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S07.E01: Election Night

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I am aware that the murder happened after they hired the babysitter but I was surprised that they hired her on the spot. I expected them to be more cautious etc. given how they both seemed. Also, Ally seemed really upset with how she handled everything during and after the murder (she screamed at her about why didn't you call the police). 

I'm fascinated by the theories here about who may be secret clowns and if Ivy did in fact switch the food. I also can't wait to figure out what is behind the door with the rose on it. 

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30 minutes ago, DiabLOL said:

I am aware that the murder happened after they hired the babysitter but I was surprised that they hired her on the spot. I expected them to be more cautious etc. given how they both seemed. Also, Ally seemed really upset with how she handled everything during and after the murder (she screamed at her about why didn't you call the police). 

I'm fascinated by the theories here about who may be secret clowns and if Ivy did in fact switch the food. I also can't wait to figure out what is behind the door with the rose on it. 

Yes. Where are/were these siblings living and what is the deal with Kai's interest in whoever is behind the door with the rose on it?

I wonder if there any confirmed female leads who are a part of this season who didn't show up in the pilot?

I'm starting to wonder if maybe Ivy and Winter already know each other? When Kai asks Winter if she's a lesbian, I got the impression during that conversation that she might be bisexual. I wonder if she and Ivy have some sort of sexual relationship. 

I also wonder who Ivy and Ally's kid's father is and if it's a character we'll meet.  

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8 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

Yes. Where are/were these siblings living and what is the deal with Kai's interest in whoever is behind the door with the rose on it?

I wonder if there any confirmed female leads who are a part of this season who didn't show up in the pilot?

I'm starting to wonder if maybe Ivy and Winter already know each other? When Kai asks Winter if she's a lesbian, I got the impression during that conversation that she might be bisexual. I wonder if she and Ivy have some sort of sexual relationship. 

I also wonder who Ivy and Ally's kid's father is and if it's a character we'll meet.  

Emma Roberts was cast, but I don't know how big her role is. I just remember a picture of her, smartly dressed, on Instagram. 

I wondered yesterday, if Winter was talking to Ivy on the phone. They both said something about working so hard to get Hillary elected. 

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8 hours ago, RedMal said:

Yeah, but I meant that that particular scene most likely wasn't real. I don't think Twisty has a role in this season.

I read somewhere a month ago, maybe in the Spoilers thread that Twisty will make a few appearances. Of course, in context they are all snippets from the "Twisty the Clown" graphic novels.


Now I am wondering if the fabulous and talented Francis Conway, Denis O'Hare, Lily Rabe,  Kathy Bates or Angela Bassett will make an appearance. Stay away Gaga and Cuba Gooding Jr.!

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Not a bad opening episode but we've had better ones though.

The Trump/Clinton stuff I really could've done without but seeing how the election resonated with Ally and Kai was interesting enough to hold up the episode.

Ally's fear of clowns seemed justified by the episode's end and I did like seeing Twisty back, even if he was in comics. Any chance we'll see him in the real world though?

Ivy seemed a little insensitive to Ally's plight but I think she was likeable enough though.

Kai is a creepy little so and so but he's an interesting enough antagonist. However I get the feeling that Winter might end up being more dangerous than Kai in the long run. Her scenes with Ozzie creeped me out.

Not enough of the other characters we saw but there's more episodes to go, so I don't doubt they'll be used better, 7/10

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On 9/5/2017 at 11:19 PM, ShadowHunter said:

Enjoy your latte Bitch lol I laughed. Evan did more in this episode then he did all last season.  Glad he will have a lead role this season.

I liked the dynamic between Kai and Winter he is clearly a lunatic but the pinky swear made me go aww lol.

Twisty great to see you its a good way to make him return.

Not sure what to think of Ozzie yet. That kid could go either way.

Sarah had great hair but after last season I am tired of watching her scream and cry.

I don't know yet if I will like Ivy or not.

Love they used the house from the original Halloween.

I guess the clowns doing the killing were doing that because Kia told them too? Maybe will find that out.

Did they? I totally missed that! I'll pay attention next episode. I liked this one ok, not super intrigued yet. I usually give AHS a few episodes. I liked last season but only watched two episodes of Hotel. The clowns reminded me of people out on Purge night

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The grocery store was weird. Not only was it deserted (what time was it, anyway?) but I don't recall ever being in a grocery store that did not have music playing over their speakers.  This store was eerily quiet.  (Or was it Sarah's head that wasn't hearing anything?)  Curiouser and curiouser...

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This season's opening sequence with the election results was the scariest and most disturbing one yet of all the seasons so far, even more than the "Coven" one. What a way to rub it in, Ryan Murphy!

I do like the new actors this season, especially Winter (she is quite creepy) and Ivy. I haven't seen the actress who plays Ivy before this, and she reminded me at first of Kristen Bell (from "Veronica Mars") with short hair.

Great to see Chaz Bono as the grocery store clerk.

The killer clowns are hilariously funny. Love the 2 that were having sex by the watermelon display in the grocery store. lol

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It's way to early to do too much theorizing....including how much of the Trump presidency is going to be used in the season.  It could just be a vague backdrop for the main characters actions.  Or it could end up being a character in itself.  Maybe something inbetween.    

The episode itself gave some clues but in itself what I did like was that it didn't paint anyone in a particularly good light.  That might turn a lot of people off.  I don't think there will be too many "likeable" characters on this season.  Then again there usually aren't on this she.  Which is probably why I find it so fascinating. 

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Well the opening credits are the weirdest yet, and I thought the Hotel season's were pretty weird.  Other than that, I'm just not feeling it.  Usually the first episode of a new season grabs me from the start, this one didn't.  Part of it has to do with the setting.  The Roanoke house, an old L.A. hotel, an asylum - places like that just pull me in.  Michigan suburbs...not so much.  Hopefully it picks up, because I need more than killer clowns and Sarah Paulson proving to everyone that she isn't a raving lunatic to stay interested.

Edited by Dobian
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On 9/7/2017 at 3:05 PM, Snookums said:

What gets me about Oz reading that comic wasn't just the horrible violence but the blatant, graphic sex. I know Ally's position is a bare breast or penis never hurt anyone, but it just struck me as way too Adult Altogether for a seven/eight year old to be reading.

I don't think "what type of comic book" Ozzy was reading was supposed to be an issue for Ally, if you get my drift.  I think the "nothing wrong with a bare breast or erect penis" was meant to convey that Ally was being stereotypical liberal "anything goes as long as I superciliously think I have a handle on what the problem is" Mom, who assumed he was hoarding and hiding a porn magazine, not a torture porn comic book.  Thus the reveal of what he actually was reading, was the darkly comic punchline.

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On 9/6/2017 at 7:38 AM, luna1122 said:

Clowns are scary BECAUSE they are 'crazies in masks'. I am not actually phobic about them, but all clowns are inherently creepy to me. People in masks or mask-y makeup are hiding something and up to no good. I would most definitely freak the fuck out if suddenly a bunch of crazies in masks were harassing me at a grocery store, or piled out of a van on my street, but even supposedly benign clowns like Ronald McDonald or Bozo  or Fizbo look evil and sinister and I want them nowhere near me.

Hmm, sort of like Antifa activists then. ~running and ducking now ;-)


14 minutes ago, Christi said:

Eerrmm, why doesnt Sara just stop following Trump on twitter?? 

Never having been on Twitter (social media is evil!) I don't quite know how it works but it seems that people she does follow just keep retweeting him and then complaining about about it.

I'm not sure whether Kai particularly cares about Trump in any political way but simply sees the election results as a great opportunity to be bolder about doing whatever it is he likes to do. I'm also not sure what was real and just in Ally's head. If Ivy is in on the scheme I'm left wondering what her motivation would be. Has she been contemplating a split and wants to insure she gets full custody of Ozzy? How are they affording that house? Unless that restaurant is wildly successful or they are neck deep in a mortgage it must have been inherited or something.

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On 9/7/2017 at 1:58 AM, Anela said:

I don't know. Ally mentioned someone else, too, but I can't remember the name. 

I'm a die-hard lefty, and I found it amusing. The trigger warning comment, and Ally going on about how she was okay when Obama was president. 

Her little boy seeing the clowns, and the murders, shows that she isn't always imagining things. That poor kid. Although I can't see anyone giving a little kid a comic like that. I wonder how he got it. 

I think he got it from IVY!!! I totally think Ivy is gaslighting Ally bigtime. I also think Chaz Bono's character is in the cult, along with Winter and Ivy and Ally's psychiatrist. 

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2 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

Hmm, sort of like Antifa activists then. ~running and ducking now ;-)


Never having been on Twitter (social media is evil!) I don't quite know how it works but it seems that people she does follow just keep retweeting him and then complaining about about it.

I'm not sure whether Kai particularly cares about Trump in any political way but simply sees the election results as a great opportunity to be bolder about doing whatever it is he likes to do. I'm also not sure what was real and just in Ally's head. If Ivy is in on the scheme I'm left wondering what her motivation would be. Has she been contemplating a split and wants to insure she gets full custody of Ozzy? How are they affording that house? Unless that restaurant is wildly successful or they are neck deep in a mortgage it must have been inherited or something.

I blocked him on Twitter, but people generally tweet him just to express themselves.

I also don't think that Kai is a trump supporter especially. I think he was one that just enjoys the fall-out from anything shocking. The guy in the store was, though - unless that was just part of the act (to freak out Ally).

Edited by Anela
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On 9/7/2017 at 8:48 AM, Pixel said:

Although I know  Ryan Murphy is a blatant liberal, I think he was somewhat fair in showing the two extremes. On the right, we've got the Trump supporter who is so off the wall he's a charicature of a Trump supporter.   Then, on the left, we have Sarah Paulson in inconsolable hysterics, which although I saw a few things in her reaction that were similar to my own (I only trust Rachel Maddow! How could Nate Silver be so wrong? Yeah, I might have teared up and said those same things), I can acknowledge that she's representative of the extreme left reaction.  So, I felt like Murphy was as fair as could be expected in those depictions. 

Murphy has also said the season is not about the election, that the first episode uses the events of the election as a jumping off point, so I think it will get a lot less political from here out. Then again, as much as I love AHS and have watched every season, I find that about mid-season they tend to lose the storyline and go off the rails. We'll see.

I think we are going to see that "the clowns" will disappear and we will see members of the cult behind their masks.

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1 minute ago, GoneGirl said:

I think we are going to see that "the clowns" will disappear and we will see members of the cult behind their masks.

I wonder why we got all if the bee imagery, in the ads. Whether it's representative of the holes that freak people out (partly), or hive mind. Bees also serve a queen bee, though. 

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On 9/7/2017 at 3:31 PM, islandgal140 said:

Only episode one and I feel like this is the 1st time the show has truly lived up to its title: American Horror Story.  Part of me is like too soon because I really do find the election night stuff triggering and surreal even though its been almost 10 months and really, I watch tv to get away from the ever burning tire fire that is American politics today. The other part is intrigued by Ryan's take on it and where this will go.

I swear there is a drama teacher in Evans Peter's past that told him he will do well with crazy and damn was he/she right! I do have a slight issue with his styling though. He doesn't need the long purple hair and weird styling. I think he would be even scarier if he looked like an average white preppy guy with short hair, in glasses wearing a white shirt and khakis. Isn't that what was so shocking about his supporters and the MAGA movement in general? That they weren't toothless hick trailer trash?

I think I inherited a gene that makes me immune to clowns because I just have never found them remotely scary and have a hard to seeing why some people do.

What I do find scary is the gaslighting of Ally and Winter corrupting that child. 

I thought Winter asking Ozzie who his father was is too pointed a question to be just curiosity on her part. 

Speaking of Ozzie, my embarrassing confession is that I didn't know if that was a boy or a very progressive gender neutral girl at first. 

As a house porn lover, I adore the house Ivy and Ally are living in. It is the uncredited co-star of this show and totally distracting me.  Gorgeous!!!

Did you know that the house they reside in was the original house from Halloween? ? 

On 9/7/2017 at 6:18 PM, Hazel55 said:

I'm having similar thoughts myself. 

My theory: Ivy is evil, in league with the clown cult, and intentionally working to destroy Ally. The clowns are real, but those in the cult want Ally to believe she is going crazy. 

My suspicions started when Ally dropped the following line:

“It was like they knew my fears. They wanted to murder me.”

Which got me thinking—who knows Ally’s greatest fears in their entirety, in detail? Probably only two people—the shrink and Ivy. But Ivy, Ally’s longtime partner who has been in a relationship with her for 16 years or so, would probably know that best what allows Ally to function, and what would make her lose it.

So perhaps Ivy is working with Kai, the leader of the clown cult, to set Ally up.* Somewhere along the road Ivy became Kai's lover and follower; he’s convinced her to take Ally down because of what she represents to him. (Everything he hates and fears.) Either she’s been Kai’s plant all along (unlikely, since Ally and Ivy have apparently known each other since their college days in 2001), or, far more likely, Kai managed to seduce and “convert” Ivy to his way of thinking within the past few years.

However, it could also be Ally's psychiatrist setting her up,  or both him and Ivy working together to do so. (Which would ironically show the two people Ally’s trusted most betraying her in the worst possible way.)

For most shows, such a bizarre twist would be nearly impossible; but for American Horror Story, it almost seems like a probability.                                     

Some potential evidence for Ivy being in league with the cult:
Again, whoever is setting Ally up (and I feel that what she is seeing must be at least somewhat real, since her hallucinating everything seems like a rather dead end in terms of future plot developments) knows her fears; her most intimate “triggers.” Who knows these, in their entirety? Probably only the psychiatrist and Ivy. 

Ivy’s reaction to the clown comic was weird. Ally has an utter freak out over it, then Ivy, after comforting Ally… discreetly puts the comic back in her sons drawer? Ally has been clearly “triggered” into having a hysterical break down from seeing that material once. Why would anyone in their right mind, after seeing a loved one react to something like that, not get rid of whatever object set them off immediately? And the argument that Ivy hid it in that drawer for the sake of her son doesn’t make sense, either—a graphic comic about a murderous clown is pretty inappropriate reading material for a 9 year old kid anyway.  

In this version, the clowns were real, but Ivy and the others (at the grocery store) pretended that they weren’t, to further upset Ally. The guy we met at the grocery store was a cult member, and thus pretended that he didn’t see anything.

Ivy arranged to have the clown show up at the restaurant, then pretended not to see him to further advance Ally’s fears that she is losing it. (Ivy: I was just here! There was no one! Ally: I know what I saw! I know what I saw!) A powerful way to make Ally totally lose faith in herself.

Someone also could have replaced the bloody crumpet and fingers when Ally ran out of the searching for the clown.

Also: Ally and her kid are clearly being targeted for… something. Why is Ivy being left alone? One possible explanation: she’s in on it. She wants to destroy Ally, then bring their son into the cult. Which would explain why Winter (put to the task by Kai) is trying to get the son “initiated” into witnessing violence.


* It could be that the leader of the clown cult turns out not to be Kai, but the psychiatrist or something. But for the sake of this argument, I'm just going to assume that Kai is the cult leader.

I'm with you on the psychiatrist maybe being the head of rhe cult, although Ryan Murph has said otherwise, but if he isn't the leader he is in in on it. Also....the BLUE, blue hair, Oz wears blue glasses, and Ally wears a blue heart necklace. RyMurph also has said that Ally and Kai are a LOVE STORY for the ages...interesting.

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49 minutes ago, Anela said:

I wonder why we got all if the bee imagery, in the ads. Whether it's representative of the holes that freak people out (partly), or hive mind. Bees also serve a queen bee, though. 

Hive mentality for sure...colony-cult.  The holes represent the holes in a beehive honeycomb...it will all tie in...

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I don't believe the clowns are real.  I think it's a shared hallucination of Ally and Oswald.  There is a term for it, folie à deux, and that could be one of this season's themes.  I do believe that there is a psychological manipulation going on, and I wonder about Ivy's role in it.

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On 9/6/2017 at 7:38 AM, luna1122 said:


I may have the slightest case of trypophobia...I mean, coral doesn't bother me, or crumpets, but it's all those photoshopped lotus pods on people's faces and tongues that freak me right out. But don't they freak everybody out?

This, this and this! The holes thing never bothered me until that photo shopped lotus pod on people's back with the worms peeking out of them made the rounds on facebook. Seriously, I can still see it burned in my mind and even after I googled it and saw it was a fake, it still creeps me out.

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The beginning of this episode seemed to indicate this series could have been designed as a way for RM and others to exorcise their crushing disappointment at the results of the last US presidential election. Fortunately, it appears that although figuring as a crucial background element, this might not be the central driving force to the plot. For example, the cult might not be the reason for DT's election or a consequence of it, but they may be using it as a pretext for their activities. I hope the horror aspect keeps center stage and is not overshadowed by a clumsy political fable or cautionary tale.

I also hope, like others, that we will not spend the entire series with Paulson in near hysterics screaming "there was a clown!", "I saw a clown!, "he is a clown!", etc. It would quickly become very tiresome.

The clowns were very efficiently creepy; not too slick, so they are credible as the creation of amateurs and not the work of a professional prosthetics workshop, but still imaginatively weird, like the one with the three phallic noses.

Edited by Florinaldo
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Meh.  The jury is out.  Played the first ten minutes on mute for obvious reasons.  Sarah Paulson, to echo several people here, must find a role where she isn't crying and screaming the whole time.  Ugh.  

I don't know the little girl-lady but she looks way too young to be a married woman.  The pixie chef?  (She's Carrie Fisher's daughter?  I'm sorry for her loss.  But I think she's miscast.)

My love, however, for Evan Peters knows no bounds.  The Aurora Shooter hair (blue not orange) and the Heath Ledger homage is too good.  The blendered cheeto makeup was INSPIRED.  Love.  Love.  Love.

Edited by Captanne
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1 hour ago, Captanne said:

I don't know the little girl-lady but she looks way too young to be a married woman.  The pixie chef?  (She's Carrie Fisher's daughter?  I'm sorry for her loss.  But I think she's miscast.)


No, Allison Pill is the chef with the pixie cut married to Sarah Paulson's character. Billie Lourde is Carrie Fisher's daughter (she plays Winter, the babysitter).

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Alison Pill is 31, tho she does sometimes look much younger, and occasionally, to me, significantly older than she is, which is weird. . She's old enuf to be a wife and a mom. She's 10+ years younger than Sarah P, which might make her seem even younger here.

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There was a lot of funny in this episode, and I'm just not sure if RM meant all of it to be intentional. The neighbor yelling at his wife because she was on Etsy and didn't vote? Pure comedy. I haven't had a chance to watch episode 2 yet, but I'm really hoping they tone down the extreme stereotypes of both conservatives and liberals, or else it'll make it much less horrifying and much funnier than I think they want it to be.

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2 hours ago, luna1122 said:

Alison Pill is 31, tho she does sometimes look much younger, and occasionally, to me, significantly older than she is, which is weird. . She's old enuf to be a wife and a mom. She's 10+ years younger than Sarah P, which might make her seem even younger here.

It was driving me crazy where I knew her from.... yay for imbd.  I saw her on the short run of a show 'the family'

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I just wish I didn't have to see Trump. I really dislike him as a person and I happened to be watching with one of his fans. I wanted to flip a table when certain comments were made by said fan and I just don't want to feel that when I'm trying to relax. Couldn't they have been a cult without Trump? 

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On 9/6/2017 at 10:40 PM, ShadowHunter said:

Kai sniffed a Rose on a door in his house I wonder if that will mean anything? Its Not Winter's room her door was open and later when we saw it no Rose.

Well look at the bright side at least Sarah doesn't have an accent this time around.

I think IS VERY IMPORTANT. The door had a padlock if you noticed. I have a few thoughts off the top of my head....I think this room may be a tomb of some sort, maybe his parents? Maybe it is the room he is keeping for Ally? Kai's fear is definitely being humiliated, he has said the word a few times now. Did he kill his parents for humiliating him in some sort of way??? Is Ally his sister? Is Ivy his sister, is Winter even his sister? To my knowledge the relationship between Kai and Winter is still unknown.

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8 minutes ago, GoneGirl said:

I think IS VERY IMPORTANT. The door had a padlock if you noticed. I have a few thoughts off the top of my head....I think this room may be a tomb of some sort, maybe his parents? Maybe it is the room he is keeping for Ally? Kai's fear is definitely being humiliated, he has said the word a few times now. Did he kill his parents for humiliating him in some sort of way??? Is Ally his sister? Is Ivy his sister, is Winter even his sister? To my knowledge the relationship between Kai and Winter is still unknown.

Yes I noticed the padlock on rewatch.  I have also wondered about Kia and Winters parents?  Kai does not seem to have a job and Winter made it seem like she did nothing but campaign for Hillary.   I have many questions lol.

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On 9/12/2017 at 7:47 PM, Florinaldo said:

The beginning of this episode seemed to indicate this series could have been designed as a way for RM and others to exorcise their crushing disappointment at the results of the last US presidential election.

I actually thought the "horror" about the election was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.  I would think that no matter which political side you're on, you could enjoy it.  You might be genuinely horrified at Trump's victory.  Or you might enjoy this parody of the paranoia that his opponents display.  Either way, I thought it was hilarious.

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I´m glad AHS is finally back. I haven´t really "felt it" since Freakshow, which I absolutely loved. At first I was kind of not getting it, afraid that the horror would be about how crazy Trump is and how evil his voters are, I´m so glad I was wrong about that. These characters are really freaky, I hope I won´t get disappointed now that my hopes are up. I stopped watching last season in episode 2 (not after) because it was so bad. Then I tried watching the episode that was directed by David Lynch´ daughter, since people were raving about it, but even that was so bad I had to switch off after a few minutes. AHS to me is always either a hit or miss, except Hotel, that was just in between.

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21 hours ago, GoneGirl said:

I think IS VERY IMPORTANT. The door had a padlock if you noticed. I have a few thoughts off the top of my head....I think this room may be a tomb of some sort, maybe his parents? Maybe it is the room he is keeping for Ally? Kai's fear is definitely being humiliated, he has said the word a few times now. Did he kill his parents for humiliating him in some sort of way??? Is Ally his sister? Is Ivy his sister, is Winter even his sister? To my knowledge the relationship between Kai and Winter is still unknown.

They have definitely left the relationship between Kai and Winter ambiguous. I guess that's probably for a reason. 


I think that something happened in that locked room that humiliated Kai. Some sort of abuse by his parents?  Maybe he's returning the favor to them and they're locked in that room. Can't wait to find out!

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14 hours ago, Fusion said:

They have definitely left the relationship between Kai and Winter ambiguous. I guess that's probably for a reason. 


The only reason that I know they are related (and assumed that they are brother and sister) is because IMDb has them credited as Kai Anderson and Winter Anderson.

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On 9/5/2017 at 8:19 PM, ShadowHunter said:

Enjoy your latte Bitch lol I laughed. Evan did more in this episode then he did all last season.  Glad he will have a lead role this season.

I liked the dynamic between Kai and Winter he is clearly a lunatic but the pinky swear made me go aww lol.

Twisty great to see you its a good way to make him return.

Not sure what to think of Ozzie yet. That kid could go either way.

Sarah had great hair but after last season I am tired of watching her scream and cry.

I don't know yet if I will like Ivy or not.

Love they used the house from the original Halloween.

I guess the clowns doing the killing were doing that because Kia told them too? Maybe will find that out.

Oh wow did not realize that was the house in Halloween.

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I was just re-reading Islandgal140's post at the top of the page and realized -- the first time we meet Kai and Winter, he's coming in her bedroom and she asks if he's coming in to gloat about the election results.  The attitude is absolutely one of brother and sister intimacy (not that kind, stop it), teasing, back-and-forth, and comfort in each other's personal space (ie, sister's bedroom.)  Also, living in the same house, on the same floor, with voluntary access to each other.

Much like my sister and I were at home when I was young, and much like most mainstream television shows depict siblings at home.

Have we already established they are probably brother and sister?  I think, given that introduction, they probably are.  

(With this particular show, I tend to forget early introductions like that -- by the time I'm mentally dealing with guinea pigs in microwaves, Killer Klowns, anonymous HAZMAT sprayers, and serial murders, I'm kind of not paying attention to the "normal" stuff I saw four weeks ago.)

Edited by Captanne
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