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S19.E10: Power of Veto #3

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Oh, Dominique. Jesus might have picked up the phone during that Veto comp, but clearly, Jesus regretted answering because you didn't win. I guess the Holy Spirit didn't whisper that in your ear while you were praying in the shitter.

I don't know how I feel about them being able to use the support cross pieces and wires to steady themselves as they went across the balance beams. It kinda feels like cheating and yet clearly they weren't stopped from doing it so... eh.

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Dom may be genuinely crazy, but damn if I don't love her calling out Paul.

Mark seems very sweet, but I don't think he's really cut out for this game.

Edited by vb68
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Words cannot express how much I loathe Paul.  He IS a snake.  An arrogant, entitled, narcissistic snake.  Wearing snake prints at the PoV meeting was just bratty.  I want to punch him.

And I'm not even a big Dom fan. 

Edited by Suzysite
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Jessica is on the block but possibly the safest person in the game. 

I'm warming to her and happy she realizes the best move is keeping her head down. 

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Oh hey, another episode and another SHUT UP PAUL. Here is the thing, Paul, you decided to make a game move, Dom correctly calls you out on it, and you have the nerve to get angry about it. It would be one thing if this self absorbed jerk was just posturing but his DRs made it clear that he has no self awareness. Meanwhile, we are all stuck with the all Paul all the time show. 

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Eh, I had enough of Paul's out of control ego last season.  He's completely ruin the show.  BIG mistake of BB to force him on viewers 2 yrs in a row.  He was never even close to being the fan favorite from last year.

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Wow, Mark... you are an ugly crier!! There's something about his face, hair and build that is rather simian to me. I look at him and I think Magilla Gorilla. I can't help it!

I love that Dom calls out the 'snake' and the 'tempter' when she's the one speaking in tongues and saying the holy spirit is giving her her game info. That's... a little nuts.

Paul though went sooo OTT though, I mean was it necessary to add that much fuel to the fire? Dude's kind of a dick...

Oh and how much longer can they hold off on the last Temptation? Hoping the votes will come around if people can just keep voting?? I mean they were supposed to do it Sunday but instead it will be Thurs be we know what they America has decided. Super shady.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I like Dominique. She is a bit goofy, but entertaining and sincere. I voted as much as I could for her to get the temptation.  I missed the first 15 minutes of the show (I'll catch up tomorrow), but from what I did see I think that I put my votes in the right place, for what they are worth. I don't know if was God-inspired, but she seemed to be right on the money about Paul.  I think it might be her human thinking skills! ;) Paul is manipulating Alex and Jason with the skills of a maximum security inmate!  I need someone in the house who can see through Paul and hopefully get him out of there.  I don't hate Paul; I just want a more even playing field for the house guests. 

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It's so early in the season and I am already up to here with Paul. I can't take his Ths. I can't take his entitlement. I can't take his walking into the HoH room and saying, "So what's up".  I like that Dom is onto him, but that's not going to help her. 

Why do the producers always have the worst taste when it comes to picking their pets?  

It's going to be a long season with "my boy". Hurl.

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Not to be obsessive about it, but I actually made a point of recording how many "talking heads" each HG got this episode. While Dominique was in the lead with a total of 10, Paul came in a solid second with 9 of them. Bear in mind: Paul was neither HoH nor a nominee. Actual nominee Jessica got only 4 talking heads, and Veto winner Jason got 6. So in addition to 9 talking heads Paul got, he also hosted the Veto comp (which, granted, wasn't necessarily the producer's choice) and narrated an entire segment following the Veto comp. That's a whole lot of Paul. That would be a whole lot of anybody who isn't even eligible to be evicted this week. HoH Alex got one less talking head than he did and two of them were about working with Paul. 

I say again - if you like Paul, this is really the season for you. If you're just sick to death of him? Not so much.They're determined to make this show All About Paul and shove him down our throats.

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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

Wow, Mark... you are an ugly crier!! There's something about his face, hair and build that is rather simian to me. I look at him and I think Magilla Gorilla. I can't help it!

Mark reminds me of Wreck-It Ralph, but I can see the Magilla, too.

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I didn't realize Mark was so close to Dominique. Crying? I bet Cody wouldn't be crying over Jessica and he's had (probably) sex with her.

Nothing against Dominique being religious but she's coming across like a Pharisee to me. Her sanctimony is not compelling, nor is suggesting that only she has the straight scoop from God. She's using her faith as a weapon, AFAIC.

So Paul chickened out on the blackface. Bet production saved him from himself and told him no way.

Alex knows Dom is likely getting evicted, right? I thought she wanted to get Jessica out? Paul really has done a number on her.

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Paul is without a doubt one of the  most loathsome, vile reality show contestants ever. Sitting their dressed up a like a snake, strutting around making all the noise he wants to because he is still PROTECTED BY ALLISON GRODNER! Dom completly has his number....she's 100% right but no one can see it. Meanwhile the producers fearing that someone might wake up and smell the roses next week and target Paul are trying to paint her as a fanatic in the editing job they are doing on her.

In fact it would not surprise me that in the DR production might even have "suggested" to Paul to target Dom because let's face it...if their likely plan to ensure Cody comes back works....what is the point of it if Jessica is not there for them to be a team. That ruins that storyline so Dom has to go and she might have been an easy target for some production who may not like a god fearing woman. You can call it a tin foil hat theory but I wouldn't be surprised.

Worst part about this is now I have to actively root AGAINST Alex who was my favorite but now that she's just a puppet of Paul or whatever producers are controlling him I have to hope things don't go her way. It's a terrible predicament. She's playing Paul's game. If she were playing her own she would be breaking up more couples instead of targeting the unattached Dom.


Lastly this whole thing with Christmas is just dumb. They knew she couldn't do the comp so she shouldn't have been allowed to have a chip in the bag. But I suppose if the producers want Dom out then why risk Mark getting the chip. If slots in the veto keep getting wasted on Christmas this is going to get old fast.

Edited by North of Eden
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3 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I didn't realize Mark was so close to Dominique. Crying?

Mark cried about when he didn't comfort Christmas after she broke her foot I think Mark's just a crier.


45 minutes ago, Newbietunes said:

Dom in DR:  "Can't you all see what Paul is doing?  He's a vet, so he's using his expertise to manipulate you all and to make it seem like he has all of the answers."  A perfectly cogent, and accurate, argument  -- and exactly what she should have said to the other HGs instead of all that cryptic snake metaphor nonsense. 

So much second-hand embarrassment for the conversation she had with Alex. You could see the ???? above Alex's head. Just spit it out! What do you have to lose at this point?

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I just can't much more with the Paul Show. I couldn't stand Cody and truly think he's either a sociopath or an emotionless zombie, but damn, I want him back in there just to get rid of that obnoxious little jerkhole. 

This is turning into BB16 with a bunch of quarter-wits carrying one guy to the winner's circle. Ugh.

And I'm also pissed that now I don't like Alex anymore.

Its gonna be one of those seasons when I don't care who wins and likely tune out prior to the finale.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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OMG Paul's puppet master and yelling how he's the best and smartest person ever just makes me want to strangle him and CBS for bringing him back. 

Alex is just a moron.

Awww Mark, I felt bad for him, but you and Dom maybe shouldn't have chosen the snake's side then? They chose Paul/Christmas over Cody and now Mark hates them all. lol 

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4 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Mark cried about when he didn't comfort Christmas after she broke her foot I think Mark's just a crier.


So much second-hand embarrassment for the conversation she had with Alex. You could see the ???? above Alex's head. Just spit it out! What do you have to lose at this point?

Dominique reminds me of the aliens in an old Star Trek TNG episode whose language was entirely metaphorical. The universal translator could not make any sense of it. Having grown up around people with similar religious beliefs and customs, I kind of get what she's trying to convey. Unfortunately, she hasn't formed close relationships with enough of the houseguests (other than Mark), so no one is troubling themselves to try to understand her. I find her unlikeable, but not any more so than most of the other houseguests. 

I don't understand why Alex is so emphatic about wanting Dominique out. I can't see how this benefits her.

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The producers knew what the comp was going to be.  If Christmas's chip was chosen, at that point they should have said she couldn't play and then drawn another chip.  It's stupid to get her all dressed up in their stupid costume and then sit and also deny someone the opportunity to play.  I mean, yes, her chip should be in the bag, but if she can't play, move on.

Also, she needs to go.  If the only comps she can play are basically quizzes, what's the point?

I still like Paul and find his DR's amusing.  Once his safety is up, the hamsters will have ample opportunity to send him packing.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

It's stupid to get her all dressed up in their stupid costume and then sit and also deny someone the opportunity to play.  I mean, yes, her chip should be in the bag, but if she can't play, move on.

ITA - That was just cruel as she probably thought if they get her suited up she could play in this one. They could put an X on her chip if she can't play in that one so they draw it and "Sorry Christmas you're not cleared." Draw a new chip.

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Having Paul in this season of Big Brother is smart.  If he doesn't win Big Brother, it just gives those who hate him that much more satisfaction when he is booted.  On the other hand, if he does win Big Brother, those people are going to be pissed.

I despise Paul and no amount of satisfaction at seeing him booted (which with all present and future gimmicks Alison Grodner cooks up to protect him from that is very unlikely) will make up for the fact that he ATE the show this summer. This was a good cast and without him in it...it probably would have been awesome but no....he's being shoe horned in to everything....he has to narrate everything, he has to host the comps, he has more talking heads than everyone else....ENOUGH! It's sickening...and now he's ruined my favorite player ALEX by getting her to drink his damn koolaid.

Edited by Drogo
Quote formatting.
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he has to narrate everything, he has to host the comps, he has more talking heads than everyone else

Yes, and since I like Paul, I'm enjoying all of his face time immensely.  He's the only house guest that's interesting and entertaining.  When he leaves, it'll be a boring house. 

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It's funny how Jessica was public enemy #2 when Cody was in the house and a good choice to follow him out the door, but attention on her the past few days has been virtually non-existent.  She can thank Dominique and her crazy praying-in-tongues-in-the-bathroom ways. WOW. She heard Paul's name three times? I hope she gets evicted because she sounds like she needs to be committed for scizophrenia. And I say this as a Christian myself, but this girl has lost her damn mind. 

I was laughing so hard, though, during her snake conversation with Alex, though. Alex was right. Snakes do get a sense for their environment by smelling with their tongues. But don't try to question Dominique. She's an expert on #snaketendencies. 

I have to say, I kind of feel for Mark. I believe he is really just a genuine good guy who seems to keep aligning himself with the WRONG people. But is this seriously going to be the summer of the biggest dudes in the house non-stop bawling? Because I can't. 

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Damn, this show gives some of the funniest reality show moments.

Dominique: Do you know how a snake ensures that it doesn't bump into things?
Alex: Does it do that tongue thing?

Alex -- not picking up what Dom is putting down

And Dom is all "No, it's aware of it's surroundings." Which is true.  That is how snakes don't bump into things. And also how humans don't bump into things. And cats. And fish. And really every other complex organism on the planet. I was howling.

"A snake is aware of it's surroundings. And also it lives in holes. And it shakes its tail when threatened. And sometimes it's killed by a mongoose. BE THE LORD'S MONGOOSE ALEX!"

i think that was the subtext, although you couldn't tell because Dom doesn't communicate like a human being.

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If Christmas is going to stay, she can't be immune to being picked in physical veto comps. Part of her strategy going forward is GOING to be "Hey, I am not going to be able to win any physical challenges, so you should keep me around" so she has to be eligible to compete in them. When it is a veto competition that requires brainpower, you don't tell the dumb HGs that they can't compete, ya know? It's just something she has to work with if she wants to be in the game. 

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12 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Oh and how much longer can they hold off on the last Temptation? Hoping the votes will come around if people can just keep voting?? I mean they were supposed to do it Sunday but instead it will be Thurs be we know what they America has decided. Super shady.

Voting on the last temptation was for a longer time period - it ended yesterday. So I guess the reveal would be tonight. It makes it more dramatic if the winner is on the block, wins the temptation, then cancels the eviction ceremony.

Paul bugs me so much, stomping around the house like a Junior Napoleon. I thought the HOH room was more private than the rest of the house, just for the use of the HOH and a couple of friends. He (and other house guests) just walk in and out and use it like a public lavatory. He didn't even look like a snake in that outfit. When I first saw him walk in I thought he was wearing a short dress.

Edited by Lamb18
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51 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

It's funny how Jessica was public enemy #2 when Cody was in the house and a good choice to follow him out the door, but attention on her the past few days has been virtually non-existent. 

That happens a lot on BB, though. Once a showmance is broken up, it usually gives the remaining player a few weeks of safety, since they're "on their own", and not considered a threat.

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What the mamasay-mamasaa-mamacoosaa was going on in the bathroom with Dominique?  That speaking in tongue shit was creeping me out big time.  And stop with going around in circles, heiffa….just say that Paul is the snake and stop with the confusing soliloquies, it ain’t getting you nowhere but booted. 

Paul is an obnoxious furry twat but I was with him when she tried to confront him with most of the HG’s and he called her on her shit.  I do give him major side-eye for even saying blackface, ‘cause, well Google it and read about the history of it..

Dang Mark, you trying to out sensitize Josh?   I’d like for him to be on the block (especially after Hot sauce/Pickle juice-gate) just to see him meltdown.

Never liked Alex, too OTT and hope she doesn’t get the next temptation.

Jason, I wanted to like you but by your drinking the Paul-Aid and not wanting to be castrated by Alex just for manning up and making a smart decision, you’re dead to me.

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Going old school here --- Dom, Jesus is not getting out of the bathtub!!!   All your god bothering is not going to change it, and it's incredibly selfish for you to ask for help in a stupid game when there are people with real issues that need serious answers to their prayers!!!!!   She really annoyed me this episode, and I HOPE HOPE HOPE that they evict her. 

Paul, ugh.  I kind of liked him a little last year, he was goofy -  but this year he is a know it all, and thinks that he is completely running everything.   I was happy when Dom called him out in front of others - maybe they will open their eyes a little bit and get him out in the next week or 2- AFTER there is a chance of coming back into the game. 

Didn't really see anyone else it was the Paul and Dom show last night - and that sucked.  Thanks BB

Edited by Boilergal
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How many times does Jesus have to let your call roll to voicemail before you get the hint, Dom? You're gonna get ChristBlocked.

Jesus ain't watching. He's trolling Bryan fans on the Bachelorette boards.

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I think they handled it properly for Christmas.  Keep her chip in there but if she isn't medically cleared to play, she 'loses'.  Same for HOH competitions.  Removing her chip from the bag would be even more special consideration.  

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I actually do like Paul, but I do agree they put him in every episode waaaay to much.  More Kevin, please!!

Now, from what I have been taught, speaking in tongues is actually the Holy Spirit talking to God on your behalf.  So, Dom would not know what is being prayed.  It's a secret language.  Not a scary thing as lots of people think. She would need someone who can interperet what is being said, for her to know.  But maybe she prayed in English also.    Anyway, someone saying she is using her religion as a weapon, I can see what you mean.  She needs to chill.  And she can, once ahe is voted out. Lol

Edited by Cherry Cola
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1 hour ago, Boilergal said:

this year he is a know it all, and thinks that he is completely running everything.

The sad part is that he basically is! He's certainly running Alex's HoH for her.

But yes the exchange goes a little like this: "God it's Dominique again, I need you to get me back up on this platform!" God: "Rubber ducky... you're so fine... *squeak squeak*"

Don't forget that Dom also was told by the holy spirit that she was going up on the block. So that's two times she's heard voices that we know of, girl needs some meds asap.

2 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

What the mamasay-mamasaa-mamacoosaa was going on in the bathroom with Dominique?

I was going to say 'What was all that mekka lekka hi mekka hiney ho' in the bathroom?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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6 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Her injury is potentially affecting other people in the game.  If she has no chance to play in any physical competitions before the season is over, then they ought to give her an opportunity to exit the house, and come back next season.  It is really going to be hard to watch any of the physical competitions if her chip continues to get picked, and one less competitor is allowed to play in those competitions.

Agree. I'm not worried about her getting any type of preference. It's not fair that someone else won't get a chance at Veto because her name is in there, but she can't compete. 

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Just now, Drogo said:

I'm no linguist but I believe Dominique was speaking in tongues.

Yes, that's what it was. I've witnessed people in my mom's church do this. They say it's evidence of the Holy Spirit coming over them.  It kind of bothers me because my Biblical understanding was that the Apostles spoke in tongues unknown to THEM in order to speak the language of those they were spreading the Word TO. So if they went to Italy, they'd suddenly have the ability to speak Italian, so they could spread Christ's message to those there. I'm not really sure the point of speaking a "language" that neither you, nor anyone in the room, knows. But whatever.  If that's how Dominique wants to pray, more power to her. But I won't lie and say it doesn't get a bad reaction from me. 

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23 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Her injury is potentially affecting other people in the game.  If she has no chance to play in any physical competitions before the season is over, then they ought to give her an opportunity to exit the house, and come back next season.  It is really going to be hard to watch any of the physical competitions if her chip continues to get picked, and one less competitor is allowed to play in those competitions.

Then if they feel that way, the houseguests should get her out. 

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40 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:
2 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

What the mamasay-mamasaa-mamacoosaa was going on in the bathroom with Dominique?

I was going to say 'What was all that mekka lekka hi mekka hiney ho' in the bathroom?

Dammit!  Now I have salad on the front of my blouse, I hope you're happy WS!!

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