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S08.E02: Down that Route: 2017.07.24

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

College won't work for Leah because she is without a specific educational goal other than to "go back to college."


55 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes. I think Leah with do better with some type of certification program. 

Exactly. Leah just wanted to go to college because it ticks off a box and she probably hoped to meet some college boys. If she had a reasonable goal she may make it someplace. Something like a medical assistant or hairstylist would be more attainable for her. But then I don't think being employable is a concept she cares about. She probably is putting hopes on somehow finding another Jeremy, a high earning country bumpkin. If she can't find that she'll probably live off of child support and welfare if she has to.

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55 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:


Exactly. Leah just wanted to go to college because it ticks off a box and she probably hoped to meet some college boys. If she had a reasonable goal she may make it someplace. Something like a medical assistant or hairstylist would be more attainable for her. But then I don't think being employable is a concept she cares about. She probably is putting hopes on somehow finding another Jeremy, a high earning country bumpkin. If she can't find that she'll probably live off of child support and welfare if she has to.

I think Leah should find something to do to occupy her mind. She only has one of her kids full time, and once Addy my starts school whats she going to do all day (she's not fulfilled as a homemaker). Since cheerleading meant so much to her maybe she could work at a gymnastics facility or coach a team? Just SOMETHING. Her chances of finding another Jeremy are rare. 

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I agree that Leah would be better off in some kind of vocational or technical school, where she can get a certificate and a specific skill set. Someof the fields where the bachelors  is the terminal degree or the degree that most people have to get an entry level job are in in disciplines like nursing, education, criminology, engineering, where you can see a clear career path and the degree opens up employment prospects. For other degrees, like English, psychology, sociology, you use the skills you learned to get a job.  Or you have to go to grad school to get to entry level degree(e.g. social work). Leah as never articulated what she wants to do, what kind of career she envisions. At least if she enrolled in something like an LPN or early childhood education certificate program, the programs are generally shorter to graduation and the career path is clear. I also think that she is in college for the experience that she felt she missed out on because she was a TM. Maybe she wants to meet guys too, IDK. Can you imagine a Leah  dating  your typical college undergrad? The first date convo would be  Um, I have 3 kids and 2 ex husbands. Most college aged guys would be gone before dessert came. 

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@poeticlicensed you make a good point. It pains me to admit this because on no level do I want to equate myself to Leah... but education might be that playing field. I'm not naturally a good student, I'm relatively smart, I'm really good at memorizing pointless information (song lyrics and random pop culture are my specialties), but give me a chapter in a book to study and I struggle, especially around Leah's age. I went to college right out of high school, but in retrospect I was not ready, I was majoring in something that I thought I cared about but I really didn't (elementary education), I wanted to hang out with my friends, not go to class (I'm not justifying it, that was really dumb of me, but that was where my mind was).  When I was a jr. My grandad got really sick and eventually died, but when he was sick geographically I lived the closest so a lot of his care fell on me. Through that I realized I had a knack for taking care of someone medically. After a few years of doubting I was capable because I had never been good at school I decided I wanted to be a nurse. First I went through a 9 month medical assisting program, it was an uneccessary step, but it a) allowed me to be 100% sure I wanted to be a nurse b) allowed me to make more money and gain experience before I was done with nursing school. Nursing school was hard, but I actually had no issue when it came to studying, it was what I was made to do, so I didn't mind studying, in fact I was the opposite of what I had been I never wanted to hang out with friends because I preferred studying. Now I'm a RN, anyone who knew me when I was younger would probably be a little surprised I wound up in a field that requires so much focus and attention to detail.

My long winded point is that maybe I wasn't the most focused when I was younger but once I found something I was truly interested in I thrived... and if Leah could find what that is for her it could make all the difference in the world.

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18 hours ago, lezlers said:

She's so damn ridiculous.  I worked full time and commuted 90 minutes my last year of college.  I had to leave the house NO LATER than 5:15 a.m, or I wouldn't make it on time for my 8 am class.  I went to law school at night for four years while working full-time to support myself.  Fuck off, Leah.  That girl has no business in a four year university anyway.  There's no way she'll make it all the way through.  She needs to get her ass back to beauty school (although if I recall that schedule was too much for her as well.  I CAN'T, you guys.  Ugh.)

That girl will never get an education or work a day in her life.  She'll go from surviving on Teen Mom money (which I'm SURE she's investing responsibly) to living off of child support.   She'll also keep pumping out those babies so she's got a meal ticket beyond the next 18 years. 

My 42 year old husband would be a close second if someone tried to put eye drops in his eyes.  And don't even get me started on his 38 year old brother.  You should've seen his reaction when I tried to do a eye drop sneak attack on him during Easter.  If I didn't have such cat like reflexes, I'd probably have ended up in the ER.

I feel like Leah should invest her money into a spa or hair salon.  She can run the front desk and scheduling, and hire stylists and financial advisors.  That way she wouldn't have to worry about any certification but she'd still be in an environment she liked, and would be financially sound, and she could make her own hours.

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Remember in the first season of the show when Leah's friends went off to college, and she lamented that she would have been their roommate? I think college is some mythical escape for Leah where her life would have turned out completely differently, and she would have had a perfect four years of fun before graduating and becoming wildly successful. 

By going back to college, she expects a taste of something she has idealized for so long, and it falls short. She is not living on campus with a cheerleading friend, TP'ing the boys' dorm in the middle of the night and rushing sororities. I don't think she actually took the classes into account when she dreamed about college, but that's the small piece of it that she has gotten, and it doesn't measure up to her dreams. She also seems reserved around people who aren't hot guys. Contrast this to Kail, who already knew some people from high school on her first day of community college, and has practice making friends because she wasn't close to family growing up. Also Chelsea always had a friend in school, Landon or Megan, and naturally has a bubbly personality anyway. 

Like a lot of you are saying, if Leah had a specific educational goal, it would make staying motivated so much easier. She just needs to let go of this fantasy that she's going to have the same college experience she would have out of high school. She may have even adjusted the fantasy with age; perhaps she thinks she will easily meet people there for grad school, both fellow single moms her age and guys who are on track to become doctors. If she would let go of social expectations and focus on the work, she might be successful. 

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21 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Students on laptops don't look more studious to me -- they look like major Distractocons to themselves and everyone who can see their screens! That's why I don't allow them any more unless the student has a documented accommodation that requires it.

To keep somewhat on topic, did they show Leah taking notes by hand? I can't remember what was on her desk back in the "I don't plan to engage in this class" row. 

I love you for that directive.

Also for your internal labeling of the rows in your classroom.

20 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Totally off topic, but I have a friend who would ask her kid what they had for lunch at school that day, and he'd refer to "lunch balls," and she finally asked him one day what lunch balls were.  Tater tots.

Nice. I love tater tots and I will now refer to them as "lunch balls."

19 hours ago, lezlers said:

You think THAT'S funny, you should've been at my house the night my husband decided to use the spray bottle on our son like he was a naughty cat.  That shit was hilarious.  And it worked!

I wish you had video of this! I can see it in my head I am possibly thinking of a new motivator for the "pick up your toys" conversation. "You missed a lego" <SQUIRT>.

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1 hour ago, teapot said:

feel like Leah should invest her money into a spa or hair salon.  She can run the front desk and scheduling, and hire stylists and financial advisors.  That way she wouldn't have to worry about any certification but she'd still be in an environment she liked, and would be financially sound, and she could make her own hours.

I swear she did that at one point, didn't she? Tried to start a salon with some friends?

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Leah's reasonable goal is to find a man who will give her all the money she wants without him having to be at work for far too many hours, give her the sex she needs, and put up with her messy household and lack of cooking skills. 


I wish you had video of this! I can see it in my head I am possibly thinking of a new motivator for the "pick up your toys" conversation. "You missed a lego" <SQUIRT>.

@guilfoyleatpp this is hilarious!! 

Some kids just need a jolt of something sometimes to get them to calm the fuck down. lol 

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47 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I swear she did that at one point, didn't she? Tried to start a salon with some friends?

"Leah Messer Shuts Down Salon; Vows to Defy Setbacks, Haters"

“We will protect our reputation and ourselves. This is a future career we believe in. Success doesn’t come without set backs and haters. We aren’t afraid of either.”


1 hour ago, teapot said:

I feel like Leah should invest her money into a spa or hair salon.  She can run the front desk and scheduling, and hire stylists and financial advisors.  That way she wouldn't have to worry about any certification but she'd still be in an environment she liked, and would be financially sound, and she could make her own hours.

Maybe she can start an online boutique where the clothes are shipped out of Texas by someone else, and all she has to do is pick out Haute looking outfits on the internet from the comfort of her own bed.

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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Maybe she can start an online boutique where the clothes are shipped out of Texas by someone else, and all she has to do is pick out Haute looking outfits on the internet from the comfort of her own bed.

Camo clothes. Her specialty will be camo shorts for men. 

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Leah's reasonable goal is to find a man who will give her all the money she wants without him having to be at work for far too many hours, give her the sex she needs, and put up with her messy household and lack of cooking skills. 

@guilfoyleatpp this is hilarious!! 

Some kids just need a jolt of something sometimes to get them to calm the fuck down. lol 

I agree 100% that this is her goal. I bet she sooooo regrets letting Jeremy slip through her fingers now! He's lame, but comes closest to what Leah expects. I honestly don't see her attracting anyone right now. What childless guy would want to go from peace and quiet to the chaos that is her house? And what guy with kids would want to combine his kids with hers? That would be over the safe decibel level. I think Leah's best bet is to find a man when the girls are all over 10. He probably won't have deep pockets, either. 

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 I muted Brianna once the coven had decided they all were dying from a terminal disease because the baby daddy wasn't faithful,

While I find Brianna to be a pretty unnecessary addition, it's gems like this that make her presence well worth it to me. 

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David's look is so distracting for me.  ALL I can think of when he's on screen is that he looks like he's a character in an SNL skit about awful disguises.  The combination of his hair, his beard and his mustache look like they are straight out of the Halloween section at Walmart.  Add the indoor sunglasses to complete the look.  All we need now is Bobby Moynihan and Kate McKinnon in police uniforms interrogating him, telling him that it was the ridiculousness of his disguise that let to his capture. 

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On 25/07/2017 at 0:53 PM, zenme said:


I like  Chelsea's "mad" voice. She actually sounds like an adult.  I wish  Cole would find his.

I'm sure it's buried under at least seven items of American themed items of clothing. I love Cole, but damn, there are other colours and patterns!

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I felt like Cole was speaking in a more normal voice when he recounted watson's birth! It still wasn't the most manly voice, but I think if he's telling a story, he has more incentive to speak in a louder, clearer, firmer way. Whenever he's talking to Chelsea, they're basically aimlessly discussing nothing. I wish he would keep talking semi-normally! We have heard Chelsea talk in a decent way on occasion too. I feel like she used her normal voice in her 16+P. 

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Yeah, when they had their fight they were both almost talking like adult human beings. The cutesy baby voices don't bother me once in a while during sweet little exchanges, but don't you ever just discuss a movie or the news or your kids without talking in that baby-boo-boo voice and repeating what the other one is saying?! I'm sure maybe they have a more normal relationship and interests off camera, but that's partly what makes me annoyed and bored with Chelsea segments even though she's the least dramatic by far. Just have one actual conversation!!!!

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On 7/24/2017 at 4:08 PM, Lm2162 said:

Whatever her motives, I thought it was really positive that Isaac still has a relationship with Javi. As much of a dick as he was to Jo, Javi loves Isaac and I'm glad they continue to have a relationship. Kailyn's motives are probably selfish but whatever is best for the kids. Let's just hope she doesn't change her mind the next time she decides to manipulate in some other way. I was really afraid that she would try to keep Isaac from Javi, so if she wants to dump him off to screw other dudes or lay around or whatever, I'm happy.

I think a lot of his crappy behavior towards Jo had to do with Kailyn manipulating him and ginning him up about Jo. From what I can tell, both Javi and Jo are better people than she is.

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On 7/24/2017 at 9:49 PM, Lm2162 said:


The fight over Kaiser between Jenelle and Nathan is like watching two rabid dogs fight over a chipmunk. .

I remember years ago someone on a board saying watching Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump fight was like watching two vampires fight over a bloody tampon. I LOVED that line. So apropos ...

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Watching how Kail treated Javi this episode just re-enforced my belief that karma has finally bitten her in the ass w/the whole Chris thing. smh. She finally met her match, someone who's just as selfish and toxic as she is. Takes what he wants to take and then leaves when it becomes inconvenient, without regard for any of the ppl he's affected in the process. 

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4 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think a lot of his crappy behavior towards Jo had to do with Kailyn manipulating him and ginning him up about Jo. From what I can tell, both Javi and Jo are better people than she is.

oh for sure. i can tell Jo thinks that Kail's a mess and probably thanks god every night for dodging that bullet, but he just humors her and her drama to keep the peace and is just so happy none of it involves him! 

Hopefully, now that he has a new girlfriend, Javi will eventually get to that point. 

Javi and Jo are both good people but I get the sense that Jo is more...detached. Although he obviously loved Kail at one point and was upset when she ended things, he was never the clingy type and definitely not the type to sit around dwelling on a failed relationship, he's not as emotional as Javi and has an easier time moving on. 

But yeah, w/the exception of Chris, Kail does seem to choose pretty good guys - Jo, Jordan and Javi were all very good to her. 

But maybe after being w/someone as clingy and responsibility/family oriented as Javi, all while on MTV, Kail was drawn to Chris bc he represents the exact opposite - no kids, no commitments, has got other hoes and no cameras in site bc he wants nothing to do w/them. Maybe that's what Kail liked, it gave her a chance to feel normal and, for just a few hours, live the young and carefree life she didn't get to have bc she had Isaac so young. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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7 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think a lot of his crappy behavior towards Jo had to do with Kailyn manipulating him and ginning him up about Jo. From what I can tell, both Javi and Jo are better people than she is.

I think he is better. He's also pretty emotional though and tends to get caught up in drama and bickering, dwelling, brooding, etc. Hopefully his new girlfriend or whoever he ends up with is not hot headed and keeps him calm. He seems to be very influenced by whoever he's with/around. Jo is more of his own person. 

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I'm just happy that Javi seems to have a healthy post-divorce dating life. He's doing what he should've been doing instead of playing house of horrors with Kail. Hopefully he'll date around a few years before even contemplating marriage again.

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I think a lot of his crappy behavior towards Jo had to do with Kailyn manipulating him and ginning him up about Jo. From what I can tell, both Javi and Jo are better people than she is.

I still just can't with Javi. While I admit I am enjoying seeing him get under Kail's skin for basically breathing, he deserves just as much karma as she does for how he handled the Jo situation. Any time I start to feel sympathy for the guy, my mind goes back to the scene on the picnic bench where they basically demanded Jo NOT go to court, and inferred he should step aside. "Big Papi is THE Papi now"! So yeah, fuck you Javi, and fuck you Kail. You're both getting what you deserve IMO. 

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On 7/25/2017 at 7:27 PM, GreatKazu said:

Briana's mother and sister need to just back the fuck up and out of her business. Children need to learn how to problem solve. If someone is constantly there to catch you when you fall, tell you what to do, how to handle a situation or problem (looking at you Jen Edwards)  you will never learn how to handle life's problems. I know it is too late for this Helter Skelter crew of women as they seem bent on handling all of Briana's problems. That is why Briana acts like she can't wipe her ass without her mother or sister's help. Nova will be the next one who will have these people up her ass about everything.

I agree, but I actually think Briana handled the situation w/Luis well. 

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1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I still just can't with Javi. While I admit I am enjoying seeing him get under Kail's skin for basically breathing, he deserves just as much karma as she does for how he handled the Jo situation. Any time I start to feel sympathy for the guy, my mind goes back to the scene on the picnic bench where they basically demanded Jo NOT go to court, and inferred he should step aside. "Big Papi is THE Papi now"! So yeah, fuck you Javi, and fuck you Kail. You're both getting what you deserve IMO. 

He certainly needs to own some of that but I still contend that Kail was totally egging that on with her wanting to replace Jo with Javi.  In her world, Jo was a bad father. WTF?  I never thought Jo was a bad father even when I thought he was ridiculous with his rap star dreams. Her entitled ass thinking she can taking Isaac wherever she wants and Jo would just have to follow her (and then she'd get pissed when he did just that) forever soured me on her. 

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Kail has lucked out that Jo and Javi have parents that go above and beyond for their grandchildren.  Their parents tried very hard to meet Kail's needs and to make her happy. Kail's house is so messy now. When Javi's mother came to watch the boys, she'd clean too. I doubt Chris Lopez's Mom is coming to clean. 

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2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Kail has lucked out that Jo and Javi have parents that go above and beyond for their grandchildren.  Their parents tried very hard to meet Kail's needs and to make her happy. Kail's house is so messy now. When Javi's mother came to watch the boys, she'd clean too. I doubt Chris Lopez's Mom is coming to clean. 

Not only this, but both sets of families are so excepting of both boys. Jo and Vee include Lincoln in many things and Javi and his family include Isaac. That's pretty awesome on both sides parts.  If the Lopez's are involved with baby Lo they have no reason to involve her brothers, whether Kail wants her alone time or not. I have the feeling Chris's mom and family won't be trying to appease Kailzilla.

On a related note, how any of these momses have messy houses boggles my mind. A weekly house cleaner can't be that expensive. If I was a TM, I would gladly budget one in my over generous salary instead of ratty hair extensions, daily Starbucks visits, pillses or heavy machinery for my dick of the week.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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33 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Not only this, but both sets of families are so excepting of both boys. Jo and Vee include Lincoln in many things and Javi and his family include Isaac. That's pretty awesome on both sides parts.  If the Lopez's are involved with baby Lo they have no reason to involve her brothers, whether Kail wants her alone time or not. I have the feeling Chris's mom and family won't be trying to appease Kailzilla.

On a related note, how any of these momses have messy houses boggles my mind. A weekly house cleaner can't be that expensive. If I was a TM, I would gladly budget one in my over generous salary instead of ratty hair extensions, daily Starbucks visits, pillses or heavy machinery for my dick of the week.

Not to knock how nice the Rivera family and the Marroquin family are to Lincoln and Issac respectively but I'm not surprised. The families are loving and supportive to all the kids which is great, but in my experience when there are half siblings (or step siblings) that are close in age and small (younger than teen years), most families would include all of the kids 1. For logicical purposes, 2. To foster a since of community and love amongst everyone. Children will love who every nurtures and cares for them- half/step/in law doesn't matter to little kids (who are loved) the way it matters to adults. I think it's only when kids get older that they learn these social distinctions and divisions. 

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4 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I agree, but I actually think Briana handled the situation w/Luis well. 

I don't agree. She put the blame on him. 100 percent of the blame. I can't get behind someone who thinks the predicament they are in is due to someone else when it took two of them to conceive that child. Briana made that choice to have unprotected sex with a dude she didn't even know. And then she has the audacity to get mad at him for cheating? 

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7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I don't agree. She put the blame on him. 100 percent of the blame. I can't get behind someone who thinks the predicament they are in is due to someone else when it took two of them to conceive that child. Briana made that choice to have unprotected sex with a dude she didn't even know. And then she has the audacity to get mad at him for cheating? 

I agree. Plus, and I know I'm a cold hearted bitch, I thought she was bluffing with the adoption thing. To provoke some sort of reaction from him or punish him. 

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7 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree. Plus, and I know I'm a cold hearted bitch, I thought she was bluffing with the adoption thing. To provoke some sort of reaction from him or punish him. 

I don't think Briana was bluffing, not because I think she's above manipulation I don't think she's that great of an actress. I don't think she was ever actually going to place her child, but in that moment thinking of how hard that first year with Nova was (without Devon) I can see her going "I cannot do this again. Hot damn!"

@GreatKazu I will have to watch the scene again, but I didn't get the impression Briana blamed Luis for the pregnancy (she never insinuated that he assualted her or it was all his fault), she was blaming him for cheating when they agreed to be exclusive (which he never denied).

I think people are saying the way she broke off the romantic relationship was well handled (no hysterics)- if she hadn't been pregnant, ending things with a boyfriend of a couple of months after you've agreed to be exclusive, because he was still sleeping with his ex would be the right thing to do, exactly how she did it "look you are still into your ex, it's not working out, I want out before my feelings are too invested"(end of story). 


Briana really needs to figure out why she keeps making PISS POOR decisions, and seems to have no ambition what so ever, but unlike a lot of these TM girls she isn't looking for some dude to "fix her" which is at least one thing she has going for her. And Nova's Afro puffs are too cute!

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17 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree. Plus, and I know I'm a cold hearted bitch, I thought she was bluffing with the adoption thing. To provoke some sort of reaction from him or punish him. 

You're not cold hearted for thinking this way. I thought the same thing and I'm far from cold hearted. Lol, I may be a bit biased over myself. ?

I do feel like the question about adoption was just to punish Luis. She was angry that he cheated and knew he wanted to stay in the babies life (he told that to the girl he was sleeping with that he was with Brianna because she's pregnant).

I also say this because one moment she's naming the baby and shopping the idea of being a family at Luis' house to her daughter then quickly jumps to adoption at the first sign of cheating.

You had to have known it wasn't going to be a guarantee family when you got pregnant after knowing the guy for two weeks (she found out after a month of meeting that she was pregnant which means she got pregnant within days or weeks of meeting for the first time) so you went into the pregnancy knowing he could or wouldn't stay for the long haul.

I could be wrong but that's my take on it as we don't know what's in her head. She could have very well been thinking about adoption and was hoping for an "out" and Luis cheating on her was her golden ticket to having a legitimate excuse for giving her baby up without looking selfish to her family. 

Her family might be more understanding of a family member being placed for adoption because the father took off and is a deadbeat versus the man wanting to be a standup guy and Brianna just not wanting a second child.

Another side of me (I guess I have many sides) thinks she is using it as a good storyline after witnessing the love and praise  Cate and Tyler got for their brave and selfless decision and knows MTV brought Brianna back to bring some juicy drama than the other couch surfers have brought.

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8 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Calm81 you bring up a lot of good points. 


Does anyone here here follow Briana in real time? I know she had her baby in the beginning of the month but what else has she been doing?

What is she doing? Chasing after Luis. 

And waiting for her Brazilian uplift, vaginal rejuvenation and anal retread. 
Edited by CofCinci
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I don't think she was going to go for the adoption, but I don't think it was a bluff. I thought it was more of a desperate question in a really bad moment. (Not that adoption is bad, but she didn't really want one). Like "oh shit, this is going to be the same as last time, and wtf have I done." Like when people in the heat of the moment say "what if we got divorced?" when that's really not what they want, just because the fighting is awful and they're imagining an escape. 

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Well, she needs to quit worrying bout her "favorite doctor" the plastic  surgeon, and make sure she's visiting her gyno for some birth control. Seriously. 

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13 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I agree. Plus, and I know I'm a cold hearted bitch, I thought she was bluffing with the adoption thing. To provoke some sort of reaction from him or punish him. 

Or for a storyline.

Nova sure is surrounding by angry harpies. 

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If you want to have a child who has a mother and father under one roof, I think the way to go about it is to establish the relationship of the mother and father first, and get the roof.  Then have the baby. I'm confused as to why she thinks you're supposed to get pregnant within a month of knowing someone and then expect him to just live with you?

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@CofCinci the little one is precious. I hope she and her big sister Nova hightail it out of dodge ASAP. 


@poopchute this I will never understand at ALL. IMO some women think their uterus gives them power over a guy "well I'm having your baby!!" (Similarly how some women feel because they have sex with a guy that means the guy is supposed to do what they want). Brittany is just too proud and insecure to admit the truth, "look I had unprotected sex with a guy I barely knew, and decided to continue on with the pregnancy. It was my choice and it was dumb as fuck." I think if she said that, viewers would at least respect her for owning her mistake, rather than this "family" narrative she's spinning. 

Another poster said upthread "Corey Simms of the world are view and far between."

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On 7/26/2017 at 7:31 PM, GreatKazu said:

It didn't help that Aubree was being shuttled from one household to another.

I think this is a good point. I had a similar schedule when I was that age and my parents were divorced. My mom said that my bro and I were hellions for days when we got back from a weekend with our dad. As a kid I thought she was crazy, but as an adult I can see how difficult we were. At our dad's house we ate packaged food bc he couldn't cook, were less active bc fewer friends to play with, and didn't sleep as well in a different bed with a different bedtime routine.  When we got to our mom's we likely were out of control for days as we readjusted to things in her home.  Maybe Aubree is experiencing something similar?

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@CofCinci Wait, anal retreading? What the hell is that and why is she having it done? Or was that a joke because she has ridiculous surgeries? I want to know but I don't want to have to google cuz pictures ?.

Edited by Rebecca
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51 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

I think this is a good point. I had a similar schedule when I was that age and my parents were divorced. My mom said that my bro and I were hellions for days when we got back from a weekend with our dad. As a kid I thought she was crazy, but as an adult I can see how difficult we were. At our dad's house we ate packaged food bc he couldn't cook, were less active bc fewer friends to play with, and didn't sleep as well in a different bed with a different bedtime routine.  When we got to our mom's we likely were out of control for days as we readjusted to things in her home.  Maybe Aubree is experiencing something similar?

My daughter was and is the easiest child. I can count on 1 hand the number of times she has thrown a fit or given us trouble and she's now grown. It is just the way she's wired.  I wish I could credit the parenting. lol But even she would be worse than usual after coming back from spending time with her grandparents.  It was bizarre because it wasn't like her at all.

I think obviously Aubree was feeling the pressure of having Watson at home and her getting less attention. She had 7 years to be the sole child and now she's second fiddle. That's a tough adjustment, even for a 7 year old. What they should have done is have Randy and the wife take the baby for a bit and have Cole and Chelsea spend the evening with just Aubree to show her she still matters. (Of course I know she does but the point is she's feeling insecure.)

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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I feel like it's probably worse on Aubree than even a typical child when getting a new sibling because she's been made the center so much. I think Chelsea has doted on Aubree and that Aubree has been pretty spoiled her whole life and losing some of her mom's attention has to be rough after that. I definitely don't think Aubree is a bad kid or anything but I'm glad to see Chelsea actually disciplining her, I think Aubree could easily be a brat if that didn't occur. That little diva shit isn't cute when the kid is older, is it Chelsea?

Edited by Rebecca
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3 hours ago, Rebecca said:

@CofCinci Wait, anal retreading? What the hell is that and why is she having it done? Or was that a joke because she has ridiculous surgeries? I want to know but I don't want to have to google cuz pictures ?.

Yes, it's a real surgery.  It's usually included in those "mommy makeover" type surgeries -- tightens everything up. No idea if she plans to receive one but if it's free, she'll take it. 

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13 hours ago, zenme said:

Well, she needs to quit worrying bout her "favorite doctor" the plastic  surgeon, and make sure she's visiting her gyno for some birth control. Seriously. 

I wonder why she can't wait until January? Why is she seeing him then? Tax return? 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I wonder why she can't wait until January? Why is she seeing him then? Tax return? 

Dr. Dude is probably booked until then. 

5 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I feel like it's probably worse on Aubree than even a typical child when getting a new sibling because she's been made the center so much. I think Chelsea has doted on Aubree and that Aubree has been pretty spoiled her whole life and losing some of her mom's attention has to be rough after that. I definitely don't think Aubree is a bad kid or anything but I'm glad to see Chelsea actually disciplining her, I think Aubree could easily be a brat if that didn't occur. That little diva shit isn't cute when the kid is older, is it Chelsea?

I agree. I also think Aubree has enjoyed having Cole be a father to her, something she hasn't received much of regarding her bio father who threw her in a room with mattresses and her little sister as a way to be entertained.

Cole has been taking Aubree under his wing and has likely doted on her, given her a lot of one-on-one time, and taken her with him when he visits family and friends while Chelsea was likely resting at home due to the pregnancy. Suddenly, he has this time to go somewhere where it is only adults and Aubree is not accustomed to NOT going with him. That is how I viewed her tantrum in the car.

The baby is probably cramping her style, too. I remember having those feelings when the baby of the family came along. As much as I love my sibling, as a kid you tend to sometimes feel a certain way that would best be described as being selfish. You resent the attention they receive. It's the mentality of a young mind. I recall when I had my second child, I had people bring coloring books, small toys, books, and VHS kids' movies for my oldest child so she didn't feel like only the baby was receiving gifts and attention. 

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Agree Aubree was tired and new baby jealousy prob added to ger distress. Cole and Chelsea would have done better acknowledging her feelings "We know you want to go and it makes you sad, but this is adults only" and then let her cry.

 I also want to fix  Karl and Javi' s discussion.

Javi- I'm upset,  I may be getting deployed soon. I told the boys about the possibility.

Karl (phone put down)- that is upsetting. How do you feel about it? It's probably better not to talk to kids about it till you know more. I understand why you did,  but Isaac is so sensitive and Lincoln is so young.

Javi- yes, you are right. I'm glad since we share a child, we can communicate. 

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