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S13.E08: Cooking Goes Live!

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2 hours ago, Christina said:

Just like with the "hammies" where they acted like they had never heard of them, Alex grabbed the plates and said, "Will that work?" then acted excited that it did. Of course she knew it would work, they all did, but were acting impressed by it, which irritated me. By now, there is absolutely no reason for me to expect that they are not going to treat me like an idiot, and yet, I keep getting irritated while watching. My ultimate problem, I think, is that I keep watching while sober. It's another thing I know better than to do, yet keep doing it.

I am cynical enough to think Jason was told to demonstrate this particular tip, which then would be "ooohhhed" and "ahhhhed" over. And yes, this entire network thinks the "home cook" is a slow, illiterate idiot. 

  • Love 1

Matthew's not to seeing Alex was dumb, but he did say he went home the last time she was the guest judge so they weren't trying to pretend like he didn't know who she was. His head is so far up his own ass that he didn't even notice there was a whole nother person in his vicinity. 

Amy may be the chosen safe one, but she seems just as surprised by this as we are. I don't think she got the memo. 

I'm really sick of Giada's boobs. Someone in wardrobe needs to STOP her from picking these dresses!  

I think Cory will come back since Comeback Kitchen is more focused on the actual cooking. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, smiley13 said:

Amy was supposed to make pancakes, not some gross, pink frosted, sprinkled thing.  She should have been booted for botching both segments last night.

WHY would you even put frosting on pancakes? It wasn't a layer cake, no matter how many she stacked up. It was a good idea that she just ruined.


17 hours ago, J-Man said:

(And why couldn't they have just tasted the chicken part? It was cooked, after all.)

I thought at least they'd taste Alex's version.

  • Love 4

The frosted pancakes looked unappetizing and sloppy. i really wish they could have actually shown Cory what they were looking for-maybe provide an example of someone cooking on a live stream and then give him another chance. Honestly, he is the only one who appeals to me of that group. Matthew and Rusty are obnoxious and Jason needs to stick to baking. I also think Jason is fake as they come and would bet a hundred bucks he does not talk that way in real life. Amy is sloppy and unsanitary and I don't get why saying "my kids" makes a presentation so much better. Matthew and Rusty don't mention family and that doesn't seem to be a problem.

I would be willing to bet Alex did the 'your' on purpose to seem hip. 

And dear God, the BOOBS!

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Amy is sloppy and unsanitary and I don't get why saying "my kids" makes a presentation so much better.

I was thinking that FN was pumping up Amy because they wanted to keep a woman contestant around, but now I'm being gripped by the frightening idea that she could actually win this.

Of the remaining contestants, she's probably the one the FN brass thinks could most likely connect with their audience. No doubt FN is watched by a lot of stay-at-home moms who are trying to cook something more creative than meat and potatoes for their husband and kids. They may think that she would be entertaining in a frazzled sit-com wife sort of way. Like an episode of "I Love Lucy" come to life.

I'll know that they really want Amy to win if the next challenge is, "your husband just called and he's bringing the boss home for dinner. You have one hour to cook a meal that will get your  husband a raise, using ingredients you have around the house."

I believe you may be right about Alex. Because nothing scream that you're (I mean "your") an out-of-touch old fart like correct grammar.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, smiley13 said:

And I do not recall, was Amy shown making that pink slop?

Those were sprinkles!  Dutch baby pancakes are delicious with either syrup or a squeeze of lemon and powdered sugar.  

I was fine seeing Cory go but he will be back next week and it will still be a Cory and Jason finish with Jason winning. 

They are too focused with online participation.  Seems so stupid to me.  You just don't go to snap chat to find a recipe.  

This show is not enough to pull me away from the Big Brother feeds for very long.  LOL 

Guy Fieri is retiring?  What?  Nope 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I missed (?!) the ginormous segment. As I was taking a shower I was wondering how you might do the ginormous spaghetti and meatballs without it being just a huge mound of spaghetti topped with a meatball the size of your head. I then mused that perhaps you could take the concept of porcupine meatballs and replace the rice with fideos. Then instead of a ball form it into a loaf that could easily feed a family of four. Call it a 'spaghetti meatball'. Thirty minutes wouldn't be long enough but perhaps with a pressure cooker? Anyway, ginormous food as new developing food trend is ludicrous. America is already the land of enormous portion sizes.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, spiderpig said:

I am certainly no prude (!!!!!!!) but why did Giada and her stylist think that white dress with the massive cutout was appropriate culinary mentor wear?  America's Got Talent, maybe.

If we have to look at Giada's girls every week, I want to see Bobby in a Speedo.

I'm trying to imagine what the "thinking" is of giada and/or the show producers to create such an obvious "distraction" from the show format.  It's such a flagrant deviation from the purpose of drawing an audience to a "family type" show it has to be intentional.  To me, it says everything I have to know about Giada as she obviously has some sort of "hang up" either with getting older or parlaying her "charms" beyond what her talent (or lack of same) would dictate.  Frankly, I think it's really off-putting.

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Those were sprinkles!  Dutch baby pancakes are delicious with either syrup or a squeeze of lemon and powdered sugar.  

I was fine seeing Cory go but he will be back next week and it will still be a Cory and Jason finish with Jason winning. 

They are too focused with online participation.  Seems so stupid to me.  You just don't go to snap chat to find a recipe.  

This show is not enough to pull me away from the Big Brother feeds for very long.  LOL 

Guy Fieri is retiring?  What?  Nope 

I also object to the phoneyed up social media hype that has no connection to the reality of who's watching the show...can't you simply picture the production staff mining for "ideas" to carry the show forward week after week and coming up with every variation on a theme???

As for Fieri, I noticed he may be receding into the background with his Lando Entertainment partner, Brian Lando, expanding his role as an executive producer rather than in front of the camera traipsing around the Country (and abroad) on a regular basis.  I saw him on the credits for the new baking games show with Duff Goldman (a bomb).

With all his enterprises and financial success he may simply be getting worn out with all the travel.  He certainly has made many, many millions and from what I read continues to live a relatively "simple" life in the house he's lived in for years with his original wife in CA (forget if he lives in Santa Rosa).  He has enough reruns to produce income into the next millennial so maybe he's winding down his on-camera appearances. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, bluepiano said:

I was thinking that FN was pumping up Amy because they wanted to keep a woman contestant around, but now I'm being gripped by the frightening idea that she could actually win this.

Of the remaining contestants, she's probably the one the FN brass thinks could most likely connect with their audience. No doubt FN is watched by a lot of stay-at-home moms who are trying to cook something more creative than meat and potatoes for their husband and kids. They may think that she would be entertaining in a frazzled sit-com wife sort of way. Like an episode of "I Love Lucy" come to life.

I'll know that they really want Amy to win if the next challenge is, "your husband just called and he's bringing the boss home for dinner. You have one hour to cook a meal that will get your  husband a raise, using ingredients you have around the house."

I believe you may be right about Alex. Because nothing scream that you're (I mean "your") an out-of-touch old fart like correct grammar.

Oh no. I think you're right. Amy IS going to win this. The whole "bad moms" thing is hot right now. I can see Food Network trying to cash in on that. 


@bluepiano.  You are onto something!  They may want Amy to win.  I can see that.  Jason is already known so it is easy to place him in judge slots and they can have him post baking recipes on their site (that was mentioned) if he wins or not.  BUT bad mom ducking CPS is a good addition!  

And I bet she gave them that idea.  At first they cringed but later said, waaaaaait a minute.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Of the remaining contestants, she's probably the one the FN brass thinks could most likely connect with their audience. No doubt FN is watched by a lot of stay-at-home moms who are trying to cook something more creative than meat and potatoes for their husband and kids. TPTB may think that she would be entertaining in a frazzled sit-com wife sort of way. Like an episode of "I Love Lucy" come to life.

Yes. Amy is a military wife.  AFAIK, military families around the world can watch FN, and Amy may appeal to them.  I think TPTB may be misjudging though, as I am from a military family and those that have traveled around the world have the most adventurous palates imaginable.

Edited by susannot
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, susannot said:

Cutout designs are stylish right now. But on a food competition?  Project Runway, maybe.

Did we see Giada actually taste a few bites of food this episode?  Maybe TPTB have noticed the ridicule.

Poor Cory.  Such a good chef; so unable to talk about it on camera.

Cory is wasting his time on FN.  He needs to be on Top Chef, where REALLY GOOD technique, flavors, plating, etc. carry the day.  I don't know as I've ever seen a TC contestant come from FN, though.  Too bad, really.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Blonde Gator said:

Cory is wasting his time on FN.  He needs to be on Top Chef, where REALLY GOOD technique, flavors, plating, etc. carry the day.  I don't know as I've ever seen a TC contestant come from FN, though.  Too bad, really.

It can't be said enough that when Bob, Susie and Brooke left, out went any semblance of respectability on this network.  I still watch though, but more and more as background noise.  As it stands now with this episode, my prime motivation is hoping to see Matthew get a big fat cream pie right in the kisser.

  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

It can't be said enough that when Bob, Susie and Brooke left, out went any semblance of respectability on this network.  I still watch though, but more and more as background noise.  As it stands now with this episode, my prime motivation is hoping to see Matthew get a big fat cream pie right in the kisser.

This is the one condition on which I would allow Pah Stahl back on FN/Star.  If he came on the show and hit Matthew with one of his pies -- preferably with an anvil in the middle of it -- he would forever redeem himself, in my book.

  • Love 8

I just watched and I'm thinking that Alex's typo might have been due to haste because time was running out and she needed to kick Cory in the butt to get him going. Alex isn't dumb by any means. She went to Barnard.  I wonder if Sarah Moulton was watching. She would have been the ideal guest chef for this episode. Just sayin ...

I really can't add anything more to what others have said about Giada's saggy boobs dress. She really looks bad this season. I think that getting older, combined with the extreme thinness aren't doing her any favors. She also seemed to be in a particularly nasty mood. When Bobby quipped about her "American pronunciation of spaghetti," she threw him a hateful look and sniped, "Spaghetti and MEATBALLS is an AMERICAN dish." So there. Maybe they had a spat before the show because interaction between the two was kept to the absolute minimum. She was really bitchy during the entire show and I caught more than one eyeroll or pulling a nasty face. I think Giada has it out for Cory and Matthew. I was surprised, though, that she fought for Amy. I think part of that was because Amy finally obeyed her marching orders to talk about her kids. 

I didn't mind seeing Cory go. I thought he was very arrogant and had no personality. He final TH said it all. If what he demonstrated was indicative of how he'd be on any type of FN show, I wouldn't watch. I agree that he needs to move over to "Top Chef" where his skills would be properly challenged. FN is not the right venue for him and he'd be a waste to be judging kids' barbecue competitions.

  • Love 8
38 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I didn't mind seeing Cory go. I thought he was very arrogant and had no personality. He final TH said it all. If what he demonstrated was indicative of how he'd be on any type of FN show, I wouldn't watch. I agree that he needs to move over to "Top Chef" where his skills would be properly challenged.

Yeah, I do think he'd do better on Top Chef.  I didn't mind him leaving either.  The challenge was walking people through a recipe. He absolutely stumbled.  And since the home viewer isn't going to be eating the food that the TV personality prepares, food safety isn't as important.  I sometimes see people wash their hands after handling chicken.  Sometimes they only wipe their hands on a towel.  (ack)  Sometimes they do it but we don't see it.  And sometimes it's completed edited out.  But I don't think I've ever seen a TV personality tell the audience that they need to wash their hands after handling chicken.  Changing cutting boards?  Yes but not washing hands. They may have a low opinion of what the home viewers know but they usually seem to believe we know that much.

  • Love 3

Changing cutting boards?  Yes but not washing hands. 

That is true.  I've often noticed that on Chopped where they get called out about "sanitation" if they don't flip the boards but I rarely see anyone wash his/her hands after handling all manner of things.  The only person I can think of who routinely washes her hands while cooking is Anne Burrell.  I never watch Giada so I don't know what she does or doesn't do.

  • Love 5
38 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

It can't be said enough that when Bob, Susie and Brooke left, out went any semblance of respectability on this network.  I still watch though, but more and more as background noise.  As it stands now with this episode, my prime motivation is hoping to see Matthew get a big fat cream pie right in the kisser.

I know that is O/T, but what actually happened there?  Can we take this convo to an appropriate thread? I only learned of that this season, from you fine people here.  I had no idea.  Thanks!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

Cory is wasting his time on FN.  He needs to be on Top Chef, where REALLY GOOD technique, flavors, plating, etc. carry the day.  I don't know as I've ever seen a TC contestant come from FN, though.  Too bad, really.

If I'm not mistaken, Cory has been on Top Chef. Not as a contestant but as a local chef/food authority for one of the elimination challenges on the season in... I want to say New Orleans. Does anyone remember or am I thinking of someone else?

20 minutes ago, Gbb said:

If I'm not mistaken, Cory has been on Top Chef. Not as a contestant but as a local chef/food authority for one of the elimination challenges on the season in... I want to say New Orleans. Does anyone remember or am I thinking of someone else?

You're right.  I didn't remember it, but I checked imdb - which, interestingly, doesn't list FNS, but does include appearances on Top Chef, Chopped, and in a short titled "The Duck Dynasty Phenomenon" ("Members of the West Monroe, LA community and social observers describe the impact the Duck Dynasty TV show has had on their town and the culture as a whole."). http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6188204/

The Top Chef appearance was in 2014 (season 11, New Orleans), as "Himself - Guest Diner / Louisiana Seafood Council" (episode title: Mississippi Mud Bugs)

Edited by akr
added link & TC episode title
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, wings707 said:

You just don't go to snap chat to find a recipe.  

I never would. That would require having a laptop or iPad in the kitchen, instructing me...with me hitting pause every 20 seconds. That's why this show has gone so far downhill, they aren't offering the winner anything the viewers will watch.


6 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

I don't know as I've ever seen a TC contestant come from FN

Arnold Myint was on TC, then came to this show, finishing 4th.


6 hours ago, susannot said:


Not a cream pie.  Too kind.  A cast iron skillet to the face.


That big one Jason had would work just fine.

  • Love 6

Rachel Ray has reminded people to wash hands after handling poultry.  It almost seems like this was a "made for TV" moment.  How cold she not wash her hands after handling chicken?   Years ago I started wearing vinyl gloves to handle chicken.  I don't think I could touch one now with my bare hands.

The ginormous food show is a ridiculous concept.  Here we are the fattest nation in America and Food Network thinks a show about super sizing food is a good thing.  And the star is just--not right for the part.

I don't know which contestant's show I would watch.  I don't turn the station if Ina's show is on.  I do like Beat Bobby Flay.  But whoever said the FN is no longer about cooking--but is about eating--is correct.

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On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 7:38 AM, smiley13 said:

Yes, the only purpose of this episode was to build up Amy.  On one hand she should have been kicked off for the chicken issue, but on the other hand, poisoning Gee-Ah-Da wouldn't be such a bad thing.....  (Only kidding, I can't stand the woman, but don't wish that on her)

Even though he was talking fast, this kind of segment was right in Matthew's wheelhouse.  Jason and Rusty were good too.

Amy was supposed to make pancakes, not some gross, pink frosted, sprinkled thing.  She should have been booted for botching both segments last night.

Right after she bragged about how all her babies are beautiful...she comes out with that big honking mess.  It looked like something an eight year old who is in the kitchen for the first time would make.

On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 7:47 AM, BusyOctober said:

This ep didn't air in my neck of the woods!  My DVR shows it recording on 7/27 instead??? 

So happy to hear the huge food shows are off the schedule.  Not that I ever watched them, but the ads for them gross me out.  There is no need for burgers as large as a swimming pool.  I do not need to see an ice cream sundae with 50 scoops and 2 gallons of toppings.  I get that some of these concoctions re done as marketing stunts, or fundraising, etc.  But if a restaurant's claim to fame is serving quesadillas with a 4 foot diameter, I'm never going there.


On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 8:03 AM, xaxat said:

Well, that was an eminently forgettable episode. "If you want to cook big food, use a big pan!"

That's some next level culinary advice.

And boobs.


22 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

I'm as far from being a healthy eater as you can get (all meat, no vegetables), but this whole "ginormous food" thing is completely disgusting.  Why would anyone make a 6 pound hamburger?  No one can eat that much, and if its for a group, the first thing you would do is cut it into smaller parts anyway, so what's the point?  It's simply glorified gluttony.

My favorite part was when Jason was doing his video and he whipped out his over-sized pan and said "Why this here pan is bigger than mah whole head!".  Then they cut to Giada with her giant smile, and I just knew she was thinking, "Yeah, but its not bigger than MINE!" LOL

The segment with the guy sitting behind a giant pile of fried food looked disgusting.  FN has gone from food authority to freak show.

21 hours ago, meowmommy said:

Well, there were certainly plenty of boobs on display.  And also LBH's rack.

Why, oh, why does Rusty feel the need to scream out his presentations as if he were at a pep rally?  Every time he does I think not only of Guy Fieri but He Who Shall Not Be Named.  Neither of which is a desirable comparison.

I don't know who the guest judge was for the first challenge but what struck me is how she apparently got her job without having to run this gauntlet.  Why do some people who aren't country music singers or other D-list celebrities get a FN platform while others are required to go through this long, painful, pointless audition?


17 hours ago, GaT said:


I don't even remember the beginning of the show, just Giada's boobs.

Remember what Corey's meatballs looked like before he cut them into pieces? Now imagine them attached to Giada's chest & that's what you missed.

I knew Corey was going home as soon as he cut his meatballs into pieces, the guest judge was right, there was nothing ginormous about his plate. 

I thought this was a stupid challenge, why would they ever have to make food that size? And all their tips were stupid to "use this giant size pan!", what other kind of tip could they have?

I am a naturally large breasted woman...most of us go out of our way to make sure our breasts are not front and center.  What baffled me was not only was she almost fully exposed, but her boobs looked droopy and saggy.  Does the Food Network not have the budget to buy her a proper bra?  Is the new FN motto "Do not wash your hands and stop wearing underwear?"

  • Love 2

All I can add about Giada's white dress is thank goodness it was made of either a heavier fabric or lined or we would have been treated to a nipple show as well.  I was under the impression that she supplies her own wardrobe. Another thought is that designers loan clothes to her for the *exposure* (pun intended) but since there is no mention of who makes Giada's clothes or any fashion credits at the end, that excuse doesn't really hold water. (I'm just full of the puns today! Hee!)

Not to defend Amy, but I read some of the viewer comments on the Food Network Gossip. Folks pointed out that there wasn't a sink on that set for hand washing. (Was there? I don't remember.) They also mentioned that the menfolk didn't wash their hands after handling protein. I guess chicken is more dangerous than beef or pork, but still ... They also commented that Alex sent in cues for everybody else except Amy. She could have zapped in a quick note, "wash your hands" but she didn't.  I don't really care as I am certain Amy isn't going to win. While it was an egregious error, I think it was over-dramatized like last week's, "This spice is KILLING ME!"

I think this is in the bag for Jason.  He seems to be the most versatile. He'll be fine having to taste crappy kids' BBQ or judging big-time pastry chefs at the holidays. I am actually looking forward to his obligatory stint on "The Kitchen" and hope he gets paired with Zakarian. That would be comedy gold!

  • Love 6

I tried to watch but got maybe halfway through, realized I wasn't really paying attention and despite not paying attention still didn't have a tolerance for these people. Probably because the only one I am even remotely interested anymore was getting kicked off this ep.

Jason has worn out his welcome with me, Randy was never really welcomed in the first place (he's not bad, I'm just not interested in big loud bros. He reminds me too much of Guy, shouting everything at me with far more excitement than is warranted. Amy is just...UGH. I can't even put my finger on it. I think she thinks she's quirkier than she actually is. She comes across as a typical mom who kind of thinks she's the "fun" mom but she's just...a mom trying a little too hard to be fun. It puts me off. I can't think....oh, then there's that other one. Yeah, no, I just can't with him anymore.

There is not enough fun in this show to suffer through that obnoxious, entitled asshat anymore.

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On 7/24/2017 at 1:05 AM, J-Man said:

Oh, come on, Bobby and Giada-- you could've eaten Amy's dish. You've had worse things in your mouth. (And why couldn't they have just tasted the chicken part? It was cooked, after all.)

So Cory announces that he's "going back to Louisiana." Has no one told him about Star Salvation?

Well, I was thinking they could have eaten Alex's plate... since she was following the instructions. Mute point now I guess... since she went through to the next round.. contaminated food and all! LOL!

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, wings707 said:

They are too focused with online participation.  Seems so stupid to me.  You just don't go to snap chat to find a recipe.  


All the online/snap chat stuff seems like a desperate attempt to make the show feel hip and "relevant." And it's why they brought back Matthew, whose shtick is that he's Mr. Social Media.


1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

Randy was never really welcomed in the first place (he's not bad, I'm just not interested in big loud bros. He reminds me too much of Guy, shouting everything at me with far more excitement than is warranted. Amy is just...UGH. I can't even put my finger on it. I think she thinks she's quirkier than she actually is. She comes across as a typical mom who kind of thinks she's the "fun" mom but she's just...a mom trying a little too hard to be fun. It puts me off.

I think you mean Rusty, not Randy, but I totally agree about all the shouting. Yet, the judges and guest judges constantly praise him for that, because it shows "enthusiasm." His shouting wears me out after about half a minute.  Agree also about Amy. Her "quirkiness" doesn't come across as natural. It feels like something she's doing to make herself different. In a few years she'll no doubt be the mom who embarrasses her kids by trying to be "cool."


15 hours ago, grisgris said:

I really can't add anything more to what others have said about Giada's saggy boobs dress.

I remember reading a few years ago that Giada's show was popular viewing at college frat houses, and you can guess why. She's still a very attractive woman, but at this point in her life the ever escalating display of cleavage reeks of desperate attention seeking.

And though I can't find the quote, a thousand thumbs up to what someone previously posted about the last thing America needs is a show celebrating gluttony. FN already does enough of that, with their travel shows featuring people stuffing themselves with sugar and fried foods, and all the BBQ competitions. Funny how almost every year on FN Star there's someone with a POV like "make healthier versions of favorite foods," but they never go very far. It's not what FN is about.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, bluepiano said:

Agree also about Amy. Her "quirkiness" doesn't come across as natural. It feels like something she's doing to make herself different. In a few years she'll no doubt be the mom who embarrasses her kids by trying to be "cool."



FNS Amy could play Amy Poehler's awkward younger sister in a SNL skit.  She's just not comfortable on camera.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Rachel Ray has reminded people to wash hands after handling poultry.  It almost seems like this was a "made for TV" moment.  How cold she not wash her hands after handling chicken?   Years ago I started wearing vinyl gloves to handle chicken.  I don't think I could touch one now with my bare hands.

Alton Brown always reminded us to "wash those chickeny hands!". You'd think Amy would have taken that board-flipping moment as a teachable moment to explain why she was doing that. I mean, at home I'd never think of flipping over a cutting board and putting a chicken-goo'ed surface face down on my countertop, but I did appreciate learning to use separate boards for pre-cooked/veggies and raw meats.

  • Love 5

I'm just so sick of everybody having to have a story about every dish. 

When I watch a cooking show, I want to learn that dish, cuisine, or technique. Maybe just learn something new, or update my recipes.

It really doesn't matter to me that your kid/ dog/ husband thinks this is the best dish they've ever tasted. I don't know them and I don't know their taste. 

Whenever they force the contestants to tell a story about a dish I want to scream. Why would a person even have a ginormous grilled cheese story anyway? 

There was a contestant a few seasons back. They were on him constantly to tell his story so we could all get to know him. So he tells the story of how his family had to eat out of garbage cans because they were so poor. That's why his POV was money saving meals or something like that.  They cut him the next week. So much for getting to know you!

I didn't need to know that. I don't need someone to embarrass their entire family as a prerequisite to teaching me a recipe. All I need to know is that you are the money saving meal guy. All you need to do is show me great money saving meals. That's it.

A little anicdote here and there is fine. It does help us get to know you. But I'd rather have no story than a "oh crap, I need to make up something quick" one.

Edited by Hockeymom
  • Love 13

honestly, if they have to tell a story about what they are making, I wouldn't mind hearing the history of whatever it is. Like what is the origin of the grilled cheese sandwich. Or how the original grilled cheese is nothing like it is today. I really don't have a rats ass to give about what Amy's kids like to eat. I don't know her kids. I never want to meet her kids. And I really don't give a shit what they eat. At least history is universal.

Of course, this is also why I don't watch cooking shows. I don't need to see former celebs hosting dinner parties or home cooks talking about their kids.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

.I really don't have a rats ass to give about what Amy's kids like to eat. I don't know her kids.

Over the years, the "moms" on those show have always made a point of telling us what they make for their kids. But I'm a grown-up, so why should I care? Most kids don't exactly have developed culinary tastes. Until my son was about 16, he would've been happy to eat nothing but peanut butter sandwiches and hamburgers every day.


2 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I find the word "honey" obnoxious, but it's especially condescending when a stranger calls you that. 

In his defense, it's much more commonly used in the south, where it's meant more in friendliness than condescension. (Not that he doesn't overuse it). And of course, a female waitress calling male customers "hon" is part of diner tradition. It amuses me how even 20 something hipster waitresses do that. Keeping the tradition alive.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 8
12 hours ago, grisgris said:

Not to defend Amy, but I read some of the viewer comments on the Food Network Gossip. Folks pointed out that there wasn't a sink on that set for hand washing. (Was there? I don't remember.) They also mentioned that the menfolk didn't wash their hands after handling protein. I guess chicken is more dangerous than beef or pork, but still ... They also commented that Alex sent in cues for everybody else except Amy. She could have zapped in a quick note, "wash your hands" but she didn't.  I don't really care as I am certain Amy isn't going to win. While it was an egregious error, I think it was over-dramatized like last week's, "This spice is KILLING ME!"

I thought there was a sink behind them but they probably would have been satisfied with a towel. It's possible that the others did wash their hands but it was just edited out.  Or they're all slobs but wanted something to ding Amy on.  Or they didn't touch things that were going to be left raw next.  It's one thing to touch vegetables after handling protein if you're going to cook them next.  It's another thing to touch something that will remain raw.   Alex did send in cues but there was usually a delay and I think Amy had already touched the raw item.

Another week, another episode that drives home how far this series has fallen. 


The twins were on full display for half the show, apparently to distract from the useless opening challenge that resulted in Amy winning a 20 second, generic "mentoring" session, that did nothing but tell us she would have some failure that related to the lame advice she had received. 


Cory once again let us know that this weeks challenge was beneath his superior abilities and palate, but he would deign to suffer through it for our benefit. Why he ever decided to send in his video resume for this show baffles me. As others have accurately stated, he would be a better fit on Top Chef than this clown fest. While he was a much better cook than anyone else on this show, his snobbery and apparent boredom doomed his chances. Additionally, for an experienced chef, he should have known that a three pound slab of ground beef was not going to be cooked through in the limited time he had. 


Amy, other than her faux pas on washing her hands after the chicken cutting, actually seemed very good in her cooking and her presentation. Unless they edited it out, Honeychile Goober handled raw pork and did not wash his hands either, and it was never mentioned. 


Matt is still the same obnoxious, phony, arrogant asshat he has always been. His grilled cheese was something a 12 year old could and has made. His "hack" was useless. His face went from smily to pissed off as soon as the most minor criticism was thrown his way. There is a subreddit on reddit called Punchable Faces. Matt is a prime candidate for posting on that sub. The judges frequently insult him during his cooking and presentation, yet he is oblivious to it. 


Rusty was Rusty, too loud, in your face, and the epitome of BroDude. Probably a fun guy to have at a cookout, but a Star? Nah.


Finally, Honeychile Goober Hayseed. If he had ever toned down that act, he would be one of the best and most natural contestants on this entire series. He has some decent skills, he is certainly comfortable in front of the camera, and he is somewhat informative. Yet everytime he comes on, with his over the top cliches, sayings, and accent, I want to throw a roadkill possum at him. Also, when I was young we had a two word name for that goofy semi facial hair he has, and it is not nice. Everytime I see it it reminds me of that insult.  I think when he ends up as an eventual judge in GGG, we might actually yearn for the return of some of the other judges we constantly complain about. 


Again, I agree with the posters who predict Cory returning from the dead in a week or two, and and Matt getting the boot at the same time.

They should really name this show Next Roving FN Judge Who Will Work For Less Than A Real Celebrity Chef Would Charge To Appear. 

  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, MajorWoody said:


They should really name this show Next Roving FN Judge Who Will Work For Less Than A Real Celebrity Chef Would Charge To Appear. 

Pretty funny. 

As long as it's not Matt!

They can bring him back and polish him up all they want. I don't care if he aces every challenge and is the picture of perfection. I would never watch any show he is even remotely involved with. Yet, I watch this. Damn, they got me!

I will never forget him screaming into the camera "My mother raised a champion!" Or some bullshit to that effect. 

That smug, smarmy, "champion" is nauseating. I hope he is a plant, brought in to perk up this year's pack of meh. Great, thanks. He did his job. Now, cut him a check and send him home.

I have always loved FN. However, even I can see the decline. 

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Cory once again let us know that this weeks challenge was beneath his superior abilities and palate, but he would deign to suffer through it for our benefit. Why he ever decided to send in his video resume for this show baffles me. As others have accurately stated, he would be a better fit on Top Chef than this clown fest. While he was a much better cook than anyone else on this show, his snobbery and apparent boredom doomed his chances. Additionally, for an experienced chef, he should have known that a three pound slab of ground beef was not going to be cooked through in the limited time he had. 

I just wish we would stop seeing recycled people on all these various cooking shows/competitions. 

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