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S19.E28: Live Eviction #8


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Awwww, bye Mark. You went out with class!  And he was remarkably self-aware.

WTF with the votes for Matt? Are they going to try to blame those on Christmas and Josh or something? I was confused by that. Paul has positioned himself perfectly but he's screwed if any of these people actually ever talk to each other.

Best part of the show was Kevin nailing Paul with that rubber swan! Bless him, he never disappoints.

  • Love 6

I loved Mark telling Julie what a bad game he played! He did have a classy exit and went down swing but not in a banging pots and pans kinda way. I hope he doesn't get the cold shoulder from Elena in the Jury House.

Those 'buns' seemed unfair as for example Alex was doing the splits while the guys legs weren't that far apart some people really got nailed with the mustard, some with the ketchup, I hope they spray the water again so they can at least get it off their faces... did not look fun. Someone buy Raven some waterproof eyeliner!

Since Christmas couldn't play I knew this would be a long endurance comp. But again pissed with the to be continued HoH's.

  • Love 8

I have no feelings about Matt one way or the other but the tweet imploring them to "EVICT THE CEREAL EATER!" made me laugh.

Holly seems nice and sweet and not at all what I pictured as a rodeo clown's wife but she was wrong about one thing...Alex sucks.  Her behavior with Jason is annoying, not cute and I gotta give it to Holly because she's a bigger person than I am, to endorse that shit.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 10

Mark seemed extra evasive under Julie's questioning about Elena....he deflected into a unrelated tangent when Julie asked him point blank about her. Very strange...oh, well maybe he was down playing it so he could be available to get with Dominique when he gets out.

Without Jess and Cody useless filler gets pulled off the bench such as running around in giant inflatable ducks...I thought maybe just maybe the segement would lead to something such as them pausing to witness the Eclipse as they were in the back yard but nope...straight up filler...as is a visit back to Jason's ranch. I'm sorry but I simply don't care but it was worth one thing....just to prove that its an unfair world that a tool like Jason has a hot wife. How does she feel about Christmas straddling him resulting in the foot injury from hell? That might have redeemed that worthless segment.

Josh and Christmas cuddling in the hammock?! Last episode he was saying she was like a "big sister"....ah...no...not after that hammock shot...but I didn't believe it before then either.

Paul most be contractually obligatd by CBS to spread false alternate vote narratives in the diary room such as saying maybe they won't vote Mark out.

Most laughable moment was the top of the hour when Julie said a large group was controlling the house....if you mean a large group that consists of a party of one named Paul than yeah, that intro was spot on.

Of course Paul is wearing a tutu....when you are a card carrying douche its a requirement.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Holly seems nice and sweet and not at all what I pictured as a rodeo clown's wife but she was wrong about one thing...Alex sucks.  Her behavior with Jason is annoying, not cute and I gotta give it to Holly because she's a bigger person than I am, to endorse that shit.

Well, to be brutally honest... if Jason had to have a female as his counterpart, then - from Holly's perspective, anyway - Alex was probably the safest bet in the House.


1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

The lameness of this season and these tools is evidenced by the goodbye messages. They were all, "sorry, Mark, you aligned yourself with the wrong people." Okay, fine....but so what? Those "people" are gone, judge the kid on his own merits, and use him to create a new alliance, whatever...play the game!

I think you're advancing opinions this boxful of Fruit Loops might find incomprehensible.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Awwww, bye Mark. You went out with class!  And he was remarkably self-aware.

WTF with the votes for Matt? Are they going to try to blame those on Christmas and Josh or something? I was confused by that. Paul has positioned himself perfectly but he's screwed if any of these people actually ever talk to each other.

Best part of the show was Kevin nailing Paul with that rubber swan! Bless him, he never disappoints.

I missed most of the vote.  Who voted which way?

3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

.I thought maybe just maybe the segement would lead to something such as them pausing to witness the Eclipse as they were in the back yard but nope...straight up filler

That would have made too much sense.

1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

Dang it Kevin. 

Was he supposed to vote for Matt so the vote would be 3 - 3?  I am for Kevin for the win now but he always tells people he won't vote them out and then does.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, backformore said:

Why would Julie talk about Mark and Josh on Amazing Race?  That would be AWFUL.   Josh is too loud, too volatile, too unstable.  I hope Mark does not take that suggestion.  He'd be great on TAR, but would need a partner who is more sane. 

Ugh, the way TAR has been cast Iately I can see that this is exactly why they would make them a team. *sigh*

  • Love 3

Paul wearing that tutu for no reason reminded me that he wore a child's floatie ring around his waist for an entire season. He must think we find such things endlessly hilarious.  Someone should explain to him that those things would only seem funny on an otherwise dignified looking man.  When you already have a gigantic beard of the type kids tie on with a string for school  plays, and a chest covered in an enormous, colorful bird picture, the addition of duck rings and tutus is barely noticeable.

  • Love 22

Mark is truly a class act. I love that he wasn't all bitter and taking things personally. He recognized his flaws and how he screwed up his own game, but at the end of the day - it's just a game. Great exit interview. Hope he wins fan favorite! 

I thought it was interesting that Alex and Jason voted for him to stay. What's the point in a sympathy vote in this case? Is that going to cause some friction with anyone else? 

I love how now everyone is kind of scrambling to see which side is going to take out the other first, and YET - Paul's name is still not mentioned. NOT ONCE. These people deserve to lose to him, every single one of them. 

I laughed when Kevin was asked what he'd like to see from his family should he win HOH (yea right) and he said bottled water. Bottled water???? Are they not given good water in the house? Weirdo

My guess is Alex wins HOH. (Not a spoiler. I'll look, but I haven't yet.) I say this because she and Jess were the ones who did so well in the past similar challenge. Josh will be out early, I bet. 

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, mojoween said:

Holly seems nice and sweet and not at all what I pictured as a rodeo clown's wife but she was wrong about one thing...Alex sucks.  Her behavior with Jason is annoying, not cute and I gotta give it to Holly because she's a bigger person than I am, to endorse that shit.

I could be wrong, but I got the impression Jason's wife's answers were "TV-friendly". She knew it wouldn't look cool to bitch about her on camera; she'd just come off as jealous and petty. And Alex has enough petty for all us women. So I think she did the classy thing, rose above any view she MIGHT have of Alex, and answered like a politician's wife. Or maybe she really IS totally fine with Boobs McGee being her husband's "BB Wife" and calling him "dumb" constantly. But somehow I doubt it. 


5 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I missed most of the vote.  Who voted which way?

Jason and Alex voted for Matt. Josh, Paul, Kevin, and Raven voted for Mark. 

  • Love 9

I don't know.  I mean, Holly basically said they fucked like rabbits before Jason left so I feel like she would be honest about Alex.  I mean, I think she would be self-aware enough not to come off crazed, but she would couch it in a way where we would know how she really felt.  I'm assuming, of course, having never met the woman.

And because I am easily amused, I laughed when the editors subtitled Ole at the end.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And that's precisely why he won't ever be nominated. His antics have designated him an easy goat to drag to the end and beat come finale night. 

I agree.  Paul will take Josh to the F2.  I don't watch live feeds, but I think he's actually admitted this in the DR, hasn't he?

Edited by Pondlass1
  • Love 4

I'm so glad Christmas made the BIG MOVES this week and got Mark out. Evicting the house target is really flipping the shit out of everything.

Mark's exit was so classy. He seems like a genuinely good guy.

Loved the mustard blast to Alex's face. 

Would still love to see Kevin for the win, even though it will never, ever happen.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Paul, dressed in black much of the time, has the villain type mustache and beard.  Does everything, but tie women to railroad tracks and twirl his mustache.  He does look like Snidely Whiplash without the beard.  Yeah, I know, Christmas isn't Dudley Do-Right.   Her super hero name could be Dimly Dumb-Ass.

Is there a cartoon or comic book villain that lives at home with his parents?

Loved this!

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought it was interesting that Alex and Jason voted for him to stay. What's the point in a sympathy vote in this case? Is that going to cause some friction with anyone else? 

The point is now they have 2 new people to go after with a clear conscious, in their minds anyways.  I am assuming that Alex and Jason thought they were on the right side of the vote.  This should show petty Alex that Elena was right when she said they were mislead in the vote that sunk both her and Mark.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, asabovesobelow said:

Would still love to see Kevin for the win

I rooted for Kevin for a long time.  He seemed above all the chattering stupidity.  But not now. He's just 'there'.

 I'm not rooting for anyone.  I don't care about any of them.  Don't care who wins - but the prize for America's Favourite (or whatever it's called) - I hope that's an eye opener for these nasties.  Coz I hope Mark wins it.  

  • Love 8

Raven, getting called to the DR by Julie to cast your vote to evict is not the time when you jump up from your spot on the couch, slap your hands against your cheeks like you can't believe it, squeal and start hopping in place like you just won the lottery. That was painful to watch. In fact, never do that again. 

I hate fake perky people like that. You just wanna smack 'em.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

 I am assuming that Alex and Jason thought they were on the right side of the vote.  This should show petty Alex that Elena was right when she said they were mislead in the vote that sunk both her and Mark.

Unless I misunderstood what happened last night, I'm pretty sure Alex & Jason voted for Matt on purpose, not because they were mislead by anyone about who the house was voting for.

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Unless I misunderstood what happened last night, I'm pretty sure Alex & Jason voted for Matt on purpose, not because they were mislead by anyone about who the house was voting for.

How I understood it -  and granted I zoned out there because this season is so boring with Paul walking to the end and no one even talking to see if he has deals going on all over the house - I understood that they decided to keep singleton Mark for the time being as he would vote like they tell him and send Matt home to split up the couple.   I thought it was all set and then Mark went home and now we have Raven stunned to see that 2 people voted to get out Matt.  Now Matt and Raven know that some people are out to get them and it could backfire that Alex and Jason take the fall.  Which would be a good game move since both are good in comps.

It just pisses me off that, once again, Paul comes out smelling like a rose.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, GeorgiaRai said:

I thought Alex & Jason purposely gave Mark the sympathy votes.  Didn't Mark say Alex told him before the vote that they were doing that, so he wouldn't go out 6-0?

Mark knows he's going home, everyone knows he's going home.  What did Jalex accomplish by tossing him two meaningless votes?  For a hot second I thought that Paul was supposed to vote Matt out and force a tie, but immediately after the vote no one seemed confused or concerned by the vote.  Sympathy, pfft.  Alex did it to garner Mark's jury vote.  Jason did it because he does whatever Alex tells him to do.

Mark was way too good for this season and too good for Elena.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

It just pisses me off that, once again, Paul comes out smelling like a rose.

I kind of liked however that he was kind of amazed when he relayed to Christmas after sussing out the current 'pecking order' in the house that neither of them were on it. Most 'real' moment of the season probably when Paul realized just the kind of morons they are playing with and was taken aback by it like we are. Can't blame the dude for gameplaying circles around their poor dumb pretty heads.

I'd love to see and end to Alex as the first "couples" shot fired, with Josh as a "pawn" just to see him lose it once again. He's been on his best behavior now that he's started to listen to Christmas instead of Paul.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Sympathy, pfft. 

Maybe.  But I think Alex & Mark have developed a friendship in recent weeks, starting when Mark picked her for the Otev comp (IIRC).  And Mark seemed to appreciate both the votes and the heads-up from Alex beforehand.  Of course, I don't hate Alex, so it's easier for me to take all of this at face value! ;)

And I agree - he's too good for Elena. 

  • Love 3

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