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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

  I guess it’s safer than leaving it unattended on the kitchen island.

New to this show, have skipped around and seen prob about 1/2 of all episodes. Got into Zach and Tori's new house episodes recently. Tori plopped toddler Lyla on the kitchen island. I'm screaming at the TV how careless/dangerous that is. So I'm guessing it's a pattern? These people.....

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On 11/6/2022 at 8:44 PM, BAForever said:

New to this show, have skipped around and seen prob about 1/2 of all episodes. Got into Zach and Tori's new house episodes recently. Tori plopped toddler Lyla on the kitchen island. I'm screaming at the TV how careless/dangerous that is. So I'm guessing it's a pattern? These people.....

Yeah, like last season Lyla running into a tree on the battery operated vehicle.  Or, Jackson lingering over a filthy body of rushing water.  It would be like a running joke on the show, if it wasn’t so disgustingly inappropriate.  

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Hilariously at about eight minutes into the new episode Matt states that he never sat down with both Jeremy and Zach over the farm. Even though he's been running them down for refusing the great offer that he made to them. Which is it, Matt?

The contrast of Chris playing with the kids versus Caryn talking about not seeing the kids was an interesting editorial choice. Chris also teases Amy pretty well. He is interested in the farm sale and was surprised at the price. 

Caryn does concede something got said in the meeting that she wishes they could discuss because she didn't mean it "that way". 

Matt meanwhile hangs with his old friend Cowboy Bob and maintains now that while he repeatedly called the place a legacy to the family, he never said "inherit". The convo with Bob seemed really forced, like Bob had a list of questions and comments to make. Matt also now says he assumed all of the kids would work together to work at and live on the farm as a team. It seriously seemed staged for Matt.

Very little actually happened.

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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, like last season Lyla running into a tree on the battery operated vehicle.  Or, Jackson lingering over a filthy body of rushing water.  It would be like a running joke on the show, if it wasn’t so disgustingly inappropriate.  

Yeah and Tori had the remote in her hands and didn't know how to operate it. She sat there laughing but Zach seem pretty put out wit her. 

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On 11/2/2022 at 1:36 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

Matt is such a whiner and seems to be playing around with some revisionist history. He said MANY times he wanted one of the kids or several of the kids to inherit the farm. He never said he wanted any of them to buy it...at least he never said it on the air. At this point I don't give a rat's ass about his farm and apparently no one else does either as Matt has had ZERO offers to buy it. From what I've read, no one wants to be a part of the family drama and no one wants to buy a property with all those ricketty "play" structures that would cost a fortune to demolish and cart away. He thought he was being so savvy by putting it on the market when it was a sellers market...unfortunately for Matt, he put it up for sale at the tail end of the seller's market and got zero bites. The market turned around quickly in late spring to a buyers market and prices went down. Now the house is an ARBNB...great strategizing there Matt.

Seriously, I find this new angle so confusing because I distinctly remember, especially around the time the first grandkids were getting born, that Matt was going on and on about how great having the farm was because it was truly part of a legacy for the grandkids and for the family. None of that was anything about "well of course they'll have to pay me for it". Surely if he couldn't afford to take care of the place, he could have gone to the kids and asked them to buy in and then when he passed, leave his part to them. It's just so odd to see him act like he never acted like the farm was inheritance. In fact I would bet money that all the way back when he was buying all that land and building all those "attractions" on there, his justification for all of it was "this is going to be a legacy to leave our kids, Amy, and it will just go up in value." 

But honestly I find the whole thing puzzling because at this point in his life, unless he's somehow totally broke, why does Matt need to worry about money to the point where he decided to sell the farm? Hire someone to do upkeep, it can't be that hard. Being broke is the only reason I could think of why he would decide to sell it and not to his kids (who he could have let only buy parts, or work on paying him for it over the course of a few years, etc). He's an older guy with specific health issues, he doesn't have to worry about 20 years from now what money he'll survive on. He's got another house in another state, he's got a partner, what in the world would make him suddenly decide "I need to sell this farm and cut the kids out and damage my relationship with them and jeopardize my relationship with my grandkids, all the while acting like they're the bad guys."

And then after all that, they couldn't sell it. How pointless.

Edited by missnoa
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Matt is no different from most people who reach a certain age and they have to stop and take stock of how they will pay for care should they become infirm and not able to care for themselves. Matt has a lot of health problems.  Caryn is not his wife and she is not treated as his wife by some of the kids.  Matt wants to build a house on part of the farm that he plans to keep. So I assume he needs funds for this and he says that he is paying off a mortgage that he took out to buy Amy's share of the farm. He is 60 not ready to be put out to pasture yet. The kids can wait for their inheritance like most kids do. He is only selling a small part of the farm so he is not cutting his kids out.

Two seasons of this farm saga is getting really tiring. 

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I wasn’t the type of parent that put bubble wrap around my kid, but safety was a priority.  We had helmets, knee pads, life jackets, buckles and harnesses to keep our kids protected from the time they were babies until present teen years.  I do not understand how Zach and Tori can make Jackson and Lilah wear helmets for their scooters, but then let Jackson RIDE IN THE BUCKET of the tractor?!?! And let Lilah bounce around in the seat with just Zach’s arm casually draped around her. WTF??

And that property looks shittier and shittier every time it’s shown. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say.  Zach and Tori act like they landed smack dab in the middle of some National Geographic documentary about the wild beauty of the Pacific Northwest.  Muddy lot pinned in by trailer parks and commercial buildings.  Overgrown weed-choked field.  And the culvert full of God knows what runoff.  Yes, very cinematic…”A River (of filth) Runs Through It” vibes for sure.

Every time I see Jackson’s legs, I cringe.  I know it’s my own ignorance of dwarfism, and my lack of understanding the condition he and other kids with dwarfism have.  It just looks so painful to me.  I really hope the surgery he had will help prevent future discomfort, or God forbid, turn into a more challenging or debilitating situation. 

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2 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Every time I see Jackson’s legs, I cringe.  I know it’s my own ignorance of dwarfism, and my lack of understanding the condition he and other kids with dwarfism have.  It just looks so painful to me.  I really hope the surgery he had will help prevent future discomfort, or God forbid, turn into a more challenging or debilitating situation. 

I think he NEEDS surgery in the future.  I can't understand how that "bow" isn't painful.  He's such a special kid...and there MUST be something that can make his legs straighter without too many procedures...and pain.  

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2 hours ago, Eme said:

So wish Matt and Karen would get off the show. 

Caryn first.  It's possible she sticks around only to be on television.  She managed some parts of the business before the Roloffs split up; she probably knows exactly how much money is involved. 

I would like their "happy lives" to skid to a halt when no marriage happens and Caryn realizes, therefore, she's not "entitled" to any of the property, income, or money provided by Matt.  No, Caryn...no matter how much planning you do for the new house--  No matter how much you interfered in a family business deal that involved Roloff children's possibly taking over some of the Roloff Farms properties and business--  You might be left out in the cold...especially if the children are "somehow" forced into making the legal decisions.

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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

He is only selling a small part of the farm so he is not cutting his kids out.

It ain't necessarily so.

4 hours ago, missnoa said:

But honestly I find the whole thing puzzling because at this point in his life, unless he's somehow totally broke, why does Matt need to worry about money to the point where he decided to sell the farm?

EGO!  I think he was always a selfish adult--secretive about money and all his "deals," that Dumb Bunny Amy "could never possibly understand."  Sadly, he was a little boy with a lot of medical difficulties--many hospitalizations and surgeries that kept him away from his family.  People probably catered to him at the time he needed it...and he grew into a human expecting everything to go his way.  He grew into a First Class Jerk.

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On 11/8/2022 at 8:13 PM, BusyOctober said:

 We had helmets, knee pads, life jackets, buckles and harnesses to keep our kids protected from the time they were babies until present teen years.  I do not understand how Zach and Tori can make Jackson and Lilah wear helmets for their scooters, but then let Jackson RIDE IN THE BUCKET of the tractor?!?! And let Lilah bounce around in the seat with just Zach’s arm casually draped around her. WTF??

I'm a different generation; my sons are in their mid-50s.  They rode bikes, created ramps, skated, rollerbladed and never had a knee pad or helmet.  They had car seats when they were babies, but they were fabric with "hooks" that fit over the seatback.  Stopping suddenly caused the seat AND car seat to pitch a baby forward--sometimes into a METAL dashboard.

My sisters and I weren't farm kids, but there were dairy farms, pastures, irrigation ditches, and canals in our wide-wide neighborhood.  We covered MILES on our bike while our mother (supporting us on her own) was at work...and public transportation was a 2-hr ideal for her every day--one way.  We grew up without broken bones, missing teeth, STITCHES, lowered IQs, police records, etc. 

Edited by Back Atcha
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Okay I’m totally confused… maybe someone can explain.

Matt built what was described as the garage for his new house and to me it looked like it was near the wedding barn but when Caryn was walking with cowboy bob’s wife (sorry I don’t recall her name) she pointed to a huge mound of dirt that looked to be in a completely different area and said that’s where the new house will be located… so he’s no longer building his dream home near the garage?

The entire episode seemed like a fake script with everyone reading their parts…. *snore*

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MOO is that Matt is selling the house and acreage for money and also saying goodbye to the old!

To be able to follow his dreams he needs money.  Money to payoff Amy and money to build his and Caryn new home.

It will be interesting to see if this new plan for renting out the old house works out.

It doesn't seem the house and land were on the market long enough to sell.  I wonder if money wise he's struggling.

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I really feel bad for Lilah, does anyone one of them ever pay any attention to her?! Chris gifts Jackson with his own fish or frog or whatever it was. And now gifts him with a bike. And poor Lilah is always left on her own, roaming somewhere in the background. I was passed when Jackson got the bike and Lilah got nothing. As usual.

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6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Okay I’m totally confused… maybe someone can explain.

Matt built what was described as the garage for his new house and to me it looked like it was near the wedding barn but when Caryn was walking with cowboy bob’s wife (sorry I don’t recall her name) she pointed to a huge mound of dirt that looked to be in a completely different area and said that’s where the new house will be located… so he’s no longer building his dream home near the garage?

Well, the garage was built on the whim to draw attention away from Amy's wedding and to irritate her so it may not have been well planned. I know the design at one point was that Matt wanted a covered attached walkway from the garage to the new house. Personally I always thought this meant the new house had to be placed in a pretty specific spot but in this episode, Matt alluded to the idea that instead of going with a dream house designed to his exact specification, he is going with something where the plans are already made and it can be adjusted a little. This may mean no covered walkway from the massive garage. 

2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

It will be interesting to see if this new plan for renting out the old house works out.

Matt took out a mortgage of 875k. Thats a monthly bill of approximately 5k+ a month. That's a lot of Airbnb rentals to break even. 

It was delayed birthday present because Chris couldn't go to the party.  On that basis, I'd exempt him.  Lilah does seem to get a backseat except with Amy.  She goes out of her way to include Lilah and to call to her to join with the family.  If in the next year or so we don't see something from Chris especially for her birthday, then I'll join the complaining.  

Edited by Absolom
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More of the constant anger and going on and on about the farm.  Chris again very concerned about how much money will make when it’s sold.  MYOB Chris!  Get over it angry little troll Zach and your frumpy wife!  Apparently there has been no “recanazation” from Matt and Caryn🤣.   Advice for Caryn, forget them and just enjoy your own grandson.  Jackson didn’t care about that used bike, he went right back to his scooter.    Amy had more fun on it than he did in the “postage stamp” of a park.  

Thought it was interesting that Matt said again that Zach came in with a lot of demands and then specifically mentioned maintenance.  Did Zach want Matt to pay to maintain his property even after he owned it?   I think there is so much we don’t know about the negotiations and never will.  

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1 hour ago, Endora said:

More of the constant anger and going on and on about the farm.  Chris again very concerned about how much money will make when it’s sold.  MYOB Chris!  

I mean, as a realtor, why wouldn't he be interested? I was surprised that Chris said Matt set the price much higher than he had discussed with Chris... and if he's discussing pricing with Chris then he made it Chris's business in my opinion. Matt shouldn't have discussed pricing the place with Chris if he also wants Chris to mind his own business.

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4 hours ago, Endora said:

More of the constant anger and going on and on about the farm.  Chris again very concerned about how much money will make when it’s sold.  MYOB Chris!  Get over it angry little troll Zach and your frumpy wife!  Apparently there has been no “recanazation” from Matt and Caryn🤣.   Advice for Caryn, forget them and just enjoy your own grandson.  Jackson didn’t care about that used bike, he went right back to his scooter.    Amy had more fun on it than he did in the “postage stamp” of a park.  

Thought it was interesting that Matt said again that Zach came in with a lot of demands and then specifically mentioned maintenance.  Did Zach want Matt to pay to maintain his property even after he owned it?   I think there is so much we don’t know about the negotiations and never will.  

We'll know what went on when they find a way to monetize it at a price they're happy with. 

4 hours ago, Endora said:

More of the constant anger and going on and on about the farm.  Chris again very concerned about how much money will make when it’s sold.  MYOB Chris!  Get over it angry little troll Zach and your frumpy wife!  Apparently there has been no “recanazation” from Matt and Caryn🤣.   Advice for Caryn, forget them and just enjoy your own grandson.  Jackson didn’t care about that used bike, he went right back to his scooter.    Amy had more fun on it than he did in the “postage stamp” of a park.  

Chris was definitely in full blown ass kisser 💋mode, if he keeps this up they’ll need a surgeon to remove his lips from ZiTs rear end.      
It’s really embarrassing how hard he’s trying to replace their actual grandpa Matt.    
Chris needs to back off, it’s very unattractive. 👎🏻

What Jackson needs is a “balance bike” not a standard bike, Will and Zoey the dwarf children on the “Little Couple” both had balance bikes to learn on and they were zooming around in no time and quickly switched to regular bikes after learning to balance a 2 wheeler.

Jackson was struggling on that used bike but typical know-it-all Jackson says it was “easy peasy” ya riiight 🙄… then he immediately dumped the Chris bike, grabbed his 3 wheeled toddler skateboard and zoomed around making himself the center of attention AS USUAL while Lilah was ignored.

He was bossing Lilah around when she tried to help Josiah, I used to really enjoy Jackson but his bullying and bossing is not fun to watch and I’m tired of his antics… not cute at all.

Tori and her smart ass “the dove took that olive leaf to a different island “ might wind up regretting her snotty remarks, at this point I hope Matt leaves his estate to Caryn, Molly and Jacob…. Forget about the twins… Jer and Auj don’t need it and ZiT don’t deserve it.

I’d love to see ZiT left high and dry with no inheritance.  😂

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13 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

 Chris knows exactly what he's up to. Amy doesn't realize it. 

I've never liked Chris and this new Chris is a freakshow, DUDE, STAY IN YOUR LANE!

His new found love of children and need to stick his big nose in to Matt's position is fucking CREEPY to say the least.

He's also way too interested in Matt's business and keeping tabs on the farmhouse, he's like a stalker.... If I was Matt I'd distance myself from the guy. 

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Talking about the stuff that’s about the storyline doesn’t bother me that much.  I accept it for the most part, because it’s the nature of realty tv.  Except that I  have had enough with the house deal already. I’m tired of that.  But, no doubt the producers told the cast members what they should talk about.  If not, we’d be at the mercy of anything that comes to their minds….Hey Caryn, my corns are killing me.  When is my podiatrist appointment?; Amy, where’d you put that massage oil?; Matt, can you fill my gas tank when you go to the store?…..I mean, who wants that?  Lol. 

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Shut up Zack...Caryn may not be immediate family,  but she's in the family.  I think she had a right in being somewhat  involved in the sale of her fiance's farm.  Zac is such an ass saying he doesn't want Caryn to see Josiah.    Grow up.  I really am growing to dislike him.   And enough with spitting out kids already.

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28 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

Jackson’s legs look even worse than before!

Tori’s gold eyeshadow and fake eyelashes while she’s having a c-section…so cringey. 

Was she really having the c section when this was shown? Because her major surgery/c section would not allow any makeup of any kind including fake eyelashes. At least that was I was told last year when I had surgery to repair a broken bone and this year for gallbladder removal. This may have been staged for the show. I can't belive they would let her go to surgery with this smeared on her face. Maybe they made allowances for the TV star.

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Isn’t Chris a real estate agent? It makes sense to me that he would keep up on the farm listing. That’s what real estate agents do. I live in a tourist area and it’s practically a full contact sport. 

Yes you can wear makeup to a C-section. Women do it all the time. In a typical c-section the mother is awake and not intubated so no need to tape anything to her face. Oxygen, if needed, is typically delivered by nasal cannula so the mother can continue to speak easily. I used to sell the equipment.

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Yeah, you know, family dynamics are weird. I’m not defending anyone here, but I’ve got a 6-month old nephew that I’ve never met and I live a mile away from my brother and sister-in-law. I went to their house the day my family was visiting to meet him and they didn’t answer the door when I rang the bell. Between them they have multiple iPhones on them, apple watches and an elaborate high definition home surveillance system that is connected to all their devices. There’s no way they didn’t know I was standing on their porch to deliver my baby gift and say a quick hello, and the excuses were pretty bogus. My sister-in-law has some sort of grizz on for me and I have no idea why. I don’t take it personally. I don’t like that they’re making a story line out of the situation with Caryn. It’s Zach and Tori’s choice just like it’s my brother and sister-in-law’s choice. 

ETA: They never thanked me for the baby gift either 😝

Edited by RedDelicious
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Children have to be carefully taught to hate the people their relatives hate……as the song goes.  (Oscar &Hammerstein)I hope Z and T realize what there’re doing before it’s too late.  The more I see from them, the more I disrespect them, but I also pity them.  They seem to be very insensitive themselves.  They choose to deprive their children in order to feed their revenge.  And, there’re so flip about everything.  It’s not very smart.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Caryn had the option to tell Matt that she didn't want to attend the meeting. A significant other with any sense knows that you don't get involved between your partner and their kids, especially regarding finances. If she cared that much about her relationship with Zach and his family, she wouldn't have wanted to attend the meeting and risk jeopardizing her relationship with them. Then, she not only attended the meeting, she apparently had a lot to say in it. Obviously Matt's farm and Matt's money were more important to her than Zach, Tori, and their children. So she has Matt, the farm, and the money. What is she complaining about?

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I didn’t hear Caryn admit to making derogatory  remarks to anyone.  Z and T are motivated by entitlement and greed, based on what I’ve seen.  If the negotiations broke down due to Caryn’s input that they leave, due to a difference of opinion about price, I can see how Z and T put the spin that it’s her fault.  Perhaps, Caryn even said, yall need to leave, before things get ugly. I can understand not wanting things to get out of hand.    (I can also see Matt wanting a witness at the meeting. I bet he wished he taped it.) I can see that happening and how that’s why they say it was Caryn’s fault.  Regardless, the end result are two vindictive parents who are using their kids for payback.  Eventually, that kind of behavior comes back to bite you.  They’ll see.  It might take years, but it’ll come back on them.  Of course, the way they are, they might not care.  I am tired of the storyline though.  Enough already.  Maybe, Z and T can witch about some other people soon.  

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12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I didn’t hear Caryn admit to making derogatory  remarks to anyone.  Z and T are motivated by entitlement and greed, based on what I’ve seen.  If the negotiations broke down due to Caryn’s input that they leave, due to a difference of opinion about price, I can see how Z and T put the spin that it’s her fault.  Perhaps, Caryn even said, yall need to leave, before things get ugly. I can understand not wanting things to get out of hand.    (I can also see Matt wanting a witness at the meeting. I bet he wished he taped it.)

I said derogatory or disrespectful, and didn't she say as much to Matt's friend's wife when they were walking and talking? I'm pretty sure she admitted to saying things she probably shouldn't have. But regardless, Caryn as a witness doesn't make any sense because at the end of the day it's still just their word against Matt's. If Caryn doesn't have any legal ownership to any part of the farm, which we believe she does not, she had no business being there. That alone would have escalated tensions before the meeting began. Jumping in as Matt's flying monkey (which is a term related to narcissists and narcissistic abuse) was like gas on a fire already burning.

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2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

Yeah, you know, family dynamics are weird. I’m not defending anyone here, but I’ve got a 6-month old nephew that I’ve never met and I live a mile away from my brother and sister-in-law. I went to their house the day my family was visiting to meet him and they didn’t answer the door when I rang the bell. Between them they have multiple iPhones on them, apple watches and an elaborate high definition home surveillance system that is connected to all their devices. There’s no way they didn’t know I was standing on their porch to deliver my baby gift and say a quick hello, and the excuses were pretty bogus. My sister-in-law has some sort of grizz on for me and I have no idea why. I don’t take it personally. I don’t like that they’re making a story line out of the situation with Caryn. It’s Zach and Tori’s choice just like it’s my brother and sister-in-law’s choice. 

ETA: They never thanked me for the baby gift either 😝

Totally understand. I have a niece who is now nine years old and I have seen her about five times in her life. And to tell you the truth it doesn’t bother me at all. My brother never felt like keeping close to me in the last 40 years and now he harasses me to come and see my niece  ( 5 hour drive) but I really don’t have any feelings and that’s fine with me. Not everyone is connected to their family for many reasons. That’s life. 

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On 11/8/2022 at 10:13 PM, BusyOctober said:

I wasn’t the type of parent that put bubble wrap around my kid, but safety was a priority.  We had helmets, knee pads, life jackets, buckles and harnesses to keep our kids protected from the time they were babies until present teen years.  I do not understand how Zach and Tori can make Jackson and Lilah wear helmets for their scooters, but then let Jackson RIDE IN THE BUCKET of the tractor?!?! And let Lilah bounce around in the seat with just Zach’s arm casually draped around her. WTF??

And that property looks shittier and shittier every time it’s shown. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say.  Zach and Tori act like they landed smack dab in the middle of some National Geographic documentary about the wild beauty of the Pacific Northwest.  Muddy lot pinned in by trailer parks and commercial buildings.  Overgrown weed-choked field.  And the culvert full of God knows what runoff.  Yes, very cinematic…”A River (of filth) Runs Through It” vibes for sure.

Every time I see Jackson’s legs, I cringe.  I know it’s my own ignorance of dwarfism, and my lack of understanding the condition he and other kids with dwarfism have.  It just looks so painful to me.  I really hope the surgery he had will help prevent future discomfort, or God forbid, turn into a more challenging or debilitating situation. 

I couldn't agree more with everything you said. Zach keeps trying to recreate his childhood on Roloff Farm but his property is n ot a farm...I wish he would quit calling it a farm..it isn't. It's just house on a large piece of weird property surrounded by a lot of crap with a raging body of water that cuts through it that probably has waste of all kinds in it. The "yard" is just a mud hole. Putting those kids in the tractor the way he did literally made me cringe. Jackson in the bucket of the tractor made me angry at the lax attitude Zach has towards the safety of his kids. Anything could go wrong with that...especially in the mud soaked terrain he was using the tractor on. 

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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17 minutes ago, Absolom said:

He was just copying dear old Dad.

Exactly, they showed pics of the kids in Matt’s tractor buckets too but the difference for me is in the last 20-30 yrs since Matt’s kids were allowed to be transported about in tractor buckets we’ve learned a lot more about safety.

I remember as a child driving around in cars that had no seatbelts… it was stupid then and now we know it’s dangerous and unacceptable to have anyone loose in a vehicle.

In the last few years children riding in tractor buckets have lost their lives and it’s been reported as a very dangerous thing to do but there goes Zach rolling around his mucky, mud drenched property with Jackson in the bucket and Lilah in the seat next to him.

It was STUPID and dangerous when Matt did it and it’s still stupid and dangerous.

Just because Matt was an idiot doesn’t give Zach a pass or make it ok to follow in Matt’s shoes. 👎🏻

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