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LSSC: Season Three Episode Talk

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3 hours ago, meowmommy said:

I may be the only person who feels this way, but I loathe with a passion any bits on this show involving animation, including God and 45.  Immediate FF.

You aren't alone. I hate the president cartoon. It's been expanded into a program on Showtime, which baffles me. The God bit is corny in the worst way.

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:
5 hours ago, meowmommy said:

I may be the only person who feels this way, but I loathe with a passion any bits on this show involving animation, including God and 45.  Immediate FF.

You aren't alone. I hate the president cartoon. It's been expanded into a program on Showtime, which baffles me. The God bit is corny in the worst way.

Same here. God, the President Cartoon, and I'll add Big Furry Hat, and Midnight Confessions. I also hate the marquee at the beginning of the show with Tonight: Trump Goes Crazy or whatever it says every night.    It's all so corny and so beneath the humor Colbert did on Report. I know he can't do that character, etc. but  good lord, this show is lamer than Fallon at times.

TBS, I loved Oprah talking about Reese Witherspoon's response to her hatred of gum.

Jesus woman, telling people they can't chew gum because of something that happened 50 years ago? See a therapist?

Oprah : I have a phobia about gum

Reese: Chomp, that's too bad. Chomp. 

Harpo, you just got owned by Type A Films. 

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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

God, the President Cartoon, and I'll add Big Furry Hat, and Midnight Confessions. I also hate the marquee at the beginning of the show with Tonight: Trump Goes Crazy or whatever it says every night.    It's all so corny and so beneath the humor Colbert did on Report.

I don't mind the concept of Big Furry Hat or Midnight Confessions, but dammit, they're just not funny.  Every time Stephen pimps his Midnight Confessions book, I have to roll my eyes and wonder why anyone would pay money for bad jokes that aren't amusing when they're free.  The interviews Stephen just did in Washington were so reminiscent of his wonderful Better Know a District series on The Colbert Report, that they stood in painful contrast to how far, in many ways, he has moved away from his talent.

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I can't stand the Furry Hat. I feel like it's racist in some way and I can't even articulate why, but it makes me really angry and I always FF immediately when he announces it's coming. I just find Midnight Confessions boring. He's gotten a bit better as an interviewer, but most of his non-political purely-intended-to-be-comedic bits are just not my cup of tea.

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I watched Reese's interview, I hope to God she was kidding about Oprah's asst telling her "Oprah likes silence in the make up trailer".

You know what Oprah? F off. 

You aren't on your show anymore.  Harpo didn't produce A Wrinkle In Time.  You're a hired actor and Reese Witherspoon won an Oscar, produces HUGE movies, and tv series, and can open a film so if she wants to gab and play music, have your hair and make up done in your private trailer.

On 3/7/2018 at 5:36 PM, possibilities said:

I can't stand the Furry Hat. I feel like it's racist in some way and I can't even articulate why, but it makes me really angry and I always FF immediately when he announces it's coming. I just find Midnight Confessions boring. He's gotten a bit better as an interviewer, but most of his non-political purely-intended-to-be-comedic bits are just not my cup of tea.

I rarely even watch the interviews, I'll watch some of the monologue but if it's just more of the same crap about Trump I turn it off.  The Sam Nunberg stuff was good, as was his going to Congress to burn Nunes.  I know it's hard for him to leave NYC a lot, but he did it for Report, and he's going to base 90% of his humor on politics, then he needs to do it right. Just because he can't do the Report any longer doesn't mean he cant' rebrand segments like he did on that show.  Does he do one now like Prescott Pharmaceuticals?  Those were hilarious.  What was the God Religion thing he used to do on the Daily Show? 

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10 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I watched Reese's interview, I hope to God she was kidding about Oprah's asst telling her "Oprah likes silence in the make up trailer".

You know what Oprah? F off. 

You aren't on your show anymore.  Harpo didn't produce A Wrinkle In Time.  You're a hired actor and Reese Witherspoon won an Oscar, produces HUGE movies, and tv series, and can open a film so if she wants to gab and play music, have your hair and make up done in your private trailer. 

Reese Witherspoon has an arrest wrap to her name. She's not worthy enough to carry Oprah's bra strap, be that as it may.


Is it just me or was Mindy a bit of a b**** when it came to the present the Colbert's sent her daughter. 

Like "yeah that's great, but Oprah did this". 

Stephen's wife probably picked out that layette set when they were in Charleston.  Show a little appreciation.

I'm pretty sure Oprah didn't sit up one night putting stickers in those books. 

I loved the "Doing The Best I Can" Barbie. 

As the owner of a 1999 Honda Civic (in excellent condition for what it's worth) and someone who has a "hair wash day is tomorrow" and will spend a Sunday afternoon in sweats binge watching something, they can name that Barbie after me. 

Edited by teddysmom
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On 3/8/2018 at 2:13 PM, teddysmom said:

Yes!! OMG.  

I don't know if he's afraid to offend because he may have a broader audience than at TDS, but anyone who knows Colbert isn't expecting Fox & Friends or The 700 Club. 

Isn’t everything from Colbert Report ‘owned’ by CC?

Edited by DrSparkles
2 hours ago, DrSparkles said:

Isn’t everything from Colbert Report ‘owned’ by CC?

Specific bits are likely Comedy Central's intellectual property, but I think we're talking about the sensibility of the Report's best bits rather than the actual bits. I loved Formidable Opponent more than anything but it wouldn't fit with the Late Show.

I don't hate the Big Furry Hat and Midnight Confessions, but they don't always land for me. Because they're just throwing out individual random jokes there is no sense of complexity or cross-referencing that lets the best bits build. Sometimes I find the segments funny and sometimes I could have lived without them -- but I have to say that the time John Cleese did the Big Furry Hat endears the concept of the bit to me even when it's less than hilarious. (And I do like the introduction to it with the rotating assortment of furry-hat-wearing alleged despots.)

I do enjoy the absurdity of whatever they call that thing where Stephen and his guest put their heads inside a cardboard box for a private conversation.

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Just watching the Friday ep, and I have a question about the Helen Mirren interview. When they were talking about actors she played with in the early days, who was the last one they mentioned? Stephen repeated the name too, but I couldn't understand what either of them said. It might have been Mark something? I can't think of an actor from that time named Mark. Did anyone catch the actor's name?

By the way, I teared up a little at the end of the movie clip they showed. Glad she stopped the interview to plug her movie. At that rate, Stephen wasn't going to get that in. :)

ETA: Omg, I just finished watching, and I loved the David Byrne number! I thought "ugh" af first when I saw Stephen as part of the song, because I usually cringe when he inserts himself in a song with a guest, but this was perfect. And I was so glad at Stephen's shout out, "You see that, Scott?" Ha! David Byrne is such an odd and awkward guy in an interview, and then becomes so out there as a performer. So interesting. I was lucky enough to see Talking Heads twice in the 80s. They were fantastic! I think maybe the Stop Making Sense show at the Greek Theater in Berkeley that I saw is the one they used for the movie. But I may be mis-remembering that part. In any case, it was an amazing show to behold.

Edited by Arcey
New info
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It's great to see the return of the "Hungry For Power" segments - they're consistently hilarious & were an early highlight of the show in the time when, frankly, it wasn't otherwise very good.  But shouldn't they have started this up again a lot earlier?  Staff have been leaving pretty steadily for a while now.  Lots of missed opportunities.  But I guess the firings and departures from this White House are an endless renewable comedic resource.

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2 hours ago, Wilbur Whateley said:

It's great to see the return of the "Hungry For Power" segments - they're consistently hilarious & were an early highlight of the show in the time when, frankly, it wasn't otherwise very good.  But shouldn't they have started this up again a lot earlier?  Staff have been leaving pretty steadily for a while now.  Lots of missed opportunities.  But I guess the firings and departures from this White House are an endless renewable comedic resource.

Yeah, it would've been fun to see how they would've covered all the other resignings/firings (and holy shit, my head is spinning just thinking about all the people who've left this administration...and it's only just been over a year!). But I'm happy to see the segment back, too. And I have no doubt there'll be plenty more fodder for this segment with time. 

I cracked up at Stephen realizing the oil was spilling out from the coffin onto his desk :D. 

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On 3/14/2018 at 1:43 PM, Miss Dee said:

Trevor Noah does an "The Celebrity Appresident" segment where he covers the hiring a and firings of the White House. Maybe Legal had to make sure Colbert's segment covering the same material was dissimilar enough to air.

Not a Lawyer, but parody is generally covered under fair use. Also, since they are using different sources "The Apprentice" and "The Hunger Games", I really doubt there would be any kind of legal issues regarding the segments.

I was curious to see how high they would get and at the time of this posting, the "ART" canvas is $12100 "Not Now, Daddy's Drinking" is $4150, and "Me When I'm Feeling Cool"(Snoopy) is a steal at $2550. With 6 days left, I won't be surprised if "ART" breaks $25k and the others $10k.

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On 3/9/2018 at 11:17 AM, teddysmom said:

Is it just me or was Mindy a bit of a b**** when it came to the present the Colbert's sent her daughter. 

Like "yeah that's great, but Oprah did this". 

Stephen's wife probably picked out that layette set when they were in Charleston.  Show a little appreciation.

I'm pretty sure Oprah didn't sit up one night putting stickers in those books. 

I'm pretty sure that was a prepared bit.  Stephen needed something funny to discuss with Mindy, and Oprah's present was in the news, so the writers came up with this and Mindy agreed to it.  She didn't decide to compare the gifts on her own.

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The first time Drew Barrymore made a point about "don't expect anything to be handed to you, fight for it", I let it go. The second time, I got a little ticked. The third time? Bitch, please. She is familiar with her own family name, right? If she doesn't think that had just a teeny bit to do with her success in Hollywood (at least in the beginning), she's delusional. She seems like a perfectly affable woman, and I appreciate the sentiment behind her beliefs, but the hypocrisy is strong. At least acknowledge the huge assist you got from the fact that your family is old time Hollywood royalty.

And yikes, I think the comedian last night got one of the most tepid audience receptions ever! There was something in his bearing and voice that reminded me of Jon Stewart (or I saw it based on the TDS link), but wow, the tone deaf jokes were even worse than those of most of the comedians they feature. Was the premise of the last joke that someone named "Omar" is inherently untrustworthy? Awkwaaaard!

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I have always liked Drew Barrymore, but I, too, was put off by her interview. I don't discount that she works hard at what she does and that she isn't deserving of her current success, but yeah, to pretend like she didn't have a huge advantage  because of her family is ridiculous. She's philianthrophic, as far as I can tell, so that's something.

Some random six-year-old in Anytown, USA, with a lawnscaper father and waitress mother just isn't going to have the same life that Drew has had, no matter how hard she works. Privileged people who act like their connected or well-off family didn't contribute to their wealth or success are deluded. Just being part of the family gives you privilege. How you use that privilege makes a difference.

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13 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

The first time Drew Barrymore made a point about "don't expect anything to be handed to you, fight for it", I let it go. The second time, I got a little ticked. The third time? Bitch, please

I always saw Drew Barymore as an actor who didn't need to or want to flaunt her family name, but I got to the "Bitch, please" stage after the first of those remarks, and immediately began hoping for an admission of her own privilege, but no, she just kept digging in deeper. Silly me, I'm still thinking the poor thing probably went home and ate too much (gourmet) Cringe flavored ice cream—even while I'm contemplating my own impending forced retirement probably means future tooth extractions rather than root canals.

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I'm glad Stephen is doing more remote pieces, they really are his forte. His monologues are almost as mind numbing as cable news, trump trump trump.  Enough already. I don't need every show I watch to do nothing but talk about Trump. I'm aware he's an asshole. 

Keri & Matthew were great interview. She's got quite the potty mouth on her. Wish Stephen had asked them about the weird exterior of their house on The Americans. How can Russian spies live in what appears to be an attached home? And what's with all the garages? Is that for the wigs?  I didn't realize this was the final season.  I'll be sad to see this go, it had a great run. 

Regarding his talk about Trump, I like when he talks about actual political things Trump and his administration are doing that are concerning. The jokes and discussion about Stormy Daniels, though, are yet another in the list of many reasons I hate that Trump is president. At least when he was a reality show host, if some scandal came out about his personal life, I could just ignore it, since I don't follow tabloids and things of that sort.

But now that he's president, it's part of the national conversation and I now know things about Trump's sex life that I could've gladly gone my whole life without ever knowing, and I'm stuck with creepy images in my head as a result. There's not enough brain bleach in the world... I get it's good joke fodder for late night hosts, but....spare me the images, please.

5 hours ago, teddysmom said:

.Keri & Matthew were great interview. She's got quite the potty mouth on her. Wish Stephen had asked them about the weird exterior of their house on The Americans. How can Russian spies live in what appears to be an attached home? And what's with all the garages? Is that for the wigs?  I didn't realize this was the final season.  I'll be sad to see this go, it had a great run. 

I haven't seen "The Americans", but the interview with them had me considering giving it a look :D. It was very fun indeed. 

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I was transfixed by Penn's smoke, wondering:

  • Was it legal in that venue?
  • Was it tobacco or...?
  • Was it home rolled or tailor made?
  • Was it planned?
  • How was there an ash tray (I missed its arrival)?

And then when SC finally asked him to stop because--even though it made SC fondly recall the smell of his parents' smoking--SC wanted Penn to be around for awhile, to which Penn replied that he was keeping the oncologists employed, I was consumed with:

  • Did SC's parents die of lung cancer? (Wikipedia says him mom lived to 92 after having 11 kids, so...)
  • Does Penn have cancer?
  • Does Penn not realize how offensive that remark might be to those with cancer and/or raised insurance rates?
  • ...?

Yeah. I don't recall anything else from the show except a vague sense that Penn's remarks were intriguing.

3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I was transfixed by Penn's smoke, wondering:

  • Was it legal in that venue?
  • Was it tobacco or...?
  • Was it home rolled or tailor made?
  • Was it planned?
  • How was there an ash tray (I missed its arrival)?

And then when SC finally asked him to stop because--even though it made SC fondly recall the smell of his parents' smoking--SC wanted Penn to be around for awhile, to which Penn replied that he was keeping the oncologists employed, I was consumed with:

  • Did SC's parents die of lung cancer? (Wikipedia says him mom lived to 92 after having 11 kids, so...)
  • Does Penn have cancer?
  • Does Penn not realize how offensive that remark might be to those with cancer and/or raised insurance rates?
  • ...?

Yeah. I don't recall anything else from the show except a vague sense that Penn's remarks were intriguing.

I’ve always loved Sean Penn. it was amazing to see him smoking, bc in my life no one does any more! SC did say that he had seen SP a few nights earlier somewhere & thought he might want to smoke. I think Mrs Colbert died from old age, I will NEVER forget his tribute to her the night he came back from bereavement leave. I appreciate the hard work SP has done in Haiti, good on him!

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