Stick your head up and be noticed...especially in a super negative way...is the best way to go home quickly.

On the other hand:  Chrissy showed her Survivor chops.  She knew folks would vote for her or Katrina so she lumped her vote in to ensure Katrina went home.   At that point, her using the idol would have been pointless.  The person she wanted to go home was going home.

The PO reminds me, as well, WAAY to much of Tony.  Again.....be a dick, go home.

Lastly....can't you see the bell hop in his little bell hop uniform?  The pillbox cap...the buttoned up shirt.  He'd look like a cartoon version of one for sure!

But, Chrissy is likely next on the chopping block.  If she saved Katrina, the 2 of them would have needed only 1 other vote (most likely Alan) to take over the tribe. Now, she seems to be almost hopelessly at the bottom as the last "weakling" in a tribe that keeps talking about keeping strong players.  

I think her only hope now is that either:

a) Alan ratchets up the crazy and the rest of the tribe wants him gone despite his ability in challenges.

b) The "power couple" really starts coupling and Alan is able to convince Ben that one of them needs to go.

Both of those hopes depend upon other players behaving stupidly  

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I just think he’s pigeonholed himself into a spot for online fodder

I think the pigeonholing is done by Production, and all contestants are, shall we say, strongly encouraged to reinforce it in every confessional and talking head.

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This is probably an unpopular opinion, but there's bullying and then there's bullying. I grew up in a time when you used the term for any type of picking on someone, and since there were definitely some threatening overtones in Joe's little convo with Mike it's the term I used.

How evil that is? It was a one time thing in a competition, and we all have to learn how to deal with various types of social manipulation.  That's actually healthy and functional. I'm not really horribly upset by it.

I consider bullying to be a consistent pattern of harassment or more extreme and hurtful than just the pressure Joe exerted. What occurred on BB was bullying in italics.

But I did want to point out that I might be using the term a bit differently and more casually than some other people do.

Edited by simplyme
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7 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

Didn't work that way for Denise, right?

As for Ryan and his idol, it's only for one vote, why not show it to someone?  I think that was a good move.

Denise is one exception to the rule.  And obviously, we've seen younger tribe mates fall victim in a 3 tribe season when older contestants survived (thinking of WA apart when So got voted out, but her target was Carolyn due to being older).  Whether a bigger tribe would have helped Katrina or not, who knows.  It doesn't appear that she was scrambling, and I would have thought the show would have shown that.  Although then I remember what show I'm talking about ;)  Alan and his paranoia was a more interesting red herring.  Plus, what was up with him telling Katrina and Chrissy no one had approached him yet?  Was that footage from earlier in the game and not on day 3?

4 minutes ago, simplyme said:

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but there's bullying and then there's bullying. I grew up in a time when you used the term for any type of picking on someone, and since there were definitely some threatening overtones in Joe's little convo with Mike it's the term I used.

How evil that is? It was a one time thing in a competition, and we all have to learn how to deal with various types of social manipulation.  That's actually healthy and functional. I'm not really horribly upset by it.

I consider bullying to be a consistent pattern of harassment or more extreme and hurtful than just the pressure Joe exerted. What occurred on BB was bullying in italics.

But I did want to point out that I might be using the term a bit differently and more casually than some other people do.

I agree.  I think Joe was just trying to throw his muscle around.  Whether he knows it or not, the rest of his alliance will probably let him dig his own hole.  He had to be the hero and go find Mike to let him know what he was up to.  Which I was saying to myself, 'and?'  Has Joe never seen the show before?  Does Mike need permission to go look for the idol?  I think he was trying to intimidate him, but I don't know if I'd say he was outright bullying him.  Same with Alan, who've I've seen called a bully for nagging on JP about the idol until he ended up pulling his pants down.  I don't know exactly what Alan was trying to do, except create paranoia, but I'm thinking the clip of him saying that was his goal, and what we actually saw, are two different instances.  He really has a bug up his sleeve about JP/Ashley.  Which a 90 minute premiere might have helped explain.

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2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I was confused by some of the comments so I rewatched that part and JP just dropped his pants on his own, Alan didn't ask him to strip. He (Alan) said something like "I know that idol is in your pants" and JP just let it all hang out.

I'm gonna go with the unpopular opinion here and say that, while I'm not particularly fond of the parole officer, he did not, in any way shape or form, bully the doctor. It's really a pet peeve of mine how people throw that word around like it's nothing. He was kind of a dick but there was no harassment or threats or hurtful insults or anything even remotely resembling that. The two of them had a conversation, confronting someone about something isn't bullying. 

I agree about Joe.   I can't stand him, but he wasn't "bullying" the Prick Doctor.  He was interrogating him.  I was on Mike's side, as I like him much better, but Mike was getting uncomfortable because he knew Joe sensed he was lying about searching for the idol.   We're all grownups here, not 6th graders,  and with adults, the treatment of a person has to reach a pretty high level of abusiveness before it should be called "bullying".  

If I were in Mike's spot (or JP's with Alan), I think I would either say:

1) "Yeah, I found an idol...3 idols in fact,  a cache of food, and an advantage that allows me to throw jackass parole officers/football players out of the game whenever I want.  Have you found anything?" or

2) "Back off!  Maybe I looked,  maybe I didn't.  Maybe I found something, maybe I didn't.   It is none of your damned business unless I want it to be."

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15 minutes ago, Gummo said:

I think the pigeonholing is done by Production, and all contestants are, shall we say, strongly encouraged to reinforce it in every confessional and talking head.

I think production can encourage/reinforce what they want the people to say ("how are you a healer", etc) but I don't think they could have made himself call himself a "Sex Doctor" if he didn't want to be called that.  I feel like my perception is that urologists and proctologists perhaps struggle with telling people what they do for a living without eliciting snickers or guffaws enough as it is without the added embarrassment of being forced to tell people that they are "sex doctors".  He wanted to get people's attention, and now he's going to be an internet laughingstock.

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23 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

When I said “sex doctor, begone!”, it wasn’t because I didn’t like the guy, @KimberStormer. :) I just think he’s pigeonholed himself into a spot for online fodder, and for being picked on. And I do agree with you, I think Tony/TheSpecialist Jr was being mean to him. Bigger guy picking on the kid with glasses, back in the day in my schoolyard.

I actually don't like him at all LOL.  But that doesn't mean I'm happy to see him treated like that.

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