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7 minutes ago, AmyBre said:


The second award Paul for putting Karine through all those tests and then telling her about his Arson and Restraining orders, after sleeping with her.  He's been Mr Fun all this time, but now that he ate Karine's cookie and realized the mess he was stepping into it, let me use my past to get out of this and go back to Kentucky.  Karine showing her immaturity or lack of brains and common sense, thinks he was kidding.  If Paul is sincerely sick, he should seek help and stop putting himself through all that drama.   Can someone with a criminal record sponsor someone else for a visa?   

Paul is a sick pup. I don't get this going into the water business. What the hell? The poor girl didn't understand anything he was saying! (Isn't he like 34 and she's like 20?)

He obviously wants Karine to accept him the way that he is, seared conscience and all. Otherwise he would have told her this stuff before he came to Brazil.

Instead he let her get good and attached to him and hopeful. THEN he hit her with all the bad craziness! And there was a lot of it. The running off to the river was every bit as bad as what he told her because it showed how very unstable he was. And, I'm sure the film crew just LOVED having to chase after him.

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27 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

Poor Karine, I feel terrible for her.  At least she found this out before it was too late.  Unfortunately they slept together.

Paul has some serious mental issues.  It was actually really scary and not because of the machete.  Karine’s father should go after Paul with a machete.  


1 minute ago, Morgalisa said:

Paul saying over and over, please dont let me jump. That guy is sick! The running Paul was comedy hold tho.

Why hasnt Sean taken Abby to a real doctor for the scabies? And why didnt Chris tell her to get medical care. It doesnt just go away does it?

Paul is a classic narcissistic controlling asshole. He just did all that for show to hook and sink Karine into a marriage and forgive his "past".

Reminds me of my soon to be ex. Classic move Paul. Classic you douchebag.

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Paul running into the forest reminded me so much of the Fragile Frankie Merman episode of Seinfeld where Jerry's anxious childhood friend had a strange habit of running into the woods, digging a hole, and crying for hours whenever he felt overwhelmed.

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Cortney, have your fling and go home. You are embarrassing yourself with your much more liberal ‘model’. He will continue to check out most women. You decide if you want that.

Paul, nice of you to tell Karine about your past. She is young and desperate to get out. I would probably walk away from someone who has an arson conviction and what I am assuming is some sort of domestic violence. Girl, he will just add you to that tally.  How did he get to travel to Brazil?? She didn’t deserve to get mugged. Let Paul spend some quality time in the woods.

Jesse, love is not about control and about conditions on how you want your partner to be. Darcey will stop drinking when *she* wants to do so - for her own health. You can have activities with her that do not involve alcohol.

Sean, you are just a means of opportunity for Abby. She wants her cake and eat it too. You and Chris may want to work out a timeshare.

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By the way, if I were ever convicted of arson, and I had to tell a girlfriend that, I would IMMEDIATELY add that I was convicted of burning my own stuff for the insurance money, assuming that's the case. You don't want her thinking you're a pyromaniac or that you burned down an orphanage or something.

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Seems like Chris is perfectly happy to have sex with Abby and Abby can do whatever with whomever. I defer the feeling abby likes Chris more than Sean. I bet if Chris offered Abby marriage and a green card, she'd drop Sean in a hot second. 

I don't think Antonio wants marriage, a green card or to come to the US. He thought a hot American chic was coming over to bang him. He doesnt comprendo boyfriend and girlfriend. Courtney thinks they have a relationship . Why fly 5000 miles to play hard to get?

That whole Paul karine scene was surreal. Paul needs to be in a facility for observation . Karine needs to run. 

I won't comment on Darcy and Jessie because I think their relationship is fake and made up for tv, evidenced by the house of 11product placement in every scene. 

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"If" Abby is a sex worker, it has not beaten her down. She still looks very fresh faced and attractive.  I know shes very young, but that is a hard life and puts a lot of mileage on a vagina and on a face. Just sayin.

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6 minutes ago, ThinkerBell said:

Paul running into the forest reminded me so much of the Fragile Frankie Merman episode of Seinfeld where Jerry's anxious childhood friend had a strange habit of running into the woods, digging a hole, and crying for hours whenever he felt overwhelmed.

LOL. You win comment of the evening.

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32 minutes ago, SmashleyMcSlayin said:

Hi everyone, I have been reading this forum for a long time and enjoying all your comments! I finally decided to join.


The main thing that stood out to me tonight was Paul telling Karine about his criminal history. It seemed like one big manipulation. Tells her his past and then goes off about how he’s a terrible person and runs away so she feels like she’s the one who has to chase and comfort him. I bet he planned to do it that way all along in hopes she’d feel sorry for him and have that overrule her concerns about his background.


I thought exactly the same thing about Paul. It was all one big manipulative ploy on his part to get her to accept him.

The river thing was really weird. It made me wonder how he would have behaved if she didn't accept him. Would he have staged an even more serious suicide attempt? 

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33 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

Anyone notice when Karine was running after Paul and struggling with him by the water her hair was down then in a bun then down again and then in a bun.  That makes it obvious these were filmed in more than one take.  

Her hair color is not even the same sometimes. Come on.

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24 minutes ago, AmyBre said:

He said I didn't know this was going to be antagonistic. 

Really, Smilin' Chris, So what did you think was going to happen. Couple rounds of shots, few games of pool, then you flip a coin to see who gets Abby first? 

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Ok, Paul is legitimately unhinged. Dropping a bombshell on this girl about your criminal past and then immediately and literally running away into the woods. He had crazy eyes when he was begging her not to let him jump into that water. He needs help, she needs to go home. 

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11 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I don't think Antonio wants marriage, a green card or to come to the US.

This is what I'm not getting this season? Why would guys like Antonio or Jesse want a rushed marriage for a green card or to even come live in the States?  They're just in it for the tv exposure surely?  

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Paul is living proof TLC needs to conduct psych evals and background checks before agreeing to film people for this show.  Perhaps if he wasn't on the show, he wouldn't have gone and Karine would have been saved from the insanity.  Omg. What a freaking disaster!! 

Abby and two old dudes...I don't even know what to think.  But Sean, you are being played my friend.  Get a clue! 

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8 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

This is what I'm not getting this season? Why would guys like Antonio or Jesse want a rushed marriage for a green card or to even come live in the States?  They're just in it for the tv exposure surely?  

I think the whole relationship if you can even call it that,exists in the mind of Courtney alone. Likely that she and Antonio were doing some sexy talk online and she wanted to be with him so she applied for 90 day fiance . My guess is she works a job where she can't afford to be flying to Spain, so tlc paid the way. Antonio was like ok, I get to get laid and get exposure for my modeling career  so I'm in. 

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How many different ways did Chris have to say, "If the cameras weren't here, you'd be giving me (act #1) or (act #2) right here in the car?" He seemed so juvenile. I did respect his walking out on Sean's hissy fit, and I did not respect Sean's dressing down Abby as if she were his teenage daughter. He gives me the creeps, but I do wish for his sake he'd just get on the next plane.   

I'm getting tired of Paul's whiny accent. He makes Jethro Clampett sounds like Lawrence Olivier. I doubt Paul is smart enough to plan laying his criminal past on Karine after he'd given her a taste of his creepin' crawlin' mojo. C'mon, baby, light my fire! However, having a criminal past is one of the things a person should tell someone EARLY in dating! (Same thing if you want a NON-DRINKER, I'm looking at YOU, Jesse.) And does Paul even work, with his record? Probably lives off Mom. My unqualified opinion is that when he gets close to a woman, his pathological self-hatred and Mommy issues emerge. Karine may cry for a day or two but she'll be lucky if she doesn't check into this Bates Motel.  

Cortney--all she does is whine and criticize him, trying endlessly to find ways to blame him for her bad choice in coming over there and expecting the Romance of the Century. Are "blondes" with "clear eyes" really worth it? I guess for a shag or two, but the droning on gets tedious fast, especially when English is such a struggle. Announcing loudly in the restaurant, "I'm going to go to the bathroom"--way to keep it classy, Corts!

Darcey--the talking-to by Elderly Gloria Bunker (i.e., Mom) seems to have sunk in, since D. said several times this epi that "we're getting to know each other," instead of "when are you gonna propose?" 

A lot of these stories give me a sense of how many people there are who are deeply damaged in some way, or even mentally unbalanced, and rely on fantasy romances to fix themselves and their lives.

Edited by Tuneful
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Um, Paul... of course no woman wants to stay with you after your big reveal if you yell "I'm no good for you" and run away into the woods like a loon.  I wonder how many times he's slept with a woman and then revealed this big secret, then had a breakdown. Yikes.

In all seriousness, he needs help. I agree, TLC needs to do some better psych evals. This is just sad.

I have, unfortunately, had scabies. They are horrible. You have to put two treatments of what is basically pesticide from head to toe on your body one week apart. You can't wash the cream off for hours. Yuck. They itch like crazy and there is a phantom itch for weeks afterwards. Just yuck. I either got them from a hospital stay or from school. Each place insisted it had to be from the other. I was horrified to have them. 

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9 hours ago, Tuneful said:

How many different ways did Chris have to say, "If the cameras weren't here, you'd be giving me (act #1) or (act #2) right here in the car?" He seemed so juvenile. I did respect his walking out on Sean's hissy fit, and I did not respect Sean's dressing down Abby as if she were his teenage daughter. He gives me the creeps, but I do wish for his sake he'd just get on the next plane.   

I'm getting tired of Paul's whiny accent. He makes Jethro Clampett sounds like Lawrence Olivier. I doubt Paul is smart enough to plan laying his criminal past on Karine after he'd given her some of his mojo. C'mon, baby, light my fire! Having a criminal past is one of the things a person should tell someone EARLY in dating! (Same thing if you want a NON-DRINKER, Imma looking at YOU, Jesse.) And does Paul even work, with his record? Probably lives off Mom. My unqualified opinion is that when he gets close to a woman, his pathological self-hatred and Mommy issues emerge. Karine may cry for a day or two but she'll be lucky if she doesn't check into this Bates Motel.  

Spot on call.  Chris seems like a sleaze ball and he can get skank ass Abby to do what he wants, when he wants.  She's a liar and she's manipulative, but one thing is for sure she wants to be with her grandpa Chris.

I'm just getting tired of Paul.  It's not even fun to make fun of him anymore; it's just too easy.  Poor Karine better stay put in the rainforest. Once his nasty aas gets her in the U.S. she might end up in a wood chipper behind momma Paul's house.

Jesse is a control freak.  Stop drinking?  Yeah, good luck with that.

Edited by tincansailor981
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This episode was so great. I wish it was two hours long. 

Paul is a psycho and karine needs to stay far, far away. I feel so bad for her that she invested so much time into this guy and had her hopes of coming to America and then it was all dashed when she realized he is a creep. 

Abby is disgusting. She obviously loves Chris and is using Sean to get Chris jealous and force him to commit. I was so proud of Sean for seeing through their lies and calling them on it. And then they showed the preview for next week where he is contemplating proposing. Idiot. You know that if you marry her she still won't be your wife. She will always hold her phone close and be texting Chris and meeting up with Chris. I hope Sean walks away and leaves her there. 

Courtney is pathetic. I kept yelling at the TV during her segments. I mean she is so needy and insecure. Who flies across the world to meet someone they just started talking to online? And then the whole time she is there she is angry about everything he does. Get a clue courtney... you aren't in a relationship. He doesn't want one. He was messaging you stuff about babies because he thought that is what you wanted to hear. He doesn't even like you that much. Just go home. And when you get home please give up relationships until you have matured a little more. 

Jesse has issues with alcohol. He should have communicated that before if it was a deal breaker. Darcy should just find someone her own age and move on. 

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Doofus ass Courtney AKA Gumby irritates the living shit out of me.  She tries so hard and in the process runs ass watcher Antonio away.  She should be embarrassed for making herself look so bad in front of the entire world.

Edited by tincansailor981
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11 minutes ago, Liamsmom617 said:

YESSSS! They got our hopes up when the episode wasn't over right at 9PM...bastards. They ended it at like 9:07. 

In my case, 7:07 pm.

No Green Card is worth it for some of these people, unless they are smart enough to document *everything* and then get out when they can. Some of these folks are playing with people's lives. Karine needs to run - or go to her father, who has police connections, and get Paul checked out by the cops or their Interpol or FBI connections. Unless Paul is getting some good counselling/mental help, stay away.

Abby, you are 20 years old. One older dude just likes having you around as his toy, and the other misguidedly sees something in you and wants to give you a better life in the US - but at a price. Both are unsuitable.

Jesse wouldn't like me, either.  I like an occasional glass of wine and some brandy/cognac. You want an alcohol-free person? Put that in your dating profile.

Have no idea why he or Antonio are on this show other than to get some TV exposure/publicity.

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Oy....Paul is a clusterfuck of crazy. I feel bad for Karine. She opened up to this guy, trusted him, and then, he sleeps with her and reveals AFTER that he has an extensive criminal record that involved jail and prison stints. Including an 18 month bid for God knows what. Then, he runs off like a little bitch to prove how manipulative he really is and leaves her to chase after him. What really pissed me off was she had already said it wasn't the safest area, and he runs off to go commit suicide and show the world the full magnitude of his obvious issues. Run, girl, run. If that mugging was real, I feel bad for her. Mobile robberies occur frequently, and sometimes it happens when a person is on it. They steal the phone and then get money for it. I can't imagine how scary that is. Can Karine's father please go hunt down Paul for not protecting his daughter and being a bloody loony toon. 

Abby and the two old dudes. Chris skeeves me TF out. You met her in a known sex industry hot spot. I don't believe she's 20. How old was she when they met? She's one of those that I class under good enough to smash but not good enough to take home to mummy or put a ring on it. Chris will never commit to her, but she's head over heels in love with him. I felt bad for Sean because it has to suck when you get your heartbroken, and you're dealing with someone like Abby who has not a care in the world about crushing you. Don't propose to her. Just go home and heal. That bird isn't worth it. Abby deserves that creepy dude who was implying things that made me feel like I had scabies. The way he kept asking about the cameras and microphones. Eww.

Corny is the most insecure non-girlfriend I've ever seen. You complain about everything he does. He hasn't committed to you. I don't think he even likes her a little bit. She has this fairy tale notion, and she needs to grow up. Girl, this isn't a scene from Enchanted where you bust out into a verse singing, "I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss....," and he picks up and finishes the lyric. She needs to go solo for the remainder of the trip. It's not going to end in a proposal, so I don't know why TLC is wasting their time on these two.

Darcey looks so much better without the make-up, eyelashes, and chokers. I figured there was something underneath that war paint.

Are we going to see "Yes-Love" and Larry, Patrick and Myriam, etc. next week? Is there going to be a reunion? I know the next season of 90DF starts next Sunday after this airs.

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Karine wonders what happened to Paul; Larry insults Jenny's family when he visits; Sean questions his future with Abby after their fight; Cortney wants more insight on Antonio's feelings; Patrick and Myriam have a heart to heart in Paris.

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Karine decides whether to accept Paul's apology; Patrick pushes Myriam too far; sparks fly between Cortney and Antonio; Sean searches for Abby after a fight; Jesse surprises Darcey; Larry tries to make amends with Jenny after insulting her family.

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There will be more episodes of this show (Before the 90 Days) and in addition, the mothership show (90 Day Fiance) will return next week.

Separate shows, separate forums. 

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46 minutes ago, Kea said:

Abby is disgusting. She obviously loves Chris and is using Sean to get Chris jealous and force him to commit. I was so proud of Sean for seeing through their lies and calling them on it. And then they showed the preview for next week where he is contemplating proposing. Idiot. You know that if you marry her she still won't be your wife. She will always hold her phone close and be texting Chris and meeting up with Chris. I hope Sean walks away and leaves her there. 


Abby is not using Sean to make Chris jealous.  Abby already knows that Chris loves her, but will never marry her.  Chris knows a marriage would never work.

Everyone seems to hate Chris, but he seems like the only adult out of the 3.  He is the only one getting what he wants.  I'm sure he only came to Haiti to help out Abby with getting her green card. 

1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

I think the whole relationship if you can even call it that,exists in the mind of Courtney alone. Likely that she and Antonio were doing some sexy talk online and she wanted to be with him so she applied for 90 day fiance . My guess is she works a job where she can't afford to be flying to Spain, so tlc paid the way. Antonio was like ok, I get to get laid and get exposure for my modeling career  so I'm in. 

I believe our that Corny was not texting with the real Antonio, but he agreed to be on the show.  

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2 hours ago, ThinkerBell said:

Paul running into the forest reminded me so much of the Fragile Frankie Merman episode of Seinfeld where Jerry's anxious childhood friend had a strange habit of running into the woods, digging a hole, and crying for hours whenever he felt overwhelmed.

"The summer me."

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3 hours ago, PityFree said:

Nice of Paul to say something AFTER he slept with her!! Ass.

He learned what most do when they are in prison for any length of time: how to be a complete con artist to get what he wants.  He wanted that foreign snatch, he snatched it, and then the truth comes out.  I think his fire-starting ass should be rearrested just for that.

There is also a very sexual component to arson, but we can talk about that later.

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1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

This is what I'm not getting this season? Why would guys like Antonio or Jesse want a rushed marriage for a green card or to even come live in the States?  They're just in it for the tv exposure surely?  

They  actually wanted to show the flip side of the coin which is everybody not coming from a developing country and trying to use a nice American guy or woman to escape from poverty as fast as possible, and I personally think it's  a good thing. You would be surprised how many Europeans want to live in the States. Maybe not in Sandusky, Ohio. But still.

Antonio wouldn't say no if he had a chance to pursue his "career " across the Atlantic What modeling career will he achieve in Malaga? He's still living in a student apartment at 40years old (sorry 31). Nothing to lose!

All of them met on a dating website or Instagram before the American decided it would be fun to appear on a TV show. They said yes for whatever reason, included the show is not broadcast in their own countries. I'm pretty sure no one knows about Miriam in France.

Some of them obviously did not plan on moving to the US (Miriam). Some others I think are not opposed to the general idea but are not in a rush like Karine and Jenny are. It's like why not. And if it doesn't work, well too bad. There will be someone else. Karine doesn't have the luxury to wait for another man to come to some remote town for her.

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On 10/1/2017 at 8:57 PM, islandgal140 said:

Darcy? When the man you are begging to propose turns into the AA sponsor you never asked for nor wanted - RUN!

For the first time, I thought I actually saw some sense kicking in with Darcy. It's like she woke-up from her denial dream and realized that she'd been on lockdown this whole time. When Jesse gave her that uncalled-for (as far as we can see, here) ultimatum of no drinking, I was rooting for her to shut him down. Argh. 

On 10/1/2017 at 8:57 PM, islandgal140 said:


Haha! I am dying! 

I feel bad for Sean. I can't believe he is shown wavering next week. On a side note: Did it ever seem odd to him that a 20year-old would have an ex-boyfriend in his sixties? That right there would raise a red flag. Maybe it would feel a bit hypocritical, given their own  20-year+ age difference. They're all gross. 

I don't think the mugging was staged. If it was, I don't think Karine was in on it. That poor girl. I hope Paul falls into a school of penis fish!

Corny is a silly girl. Antonio is not interested in jumping through your ridiculous hoops. He's only playing along for the cameras. Still, I'm surprised he didn't tell her off when she asked him if he was in porn. 

Edited by 7isBlue
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Of course, Jesse didn't mean no alcohol at all but not too much alcohol. And I noticed how difficult it was for her to consider drinking less.

There's a difference between an occasional glass of wine and running through the bushes in the middle of the night.

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10 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I didn't get that.  He repeated the "no drinking" often enough.

Yeah, last week it was "I don't mind if she has a small glass of wine." This episode he gave her the never drink again ultimatum.

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3 hours ago, Morgalisa said:


Paul saying over and over, please dont let me jump


He said, "Don't let me go in this water," like he was praying not to fall in. I didn't read this as a suicide attempt. He was definitely not rational, and seemed self-destructive, but he did take the time to pull his stupid hood up. 

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Anyone remember Eugene Levy's character in "Best in Show"?  He's the guy with two left feet...literally.  I think if he were ever in a snit and had to run into the jungle, he'd run just like Paul.


Edited by Former Nun
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44 minutes ago, 7isBlue said:

Still, I'm surprised he didn't tell her off when she asked him if he was in porn. 

Watch again, he made a lot of faces that meant "are you stupid or what?"

39 minutes ago, Bibi said:

Of course, Jesse didn't mean no alcohol at all but not too much alcohol. And I noticed how difficult it was for her to consider drinking less.

There's a difference between an occasional glass of wine and running through the bushes in the middle of the night.

I too suspect that Darcey drinks more than what was shown.

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Paul was giving his soliloquy and I noticed my wife and I were very quiet because we were both reading his subtitles like he was foreign born. He can slur four words into one and is impossible to understand. I hope his translator app works for English to English. 

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