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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)

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Congratulations to Scott on another impressive win. You had some tough (for me) gets in this game, including an answer I'd never heard of. Great job!

I had Herb Brooks, Alcor, slides, neck, "Set Fire to the Rain," Faith Evans, and FJ. For final I initially considered Rasputin but realized the timing was off, and then I remembered Mozart from watching "Amadeus." 

Scott, I hope your (blame in on the) reign continues. Your intended interview story was way better than Alex's hijacked interview story.

Edited by teebax
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I got FJ instantly, I was shocked none of three did as well. Though I did notice Ruth had crossed out an M, ouch that is a painful error. They even spotted us Vienna in the clue. Very glad Scott won again!

I must have missed the AAR reversal thing? They gave the other people the money back? Why!? “Blame it on the...” “Rain” is such a Pavlovian response, I knew it instantly, Scott got it, there was nothing confusing about that clue. 

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13 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

“Blame it on the...” “Rain” is such a Pavlovian response, I knew it instantly, Scott got it, there was nothing confusing about that clue. 

I instantly thought of "Blame it on Rio." I did eventually get rain, but it wasn't the first thing that popped into my head, or even the second.

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3 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

I must have missed the AAR reversal thing? They gave the other people the money back? Why!? “Blame it on the...” “Rain” is such a Pavlovian response, I knew it instantly, Scott got it, there was nothing confusing about that clue. 

Not only did they get their money back, they got an extra $1000 on top of it. They basically were given a reward for their wrong answers, leaving them in a better position than the contestant who answered correctly.

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4 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

I think that the answer you gave last night that required a French pronunciation was the first time Alex saw no need to correct the contestant,  That's amazing in itself...

And I want to thank you very much for that.

3 hours ago, Kathira said:

I see from that Detroit Free Press article that there's a Shar-LOTT in Michigan, too. Who knew it was such a common pronunciation?

There's a Shar-LOTT in Iowa, too.

2 hours ago, The Wild Sow said:

I was shocked -- shocked! -- that none of Friday's contestants have ever seen Amadeus!  Instaget for us. 

Continue being shocked. I've seen Amadeus -- twice -- and still missed it. IEIYKI.

2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

And speaking of Vienna and alternative pronunciations in the US, Georgia's Vienna is VYE-enna,

My uncle, RIP, was born and raised in Arkansas. He would take those little cans of Vienna sausages in his lunch pail. All the fellows he worked with did as well, and they all enjoyed their lunches of vi-EE-na sausages. I call them that too, as a tribute to him.

Great "Day-ree Queen." story PW.

1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

Eh, I think he's more of an age where we start going "screw zipping it." It is a pretty freeing age, though I don't do that very often and only with someone who deserves it.

I think it's that Trebek has been hosting brainiac shows since the beginning of time, so has the rep of being one himself. Whether he is or not is debatable, he's actually just a game-show host. So was Monte Hall. But he's also a tv personality so of course likes to be in the limelight. If he didn't, he could have been a ... I don't know ... librarian? He also makes more $ than any game-show host, $16.5 million. And that's PER YEAR. So of course he thinks well of himself; he just finds that difficult to hide sometimes. Most of the time. Interesting that he's a cheap ass though, only picking up the tab in East Berlin because food was so cheap.

26 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

“Blame it on the...” “Rain” is such a Pavlovian response,

There's also the generic "Blame it on the dog," which covers everything from lost homework to assorted smells. Although I no longer remember the category so I should probably add "never mind" to this sentence.

I hope we don't have a BIG PROBLEM on Monday, Scott against Wild Sow's brother, there to avenge the other brother. Oh, bother, that'll be a mother of a show if so.

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22 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

and they all enjoyed their lunches of vi-EE-na sausages. I call them that too, as a tribute to him.

We called them vi-EE-nee sausages -- the local speech habit is, if the last letter of a word is "a", the sound gets changed from "a" to "ee".

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15 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

 The only thing I relate "blame it on the" to is "Bossanova." (yep, I'm that old)


2 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

 “Blame it on the...” “Rain” is such a Pavlovian response, I knew it instantly, Scott got it, there was nothing confusing about that clue. 


2 hours ago, Kathira said:

I instantly thought of "Blame it on Rio." I did eventually get rain, but it wasn't the first thing that popped into my head, or even the second.


1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

There's also the generic "Blame it on the dog," which covers everything from lost homework to assorted smells. Although I no longer remember the category so I should probably add "never mind" to this sentence.

I feel like we're on the Match Game.  In one of those rounds where every celebrity comes up with a different response.  FWIW, the first thing that occurred to me was Bossa Nova, as well (even though it's before my time, and didn't start with "R").

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3 hours ago, Bliss said:

I totally agree with you, Clanstarling, about the freeing part (personally, I attribute it to a perk of the golden years) - I just cannot agree with AT not zipping it when his role is to make the contestants shine, not him. There were way too many negatives in that last sentence, I know.

If I didn't zip it, my kids and grandkids would say, "Who are you and what have you done with my Mom/Nana?" And then there are my friends, who often comment on the fact that I say stuff other people think and don't have the courage to utter. So there you have it. I'm a verbal chameleon, depending on my audience.

It is indeed a perk of the golden years, one of the few. I don't agree with AT not zipping it, just pointed out that he's at that age where many people stop bothering. Heck, I zip it pretty well at work, my colleagues would be shocked if I didn't. They have the mistaken idea that I'm a nice little old lady. The family, on the other hand, get the unvarnished me. Mostly.  Don't have any grandbabies yet, so I'll enjoy that while I can.

6 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I feel like we're on the Match Game.  In one of those rounds where every celebrity comes up with a different response.  FWIW, the first thing that occurred to me was Bossa Nova, as well (even though it's before my time, and didn't start with "R").

It's a generational thing - though I blame "Blame it on the Bossanova" on my parents who played the record a lot (so it's kinda before my time....). I totally forgot there was a letter involved in the clue, and I still wouldn't have gotten it if I had.

A generational quiz game might be fun. At least as an SNL bit.

Edited by Clanstarling
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My only ts's were The Dick Van Dyke Show and finch, for last night's game and I did not get FJ either.  I knew Rasputin was in the nineteen teens but he flitted through my mind anyhow; I was thinking of political or royal people, never thought of musicians or artists of any genre (drink!). I am 0/5 for FJ's this week - bummer - hope next week I do better.

Congrats to Scott again!

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10 hours ago, Bliss said:

I've also heard that Alex doesn't want to talk to the contestants other than during the show. I never know what is real and what is fake anymore.


10 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

As I understand it, AT doesn't talk to contestants as a "collusion prevention" measure.

Absolutely. The show is very careful to follow the post-quiz-show-scandal rules.

10 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Okay, I have to ask about one thing on last night's game.  I don't remember the exact wording, but there was a clue with a picture of a toddler swing, and the response they were looking for was "bucket seats", but after Alex read the clue, before the contestants buzzed in, he made some comment about the clue.  That struck me as very unusual.  Has he done that before?  I know he can have a lot to say after the fact, but commenting before they answer seem off.

I think it was scripted and just seemed like an off-the-cuff remark because of the way he read it and because we were looking at the picture and thus couldn't see the words to the clue.

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10 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Okay, I have to ask about one thing on last night's game.  I don't remember the exact wording, but there was a clue with a picture of a toddler swing, and the response they were looking for was "bucket seats", but after Alex read the clue, before the contestants buzzed in, he made some comment about the clue.  That struck me as very unusual.  Has he done that before?  I know he can have a lot to say after the fact, but commenting before they answer seem off.


36 minutes ago, dcalley said:

I think it was scripted and just seemed like an off-the-cuff remark because of the way he read it and because we were looking at the picture and thus couldn't see the words to the clue.

Ah, thanks, that makes sense.  I checked J!archive (and checked again just now), but that show still isn't up yet.  Is there someplace else to check (without rewatching the whole show)?  I'm not up on all this!

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9 minutes ago, MrAtoz said:

That's true.  Timing on the buzzer is critical to the game.  If you ring in too soon, it does lock out for about a quarter of a second, which is a heck of a long time when two other people are also trying to ring in as well.  That's why you see people clicking the buzzer repeatedly.  As much as folks like to deride "buzzer-mashing," that's what the contestant coordinators tell you to do.  Don't just click it once.  Click it and then keep clicking until Alex calls someone's name.  You might have been a shade too early on the first click.  If you don't click again, you'll never be called on.

You can't ring in before Alex finishes reading the clue.  If you do, nothing will happen.  There are lights on both sides of the game board.  You can't see them on TV, but they're there.  They come on when Alex is finished reading the clue, and that's what indicates that the signalling devices are now active.  Same thing if someone gives a wrong response.  Those lights come on again, and the other two contestants can ring in if they know it.

The interesting thing to me is that this is all done manually.  The lights/signalling devices are activated by a human being at the judges' table pushing a button.  Obviously, he's been doing that a long time, so he's developed a good rhythm for when Alex is finished reading a clue.  Nevertheless, there's a bit of human reflexes involved in how quickly the signalling devices become active.  I never did figure out whether the best approach is to try to time it by the lights, or by noting the last word of the clue and trying to signal just as Alex finished reading it.

As for Alex talking to the contestants, he only does it about as much as you see on TV.  He chatted with us a little bit after the game, until the credits are finished rolling and they yell cut.  Sometimes he offered a bit of consolation to the people who lost, but that's about it.  In addition to the concerns about collusion, I think he also doesn't talk much more than that because there's no time.  There's only about 15 or 20 minutes between games.  In that time, he has to go backstage and change his suit, and also probably take a glance over the clues for the next game.  Meanwhile, the winner also has to go to the green room, change clothes, and get make-up touched up.  At the same time, they're picking the next two contestants and getting them ready to go onstage.  It's a pretty well-oiled machine, and part of getting done in a reasonable time is making sure that there aren't any delays in the process.

Thanks, Scott - your description is probably the closest I'll ever get to a J! experience. If they'd restrict the categories to stuff I know, I'd do fine ;-)

Your explanation of what it's like being there is appreciated!

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13 minutes ago, MrAtoz said:

The interesting thing to me is that this is all done manually.  The lights/signalling devices are activated by a human being at the judges' table pushing a button.  Obviously, he's been doing that a long time, so he's developed a good rhythm for when Alex is finished reading a clue.  Nevertheless, there's a bit of human reflexes involved in how quickly the signalling devices become active.  I never did figure out whether the best approach is to try to time it by the lights, or by noting the last word of the clue and trying to signal just as Alex finished reading it.

Now THAT'S someone else whose story I'd like to hear!

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2 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

There are lights on both sides of the game board.  You can't see them on TV, but they're there.  They come on when Alex is finished reading the clue, and that's what indicates that the signalling devices are now active.  Same thing if someone gives a wrong response.  Those lights come on again, and the other two contestants can ring in if they know it.

I did not know that. Very interesting.



The interesting thing to me is that this is all done manually.  The lights/signalling devices are activated by a human being at the judges' table pushing a button.

Cool! I like learning these behind-the-scenes things. Thanks.

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@opus, I'm an Alex fan (mostly). The main reason being, be careful what you wish for. Everyone says he should retire and we need a new host, but unless that person is Ken Jennings (my personal hero), it could be someone who completely ruins our enjoyment of the game. (Slows it down, tries to be a full-time comedian, talks about himself even more than Alex does.) You never know. 

Alex will retire eventually, sure. But in the meantime, I'm usually OK with his weirdness... it rolls off my back at lot of the time, by now.

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3 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I never thought about that. Can you imagine Steve Harvey as J! host? Drew Carey?  AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

At least it can't be Richard Dawson - he would have cut game time by half with all the kissing of the female contestants - possibly some of the male contestants too. I had to quit watching Family Feud because of that nonsense.

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14 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I never thought about that. Can you imagine Steve Harvey as J! host? Drew Carey?  AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


9 minutes ago, Trey said:

At least it can't be Richard Dawson - he would have cut game time by half with all the kissing of the female contestants - possibly some of the male contestants too. I had to quit watching Family Feud because of that nonsense.

Beat me to the punch!

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10 hours ago, opus said:

I think everyone here secretly loves Alex too.

I don't.

2 hours ago, rubaco said:

@opus, I'm an Alex fan (mostly). The main reason being, be careful what you wish for. Everyone says he should retire and we need a new host, but unless that person is Ken Jennings (my personal hero), it could be someone who completely ruins our enjoyment of the game.

The day Ken Jennings becomes the new host of Jeopardy! is the last day I watch.

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11 hours ago, opus said:

Now watch this post get zero likes  :)

You already had 12 "likes" by the time I got here, so I went ahead and "liked" it too. Even though I wasn't going to.

I can't stand Trebek, although ranking on him here is one of my personal good times. And when he had that brain thing, I got very upset. So I guess mine is a hate-love thing with him. I like to dislike him!

2 hours ago, Trey said:
2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I never thought about that. Can you imagine Steve Harvey as J! host? Drew Carey?  AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

At least it can't be Richard Dawson - he would have cut game time by half with all the kissing of the female contestants - possibly some of the male contestants too. I had to quit watching Family Feud because of that nonsense.

I used to like him, but Steve Harvey has developed into The Worst Ever. Can't stand him. He makes Richard Dawson seem like ... well, Alex Trebek. LOL! I can't watch any show Harvey is on, he ruins it all. My tv doesn't get Price Is Right so I've never seen Drew Carey as a host. So, for once I have no opinion. Mark this day!

15 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

Meanwhile, the winner also has to go to the green room, change clothes, and get make-up touched up.

The best reason yet for why I need to be on this show. And win. My make-up could use a good touch up.

Edited by saber5055
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3 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I never thought about that. Can you imagine Steve Harvey as J! host? Drew Carey?  AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

If Steve Harvey ever became host, I would not watch.  Cannot stand that overrated horrible host.  Why on the earth anyone hires him, I have no idea.  He is not funny and has no personality.  I will take the slightly uppity Alex any day over him. 

Even Drew Carey, no.  I don't dislike Drew Carey, but not as host of Jeopardy. 

I liked Richard Dawson.  It was a different era back when he was a host.  He most certainly would not be kissing contestants today if he were on any show. 

I wouldn't mind seeing Neil Patrick Harris as host. 

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On 6/30/2018 at 12:16 PM, saber5055 said:

And I want to thank you very much for that.

There's a Shar-LOTT in Iowa, too.

Continue being shocked. I've seen Amadeus -- twice -- and still missed it. IEIYKI.

My uncle, RIP, was born and raised in Arkansas. He would take those little cans of Vienna sausages in his lunch pail. All the fellows he worked with did as well, and they all enjoyed their lunches of vi-EE-na sausages. I call them that too, as a tribute to him.

Great "Day-ree Queen." story PW.

I think it's that Trebek has been hosting brainiac shows since the beginning of time, so has the rep of being one himself. Whether he is or not is debatable, he's actually just a game-show host. So was Monte Hall. But he's also a tv personality so of course likes to be in the limelight. If he didn't, he could have been a ... I don't know ... librarian? He also makes more $ than any game-show host, $16.5 million. And that's PER YEAR. So of course he thinks well of himself; he just finds that difficult to hide sometimes. Most of the time. Interesting that he's a cheap ass though, only picking up the tab in East Berlin because food was so cheap.

There's also the generic "Blame it on the dog," which covers everything from lost homework to assorted smells. Although I no longer remember the category so I should probably add "never mind" to this sentence.

I hope we don't have a BIG PROBLEM on Monday, Scott against Wild Sow's brother, there to avenge the other brother. Oh, bother, that'll be a mother of a show if so.

Jim's show is Tuesday!  I spent time with him yesterday, and he's still clammed up (as he should be!)

He did share the anecdote he used for his interview (which our Mom didn't know about until now ;-)

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11 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

I think most of us cut Alex a little slack, but sometimes it's hard.  I'm only a few years younger than he is, an I am already seeing that some of my filters are going away with things I say.  When you get a certain age you are tired of being "polite" and you just go ahead and say whatever you want.  Not that it's a good thing, it's just "what do you have to lose?" 

I do wish he'd quick turning their stories into his stories, and I'd like to see him not chastise bad answers so much.  He doesn't really need to talk so much at the start of each game.  All in all he does a good job of moving the game along and usually remains charming also.

I can see how doing the same thing for over 30 years would get old, but still, that part of the show is like 2 minutes long and he has to do it 5 times a week.  Its like 10 or 15 minutes a week he has to actually act interested and make it at least a bit entertaining.  Its not asking a lot.  Pat Sajak basically does the same thing and he is much better at it. 

They could do a better job though I think of finding things for the contestants to say.  "I have a nutcracker collection".  Really, how interesting........if this was NPR.  The stuff they choose is just awful sometimes. 

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6 minutes ago, The Wild Sow said:

Jim's show is Tuesday!  I spent time with him yesterday, and he's still clammed up (as he should be!)

He did share the anecdote he used for his interview (which our Mom didn't know about until now ;-)

Tuesday is just as bad since I want Scott to be a five-time champ and Jim to win in honor of Tom. I can't have both of those things. I will just have to let things play out without any gypsy-curse interference.

1 minute ago, DrSpaceman said:

I can see how doing the same thing for over 30 years would get old, but still, that part of the show is like 2 minutes long and he has to do it 5 times a week.  Its like 10 or 15 minutes a week he has to actually act interested and make it at least a bit entertaining.  Its not asking a lot.  Pat Sajak basically does the same thing and he is much better at it. 

So much THIS. Pat Sajak is an excellent host IMO, and always roots for the players and doesn't turn everything back to his own personal spotlight. Plus he doesn't berate players for losing, he commiserates with them. Not that I watch Wheel that often, but Sajak is a welcome change from AH AT. He also has a self-deprecating sense of humor, something oh-so-smart AT doesn't know the definition of.

6 minutes ago, DrSpaceman said:

They could do a better job though I think of finding things for the contestants to say.  "I have a nutcracker collection".  Really, how interesting........if this was NPR.  The stuff they choose is just awful sometimes. 

The nutcracker-collection story will be chosen if Trebek has one too.

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1 hour ago, forumfish said:

If I had to make small-talk interviews with thousands of people over 30+ years in the same job, I might start to get a little weary of it. Maybe even talk about myself.

I wouldn't. I love interviewing people and letting them talk about themselves. I did it for decades as a writer for an international business magazine. I never got tired of it and still do it today, when I'm with a group of people. I ask questions to get people to talk, and seldom if ever talk about myself during those times. I can keep a conversation going for hours w/o ever doing a Trebek "me me."

Of course, I don't make $16.5 million a year so don't feel a need to make fun of people who win "only" a couple thousand on this show. No doubt Trebek's priorities are skewed so far to the Wealthy side that Normal folk can't understand them.

Edited by saber5055
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31 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Tuesday is just as bad since I want Scott to be a five-time champ and Jim to win in honor of Tom. I can't have both of those things.

It's too bad they have tiebreaker questions now.  In Olden Days, if they tied, would they both be back for the next show?

While I'm here ... do TPTB intentionally arrange that two people with the same first name don't play against each other?  What if two people with the same first name make the finals of TOC?

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3 minutes ago, Driad said:

It's too bad they have tiebreaker questions now.  In Olden Days, if they tied, would they both be back for the next show?

While I'm here ... do TPTB intentionally arrange that two people with the same first name don't play against each other?  What if two people with the same first name make the finals of TOC?

I remember seeing two tied champs coming back the next day. I don't like the tiebreaker thing.

Not sure if Buzzy, ToC champ, always goes by Buzzy, but his real name is Austin, if I remember correctly. And he played against Miming Austin in the ToC. Otherwise, same names don't play against each other in regular games. I would be glad my name was Ken during that era. And now, if I were going back in time and actually got on this show, I would want to be named Scott.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I used to like him, but Steve Harvey has developed into The Worst Ever. Can't stand him. He makes Richard Dawson seem like ... well, Alex Trebek. LOL! I can't watch any show Harvey is on, he ruins it all. My tv doesn't get Price Is Right so I've never seen Drew Carey as a host. So, for once I have no opinion. Mark this day!

Family Feud was always a kind of fun - you didn't have to know the "right" answer, just guess what most people would say. But boy, we can't even watch a few minutes of it with Harvey. We really liked Ray Combs, and were so sad when he killed himself. I liked Dawkins originally, he became slimier as time went on and I stopped watching.

1 hour ago, The Wild Sow said:

He did share the anecdote he used for his interview (which our Mom didn't know about until now ;-)

That sounds like fun!

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I've never forgiven Ken for this:

1 hour ago, Driad said:

It's too bad they have tiebreaker questions now.  In Olden Days, if they tied, would they both be back for the next show?

While I'm here ... do TPTB intentionally arrange that two people with the same first name don't play against each other?  What if two people with the same first name make the finals of TOC?


Yes. Not hard to do in regular play. In tournaments they keep them in different rounds. If they both end up in the finals, they find a workaround. See "Steve" here (scroll down): http://www.j-archive.com/showplayer.php?player_id=4679

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I love interviewing people and letting them talk about themselves. I did it for decades as a writer for an international business magazine. I never got tired of it and still do it today, when I'm with a group of people. I ask questions to get people to talk, and seldom if ever talk about myself during those times. I can keep a conversation going for hours w/o ever doing a Trebek "me me."

I've never done it for a living, but that's how I do it in life and on the internet. I find people would much rather talk about themselves than about me.

So how's your weekend going?  :)

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16 minutes ago, opus said:

So how's your weekend going?  :)

Nice try Opus.

52 minutes ago, dcalley said:

I've never forgiven Ken for this:

What? No hate for his "Baron found old meat scraps and a red tie in a dumpster" tweet? That's the one that got all the Internet trolls posting (fake) negative "reviews" about his books, and trying to force his publisher to drop him.

29 minutes ago, Trey said:

That should keep Ken Jennings from ever being host of Jeopardy! Not intelligent at all.

I think Ken Jennings not wanting to host Jeopardy! is what is going to keep him from being host.

Edited by saber5055
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8 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I think Ken Jennings not wanting to host Jeopardy! is what is going to keep him from being host.

Well, maybe that too.

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2 hours ago, DrSpaceman said:

They could do a better job though I think of finding things for the contestants to say.  "I have a nutcracker collection".  Really, how interesting........if this was NPR.  The stuff they choose is just awful sometimes. 

When I tried out, pre-online days, the way I remember it, as soon as they told you you passed the test, you had to write down three "interesting things." I don't know about other people, but I wasn't expecting to pass! Also had nothing interesting to talk about, as I was just out of college. 

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2 hours ago, Jesse said:

Also had nothing interesting to talk about, as I was just out of college. 

You are being modest. College produces some of the best memories ever ... although most of them should not be made public on national television I guess.

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4 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Family Feud was always a kind of fun - you didn't have to know the "right" answer, just guess what most people would say. But boy, we can't even watch a few minutes of it with Harvey. We really liked Ray Combs, and were so sad when he killed himself.

I loved Richard Dawson as host, that was during my college years. Now that I occasionally come across his shows on BuzzrTV, I'm amazed I didn't catch how delightfully snarky he was.

Ditto for your feelings about Ray Combs. Sadly, I can't bear to watch the shows he hosted because all I can think about was that he killed himself.

I had no idea about that Ken Jennings tweet. (Yuck.) 

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45 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

You are being modest. College produces some of the best memories ever ... although most of them should not be made public on national television I guess.

Especially if it's the first time your mother's heard them!

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9 hours ago, DrSpaceman said:

I can see how doing the same thing for over 30 years would get old, but still, that part of the show is like 2 minutes long and he has to do it 5 times a week.  Its like 10 or 15 minutes a week he has to actually act interested and make it at least a bit entertaining.  Its not asking a lot.  Pat Sajak basically does the same thing and he is much better at it. 

They could do a better job though I think of finding things for the contestants to say.  "I have a nutcracker collection".  Really, how interesting........if this was NPR.  The stuff they choose is just awful sometimes. 

They film 5 shows per day, don't they? Just because we see it as a show per day 5x/week, that doesn't mean that's how it is for Alex Trebek as well!

I wonder if he is snarkier on the "Friday" shows. I probably would be if it's the fifth time going through the motions that day.

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11 hours ago, DrSpaceman said:

If Steve Harvey ever became host, I would not watch.  Cannot stand that overrated horrible host.  Why on the earth anyone hires him, I have no idea.  He is not funny and has no personality.  I will take the slightly uppity Alex any day over him. 

Even Drew Carey, no.  I don't dislike Drew Carey, but not as host of Jeopardy. 

I liked Richard Dawson.  It was a different era back when he was a host.  He most certainly would not be kissing contestants today if he were on any show. 

I wouldn't mind seeing Neil Patrick Harris as host. 

I can't stand Steve Harvey. I think Drew is an excellent host of the Price Is Right. He's positive with the contestants and has cut down on the silliness of earlier episodes. Drew never mocks the contestants on the amount of their winnings as Alex does.

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8 hours ago, secnarf said:

They film 5 shows per day, don't they? Just because we see it as a show per day 5x/week, that doesn't mean that's how it is for Alex Trebek as well!

I wonder if he is snarkier on the "Friday" shows. I probably would be if it's the fifth time going through the motions that day.

No matter how often they tape them, there are only so many shows they do for a week or month or a year and its still only a couple of minutes each episode.  Its not a huge stretch to just act interested for a few minutes. 

10 hours ago, forumfish said:

Any fans of Richard Dawson might enjoy the reruns of Match Game on GSN -- you just have to get past the very un-PC atmosphere. It was a different time.

I love those old shows!  If nothing else, just for the outfits. 

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After Combs was host & they brought back Dawson, his daughter asked him to stop all the kissing - and he did. He did retain his snark, however.

I'm not sure who I'd want to replace AT. There's probably some young guy in People Magazine that I've never heard of* that will show up some day and do a fairly credible job and we'll just have to get used to him.

The more I watch The Match Game (on Buzzr), the more I can't stand either Rayburn or Brett Sommers. What an annoying old woman.


*I used to wonder how my elderly mom didn't know of all the latest stars; now that I'm elderly, I wish I could apologize to her now that I realize just how incredibly unimportant those youngsters are. And get off my lawn.

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19 hours ago, DrSpaceman said:

They could do a better job though I think of finding things for the contestants to say.  "I have a nutcracker collection".  Really, how interesting........if this was NPR.  The stuff they choose is just awful sometimes. 


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8 minutes ago, MrAtoz said:


DrSpaceman did say SOMETIMES. :)

I had a big crush on Richard Dawson back then. For a while I held a grudge against my mom for turning down a chance to be on the show.

And I agree that Pat Sajak is a great host. I'm not crazy about him personally, but it seems he always says the right thing and is funny besides.

I didn't know about Ken Jennings' tweets. Ick.


19 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I love interviewing people and letting them talk about themselves. I did it for decades as a writer for an international business magazine. I never got tired of it and still do it today, when I'm with a group of people. I ask questions to get people to talk, and seldom if ever talk about myself during those times. I can keep a conversation going for hours w/o ever doing a Trebek "me me."

I've never interviewed anyone, but for a long time I've thought I'd be good at it. I too like hearing people's stories, and I feel like I'm good at "getting in sync" with other people's moods and level of intellect. I'm a good listener!

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