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S09.E20: Reunion Part 1

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3 hours ago, lunastartron said:

The last time she sat so far away from Andy was season six, after which she was promoted back to full-time. Her demotion never made sense to me anyway considering the gossamer-thin storylines Ro and So have variously had at times. 

Lu has a ready-made picking-up-the-pieces narrative foundation to build upon for next season. 

Her season 5 storyline was that she and Jacques were trying to have a kid when she was 47 and had her tubes tied. And she begged Bravo to not air the only memorable thing she'd done all season--cheat on Jacques with a Johnny Depp pirate look-a-like.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

Her season 5 storyline was that she and Jacques were trying to have a kid when she was 47 and had her tubes tied. And she begged Bravo to not air the only memorable thing she'd done all season--cheat on Jacques with a Johnny Depp pirate look-a-like.

Her broken French trying to cover it was lame and the whole party on that trip had to be embarrassed for her; except Sonja of course who only wanted to share her squeeze! ;-)

  • Love 2

Dorinda introduced Lu to Tom, essentially set them up. Then, when Bethenny tells Lu about Tom's infidelities, Dorinda chooses to focus not on Tom's cheating but on the fact that Bethenny told her about it, questioning her motives for bringing it up and directing the conversation away from the key point (Tom is a cheating on you).  Maybe she was misguided and well-intentioned, but major fail as a friend there.

Second, when we have guests, I leave things in the guest room for guests to use, robes, slippers, books, etc.  Slippers would be (cheapo dollar store) new and in a package.  (I cannot be the only person in the world who does that).  Sonja's pretty entitled I think, but I can kind of see why she'd make that mistake.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Wow, so much of part 1 was negative shit about Luann/Tom Shamarriage

Bravo hates Luann

I'm not sure if they hate Luann but Bravo does hate being shafted out of a juicy story.  They want all this to happen on camera.  The show needs the cast members' honest reactions and not text on a screen after the fact.  If memory serves me right, Bravo was furious with the Bickersons who kept things together during the season and filed for divorce the day after and with Luann and the Count and their off-camera break up.  I know there are other examples but I haven't had my coffee yet! ;-D

They will be out for blood next year with Luann.  Look out for continual bad lighting, mic packs on when Luann thinks they are not filming and anything she says that would embarrass her will be on the show as well as continual flashbacks of Luann scenes that show her to be duplicitous.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Why was Luann on the end of the couch? And there was something at the beginning of the episode about the divorce? I missed that.


I didn't hear at the start, but Lu did say,  that's why I stayed at the hotel last night.



Since I've never been exposed to substance abusers, I never would have thought COKE! With John as her pusher, I can believe it I guess! I'm so blind to stuff like that! ;-(


Sadly, I have. I don't believe Dorinda is on coke. Bethenny started that rumour, the little troll! Bravo know Dorinda is well liked, the skinny girl queen, not so much. lol,




  • Love 4

I don't leave a change of clothes in there or anything, but like a hotel, definitely a robe and slippers because people don't always pack those things. I know I never do.

I don't think Sonja should have opened up a package and helped herself (entitled, as I said), but at the same time, Dorinda left pjs in a guest room closet, so while it's not something I would do, I can sort of see at least some potential for genuine misunderstanding. It's not like Sonja went into the master bedroom and started helping herself (that's more Ramona style ;)

Edited by Jel
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, ryebread said:

Shut up, Bethenny.

Ramona's getting hammered.

Actually, it was LuAnn who got hammered.  First of all, it was ridiculous she wore one of her wedding dresses to the reunion.  Then she continued to pretend how wonderful it is to be Mrs. Tom d Agostino, etc.  It was obvious things were falling apart.

The only way she has a chance to come back - if it she drops her fake Countess façade - and cop to what really happened - after bragging endlessly for the last 2 seasons of what a great catch Tom is, how he chose her, how the others were jealous of her, etc.

Edited by escape
  • Love 13
10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

She seemed stunned learning about some of the things the women were saying they heard about Tom. I'm wondering if this reunion was the last straw with Tom and the decision to divorce. 

I think it was knowing that all this would AIR. Lu is always about that image. That's why she went through with it in the first place. Too proud to look like a jilted fiance or runaway bride. But notice she said she had JUST seen the scene with Tom and Missy in the finale "last night". Yet the divorce announcement came, what? Four weeks later? It came RIGHT before that scene of Tom de-micing aired. I think she knew it was going to look bad and needed to end things before the world saw that and started talking. 


10 hours ago, chewycandy said:

 Could not stop staring at Ramona's boobs.

I thought Sonja's were more distracting. Ramona's are way too big, but they were held in place nicely. Sonja's, on the other hand, were two seconds from falling out of HER peep hole. Not. Enough. Coverage. 


10 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I need to re watch Bethenny and Noel awkwardly arriving  in the elevator  together in the finale, given Bethenny admonishing Ramona about ignoring her assistants in the elevator. Pot meet kettle! 

Yes, but we only saw them exiting the elevator, no? So we don't know that she didn't say, "Hi, how are you?" when they got in. Also, how well does B know Noel? When was the last time she saw him, considering she and Lu are not friends off the show? Bethenny said that Ramona has been around her assistant plenty of times in the last four years. I think there's a difference between being awkward around someone's kid, and not speaking to someone because they're "the help" - which, I can believe, given the way Ramona has always acted with "the help". 


8 hours ago, rhys said:

I'd like to see B's while she is standing. Usually I like her clothes, but so far, that dress is a miss.

The color was good for her, but it seemed like a bit too much fabric. 


8 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Not to defend Bethenny trying to run the show but I find Andy to be a rather flimsy personality and I know that when I'm a situation with a person who can't/won't control with confidence that I'll try to take over, too.

I'm a Bethenny fan, so I know I'm biased, but I didn't mind at all. Andy is too milquetoast for me. 

  • Love 22

Andy is too milquetoast for me. 

Doesn't he pretty much lose control over every single reunion? And not just the NYC ones...

Then again, he's probably just content to sit back, let the HWs go at each other, and picture where his next luxury vacation will be after he is done remodeling his Hamptons home. He still gets a nice paycheck either way. And the less control he exercises, the bitchier the reunion, and the better the ratings.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 17
11 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I don't think for one minute Lu's marriage was anything other than a story line.  She doesn't seem like a woman in love.  She doesn't seem like a woman betrayed.  She seems like a woman who is enjoying the attention devoted to her now 2 years in a row.

I actually think Lu wanted to get married as in her season tagline I thought she sounded very sincere in saying the only title she'd give up for Countess is wife.  Her voice changed and got softer on that last word. 

Anyway I found it painful watching her try to put on a brave face during the first reunion episode.  I'm sure no one wants their dirty laundry aired that way, even reality "stars."

  • Love 23
8 hours ago, Teddybear said:

They were reacting to her saying "Right now, I love being Mrs. D'Agostino."  She said "love" present tense (I watch with close captioning).  But "right now" wasn't very hopeful! 

I wonder who picked out B's dress.  She looked really uncomfortable in it and it didn't look like her style at all.  Quite confused with the neckline.  I don't like her longer hair. 

Dorinda had bright purple eyeliner on the lower eye which made her look a little sickly.  And yes she just basically looked like an Oompah Loompah.  She looked so much better with no makeup and her pink glasses! 

Tinsley looked very pinched tonight.  I wonder if she had work done recently? 

Ahhh, that's what it was! Yeah, "right now" wasn't a ringing endorsement either. She knew that Tom was ready to file for divorce.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

Wasn't that Sonja?

I thought it was both. Usually on any given subject, Bethenny knows what happened, how it happened , and why. 

49 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Doesn't he pretty much lose control over every single reunion? And not just the NYC ones...

Then again, he's probably just content to sit back, let the HWs go at each other, and picture where his next luxury vacation will be after he is done remodeling his Hamptons home. He still gets a nice paycheck either way. And the less control he exercises, the bitchier the reunion, and the better the ratings.

I have never liked him, its like they have to kiss his ring, to stay on the show. I just find him creepy.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

LOL.  She pronounces it "textses".  I think others have pointed this out before me , but I only just noticed this tonight!

I liked Bethenny's dress.  It reminded me of Nicole Kidman in Balenciaga, or something else I'm not remembering.  I added J.Lo in Gucci, which also kind of reminds me of Carole's dress.

DHYRcm8WsAAbLOb2.jpg 54bc8b3e4a110_-_hbz-nicole-kidman-game-changing-dresses-012412-xln.jpg DREW-BARRYMORE-JENNIFER-LOPEZ.jpg 

I guess it's me, I find them all pretty ugly. Nichole is tall enough to carry hers

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, Hello Lady said:

I thought it was both. Usually on any given subject, Bethenny knows what happened, how it happened , and why. 

Bethenny alluded to John being a drug user when they had their argument at that bra deal last season. The one where he came in hot and said some nasty things about her business. She threw that out there about him (something like "go do another line").  She said nothing about Dorinda. At the reunion the topic came back up and Bethenny tried to walk away from it. Sonja was the one who then started talking about how everyone knew Dorinda did drugs. I don't think anyone denied it. Sonja continued with the drug talk after the season in interviews. 

The rumor was already out there - about John. From his very first appearance there were mentions that he was well known to love the blow. Before Bethenny ever alluded to it. 

  • Love 14
11 hours ago, scoobie1 said:

Unfortunately I'm used to this. She has been like this during reunions for the past few years. Andy is an awful host and she just seems to take the reigns.  Poor Tinsley hasn't gotten a word in.  She needs to be more aggressive with these ladies. 

I thought I was used to it, she just seemed more aggressive, or perhaps it was everyone talking over one another.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Yeah, Ramona looks great for 60, but look at ALL the work she's had done! 

Maybe I'm just in a mood, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the psychological benefit people get from looking good because they've had work done.  Because it's the procedures that are doing it--it's not how you actually look.  Do they not separate that?

Is looking young just a reflection of having enough money to make yourself young and they take pride in that?  Or is it like you made a a piece of art and the art is pretty, and they consider the work they have done on themselves similar to that--something aesthetically pleasing that they accomplished?  Or they work out to keep in shape, but is that only because they have the time and money to do that because they don't have to work two minimum wage jobs, and the results are just a reflection of that privilege?

I just think it would feel weird to have had a face lift, for example, and have people tell me how great I look.  Because what I would hear is, "You looked like shit before, and congratulations on doing something about it."  I guess others would just hear the "You look great" part?

Actually, I think that kind of happens when women have boob jobs--it's as if the new ones aren't really a part of their body, in that I've noticed that some of them will show them and let people touch them in ways that people wouldn't do with their real ones.

Hmm...a discussion of a fluffy reality show is probably not the place for such ruminations.


7 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Carole and Bethenny were both wearing "standing up" dresses, and Bethenny's looked at least two sizes too large.  Red is a great color on her though. 

Good thing, because that was a lot of red.

I agree with you that Bethenny's was a standing-up dress, and I never understand why they don't take that into consideration from a looks perspective, but also from a comfort angle.  I can't imagine wearing a dress like Sonja's for several hours on a couch while filming, being aware of every shift of my body and praying the tape holds.  I compare how Andy sits to how most of the women sit, and it's night and day.  He actually looks comfortable.

  • Love 13

Beth, you had your chance at a talk show and it failed, stop trying to be the host of the reunion.

Ramona and Sonja have a bad habit of when someone is admonishing them they tend to try and talk over the other person.  So frustrating.  Reminds  of the phrase “If you are talking you aren’t listening”.  

Also another pet peeve is this whole “I am sorry I hurt your feelings” or “I am sorry you feel” … that isn’t an apology!  I don’t need you to be sorry for my feelings I need you to be sorry because what you did was wrong and say exactly that. Simply and plainly.     

  • Love 10

The inner workings of Lu are just astounding. I think in many ways she is a total realist because yes, you can't change a 51 year old man but I was just dumbfounded by how little self worth Lu assigns herself by thinking she has no choice but to put up with it. How about not marrying his hoe ass?  

Bravo must indeed dislike her cause Lu had no business being at the end of any couch. The only people I think are truly worthy of bookend status this season are Carole, Sonja and Tinsley. 

Ramona will yes a bitch to death when she knows the tide is against her and go back to doing the same shit tomorrow so I don't but any stock in anything she said. 

I loved Dorinda's dress the most. Graphic and gorgeous. Can't be said enough but Dorinda has fabulous arms. All that arm waving and elaborate hand gestures and not a sign of arm flap or jiggle. Get it girl!! But damn girl lay off the tanner. 

Tinsley was the worst dressed. She looked like she was wearing something from the Lil Boo peep collection. A light blue sequined knee length dress with tiers? 

12 hours ago, scoobie1 said:

To go through all that for a storyline?  I don't know ...she could have done all of it and then NOT get married and that would have been a good story too.  With all the women now spilling their guts about all their Tom stories now that she isn't marrying him.  That could have been a few episodes right there. 

I don't believe it was for storyline purposes for the mere simple fact that, if she were so inclined she could've had her own Bravo wedding special or at the very least had 1-2 episodes devoted mostly to the big day. Instead she gets about half an episode where no Bravo cameras are allowed plus to add insult to injury gives People the exclusive. 

  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't believe it was for storyline purposes for the mere simple fact that, if she were so inclined she could've had her own Bravo wedding special or at the very least had 1-2 episodes devoted mostly to the big day. Instead she gets about half an episode where no Bravo cameras are allowed plus to add insult to injury gives People the exclusive. 

I don't believe there has ever been any notion that Bravo wanted to give Lu a wedding special, and I certainly would never believe she would turn it down if they did. There has also never been any confirmation that Bravo wanted to film her wedding for the show or that they intended to do so. There have been articles saying they were unhappy that she went to People for $$ and gave them an exclusive, but nothing directly from Andy or Bravo. Those stories could have easily have come from Lu. I just don't believe that a gal that did as much press as she did prior to the wedding, and made it all such a thing with parties on the show both before and after the wedding, would have refused the opportunity to get additional screen time. Not after all of the public humiliation she allowed herself to suffer through for this relationship. 

  • Love 7
20 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Tinsley was the worst dressed. She looked like she was wearing something from the Lil Boo peep collection. A light blue sequined knee length dress with tiers? 

Aside from the bad taste, it seems like she goes out of her way to completely cover up her body. Why? Does she have body dysmorphia or something? It's such a contrast from everybody else with fitted dresses, stiletto's and boobs hanging out. And she's the youngest one of the bunch! 

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

The inner workings of Lu are just astounding. I think in many ways she is a total realist because yes, you can't change a 51 year old man but I was just dumbfounded by how little self worth Lu assigns herself by thinking she has no choice but to put up with it. How about not marrying his hoe ass?  

Bravo must indeed dislike her cause Lu had no business being at the end of any couch. The only people I think are truly worthy of bookend status this season are Carole, Sonja and Tinsley. 

Ramona will yes a bitch to death when she knows the tide is against her and go back to doing the same shit tomorrow so I don't but any stock in anything she said. 

I loved Dorinda's dress the most. Graphic and gorgeous. Can't be said enough but Dorinda has fabulous arms. All that arm waving and elaborate hand gestures and not a sign of arm flap or jiggle. Get it girl!! But damn girl lay off the tanner. 

Tinsley was the worst dressed. She looked like she was wearing something from the Lil Boo peep collection. A light blue sequined knee length dress with tiers? 

I don't believe it was for storyline purposes for the mere simple fact that, if she were so inclined she could've had her own Bravo wedding special or at the very least had 1-2 episodes devoted mostly to the big day. Instead she gets about half an episode where no Bravo cameras are allowed plus to add insult to injury gives People the exclusive. 

I didn't realize, from the photos, that the "print" was  butterflies.  It was beautiful.  I think Dorinda has a good sense of what works for her fashion-wise.  The makeup?  not so much.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Mozelle said:

Ahhh, that's what it was! Yeah, "right now" wasn't a ringing endorsement either. She knew that Tom was ready to file for divorce.


Is he the one who filed for divorce?  No f^%$& way! 

WOW, I thought all along that she did, I almost believed that despite everything she has had enough of his sleazy behavior and the humiliations that she has to endure by being married to a known cheater, and she had slapped him with divorce papers, yet she is not the one who filed? 

The SOB is the one who filed? This is unbelievable 

  • Love 7

I thought Tinsley borrowed her dress from an aging Country and Western star's wardrobe circa 1977.  Sort of like a square dance dress or one of those dresses you can by at Dollywood.

Sonja's red dress is the perfect dress if one was standing all evening but sitting down is just awful...a lot of the HW's have worn them and they are not that flattering no matter how new the boobs are.

Carole looked good, nice dress, for once.

Ramona was channeling her inner Marilyn Monroe, I liked her in gold. I think that has been my only complement about her ever.  Andy applauded her for looking so wonderful at 60 however once you have tweaked yourself or had an eyelift, lots of fake hair etc...everyone would look wonderful at 60.

Luann was still trying to convince herself she had a good marriage, it was sad to watch.

  • Love 6

She seemed stunned learning about some of the things the women were saying they heard about Tom. I'm wondering if this reunion was the last straw with Tom and the decision to divorce. 


Luann tries to sell the story of a fantastic marriage, her true love, blissful days with him in one segment and then in the next segment, she is letting us know that they had a fight the night before and one of them had to sleep at a hotel, which one is the truth?  

I think that what we were watching, as the reunion was happening, was her realizing this was not going to work.  I do think that the things that were said and what came out, was a deciding factor for her to end things.  It sounded like she was shifting, but my take on it is the more came out, I think the more she realized she could not keep swatting off all the attention on his indiscretions.

  • Love 9

Hey, Sonja.  This is how it works as far as drinking alcohol.   If one is not drinking, one is not drinking!  Not sipping (on or off camera)...not a little nip now and then: NOT DRINKING.

In your case, you can say you've cut down--way down...or you're drinking less, but you ARE drinking and you have witnesses.

I don't drink alcohol and my friend for decades says, "I don't drink either.  Well, sometimes I'll have a Margarita or a Salty Dog.  I'd like to try wine but I don't know anything about it."

  • Love 10

Carole has had MANY fashion misses over the years, but I thought she looked absolutely stunning last night.  Best dressed/styled out of all the ladies for sure. Her hair looked great too. I hope she keeps it the length it is now.  Suits her perfectly.

I agree that Tinsley looked strange.  I appreciate that she doesn't have her boobs front and center for everyone to see whilst praying there is no nip-slip (looking at you, Sonja and Ramona!) but at the same time, she does dress in an oddly conservative - yet age inappropriate - way with the skating costumes and the Lil Bo Peep looks.  She seems happy though - and that is good! Hopefully she has cut way back on the drinking. 

  • Love 14
11 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I think that what we were watching, as the reunion was happening, was her realizing this was not going to work.  I do think that the things that were said and what came out, was a deciding factor for her to end things.  It sounded like she was shifting, but my take on it is the more came out, I think the more she realized she could not keep swatting off all the attention on his indiscretions.

How many women marry men thinking they can change them...Lu was one of them. 

When they re showed the clip of Tom talking to Missy and he joked about getting all choked up when he saw her Missy answered I know the feeling, it was so palpable that she was missing him big time.  Lu had to have seen that reaction and just wanted to die of embarrassment because the jig was up right then and there.

  • Love 18

So Bethenny claims all of them are ( at time of filming) in relationships. Who is her man? 

Ok, Ramona is thirsty and sloppy. However, when you remember that she is 60 years old it changes the perspective a bit. 

I detest implants and fillers but honestly, Tinsley has NO lips, and could use some plumping! Yes, she dresses like a woman child, but, at least she is true to her self. 

I found Luann and Tom's scenes together this season embarrassing and cringe worthy. It was obvious to me that they had zero chemistry. She is and always has been absolutely desperate for a solid storyline to keep her apple. She sold her soul to the reality tv devil. She is not a good actress and her attempts to sell her "love story " and marriage were transparent and lackluster. She probably would have fared better if she had chosen Harry for her faux husband instead of Tom. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

Ramona will yes a bitch to death when she knows the tide is against her and go back to doing the same shit tomorrow so I don't but any stock in anything she said. 

Exactly. I just finished the season 5 reunion of my re-watch and she's doing the exact same thing. "You're right....I'm sorry"...blah, blah, blah. She never changes. It's all BS. 

  • Love 10

Andy might not be the best host, but I did like how he persisted in getting Ramona to disclose what she had heard about Tom before last season's reunion. Also, asking Lu to respond to Sonja's comment that Lu tolerated Alex cheating on her. 

How sad that Noel let her know how upsetting it was to view Tom's misbehaving on the show, but Lu insisted that she loved Tom, so Noel had to come to terms with it. Then Lu had to admit that Tom and Noel were not super-close. 

After watching this, I don't think it was orchestrated for a storyline. Maybe Lu saw that as a bonus. But I think she learned a lot during the reunion that humiliated her. The other women were so quiet when Lu declared that she would leave Tom if she learned that he had cheated on her. I think she picked up on the fact that they were so uncomfortable because they KNEW and they PITIED her. 

  • Love 13
31 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Carole has had MANY fashion misses over the years, but I thought she looked absolutely stunning last night.  Best dressed/styled out of all the ladies for sure. Her hair looked great too. I hope she keeps it the length it is now.  Suits her perfectly.

I agree that Tinsley looked strange.  I appreciate that she doesn't have her boobs front and center for everyone to see whilst praying there is no nip-slip (looking at you, Sonja and Ramona!) but at the same time, she does dress in an oddly conservative - yet age inappropriate - way with the skating costumes and the Lil Bo Peep looks.  She seems happy though - and that is good! Hopefully she has cut way back on the drinking. 

I thought Carole looked good, because she normally looks terrifying. But stunning? Not to me. I agree about her hair, its the best it has looked in forever.I wish all the housewives would take out the long long extensions, because nobody over a certain age has lovely thick hair like that.My niece is a hairdresser, she says the latest thing, is very short extensions   to give limp ,thinning hair some thickness. I thought perhaps Carole and Bethenny had some. Both of them looked good in the follicle Dept,

5 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Did anyone say he was a dealer?

Yes upthread, John drug dealer. Either way TV accusations have lead to arrests, so I was just asking, am I to gather the answer is, no? 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Maybe I'm just in a mood, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the psychological benefit people get from looking good because they've had work done.  Because it's the procedures that are doing it--it's not how you actually look.  Do they not separate that?

Is looking young just a reflection of having enough money to make yourself young and they take pride in that?  Or is it like you made a a piece of art and the art is pretty, and they consider the work they have done on themselves similar to that--something aesthetically pleasing that they accomplished?  Or they work out to keep in shape, but is that only because they have the time and money to do that because they don't have to work two minimum wage jobs, and the results are just a reflection of that privilege?

I just think it would feel weird to have had a face lift, for example, and have people tell me how great I look.  Because what I would hear is, "You looked like shit before, and congratulations on doing something about it."  I guess others would just hear the "You look great" part?

Actually, I think that kind of happens when women have boob jobs--it's as if the new ones aren't really a part of their body, in that I've noticed that some of them will show them and let people touch them in ways that people wouldn't do with their real ones.

Hmm...a discussion of a fluffy reality show is probably not the place for such ruminations.


Good thing, because that was a lot of red.

I agree with you that Bethenny's was a standing-up dress, and I never understand why they don't take that into consideration from a looks perspective, but also from a comfort angle.  I can't imagine wearing a dress like Sonja's for several hours on a couch while filming, being aware of every shift of my body and praying the tape holds.  I compare how Andy sits to how most of the women sit, and it's night and day.  He actually looks comfortable.

If you look at it from this perspective, then the question can also be asked "why do women wear makeup?"


1 hour ago, Wendy said:


Is he the one who filed for divorce?  No f^%$& way! 

WOW, I thought all along that she did, I almost believed that despite everything she has had enough of his sleazy behavior and the humiliations that she has to endure by being married to a known cheater, and she had slapped him with divorce papers, yet she is not the one who filed? 

The SOB is the one who filed? This is unbelievable 

I think they both filed on the same day.  I don't know why they were racing to be the one to file though.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

I see Lu's reaction a little differently than some others might, and I'm mostly taking it from context clues and things Lu says. I noticed last night in the reunion, she mentioned something about, "I know how it plays" when talking about Tom's actions, and everyone said something along the lines of, "We don't care how it plays - we're concerned about how YOU feel." And even then, her response wasn't really about how she was feeling.

I think Lu is so stuck in how something appears publicly (she even admitted when she was separated from the Count she didn't want people to know) that she's cut herself off from how she feels about things except as it relates to how it appears to others. I know some people like this - and I see that in Luann. Other people's response is more important to her than her own feelings. It's a way of keeping distance so she's not overwhelmed by her feelings, but there are little cracks in the facade, such as when she said, "Why do you think I spent last night in the hotel?"

This is a shit show of Luann's own making, but I still feel for her. I don't give a crap what other people think about me, and I can't imagine having my life play out so publicly.

I wonder if Lu did what a lot of people do which is push through the panic and marry someone they know is wrong rather than call off the wedding.

The invitations have gone out, dresses are picked and you will still have to pay fees if you cancel so late in the game. So, people suck it up, enjoy the attention and the party and tell themselves the problems can be fixed later. Plus, there is the Romeo and Juliet factor here of not giving "the haters" the satisfaction of being right.

And didn't People magazine pay for photos? I can imagine a scenario where part or all of that money was spent or earmarked for something.  So, the mental math for Lu was to get married and pretend Tom would magically grow a discretion gene after saying "I do" was a better option than living in reality and facing her fear of becoming Sonia and Ramona.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Wendy said:


Is he the one who filed for divorce?  No f^%$& way! 

WOW, I thought all along that she did, I almost believed that despite everything she has had enough of his sleazy behavior and the humiliations that she has to endure by being married to a known cheater, and she had slapped him with divorce papers, yet she is not the one who filed? 

The SOB is the one who filed? This is unbelievable 

The dog chewed through his leash to go hump the next bitch in heat.

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