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S09.E20: Reunion Part 1

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5 hours ago, eXiled said:

Rob is going to have to UP his makeup game if he wants his line to become successful. Better yet, remove the makeup to show us what you're really working with, dude.

He reminds me of those hair re-growth infomercials. Each and every woman/man interviewed is shown in their "befores" with patchy hair or bald spots. Their "afters" show them outfitted with unbeweavable hair systems and thick lush extensions. Praising the product and can't run their hands through their new growth. Talking 'bout people complimenting on their replenished hair. Meanwhile, I'd simply ask my friend where she'd purchased her new wig. 



  • Love 3
1 hour ago, LIMOM said:

Rob Lowe is married to a make up artist. He looks like shit right now. He cheated on her the entire marriage. I can't figure out their deal. Kids? 

He is missing a few screws.

I don't really pay attention to him or the status of his marital fidelity. I know of his skincare line only because it got a fair amount of press out here when it launched,  and posted the link because someone upthread pointed out his heavy on-camera paint job. Don't know anyone who actually uses (or admits to using) the products.

Edited by SCS
  • Love 4
10 hours ago, BBHN said:

There was a ton of great stuff besides the Luann/Tom trainwreck. All of Mexico, Dorinda and Sonja's mini-fued, CLIP! to name a few.

B vs Ramona

the actual living situation between Tinsley and Sonya.

at least two charity event we didn't get to see. 

I don't need a season long arch, this is not a scripted show (wink wink). Quite frankly the Tom LUann storyline was the least interesting or fun part of this season.

Edited by bagger
Cuz I write on my phone
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, LIMOM said:

Rob Lowe is married to a make up artist. He looks like shit right now. He cheated on her the entire marriage. I can't figure out their deal. Kids? 

He is missing a few screws.

Where did you hear that? All I've read is that he WAS a cheater when he was younger, but got sober when he met his wife. He's been sober for more than 2 decades. 


  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Oh yeah. Well that is certainly true.  She definitely did not apologize for Rionda and Patricia Del Castro for lying to them about having $250 million to finance their film.  Nope.  It was all somebody else's fault, I'm sure. 


That woman is so out of touch from reality she needs a spaceship to get back to Earth.

I feel like this has to repeated often so that people don't forget how awful Sonja can be.

12 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I thought it was UC Berkeley. My bad. Never mind!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The only way Teresa could get into UC Berkeley is if UC Berkeley stands for University College of Berkeley Ave. Oh, that Berkeley. It's above the Domino's. Teresa couldn't even get into UC Berkeley for a campus tour. She'd step foot on the campus and campus police would just shake their heads and say "no." I'm not making fun of you. Most people have only heard of UC Berkeley and its homonymic cousin Berklee College of Music. It's understandable that you would be confused. 

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 13

Re: Dildo Cleansing . . .    To kill most of the bacteria on a dirty dish, water must reach a scalding 140° Fahrenheit. That temperature is easily reached in a dishwasher, but in a sink, it's nearly impossible.

Sonja's method is probably the most sanitary method to clean her toys.  It may have the "ewwww factor" for many of you, but I think her idea is great.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Emmeline said:

They are replaying the reunion this afternoon and I'm half watching but I am getting sick of these women.  Carol, Sonja and Luann, all got the majority of their money through marriage, death or divorce.  Tinsley had family money and gained again I'm sure through divorce.  She is really the only socialite.  Not to say Carol and Luann didn't work at all but not what they are living off of now.  Sonja - nothing.  Ramona, for all her faults seemed to be more successful than Mario.  Face it, his religious jewelry and trophy based business was on the rails.  

The same could and should said of Dorinda. Richard was a hedge fund guy who worked for George Soros. He has kids, but I think he made sure Dorinda would be ok after he died. He bought her Berkshires house for her.

Anthony had so little family money that I'd call it just about negligible. His dad died completely broke. His mom is a spendthrift who only has money because she tends to sponge off of rich men. Anthony got $500,000 when Jackie died. Jackie set up a trust fund for his care and schooling when he was a kid. I don't think it was especially substantial. Anthony and Carole used the JFK chair to buy their apartment. You also have to remember that he'd been battling cancer for 10 years. The money that Carole has is almost certainly Anthony's pension, 401K, life insurance, their savings, her salary, and her money from her books. But Carole isn't sitting on a cache of millions based on Anthony's lucrative television producer job or secret Radziwill gold.

My sister-in-law's father just passed away unexpectedly. I'm pretty sure that his widow got more money from his death than Carole got from Anthony's. And my sister-in-law's father was an ear nose throat doctor in rural Wisconsin.

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Re: Dildo Cleansing . . .    To kill most of the bacteria on a dirty dish, water must reach a scalding 140° Fahrenheit. That temperature is easily reached in a dishwasher, but in a sink, it's nearly impossible.

Sonja's method is probably the most sanitary method to clean her toys.  It may have the "ewwww factor" for many of you, but I think her idea is great.

This may be true for most people that clean their "toys" this way but we are talking about Sonja here, someone that serves brown ice! I wouldn't trust that she even has the hot water to her dishwasher turned on and/or that it runs properly to begin with! LOL

  • Love 11
45 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Re: Dildo Cleansing . . .    To kill most of the bacteria on a dirty dish, water must reach a scalding 140° Fahrenheit. That temperature is easily reached in a dishwasher, but in a sink, it's nearly impossible.

Sonja's method is probably the most sanitary method to clean her toys.  It may have the "ewwww factor" for many of you, but I think her idea is great.

Hot water just doesn't cut it for some jobs, @Former Nun   Sonja's "playthings' need a good soaking in Lysol.  Or better yet, bleach!

Actually, given her image and the level of nastiness involved, I am thinking Sonja should consider developing a line of disposable dildos for the market. She would be the perfect poster girl for single-use sex toys.   

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Broken Ox said:

I thought Ramona's daughter went to Emory?


1 minute ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Did anyone else notice that Beth looked slightly cross-eyed a few times during this segment of the reunion? I know that they show a clip of her imitating Ramona, during which Beth seems to be deliberately crossing her eyes, but I'm referring to several other moments. 

didn't notice that at all. But maybe it's true that if you do it too much, it stays that way ;) 

  • Love 2

If I remember correctly, Avery went to Emery for one year and then transferred to UVA and that is where she graduated from.  Nothing unusual for a college student to transfer or for a college graduate moving back in with her or his parents until they get a job and establish themselves.  Especially if they are moving back to their home town.  And especially if it's NYC.  Nothing is cheap.

Berkley in the metro NY area was originally a secretarial school.  And then at some point became a college.  Tre majored in fashion merchandising.  I can't remember if it was a two or four year college at that point.  If you're going to go into the fashion field, especially in merchandising, you go to FIT like Ro and So.  FIT is part of SUNY (state university of NY).  It has a great reputation in the fashion industry.  I know.  I went there for two years before transferring.  Long story.  Tre was an associate buyer for Macy's?  Isn't everyone?  Sorry, I know a number of people who has been there, done that.

So's toys present no problems if she has a decent dishwasher and the hot water is turned on and connected to the DW.  Yeah, it 'sounds' disgusting but the reality is it isn't.  Now, the brown water situation....  That's the problem. 

As for marrying money.  Love her or hate her, Ro didn't marry Mario for money.  She had her own.  I don't think Lu married for money.  She had a successful career going on in Europe.  I don't think for a second that Carole married Anthony for money.  Dorinda did have a successful business going on when she lived in England with Richard and I think the two really loved one another.  I also think Tins really loved her husband.  The only one that I could say married for money is Sonja.  Beth married Jason because she was pregnant and she wanted a child.  I don't Beth has the ability to be in love with anyone.  She thrives on victimhood.  

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 9
24 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Is this really Ramona?  It came up with a bunch of pictures of her.



I don't think it's her, Butter Queen. These older photos of Ramona don't quite match up. (They were a lovely wedding couple -- very old school style and photo - I'm assuming intentionally so):

ramona 1.jpg

ramona 2.jpg

Edited by film noire
  • Love 13
7 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Artie Lange (comedian) is quite heavy and when asked about his addictions and how coke is an appetite supressant, he said in many interviews does not affect his appetite at all. If he had coke and a hamburger, he would sprinkle it on the burger before taking a bite.

I think Dorinda tries to counteract the coke with alcohol so that she will still be buzzed but not flying out of her skin. Then she goes overboard on the liquor and heads into blackout territory. You also have to wonder if she is really "napping" or just doing more coke in her room

Wow, Kung Fu, you have Dorinda being an all out Coke head!  I don't see any evidence of this at all!  Or that John is her supplier as some have speculated.  Maybe they have indulged at times, but regular users, I just don't see evidence of it.  I see these characters drinking a lot, getting too much body adjustments, but I don't get the vibe of them (any of them) being druggies.  Not even Adderall as others have said.  But I could be a little naive.  Who knows??  It's all just speculation on here, though.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Tinsley is in a Little House on Layaway dress. Ramona is dress like Suddenly Single Barbie. Luann is wearing one of her wedding dresses which is strange because when do these women recycle an outfit? I’m thinking that it was the only thing she could grab as she stormed out of her house after last week’s Missy and the mic scene.


Tamara Tattles did a blind item and revealed it as the Housewives have to pay for their own reunion dress (no allowance from Bravo for a dress). So, I would actually take the rewearing of the wedding rehearsal dress as a sign that Lu might be a bit cash strapped.  You remember she also strangely wore one of the dresses from her Evine line a couple of years ago (and she never wears anything from that line). She just spent a ton of money on that wedding so rewearing one of the dresses might have been the only option she had. 

2 hours ago, Broken Ox said:

I thought Ramona's daughter went to Emory?

She went for one year, I believe and then transferred. I don't believe a specific reason has ever been given for the switch. 

  • Love 5
On 8/17/2017 at 6:44 PM, jumper sage said:

I don't know.  I am 55 and Dorinda is 52.  Our age group is one of the biggest users of coke excepting for those in their 70s.  Growing up in the 70s, being in college in the 80s and having money in the 90s all add up to the drug generation.  I have lost 2 friends in the past year to drug overdoses.  One was 53 and one was 59.  It is still prevalent at parties - weed, coke, and vicodin.  I recognize the beyond-slur of words that comes with alcohol and drugs.

Not saying Dorinda is doing it but it is absolutely not out of the realm.  I like Dorinda (slinks away).

Are you saying the biggest group of coke users are in their 70's?  Or that those in their 70s NOW we're the biggest group of coke users when they were in their young adulthood?  Which would have been in the late sixties and early 70s, which makes sense as that is when the age of social drugs became popular.   If there is a significant population of coke abusers who are in their 70s now, that is news to me as I became of age during the 70s and I don't know of what you speak.  But maybe it's a regional thing. ?

  • Love 4
On 8/17/2017 at 7:44 PM, bravofan27 said:

I don't see Bethanny or Teresa hankering down and spending a day learning something through study

Teresa, definitely not.  Bethenny, though, I could see hunkering down.  She did actually graduate with a degree as someone as posted in Communications or something,  and don't forget, she also went to culinary school.  Love her or hate her, Bethenny is a smart(ass) cookie.  Teresa G., not so much.

  • Love 11

Yeah, supposedly Lu's dress for the reunion was the same that she wore for the rehearsal dinner.  If this is true, and according to Bravo that's what is was, I don't see it as a crime.

Not a crime, but...how positively gauche of a former Countess.


Teresa, definitely not.  Bethenny, though, I could see hunkering down.  She did actually graduate with a degree as someone as posted in Communications or something,  and don't forget, she also went to culinary school.  Love her or hate her, Bethenny is a smart(ass) cookie.  Teresa G., not so much.

Yeah, I agree.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, DelicateDee said:

Are you saying the biggest group of coke users are in their 70's?  Or that those in their 70s NOW we're the biggest group of coke users when they were in their young adulthood?  Which would have been in the late sixties and early 70s, which makes sense as that is when the age of social drugs became popular.   If there is a significant population of coke abusers who are in their 70s now, that is news to me as I became of age during the 70s and I don't know of what you speak.  But maybe it's a regional thing. ?

Did you ever see That 70s show?  Does it not smack of realism of the 70s?  It sure does to me and those of my generation (baby boomers) are the largest group for illicit drugs and growing.  We just loved the whole basement thing.  Everytime I see that show I crack up.  So true.  Those in their 70s now would be the hippie generation of the 60s and 70s.

At least our kids have rebelled by NOT doing drugs.  We can't even search our kids rooms and grab what's there for our own usage like my parents did.  Honestly now that I am 55 I may hit one once in a while but with health issues creeping up that's about it.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I feel like this has to repeated often so that people don't forget how awful Sonja can be.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The only way Teresa could get into UC Berkeley is if UC Berkeley stands for University College of Berkeley Ave. Oh, that Berkeley. It's above the Domino's. Teresa couldn't even get into UC Berkeley for a campus tour. She'd step foot on the campus and campus police would just shake their heads and say "no." I'm not making fun of you. Most people have only heard of UC Berkeley and its homonymic cousin Berklee College of Music. It's understandable that you would be confused. 

haha. Yeah, I have never heard of the Berkeley college in NJ that is above Dominos. You can make fun of me, I deserve it for thinking it was UC Berkeley. I thought maybe at one point in time she was really into social justice and maybe wanted to be an advocate for human rights. Oh well.  I am clipping myself now. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 4

I don't think it's gauche at all.  I heard Kyle on RHBH say she never re-wears reunion dresses.  I don't see the big deal, but for those who hate Lu, she can do nothing right.

Nothing to do with whether or not someone hates Luann. Nothing wrong with wearing a reunion dress after the reunion show, but this this isn't the same thing. This is recycling a wedding (rehearsal) dress for a reality reunion episode. That isn't just gauche, that's being captain of the gauche team. And it would be just gauche had any of the other women recycled that type of dress for filming the reunion.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 7
7 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Did you ever see That 70s show?  Does it not smack of realism of the 70s?  It sure does to me and those of my generation (baby boomers) are the largest group for illicit drugs and growing.  We just loved the whole basement thing.  Everytime I see that show I crack up.  So true.  Those in their 70s now would be the hippie generation of the 60s and 70s.

At least our kids have rebelled by NOT doing drugs.  We can't even search our kids rooms and grab what's there for our own usage like my parents did.  Honestly now that I am 55 I may hit one once in a while but with health issues creeping up that's about it.

This is foreign to me too, and I grew up in the 70's.  No drugs appeared at any of our parties, nor did we use drugs when the kids left the house.  

Having said that, Dorinda is on something when she drinks.  And I believe they all use Adderall for weight control.

2 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Nothing to do with whether or not someone hates Luann. Nothing wrong with wearing a reunion dress after the reunion show, but this this isn't the same thing. This is recycling a wedding (rehearsal) dress for a reality reunion episode. That isn't just gauche, that's being captain of the gauche team.

What difference does it make?  I just disagree. ?

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Nothing to do with whether or not someone hates Luann. Nothing wrong with wearing a reunion dress after the reunion show, but this this isn't the same thing. This is recycling a wedding (rehearsal) dress for a reality reunion episode. That isn't just gauche, that's being captain of the gauche team. And it would be just gauche had any of the other women recycled that type of dress for filming the reunion.

It's pretty tacky. Even Sonja wore a new outfit from her Invisible Lifestyle Brand. Designers - at least mid range and those that are trying to move up in the fashion world know how many viewers watch RHONY - it is going to be seen over 3 episodes - they would provide a fitted dress for free.

Then again Luann is kind of stupid. Back in June she threw a Countess Collection Celebration in which she wore nothing of the Countess Collection - not the dress not the jewelry. This is a Nicole Miller dress. This would have been more appropriate for the reunion than that rehearsal dress



  • Love 9
11 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Hot water just doesn't cut it for some jobs, @Former Nun   Sonja's "playthings' need a good soaking in Lysol.  Or better yet, bleach!

Actually, given her image and the level of nastiness involved, I am thinking Sonja should consider developing a line of disposable dildos for the market. She would be the perfect poster girl for single-use sex toys.   


You got it!!  I think that this is the exact thing that she should get into!!  It's really win-win!  She likes to use to use toys and she needs to find something to bring in $$!  She could ask Kandi (ATL) about her company, Bedroom Kandi as they are in two different cities and probably have two different target groups.    

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Rob Lowe is married to a make up artist. He looks like shit right now. He cheated on her the entire marriage. I can't figure out their deal. Kids? 

He is missing a few screws.

I have read that Rob and his wife are into threesomes, have an unconventional sex life, etc. Who knows what is true? I never got the idea that his wife was the poor, long suffering wife. Too bad his boys look more like his wife than him. I do agree, though, that he looks bad in that picture.

Avery just graduated from college in May and then took a month long trip to Asia. Looks like she just started her first job after that, so I would imagine she is saving some money and living with Ramona. A free place to live and plenty of room. 

  • Love 2

What difference does it make?  I just disagree.

Obviously we disagree lol It makes a difference to me. I find it tacky and gauche, you don't. Lets agree to disagree then.


Then again Luann is kind of stupid. Back in June she threw a Countess Collection Celebration in which she wore nothing of the Countess Collection - not the dress not the jewelry. This is a Nicole Miller dress. This would have been more appropriate for the reunion than that rehearsal dress

When it comes to marketing her brand, she rarely misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity...


She could ask Kandi (ATL) about her company, Bedroom Kandi as they are in two different cities and probably have two different target groups.    

That could work for both of them, if done right.

  • Love 7

On other HW shows, during the reunion some "husbands" have appeared.

i.e. Joe Giudici, Joe Gorga, Greg Leakes, Peter, Todd.

On NY did this ever happen? i.e. Mario, Bobby, Jason, Simon?

I wonder if Bravo had "invited" Tom...maybe Luann asked him and he said no and she kept trying to convince him up until they were to film on July 12th.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

Then again Luann is kind of stupid. Back in June she threw a Countess Collection Celebration in which she wore nothing of the Countess Collection - not the dress not the jewelry. This is a Nicole Miller dress. This would have been more appropriate for the reunion than that rehearsal dress



But can you imagine sitting in that dress, on camera, for several hours?  She'd have to keep her legs crossed the entire time (or have her knees bolted together and pointed to the side and hope the camera doesn't move to that angle), and sit very erect to keep anything from folding over.  All while having to be really mentally on her toes answering questions about her marriage. 

I did notice the skin on her left elbow is sagging a little in this picture.  She's still almost freakishly well-maintained.

That said, I'd like to see them wear something other than formal gowns to the reunion.  It always looks strange to me, kind of like they're all dressed up with nowhere to go.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, BBHN said:

Not a crime, but...how positively gauche of a former Countess.

2 hours ago, BBHN said:

Nothing to do with whether or not someone hates Luann. Nothing wrong with wearing a reunion dress after the reunion show, but this this isn't the same thing. This is recycling a wedding (rehearsal) dress for a reality reunion episode. That isn't just gauche, that's being captain of the gauche team. And it would be just gauche had any of the other women recycled that type of dress for filming the reunion.


The rehearsal dress was almost certainly comped for publicity and coverage. She likely didn't pay a cent for it, which is all well and good. Unfortunately, the underlying premise of these shows, whether true or not, is that we are watching the goings on of the wealthy and privileged. Rewearing a dress from your wedding extravaganza undercuts the argument that you are particularly wealthy.

Lu flogged this wedding as the greatest love against all odds. She gave exclusives to People about planning every step of this debacle. There were tons of pictures of her in the dress. And knowing full well that wearing it would invite comparisons to her wedding, she donned it for the reunion in hopes that it would remind viewers of happier times, but knowing full well that her marriage was imploding. I find it to be the height of foolishness. It's inviting unnecessary comparison even if her marriage was going well.

Before news of her marriage disintegrating hit the news, Lu was insufferably crowing about how wonderful being married was. Wearing that dress again just reminds viewers of her insufferable smugness.

Additionally it's been the rare wedding dress that I've seen someone wear again. Occasionally if it's just a white dress or sometimes if it's non traditional. Lu's dresses weren't any of those things.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But can you imagine sitting in that dress, on camera, for several hours?  She'd have to keep her legs crossed the entire time (or have her knees bolted together and pointed to the side and hope the camera doesn't move to that angle), and sit very erect to keep anything from folding over.  All while having to be really mentally on her toes answering questions about her marriage. 

I did notice the skin on her left elbow is sagging a little in this picture.  She's still almost freakishly well-maintained.

That said, I'd like to see them wear something other than formal gowns to the reunion.  It always looks strange to me, kind of like they're all dressed up with nowhere to go.

The Nicole Miller dress isn't a mini dress. So why would she have to sit with her legs crossed the entire time? It's a little bit longer than the dress Dorinda has on.


The dress Luann wore to the reunion was her rehearsal dress. It was not one of the 3 dresses, Brandi Rahm designed for her Shamarriage. I do like the dress more than any of the 3 she had from Brandi. After the reunion, did Luann go over to Sonja's to channel Mrs. Haversham?


  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

 iThe Nicole Miller dress isn't a mini dress. So why would she have to sit with her legs crossed the entire time? It's a little bit longer than the dress Dorinda has on.

n my

The dress Luann wore to the reunion was her rehearsal dress. It was not one of the 3 dresses, Brandi Rahm designed for her Shamarriage. I do like the dress more than any of the 3 she had from Brandi. After the reunion, did Luann go over to Sonja's to channel Mrs. Haversham?


"Great Expectations" is one of my fave Dickens' stories! I did a term paper on him in my Junior year of HS, so this was just 1 of the many novels I had to read and enjoy! ;-)

15 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Is it just me or does Tinsley ALWAYS wear either flowery stuff or the off both shoulders look? Getting kinda old to be the little bo peep of the group. Up your game sister! You're HOW old?

I can figure out how someone was ever an "It" girl if they are stuck on a "signature" style.  I thought an "it" girl would be someone who is always changing their looks and one step ahead of a trend, not stuck on a Whatever Happened to Baby Jane look.

1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

Google sez Bethenney graduated from NYC and studied psychology and communications.  One of her roommates gave this college photo to her.Bethenney1992.png.b87b86bba4323a6cf50067aef6eda1bf.png

Wowza, she looks much better today.  Whatever she has done facially is working for her.  

11 hours ago, film noire said:

I don't think it's her, Butter Queen. These older photos of Ramona don't quite match up. (They were a lovely wedding couple -- very old school style and photo - I'm assuming intentionally so):

ramona 1.jpg

ramona 2.jpg

Ramona really was a beautiful woman and Mario was very handsome.  They look like they probably were the "it" couple at one time.

  • Love 9
On 8/17/2017 at 4:44 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Oh Luann, shit like this will haunt you forever

All of these women would love to be in my position. Tom's a great guy, he picked me to marry


From September 6, 2016.

She also speaks about the Regency Bunny kiss as though it was from years ago. They were engaged in February 2016 and the Wendy appearance was 7 months later.

It's so odd that she acts like she won some fucking prize.  That's not the way a normal person talks about falling in love and get married.  "He picked me!" sounds like she had some bet going as to which Housewife could settle him down.

I can't help but wonder why he married her.  He's always looked like this was a marriage of convenience.  Was he about to lose his inheritance if he didn't get married by a certain age?  Nothing feels right about their relationship.  She couldn't sell it and he couldn't sell it.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Did you ever see That 70s show?  Does it not smack of realism of the 70s?  It sure does to me and those of my generation (baby boomers) are the largest group for illicit drugs and growing.  We just loved the whole basement thing.  Everytime I see that show I crack up.  So true.  Those in their 70s now would be the hippie generation of the 60s and 70s.

At least our kids have rebelled by NOT doing drugs.  We can't even search our kids rooms and grab what's there for our own usage like my parents did.  Honestly now that I am 55 I may hit one once in a while but with health issues creeping up that's about it.

Yes, that's what I said.  What I'm taking issue with is the notion that they are STILL into pushing and doing drugs like cocaine, Crack, hard drugs.  Maybe those boomers at the tail end of the boomer generations are into illicit drugs, but what I can see, is that those in their late 60's and 70's not so much anymore.  Most of us (if fortunate enough to have survived the drugs)  have left that behind.  Getting old does that to people.  Lol!  (Sorry for getting off topic, mods).

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, film noire said:

I think she looks cute in that college photo (and young -- more like a fifteen year old there).  All the procedures she had on her face and body aside, she really did a number on her hair by straightening it -- I think she looked great with an Andie Macdowellesque mane:

frankel 3.jpg

Huh?  If that's her hairs natural state, then she'd just have to let it grow out to make it look like that.  However, I don't think it would suit her at this stage (age) of her life.  I don't know what all she had done to her face other than slimming her huge jaws.  In this pic, she looks basically the same as she does now, albeit aged a bit.  

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, DelicateDee said:

Huh?  If that's her hairs natural state, then she'd just have to let it grow out to make it look like that.  However, I don't think it would suit her at this stage (age) of her life.  I don't know what all she had done to her face other than slimming her huge jaws.  In this pic, she looks basically the same as she does now, albeit aged a bit.  

Years of fighting your hair's natural state can kill the curl. Olaplex might return it (it did mine, to a certain degree, but my hair was never as wild as Frankel's, so not sure it would repair her hair).

And I'd like to see the look on her before deciding it wouldn't suit her - when it's a woman's natural hair state, I think lots of older women look great with a healthy mane of (real) hair. Minnie Driver, Kidman (when she lets it go natural) and I love McDowell with touches of grey:




I think the volume can be very flattering, softening & framing an older face better than a too sleek mane. (And -- not for nothing - if your hair is still that thick and curly and healthy, let it fly! In the era of draggly hair extensions, the real thing is a plus.)

Edited by film noire
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4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

On other HW shows, during the reunion some "husbands" have appeared.

i.e. Joe Giudici, Joe Gorga, Greg Leakes, Peter, Todd.

On NY did this ever happen? i.e. Mario, Bobby, Jason, Simon?

Simon is the only one I can see do it, but I'm not 100% he has. I'm deep in a RHNY re-watch right now, so I SHOULD know this. But I'm coming up empty. 


4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Ramona really was a beautiful woman and Mario was very handsome.  They look like they probably were the "it" couple at one time.

That wedding day picture of them makes me sad. They were so young and cute! They both have issues out the wazoo, but they did somehow manage to stay married 17, wait 19, no 22 years. 

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