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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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10 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

It all comes down to one thing


LOL, does anybody know how many episodes they have this season?   I’m tired of looking at the Battleground weeds and broken down lawn mowers. I still don’t know why the didn’t show more of the motorcycle trip even if they had Chris and Amy shoot more themselves. Maybe TLC was afraid of Amy’s selfie angles. BTW going back to the hot dog episode are brown beans baked beans or something else?

If Zach and Tori are rolling in $$ from her Instagram and influencer stuff and the money received from TLC, why don't they hire a landscape company to come in and do something with that weed and dirt infested back yard? I remember Zach talking about what all he was going to do with the property including what trees he was going to plant. It seems like Zach is trying to recreate what he enjoyed on the farm for his kids. Nothing wrong with that but sitting out in a pile of weeds and dirt to grill hot dogs?? And I think he wanted baked beans with his hot dogs. 

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10 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Glad it's not a hearing loss. However, early intervention with a language delay and articulation concerns is warranted with Lilah in my opinion. I'm a long time early childhood teacher, post MS degree, and I'm not qualified in the least to assess Lilah. So neither is Tori. A speech pathologist will assess and know exactly what sounds Lilah can and cannot say and make a plan for treatment/therapy. Many states have FREE early intervention services for children under 3. Then, at 3, services can be gotten through public schools. Please Zach and Tori, give your daughter this opportunity.

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16 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Sometimes it DOES. 

I think Matt would.

My money would been Zach and Tori. They would gladly get in front of the camera for free. Zach sitting in his chair arms folded with a scowl on his face. Tori sitting next to him bitching about the FARM again. Anything to keep her audience happy and liking her Instagram posts and buying the stuff that she shills. 

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32 minutes ago, BAForever said:

Many states have FREE early intervention services for children under 3. Then, at 3, services can be gotten through public schools. Please Zach and Tori, give your daughter this opportunity.

I completely agree with you. 

I think it would be great for Tori to supplement the plan designed by a qualified professional to deal with Lilah's delayed speech that is serious, but not undertake the task herself.

Now that you revealed that the financial aspect of this therapy is usually taken care of by the district, I can't think of any other reason to decline such a valuable service.

I recall that on "The Little Couple" show the Klein's showed how their children benefitted from professional intervention for their impaired speech.

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3 hours ago, BAForever said:

Glad it's not a hearing loss. However, early intervention with a language delay and articulation concerns is warranted with Lilah in my opinion. I'm a long time early childhood teacher, post MS degree, and I'm not qualified in the least to assess Lilah. So neither is Tori. A speech pathologist will assess and know exactly what sounds Lilah can and cannot say and make a plan for treatment/therapy. Many states have FREE early intervention services for children under 3. Then, at 3, services can be gotten through public schools. Please Zach and Tori, give your daughter this opportunity.

I agree.  And if Tori is confident she is qualified to work with Lilah on speech development exercises, then why hasn’t she been doing that already? What was she waiting for?  (Rhetorical questions…my point is that I don’t think she really is qualified.)

Edited by Cancun
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20 minutes ago, Cancun said:

I agree.  And if Tori is confident she is qualified to work with Lilah on speech development exercises, then why hasn’t she been doing that already? What was she waiting for?  (Rhetorical questions…my point is that I don’t think she really is qualified.)

Zach said something about once Jackson is in school full time Tori will supposedly have the time.

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  • So Lilah can only get help after Jackson is in school full-time….um no get her professional help now.  Tori is aware of how Zach and Amy speak but thinks it’s a good idea to wait even longer on Lilah 🙄
  • Yes, Chris, we are well aware that you want Amy to continue with the costumes 🤭
  • Now Jackson, are you sure Michael was WAY behind you?  Because on my tv he won  😂
  • Are they going to have Amy talk about the farm in EVERY conversation?😏
  • I didn’t realize Matt’s dad died of Covid.  Did they say how long he was sick? At least they were able to see him before he died a lot of families were not able to do that.
Edited by Irate Panda
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Z and T's friends reminded me of the couple on Little life on the Prairie. This couple also had the double dominant gene issue and lost two kids to it. They ended up doing IVF and making sure they didn't get a double dominant embryo. I wonder if Mike and his wife have thought of that. I know money and thoughts on doing IVF can be a personal decision though.

Edited by ScorpioSoul
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10 hours ago, BAForever said:

and I'm not qualified in the least to assess Lilah. So neither is Tori

Has it ever been revealed just what teaching qualifications Tori has?   She's been coy about "attending" university, so I assume she doesn't have a B.Ed.   People like Amy Roloff and Anna Duggar (and Amber Johnston?) were "kindergarten/preschool teachers", too, in private schools that didn't require a degree or certification of any kind.  

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I didn’t know about the double dominant complication. I just read that Warwick Davis and his wife lost two children because of that as well. Very sad. The Wittuses seemed like a very nice couple and their little boy seemed nice especially compared to Jackson who I thought was being a little sh*t. You could tell they still carry so much sadness and grief, especially the mom. I just wanted to give her a hug.

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9 hours ago, ScorpioSoul said:

Z and T's friends reminded me of the couple on Little life on the Prairie. This couple also had the double dominant gene issue and lost two kids to it. They ended up doing IVF and making sure they didn't get a double dominant embryo. I wonder if Mike and his wife have thought of that. I know money and thoughts on doing IVF can be a personal decision though.

IVF could be a good option, but until my husband and I went through it, I had no idea how adamantly opposed some people are to “science”.  As a result of my experience, we discovered I carry the gene for cystic fibrosis.  My husband didn’t, but if he did, we had a  higher chance to have a baby with CF.  Ultimately, after 3 rounds of IVF, we adopted our daughter (this was always an option, and we started the process at same time as IVF).

But I ran into several people through the years who were vehemently against interfering with “God’s plan”.  At a First Communion for a friend’s child, the priest went off on a tangent about how “evil” it is that people try artificial methods to procreate.  He said children born through “meddling with nature and the Devine plan” were not really God’s children, shouldn’t be baptized, etc.  I’m not Catholic, but I was appalled.  One woman stood up and left in tears.  She had been going through IVF at the time.  

My sister worked with a woman who had several genetic issues that she shared with her husband.  They both had severe health problems, and were told by reproductive specialists that if they get pregnant, the odds were high the baby wouldn’t survive to term. And if the baby did, the chances of the child surviving  past infancy were very low.  They were both very religious, and believed God would decide what’s best for them.  IVF (and adoption) are not even a consideration. She suffered 4 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth and 2 of her babies died within days of being born.  They are still trying to have a “natural” baby despite the physical and mental toll on her health.  

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I am disappointed in Lilah's parents in waiting to give her the help she needs right away. Tori is a housewife; does not go out to work every day. No excuse for not starting professional therapy for Lilah right now and supplement that therapy at home. My son needed speech when he was under 2yrs old and our local school system took him in for FREE....started him in early preK at 3yrs old and continued speech with him. He caught up and now, at 31yrs old is an excellent communicator. I don't understand these two dolts. Lazy too.

BTW, if I remember correctly, Amy worked as a preschool teacher's aide; not as a teacher herself. Mostly, anyone can be an aide. In a nearby county school system where I live, any adult with a high school diploma can work as a teacher's assistant in the classroom. They assist; don't teach. Also, Anna Duggar never worked as anything. She did get an unaccredited early education certificate from one of those fundy schools. The "diploma" isn't worth the paper it's printed on in the real world. Anna is no teacher of anything IMO.

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3 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I am disappointed in Lilah's parents in waiting to give her the help she needs right away. Tori is a housewife; does not go out to work every day. No excuse for not starting professional therapy for Lilah right now and supplement that therapy at home. My son needed speech when he was under 2yrs old and our local school system took him in for FREE....started him in early preK at 3yrs old and continued speech with him. He caught up and now, at 31yrs old is an excellent communicator. I don't understand these two dolts. Lazy too.

Kudos to you FloridaMom and your family for recognizing your son's needs and getting help early. Probably 5 times in my career I've had a child enter my public school PreK with severe language delays. We always get them services as fast as possible, but outcome is ALWAYS improved with earlier intervention.

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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I slept through 90% of the show last night. Was Amy still bitching about the farm? 

She seemed to go on and on about if she would participate in pumpkin season which we know she did and we all got to see her in 'costume'!

She'll never pass up a buck!

1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

I didn’t know about the double dominant complication. I just read that Warwick Davis and his wife lost two children because of that as well. Very sad. The Wittuses seemed like a very nice couple and their little boy seemed nice especially compared to Jackson who I thought was being a little sh*t. You could tell they still carry so much sadness and grief, especially the mom. I just wanted to give her a hug.

Did you happen to see Jackson attack that chicken!  😯.  The camera moved away quickly but it was mean!

They better nip that behavior quickly!

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3 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

She also said something about the real estate market and had she known then what she knew now, she would have considered buying the other half of the farm to hang on to it for a year or two for one of the boys.  Something along those lines. 

Like money grubbing Amy would sell a $4 million dollar property to one of the boys for $2 million dollars!

Right Saint Amy!

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Good grief could Jackson be anymore full of himself?!?!… I guess it’s easy to “OWN” every place you walk into if you’re allowed to declare yourself the winner and not just by a nose but by a landslide, from my angle it was basically a tie with the other little boy possibly crossing the finish line first…. and what kind of “playing” is screaming “GET OUT OF MY WAY!!” Over and over… and Jackson grabbing and yanking the chickens tail feathers… ZiT have created a self important little jerk that thinks the world is his and the rest of us just live in it.

Does anyone know how long it takes before we’ll start to see a difference in Jackson’s legs?…. Last night watching him on the beach his legs looked just as bowed as ever, in fact maybe more  than usual.

Poor Lilah once again taking a backseat to Jackson’s schedule, so they’re going to wait until Jackson is back in school before Tori will start helping her with her speech??.. Why wait? It’s not like ZiT have jobs outside the home, why can’t they start now?… and better yet start taking her to a professional!

UGH! Everything about ZiT is so annoying, they’re a couple of idiots!

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A few thoughts...

I agree with everone else. Lilah should go to speech therapy immediately.

Zach was going on and on about Jackson realizing that he's a dwarf. Jackson was sitting right next to him. After overhearing Zach's conversation, it's safe to assume that Jackson knows something's up.

Zach and Tori seemed very concerned that Jackson would be rude to Michael. If they are worried that their son may treat other kids rudely, it's probably a problem that they need to address. If their kid has a problem with rudeness, it's their job to teach him not to be rude.

Edited by Libby
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I can't believe how casual and laissez faire they are being about Lilah's delay in speech.  They were thankfully given the very good news that there is nothing physically wrong with her ears and so you would assume that the next natural step would be to enroll her in speech therapy immediately.  I don't have kids and even I know that the first few years are the most important when it comes to development so what the hell are we waiting for?  Ah, right.  We gotta wait until Jackson goes to school full time.  Because otherwise, where would these two workaholics possibly find the time?  Those $elfie$ are gonna take themselves! 

Nope, instead we're just going to take it easy and hang out.  Wait for Tori to use those tools in her back pocket.  And in the meantime, have Jackson yell at Lilah from across the table, "Lilah, Can you say BALL?"  "Can you say JOSIAH?"  She can talk, he says.  No biggie everybody. Just hang and chill.

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3 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

I can't believe how casual and laissez faire they are being about Lilah's delay in speech.  They were thankfully given the very good news that there is nothing physically wrong with her ears and so you would assume that the next natural step would be to enroll her in speech therapy immediately.  I don't have kids and even I know that the first few years are the most important when it comes to development so what the hell are we waiting for?  Ah, right.  We gotta wait until Jackson goes to school full time.  Because otherwise, where would these two workaholics possibly find the time?  Those $elfie$ are gonna take themselves! 

Nope, instead we're just going to take it easy and hang out.  Wait for Tori to use those tools in her back pocket.  And in the meantime, have Jackson yell at Lilah from across the table, "Lilah, Can you say BALL?"  "Can you say JOSIAH?"  She can talk, he says.  No biggie everybody. Just hang and chill.

This!   Plus I think taking time to help Lilah would cut into their “Let’s worship and fawn all over everything Jackson does” time.

HELL NO!…we can’t have that! Jackson must be fussed over and complimented continuously!

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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Good grief could Jackson be anymore full of himself?!?!… I guess it’s easy to “OWN” every place you walk into if you’re allowed to declare yourself the winner and not just by a nose but by a landslide, from my angle it was basically a tie with the other little boy possibly crossing the finish line first…. and what kind of “playing” is screaming “GET OUT OF MY WAY!!” Over and over… and Jackson grabbing and yanking the chickens tail feathers… ZiT have created a self important little jerk that thinks the world is his and the rest of us just live in it.

Does anyone know how long it takes before we’ll start to see a difference in Jackson’s legs?…. Last night watching him on the beach his legs looked just as bowed as ever, in fact maybe more  than usual.

Poor Lilah once again taking a backseat to Jackson’s schedule, so they’re going to wait until Jackson is back in school before Tori will start helping her with her speech??.. Why wait? It’s not like ZiT have jobs outside the home, why can’t they start now?… and better yet start taking her to a professional!

UGH! Everything about ZiT is so annoying, they’re a couple of idiots!

LOL, yes, the other little boy won…that’s why I was like did Jackson really say Michael was WAY behind 😂 Z&T have pumped Jackson up so much it’s not doing him any favors.  I hope they correct his behavior before one of his schoolmates does.  

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When my daughter was almost 2, and not speaking as many words as my nieces and nephews at that age, I took her to her pediatrician to check her ears, look for any issues with her pallet, etc.  She found nothing abnormal, but suggested we go to a pediatric ENT.  He found no issues of concern, and said let’s check back in 3 mos.  We called Early Intervention.  We got setup with a speech therapist who came to my house once a week.  Within 6 months, my daughter was speaking simple sentences, and we stuck with the therapist for a year.  At 3yo, my city’s public school took over, therapy continued. She was speaking intelligible words and sentences by then, and they said she was ready to stop at 3 1/2.  No reason Z and T should wait to help Lilah!

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I knew before it happened that Jackson was going to bust his head when he was showing off to Michael. Hopefully, he will not do that again. And yes, either that little race they had was a close tie, or Michael won. That should have been a teaching moment on how to be a good sport. But this is ZiT after all.

So, Zach doesn't know how to pronounce "pronunciation". What a doofus. And Tori just thinks her Babe-Uh's stupidity is so hilarious.

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18 minutes ago, TipseyGirl said:

So, Zach doesn't know how to pronounce "pronunciation". What a doofus. And Tori just thinks her Babe-Uh's stupidity is so hilarious.

I’m surprised they openly mocked Amy.  I thought she was in their favor now that Caryn is not.  They called out Orgon and Parmesian and amblance but they forgot fustrated.

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25 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I’m surprised they openly mocked Amy.  I thought she was in their favor now that Caryn is not.  They called out Orgon and Parmesian and amblance but they forgot fustrated.

I was waiting for frustrated honestly and this is the sort of thing I mentioned months ago about Tori making fun of Zach (not the knucklehead stuff) just like when she had him pronounce different words online so she could laugh at him. I admit I think he’s dolt for reasons other than his speech, but this is her husband and father of her kids so it’s a little different when she openly mocks him, especially if her child has the issue.

As someone with ESL I’m hardly one to talk but for me it was the particular words they said wrong like the state they live or a common cheese used and Amy is a “cook”.  Honestly I wrote off not understanding Zach because he mumbles to me.  I don’t know if that ties into hearing or he’s just a mumbler.

Edited by Irate Panda
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3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Z&T have pumped Jackson up so much it’s not doing him any favors.  I hope they correct his behavior before one of his schoolmates does.  

I'm guessing it began happening the second week of school.  Jackson taking two months to get a reward for good behavior is an excellent indicator of how well he did not blend in with the other kids.  

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3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

LOL, yes, the other little boy won…that’s why I was like did Jackson really say Michael was WAY behind 😂 Z&T have pumped Jackson up so much it’s not doing him any favors.  I hope they correct his behavior before one of his schoolmates does.  

Not to worry.  Schoolmates, strangers and LIFE will be correcting little Jackson soon enough.  The parents may not verbalize "pumping up" to many viewers' satisfaction, but Zach knows what happens when people who are "different" get out into real-world situations.  That safe little cocoon is ripped right off and rarely is someone to help in the moment--or even understand.

Zach probably suffered a bit more because he was a twin of a "normal-size" person--and Jeremy was very cute.  Constant comparison. Who wouldn't want to give as much protection and "pumping up" to a child as long as possible?  

Zach has tried to explain that to viewers.  

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21 hours ago, BAForever said:

Glad it's not a hearing loss. However, early intervention with a language delay and articulation concerns is warranted with Lilah in my opinion. I'm a long time early childhood teacher, post MS degree, and I'm not qualified in the least to assess Lilah. So neither is Tori. A speech pathologist will assess and know exactly what sounds Lilah can and cannot say and make a plan for treatment/therapy. Many states have FREE early intervention services for children under 3. Then, at 3, services can be gotten through public schools. Please Zach and Tori, give your daughter this opportunity.

YES! To everything you said. If Tori thinks she can utilize her "toolbox" of sketchy tools that she has NOT acquired by having an advanced degree in speech therapy...well...alrighty then! She hasn't used them yet with Lilah and barely talks to her or even reads to her. She's more emotionally involved with the great and brilliant Jackson.

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49 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

Not to worry.  Schoolmates, strangers and LIFE will be correcting little Jackson soon enough.  The parents may not verbalize "pumping up" to many viewers' satisfaction, but Zach knows what happens when people who are "different" get out into real-world situations.  That safe little cocoon is ripped right off and rarely is someone to help in the moment--or even understand.

Zach probably suffered a bit more because he was a twin of a "normal-size" person--and Jeremy was very cute.  Constant comparison. Who wouldn't want to give as much protection and "pumping up" to a child as long as possible?  

Zach has tried to explain that to viewers.  

Pumping up is one thing but being totally obsessed with one child over the others is another thing...their favoritism of Jackson with the constant complimenting of him, piling on with praise to everything he does and seemingly never disciplining of him are all negative things that will inevitably bite them all in the ass. Personally, I found it hilarious how Tori and Zach said how great Jackson and their friend's son were getting along and then the camera shot over to them on the four wheel toy cars with Jackson yelling/demanding the other kid "Get out of my way!!" several times or declaring himself the winner of the foot race when he clearly lost...someone somewhere will burst his balloon and it won't be his family.

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10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

She seemed to go on and on about if she would participate in pumpkin season which we know she did and we all got to see her in 'costume'!

She'll never pass up a buck!

Did you happen to see Jackson attack that chicken!  😯.  The camera moved away quickly but it was mean!

They better nip that behavior quickly!

OMG!!! That was shocking!!! I was appalled...that kid is out of control. The jumping on the bed and hitting his head, the reckless driving of his toy car, grabbing a chicken by it's feathers...his behavior goes unchecked by two parents who think he's the most adorable, smart, cute little boy that ever lived. 

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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30 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Pumping up is one thing but being totally obsessed with one child over the others is another thing...their favoritism of Jackson with the constant complimenting of him, piling on with praise to everything he does and seemingly never disciplining of him are all negative things that will inevitably bite them all in the ass. Personally, I found it hilarious how Tori and Zach said how great Jackson and their friend's son were getting along and then the camera shot over to them on the four wheel toy cars with Jackson yelling/demanding the other kid "Get out of my way!!" several times or declaring himself the winner of the foot race when he clearly lost...someone somewhere will burst his balloon and it won't be his family.


I wish I could “like” your post a million times because it describes the situation perfectly. 👍🏻

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1 hour ago, Back Atcha said:

Not to worry.  Schoolmates, strangers and LIFE will be correcting little Jackson soon enough.  The parents may not verbalize "pumping up" to many viewers' satisfaction, but Zach knows what happens when people who are "different" get out into real-world situations.  That safe little cocoon is ripped right off and rarely is someone to help in the moment--or even understand.

Zach probably suffered a bit more because he was a twin of a "normal-size" person--and Jeremy was very cute.  Constant comparison. Who wouldn't want to give as much protection and "pumping up" to a child as long as possible?  

Zach has tried to explain that to viewers.  

I think supporting your child to instill good self-esteem and confidence is one thing but Zach and Tori seem to go overboard with Jackson and I think there’s lessons he could learn like being a good sport when he lost the race or at best tied, but instead we have Jackson over exaggerating or lying about the race (not that I blame him, he doesn’t know any better).  Also, why don’t they “pump up” Lilah the same way, when she will face the same challenges, if not more. 

I do believe Zach had a rough time during his childhood because of his size.  I think having a twin hurt and helped him.  It was undoubtedly a constant comparison, but I do think he probably had more of a “social life” at times because Amy forced Jeremy to include Zach and eventually at least some of those people did become Zach friends. In the moment, I think Zach resented it rightly so, but in the end  he might be happy he met at least some of these people. I think Zach was introverted and I’m not sure either parent supported separate activities  for the twins.  I watched this as a child so my memory is not great.

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19 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Are they going to have Amy talk about the farm in EVERY conversation?😏

Apparently they are along with Chris and Amy's friends none of whom have any ownership interest in the farm. Amy can't get over that she no longer has any say over the farm. She will go to her grave being pissed about this. 

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I've tried to explain this before, but giving a child an overly inflated view of themselves because the world/school/life will begin tearing them down, pretty much guarantees that they will be torn down.  Adults generally don't like braggarts and children tend to react similarly.  A pompous, arrogant, or full of himself child will surely be picked on to bring them back down to size from the false pinnacle.

"Pumping up" a child with unearned false confidence is not a likely successful path.  Too many compliments for not outstanding performance will in the end backfire.  What the kids really need is to be successful in their efforts and to find activities where they attain real accomplishment.  Pride and arrogance are the more likely result of "pumping up" than true self-confidence. 

Jackson is a walking example.  Tori proclaiming Jackson owned the room is not helpful.  Teaching Jackson how to make friends and negotiate with them would be far more helpful.  Being realistic rather than living in a fantasy world where Jackson or their other children don't figure out that they are little people is doomed.  Teaching them the skills to deal with the obstacles in life and showing them how to overcome the barriers is what they need.

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11 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I've tried to explain this before, but giving a child an overly inflated view of themselves because the world/school/life will begin tearing them down, pretty much guarantees that they will be torn down.  Adults generally don't like braggarts and children tend to react similarly.  A pompous, arrogant, or full of himself child will surely be picked on to bring them back down to size from the false pinnacle.

"Pumping up" a child with unearned false confidence is not a likely successful path.  Too many compliments for not outstanding performance will in the end backfire.  What the kids really need is to be successful in their efforts and to find activities where they attain real accomplishment.  Pride and arrogance are the more likely result of "pumping up" than true self-confidence. 

Jackson is a walking example.  Tori proclaiming Jackson owned the room is not helpful.  Teaching Jackson how to make friends and negotiate with them would be far more helpful.  Being realistic rather than living in a fantasy world where Jackson or their other children don't figure out that they are little people is doomed.  Teaching them the skills to deal with the obstacles in life and showing them how to overcome the barriers is what they need.

Well said ❤️

We all know that at some point Jackson will probably be targeted by other children because he’s a dwarf but Zach and Tori are adding fuel to the fire by making him an unsympathetic character… as you said… no one likes a braggart.

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2 hours ago, Absolom said:

I've tried to explain this before, but giving a child an overly inflated view of themselves because the world/school/life will begin tearing them down, pretty much guarantees that they will be torn down.  Adults generally don't like braggarts and children tend to react similarly.  A pompous, arrogant, or full of himself child will surely be picked on to bring them back down to size from the false pinnacle.

"Pumping up" a child with unearned false confidence is not a likely successful path.  Too many compliments for not outstanding performance will in the end backfire.  What the kids really need is to be successful in their efforts and to find activities where they attain real accomplishment.  Pride and arrogance are the more likely result of "pumping up" than true self-confidence. 

Jackson is a walking example.  Tori proclaiming Jackson owned the room is not helpful.  Teaching Jackson how to make friends and negotiate with them would be far more helpful.  Being realistic rather than living in a fantasy world where Jackson or their other children don't figure out that they are little people is doomed.  Teaching them the skills to deal with the obstacles in life and showing them how to overcome the barriers is what they need.

This! Years ago, I would say things like "you're so smart" to kids. Now I know a better thing to say is "You worked hard on that reading" or "You're getting so good at writing your name, that happens when you keep trying". Applaud  true effort not the ability. Research indicates this is much better for students' self-esteem and future learning. 

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